The Brussels Post, 1895-5-10, Page 7JIAY 10,. 1804
¢�gNEWS S A NUTSHELL, l subsea by uhe city fpr purposoa el �aafoty to phonotnsual ads•anae, Iron and steal are
a�dA„I!! Jt1fI:UA lJ IN di Itfa hof r the tl t th a bl h L k
o e roma woe' u o e sswer,an :em��ote y nno angad, utpriaoa aapsteudy,
I that, had topper preaention been taken by l/otton, coffee, sugar &Dd pork ere well
hevhigg opetf tnenho1os, whish would have iaintained in value, Wheat hoe made
TIIF: VERY LATEST PEON 4141,0 OVER. given thein ventilation, ,Hiller would not sante decided edvanooe. While there Jo a
• THE WORLD, nove died in the sewer, batter undertone in most lime of trade, the
"•- anger to male% advantage et+ fur is More marked in the
Mntmreptlttg WineAbnn411nr 14tn4 Dents: industrial than in eomineroful lines,.
try, Great laritfin, Oro baited States, ropart that gained solea ourrenay of Petroleum is beearnig quiet, wool is to
anal Ali Warts or the Melee. eteinfnnee I tiea death of Bir acute Pitman la inaorreot, batter demand, and cotton foods .are ad.
The Hon, Arthur Peel, ex -Speaker of eanalnp with the odvoncee 0wagoe et the
and Assorted for Eu 'Mending, The
Howie of Commons, has been created n
aANeltA, Viscount.
The Rev, Frederick William Farrar, 1J,
D., 41•alideoeon of Westminster, has been
appointed Dean of Canterbury,
laitoey, Manitoba, anger ed from A de.
etructive fire.
Winnipeg will vote May 10 on the bylaw
to raise $66,000 for new sentient A London cable Saye P,egland and the
United States are acting in accord ns
relation eo the Chino -Japanese treaty.
The London Lancet °aye that Prof,
Healey, though suffering severely front
influenza and bronchitis, ie alightly better
Mr. Balfour has deolared publicly
thea the Conservative and Litotes.
Unionist leaders are on the bestof terms,
The Imperial Opium Commission has pu!'
tithed ite report, wbioh decides against
prohibition of the growth of the poppy or
the manufacture of opium in India.
An explosion of fire -damp took ploot+ in
a colliery at Denny, $ootland, while 177
men were working in the pit. Thirteen o:
the number were killed and several hurt.
The London Daily News Bays it under
steeds that the British Government will
not join any combination of powers to inter.
fere with the result of the Japanese
The British House of Commons will soon,
be called upon to consider abilf amending
the.British tslorth Amerioa apt, so int tc
provide fora Deputy Speaker in the Cana.
dian Senate.
The royal commission on opium hes
reported to the Imperial Government, the
general effect being that opium is:uot doing
the evil to the communities using it goer.
ally supposed.
The finaldecision of the Britiieh Govern.
mantas to refrain from active interference
in the China -Japan treaty, but with the
passive support of Great Britain Japan feels
The Exeoutivoof the Ottawa winter strong enough to resist the .demands of
carnival hes decided to give the surplus Russia, Germany, and Franoe.
I from the Treasurer arrival (over $700) to the Clay The parents of Emma Hall, the girl who
A Belleville. dee atoh says the $10000 lost her life through a criminal operation in
P y + a Detroit lying -ill hospital, are very Door,
required to,eeaure Mr. Massey's.grant of a and cannot afford to visit the United S'atee
to pursue the ease against the Rev. Jona-
than Bell, the girl's suppoeed'betrayer.
The Queen Regent of Holland and her
young daughter, the Queen, arrived in
London on Saturday on a visit. They
were met at the station by the Prince ot
Lieut..Governor Ohapleaa has returned Wales, the Duke of Saxe•Coburg•Gotha,
and hie son, Prince Alfred, to whom it
is sail, Queen Wilhelmina is to be be-
lslr. Alex. Molntosh le the new Preei-
dent of the Woodstook Board of Trade.
Petralea electors defeated the by-law to
soise$18,100 for a new genteel school.
James Bannister of Niagara, a refugee
from slavery, died at the age of 104
Thirteen men have signified their inten
Don to proceed to England with the Bieley
I3„ G. &+'B. Railway directors have
decided to eetablieh a fruit market in
Three hundred thousand whllefieh from
the Newoaetle hatchery were liberated in
the Bay of Quinte,
The Sir John Thompson memorial fund
now amounts to $86,490, and subscriptions
are still being sent In.
The Steamer Sadie Shepherd has found-
ered off Tgrtle Light, Lake Jirie. One of
the orew was drowned.
Winnipeg Veterans will on May 12 de.
borate the graves of soldiers who fell in the
North•\Vest rebellion of 1856.
The body of Johu Smith, who disappear-
ed from St. Catharines in November last,
was found in the Welland Canal.
A steady improvement in trade is report-
ed in Canada and the'United States, with
an upward tendency in prices.
air. Henry Feeneie Ellis, City Clerk of
it. Thomas, Ont., died at his residence en
iii Sunday morning, in his 78th year.
like amount to Albert College has been
The funds of the Boys'. Home in Handl.
ton will be inoreaeed 9589.20 from the
performances of " The Daughter of the
;! •'Regiment."
to Quebec from Atlantic City, where he Lae
epantseveral weeks for the benefit of his
health. Ile is much improved by his holt-
A little girl named .Stoller was lost on
the prairie near Medicine Hat over a week
1 Seo. Largo eea'ich parties bare been senor.
Ina the country, but cannot find any trace
cf her.
It is said that Chinamen are now being
emuggledintothe United States in coffins.
The price of bread in Rooheeter has been
reduced'from four to two and a half cents
The report of the Royal Commission on aloe
he liquer traffic has been preeianted to Mrs.' Rachel Cantor, who,at 94,isstaying
arliament. It declares that prohibition at the Forest Home, in Philadelphia, le
'aroull be detrimental to the intereste ''of said to be the oldest living actress.
anada. Gen, Ballington Booth hos renounced
i .Another consignment of butter, shipped allegiance to the. Queen, end made applies
?ender the auspices of the Canadian De- tion for naturalization papers as a United
;pertinent of Agriculture has arrived at States citizen.
CLaverpool. It .brings higher prices than
, ttuatrelianbutter. The arrest and consequent failure of
John •C. Allen, the Buffalo broker and
1 The Dominion Government has been re- speculator, has involved in seriaus loss ---
igttested by the Imperial authorities to send some Canadian dealers. Rauh for a west Altman ender to nide
1 "n agent to London to discuss with them
iMr. O'Orady hag presented in the New pointe rafeed in connection with the York Legislatureapetitiou to Congress anti A Birmingham firm has just completed
anadnan copyright question, a resolution favoring the annexation of a palanquin which a firm trading in Central
Mr. H. F, Gault, of Montreal, baa mode a Canada to the United States. Africa intends as aresent for a native
lttift of one hundred thousand dollars to the A big load of dynamite exploded near P
iocesan College, to provide it with a new Bid ton, Indiana, completely demolishing chief. The body of the vehicle consists of
nildiog which will be erected near McGill the driver and team, and causing a shook a spring mattress supported on a frame
University. that was felt forty miles away. which is carried by a pair of lancewood
s,The Canadian General Electric Co. fiat Two teoueand tailors are out on strike shafts sixteen feet long. The mattress is
been awarded the contract for the motors in New York. Some thousands of women, jointed, and there ns a well in the centre of
Id all eleotrieal apparatus ut the Beepeler girls and boye, whore work depends upon the vehicle, so that the oecupact of the
tiirteneian al the. (alt, Preston& Heseeler, the tellers, have also .Leen thrown out t+4 palanquin may adopt e. mitring. reclining or
'Electric Railway. employment, a recumbent emirate, tee couch being
`l 9taapeeial meeting of the City Council A despatch from Ilillarney,Selkirk, says cushioned with thick horsehair cushions,
pf. Toronto, held the other day, it was an uprising of half-breeds and Indiana is upholstered in silk tabourer,. The canopy,
:tdecided to submit to the popular vote a reported to have occurred at St. John's, eousisting of fine blue cloth curtains with a
ptopcoat ;bat the corporation undertake North Dakota, just over the Manitoba gold and silk border and festoons of terra
e LeedomtaLeedomof electric lighting. boundary line, cotta Bilk, has a pyramidal roof,.eurntount•
'jThe Board of Underwriters of Winnipeg Oliver Curtis Perry, the express robber ed by a orown, while the braeework of the
Ilene made a formal complaint against the will' rade ouch a bold escape from the frame hoe finlale designed from the barbed
Chief of the tire brigade, and state that. the �'ltotteewen State hospital for insane orimi- epeariieade in use in. the ellief'o distriot.
aloigadeisinettioient. The chief has, applied 1m1s, tens returned to the institution on
The structure would be handsome in its
t 'sue Council for an inyeati ,xtiou, Saturday afternoon. way but for the fact that the woodwork of
,it a the body has painted upon it, in large
,:,Thomas Manitoba,
a enuntry school In the Illinois Legislature the other day lettere, on either side, the name and title
$,,'licher in Manitoba, has been sentenced to a resolution was .Legislature
requesting the of the chief -namely, "Coffee Adam -Iron
fee years' imprisonment and to receive daughters of Illinois not to accept the $',r Duke." This feature, for Which the
(teen lashes for committing- a criminal hdud in marriage of any person note manufacturer is notrasponetb:e, is expected
to partionlarly please the dusky potentate,'
but it is fatal to the artistic pretensions of
the (10.00.
Cholera hue broken out at Mecca.
A cattle plague ie raging in severe' of the
Governments ot South Rueeia.
Muzzles are used on refractory woman in
the provincial penitentiary at+ Cologne.
A large quantity of ppyrex tine exploded
in a magazine at Fellxdorf, Austria,
Twenty.alx men were wounded,
The Dowager Em rasa of Russia ie
suffering from a painful occident, by whioh
hes foot wee oruehed.
The strike of the Paris omnibus men
continues, but the conflicts with the pollee
are becoming lees frequent.
The New South Wales Legislative Coun-
cil has deferred for six months oil action
on Gin proposal to reduce the Governor's
Some 560 German sailors and marines
want out on a epeeial train from Kiel to
Wilhelmshaven and embarked for
The Spanish cruiser Reina Regente,w hick
was lost in a storm off the Spanieh coast
last month, hue been found in 109 fathoms
of water, midway between Capes Tarifa
and Trafalgar.
Archduke Francis Ferdinand of Austria
Este, the Emperor's heir presumptive, will
publish the diary of his voyage round . the
world, trade two years ago. The first
volume deals with India, Ceyion,and Java.
A `despatch front Tokio nye that the
envoys of Russia, Germany, and Franoe
have forrnally protected at the Japanese
Ministry of _Foreign Affairs against the
inoorportion of any Chinese territory in
the Japanese Empire:
The Japanese Government has issued an
official statement declaring that the cont.-
ntercial advantages obtained by Japan in
the treaty with China will be altered by
the other powers under the most favored
nation treatment.
Russia hae established a medical staff as
its Consulate at Meshed, in Persia, to
watch and give totice of the appearance
of epidemic diseases in Northern Persia.
Caravans entering Russian territory must
obtain bills of health Mom it.
Ten days and two hours ie now thereoord
from Bombay to J3rindisi. The Peninsular
and Oriental steamer Caledonia, whioh held
the preview record, made it on April 2.
The time includes all stops and the transit
through the Suez canal.
Japan has notified RussiaGermany, and.
France that she will not yield to the exec.
tions of the powers, as to do so would
expoee her to a revolution, as the Japanese
people are intoxicated witb their successes,
and would assent to no eoneessions.
The new amendment to the French mar-
riage law proposes to declare that all
Frenchmen who have attained the age cf
twenty.five,and women who have attained
the age of twenty-one,shall be free to marry
after giving three months' notice to their
a?>j6ulton a twelve -year-old pupil.
' ether Paradis makes a strong appee
iga`the Repartriation Society in Montrea
id funds to furnish provisions for the
Cv radians who are leaving Lake'Linden,
olii au its large numbers,
t�for the g gnew
ti tiny at Verner, Ontario,
he 1lontreelcommitteehaving in charge
arrangements for the proposed World's.
in that city next year waited upca the
beo Cabinet, and asked that a grant of
onethundred thousand dollars be made by
thhprovince towards the undertaking.
citizen of the United States.
The New York Senate received Mr.
O'GJrady's concurrent resolution favoring
Canadian annexation with laughter.
Senator O'Connor did not think it becoming
for New York State to invite Canada tr
sever its connection with England.
New York tax commissioners have geoid -
ed to hold the Gould estate for 830,000,000
of personal property this year notwith-
standing the feet that George J. Gould, in
whose name the aoseesment is made out,
claims Lakewood en his residence,
Lord Shote Douglas, eon of the 'tfarquis
Aloading thumb member of Winnipeg of
Queensberry, has been arrested in Bak.
hattened to be out late the other' night, erefield, California, on a charge of insanity,
in ,,when paeeing his ohureh going home with the object of restraining him from
'wlleastonished to find the organist in her
pl�ge, playioglively music, to which the
?Weinberg of the choir were holding a dance
1 t Dr. F. Tones, of Denbigh, Ont., charged
, with', having found' and. kept a valise con:
,,;twining $1,500, lost by -James .IcReary,
l pt'iymoster for J.R:"Booth and Aon,Ottawa,
marrying Loretta Addis, a young song and
dance artist with Whom he is infatuated.
Willard Fountain, which was presented
to the City of Chioag° by the children of
the world's W. C. T. U., wad unveiled and
dedicated al, Saturday. The fountain not
witalost the valine between Renfrew liin
and n2L,,`urope and Amerion,eeneribute00 dtoVthe
iSllalnrook Jan March, has been oomnitted farad
ter trial at the Pembroke Assizes.•
is ")ill Rev, Wm, Gregg, D. 0., who has On Senility evening, while Evangelist
,a proloeeot• in Knox College, Toronto, Dwight L. Moody and an immensecougqrega•
''tittle>1872, and is well known as
a lender ion were praying for rain in Fort Worth,
Texas, a storm burst upon the town, beat
171'4 1m Presbyterian Church and at+ the down the roof, which fell upon the nonre.
'hii}terian of the Church in Canada, haft gg
reelgned his professorship on aeoount of Ins ,gation, enusing a panto, and a large number
bbd ago, Ilio resignation hes been accepted er pereons were seriously mjured.
with much regret,' There aro four genuine sae°° of leprosy
;,$,deputation from the Provincial Dairy iu Broolt13 n. All the victims ere negro
dtaooiatianwaited upon tae Quebec Oabinet children, uativeoof'Bar bad on, it'eotl»dioe.
land asked that the Government should set One is ieolated in the hingotcn .avenue
nsideitwenty thousand dollars annually to Hospital, but the others are at large, am.
ire jlistributed as bonuses amongst farmers . the Health Department officiate say pod.
In the province guaranteeing to export a tiveiy that the disease it not contagious.
, eetaln quantity of butter during the year.
7Cile;Cabinet promised to consider the mat-
ter,The Now York Central recently 01900501 -
•eta that it nem13 nee atomicity an iia line
'-1Mr, 0.M. Armstrong, managing (theater
between 13n6'slo and Niagara balls, and
Elie Atlaatfo and Lake Suportot raft -eyy, now the Niagara Fells 'Power Compsny
8 arrived in Montreal from England,, fie agora to furnish the power free in return
e that he is highly satisfied with the conduitfor s alonga 01 tlieto�uhbed r the off the comvver pany'e.
t of his mission and that arrangements�? uY
o rb, dt iteen made by. which work will bo widereenutheedltorohs a tri? of lend dfeet
„moo ,tb onoe upon the line 10.010Y y• '
to 16 to oenld cf thto e s obioeoar.' which will be open 1 recordlt u n the therere principal bud uoslittle deekledisac centres
Y of the United States, thenotloeable feature
tlto ease of Matthew Miller,sulfooated of the past few days has been the arm
sower at London, the jury found that price of the leading artioleo of uommereo.
o wail not the necessary precaution Leather to bra, and hided have trade a
Boy Fatally Crushed.
A despatch from Niagara Fans says :-
Charlie McCall, aged sixteen years, son of
P. McCall, Inspector of stonework on the
new Mo unt Carmel Hoepice at Falls Views
was employed as signal boy for a large
derrick : usedfor lifting the stones, and
while near the arm of the derrick, which
had ]told of a box of out atone weighing
about two tone, and about SO feet above
the lad, the boonwire brolto and let the
box down with a tortilla crash, striking
the lad on the aide of the head, crashing
his skull, breaking his beck end both lege
in two planes, and oruohing his ankle till
the bones protruded, De died in about
one and a half hours after the accident,
never being constione after being struck. It
is said the wire had been spliced, and the
0001410 nus strain had stretched the splice
quite perceptibly, end notice had been
galled to the danger of having it in that
At the little village of Non,ps-au.Val,
near Amiens, a curious ceremony has
been seen at a funeral. The deceased
was a card -playing enthusiast, piquet
having been his favorite game. By
the terms of his will, a paclt of Cards
had to be placed in the coffin with
his body, and certain of his Card -
playing friends were to have a legacy
Of about a. hundred pounds apiece on
condition that they bore ham to the
grave and stopped on the way to drink
a glass of wino at a small tavern,
where, to quote his words he had "spent
so many agreeable evenings at cards:.
The Instructions of the will were
stt•letly carried out, and a considerable
crowd assembled to see the last of
the piquet plaver,-London Daily News,
In ell, it them been oetimated that over two
Million ems are devoted to the main-
tenanoo of doer in 80011 (1, and that about
6,000 stags are, annually killed.
IYIK G01 LL Tl''. WOES' '
When Mr. Gallup brought out the tin
lantern and lighted the tallow gentile and
started off down town to buy severity fee
of olathesline, a Dake of shaving soup and
two prelude of tonpel oy rutile,, Niro. Wet
king lied just entered the housete tell Mrs,
Gallop that eke might possibly hale to
borrow two flatirons and a cup pf angel'
next day, Mr, Gallup took things easy and
did net return for an hour. He entered by
the kitchen floor, blew out hie candle and
hung up hie lantern, and after warming hie
coat tails at the stove for threeor four
mihuteo he entered the, eitttng•roorn. Ro
had neither meal nor heard front Mrs,
Gallup, but he ouapeoted what had happen•
ed. He found her in the big rocking ohalr,
a towel tied tightly over her head and the
oemphor bottle in her head. As he entered
the ronin she looked up through her half.
closed eyes and moaned :-
"Samuel, I wall afraid you wouldn't gat
here in time to hear my dyin` words and
kiss me for the Met time on earth 1 Thank
heaven, you hey cum 1 Samuel, kiss me
farewell 1"
M. Gallup 'looked up at the cloak and:
saw that it was twenty; minutes to 0, Then
he went out into the kitchen, pulled off
his boots with the aid of the bootjack, and,
putting on his slippers, he reentered the
sitting -room and sat down to his newspaper.
"Samuel," continued Meg. Gallup, after
several hearty snuffs at the camphor bottle
do you know what Mrs. Watkinstold me
after you went away 1 She didn't mean to
let it out, koowm' how nervous I am, but
she told melt withoutthinkio', Last night
at midnight ehe thought she•h'eardthe oat
in the pantry, and she got up to see.. She
looked out of the winder in this direction
and he saw a blue light stove from our
barn to the hog pen,then to the smokehouse,
then to the house and run along the roof
and disappear. She was to overcome that
she oonlda't speak for five minutes, and
when she got'baok into bed her feet didn't
sit warm for an hour. Samuel, do you
know what that bice light means?"
vlr. ,Gallup was right there within five
feet of her, and 1t was reasonable to believe
that he heard her words, but he had nothing
to say inreply.
"1t means," saki hIrs. Gallup as she wet
the palm of her left hand with the camphor
and held ' to her "that shall
it nese ` th t hal never
see another sunrise. That was a waruin',
Samuel. It was an angel flitting around to
w%en me that my time had come at last,
ad it was all arranged for Mrs. Watkins
6o see hand tell me. Yes, Samuel, you will
(loon be a widower, and I will be at rest.
Are you sorry?"
Mr. Nallup was reacting an item about a
cucumber nine feet long grown in California,
and while his face wore a smile it was
doubtful whether he was smiling over Mrs.
Gallup's proapeetive demise or the cucumb•
"I dou't e'pose you ere," she went on as
she drew the towel a little tighter around
her head. " You'll sit a second wife in
lesa'n a year, and that won't be no end to
the way you end her willgadabout. You'll
go to ! pellin' bees and picnics and temper-
ance teeter's, and if she wants a tablecloth
cortin' seventy-five cents ora two ehillin'
dishpan you'll break your neck to git it for
her. It's been thirteen years sense } ou
painted the kitchen floor, but I'll bet you'll
do it for your second wife within it week
after you're married." •
Mrs. Gallop put the camphor bottle on
the table and unpinned the towel that she
might use it to wipe her 03705 and then be-
gan to weep. Mr. Gallup didn't know of
any reason why she shouldn't weep if she
wanted to, and about that time also he
struck a very interesting item about a new
catarrh snuff and wanted to finish it.
s' But I'm not complatnin'," said Mrs.
Gallup after she had got the beet of her
emotions. "I'm a Puller and the Pullers
would die afore they would complain. I
did want to live until 1 had saved soap
grease'nuff to make a full berg of soft soap
but if I'm called I'm not goin co hang hank.
If I need any soft soap in heaven, t s'pose
101 be furnished, and you and your second
wife kin buy bar soap down here or go with-
out. Samuel, do you chink you'll be lone-
some the first night or two after I'm gone?"
Mrs. Gallup had another at of weeping
as she asked the question, and Mr. Gallup
kicked off one of his slippers and scratched
his heel and looked up at the olook and
hunted over a whole page of his newspaper
before he foundanother item to attraot hie
You may be," said Mrs Gallup as she
pulled at her nose with the towel, but you
kin go and no the liege, count the hens
and pop corn and eat apples. I don't ex-
pect you'll do any weepin', but for the
looks ofthings you'd better look rather
solemn and not go to the trained hog
show which is to be held next week. All
the naybors will num in to console you And
and when they speak about what a hard-
workin' wife I was, and how patient I have
all us bin under all my Bufferin s you'd better
portend to wipe the teare away. You
needn't really break down, but it'll look
better to shed at least three tears. Sa,ntjel,
when yon see my shoes and dressesand
etoekin'e around and know that I'm gone
for good and won't never return will -
Just then the clock struck 9. Mr. Gal-
lup got up and proceeded to wind it, went
out into the kitchen to see that the door
was locked and everything all right, and
as he returned to the sitting room and
carried the lamp into the family bedroom
Mrs. Gallop wearily rose up, took the
towel in Due hand and the camphor bottle
in the ether, and followed him, with the
remark :-
"1 genet I'll go to bed, too. As long as
Pm nein' to expire I might as well die as
comfortably as I Wu, and it will save you
liftin' me out of the cheer and atraioia'
your back. I won't take up much roost,
and 1'11 perish as gently as possible, and
ifyou wake up and find ma gone you'll
remember that I was a wife who triad to
git threw this world without making doctor
bills or trouble."
Variation Suggested.
Juga -'Phis makes the tenth time
you've been hero in the past six mouthe,ead
I've given you a sentence ovary time.
Prisoper-Yes your. honor.
Judge -Now, I:don't know what to do
with you.
Prisoner -Suppose, your honor,you vary
the monotony by tattiest rte olf ono.
A. kiss I took anri a backward look,
And my heart was like to smother
To think of whet a fool l.was-
1 might have hod ttubther.
Marriage service luterirented--Nretcet
Agalatst the Ceremony 4taea,Aalt the
ltrfiiegrt}oht Wes as lllverred sawn,
A deopetota from Landou says t. -141x,
Theodore Briitokmau, aeon- of Sir Theo.
dere Brinoknian, weeMori'ied on Saturday
in St. Mark's churalt to a step -daughter
of Lerd Aylesford, . There were eight
brideemaide, The service woe full choral
and the atteudauoe was large and fashion.
able. During the ceremony there wee an
exciting interrrn�ption,:which caused noend
of eotnntenr. I'he bridegroom, who rs
maker of the Third Battalion of the Buffo,
was married in 1883. Last year hie wife
enured a divorce from him. When the
clergyman yoeterday name to that part of
the eervioe reading, "If any man on
abate just comae," etc,, the Rev, }Tether
Black, who teas in the gallery, arose and,
amid great excitement, began rending an
objeotion to the marriage, The eleraytnan
proceeded with the service, and thither
Black cQnhinued in a loud' voice to read hia
protest, which was based on the fact that
Mr. Brinoknton was a divorced men, The
reading of the protest was greeted with
hisses, and canoed general disorder in the
church. Father Black, supported by the
Duke of Newdastle and others, left the
church when ie was found that the protest
was unheeded, and the marriage ceremony
was alien concluded. For -some time pest
the members of the English Church Union
have beenproteating againet the marriage
of divorced persons in churches. The scene
was associated with this protest.
1lrs. Jackson. -"Do yon call this sponge
cake ? Why, itis es hard as atone. ' Cook
-"Yee, mum, that's the way a epooge is
before it is wet, Soak it in your tea."
For Twenty-five Years
Oshawa, Ont.
in the Joints
Caused Sbywelllininflang"bmator,
A Perfect Cure by Hood's Sarsa-
"It affords me much pleasure to recommend
flood's Sarsaparilla, My son was initiated with
great pain in the joints, accompanied with
swelling so bad that he could not get up stairs
to bed without crawling on Bands and sneer, I
sus very anxious about him, and having read
l o® 3p
so much about Hood's Sarsaparilla, I deter:
mined to try it, and got a half-dozeu betties,
tour of which entirely cured him." 140410. G. A,
text,: Oshawa. Ontario.
Be sure to. get Hood's Sarsaparilla.
Hood's pips act easily, yet promptly and
efficiently. or, tee liver and bowels. 250,
Nell-" Do you know, I was all alone in
the conservatory for ten mineltee with that
faecinating Charlie Fullerton last evening,
and I wee BO afraid." Belle-" So afraid
of what? Afraid he was going to propose
to you ?" Nell-" No ; airaid he wasn't.'*
Hon. Reuben E. Truax, one of
Canada's ablest thinkers and etatee-
men, a man so highly esteemed by
the people of his district that he was
honored with a seat in Parliament,
kindly' furnishes, us for publication
the following statement, which will
be most welcome to the public,
inasmuch as it is one in which all
will place implicit confidence. Itir.
Truax sage:
"I have been for about ten years
very moll troubled with Indigestion
and Dyspepsia, have tried a great
many different kinds of patent
medicines, and have been treated by.
a number of physicians and found
no benefit from them. I waa raeom.
mended to try the Great South
American Nervine Tonic. I obtained
a bottle, and I must say I found very
great relief, and have since talon two
more bottles, and now feel that I am
entirely free from Indigestion, and
would strongly recommend all my
follow•aufftrers from the disease to
give South American Nervine an
infinediate trial, It will cure you.
"Walkerton, Ont,"
It has lately been discovered that
certain Nerve Centres. located near.
the base of the brain, control and
supply the sttriu0ch with thewoes-
eerynerve furca to properly digest
the food. When these Nerve Oen- remedy."
A, IfDEADITAY WholkSale fame EEe3tall Agent tor $k'ateeelS
tree are in any way deranged the
supply of nerve force is ah once
diminished, and as a result the food
taken into the etomaob is only
partially digested, and Chronic Ind,.
gestion and Dyspepsia soon make
their appearance.
Sontb American Nervine is do
prepared that it acts directly on the
nerves. It will absolutely cure every
case of Indigestion and Dyspepsia,
and ie an absolute specific fur all
nervous diseases and ailments..
It usually gives relief in one day.
Its powers to build up the whole,
system are wonderful in the extreme..
It cures the old, the young, and the.
middle-aged. It is a great friend to.
the aged and infirm. Do not neglect
to use this precious boon ; if you do,
you may neglect the only remedy
which will restful• you to health.
South American Nervine is perfectly
safe, and very p,t:asent tc the taste.
Delicate ladies, do not flail tr+ use this
great cure, because it eiil pn1 the
bloom of freshness and beetay i0eon
your lips and in your 010olts, and
quf1kly drive away your disabilities
and weaknesses.'
Dr. W. Washburn, of New
Richmond, Indiana, writes; "I have
need South American Norville in
my family and preSeriba d it in
my praotiee. It ie a most emellen4