The Brussels Post, 1898-10-7, Page 5O:rr, 7, 1695 BUSINESS CARDS, 'NT ONI';Y TO LOAN AT G I77!;11 .LU. tient, L', 11, SCOTT, 13rusxols, II 141uOI1AQKI N, \Pointer I ' SI6N of fl!' f,inentseti,, 1310 iel0, 1,t his Grnctiry,'1'urluunlfY n4rnu G, 13rttsualo, 111N. 73A1ilZla`.1'T, ). 'onse•ia1 Artist' Shop -Next door teeth MA. 51, hluli uy & 00's hardware stere, Ludiett'uud01]l,h'one 1011' 0utting n (poolalOy )IANO 016 ORGAN. Jl Shad Jean hlc+Lnuehl lu, 31,031 of 0, 14, in, 11 orris, 01101001 Doctor, of the 000001'7• a tory of Musks, 11 001111011, Ontario, ]s tro- I' uad to give luatru0Lcux to pupils on either 111111 tit' organ. Hymnal attention given to technic, Lesoto given either at 1110 1I nn00 of pupils or at teachers hnnlo, 41.301 ROBERT CUNNINGHAM 113001107011, FIRE AND MARINc. GUELPH. T. FLETCHER, (sial of Marriage Licenses, Cretan AT JLwOLWY SToao. t "No Witness Rognired. T. IiLETOII11R, Brussels ALEX. HUNTER, Clark of the Fourth Division Cour co, Huron. Conveyancer, Notary Public Lend, Loan and Inenrnnce Agent, Funds ',Vested 01(11 to )111111, ((olleeLlalle made ,',nee in Graham's (3 look, 111ues010 AUCTIONEERS. p3i S, SCOTT AS AN AUCTION- RPE, will sell for better prices, to triter men, lv os0 time and lees charges troy ny o11ber Anc1l01MT 11 Eagc Introit or 110 won't charge anything. Dotes and 1 (dors can 'always be arranged at Oils alike or Ly personal 137111104Mimn. VETERINARY. 'A D. WARWICK, 1/ a 'Goner Graduate of the Onta to Veterinary College,is prepared to treat all (1130130es of domoetioatocl animals in a 001n - patent manner, Particular ottentiou paid to veterinary dentistry. Calls (110ml1111' at- tended to. 00100 and In canary -Fane doors north of bridge '('urnberry et„ Brussels. LEGAL AND CONVEYiANCING. `i T M. SINOLAIB, BARRISTER f V • sol loiter, (IouveyauGer ,Notary Pub- Ilo, &c. Otlloo-Vaustone's 131ook, 1 door earth of Central Rota Solicitor for the Btaudn.al 13013k, C,',1 F. BLAIR, BARRISTER, %._.)1 4 i • Solicitor, &c. (late of Oarrow & lrondfoo is MOlae, (3600(1011.) 011100 oyer 13111100 & Snit the Bank, Brussels. Money to Loan. 47 G. CAMERON, �I. • (Formerly of Oame'ml, Holt & Cam eros,) 13arristor and Solicitor, Goderioh, Ont, OOloo-]iomilton St., Opposite Col Lorne Rotel. MEDICAL CARDS. J, A. M'NAUGHTON, 01.11„0. M;, Trinity Univot•0ity, Fellow Trill. Ily Medical Oollego, Member College of 3/117- (1101(0111 and Surgeons, Out, Licentiate of the !loyal 0oltoee of ]'llysi0(aue and Lioentiate of Midwifery, 1 dmba•g11. (. 'Tolophoue n 0,14. Residence, Mill St., 13rueso10. E. T. SNIDER, 01. D„ 0. M., successor to Dr. A. McKelvey, Lioontia40 of Royal College of Physicians toll Surgeons, Kingston ; Member Of the Col- lege of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario, 1/1130111108 Of womcu lural children a specialty. Bight yours' experience, r'OIN ea and roe - Mimeo that formerly 000011011 by Dr. Mo. 6alv01', Ttlrube'ry street,Biu seal 8, 26- J. M. ARMSTRONG, M.B., M.D., M.O. P.S.O. PHYSICIAN, SURGEON, ACCOUOEIEUR, Era. Special attention given to (Hammes of the Throat and Lungs told diseases of Women and 0111111(011. 111ISIDI1NCE-WALTON, ONT. OR. F. H. KALF FLEISCH, PII20I01:I11, 011110LON AND A000U01/1:011, SUCCESSOR TO DR. W. GRAHAM, BRUSSELS, - ONTARIO. 11,001 os Donor Graduate of 110 Uulve•O3- Mee of Trinity (Toronto), 33,,0611'6 (Kingston) and of Trinity Medical O011ege• Fallow of Ti ulty Medical colloge and me0Um'of the (1 Sllego of Physicians and Surgeons of Orator - 10. Post Graduate Course in Detroit and (lbiougo,1800. Special attention paid to dis- eases of Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat, and Me- mos of Wo111o11. r "Oon0ultatiou 10 Eng. 1164 and German. Telephone at residence, BOARS FOR SERVILE. -THE undersigned will keen Nr service, on 1,ota Gon, 5, tiny. a thorn' brad improved Yorkshire boar and (4 them' btn(t largo Eng - ]1011 Berkshire hog, Podigroes may be seen on applloation. Perms, 131.00, to be paid at time of eerviee, with privilege of returning 11 necessary. Altl'RUR SMITH, 10.47 Proprietor. -A-?0ULLS FOR SERVICE. -THE undersigned 111111 Keep 1m' Benda(' on Lot 1a, con. Mt, Grey, the 111oto' bred Dore - ford 331(11 "Pfoturo," Also a Utero' bred Dur - Ilan) bull. Both aro exee1ttioually (1110 An - imide. Terms, 51,01, to bo pant Jam. lot, 1500, with 4 privilege of roturnilig if neoesenry. .4 1 OLI 1eI6 V T17RNJ3ULL Proprietor. (NfOrd. Afton•, Wood's Pho3 1l8odine, lr TAd (treat 1010011 Tomcd3/. Sold and recommended by al druggists in Canada. Only toll able medleine dt:u'nvcrod. SLI .orms 01 Sexuapackages l4'4t ea n aa,a •1111 MSeots ol to of nbn old )r moms, Mental Worry, Peees 130 nee of To, teeth, opium or Stimulants Mailed nn rcobip) )1 price, one p0okage $1, Bis 05. 01.0133103111000, 34 tette cure, , Pamphlets free to all Address. who Victim). Company, Windsor, Out I3o1d in 11333(161111] oo Celle' 3 Q t Dina. II tCT•G lthm /Cox•(1wieit. Lrl^rr, o lrf,u''11a,e,--•Alex Orr ((ache(( second prize for his span of blank drivers at both the Listowel and Nuristan Lairs, ---1'110 Board of Management of the h"r(o Public Libary have ordered about $800 worts of new bootie whioll will be to hand shortly, ---George Boswitheriok, who has been assisting hie brother James 111 his tailor shop in Gerrie for myna time putt, loft here for Toronto, when he hot 00. oared it good bit all eb his trade,--- Jaoob 0. Meso 10(1 Russel Cook were out hunting in the swamp et the batik of 11'iro Efoward's farm, on the 10th entice salon. Tho former 1000 with the,ulisfurinuo to have three grains of shot enter his loft RM. It 000010 that after entering the ewamp they had separated, faking differ. cut eidoo of a emelt, and after mune time 11,16001 shat at a partridge, that flow up between btu nod the creek, thinking that Jacob had gone considerably farther up t11a11 was the ease, thus the above no. oiflelt happened. They proceeded up to Mrs. Howard's residence where the wounded limb 11,110 wae(led. One grain was found to have gone through the upper part of his arm, another which mitered just above the wrist 000 easily found and taken out, but the other 1vhieh entered near the elbow was nob located. 13.1r. Mose fenriug that it might injure the bone, loft for the General Hospital, Toronto, where he had his arm examined under the X Rays. W1ii hit rug Dutra.--News was received here lest week of the death of Wm. PatLerena, which occurred in Detroit on Huntley. Only a few weeks ago he 11100 in Wing - ham in attendance et the funeral of his father, the late John Patterson. Pos• sibly, when assisting to bear the body of his father to its long home, it never cm - curved to him that he would so soon fel- low. The remains were brought home for ilttermeot in the family burial plot in 1((nevale cemetery, the funeral 10131ng pisco on Tuesday. His lige was 31 years, ( tnm,tl(0 end 8 days. lin(•..-About 3. a. m, on Monday of last weak the ringing of the lire alarm ar0u'o(l our citizens from their peaceful slumbers. It was soon disoovered that the livery stable owned by I. Pattison and occupied by W. Jaottlin, was on fire. So rapidly did the lire do its work that almost before the alarm ceased ringing the (lames shot through the roof• The Eire Brigade and Ilook and Ladder company were Boon on the 0oe110 and be- fore long three streams were playing on the building. The contiguous frame buildings soon caught fire. The &ret of these is owned by Geo. Tlomoon, of Goderiob, and occupied by R. MaoMath as a harness shop and the upstairs by Mrs, D. McKenzie, as a dwelling. The adjoining one is owned by John Auoley, anti was occupied by J. Hessian as shop and dwelling, The livery stable was completely destroyed, (000(ed in the Mercantile for 0200. W. Jacklin saved his heroes and rigs, but other contents were destroyed ; loss fully covered by insurance. Geo, Thomson's building is badly wrecked ; insurance in the Mer- cantile for $800. R. MaoMath's loss is fully covered by insurance in the British America. Mr. Ansley's lose on building is covered by insurance, Mr. Hessian Met by damage to stock and furniture. No iosuranoe. Mrs, MoXenzie's loss is about $100. The origin of the fire is un• known ; it seems to have begun in the hayloft and from its location could not be seen until it was about to burst through the roof. Gurt'Ie. Limn CLANcas.-M78. Pieroe and Mrs. Jackson are at present visiting friends in Toronto. -Mr. Daniel, a native of Persia, who is travelling in this country, Occup• led the pulpit in the Presbyterian church. -11ioLaughlin Bros. have purchased a large general store in Winnipeg and are now thoroughly established there. -Ten- ders will be received for the erection of new sheds at the Methodist ohurah.-308, Roe's family received a telegram that he 9700 very ill at Portage la Prairie. Later the same day they received word that he was improving, Mo'nrlro3LIL.-On September 22nd, one of those events whioll sets the whole neighborhood iu a flutter, tools place at the commodious residence of John Pat- terson, of the 2nd con. of Howiok, when his second daughter, Miss Annie, was united in marriage to A. E. Cooper, son of Edward Cooper, of the 3rd concession. Shortly after 4 o'clock the strains of the wedding march were heard as the inter- ested parties entered the large reception room where the ceremony 9700 performed by Rev. Mr. Hooking, of Fordwlob. The 33ricle was given away by her father ; her sister, Miss Nettie, anted as bride's maid, end tine groom's brother as groomsman, the plates standing under a beautiful canopy of evergreens and flowers. A pretty feature was the little maids of honor -Mise Cora Patterson, niece of the bride, and Miss Armstrong, daughter of Dr. Armetrong, of Walton,' and n(0o0 of the groom. Both were dressed in pink and carried baskets of o1Oa1l roses and ferns. The bride was dressed very bo- oomingly fn email) cashmere, trimmed with0rean1 satin and pouts. After the salutations the guests, to the number of ono hundred and fifty, sat clown to a sumptuous wedding dinner. The pree- 0nts were mosb numerous and costly and testified to the esteem iu Which the bride is held. G. Knox, of Calgarry, has bail) appointed stools inepe0401 of the Northwest Govern- ment, with boadgnartere (3t Winnipeg. In Montreal a young man wee Billed by an eleotria wire that fell 1n 6t. Antoine street, Hailotouesof enormous Size fell and a lob of glass wag broken. The City Oouneil has decided to potf. tion the Lientenalt•Governor in Coattail to appoint 6Royal al GOn3mi0sio0 to in- vestigate the charges preferred by A, E. MoDouald against the Toronto Street Railway in 000030tion with the Bemiring of their charter, Now that the old railway rales are about to bo restored, it i0 interesting to compare Canadian rates with those in other oounlries, Thi average passenger faro per mile in Germany is 1.17 00005, in Austria 1.07 dente, in Belgnim, 1,18 omits, iu Franco 1.45 tents, in Italy 1.04 cents, and Russia 1,45 cants. In Colada the regular faro fs three canto, per anile or five cents per mile for return ti011010, Prom many pointe, menially in North. erg Ontario and tike Weet, the rates charged aro Melt higher. TUN IRRUS,S1j;LS POST illE `I;llllJtrllt;11011', 7 lu. an 0, L ru 01 11,, 14 1 ,1 su,101 gigue,, A prlong haul 0.0 I: 1,y rt(4 a1 hard 1g0Ic 0Raill 13.1hyien 1,11:11110:,11T111',1 Onell 19' 1111,, hlayxoat- 'ileo 011x, w, 1'•eny ,,4ln•npul'ebhn1 1:41.11 181/11111 lee pool! but imI: nwled 11ell. A (hi 01 1, mono/Met ruin, wheel a colulllnlrnd c u ll„ pm:violin WW1 con ti3unil throughout Lila mall'' day, nut 01013' ('orenn 41i 1T.1700 4110 0lle5'1111'1111j t flu'0111410d 1,0 ap1111 (1 xhnw, 3110.10 0000 n good torn cut of 0x60Haut 013o4, 1111 it moat (13 the 1'110080,,1', taken up, hilt rho 00te necalpte 1101.0 110.7 lil6ght, apq 0e 0 r11sn]t, 1,413 xacloty 111111 110 110111,,,1 011 111t l ear's I ral,elu4ioon, On 1101101(01. 01 the 000E 011(1Ther (11,11 ubo 110(11111 11.1(011, 1110 tr(1110 of ap(l•, I loll other o 1111al utlrootluux hod to he 110,1 o1T, 11,0 1111111(0, 1,00010.', 003,3 (1(1- nvoi,loble, Ile 1111 lota•n3(( eon ('10veut 111111 111' u lut•ntl610 ther. eve 10, n \Y4 LL 1 1 0 117 next %10111 il,e santety will 1u310 (1µnoel 11011, 1011 1,0 la,tun010131 ou ut nn thein 0nau morn, ole good year 111111 put theta all right, ('110. following la 110 lint tit til( promiuuls elegem 0(1 : linusxe. - nen 11,11 11 lnught,-- Brood ma(•o with foal, J la Polo, Tox Carling, (leo bale; foal, J 1' Dale, Geo Dale ; two year 0111 1111y, Innis 0 Norton, J F D1(18, Con Dale; one nhl go1d10111 Ykoh0"1aMcE1lroy; ale((110 two 1'o(31 1 Y ; 000 your old 1( g, let 111111 2nd) etaaul Reynolds, Jul low( Chris 10le , Joe ("corral linlpos,-Two your obi 11117 NV 0 Rens (Ii IS'th!, Jno 111Nnvin ; nun year -oltl filly,Tt 13 McLean, W enema:unit ; two ynar old gold. ilig, W 210110 vie, U 'I. flak; Ono your old gelding, elan 5 tot,hnl,uO,,, (1111'30 1)0le ; boa,11, Robert l,ulmr, 141 11010 ; hoary draught Guam, (ether modal), d 1" 0141., (30.'"a"-91"'" Year n1:1 ally or gelding, N Dole, 1f 13 ma. boon ; two y err ,11,1 11111 0r twitting, .1(3(1100 11trrli1g, 11 11 uubenau 1 :mull, '19100 10Nina ;. ging lo carringo horse, W 0 Nett, Itendatr,•- Brnod morn accompanied by fool. J G 0Ie- Mtichnol, J W Warwiol( ; foal, Jae Carling, J G 1OIo:U)chnol c throe year old Oily or gelding, W Dole,ltobort W ileo,, ; two year old (llly nr gelding, 1st and "nd J W Waru'Felt ; nun tear old ally or golding,11•nck lire,, JAMB(! 3341111,; (1,101, .3(11 Rnvnnl(h(, Thus 1111hdt; single :trivet, 'I'hon P; Mott, A Johnston, (JAT"l'ou.-D II 1'11101,0--(:0111 11141('04 since last show, BMA (1la rt°te, ,fns l nnndfoot, ,100 Cowan ; two year old 401101, JAN 11017111,, ami tnnt.3rnelll'uRoout 01 ; 011001x10(0 ; 1701,11 yonl' o0)3ld "1• (10eel110•, dux Hrond- ft f, 141cont 13 (08, H Crte11; hull 0011, 14Ioout Errol, ] st and 24(13 ; herd of font femeloe and one (1411, Ro11t Charters, Jas Broad foot, Ayrshire's -Clow ed 00 811Tlll, 1st nnit 20aa(v4 ; Lwox1,, your3aftt alt 1tolf00,or, crookonsl l3rosls111alfrr anlf, Block nrn0; bull calf. Block Bros, Grade 301(10-000 delved since last show, Jns A3tehoson, John 0au1pbo11, 'Wm Corona- tion ; two year 014 heifer, Jas Aitchosou hit and 33,11; ono year old heifer, G Ie Cresswell Jas Alloleoou•; heifer calf, d til Oresewoll Joe Aitoheson ; two your old steer,111 Dela, ,lug Aitohoaou; auo y0010111 steer, G E Cress- well 1st and 2nd ; fat steer, 7V 1)ale ; fat cow or heifer, Ino Campbell, 1111 1)018 ; 8leer 0011, G 1. Creaswe0, Wm Canocha,. Smcrr.-lietnesters-Aged rain G Penhale, J Snell ; elloarliug ram, J Suet], G Palliate • ran, lamb, Jos Snell 101 end 2nd ; pub• or ew00( Ja0 Snell 1st and 2nd ; pair of sbearllug owes, Jus Snell 1st and Sud ; pair ewe Minns, 300 Snell, G P3uhale ; best 'pen, ram, owe, sheathing owe, and owe lamb, los Buell. Sou thdowns-fair of ow00, G P Or000well ; pair shoarling owes, (1 E Cl'Osxwell ; pair awe loathe, Cr E Cromwell 104 and 00d, Shropshlres-Aged ram, J Cooper & Sou 1st and 2nd, ram lamb, J Cooper & Son ; pair ewes,) Cooper & 5011, A Dunkin; pair sh curl tug ewe0,11 D0ukiu,J 0000or & Sou ; pair 01110 100110,380 011011, J Cooper & Se, ; Vali' fat sheep, any breed, G Pevhalo 101 and 21141. Pias.-B0rhe1.1l1:0-Aga(1 boar, W M001110• tor, Jun Dol'ruIoe ; boor under one ye(1r, Jos Dorra11oe,W McAllister; aged sow, W D10- Alllxtor, Jae 3301110000; sow undo,' auo year, W MaAllistor, Jas Dorraua0. Yorkshire - Boar under one year, 10 1'eutica° ; aged sow, 1Bb ald00d, G 131 Cruse wolf ; 0000 tinder one year, 101 and 2nd, 0 13 Croswell. Chester %ditto -Aged hoar, Jos Gammon, J L'oster; age(, 000, Jas nominal, J Foster, sole wader one year, Jos Gemino1l,J Foster; boar under one year, 1st mud 9011 Jas Gemmell. 3/0001100; Light Urahmax, G Irwin ; dark 01011ma0,1st and Sud G Irwin' Plymouth rock, Jno Ward, A. Duuoau ; white Plymouth rook, Jno Ward ; game, G Irwin ; w hi to 1 log - horns, Il Willis ; black Spanish, G Irwin 110rittus, 1st and • 20d G Irwin ; bantams, G Irwin, H Willis ; geese Cr Irwin • 11(03(iu (leeks, G Irwin ; brown clucks, 1st and 31,11 Sprout Bros pigeons, H Willis ; birds, G Ir- win ; dark breams, atioks, Cr Irwin ; 3/ny- mouth rock °Molts, Jno Ward ; Plymontb rook 0)110318, white, Jahn Weld ; white 30e - horn chicks. 11 Willis • black Spltniolt chinks, G Irwin; 301(111101111110, (4 Irwin; bantam chicks, ll Willis ; turkey 011(0110, G Irwin ; goslings, G Irwin ; poltio duultli040, (3' Irwin ; brown ducklings, G Irwin, 1011. 8, $5 on ; Rob,. Lang, repairing; abutments to Ethel bridge, 83810 ; Robb. it Lang, building now bridge at lot 611, 0011, 1, $24.751 John Barr, gravel, $11.54 ; John Osborne, gravelling at lot 20, con, 19, $11 00 ; Lannon UIoKay, grading at 100 20, con, 11, $233,00 ; Ira Taylor, ('0- nairhig culvert, lot 35, em], 12, $1,50; Wm, Bray, rag (131ts for atdvorte, 75 ars, ; Qoorengas0or, timber for oulverte, $8,60 ; elicha0l Ka0t0, gravelling at lut 17, coucesehm 12, $30.60 ' Jacob Kreuter, gravel, $6 au; Alex, McKenzie, grubbing and logging on boundary Grey and McKillop, 160.313 ; Jbseph Savage, di tolling at tote 40 and 41, con. 1, $117,20, ]Moved by Robb. Dilworth, seconded by Wm. Drown that the above accounts be paid. -Carried. The Council thea ad- journed to meet again on the first Satur- day in November next (10 the Township Ball. 1Vu. Senteut, Clerk. Sir John (1, Allen, 00•011ief Justice of Now Brunewiok, died at Fredericton. The trial of JQamilton on the uharge of perjury is in pr0gre08 at Brampton, Robert Olarkson, farmer, near Stoat villa, was killied by a fall in a barn. ,(0me0 Diok6on, ex reeve of EMIR, has been appointed Recuse oommiseiouer to fill the vuoancy canned by the death of the late henry Doering, London, Out. 1. --After being ont near- ly four hours, the jury in the owe of Acton Emerson, charged with the mur- der of Manager Tuttle, brought in u vsrdi00 of not ;;nilly, Emerson was thereupon discharged. Three obildren of John D. Embttry, who reeid00 near the Premier cln•ese factory 10 1tun3orfor,.1, were taken violently ill, mei two of them died shortly afterwards, The doo(ur0 pronounce it It wase of poi0ouiug. Grey Council Meeting, Council met ab Long's Hotel, Crap• brook, on Sept. 17133, pursuant to adjourn• meet. Illembore Avero all present ; Reeve in the chair. Minutes of last meeting were road and approved. Wm. Rabhwell applied for a Glitch ou road at lobs 25 and 26, con. 10. -Mr. DIlworth to attend to it. Neil Dnnaanson applied for repairs to road at lot 13, oon. 14. -James Mo - Donald to attend to it. Moved by Robb. Livingston, seconded by Jas. McDonald, that Jacob Xreator bo re appointed Col- lector for the South Division of the town. ship at the same salary as last year, pro- vided 110 furnish satisfaotory security,- Carried. Moved by Robb. Dilworth, 0800nded by Robb. Livingston that Peter J. Bishop be collector for the North Division of the township at a salary of $40.00, provided ho furnish satisfactory security, -Carried. Moved by Robb. Livingston, seconded by James MoDoa. ald that the Olerk be instructed to notify G. K. Matheson to remove the fallen timber from the tap drain on lot 28, cons, 18 and 17, on or before the 100h day of October next.-00cried. The following 00ocembe were presented, viz :-S. S. Colo, lumber for bridge0, $42.57 ; Jas. 13111004, bile for drain ab lot 0, con. 8, - Henry Al000k, repairing two oulverte and putting stone arotmd outside of sane, $10.25 ; Thomas Al000k, gravel, $0,04 ; John Atkin, repairing 8 culverts and 'Moaning out award Glitch, lot 1.0, 000. 14, $8.00 ; Enoch Clark, ditah and °loaning ditch, lob 19, con, 18, $20 05 ; Philip Both, stone omtiaukmonb at East end of Betz bridge, con. 12, $18.50 ; John Smillie, ditoh and repairing culvert, lot 7, con. 10, $8 00 ; David Taylor, gravel• ling at lot 15, con. 14, $81.47 ; John Steise, repairing 2 culverts at lot 0, oon. 0, $4.00 ; Ben, Dark, repairing culverts at lots 5 and 0, oon. 11, $1.00 ; Geo. Calder, gravelling at lot 4, con. 12, 028,- 12 ; Wm, White, repairing bridge on side -rood, lots 10 and 11, con. 4, $14,75 Wm. Roy, grading on side road, lots 5 and 0, oon. 4, $8,00 ; Robb. Bell, grading on side road, lots 5 and 0, oon, 4, and re- pairing onlvort con. 8, $4,00 ; Alex. Me - Kenzie, grubbing and logging on bound- ary Grey and MoICillop, $5,02 ; Geo. Pollard, gravel, $10.48 ; Wm. Riley, p payment ou art a ment oontraots 020,00 , $ Andrew Duke, repairing road on bound - cry of Grey and Elmo, con, 8 Grey share, $3.00 ; Robb. MoOutoheon, gead- iug at lots 40 and 41, oon, 1, $24.80 ; Itobt. Lang, oulverb at lob 20, oon. 5, $20,00 ; Joseph Savage, grading and ditching at lots 40 and 41, can. 1., $22.50 ; Samuel Kloinsclnotb, cutting hill at lots 40 and 41, oon. 1, $17.00 ; James Wiloou, clearing timber off road ab lots 40 and 41, eon, 1, $37.50 ; Hoary Young, digging award ditch at lob 84, con. 6, $4.80 ; Dan. Ewan, rag bolts for eulvorts, $1,45 ; John McKinnon, gravelling al lot 5, eon, 0, 013.O5 ; Wm. Pollard, doming out convert, lute 20 and 21, con. 7, $1.00 ; I3dwerd Collis, planking bridge, at Vorks Brtlsses Cider Mill and Apple Butter Factory, Mill street, has been overhauled and is now ready for oper- ati011. Fetch on your Apples. Terms Reasonable, Satisfaction Otln'anieed. Geo. Edwards, • Prop, P10081 Will 11116116' a well malt of YOU! 11x00111 egon0cila me ADM 0001.1t,00 18 0000 000600. PI0081 cures all Nervous Dleomca 81eogloae. amt. Falling Memory, Nightly Smbwioo4 ap0Y1,W torrhaaa, Impotency, oto., 00neod by organs, 441(.4, given vigor and oleo to shrunken so culaldy but sural os:arm Lear MA0aoa0 la & ootid hoPDY 0.U((aln I8Ontrby moll In pl W w,,gpoe and mearoly tooled . iron, observation Santry tarried 111 00,1 pocket PrIoo, ,111.4 pootsfsi s1r for 30. 00011money la olahar ortiln0rny Or rogfntor. 11,410,, #1,1107811301C ddroes 011 lettere 10 J. T. tor0Y7001, mini noir Canada. oo0, OO?., dgaut for Wo Da minion Canada. -RSIATT.. p.,.J A IE 0 1' CD a At Cost for 30 Days at the WR;IXETEI WOOLEN MILLS 11(10111.0,, overstock of Wool and Woolen Goods on hand I have decided to offer for Sale at Ooet for 80 Days my entire stook of Roods, comprising Tweeds, Worsteds, Berges, Fine Suitiugs, Pantinge, Blankets, Flannels, Bhirtinge, Underclothing, Yarns, etc. The above will be sold at actual Cost of Manufacturing as I am bound to reduce my stook. Ifere are a few sample cases of reductions :- Blankets that were $3 75 now $3 00 Shirting that was 35o now 280. 0launets " 35 11 28 Tweeds " 600 " 45o. And all other goods will be ted)oed a000rdingly. 0 - TERMS STRICTLY CASH, Or Wool, Hides and Skins at Current Prices. Sale Commenced Tuesday, Sept. 20. S. B. McKELVTIE PROPRIETOR, WROXETER. True to Nature and beautiful in effect are Prof. Dorenwend's Hair Goods Styles. He will be at the American Hotel, Brussels, on Thursday Oct. 13, Willi all kinds of LADIES' end GENTS' HAIR GOODS STYLES in Wigs, Toupees, Bangs, Switches, (wavey, curly and straight in all lengths and shades.) Everything new and up to date. His Fall styles this season exoel all previous efforts, Come to his show rooms and see. Styles tried on and advice as to what is most ne0omitlg and how to retain beautiful lair given free of obargo. Be early to avoid over'orowding. a4 The Dorenvreid. Co,, Limited, Toronto. ION Wry* .gOUP EE !''Cut glair taken in ex- change or cash paid for it. White and gray shades wanted particularly. Remember at the AMERICAN HOTEL THURSDAY, OCT. 13. MILLINERY PENING 8006 MISS ROSS extends a cordial invitation to the Laches of 13russels and vicinity to attend the FALL MILLINERY OPENING ON amor.--- \VeEliosday Afte`7rnoon enYnp LKi �i 1 ilOt 17 ' ---4'-And Following Days. -100" - ....ALL THE NEWEST STYLES. Dress and Mantle making in connection. Misses Ross. pl Stretton Block, ' Brussels, J, thin oily fibre -food fluid,•whlch sinks into theores p leaving vdvett burnishing film outside. Rub this friction coat a lit6Ic, and to 1- a brilliant, lasting, lustre , dawns through Neither ver ' nzsh, turpentine( nor wax, to parch leather o1' seal up its pores,iti - Y'FO'f/ffi c e/coc/':.y a:�'✓ :^Jt^o r✓" C/6f/�L CJ ®4� 1®19 i il✓ Jno. Downing, - Sole Local Agent. BRUSSELS PUMP WORKS. I with to inform the people of Brussels and oarroonding district that I have pur- chased the Pump Business of JAMES BELL and will lie found ready to attend to all wants in either new work or repairs at moderate prime. No butter Pump in the market. Order left at my shop or residence or at P. SCOTT'S shop will be promptly looked after. r era t O d akar for the Digging g(, g of Wells and Cisterns. • Gomer Green, MULL STREET, - BRUSSELS. SHINGLES Columbia • (,ollln '<bIa Red Cedar Shingles 6330 -- North Shore Pine and Cedar FOR SALE AT THE Brussels Planing bills Also Doors and Sash of all Pat terns on band or made to order at Short Notioe, Estimates Furnished for all kinds of Buildings. Workman- ship and Material Guaranteed. P. AMENT IMPROVED YORKSHIRE BOAR FOR SERVICE. The undersigned will hoop for cervico ov Lot 21, Ron. 0, Morris. the t0o0ol-bred Im- proved Yorttelire 13oar, 'Oak Lodge Long- fellow," No, 2400, bred by 7.10, Brothone, Bur- ford, t0 which a limited. number of sows will b0 taken. 7'erma, $1.00, to .be paid at time 01001,330971(111 privilege of returning ifnoc- essary. A number of choice young news for sale for breeding purposes which will bo oold at prices to suit the times. 21- 1108T. NICILOL, Proprietor, Cook's Cotton Boot Compound Is successfully used monthly byle over IO OOOLadle e. Bate effectual. C.11 Ladles s your druggist for' ask EGokl. G Tab� tion Real Gao- ►ImoItound. ono ate dangerous. all Frio., e6, 1,ls and er box; 1(0.1 ale agree sir, ger,g0 No. box. No. box; , m sled n receipt strongere a per 1,t 1or2,s. Tdoareceiptofpriceandnitro ,On t. stamps. The gook Oompuammended Oat FspoNos. b1 aDrugsoldgists indanade1. dad by all responsible Druggists !n Oanada, Nos, 1 and 2 sold in Brussels by G, A. DEADMAN, Druggist, Bookseller & Optician, :Buggies and wagons. Always on hand and away down in price to suit the times. I can give you a buggy for the next two months, second to none in the town for either quality, finish or style, for $65. If you want a Buggy you will find it to your interest to call and see my stock and you will say my statement is correct. JNO. WYNN, CARRIAGE MAKER. See the, New Dress G-oods, Trimmings and Plaids for. Waists at Strachan's. October Fashion Sheets and Patterns. -0- New Fall Goods --"•1°illo-Of all kinds constantly arriving. -o- Boots, Shoes & Rubbers. Eats & Caps. - Clothing & Overcoats. A CALL SOLICITED. A. STRACHAN. DON'T READ THIS AD And then throw away this paper before yon oonolude you aro losing good money by not buying your DAIRY SUPPLIES from us. We are prepared to supply every person with Dairy Cans Pails, Milk Pans and Tinware off all kinds et prides a000rding toquality. - Graniteware of all kinds. HARDWARE. Baying put in a stook of Spades, Shovels Forte, tem, of the best quality we solio your Patronage. Paint Your House with the beste W other and water e proof Paint in the market. We sell it. Screen Doors and Windows 011 hand and made to order. The hest line of Cook Stoves to choose from, Eavetrozb himg and .Repair'inf promptly attended to, - N. 13. --few 'Wait fordaysour wagon, it will call on you for your truck in 01 . Wilton & Turnbull