The Brussels Post, 1898-12-2, Page 3DEC, 2, 1898
V V • Isou1ot•uiianrriagul,laauuue, 011lo0
at his 0rocory, •ruruborry otroot, Brussels,
• Tonsorial Artist, Shop—Next deur
LadlosandoI11I ioiiehairofRhinaapeololty
Tri.'6'vV-SZTTMS, OT.rT,
Issuer of Marriage Licenses,
ErNo Witness Required.
Clerk of the Fourth Division Cour
Land Loan and Insurance Agent. Funds
Mlfoe In Gradto loan. ham's 11 look, Brussels, ns made
Ii, • S llSCOT R, willTAS A N Aoll for U CTION-
pries, to
hotter mon: in Dee time and less chargee
than any other Auctioneer ill Haat Huron
or he won't charge auythhlg. Dates and
orders caa'always be arranged at this ofiioe
or by personal en? dea den,
1 Who has bad 25 years experience as at
Auctioneer, but who bad to quit owing to 111
health, has again taken out license and is
Satisfaction guat ranteed, Dates may
bo arranged at Tun Post Publishing Hoye°.
JAS. ST1tE`rrTONonoer.
81 • Honor Graduate of the Ontario
Veterinary College. le prepared to treat all
diseases of domesticated animals in a com-
petent manner. Particular attention paid
to veterinary dentistry. Calls promptly at-
tended to. Mice and Infirmary Four doors
north of bridge '1'urnberry et., Bruenel0.
YV • Solloitor,Uonveyaueer,NotaryPndl-
Ilo, &o. Ofoe—Vanetone's Bleak, 1 door
north of Central Hote Solicitor for the
Standard Bank,
GF. BLAIR, BARRISTER, • Solicitor, &o. (late of Garrow &
Proudfoot'e 011iee, Ooclerioll.) Chloe over
tonlloe & Smith's Bank, Brussels, 47
Money to Loan,
• (Formerly of Cameron, 'Holt &
Cameron,) 13 arbiter and Soliettor, Godo Olb,
1101. Office—Hamilton St„ 1n o
borne Hotel,
0. AI., Trinity University, Fellow Trin-
ity Medical College, Member college of Phy-
siolaue and Surgeons, Out. Liooutiate of the
Royal College Of Physicians and Lioeutiate
of Midwifery, Edinburgh. ra-Telephone
No .14. Residence, Mill 3., Brunets,
M.D., 0, m„ 001/000000 to Dr. A. ltloitelvey,
Licentiate of itoyal College of Physicians
and Surgeons Kingston ; Member of the Col-
lege of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario.
Memos of women and children a specialty.
Eight years' experience. i '01iloe and res-
idence that formerly occupied by Dr. Mo-
lfolvoy, Turnborry Street, Brussole, 26-
M.B., M.D.. M.C.P.S.O.
Special attention given to diseases of the
Throat and Lungs, and diseases of Women
and Children.
let Class Honor Graduate of the Univers!.
tier of Trinity (Toronto), Queen's (Slit((t°ton),
and of Trinity Medical 0allege ; Fellow of
Trinity Medical Oollego and member of the
Canoga otPhysicians and Surgeons of Ontar-
io. Yost Graduate Course in Detroit and
0111oago,1880, Special attention paid to (lis-
ensee of Eye, Iear,roso and Throat, and dig-
eaaoeot Women, &a -Consultation in Eng-
lish and German, Telephone at residence.
The undersigned will )seep for eervioo on
Lot 28,Oou, s, Morris, the thorn' br
ed 1m-
Yorkshire 2418, ed br "Can Lodge Long-
fellow;' No,'2d88, bred bye J.Iil. Brethous, Bur-
ford, to which a limited number of sows Will
bo taken. Terms, 41,66, to be paid at Elmo
of eervlce with privilege of returning if neo-
A 110811101 of ohoioe young sows for galoler
breed 0 111 be Bola
breeding suit
a ws. h w
g P g
lirlo21 to slut ROS'P �D UO/10D, Proprietor.
)44fore. Aftdr. Wood's Phoephodine,
The Great 3ngliatt Randy.
Sold and recommended by at
druggists in Cascada. Only roll
able modlOhlo discovered. Sia
paekaget guaranteed. to cure all
'0(018 of Sexual Weakness all affects of ab104
ar excess, Mental Worry, iExcessive use of To.
bravo, Opium or Stimulanto trailed on receipt
)1 price, one package 41, six, 4). Otte will 3feese,
to tolIl euro, Pamphlets free to any addrose.
The Weed Company, Wlndeor, Out,
Hold in 13rnteola by G, A. DEADMAN,
MD ruggiat,11001100(1ar & Opticiau.
TO ^^—.°",eet„
lient it Boller,
Sell a Neuse,
lieellr0 d SOrylut,
OP, hl fuel,
Buy, heli or Srrnre
Anytl,lng, 10
'1'o use i.lse
ADSOn' ord4'r.nt
• 1t N
Pail' gears llein .
XIIAo three weeks from next Sunday.
GO0NOIL meeting next Monday evening.
A. 0. U. W. Friday evening of this
week in the Blasbill Hall.
A LAME number of Brneselites spent
Thanksgiving Day in the bush rabbit
COUNTY 0011110i is In session this week.
Oonnty Counoiliors Mooney and Hislop
are in attendance.
Tun books in the Free Library ore be-
ing overhauled and got in shape for let-
ting out in the near future.
THE two year term of Public Wool
Trustees D. 0. Ross, J. G. Skene and A.
Ooueley will expire at the oloae of 1818.
All are eligible for re•oleotion and will
probably be unopposed on Nomination
Tux Miner Lime Kiln Club gave an
entertainment in the Town Hail bare on
the evening of Thanksgiving Day and
lied a fair sized audience. It was a
genuine darkey concert and•afforded 1011-
eiderable amusement. The violin play.
ing was above the average.
This year Xmas Day tailed on Sunday
and will be observed on the following
Monday. Section 112 of the Municipal
Aot enaote that when Nomination Day
(the last Monday in Deoember) happens
to fall on Xmas Day, nominations shall
take place on the preceding Friday, so
tbat next year municipal nominations
will be held on Friday, but this year they
will be held ou Monday, Xmas Day.
1800 Comma CALENDAR.—The Pope
Mfg. 0o., of Hartford, Oonn., has issued
the Columbia Deek•pad Calendar for
1899. This is the fourteenth edition of
the well known and very useful little
memorandum pad. This handy reminder
has been for years one of the most plena.
ing of special advertising features. Wo
note that the new calendar is very Weil.
firin design and hake -up to the 1898
calendar, although it has more artistic
covers and is more profusely illustrated.
Any person may obtain a copy by apply-
ing to the nearest Columbia dealer or by
sending five 2 -cent stamps bottle Calendar
Department, Pope Mfg. Co., Hartford,
ANNUAL MEETING.—We hove received the
program of the next annual meeting of
the Ontario Agrioultural and experiment-
al Union. which is to bo held at the
Agricultural College at Guelph. The
"Union" will oommenoe with a public
meeting in the large Oonvooation Hall on
the college grounds on the evening of
Deoember '7111. There will be mm ens
alone in all, and the meetings will close
on Friday afternoon the 9th of Deoem.
her. The summary results of the field
experiments conducted this year on over
3,000 farms will bo presented and discos -
sed at the meeting. This, along with
the reports on ao•operative work in
hortioulture, dairying, beekeeping, soil
physics, and the weeds of Ontario, should
make the meeting interesting and profit•
able to all. We also notice that Prof. 0.
F. Curtiss, Direotor of the Experimental
Station of Iowa, and Mrs. S. T. Rorer,
Principal of the Philadelphia Cooking
Sohool, and au associate editor of the
Ladies' Home Journal, have been en•
gaged to speak at the meeting. The
Guelph Fat Stook and Poultry Show and
the annual meeting of the Ontario Bee -
Keepers' Asaooiation are both to be held
in Guelph on the 0th, 7th and 8th of
Deoember, and the annual meeting of the
Guelph Poultry Aesooiation on Thursday
of the same week. Arrangements have
been made with the railway companies
for radioed rates to Guelph to attend
the Experimental Union and other meet-
ings, and other interesting events which
toke plane during that week. All en•
quiries regarding railway rates, etc.,
should be made to 0. A. Zavita, Secy.
Agrioaltural College, Guelph, Ont.
WARNIN) TO THE Pm1111,—Th0 'Toronto
police have notified the Toronto postal
authorities of certain suspected Illegal
trepanations connected with the sale of
postage clamps, which brings to the
public notioe a point that is not general-
ly understood. The law imposes a
penalty upon any One not p01001 °d cf a
stamp vendor's 1ioeuee selling postage
stamps. Tbia has been the law for many
years, but has remained dement owing
vin been no
to theca ]ta gfractional
rency whereby shall some of money
oonld be remitted by post. This diffi-
culty, however, has ceased to exist, owing
to the
adoption of the postal note system,stem
whereby remitters can send fractional
any o'
currency by pedal note for cam
6 ow
that the
n , N
from 20 mote p to $ .00
pollee have taken the matter up it would
merchants and others to lett-
for o s
be W
n onto the their aoxrae d
mate to n
they run in making payment by postage
stamps. It appears that country poet.
masters are paid a oommiOtion on the
a sold, amount of tamps go , the intention be.
t r0 t0 be sold ire.
that these stamps are Mire.
ly for local postage requirements. But
ae g
some years ago some poetm ter , think.
ing tomutton their solaria,
the system of inducing persona to boy
stamps and remit them to oitiee in pay,
Ment for geode, This praotioo works a
fraud upon the militia treasury, and many
year0 ago legislation was. pawed to pm
vont it. Now that the postal note aye.
tem bee done away with the ncoesaity for
payment by postage stamps, that praati00
should cease, and than who in the past
have been in the habit of receiving pay-
aywent in postage stamps would render a
service to their oorreepondouts by warn•
ing them against a continuation of that
mothod of payment.—Toronto Globe,
Timms wan nn 9011001 LI the 7)01011•
M(111 19 taught by Alieseu Downey and
Ritchie last b'ridn.y ao the now Copp
(00101100 was Luing plan•el in (1Oui11001. 11
W0.H readyfor e ut M
Corer Pawnee
Alexandria, Brunetti
0. 0. 7'., No. 21, hoe handed Mrs. Jae.
bleLauohlin, of Wingham, a oherino for
$1,000, the amount of her late hasten ct'e
Denolioiary Oortilloale in Brussels Court.
BaloonLs Evaporator closed up last
week for this moon after a OUooetetul
run. They turned out 20 tons of evapor-
ated apples. Alr. Mahler left for home
last Friday. IIe pays aloe attention to
business and puohes the work at a lively
S111ir.DoM'e Netneateta,—Tho Rev.
Charles M. Hlheldon's books, now 90 ani.
vereally read, matte it plain that that
writer's hopes of the regeneration of the
world lie in getting individuals more and
more to do their daily Leeks on Christian
principles, no m,tter what the smarten
Involved. in the beet Ictiowa of his
books, "In His steps," he clearly looks to
the newopaper, carried on neon Ohrietian
principles, us largely the hope of the
coming kingdom. In looking about him
for a newspaper upon life model, hesaoms
to have hit upon the Montreal Witness,
to which he has addressed a letter, part
of which we quote t—"I have read the
Witness with muni interest. I cannot
say that I Mow of any other daily paper
in the United States that ie conducted on
such high Christian principles. I wish
I did, for if over we needed a paper in
our oonntry we need it now. Let me
express to you my appreciation of the
Christian h 7uienl and OoneideratiOn
which make a paper like the Witness a
po.eibility. I have always believed 1t
possible for a Christian daily to succeed.
You have proved that it can. So mach
of the ideal newspaper in "In His Steps"
is therefore real. I pray that you may
continue to be blessed in your work. 1
do not know a more glorious opportunity
for building up the kingdom on earth
than by means of Christian journalism.
I take the greatest pleasure in sending
the copies of the Witness to newspaper
friends of mine for their inspection.
Very cordially pure, Chas, M. Shel-
don, Topeka, Kansas."
G or el e.
An epidemic of moustache growing has
struck town.
The Presbyterian Sabbath Sohool held
a social in the Term Hall on Wednesday
evening, Nov. 80111.
Armour as McAllister, of Wingham,
shipped a carload of turkeys from this
station which contained 1500 birds.
The annual missionary 9ervio00 of the
Gerrie Methodist eharclt were held last
Sabbath. The sermons ware preached
by Rev. W. W. Leech, of Wbiteohurch.
John IIumbereton, of Ripley, will
probably be a candidate for the County
Mrs. Fred. Grundy, of this village, has
left for Rochester, N. Y., where she will
spend a couple of months visiting friends
and relatives.
The concert announced for Tuesday
evening, Nov. 23rd, by the Wingham
Presbyterian oburoh ohoir, lute been post-
poned till Thursday evening, December
0010, in the Lncknow Town Hall.
The Public Library has been removed
to the Couuoil Chamber of the Town
Hall, and will be open to the public three
clays a week, Tuesdays. Thursdays and
Satnrdaya.. The library will also be kept
open Saturday evenings till 0 p. m. The
new librarian is Rabt, Graham.
fereT illop.
LEGAL NOTE.—To the ease of the town.
ship of Logan vs, the township of Mo•
Killop, judgment was given at Osgood°
Hall recently ou the appeal by plaintiffs
from the judgment of Armour, 0. 3., at
the trial at Goderiob dismissing the act•
ion, which was brought to reoover from
defendants the sum of $378,88 and for a
mandamus lupon defendants to levy that
sum and interest from lands and owners
liable therefor, pennant to an award
made under the Ditohes and Water.
courses Lab, in consequence of proceed-
ings taken by a resident of the plaintiff
township for the making of a drain which
benefitbed some of the residents and lands
in both townships. The questions raised
were :--(1) Whether the person who in.
itfaled the proceedings was an owner
within the meaning of the Aot; (2)
whether the defendants were estopped by
aoquiesoence from raising the first pee -
tion, and (8) whether proper notfoe was
given to some of the persona whose lands
are charged by the award. The majority
of the court held thnb the defendants
were estopped. Appeal allowed with
poste, Burton, 0.1,0., dieseutibg. Gar -
row, Q. 0., for appellants. Shepley, Q.
0., for defsndante.
Trowbrld e.
Mrs. Modd,,who has been on a visit to
her sick mother, at Londeaboro, has re-
The brick building recently occupied
by Mr. Ryas has boat purchased ,by A.
Mr, Vernon and family have settled
on the farm recently purehaeed from the
estate of the late Mr. Block.
Rev. J. Kanner has muoh improved in
health, and took his full work on Sab.
bath, Nov. 21st, the first time in months.
Mr. Collins, from near Atwood, f8
from the farm and be.
to (elks b
come a oitfae0 of our burg in the course
0f a few weeks.
Mr. Portnoy has built a new stable on
his lot, and intends, Dante Rumor says,
to prepare the cage for his bird the
coming Spring,
Rev. Mr. Bent Ba tint tniaister, from
Listowel,, proaopheda Thanksgiving
serntdn in the Methodist o on
Thursday at 10.30.
Rev. Dr. Pascoe, of Wingham, preach.
ed Mihelonary eerinone last Sunday at
Trowbridge and Molesworth, and the
people had a treat.
Mr- Patterson, from Wingham, is re-
ported to; hove prebend the estate of
Widow Johnston, on the Rh, also the park
lot of Mr, Iiillitg ton and will move on it
Our enterprising townsman, Mr.
Autumn, has purchased and taken
possess100 of the horse and lot in the
North pert of the village, formerly owned
by Mr. Fortney.
It is surprising how =eh 10oonveni•
enee in ooased to a ao,nmunity by a
bridge being removed. That in 1110 vil.
lege has been impassable for about a
month, and 9oolety flnde a great relief,
now that the dangerous 010 wooden
denature has been removed and a new
iron one snbotibuted for 11.
Rev, Wm. Williams, of Lletowel,
preeehed a very able educational sermon
un that circuit un the lath, and well ea
the °Inuit has done in lie past, the
preHent year will be in advetnee.
(71111 1:011.
Reit. Elliott, of Ooderioh township,
last week shipped two oar lauds of live
turkeys for the (Ad Country market..
At the end of the present year the fol.
lowing membere of the Sohool hoard
have served their term ;--I. Jackson, J.
W. Irwin, 3. Gibbinge and W. Smith.
lease Dodd, of town, 10 quite a bee
fends(, wimps the moot extensive one
here, having about 00 oolonies, and from
these be gathered over 1i(toou hundeed
pounds of honey this season.
Mrs. 1'V. II, Beesley left town last week
on her way to the Northwest and was
ticketed by W. Jaokeon, O. P. R. agent ;
After spending a short time with her
sister at Listowel the will proceed West,
whore Mr. Beesley hae taken up land ;
before Mrs. Beesley's departure from
town a number of her lady friends made
up a box containing a number of things
she will need in the West, but not to be
opened until Christmas morning, when
she will enjoy their holiday greetings.
Friday morning, Nov, 181(1, the eldest
daughter of James Cornish, of the base
line, started to drive a oouple of the
ohildren to school, but the storm Coming
on she turned around and was driving
home, when they all had a remarkably
narrow esoape. The lightning struck a
telegraph polo on their left, and crossing
the,road in a direct line with the buggy,
etruok n tree, and ran down into the
ground. Tho horse was so badly
frightened that it reared up and for a few
moments they were all enveloped in
smoke. The inside of the tree was scoop.
el right out and a large hole made at its
During the thunder storm on Friday
morning, Nov. 18th, Mrs. Geo. Oantelon,
widow, Rattenbory street, was fixing the
lire when lightning streak the ohimney
of the house, went down the pipe, and
out of the stove. It went down Mrs.
Oantelou'e limbs into her aheea, knocking
her over. Her feet were badly burnt and
her shoes buret. Her arm was also
struck end all feeling left it, but she is
not otherwise injured. The chimney was
knocked down and a oouple of holes were
burned in the floor. It was miraculous
that her injuries were no greater.
131>:aavail e.
John Gannett has moved to the village.
Our merchant, J. Pagh, reoeived a oon-
eignment of honey from London.
Mies Hattie Leech returned to While -
church, from her visit at J. Leech's.
Henry MoHardy, ' of Godee•ioh, was
visiting under the parental roof last week
Mies Ida Musgrove left to epend some
time with her brother, George, at Niagara
James Nicholson, on the boundary,
had a wood bee, when a number of cords
of wood were out.
J. J. Denman has been reappointed
leader of the Methodist ohoir with Mrs.
Rogers as assistant.
Wiesen. Yeo and Perry have returned
from Muskoka, bringing with them some
venison, the fruits of their hunt.
The "Ways and Meana" committee
have improved on ways by new gravel
and an addition to file sidewalks.
Robt. Sibbald, the oldest resident of
oar village, paned away to hie long borne.
His remains were interred in the Blue -
vale cemetery on Friday.
While Mrs. John Gannett was getting
out of a buggy her dress caught, throwing
her violently on the ground, breaking the
small bone of her fore arm.
A Persian preached in the Presbyterian
churoh Sabbath morning and evening of
last week. He says that America with
its freedom of worship would be consider.
ed a eenond Heaven by the heathen
Anniversary services will be held in
the Methodist church, on Deoember 11111,
when an effort will be made ab the liquid-
ation of the balance of the debt. A con•
gregational sooial tea will be given on
Thursday evening, Dec. 22nd.
Trumann Oou.ioir..—Minutes of Coen -
oil meeting 11010 in Patland's Hall, Blue -
vale, Nov. 21st, 1808. Members all pres-
ent, the Reeve in the chair. The min-
ntes of last meeting were read, approved
and signed.! Mr. Conpland reported
having let a job of culvert on lith aide
road, 0001.12, to Allan Chapman at $4,00 ;
job completed and recommended pay-
ment. Also let a job of putting eight
loads small stones on 10th concession line
to Colin Eadie at $2, and also let a job of
gravelling 18 rode on 10th oon. to Colin
Eadie at 30o. par rod ; also let a job of
cutting and tiling drain as per award to
Colin Eadie at $2 ; work all completed
and recommended payment. A deputa-
tion of ratepayers from Lower Wingham
waited on the Council and claimed that
oertain streets were obetruoted by wood,
timber, poles and fences belonging to
John Linsley. Mitchell— Musgrove—
That the clerk be instructed to notify
John Ainsley to remove from the publio
streets, all wood, timber, poles, ate., be-
longing to him, at once.—Carried. The
following accounts were passed and
orders on Treasurer issued :--Walter
Hawke, $1.66, repairs to road maobine ;
J. Shovers, $2.80, repairs to road nlaoh-
ine; Walter Hawke, $8,60, salary work.
ing road machine ; 0. A. Jones, $87,60,
amount Pringle and Eadie drain ; John
3 count Pringle la and Dadle
.gen, so
; Alex. McPherson, $2, work on
rondo ; John J. Moffatt, $8.40, gravel
octal Allan Chapman, $4, gravel ; Colin
Radio, $2, ace. drain award ; Colin
Ladle, $6.00, gravelling ; 11. Walla, $1,
drawing tile ; Thomas Hendereon, $3.60,
tile drain Morrie boundary; Joe. Leech,
$8, gravel ; Ira Mallet, $1, damages
d1a iqggravel, vof Morris boundary '
Brea enr1d
e, $1 damages drawing ug
Morrie boundary;
Daft' tk Stewart, $O,
Turnberry share gravelling Morris bound'
ary k John McTavish, $1, gravelling ;
Peter Wheeler, 60o, week on road; Arob.
Patterson, $2.26, repairing romper and
removing brae ; S. Vanstose, $1, gravell-
ing ends B. line bridge John Putland,
6 rent' H. Wheeler, damages $,2
Sawyer Massey Co, $2135, road maohine ,
Bank of Hamilton, $800, loans ; Peter
MoLeeen, $60, part eatery ; Paul Powell,
$30, part salary ' Mre, Moore, $8,00,
Away , Thos. itlosgrove, $8.00, gravel,
Mus rove—Conpland--That the Reeve
and Treaanror matte annual etatementa
and have same before this Connell at
next meeting. Meeting adjourned to
tneet %coording to Statute,
&11N Bbooaee, Clerk.
Waliaceburg bee a population of 3,800,
an increase 01400 Within a year.
Polrolea St. Andrew's Soolety Reid
a haggle bouquet on Nov. 801(1.
Airs. lihtgabury, of Ohatharn, whose
Mohan(' eloped with a blind girl, six
weeps ago, attempted onioide last week
by jumping into a 80 foot well. She
was taloned,
J. T. Gement and Major Beck will
faoo the issue in West Heron on Deo.
8011, the date appointed for the bye-
eleotion. The election in Balton will
be on the same dale.
Byo.elootiono in live of the els vaeaat
conetit0enoire for the Dominion Perlis,
meat will take plane on Wednesday, Deo.
14th. They are in Woot Lanlbton, North
Simeon, Montmagny, Begot and' Prince.
The West Huron oonteet will be held
The Liberals have entered an appeal in
the ossa of the South Perth election
where the Liberal member, Mr. Mosorip,
wan unseated owing to a mutt -mien over
badly printed ballots. The Conger.
yam, who °totmod the seat, have also
announced their intention of appealing in
the deoieion.
A terrific storm raged tbrogh West
Niaeonri on Nov.18. Rain, hail and snow
fell, accompanied by a gale and see, re
lightning. The damage to fences w, s
considerable, and lightning also (treated.
heavy loss on some farms. James Laird,
of lot 11, con. 6, Nieso0ri, lost his barn
and a quantity of implements by light.
Brussels Cider Mill and
Apple Butter Factory, Mill
street, has been overhauled
and is now ready for oper-
Fetch on your Apples.
Terms Reasonable.
Satisfaction Guaranteed,
Geo, Edwards, • Prop,
Will make'
a well marl
of YOU i
911090 00000060 /Mt i0006
Roam :re 00 Poon WE660.
PICo00 cares an Normal Wowing, Simplex.
noes. robing Memory, Nightly Bads/dons toarms.
torrhoos. Imp0taaoy,ato„ 000100 ty poor •biUes
given 00801 000 etre to hruok0n ors•nq .ea
oD Is 000
01 0ldy bet 00 P 0 0mree LoeT itexHO
or young. Uso P COSI and you 0 p grow strong00011
and happy agate. Sant by mail in plain rr&AV
and d 00 vest coaled okOr. 1, o0, I a Pao lively
Corned In vdm 0011 00 Prlro, a7. a pa0ir0001 et
torte. Pend money r, Aridross 11 e0hor ordinary J. 1. (eaten,
Druggist, V00otrrOa I. 00 .,lokturs td80)01 iw 10. DAC:
minion of Canada.
Lumber ani. Shingles
Firet olass Cedar Shioglee,
$1.60 per square
Second•olaee " 00
Maple Flooring $10 00 to $36 00
Ash, all kinds 10 00 10 00
Fina 14 00 18 00
Custom Sawing and Planing
done on shortest notice.
Bills cut to order.
You will find the prices right
at the Ethel Saw Mill.
System 'Renovator
For Impure, Weak and Impoverished
Blood, Dyopepeia, Sleepleseneee, Palpita.
tion of the Heart, Liver elomplaint,Near•
algia, Lose of Memory, Bronahitie, Con -
gumption, Gall Stonee, Jaundice, Kidney
and Urinary Diseaeee, St. Vitae' Dance,
Female Irregularities and General De-
Prop. and Manufacturer.
Sold by .0na, Fes, Drngglet, Brussels.
Real estate 86 Loan
Money to Loan on Farm Secur-
ity at theLowest Rate
of Interest.
Loaned on Notes
good Notes Discounted. Sale
Notes a Specialty.
fired Life Insurance Written.
Special Attention given to
Ofdee ovor Deadman'e Drug Store,
Call and See 0111'
stock of
Wool, Hides, Butter and Eggs
taken in exchange.
Carding, Spinning,
Weaving, Knitting, etc ,
Promptly attended to
at the
The undersigned has open-
ed up a Butcher Shop in the
where he will keep constant-
ly on hand a supply of' the
Best Meats Procurable, sold
at reasonable prices. A share
of public patronage solicited.
S. 1(10 L• IEE.
Meat delivered to all Darts
of the town.
Important to
It will pay you to place your order
with us for
FIVETIT .alA',R'r+ie ',
BiEnciargri a. =we,
early this season. As proprietors of the largest Nurseries in the
Dominion (over 700 acres), we are able to speak advisedly.
Give a hearing to our Agent when he calls.
Pears are bringing large prices in the English market. Do you
grow any ? If not, allow our representative to tell you why we can
furnish superior pear trees, and then give him a trial order.
We can utilize the services of a few good men to sell our goods.
Demand for our Stock is heavier than ever. Supplies furnished
free and our agents paid weekly.
High Grade
• • • AT LOW PRICES...
We are Carrying
a tremendous stock of furniture.
Such a variety to select from you
oftn't find elsewhere in the county.
Whatever you want, your NOD be
oon be suited hero.
—The bargains we are offering in
is the talk of the countryside. Our
stock runs from the ordinary kitchen
chair to the most luxurious parlor chair,
finished in the newest styles and with
most fashionable materials.
—In Rockers we have a very tatting
line with Cobbler leather seats, oak or
birch, Mahogany finish, and in Arm and
Easy Chairs we show a fine line.
—Our Furniture is High Grade but
our prices fit the pocket of the public
every time.
A specialty made of Upholstering.
Your old Furniture made as good as new.
—A. large and well selected range of
Pictures always kept in stock. Also a
largo quantity of Moulding for
Frames. If you require anything
in this line call andyour
--A large stock of Coffins, Cas-
kets, and other goods pertaining to
this line always kept. Personal
attention paid to Embalming,
prices lower than any place 1 in t
Pianos and Organs, the best
in the market, sold at rock bottom
%I ll�
The Strength
of our position as the leaders in the fur•
niture business lies in the foot that the
maximum quality and the minimum
price always go together,
R. LEA T__. l�il `�?WAL;