The Brussels Post, 1898-11-18, Page 7I
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Nov. 18, 1998. THE BRU08ELS FOST. �`
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(TBE DUTY 0�' �'�RE�1TS out, and he has been Clown, and he (he best hind. Bill never mind, they 1 children safe for heaven? I ]I and (if
1 is an the broad road to cloaxtration Par arra only playing lar driiik; shuffle (a masher who, iihen the house wag em belt THE NAj4'p E-
lllis 111'<e ftAcl the lila to come. J''nLhaI 4 ity) shuClla away l The 1nAdlw<i;' �r Scrofula n -fire, III the rs<•[ ornegl of the uceunion,
Nays: "' There is no use In Chm
Clio ten ca- Stands In his shirt. Sleeves, with his fill nut many of the valuable' things-
V. DR. TALMAGE TALKS OF DIS, luandlnenls; Ilse eatech[Nnl Seams to hands on .1118 WITS. watobin the game,( -- many eholee articles of fur•n]fure» {'
CIPLINE AND INSTRUCTION. Tile to be an utter failuro." Ah, my and tva] for unol.Jaer call it) fill up That Fill& Your Life Wltb Pain AnO but did' nut think to aslc'until Ilio lute:
r friend, you make a very great mistake, ilia glasses. 11. IN ilia hot breath Of "IS my child safe'," It. was ton Jute The best and most econoi'niaal. Excels in every quality,
You Stuffed (hilt child with religion Martial woe Cha( flushes that young preao--- T Then, 'rhe. flames hurl encircled all; - 2 0 o and 4oc,
ilnein6Aenpy'and Lnpt+ri'aalfen of Pnt•aptt until -.-- Lead packages. .rfp q' , +�
Tllemsell-vH-Rnely ISxhiblllalls 64•;9171, hQ could not digest m you I use- lila 11th clShoo In 0111 jets (if fiery o - P f ri r. , liras gone ! . id my dear Ian P g
, that t4'hlell la fl jqy 1Cl q'lfiny 1ioUae• HI'e tho a1lnOling Ulll, -af Isla f]ery (nn_ A BiaeaBD iron Which Countlose friend, when the sett and land shall - i i n m 140 In nex
tailless ut the t 11tid-'1'elnDtntlo o; 61 Jinlda, tin abhorrence ua yours• Aman gua of tilt' wi»'m 1.luLi never rlias• The want nR i aka $ t Bo
Young Yeoluc--'l'hr Dr, Appaaln to Yhousanda Suft@r, burn its final conflnt;rntiaA, }vii! Y+cul' 7'SiL 1,AJ.'1:.�iSYTI:. lirQRTii. �''®1t days, this lx am ahanno-nan'tl
in mid-lifQ said to me: "1 can't: became clock sl.rIkes Twelve; it. is ilia lolling children lx s,1!'e d later, Fy,II An6r,lIRLTT mond-sE.;TorontpJ,
!1'Plrellta to f,1ve rtlnbl 7Avea 11n111 RILOIr Kt (t CI11'iaL'a I 7'It(heC'S hoose 1 Of the bfsJl of e(.e 1'111( at elle burial n'IF1I Scrofula is emphatically a disease of J wen be "' what 1 have Aal�d 111!;: IT -me, \\ orth, wife of (he grant. f ar1H
i n, n my ;' the blood. It. causes eruptions, In. , AniiflOE eASLHeB-Neµ'-importnE{on9 ana6t IDn8liY[6
Coodlito tlar,1a 401ir61r• (3111K11'Cn, Kat. Mich a pro�udic.e against religion, of a Haul. 'I'wO hours pada On, filth i tnat'llttig halm not. lit ruck 11 chord In Haifa dressmaker, who baa recently dit'd,wna
flaromation and. Aures. When it af- Aheeyy and Anlerloao Hok0a.lega-%stile good. al
A despaLeh from Washington says:- 1 delft want any or it, 111Y father was they ore till sound usleop in their f+ 1 - hey be- take lit the audience who Irldll tl good it remarkable, woman ill many ways, ' (,-31'2 A, rARd, BLAC�[W=i 40� Toronto,_,
hQ 011e of Thi?. hCAI marl that ever lived,, chairs. Landlord says; "Colne, now, recta Ibe glands of the neck h Y fat (ler'-111nd L101 lie l', tlLLt 1Vh„ lij (Writ yet SLALI lie!' Cllal'111eH were QAor7Il(1tLy. CVen � „
flabRov. in Talmage einghed from t 1 about woke uT; ll.'s Hule 10 shut. ups„ The acne swoilnn, noising rlisfigunmenl aChristi-Ln? Is that ourhiAtOr 4 Illi for It woman of her ample meanN. IL (Dile 8. sentStamP WM,J0p ou4
nit he lord ouch suvrrd. notions ulq 1 H u I y y Y
fallowing texm: "Seeing Chat his life and dtscumfnrC. 'AffeuliaK t11e eye Il you know why you enure lure 111tH is not Jcnuwii that she ever Coale ung frossamploof0umpnnaAI olio
lJiingN, auci Ito ,panmpd rwant down of look"
u 1 geld an "\V1uitl" lt.'s time Free
Is hound up in the lad's life,.' -Gen, To LquaL until J (10n't want any of to shut up." Push then out: Into the a:tustl, blip,Sness. '1'hqugh most cam; nlorning? Girl Nenf ou to have thtl optive cart in her husband's business, I3atinnotloo filo-, 11appen ra
Y 1 Y mail to ehriflhaoa, 11.-18 If•tble. 10 (,-am Y t rovghnosgvfska. ohappadbaa
nzliv, 80,. t it sir." havebeallsomewhohave air.' '1'hry ora going bane. Let the mernn,y revive•l. Your dear ('bristiun but Ilei' marrisd lits teas a happy ono, pr face. TheilutobiagsMvd[atl,oC2,Torouf�.
out at. any Lima. fully equipped, for its , --
T7osQ tvovlS were s okon by Judah erred, in that direction, wife erOLLch In the corner, and the Incah•r, h nv she lover! you. You re- bough her hu,bawi was brought so "-
l. p terrible work. lierntul:l Ino' be t hni•-
ald ahildrpn tilde under ilia lied. They are Y h member tshO r you were Hu'k lunv'kind- elosnlY in eolf:rlet 1yJf.h .0 many hCAU- ii ITTLIF GIANT d-nPg&mostlboy'7,r via dolivor07
Its descriptive of. file tenderness n Thera nx•O hausc•holds where mother cin * bone! \VlutT: is ihQ histo of oughly eradicated from ilia system Y ly shpi attpn,le(I you Tile night wits net Ofut women, Mme. '\VorLh never con- p� maol es 4, o
,the affection which Jaeub felt: to- )lulls tine way and father pulls the th:lt you n e s. begun Iris distil a- Hood's an S isastroula and ill its paint- lo, Idog (Ind yell never Caked bar to carried herself about it, X. \VOrth, in gt.2a. A sats8-2sAd, Jdu Sb. WELL 8to.
°Mer, :b+alber Says, y young m n.11 P Iitt
wards Benjamin, the youngest sun of Ys: "M sun, 1'tuid (Ion at. Ilia faidiltu •able hotel, anti fol uxui disastrous ireficlue nh s ❑vale turn Ihn pillar bol Ahe dill ]d! Y, u'iI: speaking nitre of the jealousy of «t gOMPANY, 2a•2eAdolaide l3t.W,t7`oronto,
you ills firs( time I caught you ill n ad. 'this great rn divine brat made --
khat patriarchal family; but: they furl full++h0gd that .(. would chastise YOU completed his damnation in the worn( tboustnd•i of p:'oi,l- grateful by it,, msmbr r her prayevq you 1 ; yi u r, kOor fr1,),V 'a w]fr, said:
words just Its appropriate to hundreds grog shop in Ills slams, bet, hr.+ sutne of you -1 du nal know "\khat shaiikl I ever have Bono if a 11
Cor it, anti now a um going to dna aures of !his disease. :Lt attacks the whpre the ,anin is in The andi,•nep--hoe my wife hart a lies in her bonnet: like t
of parents in this house -•'since bis life It, .lfollive s'tys: "Don't; Ica him off l shaft davuto Cha cast. of my remarks enemy al ones and with the first few Some cup here brok,• his nlolbe.r's that! ]'leaven be praised, Mills, Worth
i 'hound up in (be.lnd's life.^ 1 this tlme," In some families it is nil toatll,wlalion of pnrentill anxiety. Lal dosas the hauling work begins. If livart. You ieiiiemiat- htv sorrow ov- is too sensible for that." t a
s 1 8coldtn anct fretfulness with the°held; Intl Baty t°
• seam0d to g you as entente, IbuL a greuh yarn hnvo any IILInt of set'ofuln. m your sr ,your Wuya:urclnesS: Y.nt rptltember I-I,i also Haid that his wife's most' I-
-_'-_-�. _...__._ _.._._..._.___�
have ]mown Patents that from Alondu mornhi to $sturdil deal or ilia( anxlel will ba lifted if bloo:.i it is our dui to yourself nom
have bu.l. LCLUs inforasl. in theft obit_ y g Y Y 3' Y he old pure 1+h•ire she ,11,1 Y- a Nomany serious thoughts wca'e always for (Tei^ �EtpgTO CffITYN4 dtGEffIf/L oliiwa ¢pDoy�
night, it is Chat Style of culture. 'vile you tvilf begin early with your child- to others to take k[ndnrasect' ihr' ,,hairs, the t„h!e, lilt, home, while those of most women were indnoamvuts to sling wrpon daalxoie at
:Shan. A father snyS: "My sun must -ba,Y is picked at, and Pinked at, and rani, i'1'an Payno said: "The first q dour -sill whr re upkl ed;f11s Canes al given t0 -drew. Laking nD OOttin lull pertfaninro oD app
look..ou[ for himself. if lie cones up picked at. Now, you might better give five years of my life I became tun in- Y' Y �_ oattoa. tea Y(�iNOB ST., TORONTO.
one sound chastisement trod httvedonp tidal," A vessel !coca out to sea ; H0�� d`9 Sarsaparilla tier' voice. \\thy, y•u can think hack
well, all right; if he turns out badly, one uit, than st indulge in the peflonP fi hag been five iltiou oaf. ; It QiLnad is Graatost ,laodloino. Sold by till now, Th jugh t h"y were home lung SALVATION TO SLrI FBRNR5 FJiOAf & Ettore, f Iti• a Halbe
[ cannot help it, 1 ram nof. responsible nal scolding 71AC1 fl'el UhiCSB. T11ClC IS Alarm (!Omer lin il. ; it actin s a druggists. $1;610 $5. Letonly Hao,l'a. sign in (Ile rill', Isley ( ,tat, villging CA7iiR1lH, yt Itarriatera,om.r'emOPea
-_ _
tbrnug9i your siati to -day tr,llin," Yon p1p��p,',„,, to WonleyHid� Sa„Blob
for his behaviour. Ila must take ilia more health in one good Ihunderstorm, leak; 'lie helm will not work; every- , 1115 ata Cha mily�ips to take l,y tip first naune. "You are n .i "1Tr." All those suffering from Catarrh, mond fib W.,Yoronto.
same risk in life that 1 took." As thin in three or four days Of Cold thing is out of, order. What is the ti00C.a.a.ei.-�� 1tUlIoad..arsapm4lla, to hpr; it is ,lust your plain first n'ime, Brimallills, Irritable 1']u•Onl, &n„ and
drizzle, urn tterg The ship is lint seaworthy, - - Ts rtat this the lime v%ban her Ira is who wish for an absolute cure, send �PEEOH IMPEDITdENTS aE any nature suacii3A•
well mighL the shepherd throw alamb 11 and never was. it. is a poor time to L Y. aa
IIere is a ureal who says: "I wi 1+ill be nnstverpd 9 flit y=,u not thinly to the undersigned for sample battle of r� full )•treated, Oonoultit notified praoti•
Into a don of lions unit then say: "Lit- P find it, out. now. (l,nder Che fury of wets with Lhe Influence upon children. That; God sent yea in mAny T° have thoir famous preparation and Inhaler, Uall r,who woo for years a1paintul 0Eammerer,
not err oil the Side, that: parent ling tile. Storm, lite vessel goes down, with 'If You allow anythin to stand in the and has aur ed manywbofailod aloewharo,
Lle Iamb, look out fm yourself T' It arredl, in being loo strict with• his chit- g snit llleruory af. INir revive l 2 if you Pre-P'tfd. It iH neither a snuff nor a yPrito1; W.J• ARNUTT,M.D•, Ball in, Ohb .
6 two hundred and fifty passengers, to a way of moral influence against a child shall it come la Christ. this h,arninw, wash, nor an nfntment, but. n rleasant
Is gannrnlly the easy that even the dren. f will let mina do as the Flousa. l
l have df the it•anl to notnO n to y ra ars watery grave. Phe I into to make the on this side or that side, to the latest crotid. till the Throngs of fietiven, the remedy it'li],h is carried by atmos- IIBERALS TESTED for $old, oto.
beast looks after its you ng. I y P Y shill Seaworthy wns in Ole dry dank• day of. its life on eartly Mud through laddest. of them wn ld lip Cur pheric ail' to ever art of The throat, , write for price.,
they can; if the before it started(. Alas for us, if weltill eternit it will show the 91TT'Surs, MILTS fIERi10Y, P. d. Sa.,
gone through the woacls nn a sumnien's they cunt; if they �nInL oto play lit en� ds y. Chrislinn potents ivhn are lu arl,,,V lungs and nnsul passages and fully 16 St, 6acl'arn¢nt St., Montreal, Qua.
day, and Ihave Learit a great. Outcry Ilia, eau the run dO an tli[ug they wail unlit our rhi'lmre'n gal: cut into Nq wonder lord Byrpn was had. llo wn}ilii,( for yunr rpdenlplion, Angp)v warranted In cure. Address. N. B,
y Y Y the world before we try to bring upon you know big ,pother said to him,when of, Gulf .•h,uf. Ill- II RI g,, the Iasi 11av Poison A. Co., Kingston, Ont. yoab.rcaay APPLES, BUTTER , EaunorPOULTRY
in a bird's nest, and I have climbed up please, there shall be no hindrance. Chain the influenza of Cbrist's reli- She sow• him one; day limping across come back a cin; the dend is, alive. -- iF tosh!p,shlp.hew to
to see what was the matter; I found Go its Here are tickets for the opera gion. :l tell you the dry dock of .the [he floor with his 13WOund root: "Get g ,
incl theatre, sun; take our friends sling all I n bells of he even lit ihr• I's e h aid I white folks cul in ilea s o'
out that the birds lucre Nlarving, and y' Christi;ut home is the place tubera wrd nil'. oP my luny, you lame LrnLl" \\Aral: •iuhilaQ: r}lip': .tin 1 n The Dawsoq Commission Co., Lilgitedi
with you; do whatever you desire." Are to fit- them for usefulness anti fol' ohnnee fm' a h(r like that'd g• lime, said Uncle Phan, flu mo 'bout �oroapabo.
that the mulber-birm lied guuu O[f, nn( one da •, a 9 "'i'hnueh parents may in pnvenant hp, e
to Como hack' a gain. lint that is tan y gent lemau cAmas in from heaven, fn I:hiS ;world. under the whrthuh wets descended f'uur munka s
6 The hank t° bis father's office, and 'I'w•a young men come Ce the moo• of Anrl havo I Bill' till t s in v]p1v; thin sin' el quesllan. IC's whit mires
storm. oP vico and lemptali0n. it twill sin. ['Ixvy causult. whether ilney will 'Cllr Ire nor hu pl i[U th^ sae. PS,�¢q rlal
akoeption. It 18 generally the case guys: "'they want '. to see you over at be too Jute, Ill the domestic eirele you Y ' , 11 Y Y tion is Ivo gwina now., f
that the Old bird will pick your eyes tho hank a misrule. P'nther goes In- druid, whether ,5u ill. The ova y'Ourtg tnau goes inflnd I(lleir chi rL'en happy tOu. - -
your child Shall lin t4a other retracts, Oh) ou __,�,_- L
oul xatbpr Lh:ul lel g to the hank. The r•,Ahter soya: " is Y Auo, ilia. Ol\' 13UT STIRS %%
bat. out rhacueB" trotter looks art truthful or false. -whether is, sb•tll hr
ytiu conte ni h iCs I"st hart hetfrr rr•v,lu'iun. �o,•fh�il.
y 1 frenprans or autirious, You win fell f7 I (1 "The lrarrners Gazette," published in aTRArFORO, oNT.
broad. ` tithe Ilan w]U read You }n it, incl guys: "No, 1 never gave plat b Ihr wa a child divides an , le 110 not it, 'Che fir,( young mon had A QUEBEC GIRL, I)uhlin, in au article on "7'homasl'hos- Best Oommeralal School to The Province ' enternow
twain if you approuch too nearly alta Cheque; 1 never Cross a '1 in that Y Y rep un ell rly quad In(ln,•nrQs; the. Inst, lutd Y o ystoguo Y:co. IV. J. ELLIOTT. );r[netpal.
just will it its fnt.nls history twit be, ).esti n phnLc Powder usamanure," in July (=
whelps. The fuwl in the barnyard, way; it is not my cheque; that's ter- You ought: to overseQ I'he process, If piously Iruiup,l, and 1111ru ho number, remarks: -"Though un ' - �• y�
1 slnnl at 1111. door of •,in ilh.cussingtltq valuable manure for all root and for- ®t�ly QQI� Ctlees.
gory; send for the pOIirr.l Ah,' Ihr ohild lake nine-ttnrh't of Ili=•. u 1 COMP$LLEO BY F! MALE WEAK-
clumay-foated and heavy -winged, flies +t •h the cashier, "hen Ti: be sa quick i- nintLer, he looked around as i[ to' art+
fiercely you, ft you come tau near . Cys sen cas that I" o ' Tact, was that ,,,a, givint, Ihp other tenth fohi!!A4er, goal one, un•I lie felt. nn Jns'i4ble hand NESS TO GIVE UP SCHOOL, age crops, the large proportions of
y Y Y if he should live to h0 one hundred, he phosphLce and Ifnle present havoc n Brings im volumes within vast
the little group, and God intended ev- the troy had been out. in (lissiptuing will be gnispirt-• and went the big- Olt lits shoulder, saying: 't her' go int - rourdee without movinglro�
circles, cud ten find fifty dollars wane Whose, Bund wtLt ltd t,1 mother's hand, 9.111 ,sea Began to 9191• Dail('., lCidneyr w<,nde.rful effect on clovers and stmt- 1 your desk.
cry father and mother to be the pro- y gest piece of ecerythbrg. l stood in a fifteen years u iac leguminous plants, stimulating ha QI((CO SDCCIaIIY Mlg. CO., WHO
in that direction, Slid be had been go gone to du<e A puts -new shots etllsCu end men's their in growth to a ,Surprising th
taction atom Clio help Of the child. Jesus treated, and he had (o treat others, house in boa of. Ilio Nuburbnn vii- F•e,1tlQmin 1t'a8 Catlin„ ma of the fact_1lotidarltdnpyPillsUnraFTomcu'A g g degree, ,,,t T
1=tuon. not long ago. 'inti i stele n beau- Chill some ear and it is in this fact a li the value a Toronto and Newmarket, Out.
cu7ues into every dwelling, .and says -Ind the huy felt, he inust bava five Afut trio, and I said to (he owner years s :top there were Irv° >tua. the munurs for pasture lies. 11'e have -
LO the father of mother: ,,You have hundred duliars Uxkeep himself in that "That is a fine Tree; lint: wlint n r.ut_ young men who stupps(1 uL ilia door SL. Cune.'onde, P. Q,, Nov. 7.- The seen old meadows, which were unre-
circle. 'That night, the father Sita up of n pcflain 'lhcutu,. in \\ashinglan• g mune.rative teviousl
heaxl looking altar this child's body (tolls orook there is in it." "Yes,' said - case. of Mrs. Lellen Dawson, of Gerrard P' Y, become cover- �for the son to Cane lJOma. It is one The;on was w•hather that' ehuuld ed, .fit.,.,
fteraI lteation,with white andSTAR11MERERS
and mind ; the tulle lilts Come Wharf .; r,lock before lie, comes into the ball. he; "t pl:i ntetl that ii'ep, alnit when. it (ro in. That night there. wits I U l,e a Vit., Toronto. ]l la a pni'ailpl In this 1 p Duly ivatitutica In Canndn For the earn of
o Ought. to be looking after [Ls ba- He ea Wes in very much flushed, his Cues a year old I wens to ilia city vary immoral play enacted in that place. Doild's Kidney Pills Have o•iinsoii clovers, excellent alike forhay ere[y posse of npeeck detest. E.tabilahed
you b g acrd it arltad as n mrchanic for n year, One man went. in; thecther brought Happiness into a etriaken or grazing purposes. Like all ma- la euro to 13.p pora g�a1iranlled,
mortal soil.•' 1 stand before hundreds +ye glaring and his breath offensive. or two. and when 1 came bnek I found home, b restoring a beloved daughter Inures which exert a continuous effect OaVaeai A'irr ka St, uron"1'l7TL,
h'u(her Says, "lily Son, stow can you su,yaa out. The young man who want 9 over a number of years, Jt is a little 9 PemarnBa St, soronta, Canada
of people- with whom the question they brut allowed something (o bend in (vont on from sin t° sin vnrl through Cn health and strength.
do sO'd 1 have given you everything slow in Showing the beneficial results
uiarninr, noon, unfit ni ht is, "\Clout it; against. the h'ee, and so it has niways am•owd ofin; ililr. 13. Dubois, tubo resides at. No.
b g yo wautli+d, arid everything to make quilt'• and diad in phos- of its action, and it is for this reason YtrP?1.Itd11f81Y&Co.
to beconua of this child? What will you comfortable. and hu p and now hail that crook." And so :[ lhnu ht it pital or dolirfum tremens. 'the other 100 Napoleon Iiaatl, in this place, tells
y ply, that Ice- recommend its use during Ilia j Mnnnrnatarerror oho9q
1 find in m old o you tare a young man, who retracted, chose the stoalis in thew words: "Lear many autumn find winter, so that a suif3- - v once. Oaaee, store Ba.1
be its history? \\'ill it ch0ostl paths Y go t.ha1. __- _ _�_-- months my mall endured Ihr nail rletat Fixtures, Jlev.
spendthrift, a libertine, and adxunk- - l'h:ist, want. into the Gwpel, un:( is eienL time will have elapsed for its ef- '� eter , 7,.ST is' and a8
of virtue or vice l \Vial it accept nx•fi ll, 1'lle, eon says: "Now, father:, now am Of the moll. eminent. ministers a °dries of "ih•uta.te t\nnkne�s" and facts upon the crop to be seen by the ki"1.'.rinierinr;,;.ttmsq
Christ a reject hilnl Where will. tC tvh.tC's Cha use of gow tuakin*, Jn that A�j �{jt{j �if{](�Tji 0��� bR 1 °f Chi to this rriuu(ry. And the Kidney Dnseu:a. No remedy we used summer tallawln SHWhPlatentlr,aro,as 39Lo2SAliacat.,Torouto.
b RilY tlililillilU l)( 11 .11i!_.r ova liar Ilia least relief, and she g'
spend eternity?" J. road. of a vessel way I You told me 1 might have a good Oulu who retreated gave as his reason g -_ - --
that foundered. 7'he boat$ were i]me, and C° gu it. I have been not- - toe tuvuiug back from that Theatre he°'iiia so illi finally, that she was What is the difference between a
obliged to remain at home from school Superior aeri3�proofoloih
ing on your Suggestion, that's all." A FENLON FARMER TET,LS OF HIS th:1t night, that Ihtrp. t1-cas un anr1Y donkey's tall and Hopkins? Give it up.
launched; many of the passengers for fully three-quarters Of the. lime.
And ser one parent arra on one lido voice. w•ir hin him Saying: Don't do bal A donkey's tail is the and 0f an ass, Four Dollars i�J Q $
were struggling fn the water. AMuth- aim rinntho parent arts an the other, REMARKAB E CURE. don't go in!" And Pot• that reason ,ray "By n friend's advice, I bought alsox but IIopkins is no end of an ass. Oom ere. Tobebad nlyfroul lir.
er with' one band) beat the. leave, anti ,Incl hnw to Strike it happy medium he- Crt.•nda, 1 believe oil much fn L161,, of D'odd's Kidney Pills for her, and �` a p'
p _ _ wns deli htpd to see she begin la et. R011&:n7y,31Queen St.�.,Torun o the. ether .bund lifted u her lit- uvaen severity and too great leniency, At ¢epa,n• tntrrrnw e:r Deas 9nbJeat 4o clastas. 1 wish nil the young man:uul g' g° Send crumpp fee dreu:ar and sanlp.a
P better almost. immediately after begin- TO CURB A COLD IN ONE DAY. of cloth hotora buying eleowhcra.
114 cHl1cL t%,wards the life -flout, crying: ❑nal train UU1` aOria and ditUghtCl'a for 17119,and 4iarfol A'!'nid tfOr. Ghp 'l'rnalblp 1VutneR eY my t'OTlgt'pg.tUan w01'C m T6ke Laxetiro Bromo Llutnlne Tnbints. Aa Drug
Hing to use them.
Y g- nsefulntss on earth and bliss in heav- was Encurrlble-Now brae d•r•o.O tin• th,+ isthls rhls•e:. But. there is some- ¢fat. r.luad the m000r if It foil. tp Oure. Tia
"Save my childl Save any child-" cn, Is a question which agitates ev- )Italady, thing better than the Bible clash, and "She has taken in till four boses,uurt a& >�g Sa s � per.
The Lcupaseloned out cr • of that loot her er Christian household in my con re- PI it is '(,lie Sunday -8011001 class, I is in better health than she a, DL ANDERSON. M.D., no, a Oollogo-al.
3 y, g Front (he Warder, .Lindsay, Ont. like it bcaau'e i1 fakes children lit an ever enjoyed in her life before. She In a Book Stora. -Have you a book TORONTO, Out.
is the prayer of hundreds of Christian gallon. Where ND many good men and is strong anll henlLhy and goes to entitled Short Road to 'Wealthl Cel- THROAT
women have failed, it is Strange that 111r, Robert AleGee, of the 0Th con- t plies point; vAid the infant: class T tainly; and I suppose you'll want a _
People who sit, listening this morning we shouicl ,sometimes doubt ilia pro- ees8ion of Fenian, Victoria county, like stilt better, because it takes chill- school every day. EAR, ®�'E
I cheerfully certify i;o the wonder- copy of the penal code, too? Y�, ! SPECIALIST
w.bile, I Speak. 1 propose IU allow some priety of our theory and the necuracy says in speaking of. bis corn train this dren before they begin to walk or to _.._ p fad �4�R S4✓� "
'of the causes of parental anxiety, and of our kind of government. terribly malndy:-"I am 85 years of talk straight. unit put, them on the fully beneficial effect of Dodd's Kidney
age and live on the'old holncsLead road to heaven. You cannot: l:e m too Pills In cases of Female Trouble, for w B i�� Eatubtiahea tt44
then hover that unxiel may be all.evi- from
co sc the part oP parents re ss 6 g besides m daughter's Cure, I know of B i I 1
Y from at consciousness that there are so where I: was barn inti have livid ul• early. You stand on Ilia 4u1n1: of a Y , B i La COFFEE LAS 9p®.g
awa. many t.Qmptatians lhrotvn all around ways since, and where my own li.f.11e river flouting by. You can't: stop (hut a number of instanass ill "birh they 1
1 Clod LLA first etLtlse of parental our young people, It may ba almost fancily were burn. This part of Panton river, but you travel days and days have completely pured the sufferers." GRAIN AND COMMISSION
is known its McGee's Settlement, there (swards thA source oP it, and \Vmnen who sutler from any of the From a Novel.-Adolar was bewitch- r I
-anxiety in the inefficiency and hn. impossible to take a castle by stege you Pind MERCHANTS,
ars ,an many of that name living in the after a while where it conies down, no of es peculiar to their sex, eon find
strslghtforivard siege -hut snppOatp m ed. Never had the Countess seemed to
perfection of parentis thalnsolves. \Ve vicinity. Never in my life (lid Tknow dropping from the rock, and with ,your n° other remedy to relieve their Y¢ooaasalosl2 hoar® of Trade t2attdtttn,
T1s night share is aL tdriws within, PP g Ings tine[ permanently cure their corn -,him so beautiful as at this moment,
Fimvo a slight hope, all of us, that our :Lod he nes down,nnd draws the bolt, whit u day's sickness was with bl'arch, knife melte a course in this or lbs! when, in her dumb grief, she bid her Y'OIUONT4A ONT.
g 1805,, when without an known cause, direction for the dropping to talre, and plaints sn quickly and thoroughly as
ch}tcllen may escape sun• faults. We ai.nd swings open ('.lie and without any warning I was you decide the course of the river. You Dodd's Kidney Pills. The. testimony of. 4leaeASFZsrn'at. dorm LOosrenet
Y P gre.Al;- (loot, and 9 Paoe.
hide our imperfections and think they then I lin castle falls immediately. That' alrfaken dolvn with au epileptic
will steer clear of them. Alas, there is the trouble with the hearts of the p' ptic fit. It stand anti see your vilildren's aharne- lhnnsnnrlS of woman who have been
is it act, prospect of that. ;rbere is young; they have foes without and came on in (he night, cuus[ng great ter to long on with groat impetuosity ourc.rl roves i'.hiS beyond dispute- $100 Reward, $t00. Dominion Line SttL'u�Lilt961lt1p8
P prospect -consternattion in the household, Its my and passion, and you cannot nffpet 'nacld's Kidney Pillh go to the roat hrontroal and Quebec to Liver ooll6a,tsmar, rg.
more probability that they will choose fees within. Thera alta a groat mnn9 y of the matter. They bent and The renders of this ppaper will be pleased to n fast tw[n earaw Ea4msk?lre 'toot or' "hM
°lir vices than that
t our virtues. ose who tri' to make our young people be 1V1Pe, vvha never atw anything of the them. Go up towards Ohs fOurce where lonru that tbare is fib east one dreaded disease >` p�.
shrengthen Clre kidneys, and. ao r•e- that sc(ence has been able to ours in alt ire vouireq' Dominto», Sa,im,n4D�, o �CAh
('Hera is sonatlin like sacredness in lieve that it is a sign of weakness to kind before, thought it was my end; as the character first starts, and decide !Su$erlor accommodationtorP3rat a�tn,i3a
g move till. enuve of disease. stage; and Lhat Is CatArrh. HalLi Catarrh on Cabin and Steerage ra-sen ere, otos
parental imperfections when the, child. he pure: The man will toss his baud fez' inyself Ineither felt nor knew any- that it shall take the night. direction
u fell of the :Lod lake Th m an attitudes, to s, aim tell thing that, was going on about me, and it will follow the path you give Cure la the only ppelttva aura now Idnolsn to �paaAnBge First CAbia, SOON; gecond Cabin
looks on them. The r , r the medical fraternity. Catarrh babi lt son• $sd; Slear . v 522,00 ands lvards aoacrdino t�
P Y After Gamin out of the convulsion, it, \\ 1 DDIVG SUPERSTITIONS. RSTITTONS, stt•utional dieertoe, roquiros a conatdRtutlanal A p t�
parents is not s0 repulsive Cuban the Df his own indisoretions, and oak the which they toll me usunll .lustem from 13'.era are soma quaint wadding super- t'rontn,ent, HntPA Catarrh OnrO is lav Cn in• tea oca AT berth, For illi �ntornt VOII. rape
child locks at it. He Says: ' father, young man if he would lint like to do Y IOut, I, ltvdtnt you to remember, all, torna!ly, noting directly upon the blood and 'e Local nts.17 . acrDAVID rtztaxrete tk Co.r
indulges in it; mother indulges in it; the Name, And they call him verdant, fifteen (:a thirty minutes, Twould fall Sather, oh mother, that it is avhat you stitious:- mutons enclaves of the system, tlierele dos- Qon'lAgonW,l7�t,9aarameat9t., A[aatreal.
It can't be so lied," Yova boy, Cou noel they any ice is grcan and unsophis- Into a heavy slee,P from which I would do that is;going to affect your obi (dren, The bride who finds a spieler on liar mcco 'Cha foundation of tho disease, and (div. -
yenrs of age, goes up a book Street tirctted, ttnd wonder how he can boar awake with a dull, leavy feeling, and and not wb tt• you say. You tell your' wedding dress may consider herself ins oho patleut strength by bulldint up tete11'
THE TRIU6� PH -'els -
all the muscles of m (nod ivould ba blessed. constitution and assisting nature fu dolly iia ,king his cigar -an old atunlp that. lhe purlinnical. strnight-jacket. They 3 y ohildren Lo heer:ms ClirisliunS while ivark. ThePropriotorehnvos°muchfaitiAnJUeTABLBSfOiFPlPas lid,e f in til street --and anet h- tell him he Ought'to break from his sore. This would pass away and in The bride Who dreams Df fairies the its caret] apniters, that the aftr One Run•BeerpntapaadtAvedo,en. onor vsh ound e g you alley nut, and they will not. DO yOu y bo alarmed, nested,nnd putn,r,y in
hour aocoats him and soya: "Vfliat ore motllpr's upron strings, ant they say, a daY or ttvo after the abt;teK Twould khink Noah's tumily lvnulm have Bane eight bafoxe bac marriage will bo thrice dyad Dollars for any Hasa thnE [t Yails to citta, asmnllet)aoa Ae your denten.lor r'youdoing {.bis fors \V71at would ,your "l will. allow ;you (111 about town. Come be able to attend to my farm wrorlc, into the tick if he hod• not rine in, blessed. and for Het of Tostim19NEonial,O,o,a. tlm,ntnaturedbr 11
fmtbex sa if br, Irnew• it? 'L'be bo with me. You Ought; to see the 1vm11d. but a(z'nuge to say every four months The viould say; No, there is grin
IE the Adctrair F: J. ,7 a. EYttCO„Tolndo,0, 1 ,Toronto. •''
y y g y g groom carry - a miniature 9a1d ay•.Dr it Ill, 7bc. G. B. St. W., o
says: "Oh, fatter does that himself l" It won't: hull, ,you. Do as you please, seized
Cts regular as a clock T would be about (lie bone that is right; fuhlier horseshoe in his pocket ho will always Run'ePtnnilyPlllearethobcab. r68Aaefadast.W ,
There is not one of us this morning but. it, will hs the making of you Aft -'seized ivilh a lit, which always came on bus not; gone in," You cannot push have good luck. P y u,rsran auaszo
tui L' would delibea4ttely eJioaBa that his er' a while Ilia ,young loon says, 'rT I in the night. Various doctors ;incl spe- children into the Kingdom of God; you l�� P. C. g45
g °telh s were consulted, and .[took sev- this'ngUumtluckyasGeLpmapsisrlron 1Hnd children Should in till thin s fnllowhis don't. waLnt to be odd, nor can.I nffird! have got to pull then( in 4 Let; it be 11.ds:eaaip.le, and it is the consciousness to sacrifice these friends, ,IntlI'llgoeI•al dffferDnl; medicines, lmt without cheerful placr,, Ills brightest room in or don't et married at all, E LTH RESTORED WITILOUT \IEDI•low
efEectnng n aura. Saverul doctors said AX XP i heof innperfap(ion nn aur part us flttr- anti see fur myself." 79rom i]na gatesthe disunsQ was iSevera le. T orad your house. DO not ivear your Hill- No bride or room should ba iven a RED Oh OMAB.Nt31J) t NG- ;yXID D�IIS•cuts, that makes us mast anxious Poi Of hQll there goes ;L shout of vint.ory.f dre.n's knees out. with loo g g FRED SrOMAOH, LitNC}3, NIBRViGS,
g prayers.
oar children. Farewell to all innocence -farewell 'tel Da'• Williams'' Pink ]?lila in the Wows- Have the whole exercise spirited, it telegram while on their way to church. LIVER, d SEE BLADDIDR KIDNJSY3,
\sro ora also, distressed m1 acCpuui: of :Lit early rOstrninLs tavourahle to that, papers andwasadvised by frieudswho you have' auneloclaon, Or nn organ, or n It is positively a signDfev[l. BRAIN BARRY'S RERVALENTA ATIABIOA
the unwisdnm of our discipline and int- Innocence whi0h, Once gone, never' heel experienced turas from other seam- piano in the house, have it u pen. Then If the wedding ring is dropped dux- �•�'�g,
comes back. .T. Thea_rrl One Of. 1)10 best. ingiy incurable ni]menLs, 1.0 try them. 1 FOOD which o Real INVALIDS and
structian. It: requires a great deal of c m I T November lend in prayers. 1'f you Oallunt. ranks ing the ceremony the bride may at, (HiL71REN and also (tea^s piece sPnlly In- T118 RBid Oro&. illf9. COtp.1ill x 1a
in nit
to build, a house or fashi.nn a mon 7: rue know, aevpn'L,y-five years Of .n Not .m ler 1.896 I commenced and n, prayer of your own, take "Ifa1•thow well wish ]herself unborn, far she 1viI1 mots whose A3hn ante and Debility have � o• uA rp►
qCn y a I,; , kept on taking Cham regularly P03' n c eiaEod all athor tleatmonle, It di o-ts when TABLES BaWLIg L West, Phone1303, Dead
Bllrp; bol'. more ingenuity to build the ago, any: ` Sir (1'Ocl brie f0:1'glVen me g g Y Hellry's Prayers," pl' "I ha I;pisacpn] always have ill-lUCk. all other Fond is Cojnoted, Aaves �i times Its T6r0adnl0L•,te. 4a7 King 9L West, TORONTO.
year. 'The. dreaded period passed and
temple of a child's character, and, for ,Ill tile, sins of my lifetime, I know Prayer -book,' -none better than that, blaictens eager to wed should give cost illmedicine'
launch It an the passed again and again without: a re- Kneol (Lown with our little ones morn. dishwater heated to the boiling point YEARS' INVARTAB-Is SUCCESS. THE MOST NUTRITIOUS.
gram: pceatn of time I.11at; but there is mit, sin .T. committed. Y g P
petition of my trouble, and .f felt: that p
uuii e! ernity, Where there is one par- at, lwrenl.y ,years Of, ago, (.hitt I neverIng and n,ighl, and rominpatd Them to it wide berth. It Meana Clint: they will �® 10pc8e ANNUAL CURES a on, Gi .
I was at; luso released from this terrible atlon, FlAtutaney, Dyspnp eta, Indigestion, nza
ant that seams qualified. for i:ho work, ivii.l forgive myself for. Ib Sometimes' God. t O you think their will ever, cod not marry for ]orifi time if they a o no ,a. n. Ainuot.o. Br6nvllitts, Influenza
ata irldy. T am now in Clip best: of ever. it 3 AEier ouglia. Astllnta, It errh, PhI ,m , Diarrhaon,
there seem to be twenty llnranlS who wines over me overwhelmingly, and it you alta under the nod tempt to eleanso dishes iu lvuter so � star'
h0411 hand, I attribulom r cure to lir,
mi.serD.bty full. T. -Tars is a father tulip absolutely blots out my hope of hen'- Williams' a, good ,man9 years, Thera 11.1]7 ba some hot. NOSPOnA Dability, Slooplesanv.s, Despondaaoy,
Buys: "11?Y ct[ld shall know nothingvan," Young. man, Ileus it. Hai �\i'Pink Pills." In conversation powerful Lem Ill t son,
Should a bride Perchance sen Q coffin U BARRY and Co, (.Limited), 77 Rogontr GRATEFUL -COMFORTING.
but religion ; he shall ]soar nothing but nua.ny traps there are sat for our WAY Urs. XaGeo she said Chat (.ter but. the memory at father and mOthQr .treat, London, W., atAohi Parl 14e Ruo
g' g ivhi,lQ being driven to i;he railway ata- ( a
religion; he. shall Seo nothing but re- (':Chat• to what: makes husbands trouble was the caueq of at morning nod evening prayers will O Oastiglionn, and lit all Grocers, Part,
g' g young people, ma St. Serious( .affecting her nerves tion prior to depa1'6139 upon bar wed- and Stores everywhere, it) tine 2t,., Sa„ lid., os; COCOA
liginlr. The boy is ar•ouseq mf: six Import tit so anxious, -(fore are Ionlita- Y g brave it.s eflegts apon'him; it evill 1311119 ding tour, alae should order the driver Wb. 148. Sent cArriag a froe Also 1JI}
o'clock in the morning to recite the tions 'for every form of dissipattion anti unit general health, Hs she was always him back from the path ;of sin and tq turn back and start over• again, or RA'RRY'S R®VA,LBNPA BISOlTITS, in tins,
living In dread, and could novel, enjoy dearth, 8s,�ies,
tan commandments, sofft on Su, tie is awakened every stage of il:, 'lobe young mon else she will surely meet with bad BREAKFAST -SUPPER.
a night's rase. , a a.lIf ieat noise ,Sut I want
off: the sofa on Silnrin,y nigh(, I.q see ivhmi he first goal into dissipation is you to mnkp, n strict 1 ek, a'Fi .,..�___-�_____
ivanldl start le her, and If it had not u
holy much He Knows of khr: \leafanin- vary pna•Liaulnr wlanrs .iia goes, IC ', �, mark, a sharp plain lino, between in-,�,e..�,.;,-,.,_••,.-.,,-�,...,�-.-, �..---__ �._____-..__..�..._..._-_._.__:_.,. _---..._.a,.
been for ilia kindness of , neighbor y p y anufa -ure 's
star catechism. TI; ,s religion morn- must: br.. 0, fashionable hotel. Ifo could. soaaet hilarity an (the art of .our
who aLlways came and Stayed at •
ing, noon, tu,d night. Passages of 1101'. be tempted into these rornar nniS• children incl.:L viri0us ln•oct]vity. UiO
the hbuso over night, she believes she
SrriptOre tree plastered ori the bed -room Ontlps with rncl-SCuiAed glass, nntl n net think your hogs iwilltok g(l to ruin B
11"1'11. Ile looks for t:he tiny. of the ntug of beer painted on the sign -board,
would have broken down altogether. gnat llcrutuss they Cooke n rncltst. A glum, ,, 0k%' COMING TO TORONTO
month in A religious filmnllnclt, TJvor 'You ask the. young man to She also is thankful in for ilia great. i
g• 9 Y go ani'° change that .has been ivrouglll, nnfl is unresponsive r]iil(l mNrsa the worst AND
minister iltul. comes to the '])Ouse is Hint phare, and he would say: Do form of a'villabi, Children, when they
told to i'nke 'the boy aside find talk you mean to insist'. IneV, No, iL• must only too glad to lot ol:hars with she[- ars llenll:hy, nlwnys make a racket. S moi' i� �/Pi r'r �` C��7�r. $.� d Y�°d!lNi1NCa PREMISES,
lar affilotions know that there is a
to (Tim,;+lid tell (nim what; n grant sin- be O. mnrbla-floopd bar -room, 'There want. YOU, TIT: tho very first sign of TIe-
Ant, he. is. After a while, the boy comes mast. be no lust fill pintures behind the remedy for this terrible disease. pravi(•y in Ills child to aorroo0 it. ifln - Call be accommodated with almost
to Oxgf, por[od of life when Ile. is (cc poaniter; Phara nu9t be lin drunkard Dr. Vilili'iams' Pink fills cure by go- not laugh because it is smart, if you ' r�
Old fol chnstisenieril:, and too young hiccuping while ]le taldes his. glass. It Int; to the rant at the disease. Tilay do, you will. five to ('TY because Jr Is �, ,a day ANY SIZE FLAT
to Know and feet the force of moral moat b6'a place where elegant: gent•lb- renew find build up the blood, and Imalielous, DO not talk of your chit 40 -
prinriple. I'Sliber and. mauler tare sit.- rnsn cons in and stink their r.nt glass sfa•angtban the nerves, thus driving dren's frailties 119110y in their pro- i a Vith elevator, heated, water" -all
ting up fru• Ilia )toy I'cl come home. :Ii: unit drink to the announearaent of disease from the. system. Avoid Imit- Series thinking they do not understand • coiiveiiietices and any amount of
is nine Uolock at nigh(. -ten oelock- fluttering sontiment, :[tut the ,young ul.]Ons sty insisting that evory box you you; they An understand, Do not. [.alk . ,�,
it is twelve O'plock-K is half.-pasi mn11 cannot always find glint: kind of ,purchase Is enelosed, in a wrappper ddllisparngingiy of your ebild,ninking ]nm a STEAM POWER
twelve O'ziO4k, noel they 11,,1111 Ilia (tight +, ,p)nce, yet. lin lolls m iltrat, and it hearing 1.116 full Croda mnrlt I)r, fdpl that 11Q; is a reprobate, iOa not say
koy j(nrrle in the door. They stay lin must. be grotitied, The clown grade is Williams, rink Pills for Bala boople, to �our tittle, oneir"you're the worst ', e, a_,/ b applying
is eaullilg, George Raps very Softly stmeper now, and lie Is almost: At- the .Tf your dealer does not IEeop them they all (I
I over know. It you do he tvill V a Y to
ilineugh the hall, ]loping to est: up- hot -i all, iElere thOY Sit: in an Oyster will be sent; post paid ;lit 50 cents a box lid the horst span you their knew. �,,, „,� y� - t1 1' ��( 11l(lptN(� tyP
stairs i glom hO is rlecnstodT The fa- aellitr, around. a ilard-tAble., wheozing, O.r six boxes, for $2.50 by addressing ,Are' your children Safe ,for heaven I 101 W11391 PRISON OUOIYIINI, HOW
tiler HflVst "George, whore have you pleated, and bloodshot.; witli cards SO the br, Williams, Ufidaeino Co., Brook- You 060t all better than any'tone a.lse. 79 ADELAIDE IVC TORONTO, t
been "I ' Iken out 1' Yes, he hes been greazY, you titan hardly tell who leas Ville, Out. I put to -yon Cho question it ,Aire your' r