The Brussels Post, 1898-12-9, Page 8FOR YOU!
13'OIL the Old Fellts-A nice pear of
- Speothelee-1That better for a
Xmaa Box ? We clan tot the eyes Ana
AP the proper glessee afterward!' free,
Remember the old folks. We have 'tome -
thing foe all.
FOR a Memel for a Lady. A. nice
dressing thee, a hendkerehieCor
glove box, a bend mirror or photo.frme,
a eyelling companion or an elbum. Any
of these things would be fine, We have
Fait0. present for a Gentleman. 4.
gold fountain pen, rt obeying sat,
a•oollar and call box, io dressing nee for
travelling, a titterer, an ink stand, non-
bination pen and penoil oath'a nice hook.
Any of ththe would snit. Call and see
our stook.
FOE a Giil. A dull or book, cup and
saucer or knife, fork and spoon.
a thimble holder or sohool companion, 0.
Moe vase or figure, e scree album or a
Bible. Any would please. We have
whet you want.
FOR, a Boy. Au air gun or pistol,
onto or Mae books, toys or
drums, carts or sleegba, a pocket book or
oomb and looking glass. You oan get
any of these and math more at our .Drug
and Book Store.
G. A. Deadman,
Druggist, Optician & Bookseller.
Trains leave Brunets Station, North
and Sonth, as follows:
come Sono, Came Nonsm.
Murano-- 7110 a.m. I Mail 'Me p.m
rued .........0,43 a.m. Express ......10:10 p.
root Rays Items.
A. chianti fluffing ye takin' notes,
Au' faith he'll prent it.
HEM'S roads.
A YEW pitch holes.
SEE page 3 for local and distriot 00900,
STATUTORY Council meeting Thursday
evening of next week.
NEXT Monthly Horse Fair will be held
on Tbursday, January 5th.
Tenth will be 58 Sundays in 1899. A
big epportunity for some people.
PUBLIO Schools olose on Thursday,
22nd, and will re -open on Sammy 3rd.
&moos and heading bolts are on the
move to P. Arnent's mill yard already
this mann.
Blesses. Ewan & Innes disposed of
25 new eutters so far this season, 0 rather
marry clip.
Tee people who were crying last Satur•
day about the snow going away ought to
be nearly satisfied by this time.
Ilatreseas Quartette will sing at the
Presbyterian tea meeting at Walton on
the evening of Friday, 28rd inst.
Weneonsnax afternoon THE Pose print-
ed invitations for two weddings. If you
require anything in that line give ue a
Quern a few hones were sold at the
Brussele monthly Pair last week. Heavy
horses appear to be in demand rather
than the lighter draft.
MONDAY afternoon's train was too late
to make connections with the L. H. & 13.
to the dieappointment of several puma.
gere. The snow storm wee the cause.
RENEWAL and new subsoriptions are
rolling in to THE POST. Send a Christ.
mu box to your absent relative or friend
of Tem Post for 1899. They will thank
you 52 times next year. Only $1.00,
Le the recently publiabed report of the
money contributed in connection with
the Plebiecite campaign the figure 8 was
inverted in the amount credited to Bros -
eels making it read $19 instead of $16.
Messes. Beaker & Vanstone have_
shipped 140 tons of baled hay to the
Hendry Oo., who do the transfer and
delivery freighting for the G. T. R. Tbe
Brussels firm forwarded 10,000 bushels
of oats to them last year.
bers of the Brussels Entertainment
Course Committee kindly meet at (ir. F.
Blair's office on Friday eitern000, at 4.15
sharp. There are two or three important
matters to consider and a full reptesente,
lion is desired.
TEE Free Library Board is issuing 8.
new catalogue of the fine list of books.
upon the Library shelves as well aa the
new additions being made. Tenders were
asked for 500 copies of catalogue and the
cataract awarded to THE POST SA $25.00,
their offer being the lower by 58.00. A
great deal of work has been done over-
hauling the Library and getting it in
shape for re -opening.
REY. AND MRS. ABET are moving into
the new Rectory this week. Contraotor
Newsome has made a firet-olase job of
the building and it will eland to kis
credit in the yeare to some. The build-
ing is oonvenient, commodious and them.
fortable, having all the modern arrange-
ment% Tun POST wishes Mr. and Mre.
Abey many happy years in their new
home. 89. John's and Eit. George'e
churches are be to cffingrathlated on the
suocessfal issue of tbeir providing so neat
a rectory for their ithumbent.
00' SYSIPATHY.-At the
meeting of Brassele A. 0. IL W last
Friday evening the Recorder was in.
etruoted to forward Rev, Bro. Jilin and
Mae. Attie a oopy of the following react.
lutiort of sympathy in the decease of
their little daughter ;-
To Rev. 8. J. and Mrs. Allin
The a
the 2
A Pr
ter tai
TONSIMY'13 DIvision Court was a eort
of a regard breaker for length, The sit.
tinge oontinned about 10 p. m.
A rffierat.enceen oar of hogs wad for.
warded by Messrs. Bather & Veustono
from Brueseffi 011 Tlleaday of 11110 WOOS,
THE 8011001 13thed should put the
Truancy leas, in throe mut look After
',Retinal who do not sand their children
to settee! regelarly.
Moaner mornirog's train from Xinoar.
dine was about a, half hour late, owing bo
the mow Storni, notwitbetanding that it
had 2 engines attached.
Toeseey evening the Southern sky vette
brilliantly illuminated by the refieetion
of the burning of Wm. Oakley's lag barn,
on the Mamie side of the gravel road,
about let miles Smith of Memel%
Tun snow plow did good• serviee hest
alondity in opening np the threete and
the thanks of the citizens are due to
Wm. Bird, Jas. Shaw, X. Scott and A.
McKay for their kindling in this grati.
tuous but moat important work.
A YOUNG lady from Grey township lost
her pocketbook on the street in Brunie
last Tuesday afternoon. Rob, Beattie
came along, picked ib up, handed 19 10 at
Tee Pose and in less than an hour the
lost article WaS in possession of ite grate.
fat owner,
Tun Model setteel examinations are in
progress bbie week, Ioapeotor Robb ia et
Olioton as one of the examiners. Ile
was driven to Belgrave to oatoh the early
train on Monday and owing to the heavy
condition of the roads 1a hours were ma
copied in getting to the depot.
MESSRS SMITH BloLenett, of Breathitt,
are form believers in the use of printer's
ink and have advte. in the Blyth and
Seaforth papers in addition to the local
press. This firm bas done its share
nobly in attracting trade to Brussels and
well deserve their share of the patronage.
WEDNESDAY was a fair, or more
properly speaking a foul, exhibition of
the Western blizzards but the storm and
drifted condition of the roads did not
prevent the delivery of four 0600 of live
hogs at Brussels G. T. le, stook yarda,
shipped bye:lasers. Ferguson, McDonald
& Hest. It was a moat unpleasant day
for the busidbas
HYMENEAL. -Wednesday evening of
this week Rev. Jno. Roes, B. A., tied the
matrimonial knot between Donald Mar -
ray, of Atwood, and alre. Sarah Rather.
ford, of Brus,els, at the isaidence of
Alex, Peebles, Queen street. Mrs. Peebles
and Mrs. Rutherford are sisters. May
happiness and prosperity be their portiou
is the wish Of THE POST.
of several boys who were oonduating
themselves in a disorderly manner on
the street, snowballing and
persons driving path. This notice ie
given as a warning of nomiug trouble if
snob conduct is repeated. It will not be
permitted, and an example will be made
of offenders that they will have armee to
remember for a time.
Lax Huron Liberals will meet in
annual Convention on Friday afternoon
of next week, at the Town Hall, Brunets.
A new Constitution and eel of Bylaws
or the Association will be sabruittted,
facers eleoted and other business
raneaoted. Addresses are expected from
oho McMillan, el. P., of South Huron ;
Dr. McDonald, M. P. East Huron; A
ELislop, M. P. P., Eaet Heron, and
thers. Convention opens at 1 p. m.
the public is called to the fent that no
aroel oan be sent from Canada to any
ther country by Parcel Post unless it
ear a Condones Declaration setting forth
he nature of ite contents and its valuea,
O the aoceptance by a Postmaster of
sacel addressed to any other country,
nd not provided with a Customs Dealer.
tion, will result in its being sent to th
ead Letter °Moe. Postmasters area
peeially directed not to accept snob par.
els without the Customs Declaration,
GRAND TRIINE Nos. -The 61.1019 plow
on duty.-Traine have been delayed
wing to thew storms. -The outgoing
ipments from Brussels tiering the pad
eek have consisted of a oar of baled hay
d car of hogs by Insane Beaker &
anstone ; a car of oats and another of
beat by R. Grabam oars of hogs by
009 10 Ferguson ; a consignment of but -
r to Nova Scotia by R. Thomson ; a.
O of dressed poultry by J. G, Jones
incoming freight was 8 oars of live
ultry by 3, G. Jones ; a oar of corn for
Stewart; and a large quantity of
ay freight.
FRIDAY afternoon of last week the re.
eine of Eno, Reece, the youngest daugh.
of Rev. S. J. and Mrs. Attie were
ken to London for interment, where
re. Alliu'e parents are buried. Before
viog the parsonage for the train a
orb servioe was conducted by Rev.
altar Rigeby, of Blyth, President of
O Conference, assisted by Rev. Jno.
as, B. A., of Melville church, Mr.
lin and Cleve, athompaniee the re.
ine to Iffiedon, returning on Saturday
ht. Ena was au bright a 0111191 for her
ere as could be found in a good many
les travel, and will be greatly missed
the household.
et Tuesday a few friends of the Rev.
J. Allis presented him with a receipt.
amount for the undertaking expeaese
conneetion with the decease of his
le daughter, thoorapanied by a brief
e expressive of the einothe sympathy
the donors to himself and Mrs. Alen,
o h examples of forethought and kindli.
s are none to frequent and are cones.
tatty all the mOre to be oornmended,
v. and Mrs. Aliin appreciate vary
hly the kiodnese and love so praotially
nifested in their sorrow and lonalinees
return their heartfelt thanks to the
ny who demonstrated their interest
ing the past week in the illness and
sequent death of their baby girl.
o. 774. -Last Monday evening Brue.
L. 0. L. No. 774, elected the follow.
officers for the ourreut year
Our kindliest sympathies go out to yet
this evening, as we aesemble in offir
Lodge room, over the ead and unexpeot.
ell dthease of your dear little daughter.
In these boars of eadothe our words may
come far short of the healing balm, but
We ere glad to know that yon are both
acquainted with the Great Healer, who
dotal all tbinge well. The severing of
earthly Mee often oall our attention 10
the temerity of evieenoing a stronger
feeling of brotherhood in our Order, and
We tette tine thrly opportunity of aSellr..
ing you that we sorrow With you in your
bereavement and hope many years may
elapse before a elmilar shadow mosses
your thresheld.
Signed on behalf of the Lodge,
T, hatnnoW, Master Workman ;
W. 11, Knee, Reorder,
Rettseele, Dee, and, 1898,
31. there, V. S., -Worthy Master ;
091. Smith, -Deputy Master;
Gerry, -Chaplain ;
, 111, Carcliff,-Ree. Secretary ;
s. Kernagban, jr-Fin. Seoratary
00. Cardiff,-Treanner ;
ldmith,-Dir. of Ceremonies;
T. Plum,-Lecterer ;
loon Cardife-lot Committee Mau,
orge Colvin, -8r91
hn Wynn, -4th
Yid Stnitta-5th 4i
bove officers were installed by 13.
y, Peat Mather. Lodge meets on the
Mondey in each month athepting
ate, meeting which will he hold on
ntl Monday to miss New Yea.00 day,
ogrnm Committee will present en•
nrnent, under the eGood of the
" 019 both literate, end musical
COUNTY 0011NO11-
TR/CT NO. 6.
To oto Etootoro orey,
At the request of a goodly number of
ralepeyere (levy end Morrie I hew, de.
aided to become a tomulidate for County
Conn.:tiller for this Distriat and will be
pleased to be accorded your neeroefil by
your aiding in my election. I have had
5 years' experience' in the Co. ()outwit
and the honor of thairrnausitip 01 000110
of the beet Cffinimitteete I make this
publics anuounoemeut of my Intention to
loth at rest pertain rumors of my not being
a candidate, that I understand are being
oirouleted. Many of you I will not be
able to meet tvith but if oilmen as 0010 of
the representatives 01 No. 6 19 will be my
intention and pleasure to serve the dig -
'riot to the hest of my ability. Wiehing
you the compliments of the season, I arn,
Yours truly,
Bruesele, Deo, 0,08, W. fl, REIM.
01198, ROGERs is offering speoial bargains
in millinery and mantles,
NOHINATION of °Others in Court Prin•
oess Alexendria, 0. 0. la No. 24, Bras.
seta, next Tuesday evening.
A DUSTLESS Ma sifter, manufactured
at Stooffyille, ie on exhibition at A.
Offisley's. It appears to be the very
thing the public) has been waiting for.
SeeAis% mann chimney nt J. W. Keroey's
grocery oaused the ringing of the lire
alarm last Saturday evening and gave
the Pira Brigade a rally. The engine
was not taken out.
BUSINESs must be booming in the hard-
ware line, as A. M. McKay ,V 00, have a
new hand on their staff. His name ie
dressing, Packing Cu., of the J. G. dolma
McXay. We'll take oyster, Mao.
In connection with the poultry killing,
businees, as many as 22 hands have been
employed some days. Upwards 01 53000
have beau paid out at Brussels for
poultry by Mr. Donee or hie agents this
seamen. Over $50 was paid out in wages
last weak by Mr. Jewitt, who has been
superintending the businese here this
1.40IBLIT.-The Elmira paper speaks as
follows of the decease of an uncle of Jno.
sad Philip A ment, Brussel% and John
Hollinger, of Grey :-Geo. Holliuger, an
old resident of Elmira, died at the resi-
dence of hie son.iu-law, Chas. Klinok, on
Nov. lath, at the advanced age of 83
years. Mr. Hollinger was born in
Germany, and emigrated to America
when 19 yeers of age. He settled in
Woolwich township, near Heidleberg,
where he followed the tr,de of cooper.
In 1887 he was married „to Margaret
Breohhiehl. He afterwards purchased a
farm near Elmira, where Ws first wife
died. He was afterwards marled to
arra. Briemer, of Waterloo, who prede-
ceased him about 2 years ago.
U111116011 C1113I14e.
Regelar monthly aervice in th. R. 0.
oboroh next Sabbath morning.
"Walking with Christ" is the topic for
the Epworth League next Sabbath even.
elly favorite Hymns" is the subject
this week at St. John's Young Peoples'
Rev. John Rose will take for his morn•
ing sebjeth next Sabbath "The burial of
the dame..
W. re. Kerr will assist at the Mission-
ary anniversary services at Ripley next
Sabbath. Rev. F. Swann is the pastor,
"The Congregation-Whea the young
people may do for it," will be the topic of
loZslybIls Endeavor next Sabbath evening.
Rev. Mr. Abey'a discourse's lest San.
day were based on St. Luke 21 and 28 in
the morning and St. Matthew 25 and 21
at the evening service.
Sabbath morning Rev. Jno. Ross,B. A.
preached on ',Death" from the text "Bly
Departure," II Tim. 4 6. The leading
divisions were ;-(1) It is inevitable ; (2)
Uncertain es to mariner and tints ; (8)
Mysterious ; (4) Solitary ; (5) Complete
and float ; (6) Divinely appointed, The
evening topia was "A peaceful death,"
Luke 2 29.
At the Methodist Sabbath skeet last
Sabbath afternoon Missionary Day was
obaerved. In addition to the lesson Mies
Maggie Bisiby recited "A voice from In.
die," and Miss Norab Maunders gave
',Dying in China without God' ; ten little
girls sang a Missionary chorus ; anti Rev.
Mr. Webber, of Toronto, addressed the
wheel for a short time. The collection
amounted to 518.47 and the register
'hewed an attendance of 212,
The Montreal Star hes etarted a relief
fund to secure money to pay off the hone
.debt which threatens the existence of St,
James' Methodist church, Montreal, and
bas already received many handsome
oontributions. Rev. Dr. Cannel], Rey.
Dr. Pottte and Rev.Dr, Sutherland hays
written letters commending the move and
subscribed el0f) oath. John Torrance, of
Montreal, baa subsoribed $85,000, and
Thos. D. flood and Samuel Finley 55,000
each. At this rate the debt will soon be
a thing of the peat.
Rev, Dr, Warden has issued a supple.reentaay statement stowing the condi.
tion of the ithanoes of the Preebyterian
church. There ie an indebtedness at
present of nearly 5100,000, divided
among the various funds as follows :-
Foreign miesions, 535,000 ; home mita
Mons, 525,000 ; Knox College, 57,800 ;
augmentation, 57,000 ; French evangelise
salon, 56,400 ; aged and infirm minis-
ters, 58,100 ; widows and orphan% 54,
500; assembly, 52,600 ; Pointe aux
Trembles, 51,700.
.Rev. George Webber, of Toronto,
preached the annual Missionary sermons
in the Methodist church last Sabbath.
Ile's a vigorous expounder of the Truth
and rendered excellent SerVi01) both
morning and evenitm. Epheeittne 2 and
10 was the morning text, The main di.
visions were, (1) Oar working MB of what
God pets in ; (9) The relation of the
workman and hie work ; (3) The work
should honor the workman ; (4) How
God %Yorke out tbio plan. In the evening
Judges 6, 14.16 Was the Scripture. The
theme was "God reaching after a work.
man," The reverend gentleman templed
a full hoer tbio interesting sebjeet to
the profit of the congregation, 19.13. Web.
bar would be heartily weleoneed baok to
Brunets again. 1(0 addressed few
words to the Epworth League at their
service) in the eoho them. The finan.
dal vegeta of the day Were in mimeo of
last year. Qoarteetes were sung by W.
H. Kerr, A. Rose. at L. Jaolteon and N.
• eery, he chief among ten f
tboueand," in the neorni9g, and ,'Swedt h
Nan Belle," in the 'waning,
Titres prizetewere offered by Rev. it. 7 M. 471eD ILT)
Paul In the pupils tette attended hie Bible
ohm the most regularly. They were
won by Mise Teettle Sample, with a
repent of 47, Mies Lizzie Sample, 11 and
Math Mary Beettie 110 Sabbaths in the
peat pm.
Leat liaturday Rev. Won. O. Young, the
lIrob nettled. paean of Knox church, 13rus-
eels, passed away to his rewind, need 09
years, Hie home was on alum atm.',
Toronto. The funeral took plaoe omi
Monday. Rev, Mr. Young was suothoded
hare by the late Rev. Sarnuel J01100, of
minted enemorY.
afeevueer lieruntevon.-On Monday
evening Melville Y. P. ta, 0. E., bold
Its teenier senti.annual business meeting
for the elution 01 oftiaers and transaotton
of business, Tho revert of the Norninat.
ing Committee wait read and Adopted and
the following officere were teethed for the
Drab six months of '99: -Hon. Prose Rev.
John Ross, 13. A. ; Pres., Mise Mule
Rose ; Vise Pres., J. )3, MaLanohlin ;
Reocording Soo., J. II, Cameron ; °or.
responding Sem, Miss Mary Rose ; Treits-
urer, Fred. Wilson ; Prayer Meeting
Cotn„ J. Fox, Mrs. Deadman and Miss
Annie Bone; Look.ont Com., Meath Jen.
nie Porbes, :Edith McLaughlin, Jennie
alcArter, Lyda Crooks, T. A. Hawkins
and A. M. McKay ; Missionery Com„ G.
F. Blair, G. A. Deadman 11,01.1 Mise Mag.
gie Stewart ; Sooial Com.. Misers Tena
Isabel Irwin, Mary 11.-therton,
Will, Forbes and Jas. Shen ; Flower
Com., Misses Lizzie 111cLeitatio, Kate
Menzies, . Maggie MoDougnil Ada
lefainprioe ; Conven, elm& 0 , T. A.
Hawkins ; Organist, Mts. ,I,,,eie
Lauoblin ; Colleotore, Jas. West, and
Fred. Wilson ; Cabers, G. A. Do nionan
and G. kr. Blair. The Treasut •r report.
ad 530.00 on hand for missions which will
be forward to aid in carrying 00 inisSiOn
work in the Klondike.
Brussels 001131011.
All the members were present at the
monthly meeting. of the town Council
last Monday "welling.
Minutes 01 11000 meeting road and pass-
The Reeve reported concerning the
tenders for renovating tlot interior of
Town Hall and Council Cnarnher.
Accounts were presented front -
L. McDonald, lumber... 514 62
Town Band, grant 87 60
A. MoLauchlin, salary 25 00
Re Henderson, street imp. 3 76
Moved by Geo. Baekor, seconded by S.
D. Warwick, that the foregoing accounts
be paid. Carried.
The immune report of the Board of
Health was presented by the chairman,
Rey. R. Paul, and read by the Clerk. It
was nocapted and adopted ou motion of
Councillors Leatherdale and Thomson.
Rev. Mr. Paul was highly commended
for the interest he took in this important
department of work during the year.
S..13. Smile applied for a rebate on
taxes on the shops for the months in
which they stood idle owing to the fire.
No motion was taken.
Bylaw No, 9, 1808, was read three
times and passecl confirming the polling
places and Deputy Returning officers for
the coming municipal, trustees and Co.
Council election. They are as follows :-
No. 1, J. J. Gilpin's office, R MoNaugh.
ton, D. 13. 0. No. 2, Connell Chamber,
W. Aldridge, D. R 0. No. J. N. Ken-
dall's residence, J. A. Creighton, D. R. 0,
Clouted!. adjourned to meet ou Thurs
day evening of east week to prepare the
annual Financial statement.
B u si ness Locals.
DRIED apples wanted. A, Strathan.
Oth load of choice potatoes nt Mc.
FEATHERS Wanted by R. Leatherciale,
Oone arriving this week at Stewart's
Mill, Unseals, dry American.
Wreeow shades in large variety and at
low pricier, at R. Leatherdale'e.
Come, best A.merioan, yellow, for sale
at Ross' Close prices for Caen. •
ALWAYS take the G. T. R. when you
tan. S.S.S.-Soenery, Safety and Speed.
A raw baby oarriages will be sold abont
cost to save carrying over Winter.
R. Leatherdale.
WANTED. - Choice butter 17 onto,
dried apples and poultry, G. II. Xing,
WATCH out for our advt, next week.
We will have somethiug to please you.
Jno. Walker, Bruesels.
OYSTER Beason is here and W. A. Orich
ia prepared to supply the public with
Booth's best brands from Baltimore.
W. A. Coon is still doing business at
the old stand where may be found bread,
cakes and pastry, Fruits in their sea.
Ronald Five Engine' Works with te
purchase 100 to 200 Gerrie of wood, four
feetelong-hard or soft -green or dry,
early delivery.
Foe 00 days we offer a, 16 :c 20 pioture,
with a ohoioe of frames from 80o, up, and
smaller sizes proportionately cheap. Jno.
Walker, Brussels.
BIGGEST kind of bargains in pianos
and owns at le. Leatberdale's. Agent's
profits given to custotnera. 0,111 and see
before you buy.
We will pay four oente per poune for
any quantity of good quartered dried
apples, Very dark thin or °hippy stook
not saleable. A. Strachan.
1Vinot in Brussele don't fell to call at
Joie. Welker's furniture warerooms and
ase the elegant stook of furniture he 18
handling this Pall at right prioes.
Tangs emend hand organs for sale
oheap-e, Bell, a Doherty and a Domin•
ion. 6.11 10 good condition. Apply at
ante Walker's furniture wareroorne.
Ragman= Saturday, Deo. 90911, our
bargain day. Special for that day Men's
long boots and one buckled heavy rub -
bare, I. C. Itionenee, Brunel%
T. BloGnemou has a quantity of saws
for nee or will exchange for saws that are
out of order. It is claimed these mews will
out Mora timber with leas filing than
any other SAWS in the market, T. McGre-
gor, saw grimmer and filer, Queen 81t,
Mutt, Brunel% Ontario.
ANY amount of wood will be taken for
sew gumming and filing. Wood may be
roogh or amooth, hard cot soft, any length
or in the log, to be clenveeed before the
work leaves my thop. T. MoGnetion,
saw gotomer and filer, Queen etreetsEttet,
How long should man's lege bo?
They shoulii bo long enough to teach
from his body to the ground. That ie
they enough amounted for and 00 le the
not that Walkto ooIlmg pianos like
of cakes because he handles the best -
he Dentin -lop.
Nii" 01? 0 ,Aseft,1 D ,
:mmee-es.ztxesleSveezet 1.9072.
CAPITAL PAID TIP (One Million Pollan) .51,000,000
RESERVE P190911). • gimp()
ilgonoies in all principal points in Ontario, Quebec, Manitoba, United States M England,
A General Beffiking Busineee Transacted, Farmers' Notes Discounted,
Waite lasted and Oolleotione Runde on all points,
Interest allowed on deposits 09 51,00 and upwards,
Every facility afforded Cuatomere living 099 00 distance.
Ju0 received a Oar of oatmeal to ex•
change for othe. Beaker & Vanstone.
& Innee have several new sleighs on bend
made by the well known maker, Joint
Wilbee, guaranteed to track, and made of
the best material. Also 011 hand second
hand cutters, Our stools of putters is
selling fest. More than a ear load sold
now and we have another car lot ordered.
Oome and get your choice at your OWn
price, Ewan & Innes, Brussels.
Mr, alongovan, editor of the Orange-
vilha Paet, was assaulted and knocked
down by a bank clerk of that 10W1) who
is a son of Judge MoCntby. The
matter will ho investigated in the eonrts,
lifelles.-In Breathitt, on Dem 8019, the
wife of Pdr. A, 51. McKay', hardware
merchant, of a SOn.
JEWETT.-In Morris, on Nov. 24th, the
wife of Mr. David Jewett, of a (-laugh.
STEIN. -In East Wawanoth, on Nov.
80119, the wife of Mr. Andrew Stein,
of a daughter.
Winglutm, on Dee. 1st, the
wife of Mn. Samuel Irvin, of Morrie,
of a son.
HOLLTN01111.-In Grey, nn Nov, 240, L110
wife of Mr. Louie Hollinger of a eon.
MAINTRIOE.--11 Breathes, on Nov. 800,
the wife of Mr. Robert alai:vice of
a sot (still born.)
MoNterron-M0Ke99z90,-A9 Listowel, on
the 80tb ult., by Rae, W. Cooper, D.
A., Mr. George Alexander McNichol,
to Miss Elizabeth MoKenzie, both of
Grey township,
CASEN01111-WAITESIAN.-00 the 23rd Nov.
at the bride's resideolop, township of
Turuberry, by Rev. Wm. Bowe, Bliss
Annie M. J. Caremore to Pdr. Robert
MOnnAv-EnalliMPORD.-A9 the residence
of Mr. Alex, Peeblea, Brussels, ou
Deo. 7th, by Rev. Jno. Rose, B. A.,
Mn. Donald Murray, of Atwood, to
Mrs, Sarah Rutherford, of Brussels,
Y011110.-5.6 his residence, 887 Enron
street, Toronto, ou 3rd December,
Rev. Wm. 0. Youtog, formerly pastor
of Knox oburob, Beussels, aged 09
TUESDAY, Deo. 20011. -Farm et. Olc,
lot 7,0001. 17. Grey. Sale, unreserved, at
1 o'olook, Thos. Johnston, prop. ; P. S.
Scott, Auot.
Fell Wheat . • , 08 70
Barley.. 85 40
Cats . .... 00 60
Butter, tube and rolls .,18 14
Eggs per thaten 14 14
Flour per barrel.. ..... 4 00 4 00
Potatoes (per bus.) .. , 50 50
Hay per ton 6 00 5 00
Hides trimmed .... 7 73
Hides mph • 6 5
Salt per bbl., retail 1 00 00
Sheep skins, each 60 75
Lamb skins each 25 25
Hogs, Live 4 00 4 25
Dressed Hoge 6 00 5 25
Wool , 36 17
Apples (per bag) 50 50
[tinder this heading email advts, will be
inserted each wok ab 1 sent a word. No
advt. loss than 10 outs, however, to bo paid
for when order is given]
Two Cows, giving milk, for sale.
20- 10. MO ORB, Brussels,
SERVANT wanted at once. Good wages
paid to a competent hand. Apply to MR0.
M SINCLAIR, Brussels,
HAND.SLEICIIIS, Dolls, Carriages, Bop'
Wheelbarrows, Ohildran's Carts at
TWO POST Bookstore.
TIoNEE11, Miley to lean. Vanes
to sell,
ocmie find a comfortable borne with
opportunity or going to sehool, with the 1111-
(101%10ml. Would Oro supply her mottleg,
0130.160111 MaDONALD,
214 Lob 17, Com 1, MtroY,
Jamestown 2, 0.
WALKED have hbon placed in the
Eitaudard Baul, BrlassOIS, Tor Deflection,
Those interombod are kindly naked to snit
there inside of the next 10 (lava and Settle
the same. JAMES WALBTAlt,
ou Min etreet,Brussels. Tho house
is a comfortable one, well fitted up, With
o °liar, hard and sowriter, So. There 16
618o 8. good stable. Fruit trees in garden 4
over onagearter acre of land, For prieo,
terms, dt0t, apply LO 13. PINS, PrOpristor,
Or WI', LIPP, of Tnia Poss.%
00013111313 OP MUSIC.
04050111/4 Lipstein of Totteh and Tecludo, in-
clinable Clavier practice, glveu hy A1180
EiAlt/iff LOTT/0111 9100015, L. 0.101,, who
1101d8 Arriadertdo othelicates in Mum trout
London Conbervatery ; pupil of W. Onven
Barron, Principal, Mho lin also 0000193990019
pioo organist. Miss Moore vents Walton
Monday and Tuesday of °oh Web for 111
purpOse or glyino InstructiOn6 011 Diane and
Organ, Fre: DertIonlare app/y aterr. POrgt1-
IBM'S reflidefloO, Waltou, or postoffwe box
UM, Neatorbh, 20.
for sale, known fie the lienieworth
nonee, 57000bo sold cheap as proprietor id
going back 90 1,10 farm. Possession at ono,
Pur farther particular,' apply to
(100D 100 A0JTh1 FARI11 FOR
SALM, Lat 111, Con. %Grey. 12 foot of
it touches the river, Immediate pOsdession,
1"or1iee, iirb a, 111 0
91;lh13,16t1113, 0
hi a 110080, born'orchard mai good ware.
house, and farm 18 well lanced. There are
35 ores in Wall wheat ; 15 acres in hay and
40 ores punter°. Possession could be given
at once. Patin adjoins the village or Brno.
pele. For further particulare as to lndoe
tormo, 4a, write to JAMBS LIVINGU'ON,
011, 1'., Batton,
nuaroxen offers his flee 222001 aare
piARm FOR SALE.-THE1331-.
farm, being Lots 27 and 28, hi eon, 8, Morris,
On the protnisos aro 2 onifortab le houses
and 3 barna, two orebarda, walls, ,go, iss
cleared, balance hush. Farm Is only 2 miles
from Walton village and 44 from Brussels.
Possession cold be given in 2 00001110 00180
sale, leor further particulars as to
toms, ,Co., apply on the 10801 loos or It by
lt tter to Walton P.03.00114 LA•wavo,N4
at/ 1.1.60r.
F.ARR 1'08 SALE. -150 AORES
consisting of the South 3 and South
of the North 3 03 9.092(0 Oon 2, Nast Wawa -
nob, This iS an exoollenti stock farm, being
well supplied with good Boring water. It is
&LOW about 8 miles from the thriving Vil.
lege of Myth. A largo part of 19 Is under
gross. Buildings and fences are in a fair
state of repair. Nosy tonna of payment will
be Wee, leer al/ information apply to
1142 (5.2.11LA91t, Barrister, Bruagels.
The undersigned offer two 000 nore
farms 9107Salo at reasonable priCeEl. The lots
are Nos. 10 and 11, Com 0 (Sunshine), the
sideroad betwthem (14010 theGood brit* hones
and barn on lot 11, und all and 2 barns on
lot 10, Orchards and all nooeseary conVen-
iences, Well Watered and sui table for grain
or themes% 100 three rioNv is Erosa Win be
sold either separate or together to suit pur-
chaser, Torino of payment reasenable. 'Im-
mediate possession. Por further particulars
01031017 10 J'Ofilf PR OLI31(40, Brussels P. 0,01
00,9., 10I09111,SON, /Jurist ar,Winghani. 101
Ondereigned 00901 hoop for service on
tmt 2, Oen. 9, 015y, a thoro' bred Improved
Yorkshire Boar, bred by Mr. 1, 0, CretbOur,
'Burford, Oxford 0ou0ty. Pedigree may be
seen ou application. Terms, 81.00 90 be paid
at time et service with privilege to return it
necessary. TNO. 800116.0106.24,224 Proprietor,
D.C. 9,189S
This week finds ue fully ready
for the Holiday trade and we are showing
a very (template lino of goods,
In Photo, Albums
We nther had snob valuer+. See
nor benntiful "Muted Celluloid Albums et
5125, 91.50 and a floe lino in phial,' at 51.
Xmas Outs,
Booklets and Calendars. We
aro sole agents for Tuck's Celebrated
Cards end Booklet% whiob for beauty and
neweees of design oantIot bo Deepened.
of tell kinds from 5o. np, See
Celluloid Goods
in all the liana Novelties.
Hymn Books end Prayer Beek%
We have a very large stetter of the above
to choose from.
Toys, Dolls, and Pioturo Book:,
We have them in abuudenee and
will be pleased to show you anything we
bath and invite your 00Mpariene.
ta-We will allow any article vela
chased from tie, which in the opinion of
the purchase,. can he bought for less
money elsewhere, to be returned and
money cheerfully refunded
County Council Election.
Public notice is hereby given that a nieet.
Mg 014110 Miluotors of County CounoB
on No. 0, composed of the municipalities of
Grey,Morris and 13rnsaain, will be held ha
the TO WN ALL , 1316t95010L0,on Donde y,
the 5010 Day 01' December, 1393, at tits
hour of 1 o'olook p.m., for tho purpose of
nominating ottodiclateo to represent them in
the County Council of the County of Heron,
for the yam 18O0 and 1000, and that iu case
011011 be demanded and allOW ad in the man-
ner bylaw proscribed so01 poll will bo open-
ed on the 2nd day of January, 1800, in each
of the polling sub -divisions at the ;time and
place fixed by by-law in the municipalities
in the said County DiVi81011.
Dated at Brussels this lat clay of Doom-
bor,1808, F. 13, 80077,
Nominating °Alcor.
't A
for Christmas Goods. Ourlargo purchase of Christ-
mas Novelties will require more space than we have for them at
present, hence we must make room, and we're going to do it by
clearing out the following lots before Dec. 15th.
At 480. per yd. -10 ends of our fine Fancy Colored Dress Goods,
bright new goods, correct in style, regular price 60o.
At 11c. poo' yd. -8 pieces 25 inch plain and twill Gray Flannel, in
light and dark colors, real values 14c.
A 8ic. per yd. -10 pieces 34 inch extra heavy Twilled Flannelette
in light shades, regular price 100.
At 9c. per yd. -6 pieces heavy Angola Flannelette, in dark shades,
real value 12e,
At 12ie. per yd. -6 ends 27 inch fine and heavy Gray Flannel,
would be good value at 16a.
At 79c, per pair -15 pairs large size Flannelette Blankets, the
kind you have been buying at $1.00 a pair.
At $1,00 per yd. ---5 ends of heavy Mantle Moths, not a piece in the
lot worth less that 51.25.
At 57.00 each -2 only LadiesBlack Goat Capes worth at regular
price 59,00,
MA TLES._,..„2242&
Our Mantle trade this season has been highly pleasing
to us and we're now determined to make a grand success of its close
by making a clean sweep, and this is the way we are trying to ac-
complish it, not buying to replace lines that aro sold out, but keep-
ing a good'assortment at popular prices by reducing the higher
priced ones. All regular lines at 55, $6, $7 and 58, NY0 have re-
placed thorn with $6, 57, $8 and 510 qualities.
If in need of Mantles or Mantle Goods don't bo afraidto look
hero whether looking Or buying.
& Co.