The Brussels Post, 1898-11-18, Page 3Nov, 18, 1898
.arra cont , SCOTT,
, lusoa
v • Issuer ofafarrlaea Lloenaes. 0111oe
at ale Grocery, Turnborry Street, li rtleaols,
• Ton aerial Artlat• Shop—Next door
smith of A. 71 Me1Cay .t CO's hardware storo,
Lndtos'and culhb•ous hair cutting a epooialby
�—f, 2-:,v^Oa✓Z,s, o=w.
Issue! of Marriage Licenses,
Orrice Ate JBwoL1ix Sewn.
I "No Witness Required.
T. FLETCHER, Brussels
Clerk of the Fourtl Division Cour
Co, Huron. 0onvoyaneor, Notary Public.
Land Loan and Insurance Agent, Punda
°Mae inGratham'alBlock,Brueeolslla matte
i • non, will eon for bettor
hotter mon, in 000 timo and 1000 ohargeS
than any other Auctioneer iu Haat Huron
or he won't obargo anything. Dates and
orders can 'always
uarrango nt this °Moe
or by personal appl
Who has had 25 year's experience as au
Auctioneer, but who bad to quit owing to 01
health, bee again 'taken out license and is
prepared• to conduct salon at reasonable
terms. Satisfaction guarauteed. Dates may
he arranged at Tree P001 Publishing House.
JAS, STR00PTO aoor.
1.' • Honor Graduate of the Ontario
Veterinary College. is prepared to treat all
diseases Of 001008ti0ated animals in a com-
petent manner. Particular attention paid
to veterinaryy dentistry. Galla promptly at-
tended to. OMoe and Infirmary—Four doors
north of bridge Turnborry st„ Brussels.
• Solicibor,Conveyancer,Notary Pub -
lie, Oro. Olnoe—Vauetcue'a Block, 1 door
north of Central Hobe Solioltor for the
Standard Bank.
•Solicitor, tes, (tato of Garrow &
Prondfoot'a 01Bee, GoderiohJ ODloe over
01111ee & Smith's Bank, Brussels.
to Loan. 47
• (Formerly ,1 Cameron, n Holt &
Cuworon,) Barrister and Solicitor, site Coll,
Out, O1aoe—Hntniltou et„ Opposite col.
borne Hotel,
M.D., 0. M., Trinity University, Fellow Trin-
ity Medleal College, Member OollOge of Phy-
eloiane and Surgeons, Out. Licentiate of the
Royal college of Physicians and Licentiate
of Midwifery,Edinburgh. 1.. 1'olophone
No.14. Residnce, Mill 2., Bru00ole,
H.717., 0. M., successor to Dr. A. Molielve2,
Licentiate of Royal college of Plyo1010n0
and Surgeons, Kingston ; Member of the Col -
loge of Physicians and Surgeons of -Ontario.
Diseases of woman and children a specialty.
Eight.yoare' experience, ral'Omoe and res-
Holvey,Ruruba formerly
street, occupied
yDr20 a•
• M.B., M.D.. M.C.P.S.O.
Special attention given to 010oaso8 of the
Throat and Lungs aid diseases of Women
and children.
MateIAN, SUMMON Aim A000110HEOB,
1 Trinity
T Graduate of the
aloe of Trinity (Medical), Queen's (KinPga lloW 1
and of tfocliy Medical College, l .Follow of
TrluityMedioal tlonege and member of the
Gallo a of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontar-
io. Post Graduate Oooree in Detroit and
Special attention aid to
()Mongooses. S p
e000s of E oo, en, i se anti Throat, n Ohis-
1811 and women, Tejo ouaultatioss In Eng -
tial, and Gorman, Telephone at residence,
Loh 2A, Oen. 0,dMo1 le,l the l tor ilio oLbrotl o 011
proved Yerhebire Boar, "Oak Lodge Long-
fellow." No. 2488, bre d by J, E. Brothou0, Bur-
ford, to which a limited number of sows will
bo taken. Terms, 41,00, tobe paid at time
of service with privilege of returning if nec-
A number of chole° young sows for sale'for
brooding purposes widen will bo sold at.
mem to euib 10011T. N1OH0G, Proprietor.
P4fole. Aft". Tors Pilosphoai1'18,
rna Grant Lnglielt ,Romeda• .
Sold and recommended by ai
druggists In Canada. Only rot
able medicine discovered. Siq
packages guaranteed to cure a1
lori0e of Sexual Weakness, all effects of abut;
er omen, Mental Worry, Execesive 1100 of To.
baeeo, Opium or Sthnulants. Mailed on receipt
>f prion, one patkaga Si, 81x, $8. One tofllp00000,
`tx tot0d 0100. =Mlle t9 freo to any address,
The 'Wood Company, Windsor, Out
Sold la 13ruesel0 by G. A, DEADIIXAN,
Druggist, Bookseller es Optician,
Rent a House,
Sell house,
Secure a Scryanl,
Or, in last,
I3uy, Bell or Secure
Auylhing, is
use the
MXADS, a 11'Ilnc mvl.nt
,.car Ethos terns,
SEE Tim POST clubbing offer.
Fonneu Division Court will be hold in
Brussels on Wednesday, Deo. 6th.
QunuroTiso of baled bay are being ship-
ped from Brueoele. The price ie low.
A. 0. U. W. open Lodge on Friday
evening of this week. A good time is
NEW roof has been put on Messrs.
Ewan ,2 Innes' work shop in canna:Alen
with their Carriage Works.
BenosIrs ,business men are not easily
outdone in window dressing. Some of
the windows are very ettraotive.
Tin bntchere are fairly well supplied
those days with dressed liege by the
farmers. A lot of very prime pont.
lineage. BAN1t2B 1 VANSoONE Shipped
7,000 pounds of wool last week to Bain it
Co., who run a woollen factory at Elora.
Tno Enterprise Balt Works are running
at full blast again and shipping about a
oar a -day. There is no better dairy and
tab e salt in the country.
$1.50 Pees for Tun POST and Weekly
Globe to Jan. 1st, 1000. You cannot get
along without them for this price. Re-
member Tun Poem gives you all the local
REEVE Wilford, of Blyth, was iu town
on Saturday. He is just getting over it
runaway accident by whioh he was badly
shaken np. His Reeveehip still wears a
blank eye.
IT would not be out of place to intimate
to boys and young men that snowballing
on Turnberry street lie contrary to By-
law and renders those doing it liable to a
fine. Stop it in time and save yourselves
P01LTnx, alive, and dressed, was Dom-
ing in to J. G. Jones' emporium at euch o
lively rate last week that a halt bad to be
nailed• W. Jewitt'e canvassing of the
ooaoeosion lines and THE Pose advt; did
the busineee.
INSPECTOR Rome is having iocandeoaent
lights piaoed in ;his apartments at the
reeedenoe of J. C. Tuok. Mr. Robb is a
very systematic man'aod will have all the
modern oonvenienaee and improvements
to hid him in hie work.
WN would be pleased if the seoretaries
of the local Sooietieo would hand in all
matters of interest for publioation. As
rule the lodges are well attended dur-
ing the long Winter aveninKa, and there
is always something transpiring that is
of interest to outsiders.
No AUCTION sale within a dozen miles of
Brussels oan be properly and fnlly ad.
vertieed unless a nctioe of it appears in
THE Pose. We give such notice free to
all who get their bilis printed at the
offioe. Those who desire to got their
bilis printed elsewhere may have a notice
in THE Poen for 60o. for six linee or
under, and ten Dente for each additional
SEND a man up the street wearing a
red hat and every man, woman and child
he meets will see him and comment on
him. Why ? Because there are no other
red hats on men ; because its unnatural ;
because its o0nspiouous, strange, and
something we don't often see. Pot a red
hat on some of the features of your busi-
neee and you will hear from it.
TEN POST is the proper medium in
whioh to insert your sale notices if you
wish to reach the puhlfo of this diotriot.
Our facilities for printing bills are the
best. Presses run by steam power. To
those who get their bills printed at this
office a free notice of sale will be given in
THE POST, whioh reaches the people nom•
THE Ontario Provinoial fat stook and
dairy Show will be held at Bransford on
Nov. 80th and Deo, let and and. Over
$4,000 in oath prizes. In oonueotion the
Oxford Down Association meeting will
be held on Nov. 110011 ; publio meeting
Nov. 80th in the evening; Leicester
meeting Deo. 1st, and Dominion Swine
Breeders' mooting on Deo. 2nd.
E111011020 THE ABSENT.— Scores of
copies of THE POST are re -mailed by sub-
scribers toMende at a distance. The
postage is 52 cents a year, if mailed reg-
ularly. Its worth at toast as much
again to look up wrappers and attend to
the mailing, isn't it ? Then perhaps you
forget to mail the paper until it becomes
stale. It only poets a dollar it year to
have no seud'Toon POST regularly from
the office ofpublication. Have the
names of your absent sous and daughters
put on the list, and save money, trouble
and irregularity. Remember it's better
than a letter.
Rio Bnooncn'e KEEPEg•—We have go.
oeived from Tho Poole Printing Company,
Limited, Toronto, Ont„ a oopy of "Hie
Brother's Keeper," by Charlet M. Shell.
don, the well known author of "In His
Steps." This is nob only a delightful
Story, told in an interesting manner, but
is full Of helpfulness. One of the great.
estprobleme of the day le ably dealt with.
The thanes in the mining region are based
upon events whioh occurred during the
groat strike among the iron miner0 in the
Summer of 1895, and whioh were wltnt:w-
ed by the author. Everyone ohonld read
it, The Poole Printing Company, Limit.
ed, Toronto, have already published seven
of Sheldon'e books, and every ono is hay-
ing m very large sale, The efttes of the
othere are : "Overcoming the World,"
"The Crtoifixion of Philip Strong,"
"Robert Hardy's Seven Daye," unlebard
Bruce," and "The' Twentieth Door." For
Dale by all deeleee. Or, if your dealer
cannot supply them, any ono book will be
sent, postpaid for 25 Dente, or any six for
$1,00, by sending to The Poole Printing
Company, Limited, 28 and 80 Melinda
Street, Toronto, Ontario,
3l,stl'1ct < Cab) ,
J, 1, Ilitut shipped it oar loud of
horeoe to Manitoba.
J. G Edgar, of Bt. George, spent a few
days with hie family last week.
Joe, Wray, David Where and George
Foster have retuned home froth Mani-
v ,
Wm. Shilling, of Essex, was in town
last tvoek visiting hie etep.father, Philip
MoI ntoeh,
kira. Phos. Pierce has returned after
ependingo couple of months with friende
ill Toronto,
Mrs. Wright, of [Ismail, is visiting her
daughter, ldro. Nelson McLaughlin, of
01700 village.
Mies Maggie Simplon, of Brandon,
61an., le visiting her Dieter, hire. It, lfutb,
of the 6011 line,
George Gough has purchased Mr, But.
tery'e residence near the Methodiet
oharoh and will move hid family into it
in the near future.
The people of'Gorrie and surrounding
country will be pleased to loara that the
Gerrie photo gallery is again open under
the proprietorship of MoArter Bros.
Mrs. John Hooper has disposed of lien
dwelling on Huron street to A. E. Hooper
for the sum of $800.
Mrs. (Dr.) Wlllocghby, who has been
visiting her daughter in Arkona for some
time, returned lust week.
One day last weep a dog apparently
without an owner and supposed to be
suffering from rabies, paused considerable_
trouble in the township of Hay, the
viciou0 brute having bitten several ani•
mals and made an attach on Mies North.
ootl, daughter of John Northoott, and in-
flicted an ugly wound. Fearing it might
result seriously, MiesNorthpott was
to Chicago, where she will undergo treat-
ment in one of the hospitals. Dr.
Browning's horse woe among the animate
bitten. The dog has oioco been shot.
Lost week death removed another of
Stephen's earliest and highly respected
residents in the person of William Henry
Sanders, of the 3rd con., who died on
Monday at the age of 60 years, 5 months
and 5 days. The deceased was a native
of England, having been born in Exeter,
in the year 1818. Early in life he left
the Old Country and came to Canada
with hie patents, first settling in the oily
of London, whore they resided only for a
short time, and afterwards removed to
the township of Stephen, where he has
made his home ever Once, having con.
tiouously resided on the one farm for
about 55 years. He was a Conservative
in politica, and an adherent of the Epis-
oopalian oharoh. He was a kind and
good neighbor, and will bo much missed
in the community in which he resided.
Ile has not been in robust health for
some time, suffering from pulmonary
trouble, and the last few months of his
illnees sank very rapidly. He leaves a
large family—seven sons and four daugh-
ters—to mourn hie demise. His remains
were interred in the Exeter cemetery.
The family have the sympathy of a large
oircle of frieuds,
Mr. Nichols, of Berlin, is to remain
here as choir leader at St. Peter's church.
An Joe Craig wart walking on stilts the
other day, be stumbled and in falling fell
arms the result being a bad
, K
Jameson Reid has been awarded the
contract to build the new 80 foot chimney
at the organ factory for the Goderieh Or-
gan Co.
The granoli0hic waike ordered by the
town council, finished last week, are a
great improvement to the British and
MoLean blocks.
Inside of the past week or two sever-
al gangs of young soampe have done con•
siderable damage to property in the way
of tearing down fences, taking off gates
etc. in different parte of the town.
North street Methodist church in a few
weeks will bo lighted with the new
illuminant, acetylene gas. Fileiuger t&
Robinson have the contract of putting
in the plant, and now have the machine,
an 80 -light one, mauufaobured at Dundas,
at their store.
Before Judge Masson, a further in.
veotigatiou was held in the oa0e of Helen
Bowler, of Ashfield, who was committed
to gaol on the oharge of lunacy. After
the hearing of evidence Mies Bowler
was remanded to gaol to be further dealt
Robb. S. Robertson, son of our towns-
man, W. Robertson, is commenoing the
practice of law ab is
with. John
Idington, Q. 0., Crown Attorney for the
county of Perth. Mr. Robertson some
yearn ago studied law with Garrow R
Proudfoot, of Goderieh, and since then
has been in the office of A. M. Rose,
county ooart clerk of York, at Toronto.
The firm of Idington & Robeeteou wf11
date from the let of December.
We are sorry to have to annouaoe the
departure of JameS Bdmoneton mud
fancily of lot 14, con. 2, Goderieh Town.
thin, who intend leaving this week to re.
side at Riverside, Cal. We hope they
will find prosperity in their new home,
but will nob fail to keep a place in their
memories for Huron county and its
people. Mr. Ednioneton has rented his
80.eare farm to Geo, Warner, of Clinton,
at 125 a year and t
rues a low rental
Anniversary and Thanksgiving servi-
ces will be held in Victoria street Metbo.
diet church on the 20th of this mouth.
Rev. B. Clement, of Ontario street Meth-
odist absin h, Olintou, will preach morn-
ing and evening, and a platform meeting
will be held on the Monday evening fol.
lowing, at whioh popular addreooeo will
be delivered' by Revs. 11., Millyard, of
Clinton ; W. Rigsby, of Blyth, President
of the London Conference ; J. Wilson,
B. 4,, of North street, and J. A. Antler.
eon, B. A,, of Knox church. Special
mueio will be rendered by the choir and
The North St, Methodist Quarterly
Board mot on Tueedoy evening of last
week. Tho financial report was very en.
oauraging. The Board elected by ballot
the following Stewards for the entitling
year ; S. P. Walls, R. W. McKenzie, J.
Reid, J. Stokes, Jos. Whitely, W. R.
Robertson and W. Pridham. Mr. IIatle
was nnaminously elected to the office of
recording steward. The Board appoint.
od A, Farrow, G. Acheson, N, Nott, J,
Acheson end J, P. Brown to represent io
as members of the Managing Committee
of the Sunday Bohool, and W. R. Robert•
son and R. W. Mckenzie to audit the
ohhrah accounts for the year,
The following etudents of Goderieh
Model Bcbool have aesnrod sehoola for
1000 —Allen ,teokell, at Thames Road ;
if, Lane, In Btephon ; N. Finkbeiner, at
Sbipha ; Miss Whiddnn, at Bayfield;
W. II. Rogers, at
Mre, Wm. Stewart, while leaving Knox
churoh on Sunday evening of last week,
infsoalanlatetl the depth of ono of the
steps she was passingdown, and fell to
the ground with considerable force. The
it just
ad foil on her loft arm breaking 1
1 1
1 i
above the wrist,
It is expected that Rev. Donald Nfe-
Giliivray is now sato at hie own mission
in Ronan, China, as he anticipated being
there two or three weeks eine°, Itis loot
letter was dated the "lied Sea," and while
in the Suez canal lie saw Mounts 101oriah
and Sinai. On the overland journey he
made a ehort stay in Home and inepeoted
the scored manuscripts there, and in-
tended to matte a short stay in India be.
fore proceeding to his finnan home.
I Patrick Murphy, a former resident of
Huron County, was burned to death in
J, N. Vonamburg, of Lakeview, fell
from a tree while pinking apples thud died
from his injuries.
7 1
Frank ford, of the legal firm of Dell
ton, Dodds tk Ford, has been apppoin0ed
to the pooition of private secretary to the
Attorney -General made vacant by the ap,
of the nett' Ile ries tinent of fi, T. branoh of the Oo ae ntario
ofvil service.
Fuliy six thousand 050rteme0 are now
ranging the northern bunting grounds in
chaos of doer, Tbis is the eotimate of
(thief Gatno Warden Tinsley, based upon
the number of Hammes farmed ibis season
to hunters and eettlors. This ofliclal
further oak:elates that each of these 6,000
sportsmen kill at least one deer on an ay.
erage. Notwithstanding this great an-
nual onslaught on the deer of Muskoka,
Warden Tinsley says they are increasing.
The clearing of large timber tracts and
their replacement in the oouree of nature
by thiok undergrowth le one of the prime
factors in the increaee, for it not only
affords protection to the deer in places
impenetrable by huntsmen, but also
gives them a better supply of food. No.
body can gaage the vast number of deer
in the north, as they are scattered over
such a wide dietriet.
The T wenty.fivo Club has been re•or•
Between twenty and thirty oar loads of
walnut lumber aro expected:at the factory
during the next few weeks,
Tax Oollootor Wheatley has already re.
oeived nearly $1,000, or about one•twelfth
of the entire eum to be collected.
Reeve Kennedy got a nerdy tumble by
Mopping on a stone, which turned with
him and threw him violently to the
The ladies of the Women's Missionary
Society of Willis aura, presented the
wife of their esteemed pastor with an
autograph quilt.
Amos cooper, for several years a faith-
ful employee of Taylor & Son, and a
zealous member of the Salvation Army,
will leave town in a oouple of weeps to
travel with the army marine band.
On Sunday evening of last weak as
Rev. W. Wade was ooming out of Willie
obnroh, the wind swung one of the large
doors shut and it oaught one of his j,fn-
gers; fortunately the bone was not
broken, but the wound was a painful one.
A few days einoe Mrs. J. Brickenden
met with a painful and unusual accident
from the effects of whioh she is just re-
covering. She was passing along the
street, when a stone, thrown by a boy nt
some other object, hit her on the heel.
haat her shoe and inflicted 00 deep a
wound on her foot that she has been tan.
able to leave her room since, and is only
now beginning to have the use of her
Hanan or REyoaa.—Thomas Matthews,
of MoKillop, aged 05, died Tuesday of
last week ; the remains were interred at
Iriehtowo cemetery. Mrs. Williams, a
Brussels inmate, had the misfortune to
Blip on the floor of the Bitting room and
break her leg the other day. John Choi -
well, Godericb, was admitted as an in-
mate last week, for the eeeond time ;
three years ago he ran away from this
house, and on the 5th of Oot. he ran away
from Perth House of Refuge.
The series of union evangslistio services
which have been conducted at Clinton by
Rev. Messrs. Crossley and Hunter for the
past four weeks, were brought to a most
successful close Tuesday evening of last
week by great gatherings in the two
Methodist churches. As a result of these
services, whioh were supported by the
Preebyterian, Methodist and Baptist
churches, there has been an awakening
of interest in spiritual thinge in that town.
and the country for miles around eueh as
had not been experienced
here for many
Over three hundred persons ex-
pressed a desire to lead a Ohrietian life.
For the next six months the evangelists
will be engaged in revival work in the
United States, after whioh they will
likely go to Stratford.
Presbytery of Huron met in Willis
ohnrah on Tuesday, of teat week. The
clerk reported that all the grants asked
for weak congregations within the bounds,
had been allowed in the meantime. De-
putations appointed to visit aid•reoeiving
congregations reported favorably of those
oongregations whioh had been visited.
Messrs. Glen and Ketohen were certified
as students for the ministry to the senate
of Knox college. The recommendation of
the General Assembly that a missionary
oommittee be appointed in each congre-
gation to secure subscriptions to all the
sohemes of the church was approved.
The Sabbath School committee recom-
mended that instead of holding a Sabbath
School convention next year, one session
of the convention of the Young People's
Sooioby of Christian Endeavor be devot-
ed to the consideration of Sabbath School
work. The treasurer's book was audited
and a balance of 5182.60 reported.
Canadian News.
The steamer Northern Belle was burn -
ea near Byng inlet.
Montreal is threatened with an epi.
demic of disease because the Health Com-
mittee has stopped removing garbage
everywhere, as its appropriation is
Lord William Seymour, Commander in
Chief of the forose in British North
America, is reported to have pronounced
the transport facilities provided for the
Halifax garrison inadequate.
ienb.•Col, Ir the ofitoer in Irvine,
mond of the militia at Halifax, is report.
ed to have been summoned to Ottawa to
bake part in a oonferenoe of militia officers
upon defence problems.
Mrs. Alex. Munro, of Woodstock, will
be 102 years old in December, She is
bed ridden, but otherwise retains all her
faculties. She never had a doctor and
never wore glasses. Her husband has
been dead 18 years and was 84 when he
I3ugh Hooper, his two eieter0, of Kings-
ville and Fred White and Charlie Ba rnee
of Pelee Island left Kingsville in a email
boat for Pelee Island. The boat drifted
ashore at the island with the dead body
of Barnes, and it is almost certain that
the other four perished.
The death of Dr. Milton Youmans, of
St. Catharines, Thursday moraingttoolt
Oboe under very peculiar and distressing
circumstances. Last Wednesday a oone-
ebaped piece of glass got into his throat
while he was partaking of a dish of apple
sauce at hie supper. The gime got into
the sugar and into the apple sauce uunot.
iced, and was not noticed by him until it
got down his throat. The doctor ()aught
hie throat firmly with ilia lingers, and
prevented the glass from getting any
!nether down, and then he sueeeeded in
working It slowly out. The edges of the
pleee were short and the operation of ex.
treating it lacerated the throat badly.
Iris oondition grew gradually worse, and,
although several phyeielans were called
in, the sufferer passed away as stated,
Brussels Older Mill and
Apple Butter Factory, Mill
street, has been overhauled
and is now ready for oper-
Fetch on your Apples.
Terms Reasonable.
Satisfaction Guaranteed.
Cleo, Edwards, • Prop.
Will maRO'
a well noart
of YOIT 1'
P1C0e1 P0000005 Ton AeOrn
1188111.113114 POUR W0500,
PI0001 cure. all Nervous Diseases. Sleepless.
nem, Sailing Memory, Nightly Emlesc000, Sperms.
torrb00n, Impotency, eta., canned by Past u sea•'
quickly but surely rroetormen LOST Mammon in old
or young UmP0008I and you wm grow etrosg
00d happy again. Sent by mall la plain wrapper
carrried in pockdee from
observation. Peaed°°,, di
carried Sand 000007 10 either o Inarryy or ,000qrU�qtan
Ohl lepptte8rr•, Addreas ell 100080, to S. T. Pr the Do,
minion of Canada oc,r, ONT,. Agent 10 the 00•
Lumber and Shingles
First althea Cedar Shingles,
$.60 per square
Sawa -ohne " 00
Maple Flooring $10 00 to $16 00
Aeh, all kinds 10 00 10 00
Pine 14 00 18 00
Custom Sawing and Planing
done on shortest notice.
Bilis cut to order.
You will find the prices right
at the Ethel Saw Mill.
System Renovator
For Impure, Weak and Impoverished
Blood, Dyspepsia, Sleepleeeness, Palpita-
tion of the Heart, Liver Complaint,Nenr-
algia, Loss of Memory, Brouahitis, Con-
sumption, Gall Stones, Jaundice, Kidney
and Urinary Diseases, St• Vitus' Dance,
Female Irregularities and General De-
and Manufacturer,
Sold by 306, Foa, Drugglsq BrieeN018.
Real Estate 86 Loan
Money to Loan on Farm Secur-
ity at the Lowest Rate
of Interest.
Money Loaned on Notes and
good Notes Discounted. Sale
Notes a Specialty.
Fire & Life Insurance Written,
Special Attention given to
Ofilee over Deadman'e Drug Store,
Prepare for
Wet Weather & Cold Feet
WE' HAvr A I
Boots, Shoes and, Slippers,
►ubbers an& Overshoes,
and our object in writing this notice is that we may sell you what
you require in these lines, and our prices for them are down to the
Lowest Notch.
—We have also special value in Men's T-ieavy Long Boots at
$2.25 for a first-class split, well made and solid, good wearing stook.
—Our Whole Stock and also the good Grain, both lines of
which we highly recommend, are great value at $3,00.
No Fancy Prices. Everything Cheap.
Alex. Strachan.
Important to
It will pay you to place your order
with us for
i1 z +�g,lh„
'��+ Rus
minfax ��J Gq =TO.,
early this season. As proprietors of the largest Nurseries in the
Dominion (over 700 acres), we are able to speak advisedly.
Give a hearing to our Agent when he calls.
Pears are bringing large prices in the English market. Do you
grow any ? If not, allow our representative to tell you why we can
furnish superior pear trees, and then give hint a trial order.
We can utilize the services of a few good men to sell our goods.
Demand for our Stock is heavier than ever. Supplies furnished
free and our agents paid weekly..WELLINGTON,
returns her thanks to the Ladies
of Brussels and vicinity for their
patronage at the Millinery Open-
ing and solicits a continuance of
their favors.
A Specialty made of
Mourning Goods.
Dress and"--"Nr-
nd'firMantle Making.
Special attention given to
this Department and Satisfaction
Latest Fashion Sheets.
Stretton Block, Brussels. BRUSSELS WOOLLEN MILL.
Call and see our
stook of
She etings,
Wool, Hides, Butter and Eggs
taken in exchange.
Carding, Spinning,
Weaving, Knitting, etc,
Promptly attended to
at the
And then throw away this paper before you oonolude you are losing
good money bynot buying
K your
prepared to supply every person with Dairy Cans
Pails, Milk Pane and Tinware off all kinds at prices according taquality,
to Graniteware of all kinds.
Having put in a stook of Spades, Shovels
Yorke, Seo., of the best quality we solid
your Patronage.
Paint Your House with the best weather and water
proof Paint in the market. We Sell it.
Screen Doors and Windows on hand and made to order.
The best line of Cook Stoves to choose from.
. 'avetrouhinj ancZ Repairing,
promptly attended
N. B,—Wait for our wagon, it will call on you for your track in it
few days. •
�GCTi�ton & Turnbull