The Brussels Post, 1898-7-29, Page 7JULY "H, 1908. B1 T7SS ,'LS ?oSr�4�.. THY 1Yi0BBIT1.&N .NGNTII REV. DR. TALMAGE PREACHES ON HOW TO ESCAPE PUNISHMENT, 8014011 was 14 Very Nilel(wl 44(3) -lntl Ad• vnu+d to d:2rnPe rap 4.431 1,11p--pnnger In 44*Jieiing 1'IR4sl-'d'a•tl4uy, Nal '1'o•91ne- Poe', 42 the '4'11(11• in tempt -- 4)1n'e gloried on the Road p44 trot Loot, (Bach . ll)r. Talmage In Strong Language !Points Out too b5a)'. notion. Oh. for 140methMng of the ur- genoy of the angel the( conte to Loll 111)1. *1,111ly clime tatta(lg with hien the el:enlit'a1 properties of the storm 11111t. was coming, bol. laying hold of 111(11 lvifh both hands, pulling hint on, pusldng, 111111 pati, and crying wit 11 an elulth'teis that moil lttl1e sen( hint at 1:11.1 1"p of its speed: " 1Ssetlpo ror thy life; look not b*(Unil hose, 11141 her way [lent i1* all thy. plain; escape Lo the tnntitt a': it, lest 1h,,u h1, *on tuned.•' .'Iy st(lljt•cl. (tine, euglie0l0 that the I(N4•e >1'11.l1T1.NU GLV1os NO sI;clritrr `. A despuicli Crum \\'ur>hinglon says: -13*. Talmage preached from the text; "Escape for thy life; look not behind thee, neither ettay thou Ln ail. Lhe Plain; escape to the mountain, last consumed.". -Gen xix. 17. thou be (.. nsunaa For the most part, the hikes of line earth are the darlings o0 the moon - tains -their ne(J(s garlanded with wild flowers and their foreheads Plashing ill the sun; but there is one hike loath- some and. God -forsaken, and exiled from all that in beautiful. The mod- ern traveller finds it. It lies down ac- cursed; no tinged shells adorn its banks; no fish Live in 113 slenehful waters. The waterfowl, for the most part, do not fly anywhere near its surface, and the bather comes up out of it encrusted with the salt and sick with the taste of Lhe water, Bitter, briny, sulphurous, dark, it seems as if the alltidons of past desolation chas- ed each other across it, end the traveller, struck through with mel- ancholy, hastens from its presence, perhaps taking a few- pieces of nitre and sulphur (.o show the barrenness of the place. Where that lake now epre22ds out, thirteen cities epee stood -among them Sodom. It would, be un- pardonable if, in this presence, I re- counted the crimes of that oily. Sul - flee it to say that the citizens were so bad they mobbed an angel that mune down on an errand of mercy, 301 re- solved. to 1oflve the oily, but did not make much haste. Ile had miles to travel, and, at the ante at which he was going, deal.h would have dashed upon him before he got to the moun- tains. And so the angel 81.ie011 ?limp pushes him on, pulls hith. out, urges him forward, crying, in the words of my text; "Escape for thy life; look not behind thee, neither stay thou in all the plain; escape to the mountain, lest thou. be consumed." Well, THIS FATAL 17AY CAME.. The morning as bright ea aver, per- haps; the citizens, tts usual, reckless, unclean and blasphemous. What do they pare about their coming doom? Thorn is no God, or if there be, who fears him? Suddenly there is a flame in the sky, and Lhe volcano' racks and upheaves the oltumon that underlies all that region of country, throwing it up to the surface, and this com- bustible material coming in the pre- senile of the fire immediately ignites; and amid the falling flame, and up - heaving asphaltum, and the sti330 1at- 1ng stench of the brimstone, and the bursting thunder, ,.ud the roaring, crackling, all -consuming hurricane of God's wrath, Sodom shrieked its last curse and died! My friends, God 'hatee sin just as ;much now as ltlo did then, and it be- hoves you, and It behoves me to leave our transgressions, and start, not with snail's pace, not with deliberate walk, but at th'e top of our speed, for res- cu.e; the angel that helped I,ot out of trouble meantime taking us by Lhe area, and crying in our ears: "Escape for thy life; look not. behind thee, neither stay thou in all the plain; es- cape to the mountein,lest thou be con - ,What is the sin that we most hasten (roan? Sin is just one thing. The legislature ma)c(s an en- act.ment4 a man offends. against it, and he is incarcerated. You make a law in your household; your child wil- fully disobeys, and pun1.a1Ime11L fol- lows. God 'makes a law; we have all broken it, and berme we a,'4 all sinners; and in oousequence of that sin the must be punished unless there be some pardon offerod-unless there be some door of esalape set before us. Messed be God, there is one dfy''text in the first place, suggests urgency on the part of all those who would incluce people out of their sins. Why was not the angel more polite? Why did not 11e coolly and formally invite Lot and his wie to leave that pity? The angel, s0 far from that, seized hold or him, palled him out, pulled. hit on Loi. land SUtrle(1 ou1. of Ih. oily, 'hot he night have periehir1 half -way hefure 1>' got to the 1nu0Mains, Men allu'l for heaved, but d0 nal. alwayzs .get'. there, 13 my House be burning, end 1. take u e flumes out the bucket. a1 1(r and put of a a I its I his, and 41'11 and. yonder mom, wbi le I leave, til' 31410105 in er!(Il.ner room, 1 might as 3141411 have Rested no strength and brought. no (idekets of seater et. all, The whole thing will be consumed, And If a man is only half sowed, he Ls not saved at. all. Ten thnu- sand mon start for the kingdom of Christ, but do not get there. They eithe1 Mart ton 1ale, or Alen helot•* 111ry get there, The Le Bourg tguestart- ed foe France, but was lost wait Beau'- l.y all. on hoard. There is swell a thing as starting for a phase and not get- ting there, There 11(113 not one Inch of surety anywhere between Sodornaud the mountain of refuge. Lot might. as well have stayetl in his own lacune and perished there, as to have perish- ed outside the city. Test Sabbath night, there were meal Moe who storied for the kingdom. Have they got there i Let me say to all such as have not reached that. place: there is no rook of shelter where you are; no promise of safety where you are; overtaken by the storm here you perish, A mien has been very sick, doc- tors have attended him carefully, and he coaxes up Lo life again, begins to walk out; huh he Lokes a cold, has a (*lapse, and in twelve hours be i3 n dead man. There are men who have been almost cured of their silt; they begin to get well, the hesllvoniy Phy- sician stayed day after day by their soul, they had almost recovered, but not quite; there came on them a cold draught. from the world, there acme a relapse, and they were gone. 1. hear omen saying in the audience; " Lord, I Will believe, I will be a. Christian." Will you, now? If not now, to -mor- row will take' you into the whirl of bus1111795 and gaiety, and you may nev- er think of these things again. There is a man, who, forty years ago, became almost a Christian, but not quite. What w•oudd have become of the Pro- digal Son if he had stopped half -way belwcen the swine trough and his fa- ther's house? Why, he might better. not have started, but stayed down where he wag. The carrots that the swine eat are better than nothing at all. Oh, to have started for heaven and to get. there! If there are any in this house who are in this position I now describe, let me stay that you are no more safe in this half-and-half experience than you were in the time before you began to think, and so I sound the tocsin: "Escape for thy lire; look not behind thee, neither slay thou in all the plain; escape to the mountain, lest thou be consumed." The text suggests further, that a man, after being persuaded out of sin, SOMETIMES LOOKS BACK. WITH IRRESISTIBLE FORCE. !Che angel was in earnest. Oh, docs not the world, looking upon ns and seeing our ealdlle8s, :some to the con- clusion that we do not believe what WO say ? if unparilotlo9 men wore in teach peril as the 1311211 says they are, and we believe it, would we ho such 'precisinnists, so mold, land 8lolitl, enol unemotional/ Suppore e. 1711113 non were 021 a rail -track, and you saw a train coming, would you go up to him and say 1 "11.Cy deo!' friend, a machine commonly called a locomotive, L Lin* ' making invented by James Watt, is t„ rapid revolutions towards the plane where you are, and unless you change your course or rodestriltlliein it will be send (leaided'which of the two is rho stronger?" Would you do that.? Ah, no; men are not so stolid about' tem- poral pe3il, You would ca'y "Get out of the way. The oars are 1:oming 1" And yet when it, is spiritual danger we DES S14 much eireomlocotion, and so much caution, and came with so timid a tread towards kiln place where men au' imperilled, that they aalunlly don't believe two Ihink there is peril although there are spirituel end 0ternll disas- ters coifing on ill long trains, flying as swiftly as. the hours, swiftly Its the eecnnds, ready to crash for ever. 11 one t TYP realized It, would not we stamp font, and cry: "bfan, }.mmorta.l, look out for eternity 1" tf there be nn dan- ger' in rejecting Christ, we might. ns well drop our anxiety; but. if their is clanger, lel; us eery the alarm, The world knows at 1111,9 day 11124 we who rnthos t'he faith of Cheiet, stenlli1114 in our prover-nloelleg8, 11unday-S0110o10 and p111pi e not as if religion were n awhile they may have 1u' ut•109. llut there are mum den loo lazy for this life and tou lazy to win heaven. 11 wereel 10 h11n•(n it. will be by gather- ing up all the encyst t* of our souls utl(1 hurling thein aboad in one persistent direct ion. I have seen within the past week or two people 111 1(>14 1 huralt til it for leaven, .but they loitered, by Ilse way, an that ben Iheuslladye.Lrn 01110111 not he tong enough for them to get there. So it 1, a Intl sign when 1111411 nyilgirig 1oWur,l heaven atop half-wtty. IL 18 a sign of infiuile peril. I don't, woolly know w11y Lot utiil Itis w'ifc loller.ul Iiy the way, I think Lot's wife looked buck( because sale thought, after ell, it. !night lie a hoax ---that there might, 11., nn tiesh'ucl'OA of Lhe city, and slue sill to hcreelf: 'Wouldn't we feel silly it our properly 1 t cit ' *• l 1 (u.l the v ronft8 a (1 ( smu.l, be . l I stun,! unduuung*d?" just so there :are men now who say it is till talk about a ,ittdgment and a long eternity; IT IS ALL A IICIAX. I (lona wonder that a man says that who does nut believe the 1:iblc; but if a titan believe the Bible, L don't know 110,2118d ti stay that, becalm this Bible declares Clod will turn }ntoli 11 all the net lions that. forget Iiia, land sweep with the hall or Ills ,engeaoce the refuges of lies, _1n the perorediou of klls see - mon on the Mount, Christ: told how some houses are on'the rook and: stand, and other 110119011 are on the salad and Rall, Sodom must perish; sin must be crushed and lino w1a01e world acclaim the justice of God. Perhaps Lot au,1 hits wife thought there was no hurry. They may have said; "Chore is nu sigh in the heaven; there never was a naoro beautiful day than this. We suppose that Tthen the lime cumee, there wril( be sane signs of It. Thera will be. it rumbling in Cho earth. or there will he an 01111n0nsS11a- dow on the hills." They were mistaken. L suppose it came in an eye -twinkle, Oue moment mirth end{ 11nng, the next volcanic eruption, and bursting (stout', and horrible obliteration, Alen now tarry in the plain of sin and say: "'there Ls no hurry. Whnt if your breath should stop? :Where would you he? Where would you me? 1 don't ask you to toke my poor words about the brevity and uncertainty or life. Ask any tionnercil.l roan whose kind. of business necessitates that he calculate the length 03 huantan life -ask hen in his business what he thinks of the uncertainty of human existence. "Ohl" says some man; "I shall repent on my sink bed." Will you!? The lust sick- ness, las far Its 1 have. observed it, 111 generally divided into two parts. The first half of that fined sickness is spent in the expeotalion of getting well, in the ,discussion of doctors and different styles of medicines; the last half in delirium, ar in stupidity, or a consternation which prohibits religi- ous thought, do that 1 lake it for granted that THE POOREST PLACE ON ]EARTH AUSTRALIA'S GREAT DROUGHT. A 4.ene*a11. (103* lhtll(n'e, as (4c 41(221(4 1,r I4r,y Woollier and kion?, The leading undue and slunk jour- nal, the ilustrnitudan, of May 14, dents in a lengthy and praatieul manner with pr'esent conditions and prospects. it says: "For the, past four years Victoria has been fighting against drought, confidently hating that each season strung' and hoof hy. 7'0-1lay ,to. nn would be the lust end the fat years begin to take would repines the lean ones. 11 non'dla° s°��10 ��ltl seems inevitable that a fifth year is ai ne, Lo be added to the utisfor1unes of the 11'0 e" (;tante, , ate laand he ear '1 past. The year 18118 1eelns bound Lo 1300 i 45 &iiia lr >,4f, etfadtly •,y. 2J 1:,01 cd. prove as disastrous as any that have Preceded R. The painful fact is now iu andbeforep us that a large part r ilycrr 1 Ther is acre,ted by some b [pun the w(1, - 1 Lot's wife looked back and perished. Lot himself would have .looked back had it not been for the warning of 1110 text. It is very natural that they should. It was their home. All her friends were there; all his friends were there. We become attached to the city of our residence, notwithstanding all its sins. Still it was wrong for them to look back. God forbade it, But: are there not persons in this day who start out of their sins yet look back wistfully for occasional indulgence? Acre is a man who started for heaven a year ago, 1Io had been given to dissipation; he bus looked track. You are drinking too hard, I 'believe a moderate drink- er may got into heaven, but a hard drinker-, never I "No drunkard shall inherit the kingdom of God," The snake ca101108 the eye of the bird on the limb ; it begins to tremble, and soon slips from the tree branch, and begins to fly down toward the serpent, and soon it is caught in the 1014111110 folds and is gone. The wine cup has been your faseinrtlion. You have by It, been brought down from the circles in which you came moved, and come clown nearer and nearer to the day of your destruction, and after awhile you will be caught ill the coils of that which "biteth like a serpent and stingeth liko an adder, " 011, man, give up drink- ing, or give up heaven! '?'hero is your choice. ,A man stood on the scaffold about to be executed, find the sheriff pulling out his watch, said: "ion have five tulnutes to say what you have to say. The dying man said: "Rum ruined me. I had a little brother. I loved .him very much. He was a bright-eyed lad. I came home one day intoxicated. My little brother was picking berries in the garden, and for 301111' reason 1 q�o1 113(1:1 01 hila, and .1 took up en lion rake and with one stroke I feller! him: Now I am to die for it, and you ask me what I have to say. It Is this; never, never, never touch anything that can intoxicate," Altus, if once you, starl. Mr heaven and look back to your early dlssipn.tions I Here is another who has made ship- wreck in another direction it has been ou:, Your Blood Is it pure, end iN your skin cleat'• free11 and fair'? Or do you have pimples, blaelcheads, 10(111, sores and eruptions? 11011,1'8 Sarsaparilla W111 Make your blood pure. J.1 twill rote all blood clim- eases, F'iv0 you a good appetite, streng- then your nrrvtot and make you .eel The Moon's Influence, and practically 1103 whole o!' lifvcrina a,,s 1.(111, by utlunrs it 18 disputed. 'the hue received no autumn rain, and if 1110(111 never attracts a 11ie from a1 ' rain fell stow iL would be too late to Lender, aching spot. PU1 llm'8 Puin1e51 repair the damage that has been done: Corn 1x1 unci 1,r rentmen 110' 0011141 p11Ln- t 6 fol cures In (bre( dny0, 'Phis great. A well-known stock land staliun ag rrmndy nudfos no ser( stele, doesn't ent says: "1 have been in business since go fettling around a man's foot, but. 11105, and i have never known anything gets to business at Onee, and efforts a approaching the present condition tit: ure' nota. Den'f. he imp 17,ei 141011 1,3' 82211.. , slit Mee and hniln>ions. Opt 'I1u1- Lhiilgs" nun's," and n0 other. "The western district," he continues, "sends the very primest beef to the Ballarat and Melbourne markets, but at present the greeters are haret press- ed to keep the stock alive. ?'rime beef is now selling at ens, to ens. per 100 poliohos given by excellent authorities pounds. Sheep are actually dying of here are a few that are simple and of starvation within twenty-five Hailes 03 factual, but remember the rubbing is Melbourne. Oreelcs that have never the main ingredient of every recipe been dk•y before have run out note, given. 73140 parts of linseed oil, the Speaking generally, iho outlook is alii12er' same of alcohol, and ono part of tur- "In most ievers one ina the rendition of things pentine, to a quart of this add an Is even worse. I was informed by a ounce of spirits of ether, A polishing gentleman from that di5triot that wa- ter Dream is made of equal quantities of ter lc being scab from keep t era 0- linseed oil, beeswax, and turpentine of Jereldarie and Urana to keep the pec ple alive. In the northern and western melted together and used cold, For districts of Now South Wales they have very old furniture an especial polish is bad more or less talo, but in the south- recommended of half an ounce of gone hon been of New and SouthWales there arabic and two ounces each of copal 60.1 been no rain ut the country e- nm and. powdered shellac gum; dis- hes Itis Ly baro. The outlook s extrema- g st ly discouraging. The wool from agreat solve Ln a quart of spirits or Wine in portion or this district comes to Mel- a warm place and shake the bottle bourne and there will be a great fall- ?well every twenty -Pour -hours until the ing off in Lhe clip this year. Al Jerelaerie the continued drought Bums aro no more distinct; strain a woolen cloth and. rub on Ls proving disastrous to the district, and pastoralists aro buying fodder to feed their stock. " Great eoml:la,iruts are being made In London, England, as to the exceed- ingly small. apples recetved from las- which ounces of alkanet root and a pinch mania, 5 the fa and South Australia, of naso Pink, let it stand for twelve which is the fault andf the udnfavorable hours, then rub on the furniture and This drought very uutheirahl- do not polish it off for an hour. An weathers rote -mea entirely* ruined their ant - tie and. frozen -meal: trade Lu the Lon- excellent furniture varnish may be don market. Creameries in connection made of eight ounces of white wax with the butter factories have had to and gradually mixed with ono stop working owing to the small sup- pmt of oil of turpentine. p1 of milk A bonus in many sec- tions is now offered for first quality FURNITURE, POLISH. Among the many liquid and cream with a piece of soft flannel. Penal parts of linseed oil, spirits of wine, turpentine and vinegar form a well -tried polish, but for mohogany, this same authority declares in favor of a mixture of ono pint of linseed oil, log a saga Ito 'repent of sin and pre- cream, I pare for heaven, is on his death -bed. "In addition to the drought," he con - lin the first part of that sickness he ttnues, " severe frosts are being exper- w.Ll! expect to get well, and in the last lanced throughout Australasia and are half of it 11e will not be fit to think, ruining the potato crop, It is prao- \P'hat a foolish thing it is to Wry; in tinnily nil m many sections. Almost 1,11* plata, when m0r0 people petrtah be- 3 every one has to cart water for his 13veen Sodomund the mountains than. stook, in many places from eight to act tfallyperiehWeide the city. A gentle- i ten miles, and even brackish water is man was telling me, a night or two 'being sold in tanks at big figures. A ago Tvalkiag til? the street, of a Lady ,gaily supply is being brought by who said,: ' I will repent tend turn to I crain from Shepperton to points on the God lel six months. I have made up , line. It is impossible to plough any my mind deliberately to that n.nd : but stubble lands owing to want of when I make up my mind, I !raw, stick to it. Iu six months "Round Ballarat, Geelong, Arrarnt I mean to be a Christian." `Three and up into the Mallee the condition of the sex months passed along, and one , of things ms deplorable. One sheep own - evenings at the expiration, of the three er states that it cost him 11.,000 last months, she said to same one who was j month for sheep feed, and waster for talking on serious subjects: "Just l.hree !household purposes has to be carted months more 112(1 I will attend to it." !for miles. There is scarcely any natur- The next moaning 11ey knocked at her al food for cattle and sheep, and the door. She gave ,no answer. They went ' season is now too far advanced for rains im She had passed up to reckon with j to be. of much benefit to the pastures God, 011, Lunn immortal! woman int- before spring. The 'Vegetation Diseases mortal l tarry no't, in the plain. if 1t' act has had to be rigidly enforced in were a mere matter of temporal peril, I Tasmania, so as to shut out fruit trees I could, not help but be interested in and fruit plants from Victoria, owing you. If I law y, ur house telndling with ; to the diseased apples and pears ship - Heine, L could not help but cry out; ; ped from Hobart, and other points, "Fire, fire I" If I saw you smitten with mussel scale and wan moth larvae some terrible disease, 1 would run for ; having been discovered. Sydney fruit medicament; but when I fint3 it is the is also being condemned on this ac - soul that is in disease and in peril, I feel ; count,'' like coming, and with almost a violence' of earnestness crying: "Why will you AGONIZING PAINS. 1122?" Lot and his wife were in pea'LL if --- they stayed in the city, what would End4tre11 by Those. 'Who Sutter daront Stint. become of them 1 Would it be the lea -A Victim Tells 4403* 10 OIrn111t Bel13L lois of an n.rm,t or foot, 011 eye? Oh.no; 11 would he death utter; and before , Probably no 'trouble that afflicts the disasters passed from that city'manlcind causes more intense agony the people bud perished in their homes, ; than sciatica, frequently the victim and in the streets, ".Lest- thou be 18 utterly helpless, the least movement oonsulned,," the angel tried out. They knew the most agonizing pains. who '(lie 1n their sins are consnnled'; ; T11ose who are suffsring frolu finis ainl- they are struck: clown with none to lite following statement from Mr. deliver. IJohn 110305, of ilayesville, York Co., Lot started for the mountains, He , N. 13., will point, the. road to relief and kne'ty iP 1114 got Ihors all would be safe, i or twenty years 1 have suffered from The storm could mot Lake him them, l cure, Mr. Bayes et1y54-"h'ot' upward. could not dosteoy him. Jesus Christ I aveaknlesa and pain i13 the back. Some is the mountain of our refuge. His four year's ago my trouble was inten- sido is the cleft rock 1n whirl* we may sifted by 521111 Me. settling in my right. hide. Tu the mountains 1 to the moult- leg, What I suffered seems altltost be- tainsl No stoma or :death can (Vaasa yond ecasalplien, I employed three you there, d'!lverlitstingly safe are oil doaho's but ail lo no purpose: Iliad to Buse who put thein trust in Milli 011, give up work entirely' land aloes(: des - make haslet lighten thy) girdle for the paired of lire. 'Chi8 continued for two race. Lay testae all impediments, and yoars-'yetare filled with misery. At may God .glee ,,tae speed or lightning this tuna 1 was advised to try Dr. to thy feet 1 ' 1tseap0 for thy 1l1 ; look not behind thee, neither slaty thou in all the plain; escape to the nllnan,- tu:in, test Manche consumed." THE HOUSE OP SIIAM''il, • '?'hal: Sodom will be the eternal dam- nation of year smut nnles0 you quit it, "As en ox goeth to the slaughter, or as a fool to the correction or the 8100125; Lill a. data; strike through his liver." So says God in Proverbs, shall be tate doom of all the impure, Another mean is captured by the eot- viviulities of life, ilfe has ottoman bet- ter ns1Ociales, but says: 'I guess I will go flown to the .room and. see the boys a 1(11114 while," IIe goes flown, and 18 there one 0t' two ]Lours, and in those, two hours he 10515 all his good resolutions and all serious impressions. They aro witty, they are brilliant, they are smart there; but they are had, and they ruined him, 0h, 1,013' many hew; started out of associates, incl looked book 011, be not aanong theins Escape for thy life,' My text suggests that some men, having Marled, loiter by the way, They tarry in the plain. They are too lazy to get on, 'Yon know that men, in order to got 021 in this world, moat, deity themselves, and work hard,; mint go through drudgery, that after TRANSPLANTING WILD FLOWERS, r1, digging the tvIld flowers, e5pe- ts be ci{Lily those having Milhous roots, careful to go dbop enough to get ell of the roots. Leave a5 much soil cling- ing to the roots as possible, and after Wrapping (10+111 in damp moss or grass, roll the plarete up in paper to exclude the air. Gather a basketful of leaf - mold from under the trees where no grass grows, the first Inch on the ground being the hest, and lase this freely, in making up the bed for Lho reception or the wild Umtata. After planting them ill their new quarters, water liberally and Shade from the ton for a eveek or more. A rather eh:hied location should always be selected, Saturating the earth around house plants every dley with the coffee left over from hroni(rnsl: ie mid, to stimulate therm Plants that have a red. Dr pu1'- ple 1114,5amn will be rendered extreme- ly brilllnnt in color by severing the earth in their pots with alma hair tan inch of pulverized charcoal, A yellow flower tvill not bo affected ill any way by the use of charcoal, Pink Pills, null after using six boxes both the sciatl.iea awl the weakness in the back which had troubled me so tong, were gone: I was nein a well man and feeling fifteen years younger than before I15gan the pills. Nearly two years has passed since I discontinued the 090 of 17r. Williams' Pink Pills, end in that lime no symptom of the trouble has shown 1121111, lander Clod 1'. thank Dr, Wil- liams' :Pink Pills for what they have done Cor m0." Mr, Heyes voluntarily testified to the truth of len above statement be foto T'ldw>rd Whosead, Esq., T, 1'„ and his statements are further vomited for by Rev. ,T, N. Borneo, or Stanley, 11,11. ROUNDABOUT HINT. I hoar that you're going to move, neighbor. Stunt and 110naeilee I Nothing to Who told you, so tour landlord. ASI Popularity 01 1.1410,943a,#uL Ceylon Tea leaves no doubt that it is well worth your most careful attention. Try it, Lead package& egt 4o, go and 60c. TO CURB A COLD IN ONB DAY. Take Laxative Brom° Quinine Tablets. All Drug• elats refund the looney if It falls to OM, lin NO GENTLEMAN. h'irat Saleslady -That new salesman Is no real gent. Second Saleslady -Ain't he? Why '1 First Saleslady' -No 1 Bight in the middle of a conversation he left one to go and watt on that woman I \Villianty' For Bunions, Corns, all In- flammation or Pain. MISS ON TILE BEACI3, .lack --I noticed in this morning's pee pore that the Prince of Wales is .now at an 1 0>11'sll seaside resort and takes a surf bath daily. (hollyjust before he faints with f rapture -,-'1'11 think, be, joie, that The te,t that goal the farthest NS PON LJiYLtTN '1'hA not only 5Oes farther, but is pure, 1,.aith- 1hl and 11elicio 18. All grocers sell it, in bathe in a the very same ocean he dues! lead packets only.. 0, 30, 911, 60 and 00ePer Ponta DECREASES SPEED. A six months' cruise will decrease the speed of a ship 1:1 per rent. 't110 is owing t.0 Lir barnlle'les that form on a slant s hull. AN ARTISTIC GAME, Dwadle 11118 a good head; 11120 years ago he borrowed 710 of inn a_nd roturned it inside a week. Well? Then he borrowed 7100 and 1hav- en't seen 11110 since W. P. C. 928. hove you written nu the ENTRANCE Or P. S. LEAVING hxaminndmn this > cur 4 If ennead name, whitens, te•Irl(- rrnnasnhuol,tot ,( Prhic(pnlofth"CENTRAL 108>' NESS 00LLE^,E, 73>0>1111& 11178111,1E0 7711.1„ TO - 1, NTO and ret, ve toll JorUculers shout th+ Prue 0 , t n o,(o;aene1n1 1, ,h,blt0) ahl002511, thl,s 11,4101 g Oar Ebe Null 9uu8i A dregs . 0 084 4. 22, rip Address W. H. SHAW, Prinolpal. Willie, Mlll4, ti 16131@m Hdrr161ere,ute,, r(ln10''00, to Wee(oy 1310yr . 13 a mond St, PP... 'Reroute. FEIRE'3S1HEI S ENCIANE CASTOR '®EH NPa I,IE ONE CYLIINEDISR a 1,.p.. 6._�_.._-_-_.pt_[p! lt111- ou aaa nee It nn old ENGIN! PICKING and PAINT se CHEAP eldnola r001b or 82(00 ,.1 buildings. -Used 02year* With a good eproy,ryou min , T J E'EII}4jB(4f BELTS, p0111,a baro in 11aif a day. 0,'rlte ns for oireularo nod Ldorum0on about painting. The Dinah wW,o'II'r,sorva- 11012 Paint Oompany, 870 Queen West, Toronto,j Gel our prices. We want your trade. TORONTO CUTTING SCHOOL offers special WILLIAM C. WILSOl\1 & CO., * Inducements to young mon desirous umrreO, taking up Cutting. Full parllCUlnrs on appli cation. 443 YON0t3 ST., TORONTO. STEAMIOAT, RAILROAD end MILL SUPPLIES, 019 Profit 5t. East, - - - TORONTO. SHIP YOUR PRODUCE, Butter, Eggs, Apples, Fruit, Esc., to THE DAWOON 0030M1081091 00., Limited, Oar, of West Market and Colborne 8te., TORONTO. ------------ TOE TRIUMPH. ADJUSTABLE STOVEPIPRB. Ens, put 1,p nod taken down, Oan be cleaned, nested, oodput away In a small space. Ask your dealers for them. kianufaotured by C. B. BARCLAY, 168 Adelaide St. W., Toronto. 1405('ED. 1 � Only Institution 'itution a Canada for the cash o1 livery phos, 1f speech d0 Established011. In To onto, ITO OureCE OIIURO9 0 P AUTO-VOCE Si, Toront, O INSTITUTE,edn. Dominion Line Steamships. Montreal and Quobeo to Liverpool In summer. Large and feet Lwin screw otee(ushipe ' Labrador; ' Van- couver,' ' Dominion,' •Scotsman,' ' Yorkshire: Superior accommodation for First Cabin, See. on d Cabin and Steerage passengers. Rates of passage -First Cabin, 302.30; Second Cabin, 731; Steerage 022.60 end upwards according to steamer and berth. For all Information apply to Local Agents or DAVID TORRANCE 4L t,0, • Gaul Agents, 17 lit. Sacrament Bt.. Montreal. The 060i�9a0n f of Canada On'ante* and Accident IRS nee CoRnp .nye Nero you written upon ENTRANCE OR LEAVING Exnnilnntione tit,) earl 1T so need name, address, school, to,obnr, end -which ex• aminution, to CENTRAL BUSINESS COLLEGE, Y0N011 & GERRARD 0T5„ TOIIONTO and revolve particu,are about free ocbnlarshi ,n for aneees8fu1 coal. data. Pall term opens Bel, H� L. COFFEE & CO., Eetabilabed 1844 GRAIN AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Rooms 400.12 Board of Trado Oullding, TORONTO, ONT. T00010 FLYNN. Joust L. Comm. I0NBOY'S IMPROVED CI'IBRIBGE TOPS received the high. b\ orld srFairr' 1893 OON00y'8 PATENT P.OLLEO TOPS have plot with such universal fa. vor, that other mann[acturers are now malting inferior lm1tett• Ott. Insist -ion having . 1110 Conboy mace as imitations are never as good et the gaonh0, NEW SEA SEiIPENT. Did you bear old Longbow's latest story? Nope. Says he saw a hoop snake with a'rubber tire, Beware of Ointments for Catarrh that contain Mercury. 4s mercury will surely destroy the sense of smell and completely derange alto whale 270' tem triton entering 10 through the mucous our. [toms. buela articles should never bo used ex- cept on proscription.' from reputable pb sio. inns, ae the dmnago they will do is ton fold to tho good you can p088118y derive front them. Halle Catarrh Coro, manufactured by F. J. Cheney & Co., Tulsdn,L , oontnhln no mercury end is sakon internally aetingdtrectly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the oysteol lu buying Hall's Catarrh Cure bo sure you get the Rennin*. 1t is taken internally and outdo in Toledo, Ohio, by lr. J. Cheney & On Pesti. menial. free. Sold by Dl ui ieta, p ice 73o, per bottle. Ha11's Family Pills aro the best. ase.,xo.-,.ascmemn..-1,:,....,......R.-a.n�,•�.w.•:.,.a-.esaas:.v 3U0T WHAT Ie NEED, El)1u every family -440M 015410018, neatly packed in wooden box, frit repnlrin6 boots, !Milian, heroenad tinware. All these ese boats ere hill moil andpraotloal, not mere to,s. Fun dim:diens nocompanyeach 0utst, A rent money rarer. 01(,,t' >r,d, 01413,0,101''), now in use, Delivered free within recline of sap miles o1 !dearest. Priem 0219, Send card for pprtoee of our sew• hag tnnohlnee, wind mills, pampa, gene, 1(11'dware, wutahhee, &o. The Bailey Cowlittuon 874 1 SA Pater St., hlo5Woal. For Sale.... Authorized Capital $1,000,000 Government Deposit 81,000 HEAD OFFICE, - TORONTO 0110R05 000DERHAM, President. J. B. ROBBRTS, General Manager. . S CANADIAN 0U31PANY-WITH CANADIAN OAPPrat, AND CANADIAN AIREOTOP' rA Ilendsotrio Gold nin9efirtgl-£fi Benl2ine Garnets and Psnris Yon pa nothing, -dba- plYY send your Name and Address plainly wr tton and we will send you )(aaknges " 00I>UIU 9C me (' u elhtn, a neweries far Which ast ter qualities of other perfumeries fragrant flea for o lasting quelltlee of 146 towed End fragrant odor, to eoll for us'(31 bryon eau) among friends of 400, per p11115n5gq. 'When sold remit us the money, le and we will 'send you free for your trouble the above de. ;stunted rang, whlob is d and warrant, sod Gold, set with genuinene Garnets and PearleSd, ,-Send address pt once, menton this psrid 1r as for 4pTE T3�,,tt,tt. Yeti WANT tie gaI O will son tl it. Iii money ret reQa�bed, ;We take all risk. Goods returnable. sold. `come premiums 10 proportion to amount sold. Sonelo Agency, 84 8IcOan1 St., Toronto. �1.ae .., LINE W� [loyal Mail Steamship Co., Montreal to Liverpool. Steamers sell from Montreal ivory Thuroda, theMorning n egL about a n arrival of trains from Toronto and RATES Ola PASSAGE Cabin 352,50 and upwards; Second OabIS $34 and and. $36,26; Steerage to Liverpool Loudon, Glasgow, Belfast, Londonderry or Queenstown 821,80 and 423.50. A redneCion of Ove per cent. Is allowed on round artpfirst and second onbin tickets. gratings of steamers s or other information a to y t. E Bonnier, 1 81315 St. W. TODOISI t or 8, & A Allan, Montreal. KIM ITTi OLD AND REP IABLI$ Hatabll3hed 9032 42110 I8 yon SOU - Clothe year family from to fooG hood our '4*, MONEY MAKER Prices only $15, $20 $30. REM 1AN BRIOSI Georgetown, Ont. 'U►1 f FOR TYPEWRITERS WRITE UO. Iron Turning Lathe, lateen inch swing, six foot bed, rod and gear full, counter- shnft complete, good as new, VERY CHEAP. Apply, the WILSON PUBLISHING CO., UMITSO. 73 to 83 Adelaide Bt. YJ., Toronto, o / What 4 e - L' "AM HINE" (Wes' s' BOO carat ban, cd $+ 1o, k''falpiaow Qns93$1n1w 10 00 14 T,lorotrilsat aritd ILolpld'�oella Removes Dandruff In One Week. Cues Itching of the Scalp. Prevents Breaking of Hair. Stops 1 Ming Out fi iTIVULV GROW' illA111% ito- SWORN TTOTLR101d1>1L8 SHIT >7150. i we A`ro>':a ➢Pl'lsy,'R3sf„e, se ea rt. tecs1pt of Brice to 0 AN Cook Mfg Co., London, Off SURE E Ii