The Brussels Post, 1898-6-10, Page 11*"1 tiSt. Vol. 26. No. 48. BRUSSELS, ONTARIO, FRIDAY, JUNE 10, 1898 MEDICAL CARD. J. A. M'NAUGHTON, kf. D„ 0. nl„ TrIn1ty Un ivorslty, Follow Trhl- ity Medical College, Member College of Eby- etelans and Burgeons, Cnc, Licentiate of the Royal College of Physicians and Licentiate of Midwifery, pldlubureb, fa'Tolop1one 10,11. ltenidonee, 2111113 0., 11russels, E. T. SNIDER, M. D., 0. M„ successor to Dr. A. McKelvey, Licentiate of Royal College of Ph 9lciauo and Burgeons, Kingston ; Member of the 0o1. lege of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario. Diseases of women and children a specialty. Night years' exporionee. -0fItoe and res- idence that formerly 000uplod by Dr, 2,10. Kelvey, Turnberry Wee b,13000401s. 25. DR. F. H. KALBFLEISCH, r311 SI0TAN, 01.100008 A$D ACC0UCHEUR, SUCCESSOR TO DR. W. GRAHAM, BRUSSELS, - ONTARIO. 1st Claes Honor Graduate of the Universi- ties of Trinity (Toronto), Queen's (Kluget0n) and of Trinity Medical College; Fellow of Trinity Modioal College and member of the College of Physioiaua and Surgeons of Ontar- io, Yost Graduate Course iu Detroit and Ghioago,1000. Spacial attention paid to die- eaBee of Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat, aud dis- eases of Women. 18'Oonnultation in Eng• fish and German. Telephone atreeidonoe. LEGAL AND CONVEYANCING. Ng M. SINCLAIR, BARRISTER • Solicitor Conveyancer,NotaryPub- lie, &o. Oilloo—'Vaustoue's Block, 1 door 'north of Central Hoto Solicitor for We Standard 13auk. F., BLAIR, BARRISTER, G• •Solicitor, &o. (late of Garrow & Proudfoot's Odlee, Gorlerioh.) Office over Gillies & Smith's Bank, Brussels. Money to Loan. 47 , •. Cook's Cotton Boot Compound Is successfully need monthly by over 10,000 Ladies. Safe, effectual. Ladies ask your druggist for Cooks Cetloa Reel Com- pound. Take no other as all Mixtures, pills and imitations are dangeions. Price, No. 1, Slper box; No. 2,1n degrees stronger, $e per box. No. tor 2, mailed on receipt of price and two 8.0ent etamppe, The Oook Oompany,Windeor, Ont f3l"No$. 1 and 2 Bold and recommended by all responsible Druggists in (Meade. Nos. 1 and sold in Brussels by G. A. BRADMAN, Druggist, Bookseller & Optician. White Star Line. ROYAL MAIL STLAMSIIHPS. Between New York and Liverpool,; via Queenstown, ovary Wednesday. As the steamers of this lino carry only a etriotly limited number iu the mum and B0OOND aunts accommodation, intending passengers are reminded that au early ap- plication for berths is nee°ssary at this sea - eon. For plane, rates, etc., apply to W. H. Kerr, Agent, Brueeele• Vy4 f.F.r I LWAY 'la'$lf`a^TENi' Will Help You Decide Where to Spend Your Hol idas _1 By Furniohing the Following Publications which will be forwarded upon application to any of the agents of the Grand Trunk Railway System "Muskoka : Land of Health and Pleas- ure," describing tho picturesque Muskoka Dake region. Muskoka Special Folder," "Thousand Inland; Folder," "Guide to the Fishing and Hunting Re- sorts," on and in the vicinity of the Chani Trunk Railway System, containing reliable information in regard to Fish, Game, Hotels, Livery and general facilities, Ticket ratan and inYormabiou from J. N. KENDALL, Agent, Brussels, GEO. HEYD, " Ethel. New Advertisements, Deily News—J. W. Kerney. Speotaoleo found—Ten Poo'. Binder Twine—McKay & Go, Tenders wanted—J. G. Skene. Tenders wanted—John Grant. The bot sun—G. A, Deadman. Servant wanted—W M Sinclair. Hot weather goods—A, Straoban. Strictly bueineso-3. Ferguson & Go. Hot weather goods—MOKinnon & Co, LONDON CONFERENCE. METHODIST CHURCH. [Continued from page 4.] Chatham, dune 8bh.—Tho following is the final draft of the Stationing °emmi6- tee of the London Conference :— London Diebrict—London First church — Jno Smith, V D, ; Jae Kennedy, J Russell, superannuated. Dundas street — Jahn B Saunders M D D D,; John Morrison ; J Cooper Antliff, M A, D D, Professor of Homiletics and Pastoral Theology, Wesleyan College • Timothy Henan, Geo, Brown, (Perkasie, Toron. to) ; David Ryan, W Wilmott, W Chap- man, superannuated. Wellington street, Joseph Edge, Eli Middleton. Colborne street, Geo Jackson, Thee Crews, enpely- annuated. Centennial, W J Ford, L L 33., L W Wickett,seperannvated. Ham. iltou Road, J G ]'anis. Askin street, R Hobbs. Empress Avenue, A G Har- ris. St John's, Hugh J Fair, (Arva) ; J P Morden, (Arva,) superannuated. Siloam, J W Robinson, (Forest A.venne). Bryanston, Joseph Deacon. Thorndale, 11 Thompson, Howard R Steele. Thames. ford, R A. Miller. Dorchester, John Mahan, A Rapson. Belmont, Wm Quanoe. Lambeth, John S Fisher, Geo Bennott, superannuated. Westminster, T Wesley Goethe, (Lambeth) ; W J Mor- timore, (Lambeth). Deleware, Harvey D Moyer. Chairman, Goo. Jackson. I'in.-Sec., A G Harris. Stratford Distriot—Stratford central, Jae Hannon, D D, ; W McDonagh, superannuated. Stratford—Waterloo street, A. K. Birks, 13 A, L L D. St Mary's, G W Henderson, Richmond Service, supernumerary. Mitchell, IJ W Holmes, Geo Smith, superannuated. Listowel, W Wflliame, D D. Milverton, Thos J Snowden, Ph B. Trowbridge, J Kenner. Wallace, Coleman) W Bristol, (Lebanon). Atwood, Ezra A Fear. Monkton, S G Edmunds, B D. Staffs, J 0 Netheroott. Fullerton, G. W. Andrews. B A ; Allan 0 Farrell, (Car- lingford). Harmony, Tahoe J Noble, (Strafford). Embro, John A Jackson. Welburn, G H Thompson, Kintore, J 13 Aylesworth, M A, L L D. Chairman, IDr Hannon. Fin. -Sec., E A Fear. Wingham Distriot—Wingham, W S Pascoe, D D. Kincardine, Andrew Cun- ningham, Finley M Smith, euperanna- ated. Luoknow, ] John Leroyd. Brussels, S J Allis], Richard Paul, W Norton, superannuated. Teeswater, S W Muxworthy. Ethel, J G Yelland (3 E H) ; Benjamin Sherlook, (Toronto,) superannuated. Fordwich, R J Hocking. Gerrie, R J Garbutt, LLB. Wroseter, J 13 Kennedy. Bluovale, D Rogers. Ashfield, E Olivant, (Luoknow). Salem, N 5 Burwaeh (Greenook. Bethel, W M Pomeroy, (Pine River). Ripley, Francis Swan. Bervie, George Baker, J L Stew- art, T Hadwin, superannuated. Tiver- ton, A J Brown, Ph B. Whiteohuroh, W W Leech. Bolgrave, F J Oaten. Chairman, A Cunningham. Fin. -Seo., W Muxworthy. Goderioh Dietriot.—Goderic'b, North street, Jasper Wilson ; Victoria street, W Godwin. Clinton, Rattenbury street, R Millyard ; Ontario street, B Clement, Henry A Newcombe, superannuated. Seaforth, A L Russell, B A. Holmes. villo,' Joeias Green. Blyth, Walter Bigsby, Wm Mille, (St Catharines) super- annuated. Dungannon, Ben L Hutton; Nile, Robb H Hall. Benmilier, Martin J Wilson, B A. Auburn, 0 0 Gouzene. Walton, Albert 0 Tiffin. Londeeboro, J W Andrews. Tuokeremith, J Armstrong, under Superintendent of Clinton (Ontario street). Bayfield, E A Shaw. Verna, R 0 Burton, W A Fin. lay left without a station on 110000nt of ill health. Chairman, W Rigsby. Fin. -Seo„ W Godwin. M'KINNON & CO, BLYTHI, 1101 Wever Guods! We're prepared with -ass..... Cit! Muslins, Organdies, Prints, Pioque, 8cc. Beautiful effects in Mullin] 8o Fancy "Roman Stripe" Print 10e Checks In Chambray end Print for waists, beautiful design in greens and blues10o Plaque, lemon and white effeots .,... , 14o Organdie, eplondid aseortmont in £ahoy effects 15o Plain and Fancy Organdie, newest and most stylish goods shown this season,,20o c MID IN R,Y`. Our Millinery Department ie well aseoetbd, Everything np•to-date in every res(en, Stylish add beeoning Hat are therind wo have. McKinnon & Co Blyth. yth. W. H. KERR, Prop, Exeter Distriot,--.Exeter (Main street), Chas Smith. (Exeter (James street), N R Willoughby. Parkhill, Jae 3e Ford. l+'limvillo, Geo Jewitt, Oliver Coleman. Centralia, S Salton. ;Hansell, W le Kerr, A E M Thompson. Kippon, W J Waddell (Heneall). Oreditoo, James Heuer. Grand Bend, J W Baird, B A, (Corbett.) Sylvan, John Hart, (Park- hill ) Ailed Craig, Wm Baugh. Biro, D M Kennedy. Lucien, J P Rice. Granton, T E Harrison, Woodhull, S Knott, Kirkton, John Ball, JOs Coulter, J MoKelvie. Chairman, Dr Willoughby. I'in.-Seo,, J E Ford. Strathroy District—Strathroy (Front street), Jos R Gundy, J Neelauds, super. annuated. Stratbroy (Frank street), 0 FtOlark. Potrolea, Joseph Philp. Adelaide, 18 Fulton Irwin. Kerwood, A H Brown, Watford, W G 11 McAllister. Warwick, Shelbourno Anderson, W Hug- ging (Uttoseter), superannnatea, Arkona, E Kershaw. Brooke, H E Currie (Wat• ford). Appin, 0 Barltrop. Mt, Brydges, J E Holmes. Melbourne, D E Martin. Wanstead, J W Joues, Oil City, H D Tyler. Marthaville, A McKibben, Chairman, J R Gundy. Fin. -Sec., W G 11lMcAllister. Sarnia District—Sarnia, Geo Daniels, Ph B, E Peasant, J If Stinson, superan- nuated. Sarnia (Queen street), E Med1. Point Edward, Walter Ayers. Wyoming, Geo NHazen, 13A,AChown, BA,BD, loft without a station at his request ; W Hayhurst, Toronto. Camleabie, W H Graham, Chas W Morrow. Brigden, R; H Darnby. Alvinston, Gerald Wil- loughby, Oil Springs], J A Ayearst. Thedford, Il Holmes. Forest, R Whit- ing. Bosangneb, L Bartlett. Stoney and Kettle Points, supplied by the Bonnn• net minister. Corinna, Wni Penhall (Oourtright), TA Patterson. Wilkesport; W A Smith. Port Lambton, J W Pring. St. Clair, J A Ferguson, (Souris.) Chairman, Dr. Daniels. Pin. -Seo., R Whiting. Windsor District.—Wiudeor, James Livingstone, John Reynolds, Bagley et, Detroit, superannuated. Windsor West, 0 G Corneille, 13 A, ander superintend- entof Windsor. 'walkerville,Jos SCook. Amhersthurg, 0 W Brown. Harrow, W H Cooper. Essex, G A Gifford, N E Scott, superannuated. Kingsville, 1Z D Hamilton, Jos Rawson, superannuated. Ruthvon, W McMullen. Geste, J Calvin Reid, 13 A, under superintendent of Es- sex. Cottem, A Thibadeau. Woodelee, W H Shaw. Maidstone, O F Clark. Leamington, I13 Walwin, A Soratob, superannuated. South Mersea, A M McCulloch. Goldsmith, Thos] W Blatch- ford. Comber, J H Kirkland. Romney, Peter Myers. Pelee Island, Dwight 31 Harvey, under superintendent of Am. herstburg, 0 W Kennedy, D H Trimble, Chairman, J Livingstone. Fin, -Seo., W H Cooper. Chatham Distriot. Ohatham (Park etreet), E N Baker. Chatham (Victoria avenue), II•W Locke, J W Freeman (Ont. Col.), enperannuated. Charing Oross, Riolr Redmond. Blenheim, Jno Holmes. Cedar Springe, 0 V Lake, Merlin, J W Cohoon. Tilbury, T R MoNair. Jeanettes Greek, J F Knight., under superintendent of Tilbury. Louisville, James Walker, Dover, J J IIaylook (Baldonn.) Dresden, JosephGalloway. Dawn Mills, R L Wil- son. Wallenberg, W H Butt. Tupper - villa, SVRIPentlaid, one wanted. Ruth- erford, W Pickard, Wm Convoy. Wal- pole Island, Wm A Elias. Wallaoeburg, A E Jones. Chairman, E N Baker. Fin, -Seo., H W Locke. Ridgetown Distriot. Ridgetown, 5 Bond, 0 Burdett, superannuated, Morpetb, Ezra G Powell. Fairfield, W B Creighton (Guilds.) Highgate, T T George, D Pomeroy, superannuated, Harwich, W R Vance (Fargo.) Themes. villa, G J Kerr. Bothwell, G It Cobble. diolc Wardeville, A I Snyder. New. bury, 0 P Wella, F Webster, J R Swift. Florence—John Kennedy. Glenna, H W McTavish. Rodney, J A Snell. West Lorne, J W Hibbert, (W Panther.) Batton, W 0 Beer, A J Langford, W J Ashton. Chairman, 5 Bond. Fin. -Seo., Geo J Kerr. St. Thomas Distriot.—St. Thomas, First Methodiet Churob, John Philp, H McLean. Grace Churob, H Irvine, Central Church, H W Crews, A E Grif. fith, J R Philips, R 0 Parsons. Alma College, R I Warner, Principal (Alma College.) Mount niacin Institute, W W Shepherd, Principe! (edunoey.) Aylmer, Chas T Bootle Springfield, John Veale. Lyons, W 11 Moss. Brownsville, Geo Buggin, Corinth, L W Reid, Avon, 0 t nDe arde. King on. Vienna, A 5 w Lake, Al Griffin. Malehide, 5 G Staples (Luton), O le Carsoalleu (Dunboyne). Sparta, T B Coupland. Straffordville, Byron Snell. Port Stanley, A H Going. Fingal, Time Jaokeon. Talbotvllle, T 0 Sanderson, Shedden and Iona, John Henderson. MunoeY, Thomas Mann, Oneida 0 W Volliok Munce . Chairman, 0 T Stobt. Fin, -Bao„ H Irvine. 13e1, rave. , Mr. Budge, who was i11 for some time, lied last week and was buried on Thare- day afternoon. We are pleased to bear that Rev. F. J. Oaten has completed his ooaree in. non. natation with Bloomington University, Illinois, and has earned the degree of Ph. B. We wish hits] continued success. In oonneotion with the changes on Bol. grave notion of the L. H. & B. Arthur Brooke and Ohae, Biruey are put on. An additional mile is added and en extra man also. It is stated that a tralnp known as "McGinty," oiled at the residence of David Diokie, lot 4, oon. 7, Wort Nis. Bourg, Thursday evening of last week, seeking food and shelter. Mr, Diokie woo oharitablo and took him in. The simultaneous disappearance of McGinty and $7 belonging to Mr. Diokie oonviuoed the latter that be bed not oily boon robbed, but was the victim of iegratituae.. I(oGinty was soon traded to a large savanna near by and arrpsled, T5ti'i.ck tteiUS, Wall.on. Mre, Tiffin and eon wore visiting rola. tives in West Huron. Jas. Smillie is away to Montreal ala tending the Presbyterian Assembly, Walton should send a good delegation to the Temperance Convention at I3rus. eels next Wednesday. Rev..A. G, Tiffin and Geo, Grigg at- tended the Methodist Conference at Chatham during the past week and re- port a good time. Ilfr, Grigg extended hie trip on to Detroit, where he vieited relatives.. 131.v CF.. At the Methodist Conterenoo hold at Chatham during the past week, Rev. Walter Rigsby, of this place, was elect. ed President by a large majority, The Chatham Banner of last Friday says :— Rev. Walter Rigsby, who was elected to the honorable position of President of the London Conference, ie a very pleas. ing gentleman of about 60 years of age. Ha was born in the city of Hamilton on Deo, 29th, 1847, educated in the echoole of that city in his youth, afterwards tali• ing special instruction under Professor Burwaeh, who is now Chancellor of Victoria College, Toronto. Mr. Rigeby was in the early years of his life a tele- grapher for the old Western Telegraph Co., and wits well known as one of the best telegraphers on the line. He enter- ed the ministry in 1803 and has spent all his pastorate in the boucdaries of the London Oonferenoe, principally iu the Niagara District. He bar very ably filled the position of secretary to the Conference, and upon two 000asions has been appointed delegate to the general Conference, where he acquitted himself very favorably for the dietriot which he represented, His stirring advooaoy of democratic views in regard to the work- ing of the Conference bas long been known by his aesooiatee, and in hie ad. dresses on the subject bas showed his ability as a good speaker as well as a broad.minded and deep thinker. Mr. Rigsby is in full vigor of health and hie genial disposition makes him a favorite with all whom ho meets. Oraiib rook. Crops look tip-top. The Lime Works are doing a big basi• nese this season. • Mies Mary Ritohie is renewing old friendships at Molesworth. J. R. Thompson, wife and daughter are visiting at Peter Sinclair's. Mte. Atkinson, of Ridgetown, ie visit- ing her mother, Mre. Wm, McKay. Mrs. A. Reymann and Allan Cameron and wire vieited friends at Carmunnook. Oranbrook was well represented at the Walton garden party last Friday evening. 3. E. Ooombes and wife were visiting at A. MoDonald's during the poet week. Our pnblio eohool will send some pupils to the Entrance Examination at Brussels. Will., Jae. and Miss Lizzie Cameron were visiting Rev. R. F, Cameron and wife et Shakespeare. There is a new eon at the Oranbrook Hotel and our oongrabulations are ex. tended to Mr. and Mre. Long. A pin-oio will be held in the near future by the Epworth League of the Methodist ohuroh in Mr. Fisher's grove. In the absence of :the pastor at Chat. ham the) pulpit of the Methodist ohurah was occupied loot Sabbath afternoon by George Bateman. While in a fit JacobSiemon fell against the stove and burned his lett arm quite severely. He is compelled to carry it in a sling for a time, Mre. Robert Brown, Mies Maggie and Thee, expect to take a holiday trip to Miuneeota in the course of a few weeks. We wish them an enjoyable visit. Craubrook will likely send repreeenta- tivee to the East Huron Convention to be held at Brussels next Wedneeday after. 130012 to arrange for the Plebiscite cam- paign. We are keeping the Guelph excursion on Monday, 20th inst., in visa' and you will see us get aboard at Bthel all being well. 90 Dents is the return fare from there. It is reported that William Perris has Bold hie fine farm near here to it party at or near Guelpb. We would be sorry to see Mr. and Mrs, Perrie remove from this locality. Leadburv. Mrs. Thoe. Souter is on the rick list at present. Jno. Crioh, of Seaforth, spent Sunday with friends here. Mise Alice Dundee has gone to Lon- don to visit friends for a few weeks, Mre. Arab. Clark has been under medi- cal care for some time but is improving ninety now. Miss Mary E. Rae, who has been in Seaforth learning the dressmaking, is home for a while. Alf. Stafford, the poet, has bad 1,000 copies of his poems ebruok off. We hope he will have smooth sailing. Mies Scholes, who taught music here last year wont to the Northwest this Spring and ie teaching there. Sandy McNabb sold a home to Mr. MoMann,of Seaforth, for 010. Bandy can sella thing for all its worth. Sam, Forbes is moving hie house from the ,Parr - farm to a more convenient piece and having a dollar put under it, Jno. MoLanghlin line built a new style of land roller himself, We do not know whether ho purposes applying for a patent or not. Ino, Clark has bought a farm near Bennett and has moved to it. Han- phrey & Smith, 01 Walton, have bongbt hie threebiug outfit. Wm, Rae is home from Taranto and loolre rather tough after the exam. Tun POST oongrattilateo him on ,his su505sS. He'll reach the top of the ladder all right. Donnie Bros. Mee just delivered 14 head of export eattlo at Blyth station, They wet'e a fine looping lot and show the boye understand tihe business of feed. ing (attic. Janne 11bo0allum raised a large barn last week, Chas, Oaeo, the popular eon. tractor of thin notion, dons the frame work. Mr, McCallum 1100 now buildings that are a credit to the lino on which he lives, JAMS 'mows how to make farm. ing pay. While Geo. Halley and another young chap named Jersey, were returning home from a neighbor's house a few nighte'ago they were attacked by two tramps]. Geo. being the mare nimble made good his es• nape but poor Jersey was caught and handled pretty roughly, Finlay McIntosh hoe built en up M. date silo. He has sowed a large acr,.s.,e of ooru ; purohaeed a Wateroas engine and made all the necessary preparations for making this new kind of feed. Mr. Motntosh is to be credited with enter• prising metbode of farming. J. G. Tato Bandaged in our village. Jim's visite are becoming more frequent. Bev. H. E. Kellington bar gone to Eng• land and will likely be absent a few months. The Sacrament will be dispensed in b Presbyterian beech on Sabbath, e by o June 19th, John Snndere, jr., raised his barn last week and intends putting atone stabling underneath. Mre. Freeman and children, of Sea. forth, are spending a few days here with Mr. Freeman. The Greeneide family moved this week bo their new home in Atwood. They will be very much missed here. Mrs. Wm. McAllister and children left on Wednesday for an extended visit with relatives in St. Paul, Minn, John Ocher, of this village, was away to Chatham during the past week at- tending the Methodist Conference. Mrs. Routley, Bessie and Dave Wanner left last week for a visit to friends at Woodetook, Will. and Henry are keep- ing batch. Mrs. Jno. Gill died on Tuesday of this week after an extended illness from pul- monary trouble. The funerel took place on Thursday. A gang of men have spent the past week or more in this vicinity etretohiog a copper telepbone wire, trimming trees, patting in longer poets, &o. Geo. Bateman occupied the pulpit of the Methodist cherub here last Sabbath. Rev. Messrs. Walker and Stewart were attending Conference at Chatham. If the Laariar Government is canning some of the Tories around here to pros- per it is not taking; the meaneee out of the Grits. What doyou think Dave 7 We hope to see a large number of our temperanoe people attend the Convention at Brussels next Wednesday afternoon in arranging for the coming Plebisoite Cam- paign. An anonymous letter is canning con- siderable annoyance to some of our villagers. The writer should make him- self known so that innooent people would not be blamed. Geo. Pd. Mitchell, our popular young shoemaker, intend taking a well-earned holiday and leaves on Saturday of this week for his home at Milbrook. He will not return until June 20th, when ib is ex- pected he will not oome bank alone. Rev. Mr. Yelland, who has been station- ed at Oreditoo, will succeed Rev. Mr. Walker as pastor of the Methodist thumb. Mr. Walker will go to Louis. villa and Mr. Stewart to Bervie with Rev. Geo. Baker as euperintendoot. John Fraser wheeled to Stratford Saturday evening intending to return ou Sunday evening. As be did not return until Tuesday, some of the boys were uneasy about his absence fearing that either the bicycle or the sweater had run away with him. Last week a nest of bees was discover. ed in a stub on the farm of D. Dunbar, After several hours of v1500008 work Masers Faulkner and Lindsay secured about two boilers full of honey. Mr, Dunbar became custodian of the bees. The little toilers had probably two sea- son's make of honey in) their storehouse. tier ev. Geo. Bielby spent Sunday with hie parents, Jas. McKay had a logging bee on Wed- nesday of this week. Geo. Sperling and wife are away visit. ing relatives in Goderiob township. Harvey's wheel, Logan, intends bold. ing their annual pio.nie this month. Peter Roes has moved his family from Monkton on to his farm, lob 82, con 14, A. Hislop, M. P. P., is at Goderioh this week attending the County Council. Mre. (Dr,) Rivers, of Crediton, was spending a few days with her father, John Hill, Jas. Ireland is temporarily laid up with a lame knee occasioned by it coming in coated with a stone in the road while g bicyalm,,. Geo. McKay, Postmaster, an Mar. Ethel Harrison have had their r barns jack- ed up and intend putting stone walls under them. Reeve Straohan was re eleoted Preei• dent of Last Huron Farmers' Institute at the annual meeting field e,t Brussels] last*Tnesday. On moment of the absenceR f Rev, v, Mr. Walker at the Oonferbnoe Robt, Maitay, of Ethel, took charge of the service at Bethellast Sabbath. Peter Cameron, of the Boundary, in. tends raising hie barn this week. It will be done with block and tackle. Mr, Newsome has the entreat. The meeting last Saturday on the 1610 con,, in oonnention with the Government drain was a failure as far as reaching an agreement was concerned. Read work is in progress. Patltmas. tars will receive thousand, of thanke if they see that rooks are not substituted for good gravel. Thatle what we are paying for. A most enjoyable time was apent at the reeidenoe of Arob. Hislop, (01. P. R, Iasi Monday evening when the Brussels Mand tame out and gave the young gen. tinman a serenade, 31 is eald that this 10 merely le taint that the Band bog] would litre to same beak again in the near fabure foe a honeymoon seethede, The Epworth League at Bethel is pre• paring a missionary program for their meeting Wedneeday evening. Mise Lillian Rebertson, who has boon visiting at Wm. King's on the 9th con., has returned to her home at Niagara on the Lalre. A ton of cheese wee made at Silver Corner thane factory Met Monday. This is a good record and N. S. McLauchlin, proprietor, is to be congratulated on the 5000055 attending his efforte. Among the members of the ordination class of young ministers in the London Conference, who were ordained at Chat. ham last Sunday, was Rev. W. A. Smith, B. D., youngest son of Trueman Smith, Gbh con. Rev. Mr. Smith will be station- ed at WiIllesport for next year. Hie many old friends here extend hearty congratulations over his completed pro. bation and wish lafm every euooees, Morr]s. THE Pose gives the news. Showers are welcome visitors now es the orope are in need of rain. Wm, Cook Bold 12 e60ere to Watson & Emigh, of Blyth, on Saturday. A heavy thunder storm took pleoe on Tuesday afternoon of tbie week. The hay orop will be on the light aide should frequent showers not oome soon. Rev. S. J. Allis, of Bruesele, will preach at Jackson's thumb next Sabbath afternoon. Don't forget the Garden Party at Bolgrave on the 10th of June. Beery- body verybody welcome. This week Co, Councillor Mooney is away at Goderiob attending to his duties at the County Connell. John Bodge, who wee very low last week, died on Wednesday morning and was buried on Tbureday afternoon. Morris township Council passed 9. resolution urging the G. T. R. to supply a better service from Goderioh via the L. Et, &B. A little bird whispers that a fair maid- en of Morrie township will shortly go to Manitoba to gladden the heart and home of a former Morrieite. Robert Skelton, 8th line, has his barn raised and turned round ready for stone stabling under it. Mr. Riley, of Hullett, has the oontreat. Garnise Bros. have their sixth job of mason work completed, and have a num. ber of barns to attend to yet. They are firat•olass workmen. Isaac Ferraod is enlarging and im- proving hie house. Thos. Soott and Wm. Iebieter, of the same line, are putting up fine brink residences. Mines Garnise and Roe, who were delegates from the Ebenezer S. S. to the reoent Convention held in Brussels, gave a very interesting report of the Oonven. tion in their S. S. Iasi Sabbath. Lost week Peter King went to West Harrisonville, Zillah., on a visit. He was aosompanied by little Mies Maggie Baird and Jno. Yaill, The latter has made hie home with R. McMurray, 3rd line, for some time. , Our Council did not purchase a road machine, so the grading will have to be done in the old style. It would only Dost 40 dente on every 100 acres to buy one, but than our Council ie very cautions about some things, you. know. Fly is very bad on the turnip Drop and in many oases hae entirely rained it. Late sowing will come out best this season, espeoially should we get showery weather. When the crop grows rapidly and the land made floe es a garden then the fly don't do much damage. Bmmoon REPORT: Tee following is the report of S. S. No. 4, Morris, for the month of May :—P. S. L. ; total 900.— Norah Maunders, 805 ; Ida Mooney, 686; Suede Manning,643 ke 496 ; Lulu Davis, 132.illie CI W Oa Sr. 4th ; total 800.—Mary Kernaghan, 672 ; Clara Mooney, 644 ; Milton Sharp, 581 ; Robb. Mooney, 588, James Innis, 489 ; Bertha Sharp, 473 ; Riohard Cardiff, 456, Jr. 4th ; total 760.—Bertha Nichol, 456 ; Mabel Nichol, 441 ; Minnie Mooney, 884 ; Carrie Speir, 868 ; Nelson Malan. dere, 850 ; 8rd class ; tote) 600.—Donald Inuit], 485 ; Lizzie )avis, 423 ; Elston Cardiff, 386 ; Everett Walker, 247 ; Minnie Walker, 280 ; Harry Finn, 210. Sr. 2nd ; total 450.—Peart Shoop, 819 ; Laura Oloakoy, 802 ; Annie Nichol, 297 ; Tena Foreytb, 278 ; Grace Finn, 266 ; Lizzie Speir, 264 ; George Finn, 238 ; Ada MaCutoheon, 280 ; Frank Nichol, sr,, 233. Jr. 2nd. — Frank Nichol, jr., 298 ; #Harold Spsir, 280 ; Olio Walker, 220, Part tad. ; total 250. - Andrew Platt, 201 ; Roy Brandon, 179 ; Carrot Innis, 168 ; Lorne Niohol, 158 ; Earl Bernard, 146. The following stndente took over 80er cent ; — Norah Maun- ders, Mary lisrnaghan, 'Clara Mooney, Donald Innis, Andrew Platt. Over 70 per oent.—Ida Mooney, Milton Sharp, Lizzie Davis, Pearl Sharp, Roy Brandon. 3. D. E. HENRY, Tee her, littrnxtrogfw.—The home of Jno. Man- ning, 4th line was a scene of merriment an t d festivity on Wednesdayafternoon and evening when about fifty sesta gnesta were present to witness the marriage oeremony between Miss Tessie B., the eldest daugh- ter of the host and hostess, and Jacob A. Lever, of Fleeherton, Ontario. Rev. R. Pani, of Brnesels, tied the matrimonial bow shortly after 4 o'olook. The cere- mony was performed upon the lawn whish was tastefully decorated with flowers and evergreens. Miss A. Sperain, oousin of the bride, played the Wedding March. The bride was at. tended by her sister, Mise Dora Manning, and the groom was supported by Will. Gourley. Very becoming cos. times were worn, the bride being Wired in dotted muslin, with natural fiowero, and her attendant in white lawn. A large number of valuable wedding pros• onto indicated the popularity of the con. treating parties. After hearty oongratu. Wiens the large company sa6 down to tables well laden with the good things of this life. The evening was most enjoy. ably sport in mango, games, eooiel chat, aro., and the guests separated with the expression of many good wishes lot Mr, and Mrs. Lever. The happy couple left. for choir home at Fleshsrtou on Thurs. day. That happiness and proeperity may attend them is the with of a large circle of Mende in whioll Tub P000 joins, PtsEonsoeyros.—On Wednesday evening of lust weak Richard Jewitt was present. ed by the young people with a nine sum of money and a picture of the Bible class. Rev. Mr. Rogers gave the ad dress and Miss Sara Maulers made the preeentatios. Joseph Sellers has the brio* work of hie reeidenoe oomplsted which adds great- ly to the appearance as well es comfort of his home. The young ladies of the vicinity are wondering why Joseph per. sista in keeping batch when be might have some of them to help him share the burdene of housekeeping. Bre LAarns,—James Speir Domes to the front with a reoord for having lambs that will not be easily beaten. He weighed four of them the flret being a day short of 2 months old that turned the scale ab 91 pounds ; 2 weighed 86 pounds each at 2s mouths and another at the same age scaled 75 pounds. These are exceptional. ly fine lambs as their weight will attest. PLEBISCITE CAMPAIGN. CONVENTION CALL FOR EAST HURON. A Convention will be held in the Town Hall, Brussels, on Wednesday, June 15th, 1808, at two o'clock p. m., for the purpose of organizing the Prohibition forces in East Huron for the Plebiscite campaign. Every church, every young people's society, every temperance organization, is entitled to a representation of five dele- gates, You will please see that the full namber of delegates from your church or society ie appointed. East Huron includes Hawick, Wrox• eter, Turnberry, Wingham, Morrie, Grey, Brueeele and Blyth. Ministers are requested to read this Call to all their congregations, officers of eooieties will kindly bring it before their meetings, so that prompt action may be taken and the Convention made a great 9000055. There will be an evening meeting held in the Town Hall, at which there will be a musical program and addresses by Duncan Marshall, provincial organizer, the clergy and others, Silver collection to defray expenses. W. H. KERR, Secretary pro tem, Brussels. PERSONAL PARAGRAPH$. Mrs. (Rev.) Abey is visiting in London this week. Miss Annie Slemmon is visiting at Montreal. Will. Leatberdale, of Seaforth, Sun. dayed in town. Jaok Beattie is holidaying in Wing - barn this week. Charlie Urquhart paid a flying visit to Durham on Tuesday. Mise Bookie Hewitt, of Ingersoll, is visiting her parents in town. Rioh. Williams and daughter were vieating in Stratford this week. George S. Rogers is holidaying with friends at Chatham and Loudon. Mies Lin. Flatland, of Chatham, is re• hewing old friendships in Brussels. Mre. Code, of Trowbridge, is 'visiting her daughter, Mies Code, in Brussels. H. R. Brewer and ;bride arrived home on Wednesday from their wedding trip. Mre. (Dr.) Rivera, of Crediton, was re. flawing old acquaintances in this locality. Mies Kate Hembly, of Palmerston, spent a few days visiting her friend Mies Dolly Barker, Mrs. Alf. Lowry was called to Gerrie last Saturday owing to the serious ill- ness of her unole. Mrs. W. A. Oalbiok and grandson, of New eetminister,ing W B.O. is visiting m v g Brussels this week. Mre. Blair and Wilfrid will holiday in the Co. town for a week or so. They went on Thursday. Mrs. Tome and daughter, Wanda, of Winnipeg, were calling on Brussels friends last Tuesday. Mre. Davies and Alice, of Ethel, were visiting Mre. (Dr.) McKelvey and Mrs. B. Straohan this week. Mrs. B. Gerry enjoyed a holiday visit with her daughter, Mre. W. H. Willis, at Seaforth,this week. Mre. 0. R. Vanetone and daughter, of Southampton, are visiting Mrs. W. F. Vanetone in Brussels. W. T. Dookrill, District Passenger Agent, 0. P. R., made an inepeotion of Brussels offioe this week. R. Watt was home during a portion of the past week, He will probably remove his family to Brantford. W. H. McCracken made a business. tripto Toronto To to and continued his jour- neyTo to relatives at Peterboro'. ) Im Gerry is a member of the Seaforth Collegiate Football team and playa hie position well too as the most of the team do. Druggist Fox went to Woodstock this eek to see his b w rother•in•!aw who was reoently injund by a (collision while wheeling. Dr. Davidson was at the Queen city for a few days during the past week, Some magnetic inftueuee must surely ex. int in that locality. Dr. Graham, formerly of Brussels, has been appointed upon the staff of the Western Hospital, Toronto. No bettor seleotion ooald be made. A. Parfitt and Mrs, Parfitt, of London, and Mrs. D. K. Clark, of Woodstock, at. tended the funeral of the late E. C. Rogers. Mrs, Clark ie a slater to Mrs, G. A, Deadman: Winto" ]]oars. The Alert Fire Brigade turned out In force ou Thureday evening with hoek and ladder truck and hone reels. After taking up suitable positions 00 the lawn of John Hanna on John street, the group was photographed by Mr. Sovoreen and Dr. Tamlyn, jr. Wingham has ;a good bet. gado, and the mune •'Alert" 10 a suitable One, for When their nervio50 are required, the boys lose no time getting on the 500010 of danger, James McDonald, charged with tob. btngthe postoffioe at Norwood, and who broke jail at Petetlrore', has boon oaptnr od at Windsor,