The Brussels Post, 1895-9-27, Page 6fiesal gsl? s gatit .— -x0 RUDAidul1n- . VBB) I,y'BIDla.Y IVOBNING (in time for the early malle), at "7110 P9Stedn► Elliailahing 1101184 d:nnNnannx So„ Bou00000, ONT. Tanya oar SUnaonirx0 2i.—Ane dollar a Saar, in advance. !Onaulabe to avloiab every sabs0rlptlon is paid is aleuotad by floe date ea tiro address label, Ample/Maim Berens,—'Phe followingrates Will ho ehargod to those who adverise Uy the soar t— erAga 1 Ta. a MO, a n?a One column 800,00 $00,00I1890.09 Ball ..,...,00.00 20.0, I 19.00. Quarter " 20.02 12.001 0.00 Meath " 12.00 8.00 0.00 Bight onto per lino for Orsi insertion, and three cents per line for each subsequent in- sertion. All advertisements measured 110 Nonpareil -12 lines to the lneh, 4uainn Berns,eighthtlines nd under, $6 per annum, Adverusments without spc0iito 41280. Wore, will he inserted until forbid, and charged accordingly. Instructions to change or discontinue an advertisement must he left at the counting loom of Ts:n Posr nob later than Tuesday of each weel2 This is imperative, W. Ii. ifiERR, 000ltor and Proprietor. ,t Favorite Prescription. now 1T CUBED 111I1S. SOMERVILLE, OF BRANTFORD. lfer Case lIad 1181110~1 Tele 'Years of Treat• nleut-77ie Trouble Brought on by alt Attack of Typhoid Fever—She la. Again Ibilol'iag Good Health.. From. the Brantford Nationalist. That Dr. Williams' Pink Pills are a favorite medicine in Brantford and vicin- ity will be readily borne out by the local druggists, and that much auffering has been aleviated by the use of this wonder- ful healer, is amply shown by the number of strong statementsin favor of Pink Pills from this section. And yet the number of cases published is small in comparison with the total number that have found benefit from the use of this great blood builder and nerve restorer. 10 is true that Pink Pills are used in many eases to tone up the sys- tem, enrich the blood, and stimulate the nerves where noserious illness exists ; but it is equally true that in many oases where they have been used, other -medi- cines have failed, and the result achieved by Pink Pills may very truly be char- acterized as marvellous. The editor of the Canadian Nationalist came across just such a case recently. It is that of Mrs. S. Somerville, a well-known and highly respected resident of this city. Mrs. Somerville does not seek notoriety, but is willing that a statement of what Pink Pills' have done for ber shall be made public in the hope that some other sufferer may be benefitted thereby. "My illness at first,' said Mrs. Somerville, "was a serious attack of typhoid fever. Although I recovered from the fever it left its effects that have caused me many years of misery. The doctor said that my blood had become impregnated with poison and that it world take a long time to eradicate it. The trouble seemed to have its chief seat in my limbs, which caused me a great deal of pain. For about ten years I continued doctoring, not continually, but at times, and I' tried many remedies without permanent re- sults. This went on. until the end of '93, when I became so much crippled up that I. despaired of getting any relief. I had. read much of the remarkable cures through the use of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills and became interested in them. One day I asked my physician if I might try them. 23'e gave his permission and I began using them. By the time the third box was finished I found myself very muoh improved—in fact the pains bad entirely left me and I was growing healthier and more fleshy. I continued using the pills until I had taken 6 boxes more, when I felt that I was entirely cured, and was enjoying better health than I had done for years. I am satis- fied that to Pink Pills I owe my recovery, and have implicit confidence in their curative powers, and shall oontinue to recommend them to other sufferers. Dr. Williams' Piuk Pills for Pale People are not a patent medicine, but are a long tried prescription aoting upon the blood and nerves. They are of great value as a tonic during recovery from acute diseases, such as fevers, eto., build- ing up the blood and system, preventing the often disastrous after effects of such troubles. Sold by all druggists or sent post paid at 50 cents a box, or six boxes for $2,50, by addressing the Dr. Williams' 'Medicine Co., Brookville, Ont. Refuse all imitations and substitutes. KIl)NAPPEI) BY A M.(D3IdN. E. Kaff, who lives about six miles west of Lincoln Lake, Mioh., recently lost hie wife and ehild from fever, and grief has unbalanced hie mind. His relativee have kept a close watch on him, as they did not want to send him to an asylum. A few days ago he escaped to the nearest neighbor's house, unhitched a horse that stood in front, got into the buggy and drove away at a rapid gait. Kaff had not gone far when he met a woman and a little girl coming up the road. He jumped out and said to the woman, in a commanding tone ; ''Get in." She refused, badly frightened. His eyes flashedas he repeated the order, then taking hold of her arm, he forced her into the buggy, Ile had no sooner Rot the woman and child in the buggy than be grasped her around the waist, and began yelling, "My wife and baby." The lady screamed for help, and the child cried, and altogether they 'raised snob a pandemonium that everyone rush. ed out of their houses to learn the cause. No one came to their regime, as the farm- ers were' all in the lots at work. The horse was as badly frightened as the rest, and flew down the country road for nearly three milee, While Kaff wee constantly screaming, "My wife and baby," and drawing the lady to hle side as hard 0.e 10wae possible for him to do with one hand. They soon came to a turn in the road, the Where ad,, w o ttraoted fermentof were repairing dreadful din, stopped the horse, released the Wom- an and obild, who were almost in hyeter• los, tied Kaff's hands behind him and drove with him bank to his friends. Tie will be taken to the asylum now, Ffes AMP THfs71r.ss,. The real a0On al2vaye has the ring of Inaney in it, TO eek God to save the world; le to as, Ounce a solemn obligation to help Him do Naw, 10 4lod's pay day, not n0aat week, •Until we learn to give right, we cannot learn to pray right. 'Pae man who rides a hobby eats and. stoops in the saddle, Praying ie expensive baoinees Wil is done as it should be, We pray for nobody, 05221800 we for everybody on the globe, Before Jesus died, he made a will in favor of every Christian. People who blow their own /mime make poor mule for other folks. The man who diehonore God will live so that he can't reepeot himself. Unless praying le done on praying ground, it 1e breath wasted, It was Jobe faith in Gqd that anade him rich, not his cheep and cattle, Doing good will be found more prob. ble a in the 0.d t h e than,digging n Id h d i 0 The man who keeps close to Christ wall be sure to draw the devil's fire, The devil never feels ashamed of bim• self in the company of a stingy man. Troubles frighten the good only when they forget that they have a God. One step away from cin will bring the soul where God can make it white. The devil lives in the same hones with the man who has a violent temper.. When we tell Jeans what we know, be will tell us what we ought to know. The life of Christ shows ue what Adam would have been, bad he not fallen. Baokaliding has already begun when the beart stops praying, "Thy kingdom Dome," A blow aimed at the devil often shrikes a abarah member square in the face. The things we most crave are often the Ones we can't have. The devil never makes any flank move= menta for which God is not prepared. Put a pig in a parlor, and itefirst ques- tion will be, "Well, where's your mud ?" There' are a good many things the devil can't do without the help of a hypocrite. Whoever gives as God prospers him, will never have to' stop giving for lack of funds. Until we are willing to do all in oar power to &newer our prayer, we do not pray. The man who can learn from. hie own' mistakes, can always be learning some- . ing Whenever God's obariot comes to a tandetill, it is because there are obetaolee n the way that human hands can m- ove. Before we try to lead others, we ought o be aura that we are closely following rist. Some people find it hard to be religious, emote they do not keep at it Iong nough at one time. Many are willing to do what God wants' em to do, who don't want to be what e wants them to be. The man who lents the bottle to his eighbor'e lips, first puts a nail through e hand of Christ. The devil's work in this world has al - aye been moat hindered by those who ere most like Christ. No matter how large the gift, or clow ight, it means nothing, unless behind there is a heart that worships. A revival is badly needed, where the ople who try the hardest to run the arch never go to prayer meeting, Christ never authorized anybody to aka a prayer for the salvation' of men, at oould be measured by square miles. No matter what a men says in ohurob, u know what kind of religion he hae, en you know what kind of company he cps. You car tell by the honey where the es have been. CARacilL044 Ne-ro"ki, The tawnohip of'Pilbury� hIbe appointed three men 10 kill unanazuled W. 71, 13uruhat0, one of 102010ord'8 civic auditors, and a prominent Odd Pei• low, died the otber, day atter a long 111. noes, - - Pianism 10 training for the Austin Re. gotta, Besides rasing in the singles, he will ow with Potereon as partner III alae' donblee, Wile ft H1<;i20 Thelma Bnrinvao 'zro BD Nnv, nacos,—Ali eases of organio or sympatbetio pray heart disease relieved in 30 mioutee and gm0kly oared, by Do. Agnew's Cure for the Heart, one dose convinces, Sold by G. A, Deadrnau, Wm, Wesley, proprietor of the Wage, town Standard, has made an assignment, Wesley purchased the paper a couple of years ago, and has been losing ground from the start. Apreparation.s arsApyyrilla 00 phpa oian nit ot secret have the formula on appli8ati001. The secret ]t 51100800 Bmidi in of sa a o1 a les 'n its 1 a extraordinary o erp ns w toola the blood of impuritieand cre the meet deep. seated 0a0es of blood -disease. In June last Mrs, James Rose, of Elora, bad her gold watch and chain stolen from bar room at the Galt House, Galt, Cog - stable Kay, about two weeks ago, got a slight olue, and on following it 0.p sue- aeedod in arresting a man named Thos. Leathorne, near Freeport. He was tried by the magietrate and committed to 13er- lin for trial. The watch and obaio Were identified by lire. Ross. Tan October number of the Delineator is called the Autumn number and con. tains a choice and varied seleotion of timely articles. It gives an authority tine exposition of Autumn styles a variety of'novel, artistic and beautiful garments. Bspeoially coin. Plebe and valuable is ite disoussion of Mourning, Mrs. Roger A. Pryor's paper. on Etiquette of Grief's outward showing, being supplemented by an inetrootive article giving patterns and designs for Mourning Attire. Every mother with the responsibilities of a household should study wbat is said about Fitting, Out a Family, the season's ooetume needs of herself and her little ones being folly treated.' The progress of 0o -education in Great Britain is further explained by Amy Royston. Bookbinding as an ocou-, pation for women is entertainingly de- soribed by Evelyn Hunter Nordhoff. Laois M. Robbins desoribes a new and amusing form of Entertainment. The reopening of the Schools is remembered in an account of things suitable for the Children's Luncheon Basket, while A. B. Longstreet contributes a praotioal exposi. tion of How to Carve, The return of cooler • weather makes timely the ad- mirably illustrated article on Draperies. The papers on the Kindergarten by Sara Miller Kirby, on Floral Work for Ootober by A. M. Stuart and the designs for Burnt Work by Harriet Keith Fobes fully sustain the interest felt in these topica. Around the Tea ' Table has its meal admirable variety, and the Newest Books are sympathetically reviewed. Further contributione are given in Knit- ting, Netting, Tatting, eto. Address communications to The Delineator Pub- lishing 00. of Toronto, Ltd., 33 Rich- mond St. West Toronto, Ont. Sub- scription price of the Delineator $1.00 per year, or 15o. per single copy. th m Ch b 1211 h 11 011 w w br it oh th Yo wb ke be INTERESTING BITS, Paris has a warehouse, the floors of which are of thick glass. In a pack of cards there are 685,013,- 959,600 different whist hands. The wearing of oorests by men is not uncommon in the British metropolis, The best brier wood for pipes, comes from the borders of Italy and France. The tallest people in the world are the Patagoniane; the shortest are the Lap- landers. Dyspeptics have found much relief by eating six apples a day—two after each meal. Opals are so soft when first taken from the mine thab they may be picked to pieoes with the fingernail. The telegraph lines of the world aggre- gate 1,069,128 miles. America has more than half -548,832 miles. It has been proved, in Boston, that oats convey diphtheria from one house to another, by frequenting.siok rooms. In the last seventy years Russia has spent 81,777,000,000 in warfare, and 664, 000 Russian soldiers have lost their lives. Boston is to have a $8,000,000 hotel, with 2,250 rooms. Tho projectors state that it will be the largest in the world. Eggs contain everything that is micas - sexy to support human life, in the proper proportions, and in palatable form. Greece etands lowest in point of wealth of all the countries of Europe. A. Madagascar correspondent tells of foot hundred pineapples being bought and delivered for a school Sic-nie there for $1—four Ail/hags. In the Loo (3hoo islands, though there are neither vehicles or public lighting, the inhabitants have latter boxes and telephones. Habitual topers are to be photographed in New Zealand towns. Bach saloon is. to have a gallery of them, and the pro- prietors who supply liquor to them are to be fined. In some parts of Japan et a wedding the bride, as a sign of her subjection, kneels and washes the feet of the bride• groom after he has trodden upon raw. eggs. Provincial Deteotive Greer will shortly go to Waterloo to get the Breslau warder; case in shape for trial. The murdered man's brother hail returned from Miohi• gan and had an interview with the crown. Ra1,r11/7 0.N Six Rouns.-Distressing kid- ney and bladder diseases relieved in six haute by the "Great South American Kidney Cure." This new remedy is a great surprise and delight on amount of its exceeding promptness in relieving everyaln uparthe bof the urinary pasbark ages in male or female. It relieves retention of water and pain in passing it almost im- mediately. If yon want quiok relief and ours this is your remedy. Sold by G. A. Deadman, druggist, liharro..B �.tohinpl, Sick Headache CURED PERMANENTLY BY TARING yer's PiIIs headache. "I was troubled a hood tmanyiremedies recommended for this complaint; hilt 11 was not until I Begaa taking Ayer's Pills' that I received permanent benefit. .4.' tingle box of these pl114 freed me from headaches, and I am now a .well mall,'.?f ii oroutxos, East Auburn, Mo. 1 Awarded Medal at Worlds Fair' Aver's Sarsaparttim is the Best. cott's arsaparil,la THIS SPRING TAKE THE NEW MEDrOINE AND NEXT SPRING YOU WILL Take No Other. cott's arsaparlla 74 NOM ME 3 NC MM. ee� Coal. saiovma, FURNACE S, RANGES. If you want a good Stove of any kind or make, See our Stock. Tinware and Graniteware I A Complete Stock al- ways on Hand. Hardware In Hardware we keep everything in the Trade,' including Shelf and Heavy Hardware, Paints ready mixedand dry, Oils and Varnishes, Cut- lery, etc. Prices low down to suit the times. SILVERWARE! A fine line to choose from, .SEE OUR LAMP GOODS. We have also a quantity of Shingles and Lath for Sale. Eavetroughih.g a Specialty. N. & N. Gerry. Creamery e We have in atoclk a large assortment of Milk lies of e g la supplies very doscription. If you want :a good article we can give you the Best that's made, If you require anything in this line call on us. All Kinds of Jobbiui Attended to and work executed Neatly, Cheaply and ' Expeditiously. EA -V TROUGHING, IRON ROOFING AND FURNACES Our Specialty. All Work Guaranteed Satisfactory, Full line of Shelf Goods, Cutlery, Lamps, Brushes. Fly Screens, &c. We ha,i 4 ie Cook, Coal aii4 Box Stoves of the Best Manufacture and sold at close margins. Special Attention given to—`111..- -1/0"—Ordered o'- "ordered Work in the Tin Shop. Best American and Canadian Coal Oil, Castor Oil and.M'aoh ine Oil. .A share of the Patronage of the Public asked f u 1c as a or. WILTON & TURNBULL. POST BOOKSTORE, Brussels ' In Just to hand 12 doz. bottles of STAFFORD'S Known Ink. Try it. 2 dozen Children's Large Tin u s Only 5c. each, to clear out Stock. Large Stock of Scribblers And All Other School Supplies. Nice Assortment of Bibles and Hymn Books. 6 Dozen PEN AND "JOHN" KNIVES From 5 Cents up. POST Bookstore .., .,_BRUSSELS.„ r. lutes 4 Ph dorsi jai! a Th 00 teut A violo much Sir bo a Noun 1o) tract in th Iia piuul oto., down Fl! bark, dem. Ores on 81 train 00.0.0. Th to r cum Cou A inol Otto cont T Fin 1100. .&B M Apr Mr. Wi P tar to 81 is, f T at Joh 0151 T Nor Plan by of 5202 afte Doe race t 0.e by of t can exp 1 the WE on hes lou tra wr, Co, the be go at r0. w to th th fe &1 at 10 ti E d 01