The Brussels Post, 1896-9-25, Page 6g i a Par$Otig V.,00t -18 'NAAT+i9ANA^^^ • k1Y]BY FI tIDA.Y MORNING on, bine for the early malls) et s POMP s ire ]'cst ,item a uit to 5ls its ilii i , Tvttenneng Sx., Bnessetie, ON'', T11018 or Svnecnrrozoa,-ono dollar a Yearenbacrtpt OSP A apaid iedenoted e.;date to which the date on the address ia0o1; the Fiji Islands. Ae we approasbed ono upon whish Suva ie eitneted the meld be soon breaking over the reef with whieh-••in .somron with other eolith aoa islande-ib ie eureoun em though by n barrier or br'eel w providentially thrown up to protect tl trom tete fury of the warBs when hurrloone sweeps Over the deep. The now i$ alm0Bt l3perfeotly oaten, yet n el of foam, white as snow, girdles the 1s1 210 the setting of a germ We liege the C, Viotoeh and gelato, Anchoring Sava, with a 4ompauion, Igo ash The day le very warm. We remark Aumuarrslxn xeainzo-Tho following rates fine breed of the natives and their e will be ebarg0d 98 thaw who advertise by eeeetegs, as arnlo' iroweeer, they the Year;- veryinnooent of Writhing. Solve do h a shirt besides the breeolt Moth, but whites seem to have monopolized ell pants, Hats are not in feehion, bu cloth bound round the bead to fashion, only not. so ample, is smell to be seen ; or yon may sea the aides 0 felt hat, without top or rim, etuek en head, and the hair so arranged inside to fill it up just level with the top, Th is evidently no strietstancjerd of fasts in heir dressing, but with many it evidently a matter eallingltor oeneldere attention, Sometimes you will find short out and unaombed, but not oft° 8ometim85 it is curly, a le Afrioa sometimes out about two inches long a plastered over with slacked time, a sometimes frizzed out and forming woolly covering aboat six inches long over the head, and oe te reddish bro tint, from the efi'eote of the lime borni One dandy 1 Saw up town, a handed looking fellow with a very neatly ranged head of this long hair, powder over with lime, suggested to me what o own anaesters of good stook used to in the good old times of heir powderin There are a good matey Madam he engaged on the rioa plantations. Th do not have the physique of the nativ at all, their spindle shanks and skin bodies contrasting unfavorably. Of tr vegetation we saw. a great variety palms in profusion, bananas, lame growing wild, nud many beautiful flowe and foliage plants which I could n name. The 120008s of Europeans a frame, end roofed with zine. The boos of the natives and Hindoos are of fram thatch or light woodwork of a patch character. The frame and wood house are mostly roofed with zinc. The fence are largely of bamboo. There are quit a number of real handsome stores an shops, and one or two decent lookin hotels. The ship unloaded a lot of flon and dressed boards. When the latte were being formed into a raft alongside one sailor who was assisting was tempte to dive into the water to cool off, and 13 was hardly out till a shark about 9 fee long name up where he had been. Sons ti930 later I saw away deep down, abou the same place, the forms of severe small sharks flitting back and forward They had quite a ghastly appearance 213 not much more than visible, they swam to and fro. Illy companion and I were taken into a mill where rise was being husked and Mesmer], the proprietor show• inge us over the premises and explained the pro0ees. Io the set of millstones used, the upper is the stationary one. He showed us also his cotton gin and press, giving us each a small sample of the cotton grown, which is very superior, commanding a high price, as being par- ticularly adapted to nee in the manufac. tare of flannelette goods. Natives brought coral, bananas, lemons and shells ou board for sale. Prides were very low -a bunch of bananas for la and a palm leaf basket of about two dozen lemons for 80, and such lemons for size as I never saw before. One I noticed in a sailor's arm might be twelve inches round the long way. The akin was very coarse to be sure, bat there must have been a big lemon inside. At sea again in the afternoon we Bighted more islands and at night passed Mt. Washington ligbt. The en was wonderfully pbos- phoresoent, the ship at times appearing to plow up a swath of light, while the waves in our wake would be tipped by a luminous crest wherever the crest broke into foam. Before closing the record for the day, I would remark that unlike to the approach to the Island of Oahu, of the Hawaiian group, the prospect pre- sented by Fiji is, instead of barrenness 11 T..,TSSET S POST'. the than tq.tnoet of our tlegedien country surf then mad that they have used .it to good oral. outward etOeob, At the morning I note the the dilferenos between the buelt lend :m id ded, that of Ceueda, in the altered obereoter ater of tate trees. As far neefut timber, Can. tern tide bee the teed a Tong way. We pee t d th through lair meetly fit for grazing only, 5 G b r g y g Y, 6 sea level land, but bees and there also beau• rola Wel traote of farming lend 8,e well. and' Arrived at Me1ttottxne, after being do., S. layed a ooupl0 of hours by an widen,/ to at our engine, about two o'olook On Tue&e�ilay, ore. Ang. 4. Since arriving I have h'd4 a` little look at the business part of the pity. The etreete are due and wide, and build- ings n'tost handsome, Bome of them very. tall, a few being built of the Sydney colored steno, but most of a dark grit Stone, eueh as we see in Toronto, I aaq not go into detail 210 90 the oily here just now, but will say this mush, that I be- lieve it is justly entitled to be charecter- izedinthe exproeeion "Beau6iful Mel• bourne." the rent are ave 9135 tba t Et rban Alen fa time as r5 Cottorielt. n The poles etre being rapidly planed for 8 the inoandeeeent light wires. a Commercial fishing has been far tram 9 profitable the past few weeks. i Hien are busily engaged in gathering atone for the waterworks crib. d The eon9raetnrs for the addition to the waterworks building are rushing things. The misty tveatber on Monday neaesei. 1' tated a long serenade by the fog whistle. During the week ending with Saturday, • the 12th met., the shipments east from this town were 100 fuilloars, The class at the Collegiate for the sen• for leaving, or 106 class, is the largest that ever assembled in Godericb. It is estimated that over 7,000 apple barrels were taken out of town the pact week for delivery in the West riding of Baron. Andrew Waddell has been engaged by a syndinate to go to lloasland, Britieh Columbia, to look after mines in that looelity. The base ball club have decided to with. draw their ball, whioh 888,0 announced to take place on the 20th inst., and will hold one at some future date. Wm. Hillier and Ohne. hunt were summoned for cycling on the sidewalk and the offence being proved a fine of one dollar and coats sees imposed in eaoh ease. The 87,000 bushels of wheat brought down last week by the St. Andrew was elevated into the G. T. R, bine in less than 24 hours, pretty good work for Jas. Flays and company. On Sunday the oongrogation of St. Peter's met in the Courthouse for service, the old St. Peter's having been taken down. It is underetood that Sunday ser- vice will be held in the same place until the new edifice is ready for church our. poses. Leo Elliott was swinging from a branch of a tree in front of the Bank of Montreal, when the branch, a dead one, b,cke off, the boy felling with great force to the ground, a distance of 9 or 10 feet. Leo's head struck with great forme against the sidewalk, resulting in a nasty bruise on the forehead and over the eye, a disjoint- ed finger and a sprained wrist. swot; 1 y8,, 1 O oro, i`8, m0 one Column" 008.00 880,00 820,00 Half .• 80.00 20.00 10.00 quarter '� - 20.00 leAO 8.00 latgbtb " ..,.... 15.2881 BOO 1.00 Slgntooats per line far first insertion, and three °ante per line for each mbaequent in. Martian, All advertisement; meaeurod air Nonpareil -12 lines to the Web. Business Cards, eight lines and under, e0 per annum. Advertisements without spsoble dire0. bons, will be inserted until forbid, and gbareed aeomrdingly. Instructions to ebango or discontinue an advertleom ant must be lett at the daunting roam Of Tum. Poste not later Chau Tuesday of each week. This is imperative, W. U. rn3iEU1' , Editor and Proprietor. HONOLULU TO MELBOURNE, (ex R. w. 30'n0titimm., awe.) As one appronohee the Island of Oahu, of tbe Sandwioh Selene group, the pros- pect is anything but inviting. Barren, blealr,'dark, sandy colored mountains of voloanie origin run gradually up from the shore, ending in sheep peaks and ridges partly lost in the olonds ; not 210 much as feed a goat on them. As we proceed we find a little patch of green by the water's edge once in a while, but by the time we get around and in sight of Honolulu these green patellas have be• come more frequent ; the barren appear. once, which at first would have disposed the traveller to turn his course from the island ne most inhospitable, has given place to verdure which covers (the moun- tain elopes up to the very peaks. The pilot aboard, we pass through the narrow channel between tbe reefs, which lie at a distance from the shore, and over which the waves are breakiug, and enter the harbor, Before coming to the pier we notice a lot of natives jump foto the water and swim for the 011ip ; there ie nearly a score of them. They are quite at home in the water, and swine in any fashion, but their preferred mode of swimming is very un-Englieb, as they throw their arms alternately clear out of the water, and work them round josh as if they were spokes 'of a wheel. When swimming on the back they throw the arms round after the same fashion, only that they both go at the same time. They are exceedingly pleasant and good -nater• ed, playing with eaoh other like big boyo ; they will splash one another, pre- tend to fight, grapple and sink together, jump on one another unawares, and sub. .merge one another, only to rise again with a laugh. Throw a nickel and you see foor or five pairs of heels disappear and in a second or so half as many beads will come to the surface, and one dusky hand will display your piece between finger loud thumb for a moment, then plane 10 for sate keeping between the teeth. Going up to the city, I find evi. denoe of large business interests in the substantial offices, and commodious ware. bowies and handsome stores. The city is scattered over a large area, buildings no orowding one another as is usually the habit wherever I have been, and the city is made beautiful, not alone by its hand. some buildings, public and private, bat by the abundance of tropical vegetation in the shape of palms and many other trees, particalarly prominent among which at present is a wide, spreading tree, whi011 has its surface literally cover- ed with a bright scarlet flower. Calling on T. D. Garret, pastor of the Christian ehurcn, after talking of men and matters of common interest, he strolled out with one of luxuriant vegetation, and though me, and showed me through the very this is the Winter Benson, both hill and comfortable and nicely situated house of hollow are with verdure °lad -ono mass worship. Entering the door, he had only of green, to touch a button and the place was lit up. The church seats usually about 950, but by sliding or folding aomo partitions it can, on ehort notice, be made to no. commodate a good many more. Bro. Garvan took me to a fruit score, and showed me some of the different fruits at present exposed for sale. Mangoes, alligator) pears, pineapples, baoanae, limes, lemons, oranges (Dative and Cali. forelimb American apples, grapes, peach• es, a large variety of plums, (the latter all American), ate., etc. On account of the time of evening at which I got on shore -after 6 o'clock -the daylight left did not admit 60 seeing very fundi. I saw, however, the Government buildings, which are on two sides of tbe road, the parliament buildings having a sentry pncing backward and forward inside the gate. The barracks are under this build- ing. Oa the opposite' side of the road the departmental baiklines have in front of them a large statue of Iiahmahama 1, whioh was made in Trance, and round the base of whioh are four allegorical designs in bronze panels, referring to his skill and prowess and the coming of the missionary ehips, which heralded a new era to the islande. Viewed from the sea, the oily is one vast plain of vegetation e it) bl nm n nd al sen lig me ar- ed ilr do re, ey es ny ro- de re 06 re es y a g r a After five days out, we got into Sydney early in the forenoon. The air was keen and bracing and tbe day bright, (it in mid -Winter here, you must remember) enabling us to enjoy the beauties of Sydney's famous barber, indented as it is with bays, where ships lie either at anchor or berthed at the wharves. It is a strange eight to see the waste of ships standing out among the houses and build- ings, as tbe shipping is berthed or an- chored in so many different quarters, the separaling promontories being built up. on. The view of the city from the her - bar is a very pleasing and imposing one, the slope of the hills towards the harbor setting it out to great advantage. The atone used in building is e. elightly taw- ny colored sandstone, and tbe uniformity of the coloring of the oity was to me very agreeable. As is to be expected in a pity of such importance, there are many beautiful, even magnificent buildings. These I bed some 19isere during the next thirty-six hours to inspect more closely, as with a friend we went the rounds, see• ing the museum, the art gallery in the process of completion, also St. Patrick's Cathedral, the City Hall, the Governor's residence, and others too numerous to stretching at the foot of the mountains mention or remember. We had a walk along the ehoro for some five or Ida miles , through the botanioal 90rdene, which in their Stemmer beauty must be mediate, linty charming, conoidering the large area covered, the wonderful taste dis- played, and the wealth of tropical and other trees end plants to be seen. From the top of the postoliiee tower -perhaps the highest point in the city -we had a most beautiful view of the city and ser. rounding country, wbioh my friend, wbo was acquainted there. could describe, and so enhance the charm of the view. To describe Sydney in detail is not in my program, but I think that anyone seeing it under similar eiroametances, would probably, here and there some mere lofty building meaning itself above the foliage. The Central church (Congregational) represente the thumb of the islande, the Congregationalists havin, been much longer on the islande than any other body. This building, put up of lava atone, be a very large, handsome and aoetly piece of architeotura, The popu- lation here oansia68 of Hanahns (natives), Chinese, .lupe, Portogese, English and Americans --•a meet cosmopolitan plans indeed. The waters outside are teeming with nob. The street cars are drawn by melee, but eleotricity supplies the light of the city. We here dieoharged a large number of very heavy steel rollers for use in sugar crashing, a goodly number of railway ear wheels, and a lot of lumber from Seattle, out for soap boxes. A portable boiler from the Water000 Co•, Brantford, with a large quantity of Agricultural implements from the Massey - Harris Company, are in the hold for Australla. Atter a week's voyage, we were among not fail to be charmed with it. Leaving Sydney at 55:15 p. m., Ang, 4, per express train for Melbourne, I am struck with the thrifty, tidily kept, well. painted buildinge we see am we rush along till night comae down. For many miles out itis ono almost unbroken view of human babitatione, a mean or untidy looking house or building practically riot to be seen, This would suggest to me the idea of wealth, and that in past days money had come easier to these Colonials Clinton. 'Miss Milly Smyth, of Petrolia, is visit- ing friends here. Steep and Co. are handling about 1,000 barrels of apples per day, on oommiesion. Messrs. Miller t't Biter, of the Soo, formerly of town, recently suffered a lose of 94.500 by fire. The evaporator commenced worir on Monday morning of last week with a staff of twenty.fivn hands. Jos. Allanson, the king gardener, showed( lie a > cabbage last week that weighed a fraction over 21 pounds. Dr, Turnbull leaves the first week in October to take a two -month's course in the John -Hopkins Hospital, Baltimore, and in the hospitals of New York. The other day James Waters had his hand come in contact with a set • of circular saws in Cooper Brea'. factory with the reeult that all the fingers on the hand were badly mutilated. John Ransford has returned home from the Synod at Winnipeg. Ole is not very favorably impressed with Manitoba, and thinks that the farmer who gets along in Ontario should stay here, Mr. Walper has Bold his interest in the Mason House to IYir. Doweon, of Stanley, who took possession on Tuesday of last week. Mr. Wolper bas not yet decided where be will go or what be will do, Geo. Hoare made an exhibit of Glad• ioli, nt the Toronto Industrial, and al. though fifty of )fie °botaesti varieties were beyond exhibition purposes, he suooeeded in getting second prize, which be con- siders very good under the eiraumseancss. Hie brother, Col., was also an exhibitor of fruit. Owing to the continued wet weather a species of white fungi has sprang up all over grass plots, 00., much resembling toadstools, and many people have sup- posed they are nub ; several persona in town who have inveetiga9ed them claim that they are a species of mushroom, and have cooked and eaten them without any eerioos results such as usually fol- iose the eating of toadstools, The Other day an elderly gentleman dropped into the store of Harland Bros., Brink Block, and after the oustotnary salutations remarked, '•Things look dif- ferent hero now to what they did eixty years ago ; at that time this was a dense bush, and I well remember sleeping one night at the foot of a stump right about whore this More stands now." Asked who he was he gave his name, Mr, Von Egtnood, of Bgmonrlville, be being a brother of E. Van Egmend, of Huron ,Road, Mullett. - SRUSSELS PUP WORKS. I wish to inform the people of Brueeels and surrounding dietriet that I have pur- chased the Pump Busineae of JAMES BELL and will be found ready to attend to all wants in either new work or repairs at moderate prices. No better Pump in the market. Order lett at my shop or, reeiden0e or at P, SCOTT'S shop will be promptly looked atter. l00 -Orders taken for the Digging of Wells and Slaler00, Gamer Green., MILL STREET, - BRUSSELS. R WantedAn Idea t out• 080l90 Ideabr1p0Oblo8.ysPotat90 0 nwpa aaiunvill1t31 thou nsyyfrituW Ltu0ro»000REgu085� 21026hetoOwwbuedr0d.nv0°rpweco,0it9 Over Thirty Years ��pppo Y ick a Without s, h � Mr, II, IVVrrsni a well-known, enterprising citizen of Byron, 111,, writes: "Before I paid 1319018 att011s tion to regulating the bowels, d hardly knew a well day; but since 1 learned the evil re• sults of constipation, and the efficacy of AYER'S Pills, I have not had One day's eielrlleee for over thirty years A'. ` - not one attack that did not readily yield to this remedy. My wife had been, previ. nus to our marriage, an invalid for years. She had a prejudice against cathartics, but n8 .100)1 as she began to use Ayer's Pills her health wag restored." NEW u(cV2r SVo� Thu undersigned lies open- ed up a Butcher Shop in the MAD MU IiIMILS 'tvllere he will keep constant- ly on hand a supply , of the Best, Meats .Procurable, sold at reasonable prices. A share of public patronage solicited. . WALEE' 11.. Meat delivered to all parts of the town. $g11. 26, 189 •Cit ring 4a p.ra erre 8,w to Verhite Star Lilac. J1U]'A1't 144.1r4 b1' t1,116Hips, D09895810 New work and rtivorpocl, rte geeenstown, every Wednesday, As the eta/men/IN t1it0 line carry .only a etriebly limited number in the woes, and O50oNn 045I5 0000ntm06atl011e, intendtpg paseeegers are remin*oil that an early ail- 911oatl00 for bertha le neoSssary at title sem- son. For 9)1900, rano, etc, m minty to W. H. Kerr,. Agent, Brussels. T1LPijJ!ijJ OE. Richardson Is prepared to do all kinds of work in his line. Good Workmanship and Good Fits Guaranteed. LATEST STYLES, Suits made for $4 and upwards. iee"Shop over Mc(lowan's Store. Cathartic Nils Odedei and Diploma at World's Fair. To Restore Strength, late Ayer's Sarsaparilla . An Agreeable Laxative nndNl;RV20 TONI0. Sold by Druggists or sent by Mail. 280., 50o., and 81.00 per package. Samples free. ®01.10 Favorite 9011TH POWDER for the Teat/landreath, 250. ;p sold by JAS. MK, Druggist, ttrussels. Covers the 'Whole Field. THE LONDON, ONT., AY,t. n1n London, Aa vortiser 2 8. M. EDITION. LARGEST noon circulation in West. ern Ontario of ally paper !vest of Toronto. Middlesex County and the territory west of Toronto thoroughly covered. 4 P. M.,,ED!TION. The People's Popular Evening Paper. Circulates it eity and suburbs by carrier boys and agents. All advertisements in- serted in both editions. Western Advertiser Largest weekly circulation in Western Canada. As an advertising medium in the west it is without a rival. Wanted—An Idea P:Tire0e,uple tblog to patent? Protool your Iden; theFy may brleg you wo0ltd. Wrote JOHN WEDDI;RBURN & 00. Patent door. and Washington, D. 0., for !boor *igen prize offer and lief or two 8804054 lnv8ntione 5105450. THE 7II.tJtiS.V.'fGV • OF f€�tfiR,,"t1J 18 EOCSt: m:: Cr. Letcloy'S Bili E't i" f1 w+ 7.1 , 1.414.: 1 i fr, v f m i ,, Lrf . 02271 f� l i„- t , 1 1YI t• t..'i foo. t 1 e, i., , r ✓. � r(, malt seeerely Alt LeRoy -Pill Co. Victoria tit„'81r111:'1 Caa. Sold In 'Brussels by 1.LS. PDX. t2J'l1fy.1 • DR. CHASE'S 09 w€t +ate: THE ORIGINAL KIDNEY PILL CD KIDNEY= LIVE 0 THE ONLY KIDNE`!•LIVER PILLS Gb PILLS T. Dnwoox, M•,noger Standard Bank, Brad. ford, Ont., 1,ys, Chases Kidney -Liver Pills are a grand medicine for the Kidneys and Liver. W. F. Caaatea, rrs McGee! 5t., Toronto, re. presenting Montreal Star, says, Chase'a Pills net like tnogicfor the relief of head -ache, bilioos attack and constipation. Sold everywhere, or by mail on reacipt el price, to EOMANSON, BATES & CO. 48 6OM0890 8T. TORONTO. ONT. a ...err..,.>.. hle:' a puRacma We are offering all lines of Summer Goods at Greatly Re- ' dined Prices in order to naal;,e room for FALL IMPORTATIONS, Odd Lines and Remnants We will let go regardless of cost. Space will not permit us to enumerate articles and prices but ask an inspection with a view of comparing quality and cost. Be sure and not miss this chance of a good Bargain. There is something you want in our line. Str chair”. of Toronto, co Established 05 co m 2o ▪ C nil 0� t..,-' ae,A 90 0 O 0 1 O 0 0 0 0 0 The Policy Contract issued by this Association is perfection itself, UNCONDITIONAL, ACCUMULATIVE, AND AUTOMATICALLY NON -FORFEITABLE. It;leavos nothing further to be desired. Rates and full infor- mation,furnished on application. '�.,. Z1111, Agent, Brussels. LAL1ER R TUPPER Will be our new Premier decided by the Electors before nest issue of this paper. A. decision far greater than that has been given by the voice of the people, viz.: That B. F. Brook Son, of Listowel Woolen Mills, pay the Highest Prices, Gash or Trade, for t And that they sell the best Woolen Goods Cheaper than any Factory or Store in Western Ontario. eadyrade Clothing; Is a new lino added to their business. They snake up their own goods into Men's, Youths, Boys & Ohildren's Sults and sell at prices they defy any retail store to compete with. Do not fail to call and inspect before you sell your wool or buy a new suit and we fool satisfied you will say they give you the best value. LISTOWEL WOOLEN MILLS