The Brussels Post, 1898-12-9, Page 7}l� Tarr„ 9, 1598, TSE P TJSSELS POST', ours; they are foul wel 1. 34i nifi- ItITTT T j eel, 11111 snarly, and 1116 uu)xl siguifi- A7J�L�/ nt thing• that a Jew could say (4hout n tltott.ile In the way of depicting his lul.red, was to call ilial a deg. 11 x1'11134 nx if the sagacity of the dol, was not diseovarerl in those days. Joh hives h(ui a kick in Ills thirtieth (hay. Rev iDr, 'I•olnrxe:r pre'arlu•s a Timely and int•. .11,11,1111. said, 111 regard to David: Inab'netli•r sermon -The heed la PlIled "Shall this dead dug ("arras the Icing?" with .3u(„ t'(u•. nt 1Iu' 1AuPn ,,t• gin- Goliath Haiti In Devitt: "Aar I dog, that 'chilies Whteh are ?ewe...10w ter Christ 1111!11 Ilene::l 0111 Itgahlll. Me with (lanes "' 11(14,4'1, wi (lin to de let. -Bore#•ryaerrruure Event rd In leeway g for x0 agars 'rite )Retell Clave smite Tin x 1114 h!wired!11(1 kind of din, sold: tlhrtsltau• "l•: 1hy Servant tl dog, that 1 Ahonld do title thing.' Paul, writing to the A despatch from N'nshingl.on eve 1- Nhilippiami, tried to set to•I.h the (Wa- lley. ler. '.(n1n1a g +e 1 ,reached from the ger of consorting 3411 It certain p14114011e, 7.1„,",1-,„,34111,111.011111, 13ew(ue 0f dogs," John, In following text 1-" 11(44 Ile answered desarlhdng t.ho foal (lief, the and said, " It is not. meet to bike the abandoned and the deeassile and the children's bread, and to 09,41 11 to the sinful shall finally be thrust out of dogs: And she main, 'truth, Lorcl; Yet heaven, stye: "Without. are doge." 1.116 dogs cut' or i.ha n)'ttlnbs ti'hirh full this i say to Show you what nilense hatred the Jew of olden tinge heel froni their master's sable. 'i'hen Jeem( egg hod 1.110 Gentile. You muel all answered ant said unto her, 0w•(0111111 111111111 111n1. it must have been a pa141- great Is shy faith; b,' it unto thee even Lively sinful hatred, and so through gmy 5ub,leet, 11,a firs(: lessen I learn 1s US thou will. And her daughter Sus 111)1!. made whole from that. very haus."- 1 PIN TREATS US LIKE A 'DOG. 11:fatt, xv. l0-28, It may flatter you for a while; i1 may 1'L was a Sahhath afternoon In the minim you for a while; but no Eastern Belleville percentage, I had been try t'ravaller over more 1uareiicxxly ben a whelp in the 81:1'3433114 of B&rout or Mg for years) to preach, but to me the Damascus than 'sin will bent you and Milstein life had peen nothing but me it it gets a (•hance. "The wily of a struggle. 1 sat down al this table, the irunr.gressurs is hard." Sin is a metrification of the soul. Sin tool( ulrmy Bible, and asked for Divine (,(lines to the young man. It says: illumination, and it poured like sun- eTake a game of enrde-1t won't hurt light upon my soul through the story You. Besides that, it is the way men of the Syrophoeniaian woman. make their fortune," It is only a small strike, See how easy it is. The This woman was a mother, and she young man plays and wins a horse, and had an afflicted daughter. The child carriage and a house -wins a fortune. had a virulent, exuspcirating convul- "See how easy itis," says sin; "it don't; sive disease, called the piBseSsion of cost you a�ything, Look. nt iho544 young (1114(1 who sth:k to their salaries, the devil. The mother wits just like away down at the foot of the ladder, other mothers; she bad, no peace as long ae her child was sick. She was a Gentile, and the JewS had suoli perfect. THE STORY OF THE SYROPHOENI- (IAN WOMAN. white you are in great prosperity." .1 lie young mann is encouraged. He goes an and plays larger and larger; the tido turns against him ; he loses the contemi)L for the Gentiles that (bey call- horse, loses the carriage, loses the ed. them dogs. Nevertheless, she comes (louse, loses the fortune. Crack I goes to Christ and asks His help in her the sheriff's mallet on the last house - family troubles, Christ makes no an- hold vnitmble. Down lower and lover the man falls, until ho pitches 1)5130(145 ewer, The people are afraid there is for a drink, or elutahes for devIls that going to he a " scene " there, and trample him in wild. delirium. '"The way of t11e transgressors is hard." Sin comes to a young man and says: "Take this glass -it won't hurt you. It has a very fine flavour. Take a glass in the morning; it will be an ap- petizer. 'fake a glass at noon; it will they try Lo get the woman out of Chrie('5 presence, but IIe forbids her expulsion. Then she fulls down and repeats tier request. Christ, to rally her earnestness and to make His mer- cy finally more eonspiesious, addresses (lid digestion, Take a glass at night ; (t '1'1111 make you sleep well.' You her, saying, "It is not meet to take are in a glow, while others are chilly. the children's breed, that is, the sal- flow bright it makes the eye -how alas- vation appointed for the Jews, anileast 110 it makes the step; One day you it Le dogs," the Gentiles. Christ did not tnect bim, and you Bay: SVhai: Bre g you doing here at noon? 1 thought mean to characterize that women as you wOlo at business?" "0hl I lost my it dog. That would have been most place." 'Lost your place!" God have unlike Him who from the cross said, "Behold t11y mother," Itis 34'11015 life so gentle and so loving, He could not have given it out as His opinion that that wee What 3410 ought to be called; but he was only employing the ordin- ary parlance of I.he Jews in• regard to the Gentiles. Yet Lhat mother was not to be. puL off, pleading ns she was for the life of her daughter; she was not to he rebuffed, she was not to be discouraged. She says, " Yea, Lord, I acknowledge I am a Gentile clog, but T remember that even the dogs have 8001e privileges, and when the door is open they slink in and they (trawl un- der the table, and when the bread or the meat sifts through the (racks of the table, or falls off the edge of it, they pick it me and the master of the house is not angry with Chem. .i don't ask for a big loaf ; I don't, ask even for a big slice; J. only ask for that which drops down through the chinks of the table -the dog's portion. ortion. St is the crumbs 1 am after." Christ felt the wit and the earnestness and the strat:- agent. and the faith of that W0133111. 110 turns upon her and says: -"'h ou have conquered me; your daughter is well now. Go home, mother, but be- fore you got there she will Dome down, skipping out to meet you." There 1 see the mother going, She feele twenty years younger -getting on in life, but she goes with a half Jun. Amid an outburst of hysterical laugh- ter and tears they meet, Tho mother brooks down every time she tries to Wel it; the daughter with cheeks 15 rosy as before she fell in the first fit; the doctors of she village prophesy- ing that THE CURE WILT, NOT LAST, becnuso it was not according to their peeseription, But. 1 react in the old- est medical journal of the world, "the daughter was made whole from that very hour.,' In the first pinee, 1 1511111 from my subject, that cin treats 1114 like a dog. -not as dogs are 110W treated. Lund - seer, in his pictures, snakes princes of all the canine fmily. You sometime mercy upon the young man when, Llu•ough misdemeanor, he loses his place. Every temptation in hell takes after him. }toppled and handcuffed at thirty years of age by evil habits Save that young man; he is on the express -train that stops not until it tumbles over the elnbenlanent of per- dition. "The way of the transgressors is hard," Sin comes to a young man, and says: "Take a dollar out of your employer's drawer ; he won't miss it ; you can put it back after a while. Take another! take anther) Don't you see 1101V easy it is? hundreds of dollars added to your salary in a year I" One day, the Police knock at the door, and sey: "I want you." "What?""I want you." prisonm0nt, loss of the soul. "The way Discovery has come; disgrace, (m - of the transgressors ans rassols (s hard." g But you need not look through the wicket of the prisms Lu learn Ibis, and to find the frozen feet, and ibebruised brow, and to hear the coughing lungs resulting from cringe, Every man has found out in his own experience that "The way of tl'ansgreseors is hard." S1N D101'I.EANS US, -11 lacer' L sin is desperate -11 elttte sin is crus P you ales, iL mauls the soul, It chainsy like a dog, it drives you out like a dog, it throws refuse to you like a dog, it whips you with innumerable stripes like a dog, There( is a Legend abroad of 4.00141 one of wliom it was foretold that sloe would die of a ser- pent's bite, The father to keep her away from that, built a castle far out in the sea, leo said no serpent could crawl there; but one day a boat came unlet the castle, and the daughter saw grapes in it, and, letting (103.11 a rope, she go,, the grapes, and Was eat- ing thein, when she found a serpent entwined iu the elueters, It stung her, and she died. Sin may seem lus- eii01s and elite, 511d, to have all the wealth of the vineyard, but at the last "i1: 111114111 like a earp4301., and sting- eth like an adder." Ohl have no- thing to do with its eppruaches, 11 promises ses you (t robe; be; it will covet' you with rags. 1t offers you a (thence of luxurious beverngea; it will fill you with worm -typed. It promises you a throuel it; will drive ,you into a kennel. Again, my rubjccl: shows you Jesus with HIis Bank turned, That woman came to Hint, and said: "Lord„ 'spare the life o1! my ehlkl; it will not cost you anything," Jesus turns His back, find the kennel lined and cushioned. 1144- throve positive discouragement The St, Bernard doss are admired all upon her petition. Jesus stood with the world over. Tbere i8 one 011 them With a collar on his neck ineeribed. with the names of twenty-five persons whose lives he saved from the snow. The saga- city and 15itbfulness and kindness ofnow lie three His back, 1 asked an the clog have conquered the respect (artist a clay 0r two ago if ever he Saw of the, world. It (5slies 8'011 the ships a representation of Jesus Christ with deck to save the life of the man' 0361- Itis back turned. He said; "No." And hoard. 3.143 Pushes into the wild surf' and brings ashore elle exhaust ed bath- e. With its warm tongue it licks to life the freezing wayfarer. Front the Libfy Bridge a child fell into the water. A dog stood on the bridge • and saw it fall, end leaped after the child its it eamr, to the surface, and seizing it gently, but firmly, brought it Rebore. A gentleman stood on the bridge, look- ing clown at 11, and said: `11031 very sagacious that dog ie -haw very kind Ile (1148 Cried to Gel for mercy, and he and faithful!" 1:3u1. ho was thrilled has been in as much (111x1011 about his soul as tine Syrophoenicinl we - men w'a.s about leo' daughter, Ho hes ('01113 10 (Christ, and said: "Lord, loo!: this wey." No answer, He saiclr "Lord Jetus Christ, look this way. I come with. a 50111 cin -sick, look (his way." What did, Christ soy? 'You are a sinner -you aro is vile sinner - you are. a cotclemned sinner - you are a dying einem,. Do you 0:4p001 all the glories of heaven to be given lo one as wayward 115 you have beech" Ilut do not be diecoure ^ed, 0 seeking 601111 Put down the peck of thy sins at Jesus' Scot 101)1(ow:, If Inc f.stM (e if perelpme Ili el p lackwu e 1 141(1,3441 away 1(01(3 11(440, then 341.1 down thy peek of hits at (lis heel. Then, IP, it °c � ® , " .e , ! r vl Ile 314(1 S© a 'tM✓ tl 4 fall over it into thine (lute]Ietched Wes, He 0(13141 have been in:tweet. --- arm 4, O wailing sinner. J'0us tvlllHe shot him, you know. ea turn Ills face at the right. lime. rte- That Fills Your Life with Pails and S;lint docs that' p uuanbci• thrti merry pawlpunad 114 11101137 li'hy the taut ilia( 13N ACCIDENT. They say the Jury has acquitted that Spaniard who murdered 1118 employer. rove? he lilt bin) sbows vuumented, if the w(113418 of thy f Dread ? It Willi accidental, (.cul come to flood -tide, they will bleak; A DI50ase from Whloh CountlOBe away the (tarn, If the arrow -head be 7hott6ands Suffer.(intwn clear lath o the how, ]t le only that it 111113" be projeoled farther, 1; • Perofula (44 cmphatioally rt ((('e11814 of Chrl8t turn Itis back to thee, it is0nly the. blood. .11 oau8es 14)•uption.i, ln- thnt. the (lawn on 11144 fa(+e may he more effulgent, Oh, what aro the few Jaye or 1,0(1(44 of d(L1.'kilees end 81rug- ere compered with the eteenal ilium - inn lion? Whnl. were the five min- utes in which 1111~ Syrophocnielan cvo» 131a 11 910011 in bill ern n8s behind Je5a8, 60100o FOC Wi111 the eighteen hundred year„ in which she has rejoiced before Him'? Courage, 0 farrowing 44001. "Weeping may endure for a night, ' but joy cometh In 111e .morning." Many u man has put 1(114 hand 034(41' his shoul- der t.o find the cross, and sol it was gone; but in bringing his hand back again, he has struck the amen on his head, radiant .with ()awes and glory. T see hoses dashing down the street:, They drew a (hariol, Who is in it? A lnrin with a 1E1 11(111g0 over Ids mouth, end his head wrapped in folds. Who is it? NAAMAN, TH'E LEPER. Ila thrive-, up in front: of the place where the prophet lives. The chario- teer (1,34,: "Wheel Wheal" They stop there. 'they wait for the prophet to 440((344 Out. Ile dies not come, fie merely 434111151 word: "Go wash in the Jordan, end thou shalt he healed." And se We come for Christ's mercy. That merry may not have appeared as we ex- pected, hut let us be willing to take it at any lime and in any way it shall come. Blessed are all they that put their trust in I11311, fliammation and sr>reo, 43 hen it af- fects the glands of 111e Rack they be- aame 843'0tlSO, 0,0 lug disfigurement and discomfort. hA.ffectiitg the eyes. it causes 11liedn158. Though mostcoin- moo in childllood.it is liable to break out at any time, fully o(luipped, for its terrible work. Scrofula lacy he Shoe - (nighty eradicated from the velem by Ilood's Sarsaparilla and all Re pain- ful and disastrous conr:equences nvoid- ecl. Thie great metti0iU6 has merle thousands of people grateful by its, cures of 111(e dieeu80. 11 eel.aoks the 1 enemy at once and with the first fewi closes the healing work begins. If you have any faint of scrofula in your 1>lo011 it is your duty to your3511 and to others to Lake Hood's Sar �arU Canade'N G3reato4li Modloine. Hold by all druggist& 81; 6for S8. (let only ](,:eds. 'n4,11 only pills 10 tJtke Hood's Pills waiHeed's r'ur-np;r(114,, -s-s ee universal dominion; the moon under I-Iis feet, the elate His tiara; the sun! only the ro14keel shat up in the signal,; service. of Ilia great host; burning • worlds only the bonfires of His victory, But nowsee Hint surrender - faith, 1 humility, and prayer triumphant. There are some things which are em-, Again, I say in my subject Jesus possible for Christ; He cannot break coAgnin, 118 a 111 en soul, That was Ilia oath ; He cannot despise the hum- „ hie; He cannot resist the cry of faith, man said: fake I.his disease away Heaven 5110x111338 118 award. It seems from my daughter." Christ responded', as 7 the prayer of the Syrophoenicien to her; "II is not meat to take the woman had conquered omnipotence, children's bread and cast it to the The cavalry troop that John saw cora- dogs." Then she roused liar scut into ing down the hills of heaven fell beck, an ;muteness of expression 'seldom Behold the victories of prayer His - equalled by poet, or painter, or orator, laky tells us of (aeon Caroline who or satirist, when She said:' "Yea, in 1820, tried to get into Westminster Lord, but even (1144 dogs eat of the Abbey at the coronation of George 1V., crumbs that fall from their master's her offended husband. With six shin - table." Then he turned end flung par- ingbays and in a carriage of state, she don, and healing and help into her rode up to 1116 door. She tried this mil (villi the words: "O, women, door; no admittance. She tried en - gem( is thy faith; be it unto thee even other door; they demanded tickets. She as thou wi1t. And her daughter wad came to nno:har door and said, "sure - made whole from that very hour," I ]y you would not keep out your have talked 10 you sometimes of Jesus Queen;" but they said, "We have no the conqueror. Listen, now, about Je orders for your admittance. So she sus the eoneuered. You hive 8444411 Him mounted her cerriege and rode away on the white horse of victory, all heaven following flim en white horses, in His right hand the drawn sword of mercy will be fruitless 7 we 00me with pride and come in pomp. We cannot ride through the gates in state -we cannot come with plumes or pre- tenion. Richly rohad Queen Caroline foiled at Westminster A1)boy with -George TV.; but Ibe Syrophoenieian women of the text, at the door of Christ '8 mercy, succeeded with the Lord of earth end heaven. She want- ed only the crumbs -she is invited to SET UP AS A BANQUETTER. His fate to blind I3arthneus, and the foamy demoniac, and the limpingpara- lytic, told thesea when 1Ie hushed 11, and the grn.ve when Ho broke it -but it is a face the1 you may go through all the picture galleries of London, and i)reoden, nal Rome, and Florence, ind Naples, and 40(1 will bind Christ with full. fees and profile, but /lever. With His bark turned. Yet hone, (n this p'saage, He turned away frons the woman And so, some of you have Anne at times and found Jesus with Hiefact away 11 0(31 y011, Heroishxomc- bo'1y who i4 striving to be a Chri51intl. in derision. Let me say that the at- tempt to get- into the temple of Christ's A NOVA SCOTIA FAR1IERr TELLS HOW HE WAS CURED OF SALT RHEUM. IUN bringers. Ilnnds and 'Wrists !Fere n Mass or ('rachis tont Sores, by Reason or Which Ile Was bitable to Work. To the Editor of the Enterpnise:- I have read from week to week in your paper, testimonials from those who have been cured through using Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, and as I have experienced much benefit from the use of that medicine, I believe it my duty Inlet others know they can be relieved from a very painful malady. 1 am years 75 ears 01 age,and am at the present time, and in fact ever since I took a course of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills about two years ago, have been en- joying car (lent health. Before that time 1 had been eili11g for some menthe, finally 1 was attacked with salt rheum, which ranee out mostly on my hands. It was not long after its first appearance before I Was unable lo do any work at all with my hands. 1. r, s domestics mires' I res rL•ed to all the d 0 could hear of, but the disease kept on its course, getting worse and worse, until the pa1n1e of my hands and my fingers were a mass of cracks, open sorbs and hideous scabs. I then got medicine from v:t he doctor, which :f 110(1 for several weeks, with no benefit whatever, - my hands still becoming moreandmore 3Tippled with the (lisenee, i1'Iy general health, too, at this time was poor and I got dis- couraged altogether, believing there Was no help for the terrible complaint aduail s readin over my through when he 81.1W 11. WAS 1118 ova child that had been Saved. There is no way Ln which you oats so deeply of - .fend a. hunter as by maltreating hie hounds. The finest picture in the room of Dr. Jahn Drown, of Edinburgh, idle celebrate() initho1, is e, picture of "Ilan," the dog inlmorl,tl. Walter Se611. sang his 341.1)5(, The mastiff, lying, tcot111ess and blitt(1 and lame, on the door milt, is 1111 pet of the whole household.Ihat it was not. so in the Tinto of Christ, )tor isitso in the Eng to -day. The whoj" them is filled with mean that was g1 y p g hands and up my wrists towards my arms. It happened one day in conver- sation with an acquaintance that Dr. Williams' pink PllId were mentioned in connection with 801310 other casein l suggest- ed neighborhood, and 1t was that 1 try them for salt rheum, I had not much faith in the trial, but concluded to get a box and see what good they might do. 1'o my great dei'ght, after using the box 'found an improvement in the condition of my h(lnds, and 7: got six boxes more. 1 did net use nil these, for before they were gone the disease had vanished and my hands were as sound as eves'. The 116W skin mine 00 as smooth and fresh as ti' nothing 11nd leen the matter. Stook no other medial110 while using the pills and the whole praise of the cure is dee lb them. My genee'al health was also greatly benefited by their 1Ts6. end I attended to my work with mere energy and in better spirits than I had clone for a number of. years, I bttvo been in excellent health ever since for ti man of my years, and no sign of salt rheum has since appeared. The box Or two of Pinsk Pills which r left unused tver3 taken by my wife tend slid her much good. I cannel. speak too ,highly of Dr. \Villinnls' Pinsk Pills and ant pleased to give my testimony to' 111e11• merit, hoping rebore may thereby he induced to use them in cases like my own,. Henry Cleesley, The editor of the Enterprise eon add Dint 1MP1•. C.hesley is a representative fn rmer living about three miles 1001m the town of Bridgewater, N. S., and the uU11051 reliance can be platted on his stn18melet, Dr. Williams' Pinsk Pills create new blood unci in this way drive (1;45(186 from the system. A fair trial will con- vince the most skeptical. Sold wily in boxes the wrepp03' around which beans the full (ride merle 'Dr Wil- liams' Pink Pills for Palo People" If your dealer dohs not have them they Will be sent most peid at 50 aonts a box or six boxes (or i(2.50 by addressing the Dr. Williaene' Medicine CO., Brock'' vine, Ont. The kingdom of heaven i5 large enough when you get into 11, but the gate es 80 logy that you cannot come in save on your (knees. 0 man I 0 w0manl out of Christ I push your way this day in- to that kingdom. With earnest, ma- portunat:e, confident, persistent pray- er conquer ail the obstacles in your way. t suppose that the people who were standing around about the Wo- man and around about Cliriel,'said, "Don't bother Jesus with that matter. You can't make any impression on him. He has no medicine. If the dealers of your vi;L(ge can't cure your daughter, Christ can't do it; besides that, you can sea, from His loots, that He don't care anything for you." The woman knew better. With prayer, she seized Christ, and evitl't omnipotent cure Christ seized the invalid, and "she was made whole from that .very hour." Oh bringthe diseases of your body, y, brie g the diseases of your soul, to Christ; i His tea be turned away from you keep on until He shell turn His Inc to you. Persevere, implore, 'beseech agonize and conquer. MANY CO I1ISANEI WOMEN'S BURDENS ARE HEAVY AND HARD TO BEAR. Eakins IDodd's Kidney 1't11v nye Peed, Then 0141'8atm Ar 0Tomen 8144' ('pard, And. 1n1Ye1'Ihit t'eners-Mrs. Ellett IDe%l'l.el>'N ('(ale• Toronto, Nov. 28. -The daily papers from cloy to day 33(1(11 din reports of Ib43 wreaking of once happy homes, tbrougb the insanity of m11 hers, 3411180 reaaa1 has been destroyed by illness. Women's burdens are many and heavy, and hard to bear. 'They are, US a rule, borne in mimeo, for 11'0114411 don't want to incur the expe.nso of call- ing in doctors; they don't want to worry ry their husbands. 'l'liey continue suffering (o silence, while their ail- ments are sapping their strength, un- dermining their health, and reason, and hurrying them to the grave. It is needless to call in a (lector in most of such cases. The suffering wo- man can cure herself at very small ex- panse. Dodd's Kidney Pills are the remedy she needs. In ninety-nine of every hundred eases of 'Female Complaints," the trouble has its origin in diseased Kid net's. Very soon the urinary, and re- productive .organs are involved, and the sufferer becomes a frail and wast- ed shadow of her former self. 137 restoring the Kidneys to sound health, and so ensuring their prompt and proper action, Female Com- plaints" can be quickly, thoroughly and permanoutly cured, llrs. Ellen Howson, (110 Gerrard St. F„ has discovered the value of Dodd's Kidney Pills in these cases. She writes: "For over six years I suffered intensely with Palpitation of the Heart, and Female Weakness. One of Tor- onto's best doctors attended ate, and I used many different medicines, but got no relief, till I used Dodds Kidney Pills. I have taken eight boxes, and are completely cured." Dodd's Kidney Pills will do for all suffering women, what they did for Mrs. Dawson. Test them. They'll convince you by curing you. COIYIMENT, They say shot takes a milk bath ev- ery day, said he rural spectator. Tes, answered the urban spectator. With a glass one can see how the chalk has settled on her. Aotive Man Wanted, To read this advertisement and then give Putnam's Painless Corn Extractor e trial. It never fails to euro. Acts lin twenty-four h 10x8 and causes neither pain nor disci nfort. Pui.- I nam's Corn Extractor extracts corns. ' It is the best. I _ 1 A man who is married to a hand- ; some woman with a disagreeable tem- per says she is a thing of beauty and a jaw forever. PHOSPHATING PASTURES. "The Border Counties Advertiser" discusses the clover. and phosphate matter, and 53leaks of "the remarkable I 1 of the affect of Thomas -Phos- phatees Powder on g=razing pastures." 1 A student of human nature says that some men become loafers beean844 they are too light for heavy work and too heavy for light work. HOW'S THIS? Rower d Lor Hundred Dollars We oyer Ono red t1 f any oa• a of Catarrh that cannot be nn 3 's Ca,slx 11 03,08, roll l t F. 3, ORKNEY so co.. Toledo, 0 Ince Wetileltli4el'0ign, d, have kni Ave 8'. J. Cheney far the last fifteen wire and believe him ROBBERY'S DEFINITION. Lord Bo'.ebery, ata recent dinner in London, defined memory as "the feel ing that stoels over you while you listen to it friend's original stories." perfectly honorable in all bneinee0 transact' one end financially able o carry out any obliga- tions wade by the r firm. Wns'r R 'lavAx, Wholesale Druggist. Toledo, 0. ; W,t1.n1N0. 1CINNAN C MARVIN, vilholseale Drugg ala, Toledo. O. Haire Catarrh Cure is token internally, act- - big directly upon the blood and mucous snr- taonsnf the ay5tom. Testlmoninlo sent 1(534, P Hall's Faintlyol ills arel he 13131' ruggieLe. W. P. C. 9.113 TO CURB A CQH,0 IN ONE DAV. Take Leoatles Biome Qoinlno Tablets, All Drug• ghee rebind the mono. If it falls to Onre. 140. There wouldn't he half enough room at the top if all the people succeeded in getting there who think they ought to. --- d1 ring around. the moon ism sign of rain, and a plain ring around a 010- m:14"3 finger indicates more feign, ACCEPTED AUTHORITIES ON MAN- URING. David, PoPplew•ell in wen Mg from. hosted. Consult a qualified waot tumor, 11110 ,ins roc Low Fell, Got eshead, in May of this a oLes:B talstn merer 1 qualified many who fall year to the "Scottish Farmer," con- oludes:-" Those investigations 0f Ger- yottha tv APPLES, BUTTER, ERRE or P0U1.TRt Ger- m, ny'ri (31(151 on, in `nt tlgl'1CU ltlltheme IF toavo sbtp, ship them to The Dawson Commission Co., Limited, R'msoairo.t/o. Attack of the Bines is quickly dispelled ,by wing BEATS US LIKE A LOG MELLA CEYLON YEA. It is a sure antidote.— Lead packages.-- 25, 40, 50 and 6oc. e aa>iommiviammimmiwar!nwowwrr tf mivawmed.rromivokwdw>NriFn+vll+mmimr luM Eorn this valuable Watch, Chale and Charm by ening twenty %NMI& Soarf Pias, at 15 cents each, Send your add ess and we femora the Pins and our Premium List postpaid. No money required, Tboae Pins will almost sell themselves, for the Topa, bas all he brilliance 04 the bast diamonds and has never before been offered at anything like this price. 'The, Watch is neat in appearance, thoroughly well nmd , and fully guaranteed, Unsold Pins may be returned. Mention Mi. paper when writing, THE GEM PIN C0., Froebo d 10ulldlnty, Toronto, out, WAWPMVOMMINNIMMANMSVAWNANMWAWAWOMMAWAYMPWAIWI Ro0F1 i+i C and Sheet Metal Works, 111>0FINt> SLATE In Slack odor Green. SLATE BLACKBOARDS Ire supply 13110 and High Bohools, Toronto(. Roofing P.11, Pltck. a I Ter, etc. ROOFING TIL& (Bee New 011713011d g s1,0(5 to dopa by our firml. MslO Collings, Oer 410 1443, oto• Eui1 ll( (0 3101'tshnd for Bork 414. 5110 or rm reale eilip103 to am ppart of Wl counts. kora leer R 60118 AdeleleOfeWitlm.r atg.,Tgrohto . uT xis , n3r Stammerer Your trowlo Aos 441114444(3 eow'ed ntlaet, Iharospant40 Years t. 11. SAI'k,l EHo (rnikolitoanbcyn51, 01000 wr;ta RpeOlaaat, st2.College at., Toronto. an,wsr w. D.,10,o0,•arsava,r m Tho Reid Bros. Mfg. Co., ut BILL[Co ManntegLaren AItD TABLES and 130117,1E0 g' Bond (e5l 2Sopest, TORONTO, m (� (1-(103nSinuo_0inroe lSd 05 Biros Expmsaud.ronce. 4(4 41,!T, 345 Collage St., Taranto. Bookbinding, Solution,. Solut0000 m01,2(0es• hove ove them 01001 1001 AYnt• 600130. 2114t(lod,vioa•IPdwEaam•ddrabnPrinting, noon • Bill l is, SO0111en,, letul 61114,ll0ppgieriled. 0,1LLeniDms,l2Ra5-44/ntutlton L. COFFEE & CO., CRAIII ARC COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Unsay ee13-15 Dori Of Trate Rotddlallp', TORONTO, ONT. s°egstae g},33pyr, Jong! La Comae One Rment stamp '171 Get yon a resPres 001(4010 of Campana'o Italian $elm, the best preparation for 811 roughness of akin, chapped hands or face. The 1Iu(elt?los Modialne 00., Toronto, ;pooch impedirrnents oanyur chemists furnish unanimous evidence of the value attached to Themes -Phos- phate Powder In Germany, where they are accepted as trustworthy and cor- rect by all farmers, and in that (mutt - try 1'ioomosePllosphete Powder is be- coming mole end more recognized as the greet fundamental. facto' in =fl- uvial practice." t1- b $etablieh.d 15A. PREF. We give this fine watch, d also a chain and charm for selling two doeon LEVER 001.1.530 BUT- TONS, at 10 cls, each. Send your address and we forward the Button a, postpaid, and our Premm List, No moneyy re- quired. Sell the Bat - tons among your blends, return the money, and we send the watch, prepaid. A genuine Amencon ',Well, guaranteed a good timepiece. Mention ibis paper when writing, LEVEN. CO., so Adelaide St. Id. Toronto, Ont. CO.INS & SEND FOR ILLUSTRATED PRICE LIST. AXES, ,Solid Steel, so Cents Each. Hammers oolld 25c each Violins 1)50, ed$,8.530 5e0n h. Lance -Tooth Saws, THE tt i EADLICHT," Ane of the lastest and most perfect 00010 made, every1,00 saw guaranteed only.. �C toot Mouth Organs and at (o,sa o,ut11s5 . each. Our ,5,1 1404 508 Mouth Organs are post-paid et the 3 �pr(411. �j CO,,VW ILKINS tic C 166 and 168 King Ste East, Toronto. @AUCAOK CASTNG0—Hen Importations 8noetEnglfeh 117 gbeop cod American lie Oaein s—reliable goods at Dight prices. PARK, BLACi WELL, lE 00., Toronto. 8 1TT1E 01ANT TYPEWRITER -A reallyoraottral B . maohlne and not a mere toy. Priem d slivered 6 61.26. Antn wanted. The HOWELL BOOK COMPANY, x8.28 Adelaide St. W., Toronto. Superior To all others. rA Cm•ni•proot sloth i QFour Dollars ,. Complete. To bre had E., from h°, 10011E T63 8t r eine St. E., sampe Send atom))( for circular and sample -,- of cloth before buying elsewhere. THE TRIUiMIPH,v 1 ADJVBTABLE STOVEPIPES. °„b• Easy put up and taken down. Can V he cleaned, nested, and mit away in *small space. Ask your dealers for . them. Manufactured by . l •I r C. BBARCLAY, 9Fk.1. 1468 Adelaide St. W. Toronto,onto, s TIID 0108)D, IDorninioil Line &•to n shipss, Montreal m4511100,3 to Liverpool io summer. Large and fait twin 101033 steamships 'Labrador' Van- oonver,' ' Dominion' 'Scotsman; ' Yorkshire: Supertor await modatlontorFiretCabin, Soo. and Cabin and Steerage nae»Opgers. Rates of passage -First Cabin, 500.03; Second Cabin, 885; Steerage 822.00 and upwards ncoordina to steamer and berth. For all information apply to Looal Agents or DAVID TORRANCE 65 0,, Gaul Agents, 17 at. Sacrament St.. Montreal, FREE BOOKLET. (11J3DE TO 1IEALTN. Pamphlet* and - Samples of Material of our Steed Frame Niagara Vapor Bath 34001 to any address on receipt of st(1mp. Thermometer attaol;montand iiABBis 'r0020NTO CUTI1IIO SCHOOL stilets apoolal Judnoemones to young mom &setrmon d'4' taking up Cutting: Foil partionlars on emelt cation. us YON0B BT., TORONTO. L M(11e, Artltn & 11x1031 Barriotera.eto., l'e,rtovea to Wooley Bldgs., Rich 1(1001 Bt VP., Toronto. MINERALS TESTED wrlta tmprcea MILTON Hr R. -]0Y, B. A. Sc lg Jt. Sacrament $t,, Montreal, Que. t erg, Hilar& Oo 11,00feeturer0 of Shoot Mases O81ce, Stare, Haub and hotel Fixtures, Jew lora Druggists' and all kinds of Interior Fittings, British Plate Mirrors, Leo. 19 to 23Alice Bt, Toronto. Central ,A ay STRATFORD, ONT. 'Best Commercial 50440•,4 in the Province; enter nowt! aar_dgle tree. W. J. ELLIOTT, Principal. Commercial Report j( For Banks and. 710000 ,1,40 3(00(0)0., THE ()MFMOE SPECIALTY M10, 00., Limited, '10(10NT0 AND NEWMARKET, Ont. TAERERS. Only (phase 01 speech C0„pdn roc tt,r 0mr• o1 In every plies, (1 04u deft L 1 0duldixhud. In Toronto, ,A (Te. Cmc q! ue•d: 0111.111014'SP A broke lit , 1Ho1 to 050 9 Pembroke lit., Toronto Oannd,a Vaporizer Complete. LEAD gents Wanted for Bost Belling Buys COPPER Both In America, 4� a, ilio ROM Vapor Banl Co., 6 Grand Opera Plaoo,To, onto ID Odorless Closet. The best and most sensible i6ven• tion of the age, Endorsed and recom- mended by MEDICAL men all over the country, P11101E SO REASON' ABLII that no home should be with- out one. Write tor circular to ORY 011(1 _ U U�� If000RG�s 1INEOlL OY�NO co„ Hamilton, Ont. SCRAP BRASS Wholesale only, William 8t., Toronto. Long Distance Telephone 1720. TI -IE IMIOST NUTRITIOUS. .. F� !i . fan+ GRATEFUL -COMFORTING, BREAKFAST -SUPPER, ,g'3RAU7'H RESTORED 'WITHOUT' M700Ix OWE 011 hlXPION810to!rte 1410+T 130$- oitl>I01tleD Srosist011 lAtIkw, Nineue5 LIVER, 331,000, a1.:(DD'Ei , KIDNEYS' BRA IN and !Mid ATH by TT 73:111117'8 IIEVALENTA ARABIC& FOOD, *blob SONES 1NVAtalb; and •alLt>St1iN, and able Brave 4none :fully In- fants Whose.Ailmonl.0 and Debility have re. si.1od ail other ttenr,pente,. Ib divests when All other rood Le reiootod, eaves Seines 116 met in enedielne. pe YEARS' INVARIABLE 1311001188, feeltie 100,000 ANNUAL CURES of C0natdp. smote Fletulmlcy, Dyepopein, Indigestion. Cm. 'h 11011(1100, 06116143, (1310, 144.1 llronc ills I Coughs, �,lthma, Catarrh, P11145111, Dlatrbaiar Novena Debility, $100p14450ue50, Do monde icy:. U DARI1Y And O0. 1LleeteAL 71 Resent., ?erect, Londdn,'W., also le Porte Id Rat deCestiglieno, and At an Gemara,Chemists, and Stores everywhere, ib tins 2s., s„ 8d„ 6' : 611, 1443, Sent earrla�ta tree A150 1!il HAttttY'S Il10VAL10N'TA BISCUITS, In tied, 8s, G7, and 00.