The Brussels Post, 1898-12-2, Page 4FRIDAY, DEC. 2, 1898...._ BST HURON LIBERALS, The anotia) meeting of the Eaet Iiuron Liberal Aeeoetatioo, Local earl Dominion, will be held in the Town Broods, on Friday, Doo. lath, oom• mooing at 1 o'oloott p. m. The meeting ie called for the purpose of eleeting offs, core, adopting a new Gouetitetion anti By-laws, and transacting such other hue /tees as may come before the Assoal- ation, Dr. MoDenald, M. P., A. Hislop, M. P. P., and others are expeoted to be present and address the gathering. A large attendance is asked for. EAST Northumberland nomination for the Ontario Legislature byo•eleotion will be held on Deo. 7th, and the election on the 14th. THURSDAY of next week will be election day for the Local Legislature, in West Huron and Hatton. Hon. J. T. Gar - row, who is the Liberal candidate in the former constituency, was sworn in as a member of the Cabinet this week at Toronto. Taz Municipal tea kettle is common. ing to sing, and e'er long the aspirants will be on the forward march. There ie an unexplanable attraotion for many in municipal life, and although the represen- tative often gets more kicks than coppers he usually stands by his gun without a quiver, $1'.tIN has accepted the terms of the Moiled States and the stare and stripes will wave over the Phillipine islands for the time to come. The U. S. taking her place in the East will bring a new state of affairs to beer upon some of their problems' and will strengthen the hands of Great Britain in the defence of her rights and those for whose good she sometimes interferes.; Tan last connecting link in rate war settlement between the G. T. R. and C. P. R. was welded lest week, and on Thursday of thio week Manitoba pas. sengere travel over the G. T, R. by North Bay. Now that the hatchet has been buried and the rates put up, the public will do the biggest share of their visiting et home instead of abroad. A 2 cent a mile rate is what's wanted. NEN Benxswrox legislators have level heads on one subjectsat least, viz., the compuleory use of wide tired wagons, Any wagon oapeble of hauling one ton or over must have tires at least 4 inches wide, ea says the official Gazette. This is as it should be, and is right hi line with euggeeted improvements of the highway. There is many a fairly goad road that is rendered next to impassable by the great ruts cot by the narrow tires. Ontario might profitably take a leaf out of New Brunewiok'e book in this import. ant matter. Ir is said the next Dominion Parlia- ment will take a Redistribution Bill in band, If this is so they should do two things, lst, Put an end to the "hiving" of constituencies and thereby give a fair rep. reaentation to every oonstituenoy. 2nd, Ceenty boundaries should not be inter. fared with, neither should munioipalities be subdivided. By the way, Hon. Mr. Hardy has a few constituencies in which the divisional line outs municipalities in twain thee should also be joined. It makes a much more satisfactory arrange- ment of affairs. The Gerrymander is a dangerous weapon to fool with excepting in the hands of fair and square man, which we expect the present Government will prove themselves to be in dealing with the coming Bill, Mn. WHITNEY, leader of the Opposition foroee in the Ontario Legislature, is to be banquetted in Toronto, A banquet is a nice thing, but at $4.00 a tioket, plus railway fare, hotel aaoommodation and lose of time foots up to shah a figure that the average country editor has to usually content himself with plainer fare at home. Iii a well it is so, for the spread le certainly too rich for the blood of the ordinary mortal, and as to the "taffy party" usually following the sapper, we can get that nearer hand by calling at a oandy store. We're not moll stook on banquets, and those who nit them oat rarely see their bed before 1 or 2 in the morning, and often are nob in [shape to see it then. Moan than one of the Judges sitting at the recent election protest Courts have expressed their disapproval of the "saw. off" buslneee, and purpose calling the at• tention of the Legislature to it. That's right. If a man is guilty of corrupt praotioee, be he Grit or Tory, he has a right to be bounced, and if there was little or ne foundation for the ohargee, the plaintiffs should not be allowed to withdraw their 81,000 deposit. It looks very much like winking at Justine, and the worst feature about it ie that often the Exeoutfve of the aonetitaeney inter• eeted is not taken into the 00001 ab all, but a oottlement fe arrived iet by the central organizations at Toronto. "Big cry and little wool" is the eltuetion in oondeneed form. We dou'h expect a parliament ne nearly balanced as the Provinoiel Legieletnre is will make any radical change in the law, but tlfat dote not make it any less necessary, Ma, Kwr,rxe will have to change the snbjsot of his "Lady of the Snows" from Canada to England judging by the blit. zerd and terrible storms they Neve en. countered this season while we have en. jived sump tratively line weather. The two he wiepheres may be travelled over before any climate will be found to super. Sade that of the Dominion of Canada. In Outerio particularly we have neither the enrolling heat 1 the bitter sold nor the months of rain that fall to the lot of many loss fortunate than we in our goo. graphical poeition. ANornsn judgment wee rendered by Judge Curran at Montreal lou Friday in aonueotion with the sale of liquor on the day of the plebiscite vote. This was in the ease of Timmins vs. }Inman, action taken in behalf of the Citizens' League for iofriugeneut of the law governing the liquor traffics on election days. The notion was m et with a demurrer to the effect that section 83 of the Dominion Eleebione Act did not apply to the Plebia• cite Act under the terms of article 6 of the last mentioned statute. The court held, however, that the Election Act did apply, and consequently rejected the de - Marker. Chancery Court. The Pall session of the Chancery See• sion of the High Court of Justice opened on Monday, of last week, before Chief Justice Meredith. There were a number of cases set down for trial, consequently there was a large attendance of witnesses, and a full representation of the legal fraternity. The first case heard was that of Pink. ney vs. Watson, an action o0 an assign ment of a life insurance policy. It appeared from the evidence that Pinkney had deposited the policy as seourity for a loan, and that on the death of the loaner, his heirs claimed the whole policy, though the sum advanced was considerably Less. The Chief Justice gave judgment for plaintiff, but allowed defendant the amount advanced thereon. F. Holme- sted and R. H. Collins appeared for plaintiff, and R. S. Hays and J. T. Garrow, Q. 0. for defendant. Blake et el vs. Jarvis et al, an action to recover the value of utensils left in a brewery, was concluded on Tuesday morning, and then at the suggestion of His Lordship, the parties to the suit tried to settle the matter, The parties how- ever could not agree, and the judge re served judgment. Garrow and Proud. foot for plaintiffs, E. Campion for de• fendants. Howe vs. Ronald, an notion to deter• mine the ownership of a property in Brus• sets, was oonoluded on Tuesday afternoon, when His Lordship dismissed it without costs, and without adjudicating upon the rights of the parties. E. L. Dickenson for plaintiff, J. T. Garrow and W. M. Sinolair for defendant. Jacklin vs. Proudlove, an action to set aside as fraudulent conveyance of lands, was heard on Tuesday, and dismissed without costs. E. L. Dickenson for plaintiff, Morphy and Carthew for de- fendant. Fowler vs. Rion, et al, an action to estab• Bah a right of way over land in the town- ship of Howiok, was not concluded when the court rose at 5 o'olook on Tuesday. On the court re•assembliug, the case was continued to eleven p. m., and oo• copied the forenoon on Wednesday, and at the conclusion His Lordship reserved judgment, Garrow and Proudfoot for plaintiff, Hoimested and Collins for de- fendant. I eerdwiclt. Mise Riesberry, of Bright, is visiting her cousins, the Misses Sandereen. Rev. R. I. Hooking is oonduoting re- vival servioee in the Methodist church this week. The Bishop of Huron preached in Trinity church on Sunday morning at 10.80 n, m. Mies Janet Cook went to Listowel to attend the Spotton-Glen wedding on Thursday of last week. A Wyneee hes been appointed Superin. teudent of the Preebytsrian Sunday School and leader of the ohoir. Thos. Gibson, grain buyer, imported a oar load of potatoes. They went away quickly, showing the great demand for them. Rev, A. 13. Farney finished a series of sermons showing the difference between the ohuroh of England and the Church of Rome on Sunday. The Pnblio wheel intend giving a greed wool on Thursday evening, Deo. 22nd, The program will be given by the scholars, aniseed by W. II, Spence, of Newbridge. Principal Watters is re.engaged for next year for Fordwioh school. He is a No. 1 Outlier and is doing good work both in and out of the school houee. Two young drunks, unknown here, were arrested on Saturday, Nov, 10th], and sentenced to 5 and 6 months with hard labor in the county jail. They were taken to Goderiolt by Messrs. Moes and Henneberg, 7Leadbuirv. W.110,0, of. Toronto, spent Tbenkegiv• ing at home, T. Stenzel, of Miobigan, was visiting at his uncle's here last week. Jas. GampbelPe hones ie now bricked in and it looks quite comfortable. Wm. Rneohtel got a bad kick from a horse some lime ago, but is now moving about again, Mre. :Garvin, formerly Mise Emma Jane Glees, is vieiting at home, She now lives in Sudbury, Elijah Howlett and hie little son, Roy, are recovering from a Revere attack of typhoid fever, Ella died from the same disease, Services was held in Bethel church last Sabbath week, although itis yet nnfinieh. ed, When completed it will be pretty Thi well tip to the time as it has been newly shied in and a Cora) built over the door. In the Weide it will be papered, a new pulpit, new lamps and stove, and a stand for the choir, The oreen parohaeed for the ehuruh was from Scott lime., Sen• forth. THE Pur gives the news, Subscribe for it and the Weekly Globe for next year and hare all that is going on at home and Ahmed. Wm. Class has sold his 100 aura term to Luso Bolton. The prioe geld was 83,400, Isaao is well kuown in all Mo. Killop net a snonessfel carpenter and framer, and he will now find quite a dif. foram in his line of work, bus he will no doubt be able to handle a plow se well as a rule. Mr. Glass will live retired but he bas not yet decided where. While we are glad to see him able to spend the rest of his time at ease, yeb we feel sorry to see him leave us as be was always found to be a good neighbor and in every res• pent a gentleman, Listttttclfitix NO res. Watford wants a chartered back. Stratford Choker Club will re organ- ize. A mad dog waa shot iu Berlin a few days ago. Ridgetowo has raised its transient trader's lioen a fee to $150. A Bosaoquet farmer has raised a good crop of peanuts this season. Fred. t14eLsatt, of Oshawa, was shot and killed while duok•hunting, Thos. Steadman, Enniskillen, raised 1,900 bushels of mangolds from 11 acres. John Torrance, a brakeman of York, lost his life while making a coupling at Brighton. Col. Berne has accepted the nomination of the Helton Conservatives for the Leg- islative Assembly. The town of Galt has agreed to pur• chase the gas and eleotrio light pleats fn that town at 867,600. John Trish, a railway employee, was struck by a train on the Grand Trunk bridge near Paris and killed. F. S. Rathbun, one of the active part• nere and Treasurer of the Rathbun Osmn. puny, died suddenly at Deserouto. Riohard Jones driving across the M. 0. R. track near Ridgetown was struck by a train end probably fatally injured, A herd of three buffalo was seen lnet week by a settler in the Swan River die- triob, about 200 miles North of Winnipeg. Grant's Hall, an Ottawa building, used for theatrical and commercial porpoees, was damaged to the extent of about 810,. 000 by fire. The steainer Arthur Orr, which was wrecked at Baptism River, on the North shore of Lake Superior, ou Tuesday of last week, is a total loss. Thos. Moses, engineer of the newspaper train, which ran into the C. P. R. freight at Port Credit Thursday morning, was severely Injured internally and about the head. John Lillie, sr., of Guelph, dropped dead at Fergus on Thanksgiving day, while visitiug his son there, and while in the aot of patting on his rubbers to matte a call. Menge McFarlane, a prominent Dun- wioh farmer and township assessor, is missing and it is said he is guilty of hav ins committed forgeries aggregating 98,000. The oonduotore and motormen of the Windsor Street Railway have asked the company to pot doors on the car vesbi• butes. The employees offer to bear half the expense. The Greed Trunk bas brought down to Windsor the oar ferry Hurau, whish has been idle at Sarnia shwa the tannel went through. It is their intention to refit bar for eerviae, While out shooting squirrels on Tburs- day of last week, David ]Moon, 000 of Leamington's beet known oitizene, had an eye shot oat by the premature explosion of a companion's gun. Galician detectives are now engaged in the work of unearthing the Stuartbnrn, Manitoba, murder mystery, in which a Galician settler and hie four children were found olangblered. A blood•sbained coat has been found some distance from the hones. The Stevens Manufaotaring Company's building at London was damaged to the extent of 910,000 by fire. During the blaze some of the policemen were called off their beats and burglars took edema. tuge of the 00009100 by robbing about half a dozen planes. The heaviest Thanksgiving turkey sold in Montreal this year weighed 37 lbs., and cost the consumer 25o. This tan key, Bays the Montreal Star, was reared in Perth county, of poor bat honest par- ents, and lived to the age of 18 menthe. A couple of weeks ago he emerged from obscurity and came into the possession of Sam. Dunseitb, of St. Marys, by whom it was shipped to Montreal, and was pur• ohased by an hotel -keeper at ee a pound and being put up in a raffle was won by a Montrealer on a 25o ticket. The moral in this tale is that Perth county beats the ooantiy. A TIMELY INVENTION.—Anobher toil - saver hate been introduced, this time by a South Eaethope man. John Hislop, of that township, recently perfected a turnip puller, on which ho has applied for a patent, and which bide fair to render this arduoue work less irksome. This machine is somewhat oompliceted and ie attached to a wagon, one end of it relining on the ground, Revolving knives tap and pull the turnips, which are then carried to the wagon on an elevator, doing its work vary satisfactory. It weight! about 700 pounds, being coo• strnoted entirely of wrought iron and steel. The maohine may be Been at lot 42, con, 4, South Eastbope, where the inventor is receiving the ocngratulations of hie triode, who are looltiug forward to an easier time when the season of root rutting ones. CENTRRI o`ItNE 25ftrf'foriL. Qy A. Commercial School of the highest grade, Students admit• ted et any time ; moderato rates board cheap. Beautiful Catalogue Free, W./. ELLIOTT, Principal. E ]3ItITSSELS POST 17 \Olaf'+ FOR Sdil'd1bll:• , 1880, alhe nutter:timed will receive Leaders for supplies up to a wn a MONDAY, 1)140, 1030, for the 8111,1)1,1 of batohsrs' moat, but - tor, dairy and eramnsry,giving prim) or etch,. Moor, oatmeal, potatoes, cordwood, sta„for the following institutions during the year 1804, viz..: -- At the Asylum for tbo lnsano itt Toronto, London, ittagsten, llamittou, Aetudeo,Breele vine and (trhlia ; tho Contra] ]Pisco and Elmer Reformatory, Torouto ; the Reform- atory for Bays, Posetnn uiehene ; the Tueti• tntion for the .Dont and Dumb, Belleville, and the Blind, at Brantford. Two sufilet ant sureties will bo required for the tlns fulllntmtt of Haan contract, Specifications and forms of tender con only be ball by ]Waking appltoatiou ;to too Bursars of the respective institutions, N.13 .=renders oro not rsquirod for }Jae supply of meat to the Asylum iu Toronto, bontion, Kingston, Hamilton and 3limtoo, nor totbe Central lrisou and Mercer Tte- formabory,Toren to. Tito fewest or any tender not necessarily saesptod, Newspapers inserting this advortisomout without authority from the department will not be paid for it. (Signed) lt. Christie, 1', 0. Ohamberieln James Noon, Inspectors of Prisons anti Public Obari1ies,Parilamout Buildings, To - route. Dated Nov, 11, 1646, rMLO1Nc! }L G. Richardson Is preparect to do all kinds of work in 1118 line. Good Workmanship and Good Fits Guaranteed. LATEST STYLES, Suits made for $4 and upwards. ISD -Shop in Garfield Block. EMIR tF YOU WANT TO TRAVEL, NORTH, SOUTH, EAST or WEST TAKE THE- - AND TAUNT: x All information from C.T.R. Agents. J. N. RENDALL, Agent, Brussels. 0E0. HEYD, ” Ethel. ,r r� F`, d't &46 4=*44 4444444.15 rte «k y 11) r((l)T D1,c, L, 1898 110. uaY",go,1A1 Tr(i 4 fiafi tr"L arrc7id ��/ 1Nes ey9s 66E dura" Cloth is softer, richer, with grcntur lvidllt mid weight than any lleuri,tttt. Ideal in the rialtuese of its surface glow and drap- ing qualities. It le the perfection of n lack Dress Fabric It will not grow rusty—its dust -shedding qualities are absolute. Matchless in delicacy of texture— unsurpassed in its wearing service. Silk warp. Wrapped on the varnished board, "Priestley "• stamped. on every fifth yard. The Improved Henrietta Sold by Dry Goods Dealers Everywhere. $ CDs SMITE 8r, McLA", rig "1(1 .1104 ( Sole Agents in Brussels. J. D. King's Shoes Always in Stock. 11003" --- Records are still being broken in our Boot and Shoo Department. Saturday Bargain Day sales were away ahead of previous Records. No wonder that our trade in this department is increasing—we keep the goods you want and sell at lowest prices. The advantage this department has in low ex- penses is becoming more manifest every day. Next Saturday, DEC. 3rd, we offer you the following bargain :- -80 pairs of Girls' Heavy School Shoes, sizes 11 to 2, regular price $1.00, going Saturday at 75c. cash. Sole agent in Brussels for J. D. King's shoes. HARNESS DEPARTMENT. / . —A full stock of heavy and light Harness, all our -own make, out of the best of oak leather. Wo offer you bargains in Robes, Blankets, Bells and Whips. See our Trunks—very strong, fitted with good locks, spring clamps, heavy strap binges—all going at low prices. Remember the place. 1. C. Y `G I C ft !! b d d `>t D S THE POST CLUBBING OFFER, Tun POST and Weekly Globe 91 50 " " Wsatern Advertiser1 40 Weekly Mail•Empire, 1 45 Montreal Witness 1 05 ' Daily Newer 1 80 • Weekly Sun 1 35 • Montreal Star 1 80 " Farming 1 06 11 W. H. K.' RR, PUBLISHER, BRUSSELS, Spectacles —0F ALL RINDS— Fitted to Correct all Failures of Eyesight, and your Eyes tested FREE by latest Optical methods at Division Court Office, BRUSSELS. STRICTLY ONE PRICE, ALWAYS RELIABLE C a A tiesoa C es When we received our fine stock of Mantles we were well pleased with them and thought we would have little difficulty in selling them— hut little did we think they would sell 'so easily and quickly as they are going. Trade so far has been enor- !nous, and we're now trying our best to keep the stock as- sorted to keep pace with the trade, but it is impossible to do so. Last week we received a shipment from the best Canadian maker, which will give us an assortment of sizes and prices in the latest styles, Fine Black Goat Capes $ 7 50 and $ 9 00 Brilliant Black Astrachan Capes . 12 50 and 15 00 Astrachan Jackets at 25 00 and 80 00 See the Special Prices Before You BLiy. er o Coo, Dry Goods and Groceries, Prepare for Wet Weather & Cold Feet v ® ® ® 0 0 0 0 p 0 SURE TO COME WE HAVE A PULL LINE OF Bodo, Shou and Slippers nubbers and Overshoes, and our object in writing this notice is that we may sell you what you require in these lines, and our prices for them are down to the Losvest Notch. —We have also special value in Men's Heavy Long Boots at $2.28 for a first-class split, well made and solid, good wearing stook. '—Otto Whole Stock and also the good Grain, both lines of which we highly recommend, are great value at $8.00. No Fancy Prices. Everything Cheap. Alex. St achan. Wilt \ '', is t. •srnbull 0009 DEEP IN STOCK VES'OR COAL WOOD,. have you seen the... Chancellor Steel Range with High Closet ? It beats them all. Get prices on this range. .Pztre ,ilinericaT Water White Coal Oil, Lamps, Tinware, Ou tlery, Hardware, t: ranitezware. -CLOSE PRI0E5 IN °pass our SAWS, The Lance Tooth and the Symonds are our Specialties. 00AL... The best quality at close prices is our Motto. Wo also handle Blacksmiths' Coal, Wilton & Turnbull, - Brussels.