The Brussels Post, 1898-12-9, Page 44
)311155e15 VSt.
!i'1i;rDAI', DEC, :l, 1898.
Tne Banquet busiueee is "ealohing'I
and now Brandon Liberals are going to
banquet Hon. Mr. Sifton, the able Minle-
ter of the Interior. If the money ex-
pended ever these big spreads were
daunted to charity or missionary per•
poses, something bordering on a positive
'evil to many could be turned into a pro•
nounoed blueing.
Rum says that the great Massey
Hall at Toronto is a sort of a white
elephant on the hands of the trustees, as
the taxes and running expenses are in
excess of the receipts. It is proposed to
sell it and devote the proceeds to aharb
table purposes, not a bad idea. The
building is a fine one and would likely
find ready sale to be utilized for opera
house purposes. A proposition is on
foot to exempt Massey Hall from tax.
ation, and if this is done it could be re•
tained for the purposes for which it 'was
erected by Mr. Massey.
Tun Election Court has unseated Mr,
MoDiarmid, Conservative, in West
Elgin, and a bye -election will be held
shortly in that riding. Mr. MoNieh, who
was the representative prior to the last
election, kends a good obanoe of secur.
ing the Beat. Jae. Ooomee, Liberal, of
West Algoma, is declared safe in his seat
and the petition dismissed. This !Woo
of election protests is a "dilly" and le
opening the eyes of representative people
in both parties to the sham of the whole.
sale protest business entered into so
confidently in the babble -over of enthusi•
aem after an election.
Posrox, who has etood two trials
charged with complicity in bank robbing,
was granted hie liberty on bail, owing to
the disagreement of the jury last week at
Napanee. 10 wanted to acquit him, bat
2 opposed it, and hence he is likely to
have a new trial, and probably at some
other place, owing to rowdyism display-
ed in the town, and the attempted as.
emit on Judge Ferguson, before whom
the oase was heard. Mackie, the Belle-
ville sport, got 10 years for his ebaring
in the robbery. Holden and Pare, two
bard "petters,' who turned Queen's
evidence, wilt have their sentence later.
This piece of motility is going to cost
this country a nioe little penny. If
Penton is innocent then he is sufferiug
all these menthe from his indiscretion in
forming friendships bad to the Dore, but
if he participated in the robbery, as
many points in the evidence would fedi•
°ate, he has a right to staffer the penalty
of the offended law. This should teach a
good lesson to many a fust youth in this
Dominion and prove tb it the way of
a transgressor ie hard. If a man lives at
a $2.00 -a -day tate on a $1.00 a day eatery
something will soon have to drop.
CANADA is better known in the foreign
markets today than ever before, and the
duty of everybody having to do with ex-
ports is to carry on business with a view
of tnaintaining and increaeiog oar trade.
Claudius cheese shipments ism the past
season amounted to 1,903,000 boxes, at
a cost value of $12,065,000, as compared
with 2,102,985 boxes at a Dost value of
$14,195,000 in 1807, a decrease of 13:j- per
cent. The decrease is attrib !tad to lower
prices and to the greater attention devot-
ed to butter•makiag in whioh the margin
for increase is considerably greater.
The season has thus been a poor one for
the producers, Not counting the $50,•
000 lost in the Warrington failure, the
factory -men, it is estimated, will be
89,000,000 out of pocket an a result of
their .labors since last Spring. The
largest shippers were A. A, Ayer dz Co.,
226,475 boxes ; S. C. and J. D. Warring.
ton, 220,900 boxes ; A. W. Grant, 160,-
461 boxes ; Jas. Alexander, 90,032 boxes ;
D. A. MacPherson, 66,774 boxes ; Hodg•
son Brea., 178,769 boxes. London was
the largeet consumer, with 651,988 boxes;
Liverpool 2nd, with 540,610 boxes ; and
Brietal Std, with 447,644 boxes. The bat•
ter trade makes a much more satisfaob•
ory showing for the season. The round
figures 270,000 packages of Canadian
butter went to Great Britain, and though
prioss flnotueted quite widely during the
Summer, the ruling price for the entire
season was praotiotlly tha Sema as last,
viz., $12.25 on the basis of a 70•pound
tub. Taking this as the average, the
revenue from butter was $3,307,500, nn
increase of over 8610,000 ; in other worde
there bee been an increase of 8 per cent.
in exports as against a little over 7 per
pent. last year. This is not at all a bad
showing, if it can only be kept np. The
creamery meo'a revenue hes been added
to in the past 8 years $2,950,000, 0.0 in•
crease in tate period of 25 per oent. The
exports for the aeaeon amounted to 270,-
000 paoltngea, at a cost value of 83,807,-
500, against 220,000 packages at a oust
Value of $2,697,400 in 1897. Bristol was
the haling market for Canadian areem.
ory butter, followed by London and
The, property of Christopher Columbus,
of Enniskillen, was sold by auction last
week.' Things have changed since '1492,
when Chris owned the continent.
Segue Reeon'r, --Tho following is the
standing of pupils iu 13. S. No. 5, Morrie,
e s.
for the month of Qat.. Fourth al s a
amined in History, Literature, Physi•
oleey, Recitation and Geography. 'Total
6.45, Thou marked were absent part of
the exam. 11. Clegg 517, 1'. Praetor 470,
x J. Proctor 473, x 13. Watson 423, x A.
Lawrence 301, x h'1, Haelam 100, x S,
Allison 03, x Rose 42. Standing of
the pupils in the other olaases accord-ing
to mnrlte obtained, Seu. III, 0. Russel,
T. Ilalliday, 10. McLean, H. Watson, G.
Cole, D, Gallagher, 0. Hobbs, Jnn. III.
—G. Parker, 21. Proctor, A, Cole, J. Cole,
B. IlleOuliough, M. Campbell, J. Clegg,
W. Oallacatt, 3, hsteem, P. Anderson,
E. Walesa, Wm. Watson. Second
class.—It. Bell, M. Armstrong, L. Galla
eller, M. Irvine, L. Hobbs, E. Brandon,
A. Gallagher. Part Second.—E. Proctor,
F. Swindiehuret, M. Johnston, A. John•
eton, I. ()lege, 0. Proctor, F. Bensons, G.
Fergueon, E, Gallagher, I. Little, C.
WEB C. A. HALLWAY, Teach • T.
Scuow. REe n rr.—The following report
shows the &tending of the pupils in the
senior dept. of the Ethel Public school
for the month of November. The names
are given in order of anerit.—Fourth
olaee—Beruioe Slemmon, Howard MoAl-
lister, Helena Barr, Ida Cole, Carl McAl-
lister, Mamie Hanauld, Willie Eokmier,
Island Badgley, Edua Raynard, Willie
Lindsay, Willie Freeman, Welland Me.
Donald. Sr. Srd.—Eva Cole, Willie
Coates, Stella Dunbar, Eva McAllister,
Walter Savage, Gordon Imlay, Henry
Querrio, Minnie Batsmen, Tom Fogel,
Sammie Iileineabrnth, Oliver Lindsay,
Robb, Kerr, Fred. Diemert. Jr. 3rd.—
Geo. Eokmier, Ida Faulkner, Mamie
11IcAllister, Lily Simpson, Avon Elliott,
Olive Rayeard, Dick Davis, Cath-
arine McGeorge. 2nd class.—Ella Han.
auld, Eva Cober, Maggie Osborne, Leslie
Foga!, Grover Gill, Geo. Hamilton, Mina
Elliott, Mildred Fogel, Emma Herr,
Stanley Dunbar. Otto, Donaox, Teacher.
Jas. McKay has returned from hie
Manitoba trip.
Thos. Gill, of the 4th con. of Logan,
has disposed of his farm to John Wier for
Jos. Moliuy has moved his grocery
stock into the store lately vacated by J.
A. Mitchell, druggist.
The Baud will give a concert about
Jan. 2nd, 1899, to aid in paying for sever•
al now instruments recently purchased.
A new boiler parchaseti of a Woodstock
firm has been installed in the Elma
Cheese Co's factory and business resum•
The financial end of the Klondike en.
tertainment on the evening of Thanks.
giving Day was very gratifying, netting
$25. Ths chair was creditably filled by
D. G. Anderson, President of the Y. P.
S. C. E.
One of those interesting and joyous
events that invariably cause a flutter of
excitement in the locality in which they
occur took place at the residence of Alex.
Fraser, lot 27, eon. 6, Elma, on Wednes-
day, 23rd alt„ when their eldestdaughter,
Miss Maggie MoPhereon, was united in
marriage to Douald, second son of Dao -
can McKenzie, lot 5, eon. 6, Mernington.
A large number of the friends of both
families were present to witness the cere-
mony which wee performed by the Rev.
J. W. Cameron. The bride wore cream
bengaline with pearl trimmings, and in
her hair wore white ohryeanthemams,
and was attended by her sister, Harriet,
also in cream. The groom was supported
by his brother Duncan. After the Dere•
mony the company partook of dinner
elaborately prepared, followed by oon-
gratulatory speeches and songs. The
bride was the recipient of many beautiful
GOder-i ala.
Samuel W. Papel, a one time resident
of Goderioh, died in Sarnia.
Special evangelistic eervioes are still
being held in Victoria street Methodist
0. E. Humber is the lessee of the
curling and skating rink for the season of
1890 9.
The naw 80 -foot chimney at the organ
factory is nearly completed. Jamieson
Reid has the job.
The acetylene gas lighting eyetem has
been inaugurated in the North street
Methodist ehurob,
Wm. P. Weatoby, a former resident of
Godericb, bas removed from Blyth to
Ayr, where he has taken obarge of a
Sour mill,
John Thompson is laid off from work
with a broken rib, the result of an aooi-
dentin the organ factory yard a few
days ago,
Camp Inverness, Sons of Subtend,
celebrated the anniversary of St.
Andrew's eve by giving a ooueert in the
Odd Fellows' Hall
A water motor hes been plaoed in
Knox church for the blowing of the pipe
organ. It was put in by D. W. Karn ee
0o„ of Woodstock, and works satisfac-
The sons of $15.40, contributed in
Goderioh in aid of the Algoma and North.
west oolportage mission, le gratefully
acknowledged by Geo. Buskin, mission.
G. H. Pengman, of the Bank of Com.
meroe, who has been laid up at the Hotel
Bedford for some weeks with an attack
of inflammatory rheumatism, is now
doing well.
Albert Straughan, eon of Edward
Straughan, sr., of town, is visiting his
relatives here, and will be here for a
month or so. Mr. Mullehan has been
engaged in mining in British Columbia,
being foreman of the Ajax mine.
John Baker had his thigh fractured in
an accident on the steamer Tilley, at the
harbor. The steamer was e.bent to die.
°barge her carpo of grain at Riehardeon'e
elevator, and as the elevator leg was be.
ing put into"position creme of the men
slipped and fell on Baker with the above
The annual meeting of the Godarich
Ilookey Club was held on Thanksgiving
day in Ronsvie's hardware store, The
following oliloers were elected for the
arming year :—Hon. Fres., R. 8. Wil.
Barns ; Hon. Vioo•Pree., A, Mob, Allen
and John Galt ; Pres., B. D. Grant ;
Sem-True., Dan. lealver ; Manager,
Fred. Shephard ; Exeentive Committee,
A. T. Cattle, E. 3. Tilt, A. Molver. The
membership fee bag been pladed at $1.00.
The club had o very suooeesful season
last Winter, the home ream winning 5
oltt of the six games played,
The Knitting factory le still fell•hand.
ed and working full time, are shipping
and reoeivteg utters almost daily, and '
the probabilities are that ortlera will)
come in until Christmas.
T. Bastedo, Saoretary of the tnitu'in
Fisheries Dept., wee in lawn daring the
past week seekilig information front
resident fishermen as to the carrying out
iof the departmental regulation'', or the
improvement of the same. He has been
visiting the lake porta of thn fishing
dietriate and came to auctorial" from
Southampton. Some 20 1141miman were
present end presented their views, of
which note wile taken by Mr. Masted°,
who did not hesitate to say that every
possible effort would be made under the
new carder of thiuge tc get a thorongh
understanding between the department
and the fishermen without doing violence
to the interests of the community at
OuonrERY Oannt.—The Obnncory ere•
Bion of the High Gaut of Justice, preeid•
ed over by Chief Juatiee Meredith, was
Mud late Wednesday evening, his
Lordship returning to Toronto on
Tltankagiving Dos'. The following ware
the eases heard after we went to pleas
last week :—Smith vs. Toll, an action on
a partnership amount. The ones wan
settled by mutual consent, no judgment
to be entered and no order made Ise to
costa, G. F. Blair for plaintiff, E. Cam.
pion, Q. C.. for defendant, MaOorvie
ve. MtCorvie, an nation to set aside a
trent deed. Judgment was rendered de-
claring the trust deed valid. J. T. Ger-
row, Q. C., for plaintiff, Philip Holt for
defendant. Rueeell vs. Rowell et el, an
action for n doolemation of a treat ; jnda-
ment for plaintiff far six hundred dollars
on the execution of a release to de-
fendant. Dickson and Holt for plaintiff,
Gladman and Garrow for defendant,
The Chief•Juetiee has not yet given
judgment in the Blake et al vs, Jarvis et
al snit.
On Monday evening of last week Bleb.
op Baldwin found time amid many
pressing engagements to pay Goderioh a
visit, and in fulfilment of a long standing
promise, gave a moat interesting lecture
on Palestine, in Use school room of St.
George's °hutch. In his own peculiarly
forceful style he told the story of his
visit to the Holy Land in 1893. ile
deeoribed the difficulties of landing at
Jaffa and the creeping aecent from there
to Jerusalem over the mieerahle railway,
the only ones in Cnnean. ile gave a
graphia description of the main points of
interest in Jerusalem and its vioinity,
and pictured the sooial condition of the
country under the baneful influence of
Turkish rule. Roads are few and far be-
tween, and robbers and banditti make it
absolutely necessary for the traveller,
who values his life, to employ a drago-
man end an armed escort. Agriculture
and commerce are smothered by the im-
position of Turkish taxes, and while
foreigners worship, a Turkish soldier
with a bullet in his gun mounts guard in
the °hurrah. In an eloquent narration
the Bishop showed how in spite of Turk -
lab opposition the prophecy of Isaiah was
being rapidly fniflled in the return of the
Jews to the Holy Land.
Samoa Ranosr. Tbefollowing is the
report of the standing of the pupils of 5,
S. No. 1, Grey, for the month of Novem-
ber ; Form 2.—Total, 1050.—M. Bielby,
735 ; J. Orerar, 657 ; W. Armstrong,
408 ; J• Calder, 295. M. Bielby, highest
in science, history and arithmetic ; J.
Orarer, highest in grammar and Latin.
P. S. Leaving—Toted 585.—A. Calder,
384 ; A. Switzer, 347 1 L. Blake, 390 ; J.
Farquharson, 189 ; 0. Armstrong, 292.
A. Calder, highest in composition and
geography ; A. Switzer, highest in
algebra, Euclid, drawing and book-keep-
ing ; L. Blake, highest in Euclid and
arithmetic ; 0. Armstrong, higbeet in
physiology and history. Sr. 4th. -11,
Davidson, 193 ; V. Armstrong, 320 ; 0.
Bielby, 182, Jr. abb.—D. Davidson,
113 ; N. Fralick, 46, Sr. 3rd.—E, Hol-
linger, 262 ; E. Blake, 236 ; M. Bedford,
232 ; A. Dickson, 272 ; W. Switzer, 280 ;
G. Blake, 238. Jr. 3rd.—F. Davidson,
272 ; W. Stevenson, 14$ ; T. Bielby,
149 ; M. Rands, 201 ; J. Randa, 178 ; L.
Diokeon, 201 ; B. Davidson, 202 ; M.
Cardiff, 154 ; W. Glassier, 193 ; J. Hag-
gard, 138. Sr. 2nd. -M. Dark, 92 ; G.
Dark, 228 ; W. Fargnbareon, 261. Jr.
2nd. -11t Hoggard, 1851 A. Gordon,
201 ; Annie Glassier, 199 ; Alfred Glas-
sier, 184 ; H. Bedford, 215 ; B. Dark,
220 ; W. Whiting, 144. Sr. let,—J,
Stevenson, 165 ; L. Blake, 127 ; L.
Grant, 45. Jr. let•—Jnn. Dickson, 131 ;
Jas. Diokeon, 1661 13. Stevenson, 104 ;
Annie Dark, 37 ; F. Lawson, 42,
W. H. BTEVART, Teacher,
Lia to w el .
blies Minnie Hay, niece of Mrs. J. C.
Hay, has received the appointment of
choir leader of Kntx church, and leas
entered upon bar duties.
The attendance at McDonald's Hall on
Monday evening of last week to hear
Morgan Wood's lecture, "Where am I
At ?" was somewhat small.
Kilvert, jr., assistant accountant
in the head oflioe of the Bank of Hamil-
ton, bas been promoted to the position of
a000untant in the Toronto branch.
Robert B. Stavanger', of Listowel, was
united in marriage at Karriston on Nov,
10, to Miae Priscilla J. Taylor, daughter
of Ex -Reeve Wm. Taylor, of that place.
The Anniversary Services' of the Lie.
towel Methodist church will take plane
on Sunday, Deo. 18th, when Rev. J. G.
Scott, of Guelph, a former pastor, will
preach at both services.
The Listowel Telephone Exchange will
in a very short time be made an all•night
service. The present machinery will be
exchanged for the latest improved Dietet-
ic Switehee to be operated by steam
power, and the service will be oontinu•
ougly open,
Master Aide Perrin was bitten on the
hand by a neighbor's dog, while endue
voring to separate his own and the
neighbor's dogs, that were fighting. The
teeth of the animal made a nasty gash in
the boy's hand at the lteuokle joint, Snr•
giant aid woe called and the wound was
speedily attended to, and is now healing
A former inmate of the London and
Hamilton insane asylums arrived in town
Wedoeeday morning of last week and
was taken in charge by Mutable Wilson,
pending enquiries of the aaylnm author.
ities. He gave hie name as Thointts
Clarridge, and ie said to have formerly
resided in Palmerston. He le supposed
to have 'soaped from the Hamilton in.
Munieipal aspirants rite keeping them.
selves very quiet at present.
lila Shane on Monday nda oFlest week,
,fur Mon, eii hn au, to attend her deter,
Mrs. Irvi t, whe ie v. re ill,
13reest.1wuun11t left on Monday more.
tins of last wools, fur Wierton, where he
will eselet his tether in the saw mill,
Frazer es Logan have reeelvot1 tin eon.
tract fur aupplyieg the brick for the stow
Presbyterian church atllelgrave.
A. M. and Mre. i':migh and daughter
of Belittle, spent the 'Thanksgiving boli.
day's with relatives in Blyth, Mrs.
Ettsigh and baby aro atilt 'here anis intend
malting a lengthy s'isit.
Saaanel Sutton, who has bean eondnot.
ing an implement (sgeney in Blyth for tine
past three yearn made an ttseigement to
Joe, Carter. The liebilitiee are placed ab
$1,600 and the assets ab $100,
A meeting in the interests of Hon.
James Garrow was hold in Industry hall
on Wednesday evening of last week. The
principal speakers were H. P. O'Connor,
of Walkerton, and Hugh Guthrie, jr., of
A union meeting of the Epworth
League and the Christian 'Endeavor so-
ciety will be held in the Methodist church,
Blyth, on Tuesday eveoiug, Doaember
13th. Addresses will be delivered by Rev.
2, S. Henderson, of Hensel', and A, T.
Cooper, of Clinton.
t".SlAtil,10 set N41FVti.
Embro will appoint a trnatu ' slicer.
Woodstock is to have a boapital fol
The Petrolia public school pnpila have
got the fire drill down flue,
P, R, Martineau is the Liberal candi-
date for the Commons in Montreal.
Charley Bertram, of Oil Springs, has
enlieted in the If. S. regular army.
The next session of the Qaebeo Legis•
lature bas beau fixed fur January 12.
The Oubourg Word has been sold to
Thomas B. Lapp, J. P., of Baltimore
A number of dressed hogs have been
stolen from the farmers in Metric! town -
Mrs. Geo. Huddlaton, aged 70, was run
over and killed by a G. T. 11. engine at
The Bain factory, Woodstock, narrow•
ly escaped destruction by fire early Fri.
day morning.
Mr. Hays, General Manager of the 0.
P. 11., was given a banquet by the Board
of Trade at Portland, Me.
Davidson Beath has been appointed
Secretary of the Montreal Harbor Com.
mie.ion at a salary of $2,200.
Hillyard Alway, eon of Dr. Alwey, of
Bartonville, committed euioide by shoot-
ing himself through the head.
Dr. B. P. Glasgowof Welland, has
been elected to the M,edioal Oounail for
the Counties of Welland, Lincoln, Halton
and Brant. '
Lewrenoe Badgley, of Harwich Town-
ship, was employed in the woods 'when
he was struck by a falling tree, which
crushed both lege so badly that one had
to be amputated.
It is reported that Judge Dugas, who
went to the Klondike a couple of months
ago to succeed Judge Maguire, is troubled
with his eyes, and finds the climate so
trying to them that he may have to re-
Alex. E. Macdonald, en employee of
A.M. Campbell, M. P., miller, of Toron-
to Junction, was arrested on Thursday ab
the general hospital charged with cm-
bezzliog $1,600.of his employer's money.
Macdonald ie ill with typhoid fever.
Savage dogs are a terror 1u 1It' people I
of 1'nnlsbill, and the chief Iota been re- I J • D, King's Shoes
quested to tate his gnu.
Glencoe hoe a gymuasinm, tend boys
who are toys delicate to 00 bn an armful ,
of wood 'swing for an hour no tin her leen
tai bar.
Sixty fame are now under quarnutine
in Glouoeeter and Oegoode township, to
prevent the spread of hog oholern. einem
the disease broke in that vieinily 105
hogs have beau elaughtetrd. '
Tun Poser and Weekly Globe $1 50
" Western Advertiser1 40
Weekly Mail -Empire, 1. 46
Montreal Witness 1 06
Daily News 1 80
Weekly Sou 1 $5
Montreal Star 1 80
Fanning 1 55
Fitted to Correct all
Failures of Eyesight,est
and your Eyes tested FREE by
latest Optical methods at
Division Court Office,
ith '
GSA= Tt71
All information from G.T.R. Agents,
J. N. KENDALL, Agent, Brussels,
GEO. HEYD, " Ethel.
Everything Desirable in- ° '
CIOl;llllg Puh1is11ills
Halliday s
The Leading Clothiers of this section are on their
mettle—their title they won after many battles—they
won't give it up, you can't equal them. Quality first and
prices second,trbut after all their prices are lower than any.
1f Ross & Halliday can win your custom by straightforward
deals they want it, if they can't so win it they. don't want
it. We have built up our business by giving our customers
and we shall continue this line of policy so long as we exist.
Our Tailor made Suits
and Overcoats cannot bo beat ,for fit and near.
A full line of Underclothing
for Men and Boys, Special Values
Men's Furnishing;
Our stock is very complete and priaes are low.
Men's Ties for Xmas.
These will be on our Counters in a few days.
Clothiers and Furnishers..,
Any ,quan'tity of Wood, hard et soft,, sliort or long, - taken in
exchange for goods.
Always in Stock.
]).w. 9, 1198
F tqa., j
. lh"
1J,p.Kip'., tJ
.\ t
aro till beim bt'oiien in our Boot and
8 �,
Shoe Department, Saturday Bargain
Day sales were away ahead of previous
Records. No wonder that our trade in
this department is increasing -11'e l;et•p the goods you want and sell
at lowest prices. The advantage this department has in low ex-
penses is becoming more manifest every -tday. Next Saturday,
DEO. 10th, our. next bargain day
—Wo oiler you Men's Long Boots at greatly reduced prices.
—Men's One Buckle Heavy Rubbers, 95e.
Sole agent in Brussels for J. D. King's shoes.
—A full stock of heavy and Light Harness, all our own make,
out of the best of oak leather. Wo oiler you bargains in Robes,
Blankets, Bells and Whips. See our 'T'runits—very strong, fitted
with good locks, spring clamps, heavy strap hinges—all going at
low prices. 1'= ' Remember We place.
Owing to the death of Mr. Pigot, of the firm of Pigot & Bryan,
Crockery, China & Glassware Merchants, of London, Ont., the firm
is going out of business and are selling their stock at considerable
reduction below wholesale price.
Our purchases consisting of
Dinner Ware, Toilet Sets,
Fancy China and Glassware,
and are prepared to give our customers the benefit. Come in and
examine these goods.
J. BA L L A N T F /MEd
Prepare for
Wet Weather & Cold Feet
Boots, Shoes and Slippers,
Rubbers and Overshoes,
and our object in writing this notice is that we may sell you. what
you require in these linos, and our prices for them are clown to the
Lowest Notch.
—We have also spedial value in Men's Heavy Long Boots at
$2,25 for a first-class split, well made and solid, good wearing stock.
—Our Whole Stock and also the good Grain, both lines of
which we highly recommend, are great value at $3.00.
No Fancy Prices. Everything Cheap.
Mon <• urn ull
...Have you seen the...
Chancellor Steel Range all. lie ltreeseon this rangohem
Pure 4mer'iea72 Water White
Coal Oil,
Tinware, Cutlery,
Hardware, Grar2itezvar^e.
The Lance Tooth and the Symonds aro our Specialties.
Tlio best quality at close prices is out ':Motto,
We also handle Blacksmiths' Ooal,
Wilton 8c Turnbull, - Brussels.