The Brussels Post, 1898-11-25, Page 5TR :Li IT REQUIRED NERVE I IT REQUIRED MONEY To place thio store in the position it now aecapiee, The extensive additions and internal improvements make it one of the largest and beet appointed stereo in the Oannty of Miran to•day, and, with the additional room, we carry n larger artd more ,cried stook or goods then we could do at any other time, Our new Millinery and Mantle ohon room le large, airy and well lighted, and under the able management et MISS TODD) nuc eaten in this department are rapidly hamming, Wo And it pays to have a first -ohm np•to date milliner. No HatorBonnet ie allowed to leave thie department exnept it is trimmed in the latest style and becoming to the weerer. Oar lllantle department le now the centre of attraction ; you will n(inhtre the many new and idylls)] aonoaite to be found in the Mantlee we are allowing, Here are two epecials received this week, bought below the regnine prices c -- -Ladies' Jackets, nobby in style, made of good Beaver cloth, double breast, ed, velvet collar, new shade blue, myrtie and black $ 5 00 —Ladies' Jackets, curl cloth, double breasted, trimmed with braid, velvet collar, very nobby, iu bleep and colors 6 50 Oar trade in Ladles' Furs eolipeee any former aeaaon. We buy direct from the manufacturers for spot oaeh and get the inside trsak every time. —Ladies' Astrachan Jackets in floe glossy purl, lined with quitted satin, in long, medium and short lengths at 025.00, 38.00, 82,00, 36 00 and —Bleak Mountain Bear Capes, oppoeaum Dollar, good lining, very etylieb„ --Ladies' I''ur Lined Capes in fine heavy cloth, lined with squirrel, trimmed with black Oppoeaum, very special --We have opened ee something new title week for wrappers in Fine Aus- tralian flannels, in pretty Rural designo, at to stook I r Clothing you neo aur ne till ' tom' n't spend ane dollar in Olot Do P of Shorey'e Ready-to-wear Clothing. 40 00 8 00 17 75 12e ®coo SAWS.—A Cross Cub Saw complete for $2 50. AXES,—Your choice from 60o. to $1.00 ; Mood's from 60o. to 85o. ; Wellandvale Mfg. Co's band made inlaid tical, Dementia tamper, $100. HOME COMFORT.—A 5 drawer Whin) Sowiug➢4achiue, modern attach- ments complete, for $28 00. SiL.VER SPOONS.. -.A 1 Si. ver Tea Spoons $3.60 per doz., heavier than Rogers' A 1 geode at 05 00 per doz. Ladies don't miss this bargain. A 6 oz. bottle of Sewing Machine 0i1 for 10c. RAZORS.—Flom 75o. to $1.75. Our Razor the "Perfection" is all that its name implies. Prove this by trying cue. CUTLERY.—See oor Knives and Forks at 01 25 per doz. Be sure you see our White Handled Ten Knife, band forged blade, at 03.50 per doz. COW CHAINS. -Two heavy Chains for 35o. • LAMP GOODS.—See our $1 Lampe. hanging Lampe from $1.75 to 00,50. Silver White American 0i1, 20c. per gallon, SILVERWARE.—Watch for oar Christmas Goods. K'1Vood taken in trade. Cash for hides, sheepskins and furs. A. .1•111.1•013.111••o c pitimIlpiraMpS ay & Co. And • DVEflCIIATS ad. CLU.THINft -esmiscwrszaamesteumnitzsmexasssa There is a certain principle in the affairs of business which must be lived up to in order to attain any degree of success RELIABILITY. It shows itself plainly in .every Garmentin our establish month It's not a matter of egotism on our part but simply a calm and deliberate statement of fact.. Many. years of careful. study of the Wants, customs and necessities. of men and boys has whetted our knowledge to the keenest edge and placed us on the vantage ground which we now occupy in the Clothing trade. Every garment that lies on our tables bears evidence of it. , l ti'l(l 1cto , 3111 tie. Jamie leelt}ncl hae leased the Blyth flouring nolle to W. 1f. leinnentore, lah•ly of Burlington. Dr. and Mrs. Milne left last weak on a two weeks' visit with friends at Ann Ar• bee and Michigan. Mrs, George Bin' hay returned hone after an extended vi tit with irioncle ill Manitoba and the Northwest, 7. O. I miglh bias rented A. V, llrown'e house, oppoeite 1)r. (larder's residence, and moved thereto lamb week. A McNally, who spent rho last three months, in Manitoba and the Northweet, has returned home, looking hale and Hearty. That portion of the salt block that is usually used Ilea skating rink iu winter has been rented to Isaac Brown and Wm, Harris, who will Dia:Mali ice for sharers this season. The animal Christmas tree and linter- tainment hi connection with Trinity church Sunday school, Blyth, will be held in the Industry hall on Wednesday evening, December 210. Our Tailor-made Suits & Overcoats Are the nobbiest that can be turned 'out aucl are 'always reliable. You'll know them by the cut. • REVERSIBLE COATS. You should see our Lovey'sible Teamster's or hunter's Coat. Leather on one side and Corduroy on the other. You can wear it either Way. UNDERCLOTHING. In this•lino we are showing some special values in Men's and Boys'. Any desirable kind from the high grade to the low can be got here.• FUR COATS. Our Fur Coats are great value. We never sold as many, at this time of the year as we have this season, It's quality and price ,that makes thein go. • MEN'S FURNISHINGS. • , Our stock is very large and p11003 right. We can. supply you with Pur or Cloth Caps, Gloves, Shirts, Collars, Cuffs, Ties and Suspenders. It will pay yonto take a look through our stock before you purchase any of t to above linos, OSU ILLIDAY, Clothiers and Furnishers...., • Lt.svouri- 7. G. Anderson ehippod a carload of prime turkeys from Atwood station Weil. nosdaY oflus t weak for export. W. A Bir es ' t nett 0th aonD sit ou has disposed o s to f his 100 aero farm John Irma, it neighbor, for $1,500. The farm is nearly all cleared and is in at good state of cultivation. A. 14I, Sweeten has purchased the north half of lot 18, con. 11, Elms, containing 50 acres, from Robert Smith, lath oou., for $1,800. This farm corners the home stead farm on the 1051 oou. Mrs. Wm. Porterfield, Lith eon.,lord the misfortune to fracture both bones oil Mr left leg at the aultle. She was in the act of breaking some kindling wool for the fire, when rho Blipped and fell with the above results, The Newry factory shipped their Sep- tember cheese, George Brill was the buyer, price No. There were 384 boxes in the lot. The factory has closed for the season. There are about 475 oboeeo left —Octobers and Novembers—cud all Bold to Mr. Brill. The hunters have returned from Mus- koka. John Sanders killed two fine deer, Thos. Carter one, the two Rattan boys one each, G, F. Thompson one and Dave Graham one. The latter four gentlemen scoured their deer in the Wiarton district. The boys report deer plentiful this year. G ul•riRi. Wm. Torrance, was in town renewing old saquaintances. Jacob Beswitheriok is able to be out again after his recent severe illness. Henry Gtldner has sold his 100 acre farm on lot 4, concession 13, to John Dane. Miner's Lime Kiln Club appeared in the town hall on Saturday evening of last week. Baxter MaArtee arrived in town, and will assist his brother John in the Photo Gallery. Rev. R. J. Garbutt, L. L. B., was in ettendanoe ab the E. L. convention at Kincardine. W. F. Heath has moved his barber shop into Jas. Walker's blook, opposite the Albion betel Tho Minister of Agriculture at Ottawa has appointed James Armstrong, V. S., inspector of live stook for this district. St. Stephen's church S. S. purpose holding a grand ententainenent in the town hall, Gerrie, on the evening of De- cember 210. Wm.. Collins, of this village, while working with a well drilling gang had his loft hand badly °rushed whiolh will lay him off work for some time. Miss Mary Metall was attending the convention of Epworth Leaguers held in Kincardine on Wednesday and Thursday of last week. Miss Match was sent as a delegate from the Gerrie E. L. 010. E. On Sunday Nov. 27 the Bishop of Huron will preach in Trinity church, Fordwioh, at 10:80 e. m. and will hold confirmation in St. Stephen's church at 2:80 p. m, and in the evening will preach in St. James church, Wroxeter, at 7 o'clock p. en. BRUSSELS POST A report that seems to have sorno foundation stator that the mayoralty couteet will be between any of the follow. ing:—J. Rumford, Dr. Sltaw or W. 0, Searle. There was n epleudid audience ab the Town Hail, Monday 0000105 of last week, at the tint onterbainmsnt of the Citizens' Ccuree, Mr. Macey, buffo basso rand D O York, Wog the enter - tamer mux fish of N tv u I o 6 of the evening. Dr. Turnbull was called to Waterloo owing to the death of his until°, Jios Lockie, President of the Mercantile In. retrainee Company, who dropped dead while et work, The doctor watt familiar with alt the heftiness affairs of this nude, and will loon after the oloeing up of his estate. Gotltes-kelt. The Bell Telephone Company's paint- ers have Walled the poles around the Squ. Tharee fhrat shipment of wheat from the new elevator took place on Tuesday, of last week, three car loads being sent to Guelph, The Goderich harbor Lumber Mill has so docreased the nompmny'srafts that it is expected the mill will be shut down, Ile far as oohing is oonoerned. The other day a peg legged tramp arrived in town, and being impressed with the surroundings of our county jail, de. aided to winter at our county sanitarium. The Goderich Knitting Co's employees are at' l working extra daily, and the extra time will continue till De. camber to try and keep up with the order fiaDt, . McLaren is moving a large barn on the late Sheriff Gibbons' estate to a pos- ition nearer the road. Thos, Gandry, who is getting the barn moved, will nee it for a etable for his best horeoa. The fishing trig Bea Gnll, Captain D. MoKay, from South Bay, the Sea Queen, Oaptahu McDonald, from The Ducke, and the Olucas, Captain A. Craigia, from To. bennoray, arrived home for the season and tool{ up winter quarters. The Young Men's Debating Society met, adopted a aonsbitutionand elected officers for the first term. The Society is formed for the purpose of bringing out latent oratorioal and controversial talent. The officers are: President, M. J. Whitely ; vice president, Arthur Clark ; secretary, H, Tamer ; treasurer, Albert Duff ;critic, J. W. Vanatter ; managing committee, Melvin Howell, H. Salkeld, W. H. Rob. srason. Clinton. Mrs. McNabb, of Dungannon, mother of. Jas. McMath,•town, bad- the misfor- tune to break her leg about three weeps ago. • C. Milne, - of the Queon'e Hotel, has rented hie home to Thee. Bell, of Lon- desboro', who takes possession in e. couple of weeks. The other day in the stable of Blaok- all & Ball a horse was clipped by, the use of a maohiue in 44 minutes. This is considered very fast work. In order.to out clown expenses, the .G. T. R, Co. has dispensed with one man to eaoh six -mile section in this vicinity, Onslow .Orich being the .one laid off here, • Elijah Potts, a'former Cliatoniau, and youngest brother of Geo, Potts, is out as a Detnoeratio oaudidate for the 2nd dis- trict of Wayne county (Detroit) ; be calls himself "The Workingman's candidate," John Irwin, eon of R. Irwin, of town, has been promoted to the position of Train Master of the 26th, 27th, 28th and 2051 District of the Mileage and Grand Trunk Railway, with headquarters at Detroit. An entertainment will be given in the Town Hall on Tuesday evening, Nov. 20th, under the auspices of Willie aluireh choir, the obief attraction .being Miss Tosca Mocallum, elocutionist, and Ches. Spalding, baritone, late of Naw York, who will be assisted by members of the choir. • Hones as' RErt10E.—'lilts blouse Of Refuge committee, consisting of Messrs, MoBweu, Hensall ; ' Melees, Usborne ; Pattorsou, Beat ' Wawanoslr; ' Stewart,: West Wawauosh, together with Inspector Coats and County Cleek Lane, met here on Tuesday of last week. Tho a000ants of the tome were al dited and found eatisfaotory ; overall complaints that hart been made by the inmates, as to al- leged ill..treabmoub, wore thoroughly in- vestigated, and in every case found to be without any, foundation whatever. In. spootor Coate tvas instructed to buy a cow, and the Warden, Dr. Shaw and W, Coats were authorized be arrange about the removal of lunatics from rho House, Two more arrivals were received at the I3ousa the other day, being flies 13nrr gone, of Bayfield, and Geo, Butterworth, of Soaforbit, llize tee. Russel Soubhoott, son of Wm. Southcott left for London, where he is undergoing an operation for some ear trouble. Tax oolleetor Creech is now on his rounds. On all taxes not paid on or be. fore December 14th, 5 per Dent will be ad- ded. The Ladies' Guild of the Trivitt Me- morial Church will give their annual fowl supper in Gidley'a Opera House on Mon- day, December 12th. The faithful old dog "Trust" owned by Carling Bros., has gone to dogdorn. He became paralyzed in the back and it was deemed advisable to shoot ]him, Miss Fanny Bawdeu arrived home from the old country on Monday morning, of last weak. She reports a very rough pass. age being 15 days on the water. At the November quarterly official meeting of the Main street Methodist church it was decided to bold a series of Evaugelistio services commencing with the first week in bite new year. L. and Mrs. Bishop, of Chicago, ere there spending a few weeks, with Mr. Bishop's parents. Mr, Bishop is some- what indisposed and hopes to recover be- fore returning. John Randle, butcher, met with a pain- ful aooident, which may cripple him for life. He wasengaged in killing a lamb when by some means the knife slipped and ran into his knee, making an ugly tvonnd and allowing the oil nnder the knee cap to run oat. Lcacksio w. Miss Aegis Lawson will teach short- hand writing to pupils during the Win• ter evenings. Jas. Shouldiee, Co. Oounoillor, has definitely decided to retire from munioi- pal life at the close of the present year. Wm. Holmes, eon of W. S. Holmes, of this village, hal hie leg broken by n horse Falling upon him, while riding the animal to water. The drive shed of the Methodist oharob tit the corner of Osmpbe:l and Hevelook streets is beteg enlarged and greatly iin• proved. - Wm. Geddes, has turned out from his works at the , corner of Campbell and Hevetook streets, over 12;000 barrels for the local shippers'. And. Dyatt, s successful miner of Lead. vilte, Colorado, also President of the Al. mens State Bank, paid his brother, W. T. Dyatt, of Kinloss, a abort visit, J. U. nod Mrs. McHardy, formerly of Luoknow, but who have been residents of Teeewater for some time paned, left that village on Thursday of last week for Otiutoe, where they will reside in totem The Methodist uhnrob at Duuganoou is undarkniug extensive repairs, and the work undertaken ie worthy of all praise. The improvements iueleds a new ahau- eel, new windows, new doors, also paper- ing. :rhe re•q ening services will be held on the 27th lest. Rev. Ino. Lsaroyd, i + of husknow, will penal) both mora u,, and evening, and Rev, R. II Hall of the Nile, ie the afternoon. A hot supper will be served in the Agrtouiturai Hall the following day, with the usual speeches and music. •"•tett lot.t b.. The I'llootrio Light Co, have atoned the morning service for the winter months. Hie Lordship the Bishop of Huron will hold a "Quiet Day" for the olergy of the deanery in 130. Thomas ollnreh there, on lrriday, December 2nd, to be followed by a public service in the evening. Geo. McLeod, a former resident et this town, at present a resident of Hailey, Idaho, has been elected to be deputy oterk of the district and ex•offioio auditor and rsonrderandclerk of the Board of County Commissioners at a largo salary. The position is retained for four years. On Monday evening of last week, firs broke out in the rear of the Coleman foundry building on Main street. That portion of the building where the fire originated,was used by Goo. Fitzgerald, e rale fortbe annfaoL re of his eelebrated bard stone finish. The fire brigade was on the spot promptly and in a abort time had the flames extinguished. Part of Mr. Fitzgerald's stock was destroyed and also bite roof of the building is in ruins. The cause of the fire is unknown. The Young People of St. Tbomas' church met and formed a society for mutual improvement and amiability during the Winter months. The follow- ing aro the ofdoera :—I3on..pres., 0. E. St. Clair Simpson ; press H. B. Asbury ; vice pres., Miss L. K. Punohard ; sec., C. Sanders ; organist, Miss May Kemp ; managing nom., the rector, 141r. Mother- well, Miss Brown, bliss Roberts and Miss Garden. The election of uti'hm es for the Hockey Teen resu'ted as follows :—Hon. Pres., W. G, Raid ; hon. vioe•pree., Dr. Mao• kay ; pees., 1t. C. Uheewright ; vice - pees., W. H. Baker ; sec., Mr. Mother- well ; treas., W. A. Peace ; manager, W. Jennings ; committee, Keith McLean, D. Douglas 'Wilson, Oscar Neil,; W. Hawkshaw; Hubert Jack ; delegate to 0. H. A. annual meeting, J. A. Jaekeon. At the Town Counoil a petition wee presented from W. G. Willie and 07 others requesting that the town take over the Meats -nice' Institute and make it a free;library, and a resolution passed sobmitting'tlhe proposition to the electors to be voted on at the January election. A. committee, consisting of the Mayor, Reeve and deputy -reeve, wee inetruoted to wait upon the Messrs. Coleman in reference to the re•opeoing of the foun• dry, and to confer with Broadfoot & Box in referenoe ro the extension of their twittery, and report at a special meeting of the Council to be bald for consider• ation of the proposition received. Tuts LATE RonaeT GAnare'tAEL.—On Sunday another of the old pioneer settlers of this seotion pained to the great beyond in the person of Robert Carmichael. The decanted was born in Scotland and came to Montreal in the early part of his life. For a number of years he was a sailor, but in 1860 he came t0 Seafarth, where be has since resided, being one of the moat highly respected citizens of our town for nearly 40 years. Alter retiring from the hotel, he practiced ea a veterin- ary surgeon. During iia life be acquired ooneiderab'e property and enjoyed robust health until about a year ago, when be wee stricken with p aralysis. He leaves a wife and grown op family, Mrs, G. Whitely and Mrs. Laidlaw, Robb. and William, residing in the Saute of Wash• ington. The funeral to Maitland came. tery, on Tuesday was largely attended. The Standard Bank of Canada. s 'oney Orders For amounts of Fifty Dollcre and under issued by this Bank, payable at par at any chartered Bank in Canada, with the exoeption of Branches in the YukonDie- triol• RATES Under 110 $lOto20 . 20to80 80 to 60 . $0.03 0.10 0.12 0.14 M. M. BRENT, AGENT. BRUSSELS. A CHANCE TO BUY OR-OCKERY „CHEAP.. Owing to the death of Mr. Pigot,. of the firm of Pigot & Bryan, Crockery, China & Glassware Merchants, of Loudon, Ont., the firm is going out of business and are selling their stock at a considerable reduction below wholesale price. •. . WE .BOUGHT LARGELY, Our purchases consisting -of..... Dinner Ware, Toilet Bets,. Fancy China and Glassw'areg and aro prepared to give, our customers the benefit. Como in and examine these goods. - 6dw r A L A N !7 M N E9 BAER • and GROCER, Na Lottery. There- are no ((blanks" in u tr ,ic later i x.ti 5 .. Everypair i l airs a prize, Every pair is a real bar- gain in that you gel 70o cents worth,of Shoe for every dollar. No ((bargain table" losses to be added to regular selling prices ; shoe worth guaranteed and price $3.00, ;34.00 and $5.00 per pair stamped on the Goodyear Welted sole by CATALoOUO Fact. The Slater Shoe Makers. Jno. Downing, - Sole Local Agent BRUSSELS PTIIP WORKS. I wirh to inform the people of Brussele and surrounding district that I have pur- chased the Pump Business of • JAMES BELL and will be found ready to attend to all wens in either nes work or repairs at moderate prices, Na better Pump in the market. Order left at my shop or residenoe or at P. SCOTT'S shop will be promptly looked after. of ta'Orders taken for the Leggin Wells and Cisterns. Gomer Qree11, MILL STREET, • BRUSSELS. SHINCLE$ British Columbia Red Cedar Shingles AMD -- North Shore Pine and Cedar FOR SALE AT THE Brussels Planing Mills Also Doors and Sash of all Pat terns on hand or made to order at Short Notice. Estimates Furnished for all kinds of Buildinge. Workman- ship and Material Guaranteed. P. AMENT, NEW uC Ver SVSI The undersigned has open- ed up a Butcher Shop in the SMILE Et+OS1I BRUSSELS, where he will keep constant- ly on hand a supply of the Best Meats Procurable, sold at reasonable prices. A share of public patronage solicited. S. WALKER. Meat delivered to all parts of the town. ! 'OAs1 PAID FOR HIDES. Cook's Cotton Root Compound Is successfully need monthly by over 10,000 Ladies. Safe, effectual. Ladies ask your druggist for Cook•a Catton Real Com - tend. Take no other, as all Mixtures, pills and imitations am dangerous. Prise, No. 1, 31 per . Sox; No. 9,10 degrees stronger, es per box. No. Lor 2, mailed on receipt of price and two 0.5ent Stamps, The Cook Company Windsor, Ont. neible Druggists in Canadgmended by al)ZespO„ ,..,e. 1 and2 5010110 AnDFADytI6N, Druggist, Bookseller 3c Optician. FAMOUS Iced Boil r r EVAPORATOR, The boiler is made of steel, cast iron front, grates, fire box linings and smoke pipe plate, all other parts made of the best cast steel protected against warping. Flues arranged so that boiling can be done quicker and at much, less cost for fuel than the old style furnace. Price only $16:00 Cash. Leave your order at once with .'eaa••••• GERRY Ab 1' CUTTERS! Wo have the finest stock ever shown in Brussels. The prices range from $25 to $45. Any style you want. A visit to our show rooms will delight you. SLEIGHS... In Sleighs we have both light and heavy and can suit any- body's wants. BUGGIES AND CARTS.. Some fine Buggies and Carts in stock, both new and second hand REPAIRING.. All kinds of Repairing done promptly and in- workmanlike manner. In this line we do re -painting, re -trimming of Cutters or Buggies ; supply Floods, Lap hugs, &c. Everything yoga want in the line of Vehicles at lowest prices. CALL iN AND SEE OUR S?0OK. Ewan & Innes.