The Brussels Post, 1894-1-26, Page 8ev TUE BRUSSEL PosT FREE! FREE! A Bottle of our Cough Balm To be given away. Simaking a change iOhm e the manufacture of our Cough Balm we have had many encouraging teetimoniele of its efdgfenoy as a reined)' for Coughs, Colds, &o. Ie justice to those who may have ueed it (before change wee made) and were not benefitted, we propose giving them a bottle of our imr proved for ngtliing. We are confident that there is no better preparation than this for the purpose it is made, Have you over used it ? Tr a bottle wbeu suffering from lung trouble. ria E4 RS' OIL We have secured a fresh stook of pure beers' oil. If you are becoming ptenman• ently bald or want a nice Bair droning try some, G. A. DEADMA.N, Druggist, Bookseller, &o GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY. 900THEBN ExT'ENexON w. G. & 0. iraius leave Brussels Station, North nd South, as follows: Goitre SOUTH. GOING NORTH. Mail 0:54 a.m. Mixes 9;45 a,m, Expreee 1169 a.m, Mall 0.13 p.m. Maxed .....,... 9:00 p.m. lxpreee 9:43 p.m. rural ReiU s Items. A ohiel's amang ye takin' notes, An' faith he'll prent it. FRIDAY Of next week ethers in the month of February. .Ig'OURTH Division Court will be held in Brussels on Tuesday, Feb. 20th. THE Reeve is attending the sessions of the County Council at Godericb this week. 125 REAUTIFOL lime -light views of World's Fair on Tbureday evening, Feb. let, in Town Hall, Brussels. BRussees Salt Block has ghat down for a time owing to the dullness of the anar !set at the present and having a quantity of gait on hand. AT a Teachers' meeting, held last week, it was decided to have the walls of the Sunday school room of the Methodist church papered and the ceiling and furnaces kalsomined. COUNOmLOR MCCRACKEN', who by the way is a lover of. the beautiful from a rose to me-ngel wortzel, has a Chinese sacred lily in bloom at his store. The fragranoe of these flowers is something wonderful. CHAS. FINE, of Dollareville, Mich., formerly a well known reeideot of Brus- sels, in renewing his sebsoription to THE Pose Bays:—"We welcome it to our home eaoh week and thank you for its prompt delivery." Miss JExxIE RAY is the possessor of a sweet voice and sucoeeded in securing the sympathies of her hearers. Her songs and bell playing were all encored to the eobo."—Ottawa Free Press. Town Hall, Brussels, friday evening of next week. Plan of Iall at Pepper's Drug store. .A. NUMBER of our townspeople attended the wedding of our townsman, Wm. Hab. kirk, on Wednesday, at Ethel. The bride was Miss Bessie McDonald, of that village. Mr.. and Mrs. Habkirk will make their home at the recently purchas- ed residence on Queen street, Brussels. We all wish them happiness and pros- perity. bliss Esau WELLS is the most woe• derful musician that has ever visited this section, and her efforts, both vocally and instrumentally, will long be remem• bered here."—Leamington Post. She will appear in Brussels Town Hall on Friday evening of next week, under the auspices of the Independent Order of For. esters, Plan of Hall at Pepper's Drug store. AN excellent debate was held at the Young Liberal Club rooms on Friday evening on the subject, "Resolved that a Monarchical form of Government is better than Republican," was well handled by G. F. Blair, Jno. Kendall and Dr. Cavanagh for the the affirmative and A. Streahan, J. Rose and Neil Rich. ardson for the negative. P. Scott was voted to the chair during the discussion. No decision was given. There was a large attendance of members. The Glee Club rendered several selections of music in good style. COUNTY SABBATH SCHOOL AeeoCIATION.— The Executive Committee of the Heron Sabbath School Association, oonsieting of Jae. Scott, FI. Foster, I. Taylor, J. 0. Stevenson, R. Holmes, and Revs. J. W. Holmes, and W. Smyth, Clinton ; W. M. Gray, Seaforth ; J. S. McKinnon and Heels MoQearrie, Blyth, met in Clinton, Friday, 12th inst., to arrange a program for the next annual meeting, which is to be held in Olinton, on Tuesday and Wed- nesday, Feb. 20.21. L number of prep. tical Sabbath School subjects were oboe• en for the program, and good prac- tical S. S. workers selected to introduce these subjects. In orderto give addition• al interest to the occasion, an effort is being made to secure the services of S. H. Blake, of Toronto, well-known as one of the beet S. 8. workers in Canada. The program will be issued in the course of a week. Sone or SCOTLAND CONCERT.—The fol. lowing Will be the program at the &sot- tish Concert in the Town Hall, Brussels, on Friday evening of this week:—Chorus, "Rule Britannia," Glee Olub ; Reading, "Sanders MoGlashain'e Courtship," MISS Jessie Alexander ; High'•ted Fling, Mies McGregor ; Song, "He's. sorry he spoke," James Fax ; Reading, "The death— bridge of the Tay," 11: les Jessie Alex. ander ; Dance, Mies 111,Gregor ; Song, "One of his lege is longer than it ought to be," James Fax. hart 2.—Chorue, "Soldiers Farewell," Glee Club; Reading, "Minding the baby," Mies Jessie Alexan. der ; Sword dance, Mies MoGregor; Song, "Try-ju jah," Jas, rex ; Reading, Selected, Mies Jessie Alexander ; 1)anoe, Mies McGregor; Song, "Cbing.a• ring'ohi, James Fax. God Save the Qugen. Prof. Hawkins, Pianist. T. Ballantyne, Piper. Concert eommenoee at 8 o'clock sharp. No lover of the musical or literary should miss it, 133 3A Weee'a 0990001 in Drueeele Town Hall on Friday evening of next 'weeli, under the auspices of alts Independent Order of Feroetere, Tun new 10 ton market spates are now in position and working like a charm, No weights are used but instead there are three beagle. RobI. Armstrong set the scales up, TUE epntraet for parrying Her 11'lajes• ty's mail from Cranbrook to Brussels and return has been let to Y, Gramm for the next term. Mr, Gramm faithfully die. charges the duties of hie office, P081'11,181E11 FAnnow has received a re. ply to hie letter oaneerning the briokyard proposal and the contents are of a satie• factory oharaoter. If anything is going to be dopa fn oonitestion with this pro• posed industry it is time it took definite shape. "ll'lIee. Eataio WELLS is a magnificent singer, and there is but little ijueetion that Miss Wells ie also one of the most skillful pianists on the continent, and her performance ie really phenomenal."— North York Reformer. Brussels Town Hall, Friday evening, Feb. 211d. Ox Monday eveninig, of next week a debate 5vill be held at the Epworth League meeting. The subject is "Re• solved that Capital Punishment should be abolished." There will be two speak- ers on eaoh side, viz., W, H. Kerr and S. B. Wilson for the affirmative and Dr. Cavanagh and If. L. Jackson on the negative, THE speakers at the union debate, to be held on Friday, Feb. 013, will be for the eflarmative, Jas. Irwin, W. H. Cloak. ey and Thos. Farrow. The negative will be upheld by W. M. Sinclair, Dr. Cava- nagh and W. H. Kerr. Subject to be discussed :—"Resolved that the Mowat Government is not worthy of the con• tinued support of the people of Ontario." I. 0. F.—The following are the office bearers in ooneeotion with the In• dependent Order of Foresters in Brussels for the Doming term :— J. T. Pepper, 0. D. 11. 0. R. ; E. W. Meleotn, P. C. R. ; T. Fletcher, C. R. ; E. Dickson, V. 0. R. ; Thos. Curry, Chap. ; A. Cousley, Fin: Secy.; I. C. Richards, Treas. ; M. Blank, Ree.-Seey. ; W. hlabkirk, J. W. ; 0. Rozell, S. W.; W. Mose, J. B. ; H. Finn, S.13. I. 0. 0. F.—The following officers of Western Star Lodge, No. 149, Brussels, were duly installed into their respective offices by District Deputy Grand Master, Bro. Lemuel Heart, of Teeswater, on Thursday evening, 18th inst.:— J. P. (l., A. H. McNeil ; N. G.. Wm. Oornieh ; V. G , Alex. McKay ; R. S., R. M. Dickson ; P. S., John Ament ; Treas., F. S. Scott ; Warden, R. Leatherdale; Conductor, P. Swett ; 0. G., Wm. Martin ; I. G., 3. T. Rose ; R. S. N. G., A. Carrie ; L. S. N. 0., E. J. McArthur ; R. S. V. G., Thomas Straoban ; L. S. V. G., Wm. Spence ; 11. S. S., John Pugh ; L. S. 8„ James Speir ; Chaplain, lames Wilson ; Physician, Wm. Graham. STATEMENT OF Perzos.-••The following is the statement of prizes awarded at the East Huron Fall Fair in 1898, also the number of entries in each class. The list is not a fair criterion of previous years owing to the downpour of rain on the second day : Articles No. of Amount Amount entries offered awarded, Horses (tattle 03 9) 8 0809 242 bDD0 70 00 210 00 Sheep 00 30 00 20 Fwine 39 00 00 2 5000 Poultry 4b 18 75 ]80 OU Dairy products 20 20 00 10 00 Grains & seeds 39 8381 50 91 00 Rooth & other hoed crops 75 21 00 20 OD Orchard & gar- den products 110 33 50 32 00 Imp. & menu. factures 95 00 20 40 73 PISS arta 830 23 75 14 DO Ladles' work 160 70 25 05 75 Mis„ flowers, Bowing, &c., 49 21 25 15 70 Total, ' 720 75 505 25 The division of the Legislative grant, amounting to $420.00, among Township Agricultural Societies was : - Gr'ey Tp. Agl. Society S 49 30 08 00 Wroxetor Horticultural 800lety Hallett Township 98 70 Turn berry 47 50 Morris Township 10040 0050 Bowiok Total 9420 00 This grant is based upon the membership of the respective Sooietiee, Morris taking the lead by large odds. Grey Branch Directors might learn a profitable lesson from the above figures. FAREWELL BANQUET.—Tire following, taken from the Rideau Recorder of Jan. 18th, refers to Robert Wynn, a former Brueselite :—Banquets have been all the rage is Smith's Falls of late hub none of them were gotten up with more enthu- siasm or given with more general good feeling than the farewell banquet in honor of 1.t. 0. Wynn last Friday even. ing. Mr. Wynn has been with W. H. Barnes for the past year or so and in that time has made for himself a hoot of warm friends as was fully evidenced by the gathering on the above evening. At about 10:80 soma forty or more oitizeue, representing almost all the business houses in town, gathered around the well laden table prepared by Mrs, Mo. Laren at that well known hostelry. There were present old and young men of every profession and nailing and after the tables had been cleared A. Allan; jr., took the ohair and in his oaey, off -hand manner explained the reason of the event, which was the departure of Mr. Wynn for the Optical Institute at Detroit. A list of toaete had been prepared and all were responded to in a very nice way by those present. In response to the toast of "Our Gusset," which was most heartily drunk, Mr. Wynn said that he was sorry to leave Smith's halls and the good hearted fellows it contained, behind. Ile had received many kindnesses at their hands which be would not forget. Ile had spent some very pleasant and profit- able times among the people here and hoped that he would meet with ae good treatment from those among whom he was going. Spools followed toast and all spoke in most flattering terms of their connection with Mr. Wynn, The list was a Tong one and we pan only say that Mr.. Wynn meet have felt that he had many warm friends to leave behind him. JAN. 20, 1894 , .Tull servi00s in Melville 01320012 nest Sabbath will he condn0ted by James Skeue1 Knox College, Teronta, The above gentleman is oouein to J. G, Slone of thie village. DoN'o forget the 5005 of Scotland oonpert in the Towi; Mali that (Friday) evening. Secure your seats early. Mies Alexander, Mies ilfeGrego;y Jus. Fax and the Glee Ole') w]ll present a No. 1 pro- gram, PETnn Menthe, whose death was re. ported in last 14000 of Tun Poer, was born in the 00. of Wexford, Ireland, in 1800, and carne to Canada in 1852. Af. ter 4 years he rammed to his native land with the intention of eiaimiug an old sweetheart ae hie bride, but to hie sur. price he found that another ,Hibernian had taken the start of him. Mr. Murphy melded at Dunnville, Malditnond County, for a number of years and there be was married, but his wife died suddenly of cholera a few yeare after. The two children were adopted by a relative and taken to the States. Peter worked for yeare on the Grand TrunkRaliway in the oonetruotion of thie great highway. About 80 yeare ago he came to Morrie township, where he found enlployment with the !arming community. Those who !anew him say he was truthful and honest bat his failing was a love of strong drink, that brought him to depend en- tirely on charity. The funeral took plane from F. LeBon'e, Mill street, where be had been living for a few weeks, on Fri- day, the interment being made at Bush.. field cemetery, Business Locals. Ceovem and Timothy at Mo0raoken'e. I wroo pay oash for 2,000 good cedar poste. 13. Gerry. Berrien Columbia red cedar shingles at B. Gerry's, Brussels. SOFT 00E1 suitable for grates or nook stoves for sale by 13. Gerry. No. 1 coal oil 13 cents per gallon, or 4 galloue for 60 oente, at B. Gerry's. ANY one wishing to get a new saw filing machine may see what suite them at A. M. McKay & Co's. hardware store Brussels. Iron on human and horses and all animals cured in 30 minutes by Wo51- ford's sanitary lotion. This never fails. Warranted by G. A. Deadman. Now is the time to have your photo taken. Our Winter scenes are something above the ordinary. H. J. STRONG, Photographer. MAHE an appointment at Mr. Dead- man'• i)ru; Store this week if you wish your sight Method free by the Eye Spec ialiet. You may regret it if you do not avail yourself of this offer. ANY one wishing to get a new saw filing stand, I think can be suited by T. McGregor, of Brussels, Ont. May be seen at McKay & Oo'e. hardware store. ENGLISH Spavin Liniment removers all bard, soft or calloused lumps and blem- ishes from horses, blood spavins, curbs, splints, sweeney, ringbone, stifles, sprains, all swollen throats, etc. Savo 660 by use of one bottle. Warranted by G. A. Deadman. Aran's Hair Vigor is certainly a remarkable preparation and nothing like it has ever been produced. No matter bow wiry and unmanageable the hair may be, under the influence of this incomparable dressing, it becomes soft, silky and pliable to the oomb and brush. J. W. BRowern, Ooteliet Optician, grad. uete of Optical Institute of Canada, will be at Mr. Deadman's Drug Store, Brue• eels, on Tneeday, Wednesday and Thum day next, Jan. 30, 31, and Feb. 1st (three days) to test the sight lessee of CHARGE. All who have any trouble with their sight should take this opportunity. Make an appointment this week. READ Ayer's Almanac, which your druggist will gladly hand you, and note the wonderful cures of rheumatism, catarrh, sorofula, dyspepsia, eczema, debility, humors, and sores, by the use of Ayer's Sarsaparilla, the only Sarsaparilla admitted at the World's fair. RnnUMATreat Conon IN A DAY.—South American Rboumatie Oure for Rheuma- tism and Neuralgia radically cures in 1 to 8 days. Its notion upon the system is remarkable and mysterious. 13 re- moves at onto the pause and' the disease immediately disappears. The first dose greatly benefits. 75 Dente. Warranted by G. A. Deadman. C. 0. F.—For the next three months epooial indneements will be offered by Court Princess Alexandra, No, 24, 0. 0. P., Brussels, to any person deeiring to become a member of that Order, the in- itiation fee being reduced during that time. As this is one of the leading In• eurance and Benefioiary Societies in the country people should take advantage of this offer. For full information ap- ply to A. RIND, 0. R. ; A. Kontos, V. S. ; W. BLAexILL, Treat. RELIEF IN Sox Hoene.—Distressing Kidney and Bladder diseases relieved in six hours by the "Great South American Kidney Cure." This new remedy is a great surprise and delight to physicians on account of its exoeeding promptness in relieving pain in the bladder, kidneys, back and every part of the urinary pee• cages in male or female. It relieves retention of water and pain in passing it Wilmot immediately. If you want quick relief and ours this is your remedy. Sold by G. A. Deadman, druggist. AN IINPBEOEDaNTED AonxnyEailiNT.— Mesers. R. Hoe & Co., the great printing press buildere, ere very proud of the mag- nificent press which they have built for the 'Witness,' whose oapatitiee are, put- ting all things together, the greatest that have ever been combined in one machine. We have unexpectedly received from them the following .note of triumph, Which on consideration we think our readers should be allowed to see :—New York, Jan. 18th, '94. Gentlemen :—We received the other day, through one of our foremen, a oopy of the 82•poge paper printed on your press, and certainly eon• gratulate you upon this achievement— something that has never before been done on a regular iesue on any of our presses, the believe, in theoouutry, and of course on no other machine ever made. We have also seen your iesue of Deeem. her 28th and note the Bind words spoken of our machinery. In foot, we keep poet. ed On y0U0 paper he it appears from time to time, and certainly think your achieve. meets in stereotyping, publishing outs, and in every way, something to be proud of. With beet regards, wo remain, Yours very truly, R, Hoe & Co. John Dougall lo Sone, the'Witneee,' Montreal, Quo. S121./2ND4RD .B4X1C o a4x4D4, QST$ x,xsx--z : 1.e72: HEAD OFFICE, - TORONTO, ASSETI3, •. (Seven Mi]lion Dollars) $7,000,000 CAPITAL (Authorized) $2,000,000 Agendas itt all principal pints in Ontario, Quebec, Manitoba, , United Stators t6 England, VdZ'USSIMS" Damao. . A General I3ankiug Businese Transacted, Farmers' Notes Discounted. Drafts Ieeued and Colleotione made on all pointe. SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT. Interest allowed on deposits of $1.00 and upwardsfrom date of deposit to date of withdrawal and oompounded half yearly. SPEonw ATTENTION er0EN TO TEE COLDEOTIon Or li'Amiielts' SALE Nom. Every facility afforded Customers living at a dietaries. 3. A. STEWART, MANAorn. GXLLIES & SUITE, 13AdaV Idu nS., X316 tJ-SS . Transact a General Banking Business. Drafts Bought and Cold on all points in Canada, United States and Great Britain. FARMEtiS' NOTES DISCOUNTED. SALE NOTES AND MORTGAGES A SPECIALTY. Interest Allowed on One Dollar and Upwards at Current Rates. Interest Com- pounded Twice a Year, Being Added to the Prinoipal at the end of the Months of October and April. Special Arrangements made for Time Deposits. SVc effect to Strife Insurance in old English or Canadian Companies, or In Hitt. ual Companies a10 pray be desired. AOENTs Fon CANADA AND UNITED STATES : THE CANADIAN BANE or Coalnosnos. Eyes tested free by a Bprehilisi at 1Ice11- nnrn'S Drug Store nextTu.edny, Wednep- elay let. amid Thursday, 30111, 315* meta., and I`'eb. Tem iesue of The Delineator for March ie the great "Spring Annouucemeut Number," and in its artistic display of New Stylee and general attractiveness it is superior to any former number of this popular magazine. In addition to the usual entertaining reading there are several new features noticed this month, one being an original and decidedly Nein. ating Scarf Drill that will be immensely popular. Another is the resumption of the artiolee on the Utes of Crepe and Tia. sue Papers, with illuetratioes ; and a tbird is the first of the promised series of papers on Hygienic Living. The House- keeper is specially considered in Some Dainty Cookery, Hints to Housewives,. and the article on Household Renovation, which treats of the Repairing and Polish- ing of the Woodwork of Furniture ; while the mother of marriageable daughters will find food for serious thought in the concluding chapter of Child Life. The second instalment of Gesture in Elocu• tion oontineee the subject in a masterly way. Novel and interesting forms for entertainments that are agreeable and in- expensive are discussed in A Social Club. Around the Tea -Table is ae bright and chatty ae usual, and Things That Ought Not to be Said is praotioally and suggee• Lively valuable. There is also Flower Culture for the month, and new and ia• tereeting designs in Knitting, Tatting, Netting, Crocheting, eta., eta. The Maroh number is one of the beat of the year with which to begin a subscription, which costs One Dollar ; Single Copies, 150. Address orders to The Delineator Pub- lishing Oo. of Toronto (Ltd.,) 33 Isiah• mond Street West, Toronto, Ont. >:OR1,1 _ BARRETT,—In New Weetminieter,13, 0., on Jan. 2nd, the wife of Mr. G. A. Barrett of a daughter. JAexsoN.—In Morris, 011 Jan. 22nd, the wife of Mr. Peter Jackson of a son. 13ANb1,—In Elma, on Jan. 14116, the wife of Mr. Edwin Hance of a daughter. Gnnax.—in Atwood, on the 11th inst., the wife of Mr. Gomer Green of aeon. LONG. -Sn Kincardine, on Deo. 12th, 1838, the wife of Mr. John Long, 12th con., Grey, of twine, eon and daughter. Se:.ARRII 9. HABoImr—MCDONALD.—At Ethel, on Jan- uary 24th, by Rev. D. 13. McRae, Mr. William Habkirk, Brussels, to Mies Bessie, youngest daughter of Mr. David McDonald, of Ethel. TAsiote—CAa1rnELL.—At the residence of the bride's parents, on the 10th inst., by the Rev. Geo. Law, of Balgrave, Mr. James Tasker, of Hullett, (for- merly of Morrie,) to Mise Mary J., eldest daughter of Mr. John Campbell, of East Wawanoeh. avomxON siez,as_ WEDNESDAY, JAN. 31sT.—Farm stock and implements. Lot 21, con. 6, Grey. Sale unreserved et 1 O'olook. Thomas Vodden, Prop. Geo. Kirkby, Aaot. TUESDAY, FEB. 6TH.—Farm stock, im- plements, &o. Lot 13, con. 18, Grey Sale u nreserved at 1. o'clock. Elizabeth Cash, Executrix, F. S. Scott, Anab. 500. t:TJ-S}7TS SSAR 0 Z•; Te. Fall Wheat 56 56 Spring Wheat 56 68 Barley 83 86 Peas 60 51 Oats 29 30 Butter, tubs and tulle17 18 Egge per dozen 10 00 Flour per barrel 8 00 g 60 Potatoes 40 00 Hay per ton ..... 0 00 7 00 Salt per bbl., retail1 00 00 Hides trimmed . 3 Aides lough 26 Sheep skins, eaoh... ... • 40 66 Lamb thine each 50 80 Apples per bbl.. 1 50 1 75 Wool 17 18 Pork 5 75 6 25 TORONTO, Jan, 28.—(Special.)—The receipts today were 23 oar loads, and nearly all sold. Prices aro the same as on Friday. The beet cattle sold at 35o to 3$o per lb, and good, averaging 925 to 1,000 lbs, 8jo to 350 ; inferior cattle Bold at 2eo to 850 per Ib. Calves seam, with sales at 67 ; milob cows unohanged at 626 to 648 each. Sheep and Iambs dull, with receipts of 357, the former sold at $4 to 64 60, and the latter at Sao to 4a per Ib. Hoge aro rather eRSier, with eales of 636 head ; the Bost at Gib per lb weighed off care, and at So fed and. watered ; heavy, o to 45c per Ib. Tonoxro, Jan. 28.—Flour—Straight roller, $2 70 to $2 76 ; extra, $2 40 to 52 60. Wheat -,-White, 570 ; spring No 2, 68o ; red winter, 67o ; goose, 64o ; No 1 Manitoba bard, 75o ; No. 2, 78u. Peas—No 2, 62eo to 63o. Barley—No. 1, 42o to 44o ; feed, 33o to 880. Oats—No 2, 810 to 316°. Market increasing dull. Sales—Oats outside at 310 to 31}0. EAST BUFFALO, N.Y., Jan. 28.—Cattle— Six care on Bale; Toronto exporters bought late yesterday afternoon all the choice stook not disposed of in the mar- ket, paying 54 76 to $4 90. The lots on sale to -day ware generally thin, steers selling at $3 10 to 53 40, with better qualities at 63 50 to $3 90. Sheep and lambs—Eighteen oars of yesterday's of- fering and 12 care fresh received on sale; of this quality, 9 oars were Canada lambs. Eastern markets oontiuue bad,. and speculators who have been buying here have been badly nipped. Trade is practically at a standstill, without pros- pects of improvement, unless there comes a speedy change of weather, which has thus far been to Summery for trade ; beet Canadas, $4 76 to $4 90; bulk of- ferings unsold at close, (loge—Fourteen oars on sale ; active, higher. Yorkers, 65 80 to $5 85 ; good to choice pigs, 55 85 to $5 90. THE PEOPLE'S COLUMN. BRISTLES. You'ye heard of the man who only needed. 1rieties to be a pork ? 35yoe. see him send flim to a as. We've got the bristles for him. Our bristles are all made up into the finest line of brushes we ever had, There are hair brushes, olotf;os bruehee, tooth brushes, nail brushes, &o, J. T. PEPPER Druggist & Bookseilels; BRUSSELS. LEGAL AND .CONVEYANCING. IL. TAYLOR, BARRISTER, e Solicitor and Conveyancer; 'Co1159. tions made. OfOe--Vanstene'a Blova, Brus- sels. 21.0m YVM. SINCLAIR, • Solicitor Conveyancer, Notary Pub. Us, &e. OSfoe—`Vanetoce'e Block, ] door north 01 contra, Loan. Hotel, Private Funde to CAMERON, HOLT & HOLMES, Bat'rletera, Oelloitore, Notaries Public, GOderish, Ont. M. 0. CAMERON, Q. 0,, PHILIP HOLT, nUDLnr HOLMES. G F. I3LAIR, BARRISTER Promlfoot'so101 oe, (oderiob.) ofGamow over Wince & Smith's Bank, Brueeels, Money to Loan. 47 MEDICAL CARDS. T A. MoNAUGIITON, M. D. tJ • 0,11L, L. R. C. P„ Edinburgh, M. O. P. S. Ont. Besideeoo and otiloe. in Wilson's Block, oorner of Mali and Turnberry Ste. M. ARMSTRONG, M. D. r• Physician, Burgeon Acooueher, eta. Faculty. te Me per of Collegeoof Pbyelotans and Surgeons, Out. Omen—Next door to McDonald & Co., Walton Ont. VETERINARY. T D. WARWICK, t Honor Graduate of the Ontario Veterinary College, is prepared to treat all diseases of domesticated animals in a 'com- petent manner. Particular attention paid to veterinary dentistry. Calle promptly at- tended to. Office end Inflrmary—Two doors north of bridge 'Turnberry et„ Brussels. M • H. MOORS V. S., V. M.6. Graduate of the Ontario Ve torinery College, Diseases of all domesticated animals treated on scientific principles, Horse dentistry and diseases of horned cattle a specialty. Callepromptly ainfirmary at et Beaattie a liverer y the BrPoet omide, Ont. 20. BUSINESS CARDS. H. MoORACKEN, • Iseurer ofllarriageLleeases. Moe at his Grocery, Turnberry street, Brussels. WOOD WANTED.—I WILL pay cash for a quantity Of hardwood, beach and maple. G. A. DEADMAN, Druggist & Bookseller. 'D N. BARRETT, Tonsorial Artist Shop—Next door 000111 of A. W. Mollay & Co'e hardware store. Ladies'and ollldrene heir cutting a specialty NOTICE.— A11 persons indebted, by account, to the undersigned, are requested to call and settles ou or before February 12th,1804.1 Cranbrook, Jan. 24, '04. R'J'WILLIAMS. T.. LIGIBLE PROPERTY FOR Jill SALL+. — The subscriber offers his 6•core plot, located immediately north of Amen1Bros, faotory,for sale. lie will also dispose of ble residence on the opposite side of the street. For further particulare, as to price, tome. etc., tipsily to ALPS. MCLAUOR LIN, 24-4 Proprietor, Brussels. FOR SALE.--00MPORTABLE Fiume house with Fibrin° foundation, good °eller, soft and hard water under rover, stable, and ae acre of land for sale in the village of Bibni, San acre of fruit trawl, various varlet -lea. or particulars us to price, term; &o., apply to 28.4 WM. BPostmaster.. REAL ESTATE. FARMS FOR SALE.—THE UN. 0ERSIONED has several good Farms for sale and to rent, easy terms, in Townships of Morris and Grey. F S. 800TT,Bruesels. FARM FOR SALE,—THE SUB. sonraren offers his 100 acre farm, being N 3'Lot 27, Oon. 8 Morris, for Bale. About 35 norm cleared, with 0 acres of fall wheat in, balance timbered with cedar, ash and hard- wood, Living spring on lot. For further particulars as to pride, benne, &e ,a1pply to JOAN M0OUTOHEON, N d Lot 24, don, 7, 20.4 Brussels P.O. FARM FOR SALE,—B .PING North 3 Lot 80 and North Nast 3 20, the Con. Sa ole farm being is odea of thew beet 160 acres of land in the Township. Fair buildings and fences and good orchard, Only 2 miles from Brussels. Must be sold this winter. For further information apply to F. 8. SCOTT, Brussels. or to 30HN D. SMITH, Box 217. Brandoa,liauitoba. T.i1ARM FOR SALE, BEING North d of Lot 22, Gon, 8, Morris town. chip. Tho farm contains 100 acres, abort 70 of which are cleared, balance bush, There is u comfortable house, good bank barn, fine orchard, &o. oh the premisoe, The farm is all seeded down. Poesesefou could be given at any time. For further particulare as to price,. tams, &e„ apply to the Proprietor on abs armlet's, or Walton P. 0. 20.4 D, Mo0ALLUM,, On() ACRE FARM FOR SALE. The 200 acre farm, being 101011 and 12, con. 10, Grey, ie offered for sale. 120 acres are cleared and the balance well tim- bered. Buildings hret-olnns. Orchard, well, &a, 8olinol house within 40 rode. Posses- sion given at mine if desired. For further. particulars u9 to prion, terms, &c. apply to MRS. WALKER, 8.15 Roseville P. 0. or NELSON BRIOKER, on farm.. DENTAL. 11)Eref TTvO00! M. CAVANAGH, L. D S., D. D. S., Grndnato of the Royal College of. Dental Surgeons, Ontario and of Toronto BM.malty. OFszcB—over A. ft. Smith's Store, Bruseo,e, A MoNAIR, Iesnrer of Marriage Lleensee, by appointment of Lieut, -Governor, Commis - stoner, &c., Q. B. Conveyancer and Agent Fire Insurance 0o.. OfIlce at the Cranbrook Post 011Ioe. ROBERT CUNNINGHAM IN8UaANOE, FIRE" AND MARINE. GUELPH. ALEX. HUNTER, Clerk of the Fourth Division Court Co. Huron. Conveyancer, Notary Public Land, Loan and Iusurne Agent. Funds Investno ed and to loan. Oolloetfons .tondo. OMee in Graham's Stook, Brussels. ri1 A. HAWKINS, DI. 0. S. M. JL • Organist in St. Johne Church, Brus- sels, and pupil, in the Art of 'Teaching of A. W. Thayer, Mus. Doo., New York, will give lessons to ,pupils either at bis parlor, over A.11. Smith's store, or itreferred, at n their owbends. Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday at Walton. Tennis moderate. AUCTIONEERS. ARAYMANN, • Auctioneer, .s always ready to at- tend salmi of farms, farm stook, &o. Terms cheerfully given. Cranbrook R 0. Sales may be arranged at Tam POST Publishing House, Brussels. GEORGE KIRKBY, Lieeneed AuetIonoer. Sales conduct ed on reasonable terms. Farms andfarm stock epeoialty. Orders loft at THE Poem Publish lug Houee,Bru Beale, or sentto Walton P.O., will reooiy° Prompt attention, STAVING TAKEN OUT LIOEN. to conduct sales of farm etookc at rea prepared pri0e8. Knotting the standing of nearly every person I am inn position to sell to good marks and get good noway when gold on credit. Satisfaction guaranteed, Give mea call. 02- F S. SCOTT, BOAR FOR SER"VIOE.—TAE Undersigned will keep for services at Lot 9, Con. 8, Grey, the large °beater White Boar, "Lord Dufferie," N0, Be, bred by Samuel Snell, Grey. Terme-81,00 to be paid at the time of sonde() with privilege of returmingif necessary, Pedigree may be twee on application. 28.4 ARTHUR 89IITH, Proprietor. BOAR FOR SERVICE,—THE Lot 20, Coa 8,, orriliO, tll he ptloeoo' bred ire - proved White Yorkshire Boar "Canada's Promo," purobaeed from the woll•linowu breeder J. 10, Brothour, Oak Lodge Farm, Burford. Terms, 91.00 1e be pate at the tido of service` with privilege of returning 15 uooeseary, Pedigree may bo seen on ap- plioatiou, Ro3T, NICHOL, BOAR FOR SERVICE.—THE undersigned w111 ]mop for service on Lot 21 Oon.B Grey, the large 10ngiiehBork, sharp !soar, "Conarii,'No,2080, Brod by Wm. Padget & Bon, B0ttoeWlle, Ont„ and is from itnpper•totl stook OD both sides, Torino, 91.00, to be paid at time o1 Service with prlvlle o of returning if mummery. Pedigree maybe Seen on application, BORT. BABE. 21•O Athol Choose Factory, s 0 e f b R m ri i ;12 a th 01 P Gs 0' T ac M 0. eb 0 0011 Bet Gi X. D. Ne So (0 Be Er H M. St: we ioi up eff aft in th TO] M' w' eft ba m th R mi M; H iti Ea bri eel Co ha in sir M' re eu 00 Co bri wi Tu ur 1011 On