The Brussels Post, 1898-12-9, Page 3DEC, 9, BUSINESS CARDS. AT ONEY TO LOAN AT PER L 1`1' F S.e U Brussels. cent, nt 11. 1 ioOiAq KEN .Iofgse l big OrogOry, rurnbolxystreet, Broasel0, 898 N. BARRETT,II, v• ToneorlalArtist' Shop -Next door La1ies and0M. drone balls• oiithardware poialty 'MISS JEAN MIILAUCi1LiNp -TLA0111;11. OV - PIANO - AND - ORGAN, oyti.vSSE1 .S, oxa''x'. ROBERT CUNNINGHAM INSVRANON, FiRE ANG MARINE, GUELPH. T, FLETOHER issue► of Marriage Licenses, OFIMOS AT JIIWBLRs STORa. l 'No Witness ROquired, T. F'LI'1TCHER, Brussels ALEX. }IUNTER Clerk of Elio L'ourth Division Cour Co, Hu -on. Oonvoyaneer, Notary Public Land Loan and Iusuranee Agent, 'Nude Invested and to loan. Collections made 0lllee in Grabam'e Blo0k, Bruesele AUCTIONEERS. 141 .S. SC/OTT AS AN AUCTION- . ' nun, will sell- for better prteos, to better men, h1 ass time and lass ohargoe than any other Auctioneer in Bast Huron or he won't charge anything. Dates and orders can 'always bo arranged at this office .or by personal application, f1APT. r, STRETTON, Wbo has hail 20 yenre oxporland° n0. au Auctioneer, but who had to quit owing to ill health, Lae again taken out license and in !prepared to conduct sales at reasonable terms. Satisfaction guaranteed. Dates limy be arranged at Tin Powo Publishing Rouse. . TAB. ST1ILITTON, 1•t0 AuctiOltoor. VETERINARY. T D. WARWIOK, ee • Honor Graduate of the Ontario Veterinary College, is prepared to treat all diseases of domesticated animals 10 it oom. ,potent manner. Parti0ular attention paid to veterinary dentistry. OM is prowl t)y at- tended to. Ofliae an d Infirmary-BaurAoore north of bridge Turnberry et., Brussels. LEGAL AND CONVEYANCING. -%/ M. SINCLAIR, RARRIs'riu t�+Solicitor, Conveyancer ,NotaryPub. Ito, ,to, Office-vanetone'e Bloak,1 door north of Central Rote Solicitor for the Standard Bank. `l F. BLAIR, BARRISTER, VI • Solicitor, &e. (late of Gamow& Frondloat's Oinoe, Goderieh.( Onloo over Galion & Smith's Bank, Bruesele, Money to Loan. 47 MG. CAMERON, • (Formerly of Cameron, Holt & Cameron,) Barrister and Solicitor, Goderioh, lint. O2lce-ilamilton St., Opposite Col Lorne Rotel, MEDICAL CARDS. - J. A. M'NAUGHTON, 00.11„ 0.M., Trinity University, Bellow Trin- ity Medioal College, Member College of Phy- sicians and Surgeons, Ont. Licentiate of the Royal College of PD781000lls and Licentiate of Midwifery, Edinburgh. i 'I'olaphone No.14. Residence, 11i11St., Brussels. E. T. SNIDER, M.D., O. M., successor to Dr. A. bfoXelvay, Licentiate of Royal College of Phukciaus and Surgeons Kingston ; Member of the Col- lege of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario. Diseases ofwomen and children a specialty. Eight years'oaper100110. la'Olfoo andred- Mound thatformerly coupled by Dr. Ma- Kelv0y,1'111.Oberly street, Brussels, 20 - LI. M. ARMSTRONG, M.B., M.D„ M.C.P.S. O. PIHYSICIAN, SURGEON, AOOOUGHHUR, FITC. Special attention given to diseases of the Throat and Lunge, and diseases of Women and Children. RESIDENCE-WALTON, ONT. OR. F. H. KALBFLEISCH PNYSIOfAN, BURBNON AND AOtlOVOIIRVR, SUCCESSOR TO DR. W. GRAHAM, BRUSSELS, - ONTARIO: let Oleos Hopor Graduate of the Uvivmgli We ofTrinity (Toronto),Queen's (Eiugetoul and otl'rtuity Medical College; Fellow o Trinity Medical College and member of the CJlleQo 01 Physiaiaus and Surgeons of Ontar- io. Lott Graduate Conl•so fn Detroit and Olticago, 1800. Special attention paid to Itis eases of TV o Ear Alae and Throat, and Mil- eages ie asses of W01090.' F.'Oonsnitatlon in Eng* 1011 and Berman. Telephone !bons ah residence. d i IMPROVED YORKSHIRE BOAR FOR SERVICE. The undersigned will keep for sonvine on Lot 20, don. 0 Morrie, the tlioro'-brad l:m- uoved Yorkshire Boa "Oak Lodge Lou • n Boar, a L g g fall 2 'a t Bur. ow No, 400 bred hoes ford to 15 eb a limited umb • of so ' will be tailor 1 Terms, 81.00, to be paid Mt Elmo of service with privilege Of returning If nee.. 000ary, A number of choice yonns ems for eale•fof brooding purposes the. which mill be sold at prices to soft the times.. Proprietor. 21• BOUT. STILIIIOL: P a 1i ator 1 ]Icforr. ie drr. r gp'ood s P11ospllodlzltl, The Great Bnpb011 Ramedy. Sold and recommended by 0.I druggists In Canada, Only reli able medicine discovered. SpA packages guaranteed to cure all lotus or Sexual weaknoos, all effects of abnet sr exoeoe, Mental Worry, Excessive use of To. boom, ()plum or Stimulants, Mailed on receipt if pride, me package 10, nix, 90. One wilt please, 9x 17(12 too !n. Pam1h1ats iroe to env a8dro98, The 'Noor! OofnpanY, Windsor, Ont. Sold iu Druteele by G. A. 13I0A1)IIAM, 1 D ruggiot, Bookseller it; Optlolau, THEQ UICK WAY ro -----' !tent a 1101182, Sell a 110use, Sounre n S2rynn1, Or, In feel, Iiuy, Sell or Secure Anyihbig, is '1'e use the POST WA N T ADS, a {5,11'00•ord.(.'00,0 inti Nails tons, Tis POST gives the news. Dnssn0D hogs are coming to market. Comm Court was in 0090100 this ween, Tun poultry market enjoys its annual boom, Emmen Division Oourt on Tuesday of this week. .Beusaaoe Sobool Board will meet on Friday evening of this week. QUITS it number of town canines are earning their board by sleigh riding the juveniles. Two weeks from next Sabbath will he Christmas Day. 1898 will soon be among the bygones. Flair Huron Liberal Convention on Friday afternoon 0 nest week, in Bros - seta Town hall. 13aussnss leads the van as a shipping point for cattle, sheep and hogs. Our grain market keeps to the front as welt, Tun Salt Works, mills and private parties got in quite it supply of wood during the post week owing to the good sleighing. Arm taxes not paid by next Wednesday will have 5% added. Fete warning has been given so that no one eau plead ignorance. HNnnAi•Tsst, at its first meeting the Municipal Council will appoint the two Auditors, instead 0 allowing the Mayor or Reeve to nominate one. Monoiouxa, you are reminded that "the mill will never grind with the water that is passed," Last year's advertising will not do the business for this year. NOMINATIONS for County Councillors will take place on December 191h, and for Township Councillors on the 20th. Elections for both on January 2nd, 1899. G. A. DEADIIAN has kindly promised the members of the Brussels A. 0. U. W. e, honey feast at the next meeting, whiob will be on Friday evening, 10111 inst. This will also be the night for election of officers 0o a good turn out may be looked for. A 0Ln10II load 0 Liberals wont to Bel. grave last Friday evening to attend a political meeting oalled in the interests of Hon. J. T. Garrote, the Liberal candidate for West Huron. Barrister Blair, of Bruesele, and Dr. McDonald, U. P., were the speakers. BBPonn writing to Toronto for goods advertised in departmental store mita. loguee, ladies should compare prices and quality of goods with those advertised by the home merchants. In moat oases if the merchants were given a chance they could give as good and better bargains than the Toronto stereo. If they had not the article in stook they would be quite willing to send for it. PEAT Wonxe: A lnovoment is on foot to establish peat works in the vicinity of Bruesele provided the promoters can get sufficient encouragement to go on with the projeot. We are in 1008190 of a communication from A. A. Dickson, of Toronto, in which he states that C. E. •Ardagh, of Barrie, bas contracted with the Canadian Peat Fuel Company to operate the ()minty of Huron, and will visit Brussels and the surrounding terri. tory ebortly,for the purpose of inveeti. gating mutters. The importance of the undertaking to the whole community is such that he emote upon finding many sincere well withers in this vicinity, and desires to obtain snail preliminary in- formation as will serve to save valuable time. He therefor asks that all owners of swamp lands, who may be interested in the development of this wonderful dig- oovary, to furnish information to Tint Pose as to deposits of peat or swamp muck, average depth 0 muok, aoceoeibil- ity to highway or railroad, the obaractor 0 growth on snrfaoe, owner's name and pries asked, nleo sampie taken from a point where the peat is several feet in depth and from two or three feet below the ourfaoe. Farmers and owners of swamp lands will find it to their great advantage to give tbia matter their atten- tion, and lend what assistance they oan to promote the project. Bring along your samples, , SinnnoN's Newerirnn,-The Rev, Charles M. Sheldon's books, now so uni- versally read, make 10 plain that that writer's hopes of the regeneration of the world lie in getting individuals more and more to do their daily tasks on Christian rinoi lea tai. no mvt ' sacrifice) e what the a r'fla involved. in the beet known of hie books, "In Hie etepe," be clearly looks to the newspaper, oatried on upon Christian principles, as largely the hope of the Doming kingdom. In looking about him for newspaper upon his model, he seems t have hit upon the Mo r a nb e 1W ftnoes to which he has addressed a letter, part of which we quote ;-"I have read the Witness with much. interest. I cannot bay that I know 0 anyother ail paper r e in the United Stales hat is (included on such high Ohrietian principles. I wish I did, for if ever we needed a paper in our country we 730ed it now, Let me nit 2880 t0 you 1 n appreciation n•eolation of the Y p Y it Christian heroism mud consideration wbioh make it paper like the Witness a possibility. I have always believed it possible for Christian 1 p 10. nail tomooed. P y u d You have proved that it can. So moth of the ideal newspaper in "In His Steps" is therefore real. I pray that you tray eootinue to be blessed in your work. I do not know a more glorious opportunity for building up the kingdom on earth than by means of Ohrietian journalism, I take the greatest pleasure in sending the copies of the Witness to newspaper friends of mine for their iu0peotion." "Very cordially yours, Chas. M, Sheldon, Topeka, Kansas. l't'Stdct ' etU Ir,t tri rtty Waller Ircl.aveu left for I1 at uler , where Le has taken a situation in a tailor then. The nomination far County Connoilloos will be held in the Town hall, Ripley, Doaember 1001. John Totmie, 111. I.i„ hie had ooneidor. able aorreepondenos lately with Manager flays, of the G. T. 1t., and the Postmaster General rslatug to improved mall ser. vice. A. ,k W. Gollan, of title village, shipped on Wednesday 00 feat week, 1170 turkeys to Toronto, and we understand another oanload 0 birds w111 be shipped from here this week, The removal of the Library suggests changes. The Canuoil Chamber in the Town Hall has been renovated, new she!- ving orsoted, and wbeu completed will well repay a visit, The Mebhodiet Church Anniversary will be held on Sunday, Deo. I1. Rev. A. Mcl(ay, 01 the Presbyterien Church, will preach in tin morning, and Rev, J. Loaroyd its the evening. Mr, Learoyd will deliver a lecture on Monday evening, Deo, 12, subject. "Christopher Columbus and hie times." CA ol-1-ie. Geo, P. Nash and Ed. Blots have re. turned home from 0lanitobe, Wm. J. Turnbull, of Brantford, P. D, FI. C. R., and organizer of the Independent Order of Foresters, has been visiting the local brethren of Court Delight, No. 1005. While raising the gates at Dane's mill on Monday morning of lash week, Geo. McMillan lost his footing and fell into the water. It was rather a noel dip but Geo, is none the worse. John Booth had a steer die a short time ago, and up to the time of its death it appeared to be in the beet of health. Two brood sows and 4 good sized pigs got at the oareae0 and ate some 0 it and they all died. John Dane recsived a letter from his eon George, who is in Manitoba, iu which he announced the death of Mrs. Wm, Rutledge, at Portage la Prairie. Deceased was ono of the earliest settlers of Howlett, and left here same 20 years ago. She was in bee 90th year when the messenger came. Elf Bowyer, of this village, met with an =ideal' which came very near ter. minting his earthly career. He was working at Mr. Nicholson's on the 0th of Turnberry, helping Messrs. Bricker es; McCallum drill a well, when a very heavy bolt broke, and falling, streak him on the side of the head, inflicting an ugly and dangerotts wound. Oionto rtlr. Seaforth is to have a Board 0 Trade. 4VIr, and Mrs. Durward Lely appeared before a crowded house. Petah:; 1/40antillou left fur Toronto where lis will in future reside. Broadfoot its Box shipped a car Toad of furniture to Liverpool on 'Thursday of last weep. Mrs, M, A. Coulter had the misfortune to slip and fall on the pavement at Robb. Willisoornar and as a result injured her- self severely. Anniversary Serviaea were held in the Methodist ohurch on Sunday, Dea. 40b, at the renal hours, 11 W. in. and 7 p, 01. Rev. Me. Omen, of Toronto, was the preacher on thab 000asioo. The members of Britannia Masonic lodge entertained their gentlemen friends, to the number of about one hundred at an informal at-home in their lodge room on Tuesday evening of last week, The Orillfa laorosrs club toasted and sheered the Beavers at their banquet on Tuesday evening of last week. They ma. oguize1 the manly oonduot of the Beavers and the poltoonery of the Dufferine. Thera died in Egmondville on Novem, bar 28t11, Annie Oliver, relict of the late Walter Hankin. Deceased was a native of Saobland Etna was 71 years of age. She bad been ill for a considerable length 0 time ilea was a severe sufferer. Three members of bar family are residents of Seaforth, naively, Mee. Hawthorne, Jae. Rankin and Jno. Rankin. The anniversary eervioes in oonoeetion with the First Presbyterian ohnroh, in this town, will be hold on Sunday and Monday, December 18th and 19th. Ar- rangements have been made with ltev. 3, 101. Glssaford, of Guelph ; Rev. J. Grant, of S1. Marys, aua Rev, J. A. Anderson, of Goderiob,together with the loan) clergy to assist at the services. Sunday, service will be held morning and evening at the usual hours, when Rev. Mr, Glaseford will officiate. On the Monday evening a. tea -meeting will be held. Exeter, Clover throbbing has oommonoed and a fairly good crop is reported. Ardab Rollins; who has been in Mani- toba for some time, has rotarned home. Jones JC Halls have about 25 hands cleaning and packing poultry for the market, in the building North of the Town Hall. Thos. Russel, of Riverside farm, Us. borne, left Monday of last week with 8 prime fat cattle for Brantford, Gnolpll and other fat stook show(. Glenn Elliott, of Bay Mille, Mioh., was home spending a few days with relatives and friends. It is y about 12 'care b age eiuoe Mr. Elliott left here, The Reeve has been asked to interview H, Hillier, M. P. P., regarding the pian. ing of Mrs. 1! elton's deaf and dumb boy in a suitable institution for such person. One night renently Mrs. Spicer, of the London Road, South, heard som e person pave her dwelling, and on investigating matters in the morning, found that 4 ti ou fine ahialt s had been OGolen from her hen roost. A 10003.enonnnter wbioh would daunt the spirits of Fitzsimmons took plaoe be- tween a fanner oil Stephen and a well. known n0.t tie dealer of this � t l laoo h 1 , on o r 'market. . i P The dispute arose over the con. dition in whiob some cattle were deliver- ea. Those who saw lb say the Corbett.. Sharkey bent off hist eek a0 se y 0. w w a gond• cry oonsideration compared with it. Tho sad news of the death of Mies Margaret Jane Willie, daughter of the late Geo. Willis, whiob took place in Detroit on Thanksgiving day, will be learned with deep •regret by her ninny Mende here. The cironmetauoas sur• molding her death are pavti0ul0Yly aad. She was in her usual health and was performing her ttsuai hotteebald duties, being et the time engaged in preparing genie fowl for dinner, little thinking that her cud was so near, when soddenly she THA 13RUSSEL. POST fell heels on the floor and without a ulnmem'e warning expired. Tltouglt it 40e1111,1 0o eulden to her sorrowing tctetids, it was not rteexpsoto 0, 9.e for Year she lied !mown that her end might, and probably would eomi thus. Site was a]iioo d with inert) trouble and her Gudden talking off 170.0 abtribetect to that 001100. CIIIoitolt. The next meeting 0 the Division Court will be on December 10th, E, J. Courtioo, traveller, has been laid up with an attack of soiabioa sad nen• might. Chas, F. 17111ne, lately landlord of the Quenu s Hotel here, intends to leave shortly for Michigan. Amos Cooper left on Monday morning of last week for Loudon, Ile will engage in the Salvatiou Army Marino Band. Bev, R, Millyard and wife entertained the members of the Quarterly Cllio[at and Trustee Boards, and their wives, at the parsonage Thursday evening. J. W. Irwin left for Seaforth to take charge of a stocic of gr0cerie8 which he has purchased there. He expects to be Absent about three weeks running off the Mock, Ed. H. Knoll, who went out to Portage la Prairie last Fall has returned to town. He bad plenty of work while there and enjoyed muob better health than he does here -being a sufferer from asthma. Rev. Dr. Dickson, of. Central Presby- terian church, Galt, will oconpy the pulpit of Willis church, morning and evening, on Sunday, Deo. 181(1, which is the anniversary of the Sunday Sohoal. On the Monday evening following a tea meeting will be given in oonoeotian with the school. P. W. Brock, of Molson's Bank, was in Seaforth ho regard to the formation of a hockey league, consisting of the towns of Seaforth, Goderioh, Wiugham, Exeter and Clinton, and play for a trophy among themselves, which they think would be as flood if not more (00e0301113g than com- peting in the Ontario Hockey Association. Home oh' iianruoi.-Mr. French at the "Castle" bad an over supply of visitors on Thanksgiving day, there being over 75 registered. Since the ineeptiou of the institution it was estimated that nearly 7000 names appear on the register as visitors, Another inmate was received on Tuesday, Nov. 19th, in the person of Thos. Leathern, from Seaforth, aged 02 years. 1%Ic'OEillop. James Ball is preparing material with the intention of building a new house in the near future. Miss L. Kennedy, who has taught most snocessfully in School Section No. 12, MoRillop, has been re•oagaged for 1899. To show their appreoiatlon of her ser- vices, the trnetees have given her a sub• stantial increase in salary for next year. DoA•rII 01, AN OLD RitslnnoT.-Tho death of Mrs. Robert Smith, whiob occurred at the residence of her daughter, lira. Thos. Beattie, town line, MoKillop, near Han look, on Thursday, 24111 ult., removes one of the oldest and most highly esteemed residents of the township. Although 86 years of age, Mrs. Smith was in oompar. 01(701y good health up to within a couple of days of her death. On the Tuesday previous to her demise she was in the barnyard, and had, during the Summer, milked the cows, but for some time had been complaining, the ultimate cause of death being canoor, which bad been eating oat her vitality. Tho deceased lady was one who had endeared herself to all, sad was most highly esteemed and loved, not only by her own family, but to all with whom elle cameo in contact. Born in Sterlingsbire, Scotland, she emigrated to this country with her husband and family in 1860, and settled in Tuokersmith, on the farm now occupied by Wm. Carne ohau. About thirty years ago they mot, ed to MoRiliop, taking up the farm on whioh'she died. Her husband died about twelve years ago. She leaves a family of three sons, Robert and Alexander, in Hullett, and William in Dakota, and two danghtere, Mrs. Thomas Beattie, with whom she lived, and Mrs. George Pat- terson, iu Dakota, The remains were laid to rest in Burns' cemetery, Hallett. Wiugg 1a ars. [Intended for last week.] Peter Anderson passed to his long home on Thursday of last week, rather sudden- ly, although he had been in failing health for 80030 time. Deceased moved into Wingbam . about two years ago from Turnberry, where he haddived for many years esteemed by a large circle of ac- quaintances. His age was 87. On Saturday evening, a horse belong. Ing to D. McDonald, of Zetland,was left near D. Bell's music store, untied. While itis for its driver,the animal took a waiting stroll around the at and dna 11 into t o ba y fell a dry cistern about five feet leap. After a groat deal of lifting, prying and pulling, the animal was extricated from zbs un. oomforbable position, not much worse for the adventure. A letter from B. Willson, now in Win- nipeg, gives an account of his son'ssecoo08 in moose shooting, It appears that Bob. orb wonb.out to hie father's farm near Gladstone, and after taking up his posi- tion, shob time moose without moving from the epob. The three weighed 2100 pounds, and it cost 926 to have the oar - oases conveyed to the railway station. CnuNLTt To A Carrs. -A despatch to the Mil from ooda oak i as follows: - John iyladland, an employee of the Karn Organ and Piano Company, wee arrested by the police while at work in the factory ou Wednesday evening. Medland 10 charged with fll.treeting his four-year•old ward, Charles Skeatea, Ib is alleged that Medland forced the child to swallow the most disgusting "medicine," and after, wards.gave him a piece of soap to same him out, This was to correctboy the for an alleged physical weakness. s, It is al so hgaagainst Medland tbab, after taking the boy roughly by the hair, he pub him into an toe-aold bath while terrible hip ,w rri1he.w p ins wore common h p g w t co Amo oaourrenoes. The bo 's father lives in in 1. am and h s 'tV t 0.I o 110. yg been notified of the rib to natm b ao. O terrible le 0 On corded Me young eon. Midland was taken before the Magistrate ato ou Wedne s. day, and rentanded tofall. The Children's Aid Society have taken charge of the child. On Thursday, of last week, it number of Wiugham Rifle tease went to'1eoowaber to try thole skill with the croak shots of that village. The day at times wile Moony, and our detachment diduot reach thole best 000100, and were beaten by 10 points. The Wiugham representatives worn -G. David, A. 11. 1,mbury, Cl. Nicholson, A. Brooke mai W. II. Hole, Though worsted intoe score, they aokuow• lodge the viotory was fairly won by their 0P9000015, awl report a very plsanant time. They speak very highly Of the treatment given then fly the Tssawabor team, aud will not soon forgot the kindly Y reception accorded them. If Toewabor riflemen persist in treating WiaBha m marksmen pito this the first thing we know they will be making s01110 ammo to go agate. PAsioitxrlt CLotoi,D. - Rev, II, E. Mason, of the Congregational Church closed hie pastorate here on Sabbath last, preaolliig morning and evening. There was 110 attempt in either disooureo to play upon the omotione by way of a "farewell ser. mon." Rather, there was an effort to present old truths with freshness and force. The evening text was -"And when tate centurion wbioh stood over against Him, saw that Ire so cried out and gave up the ghost, he said• --Truly, this man was the son 0 God • " Mark 15:80, Mr. Mason is a thoughful, force ful speaker, and by no means follows stereotyped methods of sermonieing ; hence hie discourses have originality enough about them to give them freshness and vigor. He left on Wednesday for Stratford where be will reside temporarily until again settled in a charge. The M. 0. 11. is substituting wire for board fenoee. The Standard Bank of Canada. Money Orders For amounts of Fifty Dollars and under issued by this Bank, payable at par at any obartered Bank in Canada, with the exception of Branches in the Yukon Die - trim, f?ATES Under $10 . . .$0.08 $10 to 20 . . 0.10 20 to 80 0.12 80 to 50 . . . 0.14 M. M. BRENT, AGENT, BRUSSELS. AIDER MILL Brussels Cider Mill and Apple Butter Factory, Mill street, has been overhauled and is now ready for -.oper- ation. Fetch on your Apples. Terms Reasonable. Satisfaction Guaranteed. Geo, Edwards, • Prop, Will retake V, well man of YOU Neon 600DVnee Tog AROTS 100801.10 IN POOR w0000. PIOOSI nurse all Nervous Memos, Slaoplonn• none, Failing Mammy, Nightly Emins1ona Sperms. torrh000. Impotonoy, ate., anneod by past a .ih+• yuioldy hub suro'11g100torm LLora7 Ef1i0ott D.. lu cid. or young. Uso etuuSI and you trill grow strong nod happy again. Sent by *311 in plain wrapper nod soatlroly sanlo3.. Prom ebsarvanun. Pr.Wly mrdod In rest paoaot Prion, 1P nrpp000r_0_r0e8rt01,o els d 1001or� Ad lr ,0 All 1010to to 7 1'. PHPP201n, Druggist, 10000700x, 002„ Agent' for too Ips' ottntoo of 0anadn. McLEOD'S System, Renovator ---AND oxiuR- TESTED REMEDIES SPECIFIC AND ANTIDOTE For Impare, eak and Im P overiehed Blood D e e sia, Sleepleesne0.e, Palpita- tion of the Heart, Liver Oomplaint,Nenr. algia, Loss of Memory, Bronahitie, Con- sumption, Gall Stones, Jaundice, Kidney and Urinary Diseases, St. Vitus' Dance, Female Irregalarittee and General De- bility. LABORATORY, GODERiCH, ONT. 3. M. MaLEOD, Prop. and Manufacturer, Sold by Jae, 51ox, Druggist, Brussels. A. COIJSLEY Real Estate & Loan AGENT, BRUSSELS. Money to Loan on Farm Secur- ity at the Lowest Rate of Interest. Ivioney Loaned on Notes and good Notes Discounted. Sale Notes to Specialty. Fire Life Insxlrance Written. Special Attention given to Conveyancing. Al CQU L Y 0 ()Moo over Doadman's Drug Store, BRU5519t$, Call and see our stork of 81an.kets, Sheetings, Flannels, Tweeds, Yarns, Etc,, Wool, Hides, Butter and Eggs taken in exchange. Carding, Spinning, Weaving, Knitting, etc, Promptly attended to at the NEW The undersigned has open- ed up a Butcher Shop in the MAU BLOCS, �RVSSELCI where he will keep constant- ly on hand a supply of the Best Meats ,Procurable, sold at reasonable prices. A share of public patronage solicited. Sn wALEEn. Meat, delivered to all Darts of the town. BRUSSELS WOOLLEN MILL. PAID FOB HIDES. Important to ..FARMERS! It will pay you to place your order with us for irRAT XLT D, UT Ems. 1.133XIC+XISITC4. ETC, early this season. As proprietors of the largest Nurseries in the Dominion (over 700 acres), we are able to speak advisedly. «YOU WILL REGRET IT 1F YOU DELAY YOUR 01DEn. Give a hearing to our Agent when he calls. Pears are bringing large prices in the English market. Do you grow any ? If not, allow our representative to tell you why we can furnish superior pear trees, and then give hint a trial order. We can utilize the services of a few good men to sell our goods. Demand for our Stock is heavier than ever. Supplies furnished free and our agents paid weekly. STONE cf WELLINGTON, 19-2m NURSERYMEN, TORONTO. High Grade . m . FURNITURE ...AT LOW PRICES,,, t• We are Carrying a tremendous stook of furniture, Suoh a variety to select from you oan't find eleewhore in the county. Whatever t ver on want, t, your wants eau be suited here. • -The bargains we are offering in is the talk of the countryside, Our stock runs from the ordinary kitchen chair to the most luxurious parlor chair, finished in the newest styles and with most fashionable materials. -In Rockers we have a very taking line with Cobbler leather seats, oak or birch, Mahogany finish, and in Armand Easy Chairs we show a fine line. -Our Furniture is High Grade but our prices fit the pocket of the public every time. A specialty made of Upholstering. Your old Furniture made as good as new. PipPVRBS and PION11 EMIR -A large and well selected range of Pictures always kept in stock. Also a large quantity of Moulding for Frames. If you require anything in this lino call in and make your selection. UNDERTAKING. -A large stock of Coffins, Cas- kets, ond other pertaining t0 this line always 1 kept, t. P81soual attention paid to Embalming, and pricesi lower than any . place in the County. -Pianos and Organs, the best in the market, sold at rock bottom prices, BIG VALUES IN WINDOW SIHADBS, The Strength of our position as the leaders in the far• niture buefness lies in the fast that the maximum quality and the minimum price always go together. R. LEATHERDALE.