The Brussels Post, 1898-10-7, Page 8is
Aimoet in every buaineas there are
certain lines of goods that from want of
being shown or from other aaueea remain
unsold. Or it may be that the whole -
eater has been over.atooked and the wive
meroltant taking advantage of it has
bought at a reduaticn. With this in view
we have decided to bave what we oall
"Our Bargain Table"
on whish will be planed Genuine Bar-
gains. This week we have a line of
Photograph Albums at 25a. which were
originally from 411 to 92 eaoh. We bave
also an assortment of Books, some et half
price. The line includes some paper
bound ones whittle when bound in sloth
range from 85a. to 75o.; these we offer at
5o. eaoh. They are all good reading.
Any Sabbath Sobool buying these are
supplied with envelopes and library Dards
and nen have a large library at a small
ooe1. Don't miss these bargains.
G. A. Deadman,
Druggist, Optician & Bookseller.
eODTneaN ExTENeION w. Cl. & E.
Trains leave Brussels Station, North
and South, as follows:
GootaSolTM, GomallonTlr.
tlxpress..,7:16 a.m.I Mail x•10 p.m
/fixed 9:45 sae, Express 10:10 p.m
root Etivs ono,
A oliiel'e amang ye takin' notes,
An' faith he'll prent it.
Mnamisti Openings.
EAST Huron Fall Fair.
Tun Pose gives the news.
QMNaEAT this (Friday) evening.
GOAL is being delivered for Winter use.
"Ur SNE slsss"—TBE Pose subscription
MACBY in Town Hall next Tuesday
Fannon Division Court was held here
on Tuesday before Judge Doyle. Light
A. annexe Foot Ball olub should be
organized in town. We haus a lob of
good kiokere.
Goorsu Gonne took the red tioket with
his dandy roadster team at Goderioh and
Belgrave Fall Fairs last week.
Doi'r forget the concert in the Town
Hall on Friday evening. Fine program.
Plan of Hall at Fox's drug store, Toron-
to talent.
LAST Friday John Donaldson, of Brus-
sels, took 1st prize for doable harness
and a similar award for single barneee at
the Belgrave Fair.
MEssne. EwAN & Lune won both 1st
and 2nd prizes for siugla buggies and
putters at Blyth Fall Show on Wednes-
day. The past record ie being welt
Mnana000 heaters are plentiful. The
most of than appear to be able to tell the
difference between the article desired and
the more oommon toad stool without eat-
ing to get the information.
Cam or TeeNse.—Alex, Forsyth and
family beg leave to tender their sincere'
thanks to the many people who accorded
them sympathy and assistance during
their recent bereavement.
PEo»LE are bard to suit in this Goan.
try. One day they complain of the heat
and the next they jaw about the cold.
The Clerk of the weather would have a
ditleoult task if he tried to please them.
W. H. McCatannx sent exhibits to
three Fall Fairs on Wednesday of tbie
week with the following results :—Ford•
wioh, 22 prizes ; Atwood, 22 ; and Blyth,
34, 78 in all. Not bad for three faire on
one day.
DIED.—Jae. Brae, the oldest resident
of Peel township, died suddenly Wednee-
day of last week. He was returning
from Glenallan with his eon when he
suddenly complained that he felt unwell,
and inside of a minute he was dead.
Deceased was a brother of the late Alex.
Bruce, formerly of Brussels,
Ae a meeting of the Trustee Board of
the Methodist church on Wednesday
evening live applications were presented
for the position of sexton of the ahuroh
and ouretaker of the cemetery. John
Wright was chosen and will assume the
duties on Nov. let. The Finance Com.
mittee was deputized to draw up a new
form of agreement, outlining duties, &n.,
to be signed by the Chairman of the
Board and appointee. Mr. Wright bas
bad considerable experience in the plass
of work he will be oalled to perform and
should fill the bill. Mr. Armstrong, his
predecessor, left a good record after 7
years engagement.
Cowasnr.—At the concert in the Town
Hall, Brussels, this (Friday) evening the
following program will be preeented:—
Piano Bolo, aeleoted, Miss Dora Auger ;
song (deeoriptive) "The Ship I Love,"
John E. Tutton ; reading, "Saunders
MaLaehin'e Conrtehip," Mise Annie Sny-
der ; solo, "Sing On," Mrs. Seymour
Hembly ; solo, "Song of the Blacksmith;'
John E Tutton ; reading, "Queen Vaehti's
Lament," Mise Annie Snyder (in ma
fume) ; solo, "Una Voce Poco Fa," Mrs.
Seymour Hambly ; song story, "Their
Heads nestled closer together," Sohn E.
Turton ; reading, "Widow Tubba at the
Sewing Cir°le," Mies Annie Snyder (in
ocatume) ; duet, "Life'e Dream ie O'er,"
Mrs• Seymour Hambly and John E, Tur-
ton. Miss Dora Anger, Aoaompaniet.
Connell.—Tho attention of ail is drawn to
the following facts :—Purohasers of
Gonne Tickets have a deoided preference
in reserving Beate, havieg up to three
days before eanb concert in which to
make selections. Those purchasing
Course tickets get their reserved teats for
25 cents for oath oonoert, wbile the
pulllio will pay 85 Dents. Those holding
Course tiokets 00111 bring them to the
plaoe whets plan of Hall is and on pies.
mita:ion of it will obtain their teserved
seat Haute. The plan for the Macey
Conaart, the first of the amine. is 0000
open for the holders of came bieloats at
At Fox's drug store, Entertainment will
be held on Tuesday evening. Everybody
should hear Mr. Maley as he slat no peer
in Gong er story.
VOTERS' Lfet Court for Brneaele on
Wednesday, 19th inst.
QUITE a number from this locality at.
tended Blyth Fair on Wednesday.
WANTED.—A boy to learn the baking
bneitees, Apply to Geo. Thomson.
TEE higheet cash market prise will be
paid for Wee, sheepskins and furs by
Thos, Bloomfield, Brussels,
S11ien & lt'IgLAoag's speedy paper,
"Barney" won let money et Seaforth on
Tuesday in the tape for gentlemen's
drivers in connection with their Full
Fair program.
them to a quorum not being present
the council meeting was not held ou
Tuesday evening. The Reeve was at
Fordwiah Fair. Connell will meet next
Monday evening,
11. L. Jeegsote, of this plena, tools part
in a oonoerb at Belgrave ou -Thursday
evening of last week, It was under the
auspices of the Agricultural Sooieby and
was well attended.
Oven 100 reserved seats sold for the
Maxey Concert text Tuesday evening
already, See the Oommittee :tad name
a ticket for the Oonree, wbioh includes
five flrsb•alaes entertainments.
&Cue. HAoIDLY, Mrs. Snyder and Mr.
Tenon, who gives the concert in the
Town Hall on Friday evening of this
week, are being greeted with bomber
houses. Don't fail to bear them. Re-
served seats on sale at Fox's drug store.
Tun new bake oven ab Councillor
Tbomeon's bakery is completed and with
the enlargements and improvements
made will add to the 000750ieuoe of all
concerned. The oven is built ou• the
moat modern plan designed by a Toronto
Tis first of the series of enterbammente
in cooneation with Citizens' Coarse will
be held in the Town Hall on Tuesday
evening of next week, inst., when
Mr. Macey, of New York, will supply the
program, He is a great entertainer as
was evidenced by the hearty reception he
received in Breese's ou a former visit.
S. B. SAME ,made a good job of re-
pairing the bleak recently damaged by
fire and by hard work and oarefnl man•
agement the plasm looks quite trim again.
He also snooesded in holding his tenants
and Mira Roddick and Ito. Davie are
now 000upying their respective stores
once more. Some folks thought S. B.
did not know how to work but he de-
monstrated that be is a hustler.
BAD ACOIDENT.—Goedon Farrow, the
9•year"old son of John M. Farrow, rail.
way mall clerk, met with an sooident
near the Burwell street crossing of the
Grand Trunk, London, Thureday.night
of last week, which may result in his
death, Jest how the accident happened
appears to be somewhat of a mystery,
The boy left his home at the corner of
Burwell and ISing streets early in the
evening, and some time later, between 8
and 9 o'alook, he was seen pleylog with
another lad in the vicinity of the eros.
sing. It is eopposed that he was running
aorose the tracks, when he was struck by
the yard engine, and had his left arm
torn from the ehanider. The oriee of bbe
little fellow attracted the attention of the
watcbman, and he was taken to the
shanty at ]Maitland street, where he was
made as comfortable as possible until the
amdutance and Dr. Drake arrived. He
was taken to the hospital and it was
found that the arm bad been almost
completely severed from the body, a
small strip of flesh alone holding it.
The hospital staff held out little hopes of
the lad's reoovsry. He is living yet, how-
ever altbongh in a very weak oondielon.
A portion of the shoalder blade and part
of the collar bone had to be removed in
dressing the badiy broieed shoulder,
The young lad is a grandson of Post.
master Farrow, of Brussels. We hope
Gordon will weather the blast all right.
EITnateAL, — Last Wednesday after-
noon a goiet wedding took plane at the
residence of Rev. Wm. Norton, Brussels,
when his estimable daughter, hiss Olive,
was united it marriage to Albert E. Tre•
leaven, of Dungannon, in the presence of
a small company. The bride was pre-
sented by her father and the ceremony
was performed by Rev. R. J. Treleavao,
of Brantford, brother to the groom, as•
listed by Rev. S. J. AIiin, of Brussels.
Little Misses Mayfrid Allis and Beatrioe
Goebel, neatly attired in white, perform.
ed the duties as maids of honor with
neatness and dispatch. The bride wore
a very pretty ooetnme of Frenah Vigour.
!aux, silk and wool, and parried a bouquet
of netual flowers. Her travelling suit
was fawn cloth with brown senor bat.
After congratulations the guests eat down
to a neatly prepared lunobeon after which
Mr. Treleaven and bride left for their
home ab Dungannon where a reception
was accorded them that evening. Mrs.
Treleaven was the recipient of a goodly
number of useful and valuable presents.
The parlor in which the marriage mere.
mony took plane was neatly decorated
with flowers and myrtle. During the
tesidenee of Mrs. Treleaven in Brussels
she proved to be a moat ono:meetel and
faithful worker in the Epworth League,
Sabbath eohool and ohuroh choir. It in•
strumsntal mesio and training the youth
for entertainments she was smelled by
few and at public and social gatherings
she was always a favorite on aunonnb of
her ability as a pianist or accompanist
and her willingness to do bar part. Tee
Pose joins with relatives and friende in
wiehing Mr. and Mrs. Treleaven many
happy, prosperous yeare,
J. T. Rose Sundayed at Kincardine.
Mre. Gomer Green is visiting relatives
in Michigan.
Chao. Sager, of Galt, was in town on
MIN Edith Eastman is visiting rein•
Lives in Detroit,
George Leckie, 0f Wroxeter, was in
town last week.
Miss Maggie Meadowa is home from
London on a visit,
Mra, Freeman, of Seaforth, i5 visiting
in Brassele and locality.
Airs. McGuire and Mrs, Sills, of Wing.
ham, are vieitina Mrs, Geo. Rogers.
Richard T, Hinaston and A, Ooueley
Were in Goderioh tike week as Jurors.
Jae, Pinder, wife and obildren, of
Sbaffa, were palling on old friende in
town last week,
114Sra. Funaton and Mise Ella have re.
burned from an extended visit with rola.
Rea In Bruce 00.
Alae. MolSielay has returned horns to
Alton after a vieib with her daughter,
Mrs, 0. Grimoldby.
Mrs. Wm. Anderson, of Cheeley, is
visiting her sister, leire. Neil Matauoh•
lin, for re week or go,
Jno, Mo0rae and family moved this
week to the residence recently purohaeed
from Mre, 10, C, itogore.
THE 1 Eti SS.r.,i'LS POST
Mrs. T.1'lebohar le enjoying a holiday
visit with her sons Bussell and Reginald,
111 Obioago for a week or so.
Mrs, E. W. Maleont and Cortin are
beak from a pleasant shay with relativee
and friende at Ibiiloltell and looaliby.
Mrs. R. Paul is laid np with a sprained
ankh, 000asioued by a mis•step in the
garden. We hope she will anon be better.
James Bm'geas, who wan laid Beide fur
several weske, is eble to geb al>ant again
although badly up to 0900ert piboh yet.
George•the•Hatter was town this week.
He dons not appear to be working any
harder for Prohibition than on former
Will, Sample is holidaying here for to
week. He has been in London tall Sum"
mer working with It. G. Wilson, former-
ly of Brussels.
Doo. Warwick was a judge at the
speeding contests iu commotion with
Wingham Fair. Do. Moore was a jadgs
at Belgrave Fair.
3t:. Soli, of Loaknow, formerly of
Brussels, bas been confined to bed for bhe
past 10 months. His old friends here
would be glad to hear of his improvement
in health.
Word was received this week from
Sault Ste. Marie, Ont:, to the offset that
T. A. MoLanohlio, tesober, who event
there a month or so ago, is 111.
Mre. Carrie, who has been visiting her
parents, Welter Smith and wife, for
some months, left for her home in British
Oolnmbia on Thursday of this weak.
We with her a safe return.
Dr. 32albfleisoh shows very little int.
provementin health and unless a marked
ohange for the better tame plane soon a
epeoie list from Toronto will be secured.
The Doctor's teeny friende wish him a
speedy reoovsry.
Tun Pose welcomes back to town Miss-
es Jaauet and Maggie Soott, who have
spent the peat few moeths with relatives
and friends in Scotland. They enjoyed
their trip very much but think there is
no plane like home after all. The ladies
came back by the same Allan steamship
—tbe Parisian—they went on.
ClIUltelll CUMIN.
Huron County Convention of 0. E. &
S. S., Exeter, June 20th and 21st. 1899.
A Protestant monastery is being erected
by the Duke of Newcastle, who ie a strong
High Ohurobman, at East Markham, in
The Rev. W. T Olnff closed his minis -
bey at Tborndale on Sunday night and
left for his new pariah at Strabhroy. We
with the reverend gentleman oo0tinued
Moe, (Rev.) Allis was at Goderioh this
week attending the annual meeting of
aha London Conference W, F. M. S.,
Methodist ahureb. She represented
Brussels Auxiliary.
Next Sabbath morning there will be a
special servioe in Melville Church for the
young people. The Higher Religious Io-
atraotioo medals, prizes and diplomas
will be presented.
The Women's Missionary Society of
the London Conferenoe met in
North area Methodist Church on Oa.
tober 4th, 5th and 6th. Between 80 and
90 delegates were present,
Don't forget the Relly Sunday exer.
Oiae5 in aonueobion with the Methodist
Sunday School next Sabbath afternoon
at 2.30 o'clook. Interesting and in.
strnotive program. Parente cordially
Rev. John Scott, D. D., principal of
the "Toyo Biwa Galtko," or Methodist
college of Tokio, Japan, was unanimously
obosen superintendent of tite Japan
mission. Hie appoinbment is for four
years. Dr, Scott went to Japan in 1894,
His former charge was at Wingbam Ont.
France having banished the name of
God from oertain school -boons, says the
Advanoe, has now decided to erase re-
cognition of God from her coin. It is said
that the director of French coinage has
ordered the omission in furture from all
opine of the motto, "Dieu protege Franca"
"May God protect France." More recog-
nition of God in national and individual
affairs is what France needs to make her
truly great.
According to a statement prepared by
Rev. Dr. Strong, the missionary societies
of the United States, Great Britain,
continental Europe. Asia, Africa, and
Anebralla number 249, with 4,094 stations
and 15,200 out -stations. There are 11,695
missionaries, 64,299 native laborers, and
1,121,699 communicants. There are
913,478 persons under instruotion, and
the income of all these Oonnbrfe5 is
PROVINCIAL 0. E.—The Coming Prey.
innial Convention at Hamilton Ocboder
11, 12 and 13. The Endeavours of
Hamilton are sparing no pains to make
the meetings there a splendid saooess.
They are devising liberal things, and we
trust that by liberal thinge they shall
stand. They are aoting in the spirit of
their beloved city, which well merits the
title, the Ambitious city. With open
handed generosity they are inviting every-
body in the shape of an Endeavorer, who
oan dome. They are not afraid of an
army of 2,000 going in upon them. They
expect a large assembly bbore. Let every
county send its county banner tool For
the meetings—the Drill Hall --the largest
available place has been procured.
Judging from the musioal provision for
the last oonvenbion which was of a high
order, and bad a great deal of the best
work put into It —this yeare convention
will net be behind. It Cs in the handa of
a master Wm. T. Robinson, who has
a body of singers in training which will
give a treat which will long be remember
ed with delight. The program too bas
some notable features. The Rev Elmore
Flarris, of Toronto, will give two Bible
etudies on "The Fallneso of Blessing"
and "The Abounding Life". Faze round
table oonfersnoesdealing with the real
worst by the members of the Sooiobies
will be held. The jollier Societies will
have two sessions all their own apart
from the regular meetings—one for a
aahool of methods and the other far a
junior rally, Many well known 0, E,
wotkers will epsak. Dr. F. 32. Clark of
Beaton is fully expected, and an address
is looked for /tom Sir Oliver Iliowab,
Lieut,•Governor of Ontario. Evangelic.
tie eervioea will be held in the faobories,
eta. Altogethera grand meeting is look.
ed for.
By invitation from Melville Endeavor -
ere, a weak from next Sabbath evening
the Epworth League of the Methodist
aural will join band& with them in
Melville liberal) at the oonolueion of the
regular preaching eervioea when the topic
"Oar Society work and how to barter rt"
will be dimmed. A profitable meeting
should be the revolt es the subject is of
epeeiel interest to every member of bah
Rev. A. II. ISippan, who resigned the
paetarate of the lerosbyberi,u °Minis et
Tara, in order t0 regain health in the
South, was prmeotbed with a poise of 575
and an address by the oougregabion.
TI1e young sten of Tern gave hint it gold -
beaded aauo, and rile ladies of the ohereh
presented Mre, Kippan with 40 addroae
and en autograph quilt.
Epworth Lettgue annlversery sermons
will be preaelial next Sabbath morlting
et 10.10 o'oloak, itt the Methodist church
here by Rev. Wm. Godwin, of Goderioh.
The ettme gentleman will aloe deliver ad.
drawee at the Badbetlt Selma' Rally in
the afternoon and at the pletfor;ot meet•
ing in the evening. Rev. Mr. Allis will
preach at Goderioh.
HAnvIsy Hoots.—trarveat Home ea.
vlae8 were held in St. John's aburolr,
Brussels, loot Sunday and were of a
specially interesting character. The
aharoh was very neatly and appropriately
decorated. In failing to secure a clergy.
man from a distance the motor was call-
ed upon to cantina the eervioea and he
did it with credit to himself and pleasure
to the congregations. In the morning
the text wag Jeremiah 5 24 and the even-
ing disoouree followed 0,1t the seine idea
of liarvest thanksgiving. During the
offertory at the evening 8809709 Jae.
Jotes rendered the solo in good style,
"Raiee nee Josue." The Harvest Home
dinner on Monday evening was served in
the Town Hall and wag a decoded WIC.
Mese. It was well patronized. 1i Hendee
as well as neaeessr>ts were at •ed with
an abundance of fowl. After tel. came a
oboioe and well rendered pr•.:•,ern eon.
sliding of the following :—Olterus, "The
Land of the Maple," by Company ; solo,
Kin Nellie Campbell ; reading, . A.
Hawking ; solo, J. H. Oareeru.> ; violin
and piano duette, II. L. Jaeitsou and
Miss Jean MoLauohlit ; reading, Mre.
Harry Jatnes; mlaioal glaeees, Mrs. and
Miss Sage, the well known performers,
of Walton ; reading, Rev. Mr, Abey ;
Bolo, Mies Ethel Campbell ; remake by
Rev, 11r. Abey who 000npied the obair.
Mies MoLauchlin prodoieutly prsaided at
the piano, The proceed totalled nearly
950.00 and will be devoted to the Rectory
fund. We are not wide of the mark in
stating that the ladies of St, John's
church are workers in every sense of the
word and have a record for services ren-
dered both pleasing and profitable to the
ahuroh. Their efforts are ably seconded
by Rey. and Mts. Abey.
Business Locals.
JUST received a oar 0f oatmeal to ex-
change for oats. Beaker & Vaostone,
A Goon opening for an enterprising
dress maker. Rooms over Mrs. Kirk's.
OoomonTARLE house and good lot for
ante on Alexander street, Brussels. Ap.
ply to Jae. Walker.
Weeenn, Dried apples, butter, eggs
and poultry. Highest prices. Big stook
to select from. G. E. King, Wiugham.
BAsxsu & VANer0NE have just received
one ear load of potatoes. Farmers wieb-
iug to get potatoes now is your time to
get them from the our. Thee° are firat-
olass potatoes.
HALE DRESSING.—litre, Taylor wishes to
inform the Indies of Brussels and vicinity
that she will be here for the next two
weeks doing np hair out of the hair comb•
logs, alto shampooing. Hours from 5 to
S p. m. Satisfaction gaarauteed. A oall
solicited, All orders left at the residence
of Watson Ainley will be promptly
attended to. Mits. TAYLOR.
HANDso:us, beacttital and beacming are
the styles of hair goods as prodnced by
Prof. Dorenweud this season. The Fall
styles of bauge, wigs, fronts, switches,
&o., are marvels of beauty stud every lady
ehou d see them. In a few minutes the
Prof. can demonstrate wbab constitutes
the essential poluts in tt handsome
woman. As he has increased territory
to cover he cannot visit here as often as
heretofore, so call on him now at the
Ameriaan Hotel on Thursday, Oct. 1311.
A Paxaomass DIaoovnoz.—"Soak and
Swab" is an infallible, painless and non-
poisonous remedy for the ours of Cancer,
Cartilaginous Uloers, Sore Throat and a
variety of skin diseases. It °urea oanoer
in any part of the body where the liquid
oan reach it. Send for circular plfving
instructions bow to apply the liquid.
Sold at 60o. per pint and 300. per half
pint bottle. MoL2on'a LABORATORY, Godes
rich, f... -Sold by Jas. Fox, Druggist,
Brussels. 6.1f
OuTTEas AND BDoe1Ea,—Ewen & Innes
have been ab Toronto Fair and are getting
two oar loads of Cutters and Buggies for
Winter and Fall etook which they will
Bell at rook buttom prices, and guarantee
to give the beet satisfaction ever given in
Brussels in this line. We also have on
hand second band Buggies down as low as
55 and second hand road oarng at 54.
Wheelbarrows with iron wheels at 93.50,
Repairing done promptly and cheaply in
Blacksmith and Waggon Shops, EwAN
& INNEs, Brussels.
G.ENorsusN's BALDNEss,—The number
of bald heads is surprising, Over 80,000
men wear Prof. Dorenwend's Art Hair
Coverings, however, there are many yet
who should use them both for the sake of
health end appearance. Prominent men
ell over the oontineut wear them end it
is only nooeseary to try one on to be con-
vinced of the advisability of possessing
one. It prevents the dangers incidental
to cold, catarrh, neuralgia and other
troubles. The Prof, is to be at the
American Hotel on Thnreday, Oot. 18th,
where he will be pleased to show all the
value of hie productions.
=0> e -
Eneee.—In Gerrie, on Sept. 25th, the
wife of Mr. Thos. D. Edgar of a
Ermis—In rdwiob, on Sept, 27th, the
wife of 14It. Thomas Ellis of a son.
OALnniox,—Ab 60 Robert street, Toronto,
on Oct. 2nd, the wife of Mr. George
0aidbiok, of a eon.
MA, .' I1e17Z1,
TRELsAVEN—Non'roN.—Ab the residence
of lbs bride's father, Brneaele, on
Oat. 5111, by Rev. 11. J. 'Treleaven,
brother to the groom, assisted by
Rev. 5, J. Allan, Mr, Albert E, Tre•
leaven, of Dnagennon,to Mies Olive,
daughter of Rev. Wm. Norton.
Coorsn—Peeenneog,—Ab the home of the
bride's parents oa the 2nd eon. of
Eowiokl on Sept. 22nd, by Bev. R.
I.lioskmg, Mr, Albert Cooper to
Mies Annie Patterson.
JACCBMS—l3ARNETT,—At the residenae og.
the bride's parents, at Mayne Cor-
pora, on Sept. 23th, by Rev. It. I.
Iloeking, Mr. Marshall Jaognes, of
the 2nd °On, Itowlak, to Mies Mary
S IND.1111) !a',1,Nii" Ula" 0 01'2H4174,
OcT, 7, 1898
0 r.s.=5:- ax -Meso 5.G704.
AS510111, (Favor Alillinn Dollars) • 97,000,000
CAPITAL (Aethorized) • 112,000,000
Agencies in all principal pointe In Ontario, Qurbro, liiauitoba, United States (0 Ragland,
Af r/WS. a'sa 01,11.1.7MER.
Gotland Banhlug Hainaut: lout Trltnsacted, Farmers' Nates Diouounted.
Drat be Ieeuod tuul Oolleatione made on all pointe,
Interest allowed on deposits of 01,00 and upwards from dab of dopoait to data o
withdrawal and oompouuded half yearly.
Snout ATTh7NTIoN 011,111,1 TO Ttia OomoarroN oa' Enemas' SALE NOTES.
Every facility afforded Oustomere living at a diebanao.
Wrooc--ALLrs,—Ab the Methodist
parsonage, Breesels, on Sept. 281h,
by Rev, S. J. Allis, brother to the
bride, Mr. John Wight to Miss Yate
Allin, both of Bowmanville.
FonsrTa.—In Brussels, on Sept. 301h,
James Peroy, eecond eon of Alex,
and Susan Forsyth, aged 8 yeare, 2
months and 16 days.
CLonrtsr.—I01 Gray, on Oot, 2nd, James
Cfoakey, aged 27 years,
A.11 'rxozr M.A.z 07-
F11InAT, OCT. 14Th.—Farm stock, imple•
menta, &o. Lot 27, eon. 6, Grey. Sale
unreserved, at 1 p. m, John Iiallener
and Wm. Spenoa, exeootot•e. F. S. Scott,
r Troltnsn, Mooey to loan. Forme
to sell.
room over Smith & MOLareu'a store.
Apply to MHS. STUACHAN, Brussels.
mals or to rent in North Brussels, Im-
mediate poasaselou. Apply to BAR1tISTEIt
BLAIit or W. H. E0015.
fibbed to correct all failures of eyesight,
and your eyes tested free by latest option]
methods at DIVISION O0Ulte, OFFe000,
1 for sale or to rent on favorable terms.
If you have anything in Nils line to sell or
buy,or to exchange apply to JOHN HAN-
SIILD, Ethel?. 0.
.for sale, known as the Hemsworth
house, will be sold cheep as proprietor is
going book to bis farm. Possession at once-
For further particulars apply to
tf- WM. POLL IID, Ethel.
�l Non SALE. -This very commodious and
desirable property will be sold ata very
moderate num, or leased to a tenant on most
advantageous terms. Apply to
7.11 Agent for Vendors,
1_7 Ina of the undersigned, on or about
Sept. 22nd, a light red Jersey heifer calf,
about 0 or 6 months old, Any information
leading to her recovery will be thankfully
received. J. N. 35ENDALL,
B rnesela.
Wbo has bad 20 years experionee an an
Auctioneer, but who had to quit otviog to 111
health, has again taken out license and is
prepared to oonduot sales at reasouable
terms. Satisfaction guaranteed. Dates may
be errauge0 at nu Po5T PubliahimX House.
JAS. ST11ETT060,
1-bf Autioneer,
M. 21. MOORS, V. El„ has removed his aloe
and residence to the /property re0entlypur-
(Aused by him, opposite D, Ewan's residence,
North-west corner of town Park. Thanks
arc returned for past patronage and a eon-
tiuuanee of favors asked, 121
M. H. MOORE, V. 11.
Voters' List Court.
Notice is hereby given that a Court will
be held, pursuant to the "Vetere' List Apt,'
by His Honor the Judge of the County Court
of the County of Huron, ab the Town Hall,
on the nineteenth day of October, 1898, at
ten O'clock a, m., to hoar and determine the
several complaints of errors and omissions
in the Vetere' List of the 2100105101113 of
Brussels 000,1898. All persona having busi-
ness at the Court aroregaired lto attend at
the said time and p11008.
Dated the nth day of September,1898.
Clerk of said Municipality.
dereigned will lease his 200 acre farm,
being North Half Lot 24 and NOrtlt Half of
South Half Lots 25 and 26,Oon.6, Morris.
Good buildings, none more convenient ; land
in good order. Possession on Nov. let,
Reason tor leasing, going into Mutinies iu
Brussels, For further partionlere 10)01710
WALTER INNES, at the Carriage Works of
Ewan & Iuues, Brussels. 5-tf
DEntI0N17D offers his flue 200 note
term being Lots 27 and 28, Si Con. 8, Morrie,
On tiro premises aro 9 oomfortable houses
and 8 barns, two orchards, wails, &o, 100
cleared, balanao bush. Farm is only 2 miles
from Walton village and 4i from Brussels,
Possession could ba given in 2 months after
sale, For further particulars ae to price,
terms, &o„ apply on the promises or it by
letter to Walter 9.0
JOAN LA W8017,
8.11 Proprietor,
memo oilers hie 100 Aire farm for
sale, being the South t Of Lot 20, Oon, 2,
Morrie, There are 80 acres °leered and wall
folioed, balanco about 0 sores cedar swamp,
remainder homeward bash, 'T'lasre ie a good
brick 110nee with ltitnbon, woodshed and
ti4ellar completo, large bamt baro with stab-
Jxig oreharit, two good walls and other 000-
7enlen0e5, Situated 4 miles from 131858515
and l¢ miles from Jamestown, I'oaaoesiou
ggiven lab of Marek, Fall wheat will bo put
in by tonaub. For price audtors apply to
Harrow P.0„ Essex Co,10 WILSONm, Pim8,
Onn0IONlen aceta 1114 100 afire farm for
Selo being Lot 22,11 t Con, 7, Morris, Theta
aro I70 soros cleared and under crop, batanao
biertlwood bosh, 'There it a good frame
house with kitchen, woodshed and Bolla
complete ; bank barn with stono stauling
orchard, Ovalle, and an other ponvoulonoea.
0113 y3 1±5, mbIO from aallool and 8 miles
from Brussels, 2os5oaaiou would be given
et mace. For price and terms apply Oh the
promi400 or to Bruesols P. 0 to
04.10 81MON LOBf3'2'il1I,Propriobor,
Hunting and
Fishing Resorts
that era unsurpassed and that
.bound in all Kind
of FisIit. and Gama.
Open season for DBE%%, Nov. est to I6i11 M.
Openolsaasou fur DIMES, Sept. 101 to Den.
161,11 inclusive,
00151550850atiuotusivnfor ,NESE, Sept. 166b t0 Stay
Open season for GROUSE, Sopt, lith to D on.
10111 inclusive,
Open season for HARES, Sept, la to Dee, le,
Opon eeasan for TANI:11I1)GB, Sept.16th-to
Dec, 10t1i.
Hunting and Fishing Guide and all inform.
atlou from Buy agent of Grund Trunk Hall-
J. N. KENDALL, Agent, Brussels..
GEO. HEYD, " Ethel.
Notice to Creditors.
FEAR, 00 TDB 700001010 01. 110011119,
COUNTY OF It011015, 51010100, 05080520,
Notice is hereby given,pursnmtt to Chap-
ter ago, B. S, 0., 15117, that 111 creditors and
other persene having any claim or demand
against the estate of Samuel M. Fear, of the
!Carmelite of Morris, in the County of Huron,
Farmer, deceased, who died on or about the
Twentieth day or May, A. D, 1808, are retpur-
ed on or before the Twenty-second day ar
October, A. D.1505, to scull by post (pro -
paid,) or to deliver t0 Lydell, Ellen Fear and
Goo, Jasksoo, the Executors of the said
estate or to W. Af, Sinelalr, of the Village of
Brussels, in the County 01 Huron, Solicitor
for the said Exebntors, their names, addres-
ses mud occupations, with th11 particulars of
their claims, a statement of their a000nube,
and the nature of the seauritles 1tt any) kohl
by them. And notice is hereby given that,
after noon hast mentioned data, the said
Exeentors will pr00eed to dietribabe the 00 -
setts of the said deceased amongst the
to thecllimtseofhwkioliltnotice shell have
been given at tee time aforesaid, and the
said Executors will not be liable for the said
assets, or any part thereof, to any person
or poisons of wbose aloha notice shell not
trlbnflava tiou, bereceived at tact time of such die -
G110120E SA ORSON f
W.02. SINO1AI10, Solicitor for Executors.
Dated at Brussels tkis First day of Octo-
ber A. 1).1808.
We're at it again, In
1'aet we never quit. It al-
ways keeps going but with
the return of the Fall
House Cleaning we expect
it to boors again and at
the prices we oiler it must
surely go.
1,'150 ou" Window
next wcek.4.
'ox's Drug ritore.
Notice to Creditors.
IN TUE BUTTED 01 T'UE BMW 01' Teslas
DIOR, OA TDB 205Na1117 00 NORM, IN 'Taut
cowry OA 1190010, Maine, Macaw),
Notice is hereby aim pursuant to Chap-
ter zap, 10• S.0„1807, that all creditors and
other iorsone baying any claim or demand
against the Estate of James Dick, of the
Township of Norrie, la the County of Huron
Farmer, deceased. who diad on or about the
Fourth day of December, A. D. 1897, are re•
snared on or before the Fifteenth day of
October, A,D.7508, bo amid by post (pre-
paid), or to deliver to William M. Sinalair,
of robe village of Brussels, in the county of
Huron, Solicitor for Haullah. Ptak, rho A7-
miuiatratrlx,Ofthe eetabo of the said de.
ceased, their names, addresses and ocoupa•
tion, with full particulars of their claims, a
statement of their aoaounts, and the nature
of the Seenritiss 110 any) hold by them. And
notice is hereby given that,after such last
mentioned date, the saiAdmintetratrix
will proceed t0 distribute the assets of the
said deceased, amouget the parties entitled
thereto. having regard only to the claims of
which notice shall have been gismo at the
time aforesaid, and the Said Admiuistratrix
Will not be liable for the said assets or any
Part thereof, to any person or persona of
whose eluim notice shall not' have beau re.
calved et the time of seen distribution.
W. AL. SINCL AT1t,13russols,
Sollolbor for Adminialvatrix.
Dated at Brussels this Twenty-Elgbth clay
of Sep bomber, A, D.1898.
llI.UUUS Crleat �UtllCtlill,(,
CENTRAL 1.ilot
+ J [MEN
}Stray arcl.,Orit
Enter may time. /Free Circulars.
W. J. ELLIOTT, Principal.
Strictly One Prise.
,f1Zways I>eliable.
We're Now Ready for Early Buyers
of New Fall Goods.
If it so happens that you need to purchase Fall
Goods this month we're ready for you with very large
stocks in every department at very low prices.
—New Dress Silks, new Waist Silks, now Colored Dross
Goods, Slylish Black Dress Goods, 15 to 20 per cont.
lower than ever before.
—Now Corded Velveteens, in all the latest colors and
shades at 40c.
—Ladies' and Children's German Cashmere Bose at
from 10 to 15 per sent below former prices.
—Boys' and Girls' heavy rib, all wool Hose, bought direct
from the Canadian Manufacturer, which means a
saving of the wholesale profit.
—New Mantles, bought direct from three different German
Makers and passed through customs at lowest duty,
hence we are able to sell them at 15 per cont. below
regular prices.
Shia Waists wit!o like this ; �t 251, Each
—All classes at 75c. and un-
der we will clear at. 40e,
--A.1I Shirt «'gists at $1.00
and ;11,85 will go at.... .,We.
•---80 pairs only, Black and Tan
Kid Gloves, slightly dam,
aged, worth regular $1,00
and $1,25 per pair.
Highest Price Pal/ for Butter and Eggs.
try Goods and Groceries.