The Brussels Post, 1898-12-16, Page 5DI:r,', 16, 1898
N & C
This work biro make It Maid on prices in our Afillinory and
Mantle departments. We have Bono a great trade in those lines
this season, and we can afford to be generous with the remainder
of our stock. These aro all this season's goods and iip•to-date in
style, finish and color. Wo will carry no goods over, hence the fol-
lowing reductions in prices :---
-L Witte' Black Niggerhsad Jackets, worth $4 00 for $2,05.
-Ladies' Black Beaver Jaokete, worth $5.00 for $3 50.
-Ladies' Jackets in Blue, Green and Black, worth $7.25 for $5.50.
-Ladies' Trimmed Sailers, in nll the now colors, worth 75o,, 900. and 91 00,
your ohoioe for 50c.
-Ladies' Trimmed Walking Hats, block, myrtle, cardinal and the new shades
of blue, worth 780. and $1.00, yonr choise for 50a.
-We have had a great ran on our new Australian flannels for waists and wrap.
pers ; this week we received another lot in new oolors and designs at 120.
-We have scoured a large lot of pound prints for quilts, they are very scarce
goods, and higher in pride, but we are still selling them in half.pound
parcels at 10a.
r "We want a car of Dried Apples for Manitoba. We pay the
highest price for good bright quality.
r• O
Pickle Dishes from $1.50 to $4 00,
fi gar Bowls, beet quality, from $3.00 to
$0 00. Fruit Dishes from 93 50 to $4.50.
Butter Dishes from 91.50 to $4.00.
TheFiaeatDisplay ever aeon in town -
A / 1.V1.s. 'l.7flJi.l t� Vnea Lamps from $1.00 Eo $1.75• Ban-
quet Lampe, superb, from $2.50 to 96.00.
Ilanging Lamps from $1.50 to $6.50.
TEAKETTLES A new o 9 Handsome line, Nickel, from
j3�J 11 3� d'J .d. l�.' $1.25 to 92 00.
SILVER SPOONS A. 1 heavier than Rogers' A 1
I goods, at. $3,50 per dozen,
G orf 1' [1 � ,\ 'p- The White Sewing Machine has won the
AJ D 1d 1 1L'1 15 �J Gold Medal for the Best Family Sewing
Machine. Pride $28,00.
WASHING MACHINES, The Best in the Market from
lJ 1 1 lr '`7f $5.0o to 91ooa
CARPET j� p�� fj1 SWEIP1RS. Bissell's Oyoo Bearing Carpet Sweepers -
Grand Rapids, Japan, 52,75. Grnnd Rapids, Nickel, $3.50,
Fancy China
.l \
having bought largely we are offering special
values in the above goods. -
...tonotOE NEW SEASON'S....
Raisins, Currants, Peels, Nuts, Oranges, Lemons
A. special line of $12 Dinner Sets for $9.
A beautiful lisle of Tea and Toilet Sets at reduced
T7ae Old Reliable Bakery still leads with the
best goods Dept in a first-class Bakery.
Best Manitoba Flour for sale• isk
Geo. Thomson,
There is no place on earth
where you can buy
BOOTS, $1-10ES
as Cheap as when sold alongside of
Hermes at harness profite. The public) are well
aware of that fact which ie manifest by the way
our sales are increasing -last Saturday's Bales
beat all previone records, By planing fresh in.
dncemeute, we Hope to make this month's busieese
almost double any previous month. 'We keep the goods you want suitable for the
season, which will be banded out to you atthe lowest oast Mon. Vou will bear in
mind that we don't look td this departmeet.alone for our living; whioh amounts for
the low prioee thab rule here.
We offer you bargains in Slippers of all kinds.
-A full stock of Heavy and light Harness,• all our own make,
out of the best of oak leather. We offer you bargains in Robes,
Blankets, Bolls and Whips. Sens our Trunks -very strong, fitted
with good locks, spring clamps, heavy strap lainfres-'all going at
low prices. l'Remcnlber the place.
1. r RI CCA RDS.
Ssterss'ssetsesel Fess -see.
(Intended for bait week.)
Jabot German was visiting et Fletcher
lino's last weolc.
Gd o. Wiltsieie home from Manitoba.
Ice likes the country and eitys be got
along well there this Summer.
Mies Mary E. Rae ie now home from
Sealorth, where she has been for the
past 4 mouths learning dreeamaking,
McPherson baye am hustling things
title Winter in their "ICIondilte." They
purpose (tutting 200 write of wool.
Jae. Davideon and Aaron IAlliest had
wood b• es last week, 'they got a lot out
up, and at niglct they acted quite egaare-
ly by giving the young people a donee,
Mr. Souter has now moved fate bis
new brick house. We hope he and the
rest of the family may be long spared to
enjoy its oomfol•to. What would be
wrong about him living ns a "house
warming 7"
Aroh, Forbes, teenher of S. S, No.
O, MaKillnp, has rented nn organ for nee
in the achnoi house for next year. Mr,
Forbes is a good singer himself, and ie
training the pupils well in this branch,
Several of his pupile play the organ well,
so they can mauage all with themselves
quite n10017',
Mrs. Garvin left here for Portage la -
Prairie bast week to wait on her sister,
Tessa Glass, who is sick there, with very
little hope of recovery, It is sad to think
that all the Glass fancily will be together
there from this unhappy cause. Geo. is
in the employ of the 0, Is, R. in British
Columbia and Annie is teaching sohool
near Portage.
Rev. A. 0. Tiffin, of Walton, preached
Minnie Howlett's funeral sermon in
Bethel ohurub, last Sabbath to o large
oongregation. Ho delivered a very ap-
propriate discourse which could not help
but appeal etronely to the hearts of all,
Your correspondent intended to hove
sent in an amount of the decease to TUB
Puss last week, bot was unable, through
Township Council on Thursday of this
Municipal onndidatee are getting down
to work.
Send Tits Posi to your absent friends.
It gives the news.
The roads have been very bad owing to
the depth and softnese of the anew.
W. R. Mooney is doing duty as a juror
this week at the County Court, Goderiob.
Mies Kate Rozell was holidaying with
Mies Ida Burkholder in McKillop for the
pant two weeks.
Tuesday of last week Jno. R. Bell, let
con., had a wood bee and about 18 or 20
cords of wood were cut.
Tuesday of next week the Sunshine
Methodist Sabbath school will hold their
annual entertainment. A good program
will be presented.
There was nn 0ervioe at aelteoo'e
oburoh last Sabbath afternoon as the
preacher failed to show up owing to the
badly drifted state of the r•oade,
Mrs. ;No. McArthur, 9th line, is not
enjoying as reheat health as her many
friends would desire but we hope the will
soon show evidences of improvement.
It ie hinted that Andrew Sloan, a well.
to do farmer in the Southwestern part of
this township, may take a hand in the
Reeveehip contest in Morris this year.
Mr. Sloan is an old resident of the town-
ship. Nomination day, 26th inst., will
eilenoe all rumors.
David and Herb., eons of James Rue -
sell, Sunshine, arrived home from Wash.
ington Territory on Thursday of last
week. The former has been in the West.
for nearly three years and Herb. about
two years, The latter spent six months
in Manitoba before going through to the
Coast. The boys are fairly 'well pleased
with Waehiugton but will likely remain
in Morrill.
ram MAvlxo0A,-Wm. Hanna, of Mid.
way, Manitoba, who went West last
Match, ie here on a visit. He arrived in
Morrie on Saturday of last week. Mr.
Hanna is well pleased with the country
and along with hie five brothers have 6
quarter aeotions, 16 miles East of Neepa-
wa. They had over 4,000 bushels of
wheat and 1,200 bushels of oats. 3,000
bushels of the former was sold before Mr.
Hanna lett for which they reoeived from
56 to 61 conte. They are bandy to school
and 39 miles from the village of Midway,
their postoffioe. It is eight years since
Jnc; and Thos; went. to Manitoba. There
had only been snow enough to make
sleighing up to Deo. 511. The country
around there is well settled. Cattle rale.
ing and feeding is rapidly developing,
one farmer in that locality having 280
head. There is a good demand for cattle.
Jno. W. Hanna and wife are going to
Grenfell, N. W. T., to spend. Christmas
with Mrs, 17'e brother, who is Mr.
Nichols, and edits the •renfell paper.
Me. Hanna will visit relatives near Kin•
sardine before returning to Manitoba.
Rmroar.-The following is the report
of S. S. No. 4, Morrie, foe the month of
November :•-Form 2 --Total 900. -
Norah Maunders, 805. P. S. Leaving -
Total 800. -Ida Mooney, 682 ; Willie
Oloakey, 546 ; Richard Cardiff, 504;
Lulu Davie, 497 ; Milton Sharpe, 802.
411 class -Total •
800. -Clara Mooney,
678 ; Bertha Sharp, 621 ; Mabel Nichol,
547 ; Bertha Nichol, 533 ; Robert
Mooney, 425 John Cloakey, 876:;
Carrie Speir, 864 ; Minnie Mooney, 842 ;
Lizzie Davie, 338 ; Everett Walker, 803 ;
Nelson Maunders, 108. sod class -Total
800. -Laura Cloakey, 428 ; Elston Card-
iff, 418,;; Geo. Davis, 400 ; 1lfionie Walk.
er, 894 ; Lizzie Speir, 877 ; Tena For.
eytl, 366 ; Annbe Niobol, 342 ; John
Moss, 121. Sr, 2nd -Total 450. -Ada
McOuteheon, 274; Porcine, Manning,
263 ; Frank Nichol, er., 214 ; Frank
Nichol, jr., 170. Jr. 2nd -Total 300. -
Lorne Nichol, 178 ; Harold Speir, 154 ;
011e' Walker, 145 ; Earl Bernard, 180,
Pert 2nd-'L'otal 200. -Bennie Walker,
97. Sr. lot-'rotab 200, -Robb. Forsyth,
125 ; Kate Manning, 95. honor stand-
ing for the month -Novel Maunders,
Ida Mooney, Clara Mooney, Bertha
Sharp, Laura Cloakey. Average attend.
aloe, 85. J. D. E, Hrstvrty, Tettober.
Taounrdt 7,001 Sottmnonp.-A rumor has
been circulated that Wm. Greonelade, 711
line, was responsible for the burning of
Wm. Oakley's barn on Tuesday evening
of last week. An opportunity of Foam-
ing proof for this false statement will
likely be afforded parties (simulating it
unless they apologise, Wm. Gveenelado
was at his father's residence at the time
of the fire to oat be borne out by nnnier•
one witnesses. The Meeks found in the
field were those matte by. Albert Oakley
ana Ernie Meanders in taking it short
net to the burning been front the road, Mr.
Ewen, of the lath eon. of Orey, (sailing at
Albert Uakley'e 00 be was driving past to
tell him about the lire. Som' people
einem that the fire wan set out of revenge
on amount of the youth suing Mr, Oakley
for hie wages but 110 such thing was ever
dreamed of by Greenslade. There were
no tracks in the field from the South or
Wont sides of the barn destroyed as woe
Scuoo>,Onxonax,--A Concert will bo
given in 8.0, No. 4, Morris, on Thursday,
D•m, 22nd. Doors open at 7, curtain
rime at 7:30 p, rn,, sharp, A select pro.
gram consisting of vooaland instrumental
music, drills, dbalogneo, tableaux, panto.
mines, &o., do., will he given. 1'lto
Tragedy of Penult and Judy and the Red
White and Bine drill are partinnlarly
good. The boat talent available is eeeur•
ed for the evening.
Afieo Lang, of Grey,ievisiting at Albert
'tail lite'.
Mrs, Jae. Wylie left on Tuesday for
Robb, Blaolr was in Mt. Forest on Mon-
day on business.
Gavin Davidson was at Wiugbam over
Sunday and Monday.
Wm, Leckie took a business trip to
Mildmay on Tuesday.
Mr. and Mrs. Spotten gob have settled
nicety in their now residence.
Wtn. Greer and sister, paid Wroxeter a
flying visit on Tuesday last;'
Mrs. S. Playford has left this country
to join her husband and family in Mani-
Miss Martin, of Bayfield, who has been
visiting Miss Jean Davidson, hes return.
ed to her home.
David and Mrs. Barnard, of Manly -
any, Mich., formerly of Wroxeter, are
upending the Winter in this vioinity.
The roads' leading North are almost
impassable. Thefarmere are busily en•
gaged in ploughing the snow to a shape
and navigation will soon be much better.
The death of the late Mrs. Voeburg is
much felt in this vicinity. Deceased has
been a resident of this town for a number
of years. The funeral, whioh was larg-
ely attended considering the very unfav-
orable weather, was on Tuesday at 8 p.
Our Methodist ,church is looking quite
nobby now. The trustees have purchased
a table and three handsome chairs for the
accommodation of ministers. The organ-
ist has resigned her position and as the
future organist ie at present away visit-
ing, Miss Brawn filled the position very
efeciently last Sabbath.
A grand entertainment will be held in
Methodist Church on Monday next. Tea
will be served from 6 to 8 in the basement,
after which the Wingham Orchestra, Jno.
Wendt, Innes Iiunt°ou and Wroxeter
Quartette, will render mueio. Addresses
will be given by a few minsters from
surrounding towns. Tbie will be a grand
event so don't miss it.
The young sports of Wroxeter are mak
ing great efforts to organize a Hockey
team as the rink is now open. This game
bas never been played here as the rink is
rather unfit for such sport but neverthe•
less where there is a will there is a
way. We never have to take back Saler
at any sport we take in hand so don't be
surprised if Waterloo and Listowel hap-
pen to be trimmed.
The general sessions of the Ooun'y
Court was held on Deo. 1311.
G. W. Thomsonandfamily have token
up their residence in their handsome new
reoidenoe On Toronto M.
Mies Merlon Inglis, Lighthouse street,
has been engaged as teacher of S. S. No.
5, Colborne township, near Nile.
Frank Cuff, eon of Prof. Guff, had the
misfortune to fall, and as the remit is
nursing a bad fraoture of the arm.
The Model school ohms was examined
last week by Inepeotor Tom and A. J.
Moore, B. A. This marks the conclusion
of the Model sohool term.
Edward P. Elliott, of New York, per-
sonator and dramatist, will give the
seooud of the Goderiob Musical Soclety's
concert ooure0 on Thursday even ing,
Deo. 22nd.
W. W. MoVioar, railway mail clerk, of
Goderiob, and Miss Ursula Barrick,
daughter of Michael Barrick, formerly of
Chatham, were married on Nov. 80th at
Walkerville. They have taken up their
residence on Elgin avenue.
A man dwelling in the South-eastern '
extremity of the town was arrested Fri-
day night on the complaint of his wife,
nod next morning was taken before polioe
magistrate Seeger on the obarge of
assaulting her. The wife told a harrow-
ing tale of abuse at hie hands, and he in
turn moused her of extravagance and neg•
leot of her household duties. Seeing bow
things lay, the magistrate gave each of
them a lecture, following it up with some
good advice, and sent the pair away, ap•
parently satisfied.
We regret to learn that George Drum•
mond, formerly manager of the Goderiah
branch c,f the Bank of Montreal, and now
manager of the Pluton branob, is eeriouely
ill in the'lbronto hospital.
Mre, George Morrie, of Colborne, Inas
lamed her farm for a term of pare to
Thos. Bellows, and with her daughters,
Mies Mary and Aliso Adelaide, bee taken
up her reoidenoe on Newgate•st., town.
011loera were Gloated as foliowe In mons
neetion with the Carbolic Mutual I3onevo•
lent Aesociatiou :-Presideut, D. P. 1110 -
Cattily ; let vine -president, Anthony
Booker; 2nd vlce•preeident, Fred. J
Shannon ; renording secretary, Cbae. V.
Shannon ; financial ee000100y, J, 1).
O'Connell ; treasurer, J. J. Doyle ; mar.
ebal, Jae. Dean ; guard, Martin 'Con -
net ; assistant recording seoretary, Frank
O'Rourke ; trustees, Chas, Mose, M. J.
Farr, E. Campion, Judge Doyle, Capt.
Treenail ; chancellor, Joseph Kidd. W.
P. Killaokey, organizer for the Aseooi•
ation, was in town for about ton days,
and fourteen new names have been added
to the membership roll.
Word hie been received itt Goderioli of
the murder at Los Angeles of Peter IS 1.
montou and George Engelke, Edmonton
was formerly a well•known and highly
esteemed resident of Goderiob township,
The prime occurred a year ago, but has
jnat been brought to light by the con-
fession of the mistress of George Han-
cock, the murderer. The woman Saye
she was travelling with her paramour,
and one morning ohe was awakened by
the noise of a pistol, and found that
Hancook bad knocked both Eugelke and
Edmonton on the head with an axe, and
shot them twice. Han000k then went
through the pootete of both mon, bat
only got $13, a bank book and a small
quantity of jewelry.
Cnrrudiarx Nosvh+.
Arthur Wright, an 11 year-old son of
George Wright, hotel -keeper, Brantford,
was run over and badly injured by a bob-
sleigh on Thursday. He is in a oritioal
John E. Rooke is under arrest at Port
Huron, charged with the theft of a quan.
tiby of cigars and liquors from a hotel at
Galt, where he .was employed soma short
time ago.
A pork packing faotory will soon be
established in Woodetook. Perrin & Co.,
Chicago, have been oommunioated with,
and they estimate the poet of a faotory
with a oapacity of 2,000 hogs a week at
Between four and five thousand acres
have been lamed in the 1011, 12th and
13th oonoeseione of Pbympton. Mr.
Stokes, the agent of the Bushell Oil Com.
pany, has assured the farmers that he
will begin drilling for oil at once.
The fine sweepstakes cup, the highest
honor at the disposal of the Fat Stook
Aesooiation at Guelph, whioh was pre.
seated by Thomas Holliday, of Guelph,
was won by James Oke, of Alvineton.
The eeoond sweepstake prize was won by
Mr. Wilson, of Fergus.
Two mac attempted to kidnap little
Gordon Purdy, of St, Mary's, recently.
They struck at him with a olub, but the
boy managed to escape. Both the men
flourished revolvere. A reward of $100
has been offered for the conviction of the
parties. Mr. Purdy also effete a large
Ohrie. Seip, an employee of the Goldie -
McCulloch Company, Galt, was working
a crane in the molding shop when the
taokbe broke,oausing a heavy etraoture
to fall on him, partially burying him.
When he was extricated one of hie legs
was broken, his head was out and his
arm badly bruised.'
The solicitor for Herbert White of
Aylmer, has issued a writ against D. W.
Miller, magistrate, Wiarton, and Alex.
Smith, of the. same plane, cloiming
damages for false arrest. White was
shooting in that locality, and was arrest.
ed for stealing a deer, on complaint of
Smith. It is claimed the rudest wee
made for spite.
The Maritime express, which left Heli
fax on Friday and arrived at Levis at
noon Saturday ran into a herd of some
30 moose shortly after leaving Newcastle.
Three of them were killed outright and
several were wounded. One of the ani-
mals killed, a cow moose, weighed over
600 pounds, and was brought to Quebec
by J. B, Lambkin, who was on the train.
Rev. Sidney Chancey, a Methodist
minister, settled on the French there,
Newfoundland, writes to the St. Johne
paper, detailing the wretched condition of
the people there. He deolaree that
alarming destitution prevails along the
whole ooast line, and that prompt assis-
tance is necessary to prevent wholesale
starvation. Scores of families, be Gaye
have not more than two barrels of flour
with which to tide over the Winter of six
months' duration, and for which period the
coast is blocked by ice floes. He instances
oases where famibieo are already existing
on fish and diseased potatoes, having no
flour, and urges prompt relief,
We Wish All a Very
Happy and Merry Xmas
and at the some time extend a cordial invitation to visit our store in
the hope that you may find something euitabbe in the way of Xmas presents for your
Monde, parents or ohildreu. We have a great many articlee-too numerous to
mention -that are probably just what would snit you or what you were looking for.
For inetanoe we have en endless variety of Fancy Pioture, Embroidered Lawn,
Linen and Silk Handkerobiefe, Ties, Mufflers, Kid Gloves, Slippers, Wool Gauntlets,
Fur Gauntlets, Caps, Collars, Ruffs, Corea, Caperiuee, Linen Tabling, Table Nap•
kine, Towels, Chenille and Tapestry Table Covers, oto„ eto,
One Stook will be found right inelttaing Dry Goode, Gr000riee, Boole and Shoee,
Rubber° and Overshoot, Reedymade Clothing, Hate, Cape, &o,
January Standard Patterns now to hand. They are the best
and Cheapest Patterns in America.
Call and get a fashion Sheet Prep.
P. S. --We will pay Gc. por lb. for good Driod Apples.• -a•0'
"The Craft of St. Crispin."
-A pictured history of the Shoe from the
3rd century t� date. lull of foot facts
about leather, shoe ruin and longevity,
• tricks of the last, foot forming influences,
styles and colors of latest shoes, etc.
Copy free from agents or makers of
"The Slater Shoe."
Jno. Dowding, - Sole Local Agent
I wish to inform the people of Brussels
and surrounding district that I have pur-
chased the Pump Bueinees of JAMES
BELL and will be found ready to attend
to all wants in either new work or repairs
at moderate prices.
No bettor Pump in the market.
Order left eh my shop or residence or
at P, SCOTT'S shop will be promptly
looked after.
fH'Ordere taken for the Digging of
Wells and Cisterns.
Gomer Green.,
British Columbia
Red Cedar Shingles
Ann --
North Shore
Pine and Cedar
Brussels Planing Mills
Also Doors and Saeh of all Pat
terns on hand or made to order
at Short Notice.
Debilitates Furnished for all
kinds of Buildings. Workman-
ship and Material Guaranteed.
Has got
What You Want.
0011 and see bis stook of Winter Dram
Goode and Trimmings, Ladies', Gents'
and Children's Underwear. Beet
value in town.
Headquartetu for
Bought before the advance
in prleee :-
Tomatoes, Salmon
Corn, Sardines
Peas, Herrings
Beans, Readies
Pumpkins, Chioken
Pickles, Turkey
Mince -meat, Duck
Canned Beef, Mushrooms
Pigs Feet, Chip' Beef
McLaren's Cheese
t 'New Fruits, New Peels, New Nuts.
-New Spices of all kind..
legsTias and Coffee a specialty at
Cook's Cotton Root Compound
Is successfully used monthly by over
10,000Ladies. Safe, effectual. Ladies ask
your druggist for Cooke Catton Coot Cmn-
round. Take no other as all Mixtures, pills and
Imitations are dangeions, Price, No. 1, $1 per
box; No. 2,10 degrees stronger, $s per box. No.
1 or 2, mailed en receipt of price and two sreent
itemise. The Gook. Company Windsor, Ont,
e 3tos. id l D 2 a iOr commended by all
p Druggists p
Nos. liand•e soldlin Brussels by --.:.Pew'
G. A. D1 MiMAN, tv t
Druggist, Bodl.•seller Optician. is
The boiler is made of
steel, cast iron front, grates,
fire box linings and smoke pipe plate, all other partsjmade
of the best cast steel protected against warping. Flues
arranged so that boiling can be done quicker and at much
less cost for fuel than the old style furnace.
Price only $10.00 Cash.
Leave your order at once with
SIeighs, &c.
Ewan & Innes, on Monday
and Tuesday of this weeek
3 of which went near Listowel.
They have the right kinds and prices to suis,' and
people know it.
We have a car lot, owning next week.
We have on hand hew Sleighs, light and heavy, 2nd
hand Cutters, some Pleasure Sleighs that Will hold 0 per-
sons, with steel bobs, McLaughlin's patent.
Ewan & Innes.