The Brussels Post, 1896-8-21, Page 3AUG, 21,:1:890 Town. n. rectory. A41urvlwru Cnonoif.—Sabbath Sorvioos at 11 a of and 7:00p.M. Sunday School at 2:80 p m, Rev, join; Rose, 33 A, pastor, S. Joule's Cnunolc,--Sabbath Seevieee at 11 a 1u and 7 p m, Sunday Sehoel at 2:80 p, ne. Rev. A. E. Griffin, inenm- bent. 1111sazzoDis'r f:ONuaoll.—Sabbath Sorviees at 10;80 a 111 and 7;00 p In, Sunday School at 2;90 p m. Bev, S. J. Alltn, pastor. BOMAN OSTROM ChrURCn,—Sabbath Servioo third Sunday in every month, at 10;80 a m. Rev Joseph Kennedy, priest, f3ALYATION Anon,-Servioe at 7 and 11 a m Red 8 and B p m on Sunday and every evening in the week at 8 o'clock, at the barraoks. CDD TmLrows' Loners every Thursday evening, in Graham's blook. MAsonso Lobes Tuesday at or before full moon, in Garfield blook. A 0 17 W Levee on the 8rd Friday evening of each month, in Blas. hfl]'s blooll, C O P Lowe 2nd and last Monday evenings of oaoh mouth, in Blashill's block. I 0 F, 2nd and last Triclay in Odd Fellows' Hall. L 0 L 1st Monday in every month in Orange Hall. SONS Or StlowfAND, let and Brd. Tues- days of each month, in Odd Fellows' Hall. K. 0. T. M. Lonon, 2nd and 4th Tues- days of each month, in Odd Fellow's Hall, Boum CIamLe, 2nd and 4th Friday even- ings inBlasbill's Hall. Pon Ovrmlb.—Office hours from 8 a. m. to 0:80 p. in. MnonANios' INsrrnori.—Library in Holmen' block, will be open from 6 to 8 o'olook p. m. Wednesdays and 8;30 to 5 and 0 to 8 Saturdays, Alis Minnie Mc- Naughton, Librarian. TOWN-COUNCIL,—W. H. Kerr, Reeve ; Geo. Banker, Robert Graham, R. Lea- therdale and R. G. Wilson, Councillors ; F. S. Scott, Clerk ; Thomas Kelly, Treasurer ; D. Stewart, Assessor and J. T. Ross, Collector, Board meets the lab Monday in each month, Sonooa Bo,uw.—Dr. Graham, (chair- man,) Rev. Rose, D. C. Roes, A. Reid, A. Koenig and H. Dennis ; Sec. -Teen., It. Rose. Meetings 2nd Friday evening in each month. Punaio Samar, Tzienees.—J, II, Cam- eron, Principal, Miss Linton, Miss Downey and Miee Ritchie. Bosun or .IEALrlr.—Reeve herr, Clerk Scott, A. Stewart, T. Farrow and J. N. Kendall, Dr, McNaughton, Medical Health Oflloer. .a atm. A WISH. I wish I were tba fly that roams Around on yonder wall, For he can ride a bicycle And not fall off at all. I wish I were the bird that swings Her nest in the cool green Of younder tree—high in the air—. Her house is always clean. But most I envy the old wall, So dingy and so dim, For I adore the poster girl, And she is stack on him. THE SPELLING MATCH. r. Ten little children standing in a lino, "F.0 -ley, fully," then there were nine. Nine puzzled faces, fearful of their fate, "O•i.l-11, silly," then there were eight. Eight pairs of blue eyes, bright as stars of heaven, "B -u -s.13 -y, busy," then there were seven. Seven grave heads, shaking in art awful fix, "L-a-i-d•y, lady," then there were eix. Six eager darlings, determined each to strive, ",D.u•t-143, duty," then there were five. Five hearts so anxious, beating more and more, "S•o.o-Gt-a•1', scholar," then there were four. Four mouths like rosebuds on a red rose tree, "M-e•r-y, merry," tben there were but three. Three pairs of pink ears, lietening keen and tree, "O -n -1•o -y, only," then there were two. Two sturdy toddies, ready both to run, "T•u.r•k-y, turkey," then there was one. One head of yellow hair, bright in the sun, "I[•e 1'•o, hero," the spelling match was won. AS TO FISHING. Fiebin's lazy. Yes, of coarse ; Tritlin', too ; but then its fun, An' I ain't got no remorse Far the fishin' that I've done, Layin' in the shedder there, Yonder where the deep plead le, You o'n almost hear the air In the sunshine bake and fizz, But its ante an' quiet an' Soothin' in the shudder, there, Fee a oomfo•table male What is lacy an' don't care. With a good, long, hiok'ry pole An' a sengrast ler a lino, An' tobacker—bless niy soil 1 That's the life I want for mine. Lemnie lay them by the spot Where we pulled the mudcat out, Per I think as lite as not' Moro like him is thereabout ; I'm as happy as a king Medellin' out here on the group', Watohin' o' the water ring As the cork bobs up an down. An' the woods is dark and mill, An' the river, loaiin' past, Seems as though it wants to kill Time fee fear o' goin' fast ; An' the sun don't move at all, But just seems to hang up there (Like an old hat on the wall) Burnie' blisters in the air: An' the shade is loallnftoo— Sen'eely changes on the grass,' An' the Clouds there in the blue Don't care if they stop e0 pees So, you flee, my comp'ny's good When 1 loaf Here with my line. Wonldn't reform if I could ; Fiahin'e lazy—but its flue, MY DOCTOR, (Respsetfully dedicated to the whole Modioal .and Snrgieal Fraternity.) ',Who ran to oatol1 me when 1 6011, 41n1 leeched 111e spot to make it well 7 My doctor. I. Deer Doctor, 'tie your art to heal Ail maladies we mortals feel ; You out and carve, and slice and peel; No matter what our groans reveal ; And for mach phyaioal disaster You' straight apply acme magic plaster Or drug to antidote each pain And bring repose to limb and brain. 11. You take your keen dieseoting-knife, And traok the avenues of life, And moat audaciously prepare To lay our quivering musoloe bare ; You twist and scrape our shrinking bones, Despite our piteous cries and moans ; And after all the laaerabion, Sew up our flesh with exultation, III: If 'tie an arm that must be lopped, Or huge exoroeoenoe to be Dropped ; If, by some end, unlucky (Mance, We've maimed an ear, or marred our glance, Why, we must needs repair to yoc, And trust to skill to bring na through ; Your motto is, "To kill or cure" ; Our business meelcly to endure. TUE BATJPO eirrer.rtvvaletwat rates err ener8 art e,... r.rrrr made enquiry as 10 who he was. Ilan ing been informed, 311. Soby tapped 111n on the shoulder and mild, "Frond yo look a sick man." 31r, Pettit deeeribe his Ciao; and Mr, loby replied, "Tek Dr, W11llame' Pink Pille, I know from poraone4 experience what virtue there 'i 1n them and I am satisfied they will cur you." Mr, Pettit had tried so elan things And failed to get relief that be svl48 somewhat ekeptioal, but the advloe wa so disinterested, and given so oarneotl that he decided to give Pink Pills a trial The rust is shortly summed up. Ile bought the Pink Villa, used them eo Cording to the direotione which Cocom pally each box, and was oerod. Rio ewe he bolievos to be permanent for it ie now fullfullya year oleos he dieoontineed the use of the Pills, Mr, Pettit says he believes he would have b000me utterly helpless had it not been for this wonderful health. restoring medicine. The experience of years has proved that there is absolutely no disease due to a vitiated Condition of the blood or shat, tercel nerves that Dr. Williams' Pinto Pills will nob promptly cure, and those who are suffering from such troubles would avoid much lnisory and save money by promptly resorting to this treatment. Get the genuine Pink Pills every time and do not be persuaded to take an imitation orsome other remedy from a dealer, whish, for the sake of the extra profit to hlu,eelf, he may say is "just as good," Dr. Williams' Pink Pills make Eel], red bloocl, and Dura when other medioines fail. d 0 e y e y Canadian lee ales. Robt. Dickson, of Brantford, had his spine broken and his head seriously hurt by jumping off a moving train. 1611 . and Mrs. II. E. North went oat for a sail from Owen Sound on Wedues- IV, day. A big storm came up and they were probably drowned, A Confous Siwroz.—A remarkable ex- periment in photography has been ao- oomplished in Berlin, Ont., by 1t. Scott and his emaciate, A. Sutherland, of the Stott Power Company. Madame Baker, the olairvoyant and trance medium, was a guest at the same hostelry—the Market Hotel --as these geutletneu, and, having met and entered into oouversation, the lady in question asserted that, when in a trance, she was immediately surrounded by a circle of white -robed spirits, with whom she could oonverse, and who ap. peered before her se olearly outlined as human beings do when she is in iter normal state. The photographers, says the Berlin Daily Record, were sceptical as to her being able to call up these spirits, and challenged her to give a sit- ting. Madame Baker o0nsentod, and a Record reports; was invited tip to witness 'the abtonhpb to photograph the spirits. A few tninutes after 10 p. 1n. the two photographers, Madame Baker, Mrs. Stott and a Rowed mac inet in the parlour of the Market Rotel. R, Stott brought in his camera and showed the reporter the plate intended to be used. Apparently it was all right. Mr. Suther- land brought in the contrivance known as the Astral light, by means of which in- teriors are photographed. All being seated, the gas in the room was extin- guished and a deep silenre prevailed, broken in a few minutes by Madame Baker beginning to sing a sacred song in a low voice, the company joining in and Mr. Sutherland playing a flute softly. This continued for perhaps twenty minutes when she began talking of what she saw about herself and the reporter. She described it as 'a beautiful white - HAVING FOUND HEALTH HE robed ghost'. At this point Mr. Stott POINTS THE WAY TO OTHERS. snapped on his light, which filled the room with a bright intense light for a few seconds. He bad pressed the button at the same time, and the view was taken. Afterwards the gas Was relit, and Madame Baker was found with eyes still closed, deep in her trance, She regained her normal condition shortly afterwards, and complained of great weakness. The plate was removed from the camera and taken to the laboratory, the reporter fol- lowing and watching every movement. In the dark room, svitli only a small red light burning, the plate was plunged into a chemical bath, and gradually there earns to view Madame Baker's head and shoulders, and near her the full figures of two dark looking persons and two other members of the company. The interest Your lcuowledgo we mast not gainsay, Or'gainsb your theories inveigh, however counter they may run To common sense, "thy will be done." Your verdict, who may dare impeach ? For are you tot, that famous leach Who, by the mere severiug of a vein, Can plethoric purees empty drain ? ^t0, We eek no questions, bat submit To what "Sir Oracle" deems fit ; Our open throats, alas l alas 1 I3y hie decree became a pass Through which all sorts of stuff go dawn Of oolors blue and green and brown, Mysterious liquids filter through Laob dila, corporeal avenue. YL 'We take, with unresistiog smile, Abhorrent nostrums—compounds vile, Emetics which in oiroalation Reverse the laws of gravitation. Till nature, almost dozen to death, Oriel ont with gasping, scanty breath, And begs you quick to interpose, And check these horrid, inward throes. VII. This earth would be a desert drear Were there no lovely doctors here, To give us anodynes and pills, And mitigate life's varied ills. What though by carping tongues 'tis said That dootore consciences are dead, I am no casuist ;—ergo, I Pass all such lcnotty questions by, Content, when pains are most severe, To have an Heonlapius near. A Good Sainar'atin. Ms Advice Was .feted Upon by .l[r. Intoe Pont, of Wellington, 11'ho, tis a Re- sult, Now Rejoices 1n ltnnewed Health" and Strength. Prom the Pluton Times. Mr. Miles Pettit, of Wellington, was a recent caller at the Times office. He is en old subscriber to the paper, and has for years been oue of the most respected business men of Wellington. He is also possessed of considerable inventive genius, and is the holder of several patents for his own inventions. The Times was aware of Mr. Pettit's serious and long continued illness, and' teas de- lighted to see that he had been restored of all was grant, and the printing of a to health, In answer to enquiriesoabout, as Mr.to coy of the negative was looked forward PetPew this habeen brought ally re top anxiously. The picture shows Madame Dr.ft promptly and emphatically replied Baker, end near hot the white -robed "Dr. Williams' int Pink 1 itis did bet Be- bein"s bendingover her, and also the ing willinrg that interrogated as to whether -1M- made reporter's hea. The ghosts or spirits public,was ic,lhe cheerfully. that ufeats a ted t be made were drn ed in white, and were barefoot• statem he oatconsented to give n ed. The whole ioture, sa s the Record, statement for that purpose,—whish in is a nzzle that experts must solve. We substance is as follows :—He was first p attacked in the fall of 1802, after assist- , give the facts of the ease, and ask the ing in digging a cellar. The first synep- reader to draw his own oonnlusions. It tom tuns lameness in the right hip, which may be mentioned that the Mr. Stott referred to is a brother of Sam. Stott, photographer, Commercial street, Dun- dee. contiuned for leanly tsvo years. • It then gradually extended to the other leg and to both feet. The sensations were a nutnbooss and pricking, which continued to get worse and worse, until he praotioal- ly lost control of his feet. He aotlld walk bub a short distance before his limbs would give out, and he would be obliged to rest. He telt that if he could Walls forty rods without resting be was a000mplishing a great deal. He lead the boat of medical atteudanoo and tried many medicines without any beneficial results, Ho remained in this condition for about two yoare when he uuoxpeotedly sot relief. One day he was in Pioton and was returning to Wellington by train, John Soby, of Pioton, was also a passen- ger on the tritiu. Mr. Soby, it will be remembered, was one of the many who had found benefit from Pink Pills and had given a testimonial that was publish. ed extensively, Having been benefitted` by De, Williams' Pink Pilie he has ever si0ae been a staunch friend of the medi- aine, and noticing Me. Pettit's condition _-fes ALLAN LINE. Summer Sailiaige, 18966. LIVERPOOL, LONDONDERRY (Sz MONTREAL SERVICE. From 1'rotu 100001 Livorno.' STNAateurrs, Montreal Quebec Daylight. 2Juty Sardinian 107111y 10 July !1 " Nnmtdiau 10 " Porta/all '11 Aug. 2 hug, 23 , r.,allh'Oit tlalh.... 8 , 11 ' 311 " *Mongolian 15 " 15 ' 0 Aug. Sardinian '8 ' 23 " 13 " *Nunndian °'1 " 211 " Pari,l,,n a Sop t n Sept 27 " *tnutrputiau.......,ld " 12 " 3 Stint. *Mongolian hal " 10 10 Sardinian "e " 27 " "Tete Laurentian carries only cabin passengers Eastbound. 'Steamers when marked thus do not stop at Rimouski or Londonderry. Ali eteamere sail from Montreal at Daylight. Passengers go on board between 7 and 10 o'olook be the evening before the ad- vertised date. 8 Passengers may go via Montreal and retire by New York or viae versa, For further information na to rates, tee., apply to W. H. K'RR, AGENT, BRUSSELS, 3 Best for Wash Day For quick and easy work For cleanest, sweetest and whitest clothes Surprise Is pest. est .for Every Day For every use about the house Surprise works best and cheapest. See for youroelf. , • NOTICE OF REMOVAL. Having purchased a shop on Thomas St, opposite the Queen's Hotel stables, I wish to notify my old customers and as manyhnew ones as may. favor me with their patronage' that I leave• removed to my new stand. Soliciting a shore of business from the pablio, guaranteeing satisfaction, T remain, S. T. Plum, General Blocksmith tC horseshoer 1'HE MOST SUCCESSFUL REMEDY FOR a'IAPN 012 BEAST. '7 Certain in its effects and never blisters. Read proofs below KEf LL'SSMINDUDE. Doate Cannon Henderson Co.,111., IP eb. e1, •10. Dr. n. J. *RanoLL bo. 0,0,' Sirs—Pteese send m0 one or your Rorse nook!. od oblitte. 'haven/red a great deal of your Kendall's Spann Cure with coed success It le it wonderful medicine. I once had n more that had an Oowgt Spuvin and five bottles (awed her. I keep. bottle on Land all thetlme. Yours truly, Cans. Porn", KEt ALL'S SPMJJ EDRF. CA.�T00, No., Apr. 3,'0(. Dr. B. J. Kaeons CO. near wire xh�musuc, think It the best Liniment I overused. Have re- moved ono Curt, war ltl 1 t•pnvin Ctrl killrtt two Bone Spav(no, H000 recommended It to accent of lityfriends who are much pleased with mrd keep It, - Respectfully, Si R. RAY, P, O. Roseta, For Sale by all Druggists, or address Dr, 11, ,T. RHY.AtiZ.L COMP.:0'Y, 050588005 FAILS, VT. 4, L neer, DISEASE® LUNGS CURED BY TAKING; AT ,'s c act®ra><. " I rontrncted a severe coke, which settled on my lungs, and I did what is often done in soon cases, neglected it. I then consulted a doctor, who found, on examining ate, that the upper part of the left lung was badly affected. The medicines he ave Inc did not seem to do any good, and1&determined to try Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, Atter taking a law Bolos my trouble was relieved, and be - Zan 1 had finished the bottle I seas cured:' —A.. Ltri.Ait, wateinnaker, Orangevilte,Out. .yens Cherry Pectoral Er.ighest Awards at World's Fair. .4per's Pills Cure Indigestion. UWLES AND - ][ONEY TO LOAN Any Amount of Money to Loan on Farm or Village Pro- perty at 6 r 6,'i- Per Cent., Yearly. Straight Loans with privilege of repaying when required. Apply to A. Hunter, Division Court Clerk, Brussels, ix PIGS. �3J'lll a well mass of 'Y'OLl 1 1'10051 pROOOCeO Talc Anon 010801.t18�11y.0 FOUR W 50ka. noes Fomng hielm all Nightly Bnilo, onn, Oppearmai torrhoea, Impotency, oat„ caused Ay poet ahuooa' gives vigor and else to shrunken organs, and quickly bat surely restores loot 818,00000 in old or 705eO, U0QQ PICa0r and you wm Rruw atrons 80418,0,1,7045)0, sane by mea er ption wrapper and d In vest waled from s,Servatlea, Racily e carded to vast pocket Fries, Si. a package., xis for 00. Send money 1u Uttarto3,ordinary or register- ed leder. Address an letters to J, It for the Dol minigone44 wOgnSrOCa, 001, Agent for the Do• minim of Canada. Yllotilletillfr The Balance of our Stock of Children's - Wagons, Base Balis and Bats Garden Tools and Croquet Sets Will be Bald at a Very Small Advance On To Clear out Stock. PrubytoxiIiui �.00a} e AT COST. POST BUOKSTOHE, BRtiSS-1LS. British ('oltllllbia Cheap and First-class Material, Red Cedar Shingles North Shore Pine and Cedar FOB SALE A'1' 'TITS Brussels Planing dills Also Deere and Sash of all Pat terns on hand or made to order at Short Renee. Batimates Furnished for all kinds of Buildings. Workman. ship and Material Guaranteed, Every Householder should call artd see the LoOlary Coal Oil Stove with fountain. ,.fT'S A DAtilt iY, Window Screens all Sizes and Screen Doors made to order, 8c P. ATd'ENT, WILTON TURN LILL