The Brussels Post, 1896-4-10, Page 44
ta„et ..
Niew Advertisements.
Soape--Sae. fox.
Local -4, Koenig,
Bicycles -A. Couslcy.
Elzeursione---G. T. B.
Miiiium:y---Mese Roddlok.
Diego Goode -A. Strochan.
Clothing Smith dt MoLoven.
Bull for service--•Jboe, l3ielby,
I3u11 for servlou.- Thus. Brown.
New butcher shop S. Walker.
The mystery of pain -Dr. Williams.
Ready for Sprip0-'otgne0f Haler
gibe 4rameis Ds ,
FRIDAY, APRIL, 10, 1896.
John Hollinger, of Goderioh, spent hie
Easter holidays at home.
'Ohio. and Conrad Raddatz, of Detroit,
visited their parents during the Easter
A. small number of young folks enjoyed
an evening party at Geu. Huether'e on
Tuesday of this week.
We are glad to hear that Mrs, John
Knight is improving slum undergoing an
operation in London hospital.
Many from the village attended the
auction sale held by John Mitchell, 9th
con., so Tuesday last. A few purohasee
were made by some of them.
We are pleased to bear of the societies
of one of our young men, R. F. Cameron,
who has ecoeeeded in passing his final
examination at Knox College, and is noiv
entitled to be called reverend. May sum
case attend him in all his efforts put forth
for the advanoement of the spreading of
the truths oomained in the Bible.
A very interesting debate took plane in
the Epworth League at their meeting on
Tuesday evening, on the subject :-"Re-
solved that party proreseione should be
prohibited by law." The affirmative was
dtsouesed by Henry Siemon and Wm.
Kreuter while the negative was taken by.
Joseph Oster and Geo. Coates, A deals.
ion was given declaring the debate a tie.
The following is the report of the ex.
amination for promotion f,om Ord to 4th
class, held in room II. of S. 5. No. 7,
Grey. To pass 440 marks. Ida Welsh
637, Lizzie Cameron 591, Mabel Zimmer
571, Albert Foerster 554, Ervin Hunter
507, Beatrice McNair 499, Edith Mitchell
493, Horace Welsh 493, Susan McNair
490, Clara Hunter 343, Minnie Knight
M. Coleman, of Michigan, is visiting
his mother here at present.
We are pleased to learn that Mrs.
Turnbull, wbo has been very ill, is now
Mr. Waghorn, of Toronto, was visiting
his. brother, T. Waghorn, veterinary
surgeon, last Friday.
T. McKibben, of this place, has pur-
chased the property of B. Ward, Qa.-en
street, Brussels, and will remove there
A number from this locality attended a
Liberal Conveutiou in 3ruesele last Fri-
day. They say Dr. McDonald, the East
Huron M. P., gave two fine addressee.
A very pleasant time was spent on
Tuesday evening of this week at the resi.
dance of Alex. Gardiner, 14th con. Mo-
Killop. A large number of young people
of the neighborhood met and enjoyed
themselves thoroughly by engaging in the
different amusements provided. At a
timely hour, after excellent refreshments
had been partaken of, all separated, agree-
ing that Mr. and Mrs. Gardiner make an
excellent Bost and hostess.
Paomoxo.-A short time ago there was
an account in Tas Poem of a Morrie
farmer's success in raising pigs. Jas.
McCallum, who lives on the boundary of
MoKillop and Grey, beats the aforesaid
r word all hollow. He has a Suffolk sow
that in a year and ten months has re•
warded her owner with five litters as
follows :-1't, 13, raised 13 ; 2nd, 13,
raised 13 ; 3rd, 14, raised 13 ; 4th, 13,
raised 10 ; 5th, 14. raised 13 ; or a total
of 67 out of which 62 were raised. Who
can surpass the above ? The fade are
vouched for by good authority.
El ehM1-
Wm. Simpeon's health has not improv-
ed much.
J. G. Tate is able to be out again after
a two weeks' illness.
Mies Dilworth has been holidaying
with Mrs. D. Walker in Morrie.
Jae. McKelvey is still in a very low
condition. No hopes are entertained of
his recovery.
Jno. Sanders, er., has purchased the
Holloway property and will become a
resident of our village.
It is hinted that a wedding, in which
Ethel and Molesworth are interested, will
take place in our village shortly,
H. F. Honeberger and T. Watt leave
Ethel this week for Preston, where they
will carry on a dry.goode business iu
partnership. We are sorry to lose them
as they are honest and reliable men.
Scaoox, Raronx.-The following ie the
standing of the pupils in Ethel sobool for
the month of March :
Room 1.
2nd class -Edna Milne, Maud Badgely,
Mary Kleinsohroth, Willie Eokmier ; Jr.
3rd -Willie Blaeknell, Carl McAllister,
Geo, Sharpe, Willie Dowdell ; Sr. 3rd -
Howard %Allister, Edna Raynard, John
Kerr, Annie Bateman ; 4th olaee-Lily
Dobson, May Milne, Wilbur Lindsay,
Cora Sauciere. Guo. Donlon, Teaoher.
norm 2.
Sr. 2nd --Henry Qaerin, Maud Querin,
Mabel Coates, Percy Greeneides ; Jr. 2nd
-Stela Dunbar, 'Walter Savage, Jennie
Mulilaiu, Gordon Imlay ; Sr. Part 2od-
Ge.raie Eokmier, Avon Elliott, Mamie
MoAlltater, Olive Itaynard ; Jr. Part Sud
-Charlie Cameron, Willie Badgely, Cecil
Lindsay, Leslie Foga] Sr. Part let-.
Willi+ Hemsworth Lillian Dowdell, Rus-
sell Dilworth, Grover Gill
Mise WINNn, Raman, Teacher,
The Ottawa Tribune is a new publi-
cation in the interests of labor.
Near Naehville, Han., John Aherne, a
farmer, for an April fool joke on his wife
disguised himself ae a tramp, fastened a
white maser over hie face and knocked at
the door. When elle appeared he order.
ere her to get dinner for him. Ilia wife
fell to the floor in a faint and died an
hour later. Aherne idolized his wife and
is crazed with grief. She was young,
good looking and a general favorite.
a atuzcaat,ttt as lv'f .iso qty
The Grand Jury at nurrla have found
4400 hili against Wilabttei Brennan, dor
the murder of J. A, litrathy, and the
trial began Wednesday morning,
Watson Bros,' stave mill at ltidgetown
'Weis wreelted by a boiler explosion. Two
man, Engineer Lettish and Wm. Cunning.
ham, were killed, and Wm. Watson very
seriously injured.
I. Writh, holetman in the Grand
Trunk ebope, Stratford, bad .his atothes
caught in the machinery by some 'Manse
on Friday, and before tbetnaohioe could
be stopped be wee stripped naked. I neer
ily ho wee disoovored in time, otherwise
he would have met a terrible death.
Thome Wotth, an old than who lives
alone in the west ward of Mitchell, had
mansion to take some medicine. In
looking through the house he found a
powder whish he took, with almost fatal
results. Several hours of constant care
and attention wine required before the
effects of the poison passed away. There
seems to be no doubt that the p,,isen was
A peouliarelection het was decided by
Judge Woods, at Stratford, Friday.
Leet January W. H. Coulter, councillor
of Ellice, accused Robert Armstrong, last
deputy reeve, of being an enemy of the
township, which the latter indignantly
denied. Coulter persisted, and offered to
bet him 010 he was. The wager was
made and the money put up with Reeve
Goetz, of Ellioe. Hence the suit by Arm-
strong in the Division Court. Julge
Woods held that the bet was illegal, that
each receive his money back, and that
Armstrong pay the accts of the court,
The undersigned are prepared to attend
to all branohesofTainting, inolgding,
House, Sign, Carriage and
Ornamental Work.
Paper Hanging, Kalsomining and
Decorating neatly and prompt-
ly looked after at mod -
trate 'rices.
We melte a Specialty of Maenfaoturing.
and Placingin, poeltion
First -Class .Awnings,
Orders left at our Paint Shop,
formerly used by Messrs. Roddick
& Wale, will be attended to with
Paper Hanging Orders may be
left with Messrs. Deadman es Mc-
APRIL 1Q 1890
seam +vszonmianrrsuavtynwsamaeauav
Commencing Saturday, April 11th
and following week, we beg to announce our Spring
Dress Goods Opening. when we will make a special
display of the different lines we carry in stock,
arnung which will be found the best value in she
market in Staple and also the Latest Novelties and
Newest Styles in Fancy Dress Goods.
We Respectfully invite the Ladies
to favor us with an Inspection.
We aro sole Agents in Brussels for the Standard Patterns, a
full stock of which we always keep on band. These patterns are
quickly growing in favor. They ensure a perfect fit, are the latest
Styles, superior to other patterns and are about half the price.
Monthly Standard Pattern Sheets given away Free.
N regard to Clothing, we meant to keep out of the rut
into which the trade had got, and here we are . with a
trade second to the County, and a business more
successful than any other within your reach. We're not
sensational in our methods nir backward in our styles; nor
inferior in point of quality ; nor greedy after profits. We.
can't startle you with miracles, but somehow there's the
steadiest kind of a trade litre month in and month out, and
of course there's a reckon for it a11. We're doing no Ex-
perimental work -we know all about the Clothing we sell,
and our stocks are now Complete in Clothing, Hats and
Furnishings. Whether for Man or Boy you'll find every
need anticipated with such values as these :-
Men's gravy Blue Serge Suits, Sacque,
with strong lining, perfect fitting,
sizes 86 to 44,.
Men's Tweed Suits, strong lining, good
patterns, sizes 36 to 44, ... ... 4 75
Men's fawn and grey Check all wool Tweed
Suite, light and dark colors, Sacque
shape, all sizes, , 7 75
Men's Fine Black Worsted Suits, bound,
well finished and perfect fitting, ... 9 75
Special, Young Men's Suits, all wool Tweed
in small neat Patterns, extra good
linings, .$6 75 to 9 75
Youths' 3 piece Serge Suits, short pants,
coat and vest well lined, all sizes from
28 to 32,... ... ... ... 3 25
Youths' 3 piece Suits, short pants, all wool
Tweeds, neat Patterns, all sizes from
27 to 32 .. ... ... $3 00 to 5 00
Boys' 2 piece Serge Suits, well =ado, all
sizes from 22 to 28, ...
Boys' 2 piece all wool Tweed Snits, all sizes
from 22 to 28, ..$1 75 to $4 50
Men's Odd Pants, strong Union Tweed, the
$1,00 sort for
Youths' all wool Halifax Tweed Long Pants,
worth $1.35 for ..
Boys' Navy Serge Knieker Pants, all sizes
for boys from 4 to 12,
Men's Fedora Hats, black and brown, silk
band and binding,
Men's extra fine Fur Fedoras, 4 colors, silk
lining and trimmings, ... 1 74
Men's Soft Felt fiats, ... 25c, 40o, 50e, and 75
All kinds of Hats and Caps for Boys.
Men's Navy Caps with military braid, band
and binding,' 24
Men's White Unlaunclried Shirts, linen
fronts and cuffs,
Heavy Tweed Waterproof Coats, raised
seams, 2? inch cape, special,. ... 4 99
EVER before in all the years that we have been anticipating
"., your needs, have we attained such excellence in new things
r. for Ladies' and Misses' wear. All over the store you will
find the expression of newness in such assortment as you
will see nowhere else in Brussels. The several stocks are reaching
very near perfection, TEST them and you will not find them want-
ing at any proper point. Our preparations for Spring are notable
in several ways, including the largeness of stocks, the extent of var-
ieties, the richness of styles and the closeness of prices. We are
far out of the crowd in Stylish Dress Goods -you can't imagine a
worthy style or quality that we have not got. New Lines are con-
stantly being added so at all times you will find our stock complete.
We are not resting on past reputation. Our ambition, our busi-
ness, our ideas are progressive and the best possible values of last
season are surpassed by the better possible values this Spring.
Everything is leaning your way and those who investigate will fare
better than those who choose to pass our stock of
New Dress Goods,
" Table Linen,
" Lace Curtains,
" Art Musl.ins,
f0 Spot Muslims,
Gloves, New Flannelettes,
Veilings, QP Cottons,
Corsets, " Shirtings,
Hosiery, " Cottonades,
Capes, " Collars & Cuffs
Ribbons, Ties,
No such display anywhere else in Brussels. No such
Variety to choose from. The Newness of 1896 is here.
ilep St
We have also added a bright new stock of Gro-
ceries and will be pleased to welcome all to this
New Department.
Highest Price Paid for all Kinds of produce,
-E Prepared for a Big Spring
Trade -Bought Heavy and Bought Right. When
buying we started out to get the best we could for the money
and we got them. The way we buy has everything to do with
the way we sell, You can make your own comparisons, but
we wouldn't be doing such a business if our prices were wrong.
Ladies' Fine Buff Oxfords, leather lined,
pointed toe, ...$ 89
Ladies' Dongola Hand Turn Oxfords, Com-
mon Sense and pointed toe, ,. 1 15
Ladies' Dongola Oxfords, hand turn, point-
ed toe, patent tip, ,. 1 24
Misses' Glove Grain Bois. or Button, sizes
11 to 2, ... ... ... 1 15
Ladies' Dongola Button Boot, pointed too,
patent tip,.. $1 48
Men's Fine Buff Bale., with tip, solid stock,
well worth $1.50, .. ... .. 1 30
Men's Heavy Plough Boots, extra value, ... 1 24
Boys' Heavy Plough Boots, extra value,
sizes 1 to 5, for ... ... ... 1 05
Hemp Carpets from 8c to 25c.
Union Carpets from 25o to 55c.
All Wool Carpets, 50c to SI 00.
Lace Curtains from 30c to $3.50.
New Dress Goods, New Corsets, Gloves
and Hosiery, New Cottons, Got-
tonades and Shirtings,
Iighat Pries for your P'reelue®a��t