The Brussels Post, 1894-7-6, Page 3J'uz,-1 6, 1594 `awn Directory. Marmon Cueneitl,--Sabbath Serviaeo at 11 w m and 0;00 p.m, .Sunday School at 2:80 p an, li8Y, John hose, B A, pastor, ISNox Ooonon.-Sabbath Serviette at 11 at en Red 0180 p B. Sunday Sobool at 2:00 in. Rem D.1Mii1 r as o i It e, tr. Se, 's p S . JottN Cnuugaa,•-Sabbabl. e • i l Srvo ae at 11 a m and 7 p m. Sunday School o 'M80 p. m. Rev. W. G. Reilly, .inanm- boot, lt'�ETrio0r8T Ouuaoi,-Sabbath Servioes at 10;80 a m and 0:30 p m. Sunday Sobool at 2:80 p m, Rev, G. 11, Cobble. digit, at A, B D, pastor, Eon Camaro Onoaton,—Sabbath Servioe third Sunday in every anonth, at. 1.0;80 a m, Rev Joseph Kennedy, priest, SALVATION Aatix,—Service at 7 and 11 a m and 3 and 8 p m on Sunday and : every evading in the week at 8 o'clock, at the barracks. Oen FELLows' Lonon every Tlriirsclay evening, in Graf/one's blook, 11t,8O0 c Liman Tuesday at or before full moon, in Garfield blook. A 0 U W Loners on let and 8rd Friday evenings of moll mouth, in Blas. frill's block. O 0 1' LODGE 2nd and That Monday evenings of each month, in 131aahill'e block. 1 0 T', and and last Friday in Odd Fellows' Hall. L' 0 L 1st 'Monday in every month in Orange EalI. R T or T, 2nd and 4111 Tuesday's of mail month, in Odd Fellows' Hall. Boas or SCOTLAND, fat and 8rd Tues- days of each month, in Odd Fellows' Ball. 1i. 0. T. M. LoDOE, let and 3rd Thurs. daye of each month, in Vanetone block. Hone Crams, 2nd and 4th Friday even- ings fnBlaehill's Hail Poo; Oreron.-Office hours from 8 a. m. to 7 p. m. Menu. uOS' TN0 n1000. -Library in Holmes' biock, will be open from 6 to 8 o'clock p. m. Wednesdays, and 8:80 to 6 and 0 to 8 Saturdays. Mies Dolly Shaw, Librarian. Towle Couecu.—W. H. Herr, Reeve ; W. H. McCracken, Robert Graham, R. Williams and 6, Wilton, Councillors; F. S. Scott, Clerk; Thomas Kelly, Treasurer • D. Stewart, wart Assessor and nd J. Ross, Collector. T R 0 oter. Board meets the let Monday in each month. Seneca, BoAnD.—Rev. Roes, (ohairman,) Dr.lttoKelvey, Dr. Graham, A. Reid and J. N. Kendall ; Seo.-Treas., 16. Rose. Meetings 2nd Friday evening in each month. Pun= 0On000 TIIAODUERs.—J. H. (Jam. eron, Principal, Miss Braden, Miss Downey and Mies Cooper. • Bonin or Hsaxarr.—Reeve herr, Clerk Scott, ,(,.. Stewart, T. Farrow and. J. N. Kendall. Dr. MoNeughton, Medical Health Officer. FIRST OF JULY RECORDS. 1 vasa wide-awake little heyy Who rose at the break of day; 9 were the mina toe he took to dress Then he was off and away. were his loaps when be olearedthe stairs Although they were steep and high, 4 was the hoar at which he rose, Because it was First of July. 5 were his pennies which went t0 buy A paokage of crackers red; 6 dna t 1 nmatebee wli1 h touched them 006 ho woe bao,c is bed, big plasters he had to wear To eure his fractures sore ; 8 were Elio vteitethe doctor made Befoxe he was whole 0000 more. 9 were the dolorous days he spent - In sorrow mud pain, but then O are IUD seconds he'll atop to think nefore be door it agate. VAIN HOPE. Irmo the ardent angler's cap Harsh fate pours lots organ. The fish be hooka and brings to land Is always very small. As happy would the angler be As flowers in rosy May If he could bring home with him The fish that gets away. WHAT THEY LIVE ON. The orator eats tongue, I hear, The Sultan turkey lunch ; The undertaker drinks hie beer, The pugilist his punch. The fisherman drinks Bass' ale, The flea, tea made of hope ; The barber eats hie hare (with tale), The woodman eats hie chops. The acrobat spring -water drinks, The banquet man eats toast; Surveyors eat their stakes, me thinks, And editors a roast. Shoemakers ahvaye eat fried soles, The printer pie and sweets ; The hungry actor eats his roles, Polioemen eat their beats. THAT CALF. "It was n oough that carried him off. I1 was a wine they carried him off in," 1 am the calf with a oough— I notice you people all laugh— But the oough is so costly that now I'm really a oough with a calf. I'm getting much better—keroboo 1 I've got the most precious of throats ; One blast from my famous Mimeo Is worth a barrel of votes. Whenever I oough—Kerolioo 1 Each heeler awakes from hie nap ; And the Province I love—with yon— Ie shook for the lace on the map. I'm a pedigreed Eden MnseO, And thousands at dollars would scoff If they only could gaze upon me, The wonderful oe16 with aocugh. Ohorus—I am the calf, etc, Kiu Louis was wanting in wits, Old Abe wee built line a pump, Mabomst was troubled with fits, And Richard the Third had a hump. The future historian—see 2 Will at these unfortunates scoff; The palm he'll award unto me, The world-famous oalf with a cough. Chorus -I am the calf, eto. They're all very anxious for rno, And they send me their love,poor souls, In rho hopes that I'm worse, dye see ? And'll oough them all up to the pone TEE ERUtS.SNLS POST 41102c044In es ti wheee'or I begin %MIMI�h4r4 dr4 4o mawyppaoplo who aro pions They admltted their guilt, Jopets capes.. Thr allekels 1 pass rolled illy trough., only in pleasant weather, loll The loild•lunged stump-apeakee ain't in it G d d y seeming to be very eorrythat Clang With abeblue•biooded waif with a oough. bhoy aro lqd lay a Gids+on. that they wereaggravatedaggravated by their 1 Chorus—I em the oalf, Ste, t an open question ae to whom thq time to oonlmitt bhea8saglte, They were Now, hand tpe•my pills, if you pleaseee who loves whacks tl sent to laingeton Penitentiary far two •o never neo..e many soldiers when It le devil heti the tightest grip upon, the man whiskey the quo who Wel People who read the u People Sunday n oche• r l4 years ft p ra0 age, 1? of Y kr Wen ea a a hello s e Ont orfore the'ser Bermanmo ore very ei t o�' apt ti v kiala i 9 prison. y p nFIe ba bo a A n onviotod of the rea0hp ft • ra esvr r ad. ve a h cyan ' ., mime lacalender tl Yy,from man. Hall• The r o ti opens are ll of heaven aowrest slam btsi to petty larceny, At present are tIroso that are full of gratitude. Those who are oioee with honey are very often liberal with advioe. The sol£.made man often needs his tailor's help. e Crsinire,4l a ss. News, illy 1911vnon-bully for you 1 Now, wait till I=.tvaib till .-sneeze, Fee ale• yr anal o-- olbt Y kar•Oboo 1 I Now, hark to my rallying ory— "A•boo-oo I a boo•oo•off 1" D'ye see any (seen in any eye 7 I'in tliadestined calf with a cough. Clrorus--I am the calf, eta. 110T W17AT73191t PFIIGOSOPHX, Don't fret about the mercury, Or watch. 11 all the time, The old thermometer won't burst, However it may climb. It doesn't do you any good To count up the degrees, And all your tally about the heat Won't start a bit of breeze. Don't fan yourself too much. It makes You hotter when you stop. Dunt tell the suffering neighbors that Vou:feel as 11 you'd drop. Don't drink too moll cold lemonade ; A glass or two will do, And don't eek everybody— "Is itof enough h ug for you ?„ Just go about year daily teaks As calmly as you can. Don't hurry ; take things easy, and You'll be much happier than The chap who groano, and frets and stews And fusses all the time. Just follow this advice and you'll Be glad you read this rhyme, tientsudr this, What tea is commended in the Scrip- ture ? Charity, When are people like a cloudy sky ? When they are gray. Why fa a bumblebee like a hoax ? Because it is a humbug. W hab rose should be cultivated for soup ? The onion rows. When is a door like a hastily -eaten meal ? When it is bolted. What was th least desirable oity in which to dwell 2 Infelicity. What 1s the most brilliantly lighted oity in the world 2 Eleotrioity. Whyare etreher i w r se like the letter J Because they oome in June and July. What kind of a horse ie generally dis- liked by everybody excepting his rider ? A hobby horse. Conversational. Never talk shop. To contradict is course. The critic is not a convereer. If you talk religion,be charitable. Inquisitiveness in wbolly out of place. A moody person is a gloomy compan. When curiosity appears, good oonver- sation ends, The eyes Ore the liveliest part of a con- versation. Commonplaces are neither to be talked nor shunned. A crank cannot be a converser, for he must squeak. If you joke, laugh must heartily at the joke that hits you. A rich, mellow, winning voice makes any conversation a success. Success ie won if,the listeners think they are doing the tinking. Your associates must be assumed to know as much as yourself. You can never talk down to them. Obesnuts must be served only when they are freshly roasted, warmed by an not occasion that makes it specially appro• im priate. its ma mono vv s Yearn, 8en1enees to begin after the ea;, piration of their present term, Jones is John Laidlaw, Paioley Blook, has a goose which laid 60 eggs before she bat. obed. There is a man pained Sauey, living pear Rivkin Loup, Quebec, who IS 108 years old. Tho Cook as Whitby circus is being fol. lowed by a hard lot of swindlers. Brookvlllo man lost 8000. Henry Ling, the hired man in the Hartley poisoning case ab New Durham, Ont., has turned Queen's evidence. Booth's lumber mill 106 the Chaudiere Falls, near Ottawa, was burned at three dolook Tuesday morning. Loss about 00250,000. Hector &Tessier, a farmer, aged 50, the father of 10 children, went out and hang. ed himself in•his barn at Varonnes, Que., on Friday. The Toronto Lacrosse Club defeated Cornwall by, six games to one. The Shamrocks defeated the Capitals by games to four. S. E. Drennan, of Camdeu towns olaime to have discovered that whio in a bed 18x11 miles in ditnensions and 18 feet deep. At; the convention of Catholic knights in Buffalo it was arranged to have a snpreme grand president for Canada, who will hold the same rank as a supreme state president morose the line. P. A, Peterson, engineer of the Cana- dian Paoifio railway, has just returned to Montreal from the flooded district of British Columbia, and says the reports sent out were enormously exaggerated. HEART DISEAe, RELIEVED IN 30 MIN- rees.—All cases of organic or sympathetic heart t d' 16ea a relieved edin8 80 minutes and ul k q o ly cured, by Dr. Agnew's Once dor the Heart. Ono dose convinces. Sold by G. A. Deadman. For chewing the end of one of Wesley Brawley'sAngers in Orangeville one night last January, the notor)oue Joe Reid, of East Garafraxa, was sentenced to three months' imprisonment in the county jail by Judge McCarthy last week. "Be thou the rainbow to the stormed life The eveningbeam that smile the oloude away And tints tomorrow with prophetio ray." For headache, neuralgia and biliousness take Starke Powders, 25 Dents a box. The two montho' sentence of Fred 7. Bailey, for obtaining an insurance prem- ium under false pretences, expired at 12 o'olook Friday night, and officers wore at St. Thomas to have him extradited. Bai- ley will fight against extradition prooeed- inge. At Norwood, Ont., recently, Mrs. Row- land Soriver, wife of the village constable. was showing a new revolver to her father- in-law, when the weapon discharged and the bullet entered Me. Sariver's cheek in front of the left ear. He has a chance of recovery. Blood• purifiers, though gradual are radical in their effect. Ayer's Sarsapar- illa is intended as a medicine only and a stimulant, excitant, or beverage. mediate results may not always follow use ; but after a reasonable time, per- nent benefit is certain to be realised. he boiler in Wm. Stevenson's sawmill at Cayuga, Ont., exploded on Thursday of last week and was thrown 200 feet. Engineer John Commer was killed and Franks, a sawyer from Wellandport, was fatally injured. Two other men were badly scalded. The mill is a complete wreck. RBDnilreereal OunED IN A DAs.—South American Rheumatic Cure for Rheuma- tism and Neuralgia radically cures in 1 to 8 days. Its action upon the system is remarkable and mysterious. 10 re. moves at once the cause and the disease immediately disappears. The first dose greatly benefits. 75 cents. Warranted by G. A. Deadman. Jas. Padmore, near Rockwood, Lost a valuable gold watch last week. lie was learning brush and in casting some limbo on the blaze his watch was jerked from his pocket and fell into the fire. Next morning he missed it from its 'accustom- ed spot and went out to look for 11. .He found it among the aches of the fire but it no longer wore its fine appearance. It wee in one solid lump. A Booty se EoneE3MN,—One bottle of English Spavin Liniment completely re- moved a curb from my horse. I take pleasure in recommending the remedy, as it note with mysterious promptness in the removal from horses of bard, soft or calloused lumps, blood spavin, splints, curbs, Sweeny, stifles and sprains. Geo. Roan, farmer, Markham, Ont. Sold by G. A. Deadman. Coneiclerabls ecoitemeut was paused at the Central Prison on 'Wednesday when he to serving an eighteen months' term from Sandwich for larceny. leetere has not guile ae bad a record but he le a des. Aerate criminal. ile is serving 12 months from Windsor. They will begin their terms in lO)ugeton on May 10 and February 12, 1805, respectively, "One of my stole headaches," you will hear people Prequeotly say, as if the corn. plaint was hopelessly incurable. As a matter of feet, Ayer's Dills do nob only relieve eta headache but efl'vetually re- move the 0900 of this diatressirig coin. Oslo. plaint, anis se bring about a permanent A Roroiov ne Six Ilouns.—Distressing kid. Hoy and bladder diseases relieved in six houreby e South mvan IiidueyOureth." "GTreathis new ronoAderly i0 a great surprise and delight on account of ita exceeding promptueee in relieving pain in the bladder, kidneys, back and every part of the urinary passages in male or female. It relieves retention of water and pain in passing it almost im- mediately. If you want uiok relief an d cure this is your remedy. Sold by G. , Deadman, druggist. The Berlin Reeo'd has the following An iuoident of a rather amasin" elmroo. five ter 000urrecl at d Damp meeting lust week showing the short distance that some- Jzhfp fs times intervenes between the sublime and the rfdtoulous, A group of ladies who had been interested listeners to the preaching and singing, toots exception to the peculiar methods following in the af- ter meeting, one of them in strong terms declaring that ebe could never be convert• ed in such a demonstrative manner. Just when � sUo was declaring her objet - tions in the mose positive terms, an ob• jeot with horns and cloven hoofs appear. ed to her startled vision is the shape of a huge bat that had wandered inopportune- ly on to the camp ground and lighted di- rectly on the forehead of the young lady referred to, For a few moments it took the combined efforte of thereach p erin charge and the other ladies composing the group, to restore order and egnauim- ity.. 16BALT'II MAXIMS. Do not eleep in a draught. Do not go to bed with cold feet. Do not stand over hot air registers. Do not negleot oonetipated bowels. Do not try to cool too quickly after ex- ercising. Do not sleep in a room without proper. ventilation,. Do not sleep with insecure false teeth in your mouth. Do not stuff a cold teat you be obliged to starve a fever. Do not eat pork or veal when you can get beef or mutton. Do not eat merely to save food and get your money's worth. Do not experiment with drugs because you fanoy youreelf ill. Do not try to get along without flannel clothing in winter. Do not sleep in the same undergarment you wear during the day. Do not drink ice water rapidly ; take it in sips and quite slowly. Do not hope to cure dyspepsia by using pastry and rich fruit cake. Do not imagine that stimulants will help you to bear heat or cold. Do not try to lengthen your days by shortening your night's rest. Do not try to keep up on coffee and al- cohol when you ought to go to bed. Do not ruin your eyes by reading or working by dim or flickering light. Do not bring on baldness and head- aches by wearing close, warm head cov- erings. Do not oat between meals unless it should be ripe fruits or a glass of hob milk. Do not negleot to keep the feeb warm, the head cool and the bowels open, in order to promote health. RAM'S HORN WRINKLES. The man who dyes bio whiskers, and the woman who paints her faoe forget that the world is full of people who have goo5 eyesight. The less Clbristinn experience people have the more they love to exhort others to do better. Salvation is not given to any man be. cause he prays and thole bad, but because he repents and submits himself to God. Too many pulpits are painted firee, in- stead of burning ones. "Hereby perceive we the love of God, because he laid down hie life for 00." There is mimic praying done that is full of the narrowest kind of selfishness. There are people who sing, "I oars not for silver or gold," who somehow or other always oome out ahead iu a horse tirade. God is God only to those for whom He mattes taws. Indecision has killed more souls than murder. Itis seldom that anybody falls clown on lee. Our hardest bumbles generally oome When we think we are safe. ;two prieoners oonfined in different oor- ridore turned on the guards and assautted them with such vigor that if help bad not been near at hand murder would likely have been committed. The two rebellious convicts were Charles Jones, a red-headed negro, and Charles Jesters, a mulatto. They are half brothers and originally came from Ohio. Jonoa was walking in lino with the other prisoners at noon hour when be disobeyed some of the rules. ire woe corrected by Guard Olnnoy, but resented the oorrea1100 and grew abusive. On arriving at the door he suddenly turned on the guard with a broom stick he had ooncenled in his cloth - lug. After a little parrying he got his victim on the ground and kinked bine be- hind the ear, bat was prevented from do- ing further mischief. On being searched a long bladed knife was found concealed in his shirt. The guard asked him what is was for. "To stink Clancy with," he responded. "I sharpened it last night for him, and again this morning. I meant to stick him when I gob the chance," About the same time time Jeatere WAS re. proved by Cook Sangster for something he did. Ee resented this by knoekingthe nook clown and kicking him around the ititeken. The timely arrival of other guards eaved the man's life. The con- victs were brought down to the polios oonrt this morning, and charged with feloniously wounding their victims. HECOOKS BEST FRIEND './'•RGEST SALE IN CANADA. WOOLY WOOL! We are prepared to buy, at high- est market price, in Cash, any quantity of Fleece Wool, deliver- ed either at our grain storehouse, No. 1, or at the National Roller Flour Mills, Brussels. to 'Please see us before disposing of your Wool. Stewart Graham LIME / LIME 9 To those who Intend Building. Having built a Lime House at the Sta- tion I will keep a supply of the Best Fresh Lime for Sale suitable for all Building purposes. Also WHITE BRICK And Plastering Hair for Sale. D. A. Lowry. BRUSSELS. "For Years," Says CARRIE 10, SToortwEtn, of Chester- field, N. 13., "I was afflicted with an extremely severe pain in the lower part of the chest. The feeling was as 11 a ton weight was laid on 0 spot the size of my hand. Dur- ing the attacks, the perspiration would stand In drops on my face, and tt was agony for me to make suMciont effort even to wills. per. They came suddenly, at any hour of the day or night, lasting from Way minutes 'to half a day, leaving as suddenly; but, for several days after, I was quite pros- trated and sore. Sometimes the attacks worealmost dally, then less frequent. After about four yam of this suffering, I waW1. taken down with bilious typhoid fever, and when I began to recover, I had the worst attack of my old trouble I ever experienced. ht the first of the fever, my matter gave .nr0 Ayer's Pills, my doctor recommending them 0s acing bettor than anything he could prepare. I oOntl,,uad taking these Pills, and so groat was the benefit derived that during nearly thirty years I have had but Oiio attack of my former trouble, which yielded readily to the same remedy," AYER'S PILLS Prepared by kir; J. 0. Ayer fi Co., Lowell, Maes, Every Dose Effective • CARRIAuiii WORKS, �F E. B11ydes Successor to H. WILLIAMS tG SON, Mill street, Brussels, Will keep in Stook and Make to Order OARRIAQES 000 Of the following styles :— Stogie and Double Biiggioe, \ 0130ri10s Village Oarbo, Dog Carts with Plat- form Gears, Ladies' Plmotons, Doctor's Phaetons, Lumber Wagous, &o., 110. Repairing and re -painting, Promptly- attended to at Moderate Charges. Call a11cl examine stock be- fore e palrcilasing else- where. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. Agent for the Fleury Plows, and Repairs always on baud: Everybody should sea the Adjustable Pole. It will tit any rig, either buggy or cntter. • d. €, BRYD ,EES, •YY .M„iW dQ atom. Zino I04)YAG 71AIL Sr'EJA0siiIPS. Between New York and Liverpool, 10,10 Queenstown, every Wednesday. A he b ani a flits lino cµray m a a etricbly linaitod uuinUer int maim I ' t r s s s r d sNaoFn gAnrN a0oamruodabiona, inbending plieabboiiirtorrbertbbe is s00ee a y at early sea. 0001,l'' 0r p103)0,1'114te0, etc., imply to VV, I. Kerr, Agent, Brussels, McL,E > D'S ate, q''�' e�r,�gQq+q,p�,},pq�lq vl' Renovator n';f1ER-- TESTED REMEDIES' SPECIFIC AND ANTIDOTE For Impure, Weak and Impoverished Blood, Dyspepsia, Sleeplessness, Palnaia- tion of the Heart, Liver Complaint, Neer- algia, Loss of Memory, Broucbitmm, Con- sumption, Gall Stones, Jaundice, Kidney and Urinary Diseases, St, Vitus' Dance, Female Irregularities and General De. bility. LABORATORY Q ODERIO,I•I, 6idT J. 1,1. MOLE 011, Prop. and Manufacturer. Sold by J. T. PEPPER, Druggist, Brussels. H.a i M ''t, n�'' .p.. 6 uuo tl � 1E1�� 4 O e Has just received from Toronto, a Life Size Portrait Carrera, lar- gest ever been in these parts, so will supply the public with some- thing extra nice in Photos. There is nothing nicer than it picture of this kind to decorate your homes. G-roups of Every Description Taken on shortest notice, also views of Private Residences, Public Buildings, Pic-nic Parties, Etc. We are second to none and in- tend to keep right up to date in the Photo. line. Every size pos- sible taken, from the small Sunbeams to Life Size. Pictures Copied and Enlarged to any Size in, Crayon. Give us a Call—Always Welcome at the old Reliable Studio over the Standard Bank, n CONFEDF1RATION LIFE ASSOCIATION, TORONTO. .Established 1871. W. 0, SMACDONALD, Actuary. Capital and Assets, $ 5,000,000 Annual Insurance, $ 900,000 Insurance at Itisk, 22,560,000 New Insurance, 3,670,000 Gain for 1892, - 2,000,000 Gain over 1891, - 750,000 THE NEW I1110CNDITICAL-ACCUMULATIVE TOLIN Is Issued Only by the Confederation Life Association. r� It is absolutely free from all restrictions as to residence, travel and occupation from the date of issue, Melt is entirely void of all conditions. t -"It is absolutely and automatically non.forfeitable, after two years. The insured being entitled to : (a) Extended insurance without application, for full amount of the policy, for the further period of time, definitely set forth in the policy, or on surrender to a (b) Paid Up Policy, the amount of which i0 written in the polioy, or after five years, to a (o) Oaeh value, as guaranteed in the policy. _qtr President, Managing Director, Hon, Sir W. P. Howland, O.B., MM.C.11.G. J. K. Macdonald. - W. FL KERR, Agent at Brussels. At the LITO�•I�, Ea Woollen Factory B. F. BROOK SON Pay the Highest Market Price, Cash or Trade, In exchanging goods for wool, we will pay a Few Cents Above The Market Price, gunrauteeing to sell our goods at rook bottom cash prime. Come with your friends and see our tremendous stook in all lines of Jt19frai�� 0.1. CI LI Our stools is open for inspection, and is the best selected stook ever shown by any Woollen Factory in Canada. Do not fail to oa11 and see for yourselves our Fine Grey Flannels at 25c, per yard that will not shrink in washing. We have made up a special line of all Wool Tweeds at :too, per yard. Something never before ohown for the money. Roll Carding, Spinning and Manufacturing, Tweeds, Flannels, Blankets, &c. Dore oh abort notice and beet of work guaranteed. Parties from a distance carr rely on getting their rolls home the same day. World advise to hand pick all wool for roll carding, and you will be sure to get good rolls. All we ask is for you to give us a trial. We deal honestly with everybody and you will find us always ready to give the most prompt and careful attention to all. B. 1=. BROOK SON. m. make ales. 8.--Beware ]rem; down at of the worst kind. ers. We Understand Werallowusing o peddlers to sell our goods.