The Brussels Post, 1898-12-16, Page 8A ND XMAS WEDDINGS. Xmas Presents and Wed. ding Presents are among the 'necessaries now. There is no alternative but to fall into line and make a choice of something for relatives or friends, If you follow THE CROWD that invariably find their way to our store you will find a larger and better selection than ever be- fore of suitable Gifts for old or young. We cannot begin to en - numerate them. We are head- quarters for Santa Claus. G. A. Deadman, Druggist, Optioian & Bookseller. GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY. SOUTHERN EXTENSION W. 0. & B. rraiee leave Brunets Station, North and South, as followe GOING 8017TR. GOING NORTH. 90010811 7:16 a.m. I Mail ......... 2:10 p.m limed 9:46 a.m. Express 10:16 pan Irozat A ohiel's amang ye takin' notes, An' faith he'll prent it. SEATING, Woon is sauce. READ page 3 for Eastriot news. OlinisTMAS Day one week from next Sunday. CITIzElis' Course Concert on Tuesday evening, 2701; inet. Sam suonnia is one of the favorite pastimes in Brussels locality. THE snow storm interfered a good deal with business during the past week. MONTHLY EOM Pair in Brassele on Thursday, Ian. 5th. Don't forget it. 5% has been added to all taxes not paid on or before Wednesday of this week. Comm Councillor nominations will be made on Monday of next week, 19th inst., at 1 P. nu. STATUTORY meetings of the various Municipal Contrails were held on Thurs- day of this week. Primo eohools clue on Thursday of next week for the Obristmas holidays, and will re -open on Jan. 3rd. EWAN & Imam are doing a rushing busi- ness the last few days. It almost keeps them going putting in shafts. ON Thursday of this week the close semen for many kinIs of pine began so oar sportsmen will have to take a rest. Tea road North and South of Brussels was plowed ont on Tuesday and thereby considerably improved for public travel. EAST Huron Liberal Oonvention in Brussels Town Hall on Friday after. noon of this week. It is the annual meeting. 20 lettere were posted at Brnesele post. offioe last Monday to different points in Manitoba. The Christmas season sets people thinking of the absentees. IT took Philip Ament aboat four hours to drive from Seaforth to Brunie last Sunday with a open of borses attached to his cutter. The roads were very badly drifted. A Mine of neeessary improvements are being made in the Odd Fellow's Hall, Brussels, in the aote.rooma, hallway, &o. Messrs. Pugh & McNeil are doing tbe work. OVER 2,000 pounds of duck and turkey were received by J. G. Senn, Brussels, from Walkerton on Monday evening. It will constitute a part of another large shipment from here. Wnseenia Star Lodge, I. 0. 0. F. No. 149, Brussels, is investing in a $65.00 regalia for the officers of the Lodge. It has been purchased from the Dominion Regalia Company, and 10 19 a dandy out- fit. Culminate and New Year's Days falling on Sanday, the Attoriray•General has issued, with the advice of the Executive 0000011 a proclamation setting apart the Monday following in each oase to be observed as a, holiday. Tan G. T. R. has dropped oue of the notion men from Brussels heat, Wm. Haiste being the man here. Seotion bon McKenzie has the privilege of engaging help to shovel Snow in ease of a blockade bat he and one assistant—Wm. Miller— wont have a snap by any means in at. tending to the seotion particularly in the Winter season. Tan three polling plane for the miming municipal and Oo. Council elections in Bruisele will be at J. J. Gilpin's ofacie, R. MoNaughton, Deputy Returning Officer; No. 2, at Connoil Ohamber, Wm. Aldridge, Deputy '• No. 8, at J. 11. Ken- dall's, (formerly Revere 1101198,) J. A. Creighton, Deputy. Nomination will take plaoe on Monday, 28111 mat;, and election day a week later. KINGSVILLE REPOIVIBB.—At the 7.0. F. supper on Friday night about 450 of the brethren, their wine and friends eat down to supper. After supper an ad. journment wag made to the Town Hall. The program was exultant. H. Ruthven Macdonald rendered several selections in splendid style, His humorous songs were a whole dens and caravan combin. • ed and brought down the house with roan of laughter. Dowll00005,-0a and after Christmas Day, 1898, the postage on 'Mans wain g between Canada and the United King- dom of Great Britain and Ireland, British India, Newfoundland and the following Afrionn Peetectorates—British Ent thin, tondo, Zanzibar, British antral Athos, the Niger Coast Prono. torates and the Niger Co's, Territory Will be two nuts per half ounoe instead of aye ante as heretofore. The pallid should remembee, however, that this re. dtlatiOn den nob Mint the rate on lettere 'between places in Oaoada and to U. S. the rate on then Will he 80 per 0E1100 OA in the pan, Gnome Ilmer shipped a ear of cattle on nrsday. Tim new 2 net Imperinl postage stamps are out. 0011NCII.1,011 laTtemat wits in Brue• sole en Wednesday. Tito% CURRY lost a ;pod maw this week from inflammation. 13usens School Board is advertising for 50 cords of green wood. Poneer book lot. Finder will Mtioll oblige by leaving it at Tau POST. Rue the advertisemeets in '1'nP080. It may save you dollars in your per abases. TUB morning train from Kincardine on Monday had a double beefier and went through sailing. Tax 001.1.1IMOIt ortua 18 after the poll tax and the ages of some of the youths lave taken a sudden drop. Dollar forget the honey treat at the A. 0. U. W. Lodge on Friday evening ot this week. Nomination and election of officers. SEVERAL interesting matters are crowd- ed out thie week owing to a rusb of Christmas advertising. They will appear in oar next issue. Oven 32,000 in taxes wag paid in on Wedaesdav to avoid the Pa. There is about 8500 out yet that will call for the additional per cent. A eAn of prime cattle was shipped at Brussels on Wednesday by Messrs. Olegg & Dames. The latter gentleman accorn• parried the shipment. 1)..A Lowat has completed tbe kaleo. mining at the Town Hall and Council Member. It baa made a very noticeable and necessary improvement. RENEW your subscription to TEE POST. We give good value for the money, 66 columns a, week for the small sum of a dollar for the year, Quality and quantity are combined. TOIIONTO GLO1oE.-13. Buthven Menem aid sang a solo at each of the services, His grand vein filled the large auditorium and held the audience spell bound. Town Hall, Brussel., on Taesday evening, 271h. LAST Saturday the Seafortli stage was compelled to turn ban before getting to Leadbury owing to the badly drifted con- dition of the gravel road. Mr. Tuck ar- rived bank to Brussels about 11.80, his team fairly well fagged out. HAMILTON SPEOTAToR. — H. Rothven Macdonald is possessed of a powerful voice of whioh he is complete master. FIe has the happy faculty of clearly enunciating every word he sings and de- lights his bearers with his splendid ex. prosaism. IN last Saturday's edition of the Detroit Free Press there appears a good pnrtrait of Dr. T. G. Holmes, formerly oi Bees - eels, now surgeon of the 7th Regiment of Michigan Infantry.' He is attired in hie military uniform in the piettare and looks every inn a soldier. Houma rates on the G. T. R. will be as follows :—Single return fare geed go- ing an Saturday, 24th, 25th end 26th and returning not later than 27th, also on the 31st and 1st and 2nd of Jan. returning on Jan. 3rd. Fare and a third tickets, good going Deo. 24th and same days as above to return Deo. 28th and Jan. 4111 respeotively. TAOS. BLOONZIELD arrived home from England on Saturday night, bringing with him a fine Olycleadale stallion, named "Royal Warrant," for Thos. Ber- ry, the well-known importer and export- er, of Henson. "Royal Warrant" is the biggest horse in the oonnty. He weigh- ed 2,200 poundo on arrival at New York, and with one will tip the scales at 2,400 by the Spring. OITIZENS' Coons.—A change has been made in the talent of the next concert in this series and instead of "Little Line," the program will be supplied by H. Roth• ven McDonald, the widely known London basso; Mrs. a:a:Donald, and Mrs. Sey. moor Humbly, Toronto favorite soprano. Tbe date is Tueeday, 27011 inst. Plan of Hall is now open at Jas. Fox's drag store for ticket holtlere and a rare treat le in store for loeers of first-olass musics. See the press notices elsewhere. NNW BB IN WRITING.—The regulations requiring nominations of oandidates to be made in writing will come into force at tbe coming Mnnioipal elections a9 re- quired by Seo, 118 of the Municipal Elections Aot, which reads : "The per- son or persons to fill each oface shall be proposed and nendea seriatim, and every such nomination shall be in writ- ing, shall state the full name, plan of reaidence and occupation of the candi. date, and shall be signed by his proposer and seconder." H. R. ELLIOTT bas received a letter from hie eon, William W., in Calgary, dated Dee. 8:h, 1898. He writes, I left Oalgary on the 9011 of Jane with a pros- pecting company from Calgary and Banff. We started for Silver Oity, that is away up in the mountains. I wits getting $45.00 a month and board. I got baok from the mountains about a month ago but went West again to help to break in 40 head of horses that name in from Washington and now I am in Calgary working for the Dominion Cartage Com - pang. We had very good laok up in the hills 08 709 only Ion one horse and that was the first week we were out. We were crossing a range of mountaine when the horse missed his footing and went down about 500 feet, pack and all. We struck it pretty good for our boos. He holds the lead at thirty thousand. It is trapper and another is silver and lead mixed. 7 have got well over the rheuma- tism but am not eci stout as I was before and not the same grip in my hands but am getting better alt the time. Business Locals. DRIED apples wanted. A. Straohan. OAR load of °florae potatoes at Mo- Oraoken's. PEATUBBS wanted by R. Leatherdale, Brunie. Cone arriving this week at Stewart's Mill, Brussele, dry American. Wrsinow ehmies in large variety and at low prime at R. Leatherdale's. Con, ben Atnerioan, yellow, for sale ab Rue' mill. Close mine for meta. ALWAYS take the G. T. R. when you aan. $.13.0.—Stenery, Safety and Speed. A yew baby oarriagee will be sold abont cost to gave carrying over Winter. R. Lealherdale. Ooaron season is here and W. A. Crioh is prepared to supply the publia with Booth's beet brands from Baltimore. Ronald Fire Engine Works wish to purchatie 100 to 200 corde of wood, four feetalong—bard or eoft—green or dry, early delivery. Felt 60 claya eve offer a 10 x 20 pratere, with a 'sheltie of fremes from 80a, up, and smaller sine propeetionately cheap. 3no. Walker, Benno's. 'r 11 B BRUSSELS POST DEC. :16, 1.....041WheeseneamWOM 41.0.0=PWARID.M.MMI•000.0.11141.71trIMI Waco out for oar advt. next week. We will have something to please you. no. Walker, Benefit/le. W. A. Cum is still doing busineee at the old eland where may be foiled bread, calms and pastry, Emits In their sea. son. Bannon bind of heroine in planne and armee at lt. Leatherdeleal. Agentai prolits given 00 013010111009, Oen and see before you buy. Remember Saterday Deo. 17th, we offer yon Bargains in S'ippere of all kinds, men's, wonien's and (Milano's. I, 0. Richards. Wit will pay four ciente per pound for any quantity of good quartered dried applee. Very dna thin or Wavy stook not saleable. Straohan. Witeav in Brunets don't fail to eall at Wee. Welker's furniture warerooms and see the elegant stook of furniture be is handling this Fall at right prices. THREE mond hand organs for sale obeap—a Bell, a Doherty and a Nvin - ion. .511 10 good condition. Apply at Jon. Walker's furniture warerooma Ho I for Wingham with its 10 dry gomis shops and 40 groceries. Butter, 10 to 17o. Ohoirie turkeys andrawn, 90. Everybody gives 20 lbs. granulated sugar. G. E. Kura, Wingham. ono needing a fresh set of teeth out in any size of a oiroular gnu' may have this work done by T. IlleGregor, saw grimmer and filer, Queen street, East, Brussele. ' ANT amount of wood will be taken for Saw gumming and filing. Wood may be rough or smooth, hard or soft, any length or in the log, to be delivered before the work leaves my nap. T. McCune, saw gurnmer and filer, Queen street, East, Breese's. How long should a man's legs be ? They should be ling enough to nub from his body to the ground. That ie easy enough accounted for and so is the tacit that Walker is selling pianoe like hot cakes become he handles the beet— the Dominion. GUTTERS AND SLIIIGTis.—DJeSSIT. Ewan & Lines have wrenl new sleighs on hand made by the well known maker, John Wilbee, guaranteed to track, and made of the best material. Also on hand snow' 'sand cotters. Our stook of cutters is selling fast. More than a oar load sold now and we have another oar lot ordered. Come and get your choices at your oNVO price. Ewan de Innes, Bruesels. PERSONAL PA.RINR.I.PIIS. Ed. MoNaughton is home from the West oe a boliday vielt. Robt. Watt has been a little ender the weather with a bad cold. Mrs. W. M. Sinclair was 'visiting airs. P roudfoot at Goderioh. Harry Blain is here from Man itoba on a visit to his grandparents. Barrieter Sinclair was at G03001011 this week attending the County Court. Hilton Hunter has taken a situation on the staff of the Owen Sound Times. Mrs. Chas. W. Rowley, of Winnipeg, is visiting her Water, Mre. R. L. Taylor. Wm. Note, of Manobeeter, ie learning the art tonsorial with R. N. Barrett, of Brun's. Miss Aggie Douglas, of Teviotdale, is the guest of the Mines Douglas, Eliza- beth street, Brussels. Willie Richardson had his cheek injur• ed by it coming in contaot with a barb wiie fence while playing. Mre. James MaLanohlin, of Wingliam, was visiting relatives and old friends in Bruesels during the past week. George, son of William Miller, has been quite ill with iuflammation of the bowels but we hope he will soon be conealescent. James Beattie is bank from Manitoba. Mr. Beattie went West last Spring but Mrs. Beattie and family remained in town. Rev. A. C. Courtioe, D, D., editor of the Christian Guardian, has gone to Olifton Springs, N. Y., to take special treatment for asthma. Last Monday morning Albert, son of John Pi:Aland, left for Chatham where he will learn the watchmaking. He has two eiders in that town. We wish him 511008130. R. J. Ganlev, of Garland', formerly of Brussels, wlao has been representing the York County Savings and Loan Co. since July, is noVii working for the company iu Toronto and is doing well. Tom Bloomfield is home from the Old Country. He wane batik by the White Star steamship “Oymria." The passage was a trifle boisterons but Tom is an old salt and Dan weather a good blast. J. S. Willson, editor of the Globe, is confined to hie home with an attack of heart disease, brought on by over.work. He was taken ill last Friday while at his office, and was removed to 'tie residence ih a cab. Miss Davie, organizer of the ladies' branoh of the Manabees, held a lodge of instruction in Wingham on Thursday. Mrs. Vanetone, Min Jean MoLemahlie, Mrs. MoGuire and others attended from Brussels. W. Taylor, of Walkerton, general agent of the Confederation Life Ineuranoe Co. for this District, has a tempting offer from an Amerioao Insurance Co. to top - resent it, and should be accept, he will re. quire to reside in Chicago. Mrs, Michael Robinson, of Munch. has been visiting her sister, Mrs. R. Mainprice, She returned home on Tuesday. Miss Enphemia Murdock, of Looknow, is spending a few weeks at Mr. Mainprice's. Mu. Hut, a former reeident of Bru- nie, died at the home of Mre. Grimoldby, her daughter, at Owen Sound, last Tees - day, aged 85 years. Deceased was a worthy old lady wholived and died in the Obristian faith. Mrs. Edward Grin:told by, of Sensate, attended the funeral. 71 16 rumored that Goldie & McCullocb, of Galt, purpose removing their foundry to Me anal. About 250,000 tone of ice has been con- sumed in London this seation-100,000 tons in mese of last year. L. 0, MaIntyre, of Weat Williams, is an applicant for the vaunt aloe of Hansa inepeotor in North Middlesex. E. A. Bargees, of Sparta, wag badly burned about the hands and fan, while allowing the workings of hie a0sty1ene light to a friend. The gag was ignited by Ole lamp calming a slight explogion. 13. and IV1110. DUSty, of St. Marys, sidle - Mated their golden wadding noently by a grand reunion of the family, their sone and their sons' familiee congeogabing from all guarani 01 0113 continent. Mr, and aim Dusty are two of St, Marys most respeoted and avell-to•do citizens, Foe 55 yeare they have been reeidanta of the Stone Town. Straw dritte on the Loudon & Port Stanley Railway interrelated train° be- tween London and St. Thomas on Satin, day. A Kingelon paper etntse that W. T. 11. lareetoii has the 01111701 OE the waiden. ship of the pi. aanit iary, and he may anent the The trial of Alike Riopelle for onesing the death of Leon Boyer, resulted in a verdict of guilty of manslaughter et the Hull Auden. Ile 31(39 sentenced to 4 years in the St, Vincent do Paul Peniten. tiary, unisseis Nehool Board. Tile regular meeting of the Public school Board was held in the Board room on Friday evening; all members present except W. Mullin. The minutes of the last regular and speoial meetings were read and passed, The following anounts were present. ed J. G. Skene, cloth for dusting and brooms Geo. Edwards, moulding on windows 4 W. J. DiaCracken, soap end lacunas 1 91 95 80 S. Wilton, new furnace, repair ing troughs, roof, &s 80 76 D. 0. Ross, repairing look 26 Moved by A. Oonsley, seconded by J. G. Skene, that the above aceonnts be paid. Carried. Moved by Jed. Zambia', ernoinied by J. G. Shone, that the Board tut ,:rtise for tenders for 50 cords of green hardwood, 22 inches long, tenders to be eceivea till Dec. 28rd, 1898, wood to be delivered be- fore March let, 1899. Carried . Board then adjourned. .7.704N.D4 RD 134 NE OF ad NW .7).4 0.7.m'D.A.X3MiXEsXT=nn 11172. NSAD OFFICE. - TORONTO CAPITAL PATD TIP (On Millioa Dollars) $1,000,000 RESERVE FII ND $1100,000 491110100 in all principal palate in Ontario. Qnrboo, Aimatooa, trailed States c0 Ragland. OR MAMAS BilteXCAr. General Banking Business Transaoted, Fanners' None Dienunted. Drafts Issued and Oolleotione made oa all points, SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT. Interest allowed on deposits of $1,00 and npwarde. SPUMY. ATTENTION GIVEN TO Tait Comas:Trots or FARmERS' SAMO NOTES. Every facility afforded Customers livieg at a Mebane. M. M. BRENT, MANAGER. ,....esass.cescacesa. wencwwwwwwesecwassessowessesee.- meree, ONE CENT A WORD COLUMN. 1 FrousE AND LOT IN ETHEL -I- for sale, 11007911 as the Hew sworth l inserted melt wook at 1 nut a word. NO IN ;1.1 g_ho°1Fgeu.b,i‘tuvI,31 tiCAlitirgnPoisretsPstolVtgoio0. [Under this heading small advta, will be tf. r Part oulivtrms.apropzuoiw, mho. advt. loss than 10 oen ts, howeyer, to be paid for whoa order Is given.) Loeu—A pink Fasoinator. Finder will oblige by leaving at MRS. 101101(13, SERVANT wanted at one. Good wages paid to a ermipetent hand. Apply to MRS. W. NI. =Imam, Brussels. HAND•stAtIOTIS, Dolls, Carriages, Boys' Wheelbarrows, Children's Darts tit; TEE POST Bookstore, THE PEOPLE'S COLUMN. _ ----A BUNTER, LICENSED AUG- ,1010ka to sell. TroNEER . Money to loan. Farms BRAnamy.—At 817 Homer street Vim- oonver, 13. 0., on Tuesday, Nov. 29011, the wife of Mr. Charles 71. Bradwin, representative of Robin. son, Little & Co:, London, of a daughter. Swam .—In Seaforth, on the 7th inst., the wife of Bar. Loftus Stark of a rlaugh• ter. E110.—In Morris, on Deo. and, the wife of Mr. Smith Eno of a son. ZDXZEISD. Bun —In Morris, on Dec. 14013, Mrs. Francis 13e11, nged 40 years and 21. days. .6:07 CTXC00ol Tummy, Deo. 200h.—Farm stook, &o., Tot 7, con. 17, Grey. Sale, uureserved, na 1 o'clock. Tins. Johnston, prop. ; F. S. Soott, Ant. • 10ZR*T.3-11S10I..S Fall Wheat Barley........ Peas Oats .... Butter, tubs and rolls ... Eggs par dozen Flour per b meet.. Potatoes (per beta) Hay per ton . Hides brimmed 7 79. Hides rough .... 5 5 Salt per bbl., retail , .... 1 00 60 Sheep skins, each 30 75 Lamb skins mob 25 25 Hoge, Live 3 90 4 00 Dressed Doge 5 00 5 10 Wool 16 -17 Apples (per beg) 50 75 65 66 38 40 60 62 26 26 12 14 14 15 4 00 4 00 50 50 4 00 800 VOUNG GIRL 12 TO 14 YEARS could find a comfortable home with opportunity of going to school, with the un- dereigued. Would also tolpply her elothing. GEORGE MoDONALD, 21-2 Lot 17, JO.omu..8thw 1, Garey.r. 0. ANYONE WANTING A 11.11V. ING N00111110, Organ or Piano can be supplied by applying to mo for I am not out of the businese ea some have tried to report. I will deal with you 00 reasonable es any. 23- T. MO ORhl, Brussels. 13 OUSE AND LOT FOR SALE 08 13111 street, Brussels. The house is a comfortable one, Well fitted up, with °eller, herd and soft water, 50. There is 0100 it good debt°. Fruit trees in garden over one-quarter acre of land. For price, terms, 50., apply to F. LINN, Proprietor, or W. EL KERB, of Tun Poso, 10.01 TENDERS WANTED. Tenders 70111be receiAed until Deo. 28rd, 1803, for the delivery of 00 cords of good sound green hard wood. Beech and Maple, all body wood, 22 inches long, to bo delivered at the Brussels Public; 0011001 House before the 1st day of March, 1800. 10,10083 Secretary Nubile solmol Board. A COMPLETE CONSERVATORY COURSE OF MUSIO. llfaIlOn'S System of Touch and Teelmie, in - chiding Clavier emotion, given by MISS SARAH LOUISE 000002, L. 0.00,, who bolds Aroademie col:tidos:bee in Musie from London Cousmvatory ; pupil of W. Cavell Barron, Principal. She Ns also n competent pipe organist. Miss Moore waits Walton Monday and Tuesday of each week for the purpose of giviue Instructions on piano and organ, For partioulars apply ab mr. Earga- son's residence, Walton, or postalce box 106, Seaforth. 20. OK REAL ESTATE. ▪ OOD 100 ACRE FARI11 FOR SALE, 000 18, Coa. 9, Grey. 12 feet of 01 00101100 the river. Immediate possession. For price, terms, 5o., apply to 13- ,rs 08. 1:40011E, Brussels, RINE FARM FOR SALE.—BE. 1. INS Lot 2% N Con. O. Morris township, containing 08 acres of grab -Mass laud. There Is 0.110080, barn, -orchard and good 70508- 110000, 1304 farm 18 70831 fenced. There ore 36 acres in Fall wheat; 10135008 111 hay and 40130088 pasture. Possession could bo given 8.0 0000, Farm adjoins tbe village of B rus- sole, For foriber particulars as to nriee, 090010 110.. 'write to .7110111112 LIVINGSTON, M. P., Baden. 02-01 VA111\1 FOR SALE. --THE UN— DERKOLIOD offers 1110 flue 200 sere farm, being Lots 7.7 and 28, Si Con. 8, Morris. On the promises are 2 oonzfortab le houses and 3 barns, two orchards, walla, dm. Ms cleared, butane° bush. Farm is only 2 miles from Walton village and 49 from. Brussels. Possession could be given in 2 mouths after sale, For further particulars as to priee, tonna, 50., apply on the premises 00 11 by letter to Walton P.O. JOHN LA.WSON, 0-01 Proprietor. TpAum FOR SALE. -150 ACRES Consisting of the Routh I and South of the North 4 01 000 36, Oou 9, East Wawa - nosh. This is au excellent stook faros ,being well annulled with good spring water, It is situated about 3 miles from the thriving Vil- lage of Blyth. A largo pert of lb is under grass. Buildings and fencoe aro in a fair state 00repair. Easy tonne of payment will be given. For all information apply to 11-tf G. F. BLAID, Barrister, Brussels. GOOD FARM'S FOR SALE.— Tbe undersigned offer two 100 time farms for sale &treasonable prices. The lute aro Nos. 10 and 11 00u. 0 (Suusbine), the sideroad between them, (4004 brick bones and burn on lot 11, and house and 2 barns on lot 10. Orchards and all necessary conven- iences. Well :watered and suitable for grain or grazing. 100 acres now in grass. Will be sold either separate 017 together to suit pur- 'Maser. Terme of payment reasonable. Im- mediate possession. For f urth or particulars apply to .50SEPE or.,nop, Brussels P, 0., or 16 , L. DIOXIN SON, Barnst er, Winghauz. Itt BOAR FOR SERVICE.—THE undersigned will keep for servioe on Lot 2, 0021.8, Giey, a thoro' bred Improved Yorkshire Boar, bred by Mr. 1,E. 13retbour, Burford, Oxford County. Pedigree zany be 0000 00 application, "tennis, Wan to be paid at time of setvice with privilege to return if neoessary. 1180. STRACHAN, 22.4 Proprietor. uyi g Now Is the best time for Xmas buying . when ore onn be taken In the HMO, • tion end the right thing be made euro of. Wo pin a few lines at vendor?, reesaaaa* PURSES. Always a very aoceptable We have them from 6o to 3200., BOOKS. P0 went. A very nioe line of books Imitable. for presente in benutifnlly decorated Gile Covers at 811e nob. Photo. Albums. '. Another word about this onion- lar line. We would like you to see them before buying elsewhere and be convintied that our prioes are oorreot. Perfumes. Some very choice packages from 25o. to $5.00, the finest we have yet Shown, Photo. Frames. Any gnantity of them in Celluloid at 20v, 25c and 40e. grokiliolo Boards. Selling better than ever. Anotber fine lot of them just to hand at the pop- ular prioe, 75o. TOYS, DOLLS, PIOTURE BOOKS, And GAMES of all Kinds A ox's 1 ngSion County Council Election. Piddle notice Is hereby given that a meet. ingot the Electors of County Connell Divis- ion No. 6, composed of the muuicinalities of Grey, Morris and Brussele. will be hold in the TOWN HALL, 13 RUSSELS, on inemln y, the 1911z Day‘or December, 1898, at the hour of 1 o'cleolc p.m., for the purpose of nominating candidates to represent them in the County Council 01 0100 County of Enron, for the years 1800 and 1000, and that in ease a poll be demanded nod allowed to the man- ner by law prescribed such poll will be open- ed on tho lnd day of January, 1800, in each of the polling sub -divisions at the :time and place fixed by by-law in the municipalities in the said County Division. Dated at Brussels this let day of Decent. ber, 1808. F. S. SCUTT, Nominating °Meer. Xmas Display. 0 0 DID YOU EVER THINK 0 41 for a long while before deciding what to buy, and then get something that did not suit you ? Let us help you this time. Our suggestions as to what to buy are for the asking. It's not difficult to select a present for a lady from our large and varied stock, and it should not be difficult to select for a gentleman. Try this list, Does anything in it interest you ?' — Ladies' Gold Watohee, —Ladies' Gold Filled Watohee, —Ladies' Long Chains, —Opal Rings, —Engagement Rings, —Wedding Riage, —Brooches, —Bangle Pins, --Stick Pins, —Main Bracelete, — Stone Set Braoelete, — Blouse Sets, —Manicure Sets, —Silk Goardo, — Hat Pine, —Dreseing Oases, a —Photo Boxes, —Baby Pine, —Baby Binge, —13mby Brea:slots, —Oupe and FiancerS) —Biscuit Jars, — Rose Jars, —China Teapots, —Hot Witter Pete. — Jardiniere, — Sterling Silver Noveltiee, —Travelling Caeee, saes- -Neok Chains, asaa —Silver Book Marks, - Curling Tongs, — Vaasa, Ornaments, dm, &a. — Gents' Gold•Filled Watches, —Gente' Silver Watches, — Silverine and Silveroide Watohee, --Gente Filled Chains, — Gente' Guards, —Gold Lookets, —Scarf Pins, —Opal Pine, —Opal Stude, —Shirt Front Sets, — Ouff Linke, —Cuff Buttons, — Fountain Pens, as... — Collar and Guff Boxes, —.Emblem Pine, —Canes, —Pipeg in Oases, —Oigar Holciere, —Olooke, —Alarm Olooke, —1847 Bogen' 13roe, Knives, Forks and Spoon, —Napkin Rings, —Card Trays, —Pin Trasie, — Batten, Berry, —Sugar and Cream Sete, —Violins and Bowe, —Month Organo, — Autoharps, —Mandolins, — Banjos, Lem, &o, Our store is brimful of goods, almost any of which are.suitable for presents. Como and see us before you buy. We have bought very heavy in Ladies' and Gents' Gold and Gold Filled Watches, the very best movements in the market. Wo are making a special- ty of Watches and Rings of every description. We can save you money. 1,t95. Jac Store Opposite American Hotel. Likes a oat, Well -Fitting Glove 110 And every Man bows before a pretty hand neatly covered. This is why it will interest you to know we are selling Perrin's Gloves. Every Pair is Guaranteed:. • Perrin's i3retagne, Black, 7 hook lacing, gussets between fingers,P,sizes 6i to 71, guaranteed at Perrin's Broadway, $1 25 Tan, Ox -blood and Brown, with 3 strand Embroid- ery, gussets between fingers, 2 dome fasteners, sizes 61 to 71, guaranteed, at $1 00 errin's Bretagne, Tan and Brown, 7 hook lacing, gussets between fin- gers, sizes l3 to 71, guaranteed, $1 25 We carry a P.611 stock of the .D. 6 Corsets at 50c., 75e, and 0100.