The Brussels Post, 1898-11-25, Page 3to as ,1N da id to ae as ae Re of ar n - se fs tE. le. 3y to n, '9. u- n- 11 - ,r ,1- rii us• of h- of' 10 Cl- k- 'a- ts, it- n- ty ad oh 130 - re• le - or ns 1; rs 0s• ip. 1t. al ot al ts, at ed til ie- 'o - he ny ire nd .110 tn+ ar- ils 300 111 - of 'ho all In - ice he as - ds, his vol of es. 80 Ib hyl au - 101+ 8111 ley wo er- his an, dd. .nd tnc1 info we to as ab+ as IVO to foot ho, Lair are old f. ut- Rya C10 up - ley, f• Nov, 25, 1808 BUSINESS CARDS. I AT 1, 0 LYLOAN A 1 G L �/ N TO PER .1.3'4. cont. 1 8. SCOTT, 1ut a . I tAOK], MoO I i N, • IcurerofMarriage Licensee. 0010e at Iris armory, •Puruberry street, Brussels, N. BA1UU TT, Tonsorial Artist. Shop --Next door south of A. 117. MoKay & 0 W hardware store, Lacllo3'aud ohildro0s halt putting a specialty MISS JEAN M'LAUCHLIN, -'PEACHIER OF - PIANO AND - 'ORGAN, 3:3m-essm s,S, OSTT, ROBERT CUNNINGHAM INSURANCE, FIRE AND MARINE. GUELPH. T. FLETCHER'_ Issue! of Marriage Licenses, DEVICE AT JEWELax STORE, la -No Witness Required. T. FLETCHI;R, Brussels A LEX. HUNTER, ti Clerk of the Fourth Division Cour Co, Huron, Conveyancer, Notary Public Land, Loan and Insurance Agent. Funds invested and to loan. Oollootlone made. 0 W oe in Grallam'e Block, Brussels AUCTIONEERS. FS. SCOTT AS AN AUCTION- • EER, VW sell for bettor pi'Iooa, to hotter mon in ass time and leas charges than any other Auotionoor in Haat Huron or ho won't charge anything. Dates and orders eau .'always he arranged at this 011100 or by personal application. (`IAPT. J. STRETTON, 'LI Who has had 25 years experience as an Auctioneer, but who had to quit awing to ill health, has again taken out Itemise and is prepared to conduct sales at reasonable terms. Satisfaction guaranteed, Dates may be arranged at Trot PoeT Publishing House. JAB. ST1tETTON, 1-11 Aa0tioaeer. VETERINARY. T D. WARWICK, / • Honor Graduate of the Ontario Veterinary College. is prepared to treat all diseases of domestionted animals In a 30111. patent manner. Partloular attention paid to veterinary dentletry, Calls promytly at- tended to. Office and infirmary -Pour doors north of bridge 'I'urnborry tit„ Bruaeels. LEGAL AND CONVEYANCING. T`ITT M. SINCLAIR, BARRISTER 1' 1 • Solicitor, Conveyanoer,NotaryPub- Ilo, &o. 011ioe-Vaustone'e Block, 1 d0Or north of Central note Bolioitor for the 8 taadaad Bank. GF. BLAIR, BARRISTER, • Solicitor, &o. (late of Garrow & Proudfoofe OMSee, Godorioh.) Olnoe over Gill 10e & Smith's Bank,Brussele. Money to Loan. 47 /1 • G. CAERONa, Itt • (FormerlyMof Cmeron, Roll & Cameron ,l Barrister and Solicitor, ob, Ont: OIIlea-Hamilton St., Oppositesite Col borne 8ote1. MEDICAL CARDS. J. A. M'NAUGHTON, M.D., 0. M., Trinity University, Fellow Trin- ity Medical College, Member Oolloge of Phy- sicians and Surgeons, Ont. Licentiate of the Royal College of Physicians and Licentiate of Midwifery, Edinburgh. I 'Telophouo No'.14. Residence, Mill St., Brussels. E. T. SNIDER, M, D., 0. M„ slimmer to Dr, A. Mo1elvey, Licentiate of Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons, Kingston ; Member of the Col- lege of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario. Diseases of women and children a specialty, Eight years' experience, 4.S-" -0aloe and res. Memo that formerly oeoupied byDr.117o- Eelvey,Turnberry. street,lirussels, 20- M. ARMSTRONG, M.B., M.D., PIHYSICIAN, SURGEON, A000U0HEUR, ETC. Special attention given to diseases of rho Throat and Longe and dieootes of Women and Children, RESIDENCE-WALTON, ONT. DR. F. H. KALBFLEISCH, PHYSICIAN, SURGEON AND AOCOUmI1UR, SUCCESSOR TO DR. W. GRAHAM. BRUSSELS, - ONTARIO. Int Class Honor Graduate of the Univers!. Ma of Trinity (Toronto), Queen's (Kingston), and of Trinity Modioal onlloge; Fellow of Trinityltodicat college and member of the ()allege of Physiolans and Surgeons of Ontar- io, Poet Graduate course in Detroit and Chicago, 1000. Specie) attention paid to Mu- mma of Bye, Ear, Nose and Throat), and dis- eases of Women. I.W"oonsultation in Ong• Usk and Garman. Telephone at residence, IMPROVED YORKSHIRE BOAR FOR SERVICE. The undersigned will 'keep for eervioe on Lot 20 Oou. 0, Morris, the there'-brod Im- proved Yorkeuire Boar, 'Oar( Lodge Long- fellow," No. 2488, bred by J, D, 13 rations, Bur- ford, to wbioh a limited number of sows will be taken. Tonne, 01.00, 83 be paid at time of sorvloe with privilege of returning if nee. Mary. A number of choice y80ng sows for ante for breedingpurposes which will bo sold at pool 21 to suit t1HOST times. Proprietor. ' 113f004 Ater, wood's Pilosp110one, POo great Dn.gt•71 Remedy. Sold and reeomrnondod by at druggiate in Canada. Only reli. able medicine discovered. SA paelelipe1 guaranteed to mire all. 'Orme of Sexual Weakness, all e$oots of abuet Srexoess, Mental Worry, Exoeaelvc me of To, bneco, Opium or Stimulants. Mailed on rooelpt >0 price, Ono package $11 *1 x, $14 Ona iutbl goose, ' 'fxGatticure. Pamphloto free to oily address, Too Wood Company, windeor, Dub Britain lira03012 by G. A, DEADMAN, r Druggist, Bookseller & Optician, L=" THE QUICK WAY (lent It Mouse, Sell a Ilouse, Secure a Servant, (11', in tract, ilay, Sell or Seegre Anything, 114 'Ib use the POST WANT ord. • ADS11 ar lint a w a.cltl Xitths 1teats. Ileums Fair on Thursday of next week. Oo. Quenon, nomination on Monday, Deo. 10th. Tim POST is published a day earlier than usual, hence ooneiderable corros• pondenoe has arrived too tette for use this week. A Bnuenirs business man told us that he *moored one new -outside customer, through an advertisement in Tots PoeT, whose first porohaee amounted to 949.00. He believes the right kind of advertising Paye. 1a you have a friend or a neighbor whom yon think would like to eubsmribe for Tun POST kindly hint to him that this is a good time. Ho can get the balance of this year free. The paper contains 8 pages every week, and ie brim- ful of news. A CoimlITTEE of East Huron Liberals met in Brussels last Friday afternoon to draft a new Constitution and set of 13y. laws for the Biding Aseooiation. Their report will be presented at the annual Convention to be held in Brussels Town Hall on Friday, Deo. 1911a. Tone. COREY put in 51 days apple packing and Joe. Vincent 41 for a Wing• ham firm this Fall. They handled a lot of fruit and special pare was taken so as to insure the apples reaching their des- tination in good condition. This ie a very important feature often overlooked. WE understand that our informant was incorrect in the item referring to the marriage of John Crawford, as hie bride was a Miss MoNaugbton, of Sarnia, instead of Miss Irwin, as we reported. Jno. will no doubt pardon the blunder and understand how it was possible to make an error in the name. P037110E ON NEwOrarlfs.-On and after January let, 1899, the government will Levy postage on newspapers. It will therefore be necessary to demand sub. ecription money in advance, and Tno Poor hopes to have all subscribers at present in arrears remit the respective amounts due before the close of this year. By promptly attending to this matter our readers to whom the foregoing applies will oonfer a much appreciated favor. No Monis DEruTr-REEVES.-It will be news to the men who are thinking of aspiring to the first, second or third deputy.reeveship of their township, to learn that the very name of the office, which has been meaning lees since the passage of the County Coattails Aot, bas been abolished. After thin year a town• ship connoil will consist as at present of five members, but there will be only one reeve, and the remaining four will be known Rs oounoillore. SOME W11EAT.-Alexander Stewart. son of Alexander Stewart, Queen street, Brusseis, who resides in Harvey town. ship, North Dakota, farms on quite a big scale. Ile had over 600 aures under crop this year, and will have in the neighborhood of 10,000 brothels of wheat. Mr. Stewart has bean in Dakota for over 15 years and has done well. He is a good farmer. His brother, Peter, who farms in the same looality, has ereoted a very oomfortablo reeidonoo on his farm. Mrs. Peter Stewart was a Miss Lowe, of Grey township. The Stewart Bros. live 5 or 6 miles from Langdon. Tum Pesci is always pleased to hear of the 0000e0e of former reeideuts of this locality and we hope the good things will long continue. BRITAIN'S G13DLE Or Tom GLOBE. Thursday evening of last week the sewed of the aeries of entertainments given in connection with the Citizen's Oourae wag held in the Town Hall and was well atteudcd. The program 000eieted of an illustrated leoture by Frank Yeigh, of Toronto, his subject being "Britain's Girdle of the Globe." After a brief in• troduotory the lights were turned off end the enjoyable and inetrnative trip round the world was taken, about 200 magnifi• cent views being presented, on a canvas 16 or 18 feet equate, which we briefly outline a0 follows :-Part I. -The Queen and her palaces ; the Houses of Parlia• meet and the men they have produced ; Westminster Abbey and ire National history in tomb and epitaph ; the Tower of London ; Edinboro' and Holyrood ; Sootland's part in the Empire ; Ireland, from the Giants' Causeway to Bantry Bay ; Britain's army and navy ; the story of Nelson. Part IL --The Britain beyond the sans :-The new Egypt ; Kartoum re -taken and Gordon avenged ; India and its cities, tombe, patens:, gates, and temples ; Australasia, the Britain of the Southern Hemisphere ; England's, share of Afrloa ; the Isles of the sea; Canada ; seleotod }canes from Victoria to Halifax. For about two hours the audienoe was delighted, entertained and inetruoted ae the various atones passed in review. Mr. Yeigh is on hi0 5.11 'sea. eon and ie well deserving of the patron. age accorded him as he gives an evening's entertainment, which, ae hie oiroulaue oorreotly state, is original, artistic, and popular. The lecture while most inter. eating to malts 10 a splendid school for the youth and Mr. Yeigh should bo en. couraged in hie efforts to develop British sentiment, We will be pleased to see hien book to Brussels; again. Musical eoleobione were rendered at suitable in. tervelo during the evening. .Barrister Sinclair' sang, "I'm an Englishman" in good voice, end "Rule Britannia" and The Land of the Maple wore given by Misers, Jones, Strachan, Grower, Rose, Cameron, lox and Kerr. Mies Jean MoLauchliu presided at the piano with acceptability, a if E IS it Lil,S LS FUST ''moot are 121 'I'ulllie oohed deport. 111eille ' 1 ''R t Liu. 1 under 1- r1 1, a l o t u lel 1 as Batu' H r LiaLb's avcraii.'ht 3t , 1111 i1oat. a Hu 1,.o liA rt. a 1\14)1,1%f. Smlr00L It hue often o atur e, [ u r t a us that Bruooels should have rt Model &011oo1 an ever Year a nu [ Y Y number of village pupils and pupils from the immediate vicinity of 13reeseis have to go far from home to attend the Model Boboolo at 01,1000, Godoriob, Mount Perot, Mitchell, 11(3. (sardine, London and other p'aoee, This entails It groat deal of expense on Ih0 part of parents ; and trade and money that should remain in the County is in this way taken out of it. T1118 year, at least It cloven of pupils from the village and this neighborhood nreawayattending onteido Model Sehoola, The revenue re' roared to enpport a Model School Jo derived from the following 801)1000 :- 1) A Legislative Grant $ 150 2) A County grant 150 3) Fees, say 00 teachers in training at 95 gaol) -100 (1) For Continuation plass, ex- tra 100 Total 9550 The present Waif of teachers in Brus• sols fulfills all LI10 requirements of a Model School, viz., rt Prinnip,tl with a Professional b'fret•clnss certificate, and threeassietacte each holding a Profeee• lona! Second. The total expenditure over and above the present 011111ay, omit- ting (4), would bo about $150, viz„ the coat of heating an extra room for a few months, eay 925, and an assistant during the Model term, about 9125. If, in ad• dition, it was deemed desirable to raise the e0110o1 to erase (a) of Continnation olase schools it would be necessary to engage another teacher in addition to the assistant required during the Model term. As a Model Sohool Brussels would be unique einoe it would be the only Model &shoal fu the Province tibia to give praotioe in Odnti0nation class work and slime this is now taught in many of the Publio Schools the teaching of it should be exemplified in the Model Scheele. PUBLIC t'011001, I,EAYLNU GRANTS. We give below the names of the schools reoeivi3g Legislative grants for doing °outdo nation work, and also the amount received by each. In the case of schools doing full Primary certificate work, the Oounty gives a sum equal to that granted by the Education Department. Co:TINUATION cows senoras, LEGISLATIVE GRANT. Wingham, 9 100 Wroxeter 50 Brussels 50 Blyth, 50 No. 4, Turnberry, 50 " 3, Hallett, 25 " 2, Tuokeromith, 25 " 9, Turuberry,25 " 1, Grey, 25 PURLIO 802100L LEAVING, No. 3, Grey, 9 5 10 5 10 10 20 30 5 15 10 10 5 5 5 15 5 10 5 10 5 10 20 21 4, „ 14 5, ,l 12 7, 23 U 4, " No. 2, Howiok, 5, " 0 7, it " 9 16, , „ 17 " 2, Hullett, " 5, n It 5. r, " 8 0 " 3, Mollifier.,a 4, „ 0 0220 7, G ' 4, Morris " 5, G 0, " " 1, Tnokerenlith,., 113 41" 4 0 „ 0 „ n 9 " 10, " Total Legislative grant -9650. County grant 00UNTS GRANT. $ 100 50 50 50 50 25 25 25 25 400 Grand total 9 1050 Wingham Public school receives a total grant of 9200, while Brussels receives but $100. This is because, in the ease of Wingham, the Principal teaches nothing but Continuation work, hie first assist- ant teaching the Entrance class. In Brussels and other Continuation schools the Principals teach Entrance (gasses iu addition to the Continuation work. The Brussels School Board could, of course, raise 1113 Brussels Public school to class A by engaging auother teaoher and handing over the Continuation work alone Ito Mr. Cameron. This would in- crease the grant Darned by Brussels by 9100. Grey Council Meeting. Coanal' met at the Towuship Hall ou Nov. 5th, pursuant to adjournment. Members were all present, Reeve iu the chair. Minutes of lash regular and special meetings were read and confirmed, Adam Meuzie applied for aid to build 114 rods of wire fenoo on the boundary between Grey and Elena. Moved by Robb, Dilworth, seconded by Wm. Brown that the sum of 910 be granted.-Oarried. Moved by Jas. MoDonald, seconded by Wm, Brown, that the Clerk be instruct- ed to advertise for tenders for the exten• 0iou of Government drain No. 2, tenders to be received 11p to 1 o'clock p. m., Nov. 18th. -Carried. Moved by Robb. Living. atop, seconded by Robb, Dilworth that Bylaw No. 180 be provisionally adopted and bo printed and served in the manner act out in the 41113 paragraph of the enact, ing part of said By.law.-Carried. 'lllhe following acoounto were presented, viz. - John Elliott, gravel 98.00 ; John Ham- ilton, gravel, $4.24 ; Jae. Kendall, culvert and award drain, 90,001 Edward Arm. strong, wire for fence, lobe 5 and 6, con. 18, 98.82; Adatn Menzie, for Wire fence, 910.00 ; Bobt. Pickrell, gravelling on boundary Grey and Elena, 1¢0..58 ; Wnl, Maohan, award drain boundary Grey mud Logan, 92.50 ; Jae. Logan, cleaning out drain, on side road 8, con. 11, $1.25 ; Thos. Johnston, digging drain at lot 7, coo 17, 91,70 ; Robb, Bali, repairing culvert at lot 6 con, 4, 91.00 ; Richard Jaoltlin, gravelling ou gide road 2, con. 4, 928.00 ; Arch. Robertson, repairing bridge on side road 2, Sou. 8, 96 00 ; Milton McEwan, culvert at lob 1, oon. 1, 93,00 i Wm. White, repairing bridge lot 7, con. 2, 92,00; Thee, Davidson, draw. ha; alone 10 13,4z bridge, oon, 12, 50e John Stevenson, 0111Vui t on elan road, lots � andb co u. 16, 91.60 J, Clow. looks 1 r ' G tile for lAllllln 3,(l.i)jOnl' Alcock , ,8 ; Y digging award ditoh on road 1,con. r 17, $11401 raislh(, waved and putting Mono around it, 95.50 ; and digging dram at lot 5, con, 17, 9)1.22 ; Alex, McKenzie, grubbing and logging o(1 boundary (Grey and Meliillnpn, 93.00; Jacob Reymann, Opening out ditch on side road 3, cm), 12, 91,50 ; Robb. Blair, gravel, 915.03 ; ltobt, Lang, culvert at lot 25, con, 0, 920.00 ; Robt. Dabbers, gravelling on boundary Grey and }Bout, 912,95 ; Wm. MoNeelande, rloaniug (Molt at lot 38, con, 0, 94.20 ; Theo, Bowes, gravel, 92.- 48 ; Robb. Me0utcheon, grading at lots 40 and 41, con. 1, 91 50 ; Jas. Wilson, ditching at lots 40 and 41, eon. 1, 923.05 ; Andrew Duke, ditching at lot 35, con. 4, 96.00 ; Jas. Maker, cleaning award dltoll on boundary Grey and Elmo, at lot 25, 90.00 ; Samuel Kloinsehroth, cutting hill and grading at lots 40 and 41, con. 1, 920.25 ; Wm. Shorts, cleaning out award drain, lot 86, eon. 5, 912 26 ; Rioh. 8rmstroug, gravelling at lobe 40 and 41, con. 1, 940 00 ; Alex. McDonald, inspect. ing gravelling, and teaming at lots 40 and 4:1, con, 1, 914.50 ; Wm. Mitcboll, gravel, $17.80; Alex, Alexander, box drain at lot 0, oon. 1, 98.00 ; leo, Hollenbeok, gravel, 910 80 ; John Kellner, tile drain at lot 27, con, 0, 94.25 ; Jas. Kerr, gravel. ling at lot 29, con. 7, 910.96 1 James Ferguson, gravel 910 00 ; Moses Smith, plank for bridge at lot 86 on boundary Grey and Elmo., con. 6, 81.70 ; Geo. Speiraa, gravel, 96 20 ; Thos. Stevenson, gravel, 917.04 ; Daniel Cooper, gravel, 97 04 ; Wm. McKelvey, gravel, 918.56 ; John McIntosh, widening road on side road 3, con. 5, $2 00 ; John Hanna, filling hole in road and clearing off timber ou boundary Grey and Elton, $4.32 ; Jas. Lynn, gravel, 94.48 ; Frank Miller, grovel, 912.80 ; Jae. Mitchell, repairing abutments to Bobo bridge, con. 12, 912.. 00 ; W. G. Taylor, underbrusbing .road on boundary Grey and Elma, oon. 9, $2.50. Moved by Rola. Livingston second ed by Wm. Brown that the above accounts 130 paid. -Carried. The Council then ad. journed to meet again on Friday, the 18th day of November, at the Township Hall, Wai, Brans, Clerk. THE IIA ROY B,t li(IUET. The banquet tendered Hon. A. &. Hardy at Toronto on Tuesday of last week was a distinguished event. It was tbo tribute of agreat and nnitod party to one of its most brilliant and eucoe,tful leaders. Such an 000001on is one of the splendid amenities which are not too fre- gaent in public life in this country. The official career of Mr. Hardy is a long re• cord of self.aaorifioing devotion to the welfare of the province. When Mr. Hardy entered the House in 1874, ho had already attained an enviable reputation at the bar, and n11 hie financial proepeots lay in the direction of private life. He hod been in the Leg- islature only three years when his signal abilities were recognized by a Cabinet appointment. He filled the portfolio of Provincial Secretary for twelve years, taking the Orman Lands Department on the death of Hon, T. B. Pardee, and finally the Premiership on Sir Oliver Mowat'e retirement. During that long period -a quarter of a century -there has not been a Bingle blemish on his political or personal integrity, or an ef- fective criticism 07 his administrative work. Mr. Hardy has been singularly adapted for hie duties by an eminently praottoal mind, equipped by a fine legal training. He has been s constructive legislator, and' his name is written on a great body of statutes which will form bis most enduring monument. To enumer- ate the auto which he devised and pro. meted would be to cover the whole reuse of provincial legislation. His .capacity for work has been and is remarkable. If ever a Canadian statesman earned hie position by sheer merit, that man is the present Premier of Ontario. The Liberals of Ontario may well honor Mr. Hardy as a public benefactor and a conspicuous ornament.of the party, and we believe many of his opponents will be generous enough to feel, if they do not express, 00m0 admiration of the Premier se a great and useful Canadian. FARMERS' INSTITUTE MEETINGS. The political campaign which coin - metaled in February and euded early in March, 1898, interfered ooueiderably with the work of the Farmers' Institutes. Tho public mind become so engrossed with politics that it was deemed prudent to cancel all meetings advertised to be held after the 19tH day of February ; this paused a loss of membership and a reduotion iu the number of meetings held, Nevertheless the year ending lune 301h, 1898 was the most successful in the history of the Farmers' Institutes in Ontario. The total membership on the Slat of Dooember 1897, was 15,707 ; on the 81o1 of July 1808, it was 16,851. When it is considered that all member. ships aro cancelled on the 81st day of December each year, and that the present membership of over 16,000 has been eent in by the secretaries since the 1st of January, 1898, the growth must be con. sidered. satisfactory. Ibis quite safe to predict a membership of 20,000 befoie the end of 1899. Duringthe e past year 068 meetings were held, 3,270 addresses delivered, and 126,094 persons attended the meetings, nearly 1,000 more than in the previous year ; but for the political campaign the attendance would probably have reached 130,000. In addition to this work many of the Institutes conducted excursions to the College Farm ab Guelph, where up- wards of 80,000 people spent a profitable time inspecting the drops and stock, en.. pairing Into the emcees or otherwise of experiments, and lietening to addressee and explanations given by 111e various professors and teachers. Negotiations are u0w being conducted with the rail- way companies in ordor that this work may be systematized and that all local Institutes may bo treated similarly by the railway oliiaials, and that 111e work of arranging the excursions maybe lessened. The meetings here annouuoed number 516. It hoe been found impossible to grant all rho meetings asked for by the local 0(1100rs. The utmost has been clone to moot their wishes in this roved. This is the llreb season since the establiehnleut of Farmers' Instibutes in Ontario, that the staff of the Ontario Agricultural College has not been en1• played as delegates. Ileeently the col. loge year Wag 80 changed that the servi- ces of these gentlemen will not, hereafter, be avaf'able for Farmers' Institute work during December, January and 1"ebrnary, but will I ., ,luring l n the mouth of nine.. Tiro choose in 111e college year, though not an advantaget to the 1 rue ituto s Y stem will prove decided benefit t7 the col. lege and the students. Each of the pm•0ons employed as a delegate is p70111ca1 and 01107003101 in hie 001101 respective departments, The hot of Moron Co. meetings and speakers is as followe :- Wroxeter, Monday Jan, 10 ; Brussels, Wednesday, Jan. 1(311) ; Blyth, Thursday, ,ran, 111th, The outside speakers will be W. W. Hilburn, of Leamington, and Nelson Monteith, B. S. A , of Stratford, 1311100o30, Wednesday, Feb. 1st ; Ford. wio11, Thursday, Feb. 2nd ; Mho', Fri. day, Feb. 8rd, Outside speakers Major James Sheppard, Qusonoton ; and Joseph Gould, of Uxbridge. Other meetings will be held in the county as follows :-South Huron- 13rucoliold, 2, San• 3 ; Exeter, 2, Jan. 4 ; Bayfield, 2a, Jan, 81 ; Loodesboro', Jan. 91 ; Dashwood, 2a, Feb. 1 ; Far• quhar, 2a, Feb. 2. West Huron -Blyth, 1, Jan. 10 ; Carlow, 1, Jan. 20 ; Wing ham, 1, Fob. 23 ; Londesboro, 1, Feb. 24; Holmesville, 1, Feb. 25 ; Dungan. non, 1, Feb. 27. The figures after the names of places indicate the number of sessions to be hold, IuFR MILL Brussels Cider Mill and Apple Butter Factory, Mill street, bas been overhauled and is now ready for oper- ation. Fetch on your Apples. Terms Reasonable. Satisfaction Guaranteed. Geo. Edwards, • Prop. MOS! Will make' a well man of YOV ! PICOei Pa0000x0 Tn& 38009 Rae0LT= m P00a wE000. PI000I corse all Nervone phoeaee, 0Ie0p1004. aoee, 0801100 ;domory, Nightly Emloolono, aptraw torrp00n, Impotency, 010., canoed by POOL atu,o. it giro, vigor nod .ire to ehruukon organo, •o0 quickly but eurolr roetor00 Igen Ma100000 la old or young. Uee PI0001 and you win am\r 00002 and happy 00013, 0,04by man In 03810 WE•ppor ood Oom;rely ocalod obeorvanoo. Easily earned la neat pocket. Primo, di a yorlogo dY (0, e5. spud money In either ordinary lir r ter. ed rashers. Ad4,00, alt lottme to 1. T fort EIR, minion of Canada. ocx, 000, agent for 200 Do - Lumber and Shingles FOR SALE. First olase Cedar Shingles, 91,60 per square Second-olase " 90 " 117ap1e Flooring 910 00 to 916 00 Aeh, all kinds 10 00 1.6 00 Pine 14 00 18 00 Custom Sawing and Planing done on shortest notice. Bills cut to order. You will fiud the prices right at the Ethel Saw Mill. Se S. COLE, PROPRIETOR. • ETHEL. McLEOD'S System Renovator -AND ()TnRR- TESTED REMEDIES SPECIFIC AND ANTIDOTE For Impure, Weak and Impoverished Blood, Dyspepsia, Sleeplessness, Palpita- tion of the Heart, Liver Complaiot,Neur. algia, Lose of Memory, Bronchitic, Oon• eumptioo, Gall Stones, Jaundice, Iidnoy and Urinary Diseases, St. Vitus' Dance, Female Irregularities and General De- bility. 'LABORATORY, GODERICH, ONT. J. M. MaLEOD, Prop, and Manufacturer. Send by Jas, Pox, Drugalet, Brussels. A. COUSLEY Real Estate 8 Loan AGENT, BRUSSELS. Money to Loan on Farm Secur- ity at the Lowest Rate of Interest. Money Loaned on Notes and good Notes Disoonnted. Sale Notes a Specialty: Fire d Life Insurance Written, Special Attentiong iven to Conveyancing, Aa COUSLEY, Office over Deadman'» Drug Stole, ElltniaEIL$. MISS ROSS r'etur'ns her thanks to the Ladies of Brussels and vicinity for their patronage at the Millinery Open- ing and solicits a continuance of their favors. A Specialty mads of Mourning Goods, Dress and -"44p - Mantle Making. Special attention given to this Department and Satisfaction Guaranteed. Latest Fashion Sheets. MISSES ROSS, 0111 Slid sea aur - stock of Blankets, Sheetings, Flannels, Tweeds, Yarns, Etc , Wool, Hides, B utter and Eggs taken in exchange. Carding, Spinning, Weaving. Knitting, etc, Promptly attended to at the Stretton Block, Brussels. BRUSSELS WOOLLEN MILL. Important to ..FAR It will pay you to place your order with us for Froarr R4JI wr ems= S,b SMD%XWC.. early this season. As proprietors of the largest Nurseries in the Dominion (over 700 acres), we are able to speak advisedly. t 'You WILL REGRET IT 1F YOU DELAY YOUR ORDER. Give a hearing to our Agent when he calls. Pears are bringing large prices in the English market. Do you grow any ? If not, allow our representative to tell you why we can furnish superior pear trees, and then give him a trial order. We can utilize the services of a few good men to sell our goods. Demand for our Stock is heavier than ever. Supplies furnished free and our agents paid weekly. STONE c? WELLINGTON, 19-2m NURSERYMEN, TORONTO. High Grade FURNITURE ...AT LOW PRICES... • We are Carrying a tremeudoue stook of furniture. Snob S a varlet to select om can't find elsewhere in the county. Whatever you want, your wants can be suited here. • -The bargains we are offering in ..CHAIRS.. is the talk of the countryside. Our stock runs from the ordinary kitchen chair to the most luxurious parlor chair, finished in the newest styles and with most fashionable materials. -In Rockers we have a very taking line with Cobbler leather seats, oak or birch, Mahogany finish, and in Arm and Easy Chairs we show a fine line. -Our Furniture is High Grade but our prices fit the pocket of the public every time. A specialty made of Upholstering. Your old Furniture made as good as new. PICTURES and PICTV'a: FRAMING. -A large and well selected range of Pictures always kept in stock. Also a large quantity of Moulding for Frames. If you require anything in this line call in and make your selection. UNDERTAKING. -A large stock of Coffins, 075' kets, and other goods pertaining to this line always kept. Personal attention paid to 1 lnbaiming, and prices lower than any place in the County. -Pianos and Organs, the best in the market, sold at rook bottom BIG VALUES IN prices. WINDOW SIJADES, The Strength of our position as the leaders in the fur• nituro business lieu is the filet that the maximum duality and t110 minimum pr1ee always go together. R. LEATHERDALE.