The Brussels Post, 1898-6-17, Page 3tTUNE 11, 1.30$. DBUSSELS POST,
A riES51-&-.-A-
,11 was the Inge festival oe Eastert
and with splendor it Watt being one.
Waled, in the Ctuthedral ot Beetisiaa.
The high altar was a triumph of color
•and myriad light, Above the Weenies
glorlotte with bine and. orinmou agate,
silvereveined; the sointilleeing Bre-
atones ; Pieper, onyx, chaleedoily
wrou.ghe onIt groundwork of lapis
loneli into the forms of flowere and
.ringels, rose the image of tbe Vir-
gin and Child in. their shining sil.ver
veeture, surraotrated by the great
bronze crucifix with the golden been
sy.taboliee,1 of the glory thea may radi-
ate frthe beart ot pane
Thirteen lanterne of exquisite work-
manship depending from the donee and
filled with Bang& fire e meting before
tee altar, Long delioioue sweeps of
.green and raaave and golden light
touched the ancient fluted columns and
glowed, on tem brave and jeweled rai-
ment of the priests oftheating. Front
tite organ loft entrancing music came,
and the voices oi rare singers thane -
lug the Sanctus and the Agnus Die
and the Latin hymns, which the first
.apostles faseloned when the world was
In te pause in the music the first
violin looked down fano. Ins height by
the organ loft on the motley crowd that
Proraentided tie prayed below. e save
,coming up one of ehe aisles by Me side
attare, ablaze with votive lights, the
woman for wham he had sold his soul
to the devil during the days ot the
aweet, swift su.nnuer that was lately
Her hand rested lightly on the arm
oe a shortfat, pirosperouseseeming
man, her newly married busbaud, and
Uer face was whiter than the winter
•crown. et Etna. She looked straight
before her toward the radiant Mei
aitar with grave far-seeing eyes that
• never swerved or faltered to the right
or to the left. She Nvas strong with
a nommen strength in danger or
.in mefferiag; but there were eyes be-
fore %those dumb einrealy her own
grew noire titan kind tend her mileage
Ieite then. smell. Smart °Moen with
ntilieary menthes swinging wide, swept
niumed hats, clanking swords and
her with bol4 gethees, which seemed to
please the roan at her side, who wets-
'There is no woman here to touch er bought nor sot , nor anyways an -
you, Plainda. All the beauty ot ales- noyed or hurt. By the way, was he
of a heavy fall id the eausiciann gal-
lery, and presenely a litalei proceesioa
staggered. down th,o /neap spiral stave
ease leading to the neve, bearing with
11 the seneeless form of the first
They passed with their burden quite
olose to where Placide and her eueleind
sat. They Mid loosenea the ehirt col -
len of the stricken man, and railed
his neck was the gleam of a Line, chain
of fine gold. A, dootor and a kospital
U18 e tad gathered already in tbe
train attendant on him, The lettere
neSe Of 1011g Yeara a life was concen-
trated for Placida in that moment
whenshe knew that she might not go
with any help or healing or whisper
of matfort to her fallen love,
Presently, through the blazing glory
of tee alumna, the erolthishop passed
to the pulpit so wonclrously carved
from a solid piece of marble and the
clear tones of his homily rang out over
the benne of the people for the Immo
of more than half an hour,
ento that space Placidcrowded the
sweet brief days of all a suramertbne
that %vas mod; the forest shades so
deep and calm, the love that nothing
daunts, the words that may not die.
Her eyes were burning, and. her hands
tightly clasped.. She sat very atilt.
so still that her husband thought she
t .
,:asieete or Lending in that dire°.
"Lot as get out iato the fresh air,"
he suggested. "I have bad enough ser-
mon, Incense and musio to last me a
lifetime. And you've some ehopping
to do, haven't you? We might choose
those curtains for the hall.'
e i• -
"Blue," the shopman ivas saybag a
little later on, "blue is the color of
tlee day; it is the color that will well
become Madame; it is also the tailor
of hove."
"Then let it be blue," said Placida,
quickly, whose nerves were strung to
mole a piLch that all discussion Was
Shortly atterivard, a.s they were driv-
ing throtigh one of the narrow streets
of the town, Pltioida, with a sudden.
untoontrollable gesture, put oul; her
"He, the musician, you know, lives
there on the top floe. May wo stop
to find out if he is better?"
"Ola by Means, yes. Let Stefano
run up and
When the footman came down again
from the sixth etage be said in his
brief well-trained way; "The gentle-
man was deed before they brought him
back, sir. He had been sifting for some
lime. Aneurism ot the beart they
seem to think it was, sir. Elome, six?"
floineward it was along the proud
Marina toward the Varo where Scylla
looks on Charybdis through the ages,
between the snow -powdered Sicilian
hills on the one baud and the flashing
waters of the straits and the bronze
and violet shadows that sweep the bigb
Italian shores on the other.
'And so, my Plaoida, your friend has
gone where genius nesumablyit1 nettle -
sine grows pale before yourself.
She smiled, did Placket, a little, joy-
less, indulgent smile, within whose
fragile compess lay a whole unwritten
volu,me. The first violin stew that
sank, and tierough the dark !Um teat
a greet ;friend of yours, or only a
silent 'acquaintance ?''
"He was more than a mere acquaint-
ance," said Placida. .And then she
shivered. at the Selina of her voice, so
dry and strange it rang.
wee elowly gathering before his eyes ,wer husband said no more, but a
and brain a great light shone. By puzzled, thoughetul look came overlies
its same yip and) guidance he rose lu fame and he yeatehed her •very °are -
his place n the musicians' galore" to fully. Late that night, when she stood.
pley the solo for which the whole cattle- before him, teal and white and shim -
drat waited, and then the beavy, per- meting in her satin folds, be took her
tarael air was smitten with the sound hands abruptly in his own and athed
"Tell me. You loved, that man?"
She made no answer except than the
light of her eyes was, drowned in in-
finite sorrow.
"Tell me," he said again, most stern-
ly, "you loved that rage? If not, you
wooed have denied it. And if so, why
didemu marry mer
Plaeida looked down at the great
diamonds twinkling on her little fin-
gers, girding her wrists with a white
and joyous fire. Had she been of a,
of a most tender harmony.
It rose and. fell and shivered in °ad-
enine of passion, sacrifice and pain, a
noble, music nobly told, dim with the
grief of thinga undreamed of, rich in
the joy of love that knows no wrong.
New it was drowned in the deepest
ma and then again it soared to the
aighese hilltops where angels (nay be,
and the peeks are bright with the
aweetness ot the dawn. 'Curler its
viondrou.s spell smiles lost their savor,
roving eyes grew steadfast, and care -
lase hearts were touched to issues of dramatic turn of mind she might, have
torn them off and flung them from
a, tare so emnity.
"flow mervetou,sly he plays 1 A gen-
ius. You knee: him once, die. you
"1 did. Let us sit down, will you?"
whispered Marla, imperceptibly guid-
lug her husband to a Ilene hidden
corner seat, whit% looked alone on to
tile higla altar, flaming with festival.
her far across the roora, but as she
was uot the said instant, with a hitter,
slow distinctness:
"My—my unforgivable ein was
Nothing could have more swiftly and
effectually disarme4 the man who lov-
ed her so entirely in his own utivarn-
nrray." I ished way. "Oh, Placket," he whisper -
"Though, for my own part, I Prefer ' ad, after pleading long and earnestly
a, leas exalted music, something on the 1 against tbe thing that she had said,
order of a good, rattling air and a I "never say that agein. Say any
ilmery refrain. Oh, P-
-Ieraet a I Why I thing, say nothing, but never that. I
this God -forsaken corner? No one can ; never was mane good at talking well,
eee you now." 1 as you must know, but think of a deso-
Placida milled very patiently. ".1: : late, dreary Marsh, and as you, tetanal
think we are so well. here. And it is through la you came suddenly upon
enough just to listen—ta least, I mean I e rare ana fee,g„ne anew.., enare
it is for me," she added, remembering, , is my life, Pau:Ada. and you—you are
"What is good enough for you thould I the flower. Is there no hope for the
be good enough ior me, my dear," F.:- present, none for the future? Must
turned her husband ga
the way, if you know this 0llantlay, get " i the past be always step ng between
you rent nee? It there 1 I hope then,
him to come round and play at our
dearnone whatever ? I than ask no
reception next week. Offer him a . que,stions. I shall never for ti mom-
thousand lire, if you will, to be tie our
servioe all the evening. , ent think there is anything to forgive
' or any nonsense of that kind. I am
, Placidoes -lips parted and her clear not the man to say heroic things. Still
eyes blazed, but she only said—grandly; • less aen I the man to do them. But I
'enies cannot be boaght anm
d id, Dan the man to try against every odes
like a horse or a pound of coffee.'
, 1 oonceivable that the love of the woman
• "No?" retorted her husband
wiess t I call my wife shall be some day all
Menai, had bought him the mod beauti-; ne.3, own.
Will thee be trying for too
tin women in Mesaina. I much, Placida, and always en vain?"
'Well. I don't profess to know much ege names „,ere stretched to her; he
a,bout gentlemen but, from what I doeeeniee. e„e ettailenly grown eid,
know I should 'Mew tbought a thous- His smell eyes were instinct with erao-
end lire would have bougbe naost of. tion, and Ins expression took on snob
thern kr an boar " 80' and Pratt'Y ' a glow of earneatness that one fon.
dearly at, the prioe." I got to thinn of the essentially ...Meal>
This Mather' Plaeicla'a sense of bum- •
or, and the corners of her tuateta g mold, in which the lines 01 1118 tam were
vary merry for 0 moment. It mayre'!ccv caaptlae‘ ida looked at han with a now
this was the lad Manient in her life interest, a slowly dawning wonder, a
time they did so. I pang or romorse—littlet things, ie may
he drug notes of the solo quiver" . be, yet laden all with fair promises foe
through the cathedral. from end. to day 10 00010.
"I do not know," she faltered. "I
cannot say to -night."
And so it is thee for the living there
Is elevens hope; while the dead lie pati -
entity within their graves.
end, and a great hush fell on the
rnultiteede thronging there. Wheth-
Or or not through the subtle agency,
of atone Magnotk influent*, but cer-
tainly it was es thotigh everyone know
thin supreme effort wee battling with
supreme disteese, Chat Somewhere un-
der the fremood nellings and the store,
ecl domes a beatt was beating to its
tallest, measure of appointed Palm
Wed11 etrange singled was Over all. In
was broken by the ohenting of tbe
De, Son of Mary, Who from fighting
Dant rim to Thine eternee home Once
Wad after that by tee monoteinotiel
erone et the high priest weiedeving
through the prayers for the repose of
UM Mins of those who lie Asleep.
to the nlidet'Of eliese came the Mend
Vieiting Anntee—Why, ia the World
de you buy suee mannish -looking elo-
these Yell sunny tenni think the
tittngs pretty.
Lovely Nitece—N-o, aunty, they're not
pretty, and. I don't Wear thole neucli.
entnityeelhen, why did yeti ket
thein t
11eee-011, it's aerie a oeuefort to see
them metaled,
, • •
Victory tonnage to the nioet wierse-
Brought 10 V011(.0 by South's tee or Them
es a team or envoi operationsea
5Veter1e43, S11001001.0111.0 1'01111104 1011000
rer 551‘ Wortir$ ethimereenete. eineere
mune There.
Ono 'hears a good deal ot at. Vincent
Cape Verde Intends, these days, but
few people have anything but a, very
vague idea on to weal matinee of plain
It may be, To speak the truth, the
Wand certainly has few attractions,
on the other hand, 1.1 has peouliarnies
whine at times make it scent a part
of Dante's Inferno. •
Long before one reaches elle Cape
Verde Wands, in Met, from half a day's
etam distant, the high mountain peaks
away off on the horizon appear Misty
and vague and announce elm near ap-
preach to land and the proaimity of
„ equally steep and peretpitoua, but
the Portuguem seteleraents, fn Mt` there is abundance of fresh water, and,
meantime all around, ie Sweltering as a 'naturat consequence, considerable
vegetation, There is, however, abso
any kind, and consequently this land
In no offing, harbor, or anchorage of
is quite useless to the wheels ot com-
merce or monitors of war. The rest, of
the Wands are more or leas oe the same
nature, but smaller, and some of them
are more fertile than San Antonio,
hence their name,
Poetically, the barber, or coaling sta-
tion of St. •Vincent, Cape Verde Is-
lands, gives one the impression of some
cave of wincle whence issue from the
empty rocks, in ea.nting gusts, tee
seems that rend the Atientio west,
south and north, but where itself there
is a comparative but portentoua calm.
The thins that pass by day and night
from the rebore and dive for silver coins enpea 4348 small birds along the
10 and out under the keels of the large steep side fithe two islands, sank the
est wean vessels, and one can see them soitzzling heat, with the perpetual puffs
hot air and amompanying dust,
down to the sandy bottom a the ocean make it a veritable entrance to hades,
catching the coin tiod laughing up to Curiouely enougb, at very nearly the
the surface op the other, aide of the same latitude and riget across the ett-
coal, 1.0,, Make ell the dirt. tina duut
they ea te, and away.
Such is St. Yemeni: at preemie. the
leo-wilwi base for Spaniel fleet of tor-
pedo tenon iand warships. Of wean,
In reality, tele et not the fart. TIo
BELONG TO PaitT (Jana,
and the coal suppliee are the property
01.1 an English firm (nee Verde. how-
ever, le eat so far front the arena Can-
aries, St, Vincent itself' could be but
the mew of u naval battle, for the
only vestigee of life, always exeopt-
i»g the tuaterable lane or street of
howes already demand, are the thips
riding it t anebor in the offing. Never-
theless, the place, mina as it is, PlaYs
the part of a balf-way hewn in the
world's happenings. &waters from
South Africa, trent the River Platte,
the Panne coast of South America, and
from Breell, all omit them, and the
lime -worn, heat -weary lecke on the Ain
nean cease are after all a Innen in
our elailizatioa by virtue of the coal
supplies and cable station.
As to the interior of the [shine, them
le none, sinePly rocks, ever higher and,
higher, till they bow= mountains. The
kaeighboring island of San Antonio is
heat, dazzling sun, and unthanged
blue, the aie olear to the point of a
vecuurn, and this intensity of light has
a most peoelier effect as one gets near
the islands—they seem to stand out
without any relief in the a -ay of lights
and shadows. a Hat, dusky yellow pic-
ture on blue canvas, • Dusty brown
rocket and peaks, bard and without
standing up against a bright blue
background, wete a perfeotly clear and
deep Mee sea in trona e sea so clear
thae as the steamers rest ea anchor
In the bay the half-breed boys swim
As to the island, in this ease surely
distance lends enchantment to the view
for though at long range and before
lauding 11 is not half ba4 by way of
a. Minty in bizarre effects—vivid ochre,
browns, and ultramarine blues—once on
ehore it is awful.
rock sand dust, here and there athlete
pence of tropical shrub or a half-grown
Lree, but. all dust -covered.
ost the coast of Brazil, lies Per-
namburo, meaning hell'a mouth, but
of the two pitmen the name most cer-
tainly more aptly fits St. Vincent Cape
some Secrecy Observed in the Several
To a stranger visiting the War
and Navy Departments, writes the
correspondenl of th.e New York 'dimes,
The steamers and warships lie out there might seeon to be a condition of
in the harbor, which is excellent, and unqualified confusion reigning in the
is the reasan ot this veritable bell's varioue °Mess. It only seems. In the
mouth Lecoming one of the mouth- Nave Departinent there hes been a
pieces to civilization's speaking Labes, more particalar closing of doors that
nor the Eastern Cable Company has a' were formerly open, and a strioter ob-
staLion here and from Stk Vincent are servance by officers of the rule teat
the movements ol ocean steukners duly no intorneetion is to be giveca to the
obronicled es they ceaselessly come and. Preen Even the simplest questions
gb to take on wan Rue to ,.4,,,n to are avoided. To get by deolinations
the harbor, it is very Large and in shape the secretary must be appealed to, and
like a. horseshoe, with another and cone- he mile in his subordinates to get their
paratively fertile ialand, by name San advice as to when he should depart
Antonio, lying °gross tee open trent from Ms own rule. As the office
and protecting it front the Atlantic force is changing dee by day, naval
storms—the snips coining and going °Wears going out on aea duty to make
aehore in the inevitable small boat, I
through the oppoStte corners. Ono goes room for retired officers assigned to
which bumps alongside a Mw maing office tasks, there is an apparent 'lose
wharf, where the terse person met with at smoothness, with a. greater neo' -
will probably be the aim inevitable voiesnass about being seen 00 conver-
Englishman, and most likely one of • ninon with newspaper men. The
tee Miller family, the millionaire own- Bureau of Navigation, the heart of the
era of the coaling station, for the en- department, is en a whirl, and, Some
terprese of a private firm is respon- of its clerks mast work overtime to
sible fqr the coal supplies of Se Vin- keep up with the rush of business. 5011,
cent, welch are brought. over Croix' Eng- there has not been so much night
land in wilier.% Lind theu stored on the I work as tulehe have, bean innigined,
island in very large quantities. partly because the tome must have
The head of the Miller family eon- ! rest, ani parely in oonsequence of the
trolling, this trade is also the resident ; laying aside- of some matters that did
Brit:Leh Consul; he is married to a not, need immediate attention. The
Portuguese lady and has lots of broth- War Department hal mime M Mine
era and sisters at the old home in something of the appearance ot a ramp.
Somersetshire, a splendid country seat , Every officer oE the welly on duty there
nol, far from Bath About the only I has been wearing hIs uniform under
other white men of the island are a orders from the Secretary of Wan teen.
few diminutive Portuguese °Matins, I Mites did noe oonsider that this order
brave in uniforms and gent kw, and applied to 'bine for ha Murk to his
the employees of the °able company, civilian costume after Instil:an had been
the latter of whom poesess, besides going about for clays in fatigue dress.
their maddening, clicking instruments Oocasionally an officer has excited cur -
a rickety billiard table, a few scow Melly by appearing in the drab linen
hereon, whieh they race ap and down, Cuban uniform., in which the regulars
Ole sandy stretches along the shore, are to be clothed as WA as the eon -
and a large stook of good whiskey. Par- traCtorStaXe delivered the suits now
neuter mention is made of the spirits, under way. The man with a uniform
bet:abet there is -no water in this at- gains some advantage at the outer
cursed isle—it has to be brought across doors, now carefully guarded after two
in boats from neighboring San Antonio o'clock each daylink does enn need to
—and beeauee sometimes no rain falls show a pass as all other buitiness visi-
tors are obliged to do. .
there for as long as two years at a
al:retell, then it pours and dries up
The Eastern Cable Cotnpany's eating
men inst. manage to survive Lee nine
months they live there; fereunately for
thee months they are allowel a fur-
lough in :England, or where else they
please, en'l well they need it,
' Mr, Miller, however, is a Man of mil -
bone, and water le therefore no ob10 -
ject. Indeed, be has it brought over enY Wale ree`b heir her well's
AC Cep Mart,in you may find ehe
Empress of Austria, who casts off all
the cares of royalty au& indulges her
taste for simple liviog and froth air.
Sibe walks for miles every day in elm
moat sensible serviceable costumes, and
in botaloada, and has m cousequeuce
quite a luxuriant retreat end house on
one of the emirs jutting out along the
harbor. The nittivea do such labor as
there es to be done., acting ea boatmen,
stevedores and seevents—they are half
Portugeem, ball Africen, and speak
Portuguese as their native Longue, end
tie their favorite occupation do noth-
ing. They somehow manage to exist
on the crunebe gathered from the Pass-
ing skinners. Of LOWn there is none,
just a struggling T-shaped street, of
IOW Melees, here and there a drinking
plow or filthy joint, and here and
there a ship chandler's, ma that is all.
The Society evente of the etatioe are
asuolly confined to entertainments giv-
en by the hospitable orew or Lassen..
gets of some steamer or War lime tak-
abroad, quite unattended, and so simp-
ly elate would scarcely realize tihat she
was a great Empress, aua had at ter
disposal some of 0116 most beautiful
jewels which ever were seen. The
Auseirean collection is the finest collec-
tion of jewels in Europe—in face the
only one Slime the orown jewels oe
rratice were broken. up and; boaglhe by
the modern raillienaires, The jewelled
arms are quite magnificent., and am-
ong the most notketible of them Is the
Ineice of Sta Mantic% Mooing* with pre -
Maus stones, end continuing in the
nandle Ole mese tuuthentio Tette—a nail
trnt ethe erue cross; while ehe regalia
ing on coal, lmt there s no diversity;
ab Ghoelemagne, taken from AIM tontb
the Comma of one ship is the oomitig ret Aix-laeOliapellei is anallher valuable
oe Ile next, and there are always two teem Ellet the EolPreca's own jewels
or three in the harbor, In feat, the aa'e almost ecotone inagineiten.t. She
atonoLony rued dast aro stapendone. One possesses the largest emeralit 10 bee
ot Lite eoinpanyei operatora ()ace told world, weiglring 3,000 carafe; but, of
the writer, with teats of whiskey and ovairso, this is unotth, Another, neat,
loneliness In his eyes, that he thought, le aa lenge,is koliceeed outas a
lie would would Surely go rated, 'ivies Ott an- bonniero; tend one of her prettiest orni
der the setedelesit blue in tlke intense aments [5 4. watt& composed, of one dark
heat, with nothing to Menthe but air
and nothing to see but sue ana noth-
ing to drink," but impure water, and
so on through the ndiele gamut of a
dieteppottiMa liee. Even the vety thins
stay, 510 Mager thee eliny hove101 neet
emerald hengeng on to a einem 0± ent-
nrelds end diatatottee, llhe fleet jewelled
chain %ninth Wee Over made,' abd this
was te gat trent the late Sluth of Var-
ela when he Visited &trope setae Years
,youNo Foucs.
• 1 , nPeeernee."
"1 Meth you ievuld go up to the Pea -
tau rehaeledwpcuanevps treye dtinybe ffouril to,fo%vdteatyers:
0e:,..10 I m paiteint ttvo to
e euroriik hat the eat yes
a 1:i iV)ruf.itictI1ic [tiea
d l3shea
ed. Het leavis going after blueberries.
Papa didn't Seta to bear it, or the
nue wheetie which Hal gave when he
saw his playmate looking at
"Pump the eues full," be said, aa
he lent to the bare, "lead thea You
will not neei to go up there tenrior-
" feat won't go blueberrying, then,"
y thuoitiapgelid.
t.,", rind bell be away out
ot sight in the 11a
ho before I got. the
He turned towar'i the pasture bars,
though, anl pretty soon mina heard the
Pump hendle go thurup—thurap. as
vtleiorybetugle:ietolitptitembboyvehtrarte trying his
on the meramotapnee oreeneers, Where seats from friends end %veil withers.
colored gloves aro pat out In stacks and ozi the occasiOu received many ere-
oBe,rinye lot:locked, quite. happy aa he held
p a
ugreat bunch of blueberries when
e .Daiidad.'t know they were up there,"
" Aad you didn't know we were go -
Lag fishing dorm to the lake to -morrow.
I gimes," laughed. papa. "But we are.
11,f0Vreae iso*ori,
ilt,start early and. ate.y all the
Away flew Denny's teat Into the eir
as though all the tired feeling had gone
out of his arms. And how' limber thee'
eeerned the next day, when he helped
awinrow bs
oiuthinar the lake, and then
you *aide cia pitionant 5 metaory of
your vwt to linger with raw' bestese
at with neueolf yeti seould write e
line repelling* to her year epoken
thanks. Oh, thane 0. "board and lodge
ina lstfer," you. say. Very tree, nue
it's tetways appriniated by the WWWLA
W1'31 flutelike:icy you hew seeepted.
andprem./nobly. enjoyed. There
amnia if 0 nein sends yotia bee* or a
oliplantr frOln a newspaper, or a Wad
fur elide reeeptien on ladies' day. write
that WOrd of netlike, even if you. have
Stray Serop, of Piens Perfumed by •
floppaujsus of it Itleelli Solit
in a rrvi 39°rah.
Ceorke etattareoe, a coal agent 'at
Dinivoodie Station, wno lives at jobin
In get up In the Middle Of tIVI nigbi stone Bridgebee disappeared. '
do it, As a. meteor of poelky, if 00- The Duke Sulberland's deer toroth
thing else, you tit 11 find the hall an
exeedient ouefor pcoPle meth or leniae'll• bn Blitheriantiehien, near
son from. whent the invert...dile word ot The (Brenton -I of the I nverlierie .Foun,
thanks coniee (meekly anti epoatazte- dry company neve involuted :leen S.
0 per- Tonelai.113.4 been let to Mr. Balfour..
more tipt to do a kiaaaeas for
cooly than for that unpleasant and lust- Nicholls, C. la, manager of the workei.
ter -a -face inemher of soriely who takee eanuni Gmrdiner, hot:tamer. Water_
ail each eourtesieS as her just aue
end doe,„, nos tmoii, to send loo, eat; killed at elydestiale 5101 Nair -
the migetest acknowledgment or erenn hiyonete collieries, near Wirthaw, reeenta
swig eourtesies.
Ceerporta D. W. lenteitiod, "Willie,"
, . who. wee wounded at the battle or Ate
hi losieeBgetrurowni. oKlioDnictleLt.°, Ibia,t,reu,irtiggit101en AR0.1(ljacief 1..lece,.Itmeeaericryi. etaeleod,
The bande axe well mut in the tore- 1 Mrs. Marion Thomson. Netherbeern,
ground of color, and all the subdued .Deteei.ecelebrated her Meth birthday,
people to whom a glans Ls a glove, so . An elderly woman named Robertson
et, will be Well fitting, may make tkeir or Sinoolon, widow of the late Gilbert
oboice contentedly. The exclueive, the Sin:gentle, Alyth, was found drowned in
nigh -priced and the most sought aftthe buni, er by the burgh me age ponds,
gloves are of inemietokable dna( a nd ; Jeneee Wei r, formerly treaeuxer of
state(hinge. slowing out in downright ' Paisley, died ta his residence. Old
blue; toed greens and canary colors, ' 8_1n11"111 le' 11)11' In 1839' he peeee4
vvnich might be formal gearing inalfor
, ' e"" ju h.(8 6'1 11 Ye'''
tile fine tone awl, hintett oh ale skin, 1 In George Hair, a window cleaner, died
Glovea in a glossy kid rif a bright un- RtodiaoltilAfirrnaieinryg ferrginni
teeth -ening blue, a cross between t•be ne g n C ookseort street.
sky blue thud indigo blue, cleave ornate. Burnie; a thunderstorm one a,fter-
etitthengs of email silk eo dist inguisn ' noon receutly six. eive,s on the farm of
them eon bindings of Cho Satne tint , Yetholea Mains,. neer Kelso, were
about the tops, Cticlet blue gloves are • jn I • 'e g and .
it did not seem more than five min- 1 Cat he t Inc Summers or Malone, while
tOle , either, before Sony's line
straightened out very quickly on the
side of the boat
'Want any help with the fish 4" ask-
ed papa eagerly. " Ha's e. big one."
And away Rainy tugged as lord as
he could, and down into the bot-
tom of the boat splashed a three -pound
fish La a few weenie:its.
" What a beauty," laughed papa
'And you got Inete all yourself. There's
Rae Davis and his father over aoross
the lake. They and I haven't hed a
bite yet, ,
" Guess—guess ton bite—would have
slipped off,' punted Benny, '11 I had-
n't got ney arra tough pumping tor the
cal ves,"
'That work is better for the muscles
than picking blackberries," laughed pa-
pa, earder than before, as he punceed
his boy's artn, "Seam's ea though your
MUSele does feel hard, like the pump
" Thans what Hal said, when he went
by with his berries last night," smiled
Benny. "And it hurt a little—then.
But he Can call me Pumpy all he wants
to now. Mean to give him a piece of
me fish if he don't math any,'
Matte , 54111 finislied
aseending a stair on King street,
mon pink, A pair of metallic genen Dante, shipped end fell, hreohorthir
,b,ave black furbiesitenns and, a inernle , her skint and breaking bar neck.
iah plumeoolored pair are elaborated An old nom named. 'William Ross,
with just a tint a green. 1 who carried o11 tin extensive business
Light pearl gray gloves, and those as slater sI Alness for over 59 years, •
ot a darker lone of gray es weLl, have dropped dead et, the back of his house.
embroldery stitabing on tee back and., Among triune who took Lbe degree of
wriaL bindings of brickdust red. Viva with honors at. Aberdeen tini-
id canary colored gloves 'leave startles verity WSS DOnatd Cameron, eon of
black stitctungs, and so on all through err. Cameron. retired Inspector of
the calendar of contrasts and coleys.: heliee' Te0111
However much popular opinion may At a ineeeing cif the Armen Burgh
have amount -tenement aright kid gloves Commission the Sanitary Committee
in tem past, amt. notwithstanding* the recommended the erection ot a pu.elic
disfavor that the Hest advance guard slaughterhouse, at an estimated cost
of these brilliant hand oeverings met , of ailaXia.
with in 'tee winter when they wows i A sad bathing fatality occarred at
fixth • foisted en the public, they Look leek, whereby a young man name -
thane edged themselves fin now to stay.: ed Etincheafte. employed as a book-
ie): a store that lies to do with setting binder in C'ollins' Works, Glasgow.
atyles for a great majority a die- ; 1081 his life.
criminating shoppersehe display of col- 1
ors when the eighenriced walking The Indy of te man found in the
gloves are opened outon the counter, Clede near Dalmarnoek bridge, WU.-
van only be duplicated. in the tulip bade gOWhas been ideatifid as that of
a•nd parterres of gay spring blossoms Patrick hielnuilea aged ate, resitting let
A. frog's tall doeen't drop oft but is
absorbed to increase the size of the
hinder parts. Frogs crawl out of their
skins once a year by rubbing up ag-
ainst a tree, turning their skin over
their beads, just, o.s we would. take off
au undervest.. 0 frogn tongue is fes-
te.aed in front aad Image loosely down
the throat m when it wishes to cap-
ture insects it can throw out its tongue
lasso. He also has glands on
the sale of his head which enable it
to throw oat a bitter substance when
attatikerl. Frogs have no diaphragm, be-
ing obliged to gulp clown air. it boys
understood this fact, I aol sure
they would nominee it cruel to put
stints In their mouths, for then, as they
can neither take in an,y more air nor
let axle out, they die, ,
The lizard belongs to the alligator
family and itt more properly called
01010 t Unease all the parts are des-
Lroyed 1,1 bes the power to reproduce
an eye. If you, break all a piece of its
tail Ake a pipe stem 11 will grow
again. end if it is broken in the mid-
dle nee tails will 'grow. Its 'eyes are
vertical slits, and it must either look
up or down. , ;Bovines, ou the mu-
tative. See only fron left to night 55
thee need to see.
Barlow discovered the breathing
power ef snakes to be entirely outside
the cavity of the m.oute, so thee it caa
swallow thbags larger than itself.
The dragon fly is called tee race
horse of the Menet world. It has twen-
ty-six thousand eyes all parkin.
Bleck ante mane in solid colurana
three feet, wide and two or three milea
long, forming a line ot crust that ele-
phants refuse to CrOSS.
ithe newt advanced opinion is that
anitnals mama. A inew Foutittland dog
remixed e ehild from drowning and was
fed plentifully with candy. Tee next
they at th5 same time he went. to the
shore and nob Ending a child in, punt-
ed one in to get the reward.
Sakes are very fond of Made. One
day a diamond adder tried to capture
one, sereking as usual for the hind feet.
The toad got, a sleek in its month and
coostattly presented its head to the
snake, who could nth get bold bemuse
of tee sleek, .
11151 04 word, girls, about the goal°
art oe writing a, grime:file not of
thanks. Don't be chary of thee notes,
Dow somebody send you:a pretty gitt,
it goes without; saying tlaat you write
a, cordial nolo of appreciation, bat if
sotto aot be courtesy 15 (1005 or sortie
small favor rendered, the written word
Of thanks is too often neglected.
It's an art, this art of writing a brief
word of thanks, but it is one which
every geutiewomau shooed oultivete,
ma It will, in the long ran, be Of far
Mere aerviee to leer num even the mys-
teries of thine Omitting or reatdolin
You go tan of been, PorhaPs. and
stay overnight, with a friend, and it
tin treeeishiag garden. Developed la 20 Steel street.
ordenery °mullion kid. these beyday : William Kerr, farmer. Loehltine,
hues would be unbeerrehle, but tney weft, died very sinidenly et Ids rest-.
come only in the best selected skins, ,
as. the saleswomon will tell you. skins dance there. reeently, having dropped'
of which a two -clasp glove sells for I down mud expired while preparing to
$2.10, send Me soft lustre reeoncutiles yo -ave for the town.
to tin brilliant hue. A. feeling of painful surprise was
created inLeith by the ennouneemeut
of the detail of the Rev. Themes Mel-
lon, minister ef 511. Paul's Parish
churen Lorne st wet.
The body of IL McAlister, mate of
the Flying Wizard, was found_ in the
teeming tt hard time of it, had a eright Vitoria harbour, Greenock. It is sup -
idea not long since and are now coin- gposotneda haebohaardd malassdedfahiltenfricoltiongthe
ing money out of 1 very simple thing water.
—the kind of things that usually do The. death oinurred on April 8, after
make money. This was to buy from. a very brief illness, of William. Dyer,
the ratiniefacturers the regular macel who for ninon. a (leerier of eaee
kintosh goods ley the bole and make tury WaS one of the muse prominent
Two young women who had their
own way to make in the world and
were trying to naake it. by sewing and
a combitention suit of skirt end. cape Public* men odStranraer. Mr. Dyer was
for a roues,* clay costume for women. a native of Delkeith.
The death eas announced of l'hos.
• The nmekintoth cloaks are etways too
Simpson, J. P., Neweasileten, Mr.
small around, never as full as any rash-
Simpsen. ono was 64 yours of age, was
ionathe dress skirt, and the effort to, a, member of Roxburgh County Coen -
hold cp the dress is 000 which TWIT' Me and wee chairman a aka gist
considerable manoeuvring, 'eaere '8 Parish Council of Caatletom.
not enaugla room tor the arm %lien I
menkintosh pulls and drews, anti than semblea in the Vnion Hetet, Inverness,
ally always yields and tears tie the and proem:tied D. G. Macpherson, Of
corners of all openings. As the dress: John Macpherson & Co., street',
skirt is held up or let down, the wet with a. token of esteem on the occasion
edges of the mankintosh draggle the' ot his departure tor South Africa.
entire bottom of the altirt end trim -I William Allen, atteirleught., hes clied
ming. The arms are never free to
e et his residence after a short illness.
carry tinytteing, SIM One 'MARI Ilan -
bent in holding* the skirts mg the A large mealier of busineee men as-
er be drenched than wear ono. wasbonn at Mairlaught siety-eight
The uewsu1ti1sgr0atiU11r0Yem5n1. years ago, his father having tenanted
The skirl is cu.t on the prevailing rase- tb.elann in 1818 but the Aileen heve
tenable outs 01 skirts, and fens in' been Actuante in Ardrossea for centar-
gracefett folds when worn either with les.
or without le dress tkire. Tilers ie not
The body of Elletibelb 'McMinnaged
body to taile garment, ha an ample „e , „ , „
double C LIPC, is matte whioh OOvela the •• ne "Weiner ee 1110 "ne Airmen"
waist fully, and gtves a. graceful ap-, Nieoleon, blacksmith, Stornowoy, was
pearance to the %waxer anl amok pro -I found recent lyon the tenth near Lewis
tection trona (he ram. It is also more Caetle, she having aeparently tnee ber
airy than the one-ptece garment, ande, deathly Online over one of tee quays.
consequently more heelthfal, 1 Mr. Andrew leol ertson, Minimum his
F•ven when made of the ordivary
nese celebrated his radon aernting
Nttltmeri6tlyroonfea.gteoaculsd threesettys,uite are ex-.
hat when I with a fsmlly party of neventeen
made of tee finer qualities ot serge fin -i ants. ne NV'S presented with a puma
ished or Scotch mixed goods they have: oe invereiges. Aintree has been City-
n e eppeemnee of a mackintosh what- ' few years a, regimen end is 83 years '
of age, Ills oif bbtiag 72. Balt are
ever, but simply of a stylish wool sun.
The goods is lawny to need no
linings, its natural etiffness making it
hang well, while tee backing is of silk
cre plant in any colors ordered.
The weight of the garment being di -
stall hale and betirty.
James Itiebniond, miner, about 5e
yeare a age, while working in the
Rover pit. at Fergashill, hadoneof hie
ended in two ie another advantage, legs severely crushed by a fall front
while either garment may be wovn the roof. lee was removed, to
separetciy "Unlike the unwieldy mar- neck infirmary, weere it .was foumt ne-
kintose, this sait is always made to cossery to amputate the injured limis
measure and fitted to tile client, so. Lte died neer.
that it benne well from, the waist and
from the shoulders,
Those Mike next, door meat have
bought 'that house.
What *mikes you thenk so.
T newer' her swirling tile timid for
deivieg o piotetre nail into the plas-
She—So this la ;Four picture? 11 is
a true represontabion of the dinteg
teem. of OAR ocean Mean:tee; Ina Why
ataue you Pennant* some eharaeteral
--McAbee that inettere 15 elitielea.
"T Diunor Hour Daring a, Weigle
Inesage, •
At elk first annual meeting ct the
Aberdeen University Endowment, 'Atie
socialism recently, Mr, Milligan, 'honor.
ary vecretary, intimated that, Miss
Cruickshank, Rose alma, clauglatir oat
the tole Professor Orultikshaak, Aber.
deen 1 niverisily, and sister of Alen.
ender Cruiekeleenk, who died reeently,
had given e wife cit 4105,508 to itho
truivorsit.y, to be used tot enquiring,
laying out and endowing ono of Mei
greet °tenths winch that, assotiation
had fix view—namely, a botanical gen,
A dtule mad a, IMMOOle May be te
mote esthetic combination than pork
and beans, but the combination is loam