The Brussels Post, 1891-1-2, Page 5.JAN, 2, 1891 li; tx ct Rehm IC) remake roc) le - A happy New Year to all. The neater of Knox eherolt preached an t blo sermon from Gen. ;CLIA, "I do remember any bruits thio day," last SO bath. Nomination clay brought a largo num- bar of people bo the "hub." The towu- ahip Where gave n good actonnt of thorn. selves, Tilde and Lizzie MoRao and Jennie and Letitia McNair attended Mr. Bow - inures examination on Tuesday of last week, Your eorroapondent accepts Mr. Knight's correction in lash week's Pose, with gratefulness. Although your scribe made a mistake by being misinformed the artiole was written With sincerity. t:l;latel. School ro•opene next Monday. School meeting on Wednesday. David Milne was eleobed trustee. Christmas passed quietly here, the only amusement being found on the ice. James McTaggart, of Chiselhurst, (Meistmnseed with friends in town. Jno. Eokinier and Jos. Ifomsworth, with their families, spent Xmas at Listowel. Miss Lizzie Wallace, of Toronto, who has been spending n few days with her parents, returned to the pity on Monday. T. B. McDonald, of Ripley, was visit- ing at J. A. Young's this week, Mr. McDonald will teach near Paisley dttrieg 1891. The entertainment given by the Sons of Temperance on the evening of Dec, 10th was well patronized. A good pro• gram was presented. Wo regret to state that the infant son of Isaac Lake died last week. This is the fourth child Mr, and Mrs. Lake have buried in the past six years. Robert Scott basipurchased the Govan. lock property ooaapied by J. Holloway, and Mr. Holloway has purchased a house and lot from Jno. Eckmier, situated on Xing street, south of the bridge. W. 0. McTaggart, who hasjbeen Prin- cipal of our school during the past two years, took his departure on Friday last. He will be missed in the sooial cicala, also by the Sons of Temperance and a number of personal friends. Rev. J. T. Logone, of Durham, former- ly pastor here, has asked for his papers from the Methodist Conference, and has taken a charge in the State of Illinois. Mr. Legear will do well there, and bis old friends here wish himself and Mrs. Le - gear suoosss, The entertainment given in the Metho- dist church on Wednesday evening was a greed success. The church was well tilled by au attentive audience, The chair was ably occupied by the superin. tendent, J. Holloway. Rev. B. Sher• look made an appropriate address to the children, after which the soholars ren- dered their recitations, dialogues, and Kiudorgarten songs ie a very creditable manner. The "Merry-go-round" pre, sente3 a pleasing appearance, and when its load of handsome gifts was distribut. ed to the children, their glowing faces told how much they appreciated Christ- mas and its accompaniments. The pro- oeeds of the evening amounted to nearly $22.00. The public) school examinations on Dec, 19th were well attended by parents and visiting teachers. The prompt ans- wers given the tomatoes of the different olaeses would indicate that the retiring leathers, W. 0. MaTaggare and Miss .Ella McNeil, had boon faithful workers, and profitable servants. The monotony of ordinary examinations was broken by recitations and songs being interspersed. At thn close a neat address was road and the teachers pro -anted with tokens of remembrance by the soholars, Mr. Mo. Taggart goes to Toronto University for a term, and bliss McNeil will study fora 2nd olass teertitleate. They have the gooi wishes of the people of Ibis section. 3. McLauchlan and Miss Florence Sher- lock era the teachers engaged for 1801. t.a E, V. Smith was home for a short visit from Caistorville. Ileotion excitement promises to run high until next Monday night, Miss Ferguson, of Walton, is spending the holidays at Mrs. T. Cardiff's. Adam Steins is home from Montana, where he hes been for the past year. Frank Ennis has returned from Nee - pawn, Man. tie says things aro booming there. John Hill returned last Saturday night from a holiday trip to relatives up Btaoe- bridge country. Miss Lizzie Strachan, Wm. Kerney and Carl Engler passed the Model school examinations successfully. Uriah McFadden je. is home for his vacation from Oilmen High school. He is intending to take up law. Jac). Shiole, of the lith eau„ had a sand bee last week. He gave the boys and girls a lively time in tho evening. Jno. Kerney, of the 7th eon„ is rush- ing the wood business this winter, He has the contract of matting an Hors of swamp. Jno, is it hustler. Lost, on the 13th sou,, somewhere be- tween Cranbrook and the Brussels gravel road, three evenings saoh week. Any- one who recovers them please return to J. The bargain between Donald Crew, of Stratford, ttnd Jas. Menzies was com- pleted last week whereby the former takes possession of Mr. Meteios farm next Spring. CARD TO ELECTORS. Having boob nominated for Councillor in this Township, and not having time to call on you, I take this opportunity of respectfully soliciting your Volo and In- flnence. If elected my aim will bo t0 aid in managing the affairs of the muni- cipality ns economically as possible.— Elm Dun'tea. Sr.n007 Exasn.si000g,--Ono of the most successful school examinations of the 0e050n was hold in sootion No, 8, on Doo. 2ilyd, upwards of 80 visiture being present during the clay. The blacdtboards and walls wore very tastefully ornament• ed with drawings and evergreens, while the bountiful Christman tree, laden with gifts for the little fence, left nothing to be desired in the way of deco;abion. The different Mimeses were subjected to thorough examination in the various branches by Messrs, Steuart, ()amoral), :Robinson and howler, 01111 acquitted theineelves in a residue most highly creditable to both theneolvos and their tedahei'z 0, Bowerman, who, as was eel. THE BRUSSELS POST eopeseseemejeznetteseistewviesee3eniceresceseawatitnenenearaccaressamineuarai Holiday Hit dont from the high standing and general intelligence of the pupils, lute been doing colla aucl thorough work 11urine the year. A. somewhat lengthy program er n meeker' and literary oharactsr was then rendered by the pupils, the mnstail part being remarkably good and enjoyed by all, while the dialogues and 001nie read• legs kept the audionoe in continuous laughter. Actor some nicely performed instrnmontal music) by Mrs, Smith, ad• dresses were delivered by the estimable chairman, Ray. Afr, Mateo, and by the trustees and tem:here present, who ex- pressed their uoanimone satiefaobion with the able and offtoient manner in which the school has been conducted and the progressive condition of the pupils, A. distribution of gifts from the Christ. mas tree was then made and the assemb- ly broke tip all feeling that they had spent a meet enjoyable day, Vt;'siltoes. School ro-opons next Monday. Next Wednesday the Royal Tempers give an entertainment to which all aro invited, The annual meeting of the cheese Inc. tory will be held next Tuesday afternoon at Jones' Hall. Mesars. McDonald, of the Wsltnn saw mill, are taking in 0 supply of logs very quickly and if the sleighing lasts a little loner they will have a large snppl,v. On page 2 of this issue the leper on "Tine service of Praise in the Sabbath school," read by Wm. Pollard at the re• oast Convention here may be found. The ball at the Royal Ifote! on Friday evening of last week w05 a grand success, over 400 young people being present from the village and neighboring towns and villages. Christmas services ware held in the Episcopalian and Methodist churches on Deo. 2Gbh. Both edifices were tastefully decorated with evergreen, the former parbioeInrly so. A wedding party passed through lithe village on Wednesday evening of this week. The happy couple wee James Moon and his young bride, formerly Miss Jennie Johnston, of Grey. Beazer Founn.—A black covered bas- ket containing goods, found on the gravel road north of Walton, The owner may have same by proving property, and paying for this notice by ceiling at the manes, The tea meeting in the Methodist ohureb New Year's evening promisee to attract a large crowd. After tea Dr. Macdonald, M. P., of Wingham, is ex- pected to take the chair. Addresses will be delivered by Revds, A. MaKibbin, W. F. Campbell, W. Torrance and S. Sellery and W. H. Kerr. Mesita by the choir. At the annual meeting of L. 0. L. 110. 204, Walton, on Deo. 20th, there was a large turnout and the finances of the lodge were shown to be in a prosperous state, there being about 880,00 on hand. It is proposed to buy a new flag the coming year and no doubt it will he a good one. The following officers were elected for the coming year: W. M., Henry Hamilton ; D. Af., Ed. Driscoll ; Chap., M. Morrison ; R. S., J. B. Dior - risen ; Fin. -Sec„ R. IL Ferguson ; Treas. Jas, Kelly ; Dir. of Gr., J. Oakley ; Son, Com., J. S. Welsh ; 2nd Com„ Chas. Case; 8rd Com., Alb, Oakley; 4th Com„ .3, Johnston ; lith Com., 31 Fraser ; T„ D. Johnston ; Auditor, W, M. Smith, The Walton 13raneh of the Upper Cai.ada Bible Society, in consideration of the fnob Om the oollentors will soon be going their rounds, intends to bold a series of meetings in the neighboring obnrohes and 5011001 houses, to bring the objects of the Society more prominently before the people, The following will ba the order of the meetings in the different places:—Turnbull's saho.d, Grey, Jan. 10, 1841 ; Button's sohool, Monis, Jan. 20 ; Babel church, MoKillop, Jan. 21 ; Mar - look school, Mullett, Jan. 22 ; Methodist church, Walton, Jan. 28, The prominent members of the Society will moll deliver an addressor the subjeot assigned to him as follows :—Opening address by the President, Jas. Smillie; Report ofiworlt, by Seet'otary, R. II. Ferguson ; "The Bible as God's gift to man," Geo. Grigg ; "The need of the Bible in the family," Jos. Bulger ; "What is the Bible to the heathen 8" Alex. Gardiner ; "In what sense is the Bible a lamp to our feet and a light to one hath 3" D. Moore ; "Right- eousness exaltetil a nation," J. Parish ; "Spirituality of 1110 Bible," Rev, D. Per- rot ; "Is the Bible Society doing solid work V' Rev. W. Ottawa, Poitti County. The Methodists of Listowel have pur- chased unchased a now parsonage for ;31,800. Mies Agnes llsox, of St. Marys, has re. turned from her tour to the Pinata COM. Thomas itoolay, ex mayor of .Mitchell, is running for councillor in Woodstock, where he now resides. Stratford will bo supplied with an nutoinatto fire alarm system by the Bell Telephone Oonpany, Lisbowel's lumina this year, according bo the Banner, was 818,440,87, and the total expenditure 4173)56,79. The ewo.year-old daughter of J. II. Schmidt, of Stratford, fell into a bob of boiling water a day or two ago, and has since 11.1 from the effects of the acct. dent. John Rogers, hardware merchant of Atwood, was married 011 Christmas eve to lMliss Maggie E,, daughter of Lemuel Patton, a popular young lady. Her wed - mg dress was a neat fibbing create cash- mere, with quilted sillt front and Queen Ann collar. The costume was becoming and much admired, The young ootiple departed from the prevailing custom of having supporters — bridesmaid and groomsman. Pnnrn Monet. Sorioer,s.—Following are the lits of snecesslul candidates at the resent Model school examinations fee the county of Porth, at the Stratford and Hitchen sohoole ;—Srnaiinno,—Stowarb M.Battram, Stanley I3. Chadizoy, Andrew 13. Chalmers, John amino, Thos. J. Later, Geo. If. Murry, James P. McNamara, Josoph is. W. DloRoberts, Cornelius W, Parkinson, Robert Thos. 11ntherforci, Mande A.brahanr, Melinda, Aiken, 3.1100 M, Beatty, Jessie Boll, Nellie R. Brown, IVadlie C. Claxton, Edith 11, Defmng°, Miriam Dunn, Bate l"e'gneon, Sarah Ann Hardie, Mary McOlarty, Minnie Thompson. Mvronllu v —•David Dunn, 3, Darner, J, Mo0o mick, Thos. Sawyer, Matilda S. Byoe, Sarah Coghlin, Alma L, Doherty, ]3ess.io Termnlc, Addie 1'ord, A, T, Glass, Annie Gordon, Mary b:i'o• . Intyre, Ida Mcliain, Alicia Mulheron, Lizzie Ryan, Minim, Stevenson, Dottie Strachan, Maggie 3, Scott, Lizzie Waugh, , Nellie Forrest, Maggie Cameron, Wnl. l:farrow, 1 Cared of Thanks. 1 take this opportunity of thanking the public for their patronage for the past twenty-four years that I have owned or been in connection with the Hardware Business in the Village of Brussels. The business was first op ened in October, 180(1, and On the First Bay of January, 1391, I shall tart a 313 Days Cash Sale. Having had over 2.1 years experience i11 the credit business I have come to the conclusion to do a Cash Trade, knowing that it will be a saving both to seller and buyer, for when yon tape into consideration the cost of books, Lillheacls, and a man's time to keep thele, postage and travelling expenses collecting accounts; and add to that the bad debts, a few mistakes and some law, I think that all honest leen will agree with me that the Cash System is the only safe way to do business, A SHORT CREDIT WILL 13E GIVEN TO PERSONS BUILDING. I have never professed, like some men, to sell goods for nothing, but I am going to make a Big Reduction in Prices, Hoping you will think favorably of the movement and give me your patronage in the Futuro as i11 the past, I remain, Yours truly, BRUSSELS, Dec. 22nd, 1890. B. GERRY. C EAP P, We find in looking over our stock that there is still a Lot of Damaged Goods left that ive must have Cleared Of at some price, in order to have a nice clean new stock to • begin the new year with. Tilue will not permit us to enumerate (articles and prices, but call and ask for what you want, and we will do the best we can for you. To replace the goods burned we have Assorted up in all Lines and are now ready to supply all our -many customers as usual. Store at the Egg E 2 o iram, 112US$01S. Wishing all a Merry Christmas and Happy and Prosperous New 'eine,, 1 )dibbIAIN, '1011lld T111:I,r, Alex. Strachan, —A "THE POST" BOOKSTORE. The Realms of the Rich and Rare ransacked for the Beautiful and Useful. THE PICK OF SANTA'S PACK Of Presents are here Presented to tIle Public. Every Every Purse. Person, --SOME IIING TI -1 le PENNY, THE DIME, THE QUARTER, THE HALF, Axl? TRS' 131Gt(. SOMETHING i THE T 11IFATTIER, THE LOVER, THE GIRL, THE BOY, AND THE —FOR— WO IT. BAI3Y. Something to Suit Everyone's Stocking, Our Store is Stacked with Bites hearted Bar- gains at Big hearted Prices. PRIZES - AND - SURPRISES - FOR - EVERYBODY, DOLLS in Bisque, Wax, China &c., Drums, Work Boxes, Magic Lanterns, Money Banks, Writing Desks, Cups & Saucers. Children's Toy Sets, - Washboards, Pails, &c. GAMES OF VARIOUS SORTS. Sleighs, Carts, Whips, Horses, Trains, And Toys of almost Every Description. Big Bargains in Bibles and Albums. — 1 PANSY SERIES OF STORY BOOKS 1 — Boy's Own, - Girl's Own, - Chatterbox, AND PICTURE B00KS BY THE SCORE. The Goods are Here, and they MM;sT be Disposed of. Make some little codger's heart glad by spending 25 cents, if nothing more. MAKE 'OUB SELECTION EARLY AT `THE P.n= S':Tf B O O K S 4 6 O e+rathr..•rna. w...a•ruvaa�roa-.-.a ..me.3:�-,..rs:ew....LL..,,, .,,:.z..-earn^r.ar+x.,.-1*371?"1.1asMerrTbantue T 0 F,), . Christmas and New Year PRESENTS/ ••••CALL AT•••• e AND SEE HIS IMMENSE STOCK. Rouses Furnished from the Cheapest to the Bet. EASY CHAIRS, RATTAN AND HEED FURNITURE, P .A. R1 L B SUIT In all kinds offCoverings, in Stock, or made to order, R t JR,O0 -L tSU'IT S - In Walnut, Oalc, and Elm. Sideboards and Extension Tables 1N ALL THE LATEST DESIGNS, JI,4ND TORI.(' SPFCII LT Y Special Attention is called to our Upholstering.. —NO SLOP WORK.— After a long experience in this line we Guarantee every job to be turned out in a Workmanlike Manner, We take no second place in this Department of our business. Try our work. Special Bargains in the Celebrated Karn Organs. Do NOT MISS SEEING OUR SPECIAL I.IN1i 1)l' 0 JNrTRJE1 rr.A..13.1 E S1 All at Very LOW Penes, R Leatherd ale.