The Brussels Post, 1896-10-9, Page 6Nrugtotio Vat
(hi time for the early iall) ot
be Pest" Steam PithliShltag Boase
Tampions ,Bantreftne, QBT,
Tamara op flunscutwwww.--One dollar
year, in advarme. TheLlate to which every
eubseription senate( i denoted by the dato
00 th e eddrosa 10001,
Anynwerrano U4MVIL--Tbo following rates
will he =tweed to these who adyertiee by
the year
ere= I 1 fii:70 ino. I3 noo
One Co/urnii 300,00 830.00 820,05
Ralf ' 83.00 20.00 13.00
Nr R2:80:iZttA282
'Wept cents per line for first Jusertioa, an
three 001108 ner line tor eiteli suPsequent in
station. 4.11 advertisements measured a
nonpnrail-12 linee to the inch,
Business Cates, eight lines and under,
per annum
Advertisements without epode° Oren.
Holm, Yy111 be inserted until forbid, and
charged aoaordingly.
Instructions to change or alsoontinue an
advertisement must be left at the counting
rOenn 81 1)011 Porr not tater than Tuesday
of each week Vile is imPerittive,
Editor and Proprietor.
The prize fist is as follows :—
Iloaszs.—Heityy Draught-- Stallion
over 3 years, MoGavin Bros, A Carter,
Jno Brown ; brood mitre, Juo Lambkin,
Shortreed ; horse colt, Neil Duneanson,
R McKelvey, W Brown ; mere aolt,
Hugh Ross, Jno Lambkin, NV Brown ;
2 year old filly, H Base, Jno Lambkin, J
Shortreed ; 2 year old gelding, L McNeil,
Mrs T Calder ; yearling filly, .A. Speir ;
yearling gelding, W Brown, A McLauch.
lin ; team, J Shortreed, jas McCallum ;
stallion over 3786(10 with 4 of hie progeny
for '96, MoGavin Bros, A. Carter. Agri-
cultural—Brood mare, G Stepheuson,
Neil Duncanson, W Casemore ; horse
colt, MoGavin Bros, W Rinn, NV Case -
more ; mare colt, G Stephenson, IV Case -
more, G Stephenson, ; 2 year old filly,
B 111eLamohlin, Geo Christopher, 3s Ire.
land, 3r; 3. year old filly, Geo Christoph•
er ; span, J McLeod, T Bolger. Road-
sters—Stallion over 3 years, P Seat
stallion under 6 years, AT Currie ; brood
mare, T Newsome, Dr McKelvey, J Mo.
Leod ; Spring foal, colt, Dr McKelvey,
Jno Lambkin, Bird Bros ; Spring foal,
filly, J J Ball, T Newsome; 2 year old
1111y, A T Currie, Bird Bros, A. McLauch.
lin ; 2 year old. gelding, P Scott ; 1 year
old filly, 3 3 Ball ; buggy horse, J D
Warwick, E Lambkin, Mrs /fele ; team,
0: Bellows. Carriage—Stallion over 3
yenta, 0 Zillies, A. Menzies -;
road or carriage, with 4 of his progeny of
'93, P Scott; brood mem J Lambkin,
arts Speir, R Pollard ; 2 year old filly, L
Hollinger, M 26 Cardiff ; 2 year old geld.
jug' R Cardiff, W Robb, Geo Johnston ;
yearling filly, R Pollard ; yearling geld•
ing, Jno Lambkin, L Hollinger, D
Marsh ; Spring foal, colt, Jim Bpeir, R
Pollard, 2 & 3 ; Spring foal, filly, A
Govenlook, L Hollinger ; carriage span,
W Leatherdale,
CIATTLE,—Durham— Bull, over 2 years,
j Hislop, 0 EcIrri3ier ; now, 4 years or
over, A. Smith, R Corley, Jae Speir ; eow,
under 4 years, A Smith ; 2 year old
heifer, it Corley, A. Smith ; 1 year old
heifer, R Corley, A. Smith, R' Corley;
bull celf,R Corley, A. Smith, It Corley ;
heifer calf, R Corley, 8. Smith, L Mo.
Neil ; herd, R Corley, A. Smith. Jerseys
—Bull, over 2 years, G A Deadman, Jae
Burgess ; bull, under 2 years, Jae Bur-
gess, G 4.. Deadman ; cow, 4 years or
over, G Deadman, 2. & 2 ; cow, under
4 years, Geo Thomson, 1 & 2; 2 year old
heifer, D A Lowry, 0 A Deadman, 103
Garvin ; yearling heifer, G .A. Deadman,
1, 2 & 3; heifer =If, G A Deadman, 1 &
2; bull calf, 0 ,A.Deadman ; herd, G A
Deadman. Native or Grarle—Oow, S
Grant, 1010 H Ilerrieon ; 2 year old heifer,
W B Wilkinson, M H Harrison ; 1. year
old heifer, W B Wilkinson, A. McLeuoh.
lin ; 2 year old steer, R Corley, 003.1 Har'
Hs= ; 1 year old eteer, It Corley, M 10
Harrison ; steer =If, W13 Wilkinson, fel
H Harrison ; heifer calf, It Corley, M 11
Harrison ; fat cow or heifer, 111 H Har.
Olson, 31 Cardiff.
BREW.— Leicestere — Aged ram, N
Cuming„ J Sanderson ; shearling ram, J
Sanderson, Jes Speir ; ram lamb, N
Calming, 3 Sanderson ; ewes, having
raised lambs in '96, M Coultes, J Sand-
erson ehearling ewes, S Sanderson, M
°mines ; ewe lambs, J Sanderson, N
diming ; pen of sheep, 3 Sanderson, N
Coming. Downs—Aged rem, 3 Smith,
McEwen Bros; shearling ram, L Tasker,
1 & ; ram lamb, J. Smith 1 Se 2 ; ewes,
having raised lambs in '06, L Teeter, filo,
Ewen Bros ; shorting ewes, L Tasker, J
Smith; ewe lambs, L Tasker ; pee of
downs, L Tasker, 3 Smith.
Pe.—Berkehire—Boe.r, over 2 years,
Dorrence, W Thuell ; boar, under 2
years, 3 Dorranee, Jas Speir ; boar,
under, 1 year, J Dorranee, II Edwards ;
eow, having littered in '96, J Dorrance, 1
& 2; sow, under 1 year, J Derrance, NV
Thuell. Yorkshire --Boar, over 2 years,
C Eekmier, R Nichol ; bear, under 2
years, A Robertson ; sow, having littered
in '06, It Nichol, 1 & 2 ; sow, under 1
year, It Nichol, 1 & 2. Chester Whites
—Boar, over 2 years, R Maturity
boar, under 2 years, II Edwards, A.
Robertson ; sow, having littered in '00,8.
Roberta= 1 SOW, under 1 year, S 0
Henry, A Robertson. Any other breed—
Bos,, over 2 years, Jno McKinnon hoer,
under 1 year, H Edwards ; sow, under 1
year, EI Edwards ; sow, any age, J Dor.
ranee ; pan of pigs, J Dorre,noe.
POTTIMPY.—Gainett fowl, R Nichol ;
dark licalimae, 0 W Irwin, 1 & 2; light
Brahroae, 1 Brethour, 0 W Irwin ; black
Spanish, 3 Brethour, 0 Henderson ;-
Plymouth Rocks, G W Iewin, 0 Mender.
eon ; white Lvghorne, Mrs BI Wilton,
Walter Iaylor ; brown Leghorns, Walter
Taylor, 1 ft 2 ; silver spangled Hom-
• burgs, 0 Henderson, 11 Garvin ; black
Homburgs, 0 Henderson, 1 & 2 ; Bent -
ems, D 8. Lowry, W Taylor ; Howler's,
0 Henderson, I & ; Dorkins, C10entier.
g00 ; Langshans, Jae Spelt., 0 Render.
eon ; Coabins, Oh= I:lender/ion, 1 & 2
Wyandottes, W Teylor ; bleak Minorcas,
131re 8 Wilton, 0 Henderson ; tnrkeye,
W Irwin ; geese, 0 Henderson, 0 W
Irwin ; Rouen dooke, 0 W Irwin, Zan
Speir; Pekin duoka, Geo Irwin, 1 & 2
Ayleabury ducks, Calefidereon ; canaries,
T114 BRITS„SEX4S PQT Oo, 9, 1.596
Xre Ballantyne ; fowl, an), other breed, Lome' Wons.-483(38980 work, biles 04lettkik
0 W Irwin ; foamy 7130(3010, 33 A Lowry, 13 Noll, Mrs A Stritoban ; 000)910908aue anted—An Idea -
ms to kat Ott
1 2. Work, Mrs A Straohan, Meru 9:`. Protect trim ideas 011011moy braes YOlt weetrh
Immstimrre,—Patent arm waged, 3no tyile ; Welding, Mrs Id Stewart, jos Me•
WPM Walkog buggy, govered, Jae Callum, We 4 Strachan ; Berlin wool end 10' o00 Ore ailusiketi.tdientLpe Arenglr 9(1911
W31100r1 3. (SS ; Photon. buggy, Jalt Walk. work, flat, Mat T Mrs Hole .
; °utter, jte) Wynn, (S 2 10001 IMP Berlio wool 108110, raised, N N000, Mrs
rows, °Wig As 138811 turnip eendler, A Sprach= ; Berlin wool aua ;ma
j Gilpin, Gilbert Martin ; %wrap outter, svorls, Mee 340010110001i, Alva Hole ,•
a' Gilpin, Gardiff.dt Best ; twin gang Berlin wool Atmore, W Illaohlii ; bead
Plow, 3 3 Gilpin, Gilbert Martin •gen. work, N Rom, Klee VoOlelland ; bonnott,
0683 710009086 plow, 3 J 011913, Cardiff 34 Mrs G00 Moffatt ; Derim woo And sills,
43eet turnip eeed drill, Cardiff 35' 13eet, flat, Moe 8 Wilton, MN A Straohan ;
3 Gilpin ; wheolberrow, ;no Wynn; oone work, Mrs E Stewart, Mogi 41193333.
two omitted clerrioorat, jag Walker vey ; oord work, Mrs Rale, O33ise MoOlel.
GSAIN,—White 002800, 33200 MoKel. land ; crewel work, Mre Hole, N Roes
voY, Jo Stafford, Jno Brown 0001001 Pali card board mato, 3/10,3 N Rom, my,
wheat, 3=Na0annin, Jae Bargees, Jno Geo Moffatt ; oroollet work, cotton, Afro
MaKinnoxi ; Spring wheat, Jae MoCel. El Stewart, Mims MoOlelland ; crochet
10111, Chas Nendereon, ItI 11 Harrison ; work, in wool, Miss N Eoss, Mre
barley, Chas Reudernon, II 103000038, 300 Para 13 Stewart ; darned net, IBlee 13
Brown ; blinds nate, Olme Henderson, G Boss, Mies; McClelland ; embroidery,
Moffatt, W 8 Wilkineon ; white oats, (3 cotton 011 20081112, Mrs E Stewart, Mies
Jolmeton, Jae Burgess, Geo Moffatt; MoClelland ; embroidery on wonted,
small peas, Geo Moffatt, Jae MoCallum, Mies Nett, Miss N Ross ; on silk, Mrs
jos Burgess ; large peae, Obas Header. A Straohan, Mre Hale ; fine shirt, Klee
800, Jae Speir, Geo Moffatt ; timothy MeOlelland, MPS GOO Moffatt ; fanny
seed, Mrs E Stewart, 3.Etti101oOp.iluw, 30,0 knitting in Gotten, lire LI Stewart, Ails
Speir. Geo Moffatt ; 122 wool, Joe Wynn, Mrs
Fsorr.—Baldwine, Jae Shaw, 0 Bend. Id Stewart 00 flannel Blies Nett,
era= ; Fameuee, Jas Siroson, 0 gender- Mrs Goo Moffatt ; feather Amore, W
son ; Kingof Tompkins 0o, Jno Wynn, Bhusbill ; feather 8111,310113, Mies N Roes,
M E Harrison ; Mann, Jae Soak, Awe Miss McClelland ; hair flower, not
Smith ; Monmouth pippin, W 'Pollard, known ; point lace, Mrs Hele, Mimi Mo.
Geo Robb Northern spiee, jas Elliott, Clelland ; lace, Honiton, Miss N Ross,
D Marsh ; R I Greenings, Jas Evans, Mise Nott ; lambrequin, Berlin wool and
Zoe Speir; Golden Russets, Jno Brown, bead, Miss 11 Ross, Mrs .A Straohan
Ed Garvin ; Spiteenburg, Jas Speir, 0 'lamp met, Mes Hole, Miss N Roes
Hendereon ; Seek no Further, 013 H Her- leather work, Mrs Hole, W Robb ; wool.
rison, W Armstrong ; Tolman Sweete, 11 len mitt, Mrs G. Moffett, J. McCallum ;
Corley, E 0141130 ,• 20.oz, Pippins, A woollen gloves, MoOraoken, W Ef Mo -
Deadman, L Hollinger ; Wealthy, E 08603021 ; netting, Mrs. .A. Stream),
Garvin, Jaz Davidson ; Ribeton pippins, Mise N Rose ; tufted quilt, Jim Modal.
0011 Harrison, Sae Sink ; Oolverts, 0 km, T Evans ; orooliet quilt, W H
Henderson, W Robb; Roxbury Roseate, Felton, Mre E Stewart ; patchwork
ano McKinnon, 0.11 II Harrison ; Alex quilt, Mrs ID Stewart, Miss Nott, Miss
ander, Jas Simeon, Mrs McKelvey ; MoLaren ; log oabin guilt, Miss Nat, W
DuChess of Oldenburg, El Hoggard, Jae 11 McCracken ; fancy quilt, bliss Mo.
Burgess ; Fallewater, 0 Henderson, Mies Laren, M Harris ; knitted quilt, Mrs E
McLaren ; Gravenetien, Jas Speir ; Stewart, Mre 0 Moffatt ; rag met, Miss
Maiden's Binh, A. Stewart, Jno Brown ; Nott, Mrs T Ballentyne, .W Blashill ;
Perry/al:awe, R Corley, W B Wilkinson ; ribboseene, Miss N Roes, Mrs Hele
St Lawrence, M 11 Harrison, .9. Smith ; rope sills, Wes N Ross, IV Blashill ;
Ghenango Strawberry, G A. Deadman, 11 Roman embroidery, Mise N Ross, Mrs
Corley ; Winter apples, Jas Evans, Geo A. Strachan; shell work, j Evans, Miss
Joheston ; Fall apples, jas Evans ; Nott ; sob* pillow, Berlin wool work
Winter pears, Jas Speir, W Armstrong ; flat, Mrs T Ballantyne, Miss Nott •,
pinms, W H MaCranken, Jas 131e0cillum ; sofa pillow, Berlin wool, raised, Miss N
grapes, 0 Henderson, D I) Stewart ; Ross, \V II McOraelren ; sofa, pillow,
crebs, A. Gardiner, Jail Davidson •, ap• braided, Bliss MoOlelland, J McCallum •,
pies, sot in above list, Mark Cardiff, Jas sofa pillow, patchwork, 4 3 )3a1l, Miss 13
Speir; 3 varieties of plems, Chas Henri. Ross ; stookings, woollen, Miss McLaren,
ersou. Mrs Hele ; aotton, Mrs E Stewert, Mise
Rome AND Ilona Coro.— Early petit- Non ; woollen Bookie, Mrs Bele, Miss
toes, Ed Garvin, .6. • Smith, Hugh La. MoLaren; eotton, Mrs E Stewart, Mre
mont ; late potatoes, H Lamont, A. Hele; tatting, Mrs E Stewart, Miss N
Smith, E Garvin ; colleetion of potatoes, ROSS ; finest work, Miss N Ross, Mies
A. Smith, Ed Garvin, Chas Henderson ; Nott; tisstio paper flosvers, Mrs AStraoh•
Swede turnips, Chas Henderson, Wm an, W Robb; wax flowers, Mrs A.
Armstrong ; turnips, any other variety, Strachan, Mrs T Ballantyne.; outline
Geo Johnston, Chas Henderson ; white work, Miss McLaren, Miss Nett, Mrs
field carrots, Jno Brown, D McLennan ; Hole ; larnberquin, eilk and fish scales,
Altringhaan carrote, Jae McCallum, (recommended) Maggie Cardiff ; batten
Walter Taylor; scarlet nantes, waiter wreath, also reoornrnended ; drawn work,
Taylor. Jno Brethour ; early horn car- (recommen(3ed) Mrs Bele ; crochet in
rots, Walter Taylor, Jeri McCallum ; long silk, (reoomtnended) Mrs Hele.
blood beets, Geo jobnston, Jas Burgess ; Fine Arts.—Colleatien of birds in case,
bloocl turnip beets, Jas McCallum, W 11 W Leatherdnle, Juo Wyun ; colt stuffed
MoCraoken ; white sugar beets, Walter animals, W Leatberde.le ; pencil drawing,
Taylor, 8 Hoggard ; parsnips, Jno Mrs Elsie, Mrs McKelvey ; water color
Wynn, W 11 McCracken ; mangel wur. figures, Mrs A Straohan ; oil painting,
zels, long red, W H McOraoken, 0 Hen„cl. Mrs Hele, Mrs McKelvey; crayon draw -
arson ; yellow globe mangels, W EL Mn' ing, Ales Hale, Mrs MeXelvey ; crayon
Oracken, Airs T Ballantyne ; red globe drawing, colored, Mrs Hele, Mtn MaKel.
marvels, Jae HoOattom, W 3.1 MoCraok• vie ; painting on pottery, Nellie Ross,
en ; long yellow mangels, W 01 Mc- Mrs Hele; on silk or velvet, Mrs Hole ;
Oraoken, Sas McCallum. on plagues, N Ross, Mrs Hele ; orna-
VEGZTABLE8.—Onions, from seed, rod, mental penmanship, Mrs Bele, E Garvin;
W 11 McCracken, J.= Brethour ; OniOng, business penmanship, W EC McCracken ;
from seed, yellow, w 11 McCracken, 0 girl's penmanship, Mre McKelvey, Mrs T
Henderson ; onions, from seed, Giant Calder ; modelling in clay, M Stewart,
Room, W H McCracken, 00 Hoggard ; W Blashill.
onione, from top sets, W H DicOraoken ; Flowers and plante.—Table boquet,
onions, from Dutch sets, J Brathour, W Jno Brethour ; hand boquot, AI Stewart,
H hicOraaken ; top oniou sets, S Hog- W Taylor •, button hole boquet, D Me-
gerd, W H McCeacken ; Dutch sets, H Lerman, 3) Marsh ; cut flowers, W
Edwards, W 11 McCraoken ; potato Taylor, Jno Brethour ; pansies, N
°Moos, Jim McCallum, IV H MeCracken ; Duncanson, Mrs A Straohan ; phloa
corn, yellow Canada, IV Taylor, W Robb ; drumrnondi, 31.1 Stewart, W Taylor ;
oorn, white flint, Jae McCallum, W Tay- asters, M Stewart, W Taylor ; stooks, 0
to; ; collection of corn, W Taylor, Chas Henderson, W Taylor ; petunias, 1)
Henderson, W Ef McCracken ; Winter Marsh, W Taylor ; African merigolds,
cabbage, 0 Henderson, W Taylor ; curled 0 Henderson ; French merigolds, 0
savoy, W Taylor, W EC AfcCreeken ; red Henderson, W Taylor ; dianthus, W
piokling cabbage, 0 Henderson, Jae Bur. Taylor; zinnias, 0 Henderson ; verbenas,
gess; eauliflower, Jno Stafford, W Tay. Mrs A Straohan, W Taylor ; perennial
lor ; pumpkin, yellow field, W 11 Me- phlox, D Marsh, DI Stewart; double
Oraoken, 11 Edwards ; pumpkin, mam. hollyhook., G. A. Demaman ; ornamental
moth, W Taylor, 5 Hoggard ; gnash, 0 3000000, J Bretbour ; flowers not in list,
Henderson, Fred McCracken ; utilisation D Marsh, W Taylor.
of garden produce, W Et McCracken, W SPacra, Pm:att.—Messrs. McLaucihlin
Taylor ; tomatoes, large, Jno Stafford, D & Carter, for best foal from their ins.
McLennan ,• plum or cherry tomatoes, J ported Clydesdale stallion, "Ayrshire
Brethour, Welter Taylor ; butter beans, Stamp," Neil Duncanson ; Messrs.
180 MoCallom, E Garvin ; white beans, Smith & MoLaren, oolleotion of needle -
E Garvin, W 11 MoOntaken ; any other work, Nellie Ross ; W. II. Herr, loaf of
variety beans, Jae McCallum, H Ed- home made bread, N 00 MoIntuchlin ; W
wards ; oitrons, round striped, 0 Rend- 11 Kerr, 5 pound roll of butter,. jaa Mo -
arson, H Edwards ; citrons, long Cali. Callum ; W H McCracken, six Swede
fornian, Jag Evans, Ohas Henderson ; turnips, Win Armstrong, Jae McCallum ;
wetsrmelous, W 10 MoCraciren ; mask- long red mangele, Jno Brethour, Jno
melons, W Taylor, W 31 MoOracken ; Wynn ; yellow globe mangels, Sas Mo'
oucumbers, 0 Henderson, W Taylor; Oohlum, Mre T Ballantyne.
celery, white, D McLennan, W II Mc- judges.—Grain and roots, R. Parker
OracIren ; celery, pink, D. McLennan, W and Jno Graham, Atwood; fruit, Thou
H McCracken. Curry, Brussele ; domestic manufactures
Atm Prionucn.-26 pounds tub butter, and ladies' work, Mise Graham, Atwood,
home made, J J Bali, Jae Shaw, Sas Edo. and Miss Jonee, Leadbury ; fine arts and
W Armstrong, AI Et Rarrieon ; flowers„W F Brockenshire, Wingbam,
five ponnds table butter, G A. Deadman, heavy horses, W Diolsson, W 61 Oridok.
Jae McCallum, Jno McKinnon, 3aS shanls ; light horses, jibs Arehlhald, Sea-
Fereneon, Ed Garvin ; factory cheese, forth, R MoIndoo, Wingharn ; cattle, Jim
Neil 8 McLamoblin ; home rnade cheese, Thomson; sheep, Thos Dickson and It,
Jae Simeon, Sas Davideon, Parker ; pigs, Thos Dickson, 11, Parker ;
Downr= MANOVACTIMICS. Flannel, poultry, 0 Smith and Jno Barnard ;
Miss Eva Nott ; pair blankets, G Johne -implements, W II Humphries.
ton, Jas McCallum ; connterpane, Miss
E Note Mrs 8 Wilton ; home spun yarn,
W H McOraoken, Miss McLaren ; gentle- your child is puny, fretful, troubled
man's suit Othuedian tweed, I) 0 Ross ; with 3100(30000swellings, iuflamed eyes,
maple sugar, Jag McCallumW 001 Afc- or sores on the, bead, face, or body, a
course of Ayer's Sarsaparilllt is needed to
expel the scrofulous humors from the
blood. Tho sooner yea begin to give this
medicine the better.
°molten ; maple molessee, 0 Henderson,
W II McCracken ; honey in comb d
Dedman, Ohne Henderson ; honey,
strained or =treated, G A, Deadnian, 0
Henderson ; grape wine, Tno 13rethour,
airs Jae Wilkinson ; rhubarb wine, Mrs
W II McCracken ; strawberry
wine, W 11 McCracken ; tomato wine,
W 11 MoCracken ; elderberry wine, Mrs
Hole, Jno Brethour ; tomato catsup, Tare
.A Straohan, 0 Henderson ; apple jelly,
Lillian Ainley, Jas Shaw ; rhubarb jolly,
Ainley ; raspberry jelly, lire A
Strachan ; jelly from any other fruit,
Lillioo AltilcY, WH McCracken ; baker's
bread, white, Goo Thomson ; home made
bread, white. D McLennan, Jno Wain.
non, Mrs McKelvey ; baker'e bread,
brown, Geo Thomson ; home made bread,
brown, D McLennan, lYfrs IdoKelvey, D
Marsh ; fruit cake, Mrs A. Straohan, Jas
McCallum ; jelly onke, Mrs Hole, D Md.
Lannon ; oatmeal cake, Jno Brethour,
Mrs Hale ; canned fruit, Lillian Ainley,
W 031 McCracken,
Mkunsuruniss.—Set double farm har-
ness, J Donaldson, I 0 /Mahar& ; single
boggy humeral, 6 0 Richards, 3 Donald.
eon ; fine and dram boots, 3 0 Rich.
arde ; axe handle, Geo Johnston, las
McCallum ; tinware, Wilton & Turnbull.
I wish to inform the people of Brussels
and sorrounding district that I have pUr-
ohased the Pump Business of 3AM11S
BD LI, and will be found ready to attend
to all wants in either new work 021 00901(0
et moderate prices.
No better Pomp in the market. GO
Order left at my shop or maiden= or
08 3. SCOTT'S shop will be promptly
looked after.
M—Ordere taken for the Digging of
Waite anti Cisterns. 2 W. P. CAltatnn, 115 lq cCnul St, Toronto, re -
&IT orni!),'A:1
GomG e non constipation, hold everywhere, or by'!Una on
ItXILL _ r . r"ciE"f Pri". '° MANSON, OATES Li. DO.
sTunET, ' - BRIIS813LS. 46 mew ET. 0000025, 0111:
Sick Headache
Permanently Cured
"I was troubled, a long time, with
sick headache, It was usually ao
oompanied with severe pains in the
temples and sickness at the atom.
nob. I tried a.g0001 many remAlee
recommended. for
this complaint ; but
it was not until I be,
gan taking
0:4 q1•.) \ Pills that 1 reeelired
• • anything like pdinifih-
nent benefit. 4. sin.
gle box of these pills did the work
for me, and I am now 0000211 man."
C. 11. linmonnsos, East Auburn, Me,
Por the rapid mare of Constipa-
tion, Dyspepsia, Biliousness, Natt.
sea, and all disorders' Of Stomach,
Liver, and Bowols, take
Cathartic His
Medal and Diploma at World's Fair,
flak your druguisl ice Pier's Sarsaparilla,
23 eta, 41134.21
50 OtS. ana
$1.00 Bottle.
0e oent is dose.
11 10 0010. on a guarantee by all drtggiate.
It cures incipient Consumption and to the
beet Coug11 and croup Cam.
Sod by JAS. EON:, ieriisstat., Brussels.
Covers the
441 —Wuz00b3
Loneton Aavertioer
LARGEST noon circulation in West-
ern Ontario of auy paper west of Toronto.
Middlesex County and the territory west
of Toronto thoroughly coveted,
4 P. M. EDITION. "
The People's Popular Evening Paper.
Circulates in oily and suburbs by carrier
boys and agents. .A.11 advertisements in -
sorted in bath editions.
western Advertiser
Largest weekly cirardation in Western
Canada, As an advertising medium in
the west it is without a rival,
Wanted—An Idea
Who can think
of some alniple
thing to patent?
Protect your idetun they may bring you Wealth.
Write JOHN' WEDDERBUILli 0 CO.Patent Attar.
nays, Washington, D. 0., for thelr 81,000 nose offer
and ilst of taro hundred inventions minted.
LA 13 11 ES 100
IS 000:Y4 IN
Jr. Lettcy's Folnao
11 Tlin only rellatin and trantworthy pry.
0rOrUirtOio1lo t=. O0,10,4,1tt4t,4,01ly1,its1t1re,oWezotv..g010pyzrIa reyaato.
rueolpt ot
LeRoy P111 Co. Victoria, Bt... Toronto, Can.
Sold in brussels by .11,1.S. PON—
i:1+ '1,
I, 1
• The undersigned has open-
ed up. a Butcher Shop in the
Where:he will keep constant-
ly on hand a $upply of the
Best Meats Procurable, sold
at reasonable 'prices. A, share
of public patronage solicited.
Meat delivered to all parts
of the town.
The undersigned are prepared to attend
to all branches of Painting, including
House, Sign, Carriage, and
Ornamental Work,
Paper Hanging, Ealsomining and
Decorating neatly and prompt-
ly looked after at mod-
• erate Prices.
We matte s, Specialty of 'Manufacturing
and pimping an position
First -Class Awnings.
Orders left at our Paint Shop,
formerly used by 141essrs.Boddick
& Wako, will be attended to with,
Paper Hanging Orders may be
loft with Ifessrs.Deaclrean & Mc-
• —4
L 40 WES T
Special value in Paints, iNfaelline Oil, Fence Wire, &C.
Established 1871
V a
•• STs
0 '4 CO 0
b • b
o 0
P-- 0
0 0
0 0
The Policy Contract issued by this Association is perfection itself,
, ItIleaves nothing further to be desired. Bates and full infer-
mationjurnisbed on application.
IL IEEEM, Agent, Brussels.
Will be our new Premier
decided by the Electors before next issue of this paper.
.A. decision far greater than that has boon given by the voice of
the people, viz.: 'That B. F. Brook & Son, of Listowel
Woolen Mills, pay the
fli2heSt Prices; Cash or Trade for
T. Dinrsoa, 0 ansper Standard hank, Brad.
ford, Ont,, says Cl nses Kidney-Llvor Pills are a
grand medicine' for the Kidneys and Liver
And that they son the best Woolen Goocls Cheaper than any
Factory or Store in Western Ontario.
nearlynucle Clothing
is a 110W line added to their business. They make
up their own goods into Men's, Youths,Boys & Children's Suits and
sell at prices they defy any retail store to compete with.
Do not fail to call and inspect before you sell your wool or buy
1(0 new suit and WO feel satisfied you will say they give you the best