The Brussels Post, 1898-12-30, Page 3DHC, 3(1, 1898
ivroNrily TO LOAN AT 5 PER
eoute SCOTT, /Huse°le.
1/117 11. MOOBAOKEN,
/usurer oftiarriageLloonees. 01/leo
ethic; Greeeny,Tureberry street, Brusse)s,
.Loi• Toneerial Artiat• Beep -Next door
smith of A. M. Mutiny & ith'e hardware etore.
Ledies'and ohildreas hair cutting a specialty
-TEACHER ole -
Issuer of Marriage Licenses,
Ornaig r anWnfdry BMus.
M -No Witness Required.
T. FLETCHER, Brussels'
LI.. moth of the Powell' Division Cour
Co, Huron, Conveyancer, Notary Public
Land, Loan and Insurance Agaet. Ponds
invested and to lone. Collections made
Mica in Graham's Bleck, Brussels
.1_ • BIM win sell for better prices, to
better men. in ass time and less ebarges
than any other Auetioneer in East Duren
or he won't charge anything. Dates and
orders can 'always be arranged at this office
or by personal application.
a-, Who has bad 20 years experience 06 112
Auotioneer, but who had. to gull owing to 111
health, has again token one intense and is
prepared to eoucluet sales at reasonable
terms, Batisfaotion guaranteed Dates may
be arranged at Tun POST Publishing House,
1.1f Auctioneer.
• Honor Graduate of the Ontario
Veterinary College, is prepared to treat asi
diseases of domesticated animals in a com-
petent manner. Pertinentr attention paid
to veterinary aentistry. Calls promptly at-
tended to. °Mee au 0 Infirmary -Pour doors
north of bridge Turnbarry st„ Brussel&
• Solicitor, Conveyancer ,NotaryPub.
lie, &o. 001ce-Vaustone,s Bleek,1 door
north of Central Note 801101 8.01, for the
standaxd Bank.
• So/hitter, &o. nate of Garrow &
Proudfoot's Oillce'Goderich.) 011300 over
Gillies et Smith's Bank, 821,082010.
Money to Loan. 47
M • G(;o(3rmACA'rlryO
°linmeron, Bolt &
Cameron,) Barrister and Solicitor, God erloh,
Vat, Oillae-Piamilton at., Opposite Col
home NoteL
C. Iv., Trinity Oniyersity, Fellow Trin-
ity Medical College, Member College of Phy-
siciaus mid Surgeons, Out, Licentiate 01 1110
Royal College of Physicians and Licentiate
of Midwifery, Edinburgh. la.Tolephone
Rosideine, Mill St., 13rupsals.
M.D., C. M., successor to D. A. MoKelvoY,
Licentiate of Royal College of Physicians
and Surgeons, Kingston; Member of the Col-
lege of Physicians and Surgeons of cutarto,
Di -settees of women and children a specialty.
Eight years' experience, rAtscluee and res.
Malmo that formerly °envied. by Dr. Mc.
1(oivoy, Turnborry abreet, Brussels. 25 -
M.E., M.0.. M.C.P.S.O.
A0001:10HEU.R, ETC.
Special attention given to diseases of the
Throat and Lungs and diseases of Women
and Obildreu.
buysItna, SIMEON AND Accamenntra,
lot Claes Honor Graduate of the Universi-
ties of %equity (Toronto), Queen's (Megaton),
awl of TrInity Medical College ; Pallor? of
Trinity Mediae1 College and member of the
uclioge of Physiehme and Simeon of Ontar-
io, 1 Graduate Course in Detroit and
011100g01 800. Special attention paid to 1116'
00000 of Nye, Dar,Norte and Throat, and 1000-
00000 01 Wonleu, as-Oonsultattou in Bug-
Ilali and German. Telephone at reeideuce,
P110 'undersigned will keep tor serviee on
1108 00, Con. 0, Moroi, the thoro,.bred
proved Yorkshire Boar, "Oak Lodge L000 -
follow," 130, 0380, bred by 3,E,Bratlions, Bur-
ford, to which a /United h bee of Bowe will
bo taken. Terme, 11.00, to be paid at time
of service with privilege of returning If nee-
A number of thole% young SOWS My 001olor
breeding purposes wait% will DO sold ab
priaea te Suit the Melee.
23.• NIOROL, Proprietor,
ralrom After, WO0a •1104110ainef
The Great English Mutat/.
Sold and recommended by M
druggists in Canada. Only roll
able inedielne discovered. Sic
pa deages guaranteed to cure all
'00820 01 Sexual Wealinese, all (Meets of abuse
er excess, Mental Worry, phseeeeive nee of Tor
ham, Opium or Stimulante, 'Mailed on model
cf price, one package et, six, $5. Ono mitt please%
*WM Gera Pamphlets froo to Amy 300r000,
The 'Wood Company, Windsor, Out
801 in Dm mile hy O.' A. DEADIMAN,
auggiet, IS Moeller es Optietan,
wet it House,
Nell it Senn,
Seenre a Serynni,
Or, in Eitel,
MY, Sell or tieettre
A nythleg, is
To nee the
.nrat Ettto1JftInL
LOTS of snow.
THE POST gives the news.
MONDAY was a quiet day in town.
110e1q New Tan to all our readers.
Punta° School re opens on Tnesday of
next week.
Mourne Horn Fair next Thursday.
Come to it.
Tun night train on Saturday did not
reach Brussels until 12:15 o'clock. •
Tone illustrated edition of the Stretford
Herald was a neat and interesting pro.
duction, and creditable to the Herald.
arifieNrfet the Goderiah Star turned
out a Christmas number of 24 papa and
otherwise eclipsed itself. It was all
Tull contract for stove wood for the
Brussels School was let to ,Too. Coneley
and P. Ament at $1.35 per cord. It le
22 -inch wood and has to be delivered by
Mirth 1st.
11 Asr Friday Mre. Tae. Kerr mob with
a peouliar aocident. In splitting some
kindling a, sliver flew and pierced her
lower lip striking against one of her teeth.
It woe fortunate it was no worse.
TUE annual meeting of the Grey
Branch Agricultural Sooiety be held
on Wednesday, Jan. 110, at 1 o'clock in
tbe Council Chamber. The East Huron
Agnioultural Societyat meeting will be
held a week later.
WINTER Tenth -The winter term at
Central Business College Stratford, Ont.,
opens on Tuesday, jan. Ord. This popu-
lar institution baoa staff of nine teachers
and enjoys et largo patronage. It is 0110
111 8110 most progressive schools in Can-
AN illustrated journal from Montane/
speaks as followe of the "Iron Colt" gold
mine, in which Jae. F. McCrea former-
ly ot Brussels, is largely interested ;-
Adjoining the Columbia and Kootenay
group on the Weis is the Iron Colt mine.
It ie owned by a provincial Company,
the principal etooltholders being Messrs,
Wra. Mackenzie, President of the Toros -
to Street Railway; Thos. Holt, of Mon-
treal ; P. Burne and John Ferguson Mo -
Orae, of Roseland. The aline is equipped
with a 5.drill compressor and hoist.
Over 1,000 feet of tunnelling and 85 feet
of shaft work have been done by the
company to date. Both veine have been
orose-out by the tunnel at the depth of
about 000 feet. The South vein has been
drifted on for 150 feet, showing soliaious
ores lying alongside of each other. 170
drifting bee been clone 00 the North vein,
which shows three feet of solid ore in the
tunnel. 11 10 the intention of the (=-
patty to mem work shortly, and ore
shipments will begin with the commenee-
ment of operatione."
812400" Mono's BAND. -The
third annual anniversary meeting of the
"Little Stara" Mission Band WWI held in
the School room of Melville chum's on
Saturday afternoon, 17th 1 inst., with
about one hundred children and a large
representation of parents and friends pre.
sent. The room had been tastefully [tr.
ranged, and beautifully decorated with
ivy, evergreen, mottoes and stars, a num.
bar of potted plants adding materially to
the graceful effect, all this being done
by a aommittee of girls. The President,
Mrs. N. M, Richardson, presiaed, end
after the opening exert:rises and brief items
of business, the following literary pro -
pant was well rendered ;-Chorus, Wel-
Donee song ; recitation, Jennie Moore
song, Bessie Strathan, Annie Sager and
Laura'Steachan ; dialogue, .1 Plea for the
Gospel by heathen 'sections," in which
Mary Forbes, Elva McOraoken, May
Deadman, Kate Smith, Maggie Scott and
Georgie Ross, attired in the costumes of
their respective nations, pleaded esrnest-
ly for the Gospel message ; recitation,
Bessie Davidson ; reoitation, May Bina
Ethel Currie. Winnie MeGuire, Gertie
Roes, Katie Deadman and Florence
Mali:sprier; ; chorus, "God is Love," by
seven little girls ; reoitation, Carrie Mc-
Cracken ; reoitation, Olive Mainpriee ;
song and recitation, "Wise will roll away
the atone ?" in which Eva 141o0raeken
asked the above question, and was an -
moored by JOSS'S Peebles Maggie Ma.
Laueblin, Millie Grower, Luella Rem and
May Skene, first separately and then in
unison ; reeitation, Elsie Good, Argo
Rose, Florence Thomson, JOIltit0 Artsr.
strong, Elsie Curry, Aileen I3oott, Maggio
Amenb and Bertha, Ross ; song, Nellie
Peebles and Alice Thomson ; recitation,
Ella Karr; ;meg, Anna, Lyle and Graeme
Richardson ; reoitation, Winnle Mo
Gni('; Essay on India by May Dead.
man ; bnief and ant table address to the
"Little Stare" of Melville church by Rest.
Mo. Ross ; aiming reoitation, Ada Rose.
The Seenetavy'a and Treasurer's annual
report were then read by Kate Smith and
Willie Good, respeotively, and were
model reports both for tionoiseness and
literary exaelleuee, Refreshments were
next served, after which a pleasing fea-
ture of the program was the report of
the President of the creditable sem of
$18,48, being the amount of the oontents
of the mite boxes, which were opened by
Willie Good and Norman Smith. Mre,
Barnhill then led the dedicatory prayer.
Hearty votes of thanks were tendered
Miss Lizzie nese, (whe, owing to ill health
resigned her position no President, earlier
in the 000080) 100 her veryeffusieut Man.
&geent and Ui
ntiring ntereet in the
Misaion Band ; to Mists Jennie
teethes for the able eaceistauce so cheer.
fully rendered in preparing the literary
program and sewing department ; tsnd
also to the W. F. 14, S. for the praotioal
manner in whioh they expressed their oa.
B310880111 Council.
The Statntw v of Wessels'
001111011 MC held cot Thursday evening of
last woek ; 0.11 010 niernbere present ex.
copting Counoillor Becker, who ma Rt.
Minato; of last meeting road and pass.
The following accounts were present.
ed ;-
A. MoLeuohlin, eatery. .... ...$ 20 00
E. 1, Soett, eatery, Co 121 70
?red. MeCreaficen, Town Hall.1 60
W. 31. Kerr, printing, „ 88 25
1). Stewart, selecting jerora4 00
Free Library, grant ..... „ • 25 00
Wilton & Turnbell, mire 3 80
McOrnaltee, brooms.. 50
N. & 11, Gerry, mat. and mis53 OG
Jno. Wynn, role 1 05
P. Arnertt, " 1 88
D. A, Lowry, Town Hall 83 00
1/fre. Cooper, charity 1 02
Geo. Whitfield, wood for Hall7 05
W. II. Kerr, Worsting throat4 00
Jen, Seat, ahovelling snosv., 50
Miss Rldelialr, error in taxes1 01
Jno. Broadfoot, dump around „ 5 00
Dr, MaNaughtoe, Board of
Health 10 00
.A.d. Somers, error le taxes and
work 8 00
Moved by Geo. Thernaon, secouded by
10. Leatberdale, thet the above ammunte
be paid, Carried.
The Clerk reported the Town Hall
rents at $06 00 ; and licenses $30 00,
Remission of taxes were made as fol.
Mre. Grimoldby 87 00
Mrs, Hall 8 80
3. Hargreavee, error 2 85
II. James, 2 00
A. Somere, 2 00
Miss Roddick " 1 00
James Bell, dog 1 00
J. Jones " 1 00
W. J. IthOraaken presented a written
offer for the position of weigh master for
town and stook yard scales for 1890 of
$105 and also agreed to put tt covering
over them to prevent snow or ioe inter-
fering with their oorreotness.
J. A. Creighton put in a tender for the
Moved by Geo. Thomson, seconded by
J. D. Warwick, that Mr. alotheaken'a
offer bo accepted. Carried.
13, Gerry, Tax Collector, reported 05,-
105 paid tip to the 15th (net.
After talking over the question of snow
plowing and other matters the Connell
adjourn ed.
The County Sessions of the Peace
opened before Judge Masson ;in Goderieh
on Tuesday, Deo. nth. There were only
three charges on the criminal list, one
each of laroeny, assault, and theft.
The grand jury was constituted es fol -
loves :-Appleton Elooat, Tuakeremith,
foreman.; Alexander Ross, Moliillop ;
Stephen Powell, Exeter ; William
Cowan, East Wawanosh ; Thee, Tye,
Hallett ; John Rolston, Howick ; Joseph
Ames, Grey ; Richard M. Sprung, Mul-
lett; Thos. loath', Lthsviek ; 11. Cough-
lin, Stephen.
The ease against William Stanley was
dismissed. judge Masson directed the
jury to return a verdict of not guilty.
The crown prosoontor coneentea. Mr.
Proudfoot appeared for Mr. Stanley.
Speir vs. Tasker was au action for the
price of a horse. The evideuce showed
that defendant refused to pay, claiming
that the animal was not up to the war-
ranty, but the joy awarded the plaintiff
the full prise Maimed.
Fawcett vs. Ross was an action to re-
cover the price of some fishing nets, was
sent to the June session. W. Proudioot
for plaintiff, Philip Holt for defendant.
Dram vs. Straiten, G. T. 13, agent.
This action was caused by the 'bus un•
pleitsantneee at Goderieh station some
months since, ;when the Police Magis•
trate limed W. Dahn, the driver of KB-
ler's 'bus. The jury reversed the imagis-
trate's decision, holding that Dahn was
not to blame. L. E. Datthey for Dalin,
W. Proadfoot for Stratton.
West and Devine were sentenced to
eight days each at hard labor in the
county jail for stealing clothing at Clin-
ton. Both pleaded guilty.
Grey Council Meeting.
Council inet at the Township II411 De.
°ember 15th pursuant to adjournment ;
members all present ; Reeve in the ohair,
Minato' of last meeting were read end
confirmed. A number of oommunications
were read and ordered to be tiled. Moved
by James MoDonald, seconded by Wm.
Brown, that the financial statement be
published in the Brussels POW instead of
being posted up as heretefore.-Carried.
Moved by Robb. Dilworth, seconded by
Robt. Livingston, that the Clerk be in.
stemated to notify tlur Pathmaster for
Road Division No, 0 in the 15th and 1610
eons. to remove the fenoe now standing
on the road allowance on side road at
lot 25 con, 15 as it is an obstruction on
the public, highway. -Carried, Moved
by Robb. Dilworth, thoonded by Robb.
Livingstou, that the sum of one hundred
and seventy -Eve dollars be deposited at
ones with Mr, Kendall, G,T, R. agent at
Brussele, being the sum minima by the
Railway 'Company to be &pelted for the
deepening of the culvert mimes the rail.
way tyke& at lot 8 eon. 9. -Carried. The
following a000unte were presented, viz :-
McDonald & 0o,, timber for culvert lots
5 and 0 con. 17, $8.20 ; Henry
digging award ditch and tile con. 17, (18 ;
Patelok Blake, part payment for ditch on
eicle road 1 oon. 18 82,00 ; Geo, Clank,
ditch, culvert aud tile, eon. ,18, $6.89 ;
Wm. Riley, underbrushing at lot 0 oon 7,
$1.45 ; Walter Pennington, ettttuta labor
wrongfully returned, $1.00 ; Wm. Oakley,
gravel, $8.40 ; Geo. Gibeen, repairing
onlverb, boundary Grey and Howlett, $1;
Daniel Byers, gravelling itt lot 70 ann. 1,
$8.20 ; John Vodden, (letting bill at lot
20 oon. 7, $6.75 ; Moses Smith, gravelling
on boundary Grey and time, $8,40
Mrs. S. Love, gravel, 08,48 ; Robt. Vod-
den, repairing °Overt lot 20 oon 8, 02.00;
Thos. Bower, gravel, Ole ; Henry Ward,
cleaning out Silver Corners drain, $40 ;
Jae. Logan, cleaning out Silver Comore
drain, $20 ; Hartwell Spetran, Meaning
out mitred late 80 and 81 ison. 01,50 ; Jas.
A. Bell, survey plans and speeitications
for extension of Goverument drain No. 2,
$120 ; Henry MeNclught, gravel, 3.80;$
Robb. Goats, gleaning ditch on side
road 0 con, 11, 80.80; Thos. Williamson,
repairing culvert side road 5 eon. 14, 50n;
Jas. Inokson, putting plank ou bridge at
lot 14 son. 8, $4,02 ; Mex. Thompson,
gravel, $5.44 ; Dan. Richardson, Meaning
ditoh 01 108 4 ortit., 2, $2,00 ; MePaeteon
& Davideon, preparing By-law for Boyle
I drain, 830; .7(18 Roger, lir
imnpse Ditches ,l we tereenrsee Ant $81
W. 11. Kerr, balance 0 on printing eon -
tract, 720.25 ; Tithe. Chapman, taking
eisre of Township Hell, 815 00 ; Thos.
Htraelian, attending to Gunnell Mistimes,
080 ; Wm. Brown, attending to commit
butanes, $75 ; Robb, Dilworth, attending
to commit hnsineas, 818 ; Robt, Living
eton, attending to octunoil hueinees, 047 ;
Jas. McDonald, attending to eounall bust.
nese 7131; Wen. Spence, eatery air Clerk,
8100, attending to DItehes & Water.
sauteed Act, 830, postage and atationery
and telegraphing for year, $20; Thomas
Strathan, A. Reymann and W. Sperm'
each 131 for seleotieg Jthora ; Thos.
Straohan, John Cardiff, ;John Stewart,
Wm. Mitehell and Wm. Spence ea,* 00
attending to Board of health heathens ;
Alex, atoNair, salary as Treaaurer, $80 ;
Thos. Straohan, expenses to Goderich on
beeiness in coneeation with Government
drain, 08 ; Wm. Spenee, for preparing
By-laws for Government drain No, 2, and
extension and expenses its selling deben•
tures for same, $80 ; Alex, RioNair, ex.
peneee to Toronto on Townehip businese,
$13. Moved by Wm. Brown, seconded
by Jamee McDonald, that the above o.o.
counts be paid.-Oarried.
W:u. Sentra, Clerk.
'Ill 111101)111, Nilif001) EX 001 IN09'l070.
A meeting of the Board of Examiners
for the County of Huron was held in the
Court House, Goderiah, to finish the
work of the examination et the County
Model Schools. There were in atteud•
alum at the two Model Scheele fifty•four
candidates, 24 in Goderich and 20 in
Clinton. Of these three failed in enur-
ing the required number of marks. The
following were successful in siouring
third olass certificates valid for three
yenre 1-
- 11301,108.
Capling, Mabel Ainaley, Harry R.
Carder, Edna Ben n, Arthur
Campbell, Kele Badour, Jerome
Daly. Maggie Bryano, W. E.
King, Florence Buehanan, Goo.
MoLettn, Maggie Colwill, L. E.
McNab, Belle, Gregory, Ernest
MoOlenagban, M. Geiger, Echrnind
McTavish, Bessie Hooper, T. B.
Merritt, Mabel Bernilton, W.
O'Neil, Della Lawrence, Fred.
Mehl), Maggie Peak, Jonathan
Shepherd, Grace Rattan, Geo, H.
Thornpson, Emma Strong, Ddrnund
Tod, Alexander
Bean,Olara A. Bean, Wm. S.
Bradley, Tilly May Church, Norman
Dale, Annie Dixon, Andrew Orr
Gray, Fanny EL Down, Charles
Horton, ?eland A. Gilbank, N. Berton'
Lookhart, Nina E. Jeokell, Allen
Eterrill,Eunicie Ann Lane, Harvey
McKnight, Sara 11thTaggart, Jas. A.
Tobin, Mary Parkinson, John
Midden, Annie E. Rogers, Won. R.
Ryder, Wm.
Weber, Daniel
VVroxce ter.
(Intended for last week.)
A. Munro paid Brussels a flying visit
last week.
Dun. Stewart, of Wiugham, W0.3 in
town on Monday night.
Jno. Henderson, formerly of Blyth, is
at present here on e. visit,
Rutherford & Manro sent a large
oleighload of hardware to Belmore on
Robb. Barnard teamed about 25 bags
of oatmeal to Wingham for T. Hemphill
& Son last week.
A meeting of the Town Commit was
held Tuesday night but fie business done
excepting settling a few accounts.
Some one is hard up for some fowl.
A. goose was stolen from front of W. O.
Ilnalewood's store on Monday last.
J. E. Bleak is buying grain for R.
Black, lie and Mr. Hemphill go pretty
high en oats. Opposition is the life of
tuaJdoeo'. Snell, formerly of this vicinity,
now of B. 0., is et present visiting his
sister, Mrs.1. F. Miller, and also his
brother, S. Snell.
Now is your °heath to get the highest
price for maple loge. Gibson Bros, have
just got in their new corneringatnaohine
planed and are ready for work.
Nomination was held in Wroxeter on
Monday lett for County Carman Div. No.
8. The men nominated were Robb. Mil.
lar, -33, S. Gook, Jno. Jacques and Wro.
Weir. These are all standing and WO
wed there will be a hob time,
The Methodist ohuroh entertainment
on Monday evening, Dee. 10th, was a
grand success. The Wingbam orchestra's
seleolione were simply grand. Thio was
a whole 'entertainment in itself. Claus
Knutsonivendered some very fine must°
with hie zither. Mitre McKenzie, of
Wingham, gave two recitations which
took very well. Mr. Robinson and M.
Parks gave a silo each. Rends. Garbut
and Goffin, of Gorrie, and R. S. G.
Auderson, of this pleas, gave vary pleas.
ant and intellectual addresses, The re.
oeiptii were about $85.
Louis Duff is home for his holidays.
' J. J. Meese; of Hamilton, spent a few
days in Bluevale.
Miss Ida Dilling, of Oranbrook, is the
guest of Detre. Hudson,
Jesse Reason, of Drayton, is visiting
his brother, Geo. Hudson,
Miss Fanny Thomeon, of Blume's,
visited last week with Miss Aggie Bet.
R. L, Stewart, who has been attending
the Medical oollege in Toronto, ie home
on his holidays.
Rev. W. J. West, 111'. A., went to
'Toronto last week to officiate itt the
wadding of a cousin.
Walter 11 uggin had his wriet broken by
a tree falling on it one day while at work
in Joseph Breckenridge's bush.
Mre, End. MoCraoken and ohild von, of
Brussels, spent the Christmas holidays
with her parents, John and Pare. Gardi-
W. Regere, eon oe Rev. D. Rogers, is
home from lotierloh Model school. Mr.
Rogers did not 'mauve it 8017001 and will
continue his stnclies 00 Clinton Collegiate
Institute after the holidays.
John Edwards, a resident of this vil•
lege many years ago, dropped in on Ws
old aommintanoes and remained with
them a clay or two to talk over old times,
Mr. Edwards settled in the Dauphin die.
Wet several years ago, before it was
known as 1818 now. Driaiaplaoe is now
filet throe miles from urhin.
John and Mrs. Bally, of the 13luevale
Toed, hese moved into one of Won, BOSH'
houses in 1 he villege.
The (1,. 3Irs. Francis Bell, of Morrie,
was buried in the Bluevale cemetery on
Saturday, 17833 inst.
John Burgeon wee called to Brueeele
leet Tnesday owing to hie brother having
o e broke at ;wall 814.
The Sabbath wheal of the Presbyterian
ahem!" held an entertainment in the
Forestera ball on Friday evening of hoot
Mre. Minoan t3tewert, of Roaerifeldt,
Manitoba, formerly of Bluevale, is vieit.
ing her sister, Mrs, Fraser, of Morris, and
many other old time friends.
The nomination for the Township of
Turnberry was held here ort Monday,
Clerk Bu rose preeiding. Wm. MaPher-
eon, the veteran Reeve was elected by SO.
elernatien, the 17th time in his history, a
truly wonderful reword. For Counaillore
there are Wm. Cruickshank, Juo. Dia -
meet, Wm, Mitchell, Jno. Mosgrove, R.
Hastings, 3, Welk; and J. Copeland.
15leation next Monday.
The indebtedneee on the Methodict
church here was entirely 'provided
free will offering on Deo. llth. The
event was celebrated by a free tea and a
good entertainment on the evening of
Dee. 28rel, at which Rev. 11r. Oaten gave
% congratulatory address of ,muoh ao•
oeptanoe. The pastor and people are to
be oongratulated and are doubtless happy
over so successful an anniversary.
Fitted to Correct all
Failures of Eyesight,
and your Eyes tested FREE by
latest Optioal methods at
Division Court Office,
M. G. Richardson
Is prepared to do all kinds of
work in his line.
Good Workmanship and
Good Fits Guaranteed.
Suits made for $4 and upwards.
tsrfiliep in Garfield Bleck.
Will make
a well man
of YOU
00105! P0000050 MIR AtOVE
108000510 0001tW0000.
PIOOSI corm all ha:roar Diammos, Slaoplomn
SUM, Failbdglitomorg, Nightly itmlasioildi Sperms.
torrhoon, lInvotanay, oto., caused by pom &Mite, •
oroun..M r,.001n_d
you will grow drone
fs.2 11.PPUllet; IT.Etrboymmlpyge WrAylig.
&tat oiet ptolrot. P,loo, 51 0 pr2n5o, 80
till2(..?"20;ITAIr tatt°400. 18.1. POPPO82,,
oruFroa, 00000000011, 000, Agent for WO agv•
minion or Canada.
System Renovator
—AND 01000 -"-
For Impure, Weak and Impoverished
Blood, Dyspepsia, Sleeplessneset Palpita-
Mon of the Hemet, Liver Compleant,Neur-
might, Loss of Memory, Bronchitis, Con.
eumption, Gall Stones, Jaundice, Kidney
and Urinary Diseases, St. Vitus' Danoe,
Female Irregularities and General De-
3. M. MoLEOD,
Prop. and Manufacturer.
Soli by Jae, Vox, lerunglat, Brussels,
A. '''''OUSLEY
Real Estate 86 Loan
Money to Loan on Farm Secur-
ity at the Lowest Bate
of Interest.
Money Loaned on Notes and
good Notes Discounted. Salo
Notes a Specialty.
Fire ce Life Insurance Written.
Special Attention given to—
Ogled over Deadman'e Drug Store,
0 -St, CO.
Call and see our
stock of
Wool, Hides, Butter and Eggs
taken in exchange.
Carding, Spinning,
Weaving, Xnitting, etc,
Promptly attended to
at the
Bilicitir. shop !
The undersigned has open-
ed up a Butcher Shop in the
where he will keep constant-
ly on hand a supply of the
Best Meats Procurable, sold
at reasonable prices. A share
of public patronage solicited.
. WilLICE11.
Meat delivered to all -parts
of the town.
Important to
It will pay you to place your order
with its for
FP1;--itTarXT ausmms,
early this season. As proprietors of the largest Nurseries in the
Dominion (over 700 acres), we are able to speak advisedly.
Give a hearing to our Agent when he calls.
Pears are bringing large prices in the English market. Do you
grow any ? lf not, allow our representative to tell you why we can
furnish superior pear trees, and. then give him a trial order.
We can utilize the services of a few good men to sell our goods.
Demand for our Stock is heavier than ever. Supplies furnished
free and our agents paid weekly.
High Grade .
—The bargains we are offering in
is the talk of the countryside. Our
stock runs from the ordinary kitchen
chair to the most luxurious parlor chair,
finished in the newest styles and with
most fashionable materials.
—In Rockers we have a very taking
line with,Cobbler leather seats, oak or
birch, Mahogany finish, and in Arm and
Easy Chairs we show a fine line.
—Our Furniture is High Grade but
our prices fit the pocket of the public
every time.
A specialty naacle of Upholstering.
18 I Your old Furniture made as good as new.
—A large and well selected range of
Pictures always kept in stock. Also a
We are Carrying
a tremendous stook of furniture.
Such a variety to select from you
cian't find elsewhere in the county.
Whatever you want, your wants
can be suited here,
large quantity of Moulding for
Frames. If you require anything
in this line call in and make your
—A large stock of Coffins, Cas-
kets, and other goods pertaining to
this line always kept. Personal
attention paid to Erubalnaing, and
prices lower than any place itt tho
—Pianos and Organs, the best
in the market, sold at rock bottom, The Strength
prices, of our poeition as the leadere hi the env
nituro busieess lies in the feet that the
BIG VALUES IN maximum quality and the minimum
WINDOW SHADES. prim always go together,