The Brussels Post, 1898-5-27, Page 7ITAa 27, 1908. THE BRUSSELS PQ8T. 1 7
.�--.___..:_1__._.. _. � ,_
_ _._ _, _ -.._... _. _ _._.
1 i'f - 1 'L L((��'pp rr ([(r����,,II dl NpOrtitely wil•JLefL" "The still! that the nice Wer@; But. alley awbDO 0IOy
f1 heard "Ilei),! helpl"
_ . _ .... _ . _ ._.. �.__.._ ..._.-�...__ _
_ _.
GU(l. ran do it, and 41111 (In it, if yvul
two;lrills, Ilia
� �a�sttyy�
Ilint, 0, Plinir
ITi�l�l ,Ellib Rlik111 ,onnrth, it shall die;' \\'had, the 131blr ),heir ery: and
" { �av:l our 0++1 +•o se's c+ ter the bore down to 1114,111, unit they Noy-
1 1 n Af y y
ask your
arms Of y(,ur trust Ilnd love. around That
Fjl +i=,Jr^°�,
„•-- V -VdJ,3H.
llllll;e NiI,1'glln Illl(l mN)1((!nCl+d 1 Ild1 JJ, 111• ell Llle(n, and brnp.ghL iheAl t(1 Fhlll'e,
this mm�illutenL Nn'Tmrn•r of the. crass,
FUR" ISHVI; THE it EV, DR. TALMAUL t I 'y tl• d1•ulh. his •anscirnel. I IreW=led O, Thal. to-ntghL ua1' ery taiKlnt to lift-
,,,,.,,-,--_.•,,,,.,,_.- f`'um
WITH A TEXT, 111111 au much fur the deed, Thal he lie- edlong, local, aml shrill, Lill Obrkt. Ilia
__ .•clan inyauue, and all bhrougit hN in- mvimmer shAl VOILle and Lake us lest
RICE FOR THS C.'01T1'LliXION. F m red
hilaiiy ho kept saying: " I'alsa her tee dru1, ;t thuusnnd fluthonlh du\%n: feu•
Rprah,, at' God ns It sir"lig •t{7[innler-oar array from 111P I lardy Jane (Trey. Take a 11,1111 \alio will not pray trill J,erLsh.
Irbe whowsale eating of uncooked m
rice, w-hich IN happometi fU ir1sLLJ'4' ngonll F r {m�
llel• ti1+11'1 LIIdy' June ciAm Gre ',' It was 11 yUll: bete y vve lIba1 b Illi' 10 is II',
111aee IN a Sinking Volidlitoo-Clarw y y ' Y
I+1n'i,nr. ea 113 ,11'Ill,' the" 411 FII{1' $ a-'r1t'a tl,°+ 11111•„ (if 111 •i 1'1 nu you, kilol4 yPl'y' %Sall 11171.7 14'111+711,11(! 1N 731
Y 14!
Faint/10xivri, allp(.arJ+ t0 ire tit` liltt•at e, d" n .
(1Sl!!e}r1:N, ''illd
'blg m -Ling, how- peril eMost ll, Mst CW IIV vrl'y ill%)t'kly i,t' it
111i1;111,t 40141"Lloo. Halal Pvf•r does anythh
aong fashiutiOU1• WORK". I'hesa What doe, it Arleen? Am tired in the
A lCa•t11ill :hap +ll -4;' It tl Nays:-'i't)-' ever 91, A. or suutlt, but his Vinumclpnels 1011 Ili' or nu lase. G•n:+ nlioLlh- way
unfortuDete 11)ItividaalS, bowever, morning as at, night, can't. got rested,
\. Ur. '1'aitnn f.. o'PH'.hed Crum Illi liciugs [hat Illoc((.a• I,afrn'e )JIM, anti at decide evcrylhing, inuuediate help the
tie 7 l
would do well tO bear in mind the fact nevus, sleepless, dull languid,
x o I t1
"'eery step of hi nlisliehcvinr it says! alun wands or nu help uT all. No%, that
w.urds:-•-"Ila shuil apA•ead fl,rth IIiN "\\ eta -%% rang." sin Lan h•praay, Sill "i jurat Lhe+ laiu;t uG a relict the. stun(+r
that tbo rphult. of rating rine rico is
an anaemic cunclitiun, and that Ute 11 means that the blood is pool'. Mus -
handy in the m[dNi of them. Its be that IN a parldyitim• Nin IN a eonsuu)ptlon, wlllllm. The rah(+ is urgent. blrnligent,
ghflsiJy whitecini of persalt sbeing cannot.nuste plastic strong, nerves
NwiwAlIV L, mpr(-adelh It.rtll Itis hands sin is lallul.iun, min is death, (liveitin•i(uuuu,enuy, dee that. soul sinking.
ing from amiemie is tar longi bring cannot: hr steady, rnxugv and vigor can,
fair rlinnee nail it will Hwuni you Hon (IJ (IOd, Inv hnl+l,Of 111110 It. I.S lit Ali
1 Lni4-laa 11. p Y
ramr.Inatin or desirable Lo gaze u, nOL be felt, when the blood is impure,
g g 1"
,111 h(al,l' /ell ll.l and aUn! for L'Vea'. Ill this !71st )1Ua1` OI U11 A'l:y'. He gulf+k l BC
n oxsv.vks
Thr 1i,hi'rttan seo-'ks out ltnfraquent- t\ol.l(i it Only gives u faint Intimation, I cluirk I O, l 1w)sh you (ill ullderNtoud
OR. - Inl[l0Y eF11311Cd %VlthUnt II4u1'LmJling ppW-
e([ 11(s,ks, N'Un H11LI1d all day (111 the of Its Villi B`il'e; but of Ler [01' a thous- i holt' urgent Lhid Uosilel Is. 'I her" vVIla it
Hood's Sarsaparilla imparts tit the
ak of a wide, river in Ili.(, broiling un d gwutrillion of years it Ila$ ran-' mAn in kit,, navy tut. sell who had been
1Nt 1
blood the qualities it lacks when that
Sun, unit fling aur your line and retch sa^ked your aauJ-\chat Lb,,I t lou severely whipped for haul behaviour,
Take ane donee of loman .juice, quar- tired feeling troubled you. It makes
s , t tlienl ill Ihe. first ata rs Of and ll wan Lnaddrn+d h= it, anti lie
nolhdnf.%littlethe expert: angler breaks I` i" N
i" pB1•Itl fl•\el', 'I 11P leaped balm Ilse bell, (an l ria rr11U11c'r )lafl
ter OI a drilrhrril of Ixu'ax 11Pder, and rich, pure, full ,d vitality. It
I' the s spring
hal)' a C1Ta['hm of 111P;1 L'. Mix thea" in. fares 9lpring Iunguor .ills eradicates
• l l!hNl+k 117 NU aie\t'baL
1 brough the jungle, and gees IIIIIshad. the hands Somewhat hut, lore- 117! leap,'ll Into•..tie.t then. (luiek Ile
irredients toKplhor in it bottle, ;(ltd all foul taints from the blood thus
try the shadow of the mulilary Icalled by it slight chill. "Why," yen lightning. all nlhatroNs swuopled apell
MY. "typhoid fever dues It,pimp 'Lite draw'ning man, hrnughtl to
let it stand for three days, \%ht•n it guarding against future dauger from
will be fit for use. It Should be rubbed fevers, malaria, and other serious Hl-
rods, anti in it plure %% here nu not seem
Ihe rue:), 1 f II dtscase." 13111. 15 nit Ili+ eases selzrd hold or the al attT si
hits been for leu
On the face odca ion 11 . ness. Be sure to gat.
f)+Jiermun years : the+ putieut hits been mix wecelCs under Ilnd held 1,11TJIV fluttering, (if tit: bird
throws Out Ilia title. and cornea hum` ;it, nal all his vuergips buvu been wrung kept him un Lha wave until relief Pould
Would thel dove Of
-. .
AVIPH BLDR.00N1 FLOORS. � cSJ¢', rsa-
� o d
al night, his face Shilling unit 111.4 has- ,,,III, ant be is lou \Teak Lu lift his lit- nerne. that tit -night
finger, unit his intellect is tole, .clod:s convicting, cu7z%eriing, incl say.
Bedroom floors may b` kept. cool and rt ��d 9•lli�
kits full, i do not know why we alines-.Ih-
i lhtu you see the fu1L hltvw• of Lhe di,a- Aug .) IrLL might flu'th tram the Lln•,;ud
term Of Lhe Uospol need always be Hall- 'pave. taking
flesh by wiping them dailywithfresh Cancuw'e Grottout Madioin P, $1 • six PLr $6,
%nater, 141inrohea, moths or other in- Prepaacdw,19b1C,I,Hoad&Co.,�owull,Maes.
Now Sill in Ibis world is an oil--- ulwn your soul, anal that, you,
ing tri the rianlr Ntreani aua preachtug alcor which is tali in its ver' first I g
y ) hl,ld IA its potent. wing, tui IlL live Lin L
Vets are thus destroyed, Suit and - _ + _ cora """ els; easy to
camphor in cold water is an exr`Ilrnt. Hood's 5 PI{15 a
grave. i6 is rend-, IYe fuTp yPt'. -
front tit` mame LeSIL that other peu- atagvs, but after thf L'
disinfectant. in bedroorns. lake,o ay t, nPnrltlo, -5e.
PIS, preaall from. 11•annut undel:•Itand ing, bloating, all-(h,vouring, all -cue-' I %tarn to peraua<le you tonight to
e _.� _F
-"'filing, etwlt:al typhoid. Oh, Il we lay buld "t' this Strang Stvimnler. "Nu,"
the policy of the n11ln,iter %Nile. Ill Coul it set- Out- tinllardoiled Wills as God you any, "it is always Juin." ThV ro
Blackfriur's, Londun, Englawl, every sees thi+ln, our teeth v,uuld chaLter, and iv nut river lake, hub has ucnl-
{ (largoyle, bank in town after c rear's
a or it
week for 1?!ir•Ly years IO•e;,vhed from faze I;clees %,11;11:1 kno:k together amity, resull.ant front the fact, Chat
ltbsrnre-When l went away Jones and
Ili` L,061le (:lr the Hebrews, it is pit ialift our respiration %vould be chr.ker1. when a Strang swilunler weni out to
an l I ur heart \4ual(d ),reale, II
_� Drawn were rival suitors for :Mise
I`wjLter•s hand, \Ch)pb pruved to iw the
our save it Sinking man, the druwndug Ill tin
Nzh7lnrntirni to zee when ! call rune sin., are unfu,rgiven, they are bearing clutched him, threw• his arms around
across a theme whieh i. feet has not dm%n on you. anti you are sinking- ]Jim. ldnionerl his arms, an(l they both
IN CERTAIN DEATH. 6landeJ;N-Can't'. tell that yet. She
yet been treated, and my text Is one Nfukiug away fr(All happiness, sinking, went, down together. When you are
-- married Brown only about a month
of that kind. There are path., in Cud's a14ay' foam Gu:L sm,.lug away frons LAV- ,uving x enln in the littler, you dei not
l I i about it year,
Aaml' or ILS (49anpauals are Fnlpcuultta ago. Ask me ague n y
l 1 "' i '
b n ht .
tis [wan db+. Sink- t r,
Y n blessed, t k want. to Paulo Illy face wsnt
word that aro well beaten by Christian ' g , r up ly hits is e, you
Ing fur ever. to
m••. 'er" ,
.4 free Sit-, t r u, ---•
Im3a Exertion, 1 Ams/ l) ( s [ 1p
come up by ])to ],rack. Lou do not
I t c OLe:=cli,-
feel;, AVhell ill n %1i }1L l) qtr I 1Ilt•Li 11'1lLLl till we %VLLn4? Asw•ilumerl want blur to take hold at you while
Ill1911t11aeas and FaintingRPells-Tt Quici[0erc for Bunions, 150., 25c., GOO.
Can Ile CnreO.
Itire, they quote the old passages that 1 .string swdulmer I A swift Swimmer I I You take ]told of him. Dull Blessed
heard. \\'lieu they. Ansi, ),leased be Oud, iu my text we huve he Uad, Jesus Christ, is so strung a
From the Echo PIattsville, Ont. DEI.PBA1'PD.
everybody IBIS
Um olio
1 1 one r ' Sw'.
e L "fie 1 •'e Id � 1mmL r f• 1
[ shut s t It, (aa es not to our Bark
enc (bey read n . p ,
\ n chapter read, e
\ural yto'
forth His hnmis in the Midst of them, I I:,tIL tO otic face, tn:l IIS Asks us to
. ' n tt villa Out. lie -Tour life with me would be a
T•'ram the Rc Pla s u .
h t r sits.
� I la;lul 0 0
'filo Echo has has
chaptor that till the other people have Allis hal is to Swim", You havenotieed throw ,lruuhld Tlmu the brats of our
read and published the -Yes, but with .lack \Choelor It
many sill Cements from people who be a cycle path.
(hal whenasw'immer "aeS otic to rescue love, unci Lhe,al promisem Co %aka us
la -en reading, so that the Church „
have been euros of. various uilmpnts by _—
lu-da-is ignorant u[ lhz'ee fourths Of `Lay ('tie, heputsoft Ilia hr-et•y apparel. to Ilia Ix+anh t1nJ Uit will do it. Do
Lo -day 11c-1nllst not have any su.'h unpedimenL not trust that of good works•
the tamely and judicious use of Dr. grwriE
the Bible. You go into the louvre, at about hilt if lie Ls going to du this Du nal t.ralst that ahivered Spur of
Al,illiams' Pink Fills for Pulp People, qqAA
hut. before have bad h cli1.iallil��tt e- l & Vias Tires
Paris, Y-U'u ,-ouflne yourself to one WVvill deed. And wbon L'hrIsl Stepped your uw•n riglrttou-n:'ms. Christ only
never' we su
I;ersonally convincing proof of their Band offid - • 9 Adelaide st.w,• Tomato.
i•urridor of that opulent. gallery Of,f0rdh l0 save us, Ile shock off the (.till give you transportation. Turn
rftHeacy as in the case Of Mrs. George
ja1"IIJigs. As you conte out ouli Sandals of heavens and I18's feet %tern your face tzy:en Him to-ni.ghl as the
Y free:
1'a lor, who with her huebend and
an l Iie laid aside the robe of dying martyr did in olden clays when
friend says lit you: "Dia you Sea 1'lial{'etetgai tf1'alty, crud IILs arms were he cried out: "None but. Christi Nun'a
family reside in this village. TO on CAVI E FOR THANES.
Re,ribranlli I" "No." "Did you see free; ilnd then IIe stepped down Ln- :but. Christ )",Jesus has taken millions
Goho reporter Hire. Taylor gave the S7era is a short poem taken from the
following history of her illness and Frenvb, said the would-be contributor.
that Ilaphael?" "No." "Well." ulys t" file leave of our transgression, ; to the land na.l IIkI Ls, twilling to take
and it. camp 'ill) over itis w'OmuLed feeL, you there., O, what hardness. to shuva
cure, and asked that it Be given the The French should be everlastingly
chat Titian?' No." "Did you see nod it came p above Che spear stab , Him Bank when. Ile has been swimluing
"No.....Well, says in
1 y gratefuL snorted the editor as he open -
widest ublicit so that others eight, ed the door and bowed a series of short
be benefited: "1 am thirty-two years,
I Raliheal?" [Jim side, -aye, it dashed to the lac -,n.11 lbs way h'olu the throne of God
r friend, "then you didn't see the orated tenlpte, Ihe high -u Ater mark of , to where you the to -night, and isreadY
of age," and Nies. Taylor, "and to job bows.
Lvuele." Now, Irisads= i think we His anguish. Then, rising above the � to awlin all the, way batik again, tick-
flood, "Ile
a rat inti and myself ware living on
a Iarm La Perth county, and it voids
mt•etched furllt 1 -lis hands i71g your rndecmed spirit. LhaveshmN-
axe too much apt to confine ourselves lit Ilia midst. of them. As he that, swim-' tiutra ihougbL what. a, spectacle the.
fl.uirkruze for \\'hiitolvs, 15r., 2511,
torr` 1 was first tinea sick. The der- 50n
to one of the great corridors of this ' metll silreadeth ,Io'th Ili., bands to oeeuh IAedwLil present when Ln the bast
so SWIM. [(lay the is drawn It
tog who warn art t in said clwLts suffer- `
e. dor to iter- -
ing from lay.
gallery or Scripture truth, and water till off.
If ' will ie u lice of wrecks from beach, to
you. have ere r- tvu rl +
nlurtt so, that there ore not three par- t u d a sw i
v°us delltlity. All his remedies proved A DIAGNOSIS OF TOMS CASE.
l his
no ac and istea grew e•
wr s in the bouse, to-udght v\ ho have yoW dy is beach. 'There is where the harpocn_
bi, Int l iia his whole body is I
el+a {Fe \' Tinre where, •e Che
.het rat down. I'htr 7s %tit 1
c U hl Into ;,a •. eke arena tie r1
I y ex- L o
T or a , tri' MammaolTommy Jones stays away
The doctor advises a change, bad from school quite frequently. Is he
•' i •i I
-s (hi ve ,rad' ,
ryet• noticed he all , u 11 I e
n L eat g nit of battle ships went. down. `Cher
6 u •.a Sh en c o
L hI drive the neater back, the p
ice muted 0 1lunaCon O�nl, I Iel'e
t del 7
re Ve.4
[oaurhtl picture ill the wor(is of my ,kneesure aulnc, the head i.4 teased buck I1S where the mer(•hllntmen went down.
to I There is where the saeanlers went
I Out myself under the charge Of an' JOhnn \o'm; but his mother thinks
other physician, hut. with no better re- he is Y `T
text. , eheape strangulation, the whole holy
Hits test represents God as A strung ' La', ill uupulsion. And when Christ down; -a long line of %%reoks from
sults. At the least exertion my heart
nouIll palpitate violently. 1 was fre-
sprnn Out in Una flee to save ns? Jae beach to heach. What a spectuole in
C lb )ash down p
,\,LO(mer. striking ou t threw Ilfti entire Ln it 14-s ! tb,P lull. day when Ihe' %caber is drawn
grOsntly overcome with dizziness and
`_ l
nature -all
iniquity unit to save the Souls of mea. Otedheadi 1--141 tlulnkcionee, Lits goon- "I'll lint 0, how murb more; solemn
"Ile. in 1143ss. Ilia love, Ilia cif we. bad Lin eye. to spa the Spiritual
i ti fits While in these I. D
my limbs would become cold and often , e B I B f {
shall Spread forth TILS hands ointlipultime-bead,
1111. thrin, am he that switu- heart, eyes, hands, feet, \\'e were so ; wrecks and places where they foun-
my husband thought f was dying. 1.
tried several medicines advertised to ---
midst of fat out pit the situ. anal so deep sown 1 tiered. You would find
uLrth sprcadeth i'vz'th his hoods to in the Waves, and file from theca streets. Coming here, lo-
cera troubles like mine, but with no NTAI:TdLC: ENOIIGA1
so out she lalbng
h%\Lm." The figure id,hold and many- ; sharel that nothing Short of nu antic@ I night, if you had Such superb eyesight,
better results, and 1 did not expect to
I recover, in fact 1 often thought it Do you think you could dodge bul-
sided. NLcsL of you know ben to Coil could Save us. Christ leaped out Standinfl at the door while yet. )bis
for our usque, Saying: "l.o 1 f come to room was empty, uyou %ni.ght then have
would be better if the end came, for lets?
m Life was one of misery. NVe moved I think so; I've been dodging biey-
Nwim. Same of you trained it in the (to Thy twill." and all the surges oft lim- seen thousands of such matrks of wreck
y ales for about five years.
Moak to the farm, afillatn
vit'sebools, w -here thisart is taught; scattered (111 thrdug'h these pews, the
y 1117Ir1 and Satanic 11ritE ileliL LLk+'A1nSt
some of you, in boyhood, in Lae river HIM, and those who wateoed Him from I placea where on Other Sabbaths tmmor-
whoonebuck _
read 1110 statement of a lady who hltrl
been cured ofsimilur troubles by the Quickeare, fur Cracked lips, 150., 250.,
near our father's house some of you the, gides of heaven reared Iie would go tel men were invited to heaven and
a done under the wave, and instead of 1.0fn:Sed it. Christ. came down' In their
use of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, so T 500•
said to my, husband thaCl would tr y
since you come to ivanhpad or woman-
y nl Savia114p others w•oteld himself perish); awful catastrophe, puttincr out for
bond, while su(nn]eriug on the to+bah their "spreading
thismedicinsand it seemedtocvr that GIGANTIC POCKETBOOKS.
Blt,l putLing IIi, breast t) the foam. and soul, forth His hoods
cif Lhe sea. You. Step down in the ,11[Ma' the surf from Ilia locks. Us am a s%vimnier spreadeth forth his
itw-A.s my last chance. Before the .first arry
The Swedes and Norwegians oket-
box was t their loose in immense
I Ahatt
ways, yval throw our hand hack, you
y' cuoe tin, on, until He is to -eight. with- hands to swim;" bol. L11ey, thrust Him
tiling yoatr olbows to the chest, you lit (he reach of every one here. E,yo in the. sore heart, and, they amore His
and felt is was
]n my apiietlte anilfeiC thatthls was abooks; some of three have been i use
pili use
hopeful sign. By the time I had used or to three and OOn-
kat the palms of your hands down- munisrient, heart Infinite, arm omni- falx cheek, Il,ad they perisbed; Ilia
1vlLvcl and the soles or your feet out- storm and tile, darkness swallow g
three boxeamore m trouble seemed generations,
y' tarn almost enough leather to make
patent. ,J.1[ght{]: sav@, even unto
w•arcl, ued you, push through the water the uttermost. Oh, it was not half a, them up. O, are there any here mow
Cabe entirely gone,andlhave not felt
&sin le recurrence of the old sylnp_ a txur of boots.
as thoalgh you bad been huta aquatic. , God Ovit t!1•am ]led down I'el1OwL1] I who feel chart they tire. sinking? DO
lt is agrana thing to know how toiGennesutet, It tram not a quarter f they teal the noeiL of rL DIy111A mrin?
inT, for but bu-
to e I .- —
haveused ts. nombo.esandtheyChadlthe $100 Deward $100.
mw not Only youraelf, i a God I hat mASLered the dolnoas of Christ. is really now to step out for
cause you will after awhII perhaps, Ge+dariu, 'Lit waa not t,wo-%birds aptn jtheir present and their eternal salvia-
affect of toning up the s33,stem aua The readers of this paver will be pleased to
cerin slight indislosit'.ions. To- learn that there is atlatut, dreaded d?sense
g g 1
have Lo help others. 1. du nul, know ; tion, t oak
Glad; that killed up Lazarus Into the you to ILLY bald of tills
anything, mare sLIrr, ur suhlime ohms of his mer-,jclyed sislos. 1t was Christ said lay halt[ of Him, now. You
da I am a, well women nndowe my that science has been able to cora in all Irl
life to Dz. Williuuls' Pink Pills. anrlt- ata8es, andIhatIsCatarrh. Hall'st Catarrh Cure
known to the
than lO See some mon like Norman ➢lc- w I Il sink tvitbout Hint.. La
11'ot a frAgnle,riiLi of'o, GU(I whU Offered y bol [1 oP
La the only poattt re care medical
zqB my restoration 900ma no frnteTT,lty, CACatr.t being it Ponsttlutiantsl itis•
K en:ola leaping fl'Cim the illi INTILdrae
i g p pardon and peace Lo all. Ilhe race. NO, 17'7111• U that f>od this mmne.nt might
int8 the sea Co save Charles Turner Particle hreult Che mildness Of those wil0 wL[i
This mighty swiullner Chrew IltS gran-
short of a miracle. I was like one on se,tegah•eslironati(utionaltreatlnonl.Hall's
dead And brought bank to life., noel :L Catarr h Oureistakennaternally, acting diroatly
why had dropped froul Lhe royuJ. ,yard I ,t
1I deur•, His glory, His u,)ght, Ills wisdom, I not. have e the m( rcy nn,t i,he [avOUT
wh71@ trying lv loosen Lit@ sail, bring His un ntpoteii(a and Ilia eternity into of that CbrisC %vhn is the oml. Saviour
upon the blood and mavens surfaces of the
cannot speak too highly of this medi. syatout, therob • des(Ioling Ilia foundation of
cine, or urge too strongly those who the ah( use, an giving MAIL 1 wtent strunitl by
log him back to tit@ thick am[d Lhe 'the. world ever has h"ld o' ever will
Chis one not. It wok both hands of I
builds, n The constitution and assioAng
ars afflicted to give it a trial." a P
huzzns of Lhe pusaurlg@rs anti Lhe crew. bare. Say, do you wont to° (lie? Do
If a has enough (Tod 60 nave us,-haCh feet. I'Iow do .0 I y y'
caul fn doing its work. The proprietors
It lues been proved time unit ugnill soatuchfn(thinits curativa po%tera thabthey
man not enthusiasm
Lo o. i i u nstaaces hr. de- prove jt? On the cross, were nut both yet covet ruin? Do you despise beave'n3
heez u much ere T hands nailed? On the erns were not,FTnvoyou liftrdtheponiardwitbwhieh
that Dr. Williams' Punk Pills Pure offer 0. a Hundred Dollars for any case that it
heart troubles, nervous Liability, rhou- failatocure, emtdforltetof,e+timepibis.
serves himself e drop into the Sea and both, feeL nailed,? TIN entire nature to still) the life of your immortal soul !
lav@ no one help brut. 1'1ie .Royal involved Ln oLu redemption O, sinner. tlloa knOweat. not where thou
- L
matism, aC1At1CiL, tit. Vlttie' (Ill n08 una Andress F. J. onrl"b1Y& CO., Toledo, c.
sto.malch troublte. T31ey make new SoldbyDrttgglalls; ar.
Ilnll's FamLly YlllJt are Lho best.
I'luniane .,ecie4 of England Arps ,
6 L. Or ' a % (: t
Y u On Ihe ver f t+l ltd vee. n he
aNLablis hd(t In 1774, its Object � If. you, have lived Inucb by tha wit- 'tvaaves
it lit n�r�es resCor-
blood rand build u a
Of what. sea.. Sinking. Sinking.
tet applaud and reward those ev, yea native also that if any one ie' g
he Striking. t'ront horizon to horizon not
ing the gl,health ED pale genuine HIS N4AY OT.JIT O.I' IT.
sure You et the enu[ne
fuses. BeRe sit y g g
who should o .look op ILfe front the going Out to redone the drowning, , cue sail in eight. Only one strop swim-
deep. Any one. who bus performed much must Ile Independent, self-rekinnf., bbl°' mer, with heeatd film bacilc anti arms
as there is no oChar m" is D •'the
us" o "jus. as as Dr, No in station .Don't You see bhat
a deet) of daring hall all tile particulars' to LO, alone,' Titers ntay he It lime outspread as "he Swhngrelli
of that. bravery recorded in a public "a_ when he must spring out to Save one., .S71, forth his hands O
sa good" smoking in aw@d?
same gn,
does sign,
LiamN' Pink Pitts. if your dealer dors Farmer Oatcake, in a whisper -Th
carol. Aerl on .his breasC a medal dura it till be cannot get, a. life -bent, Ono if [ Lo s%v[ut,"
Lind would lead re
not have them they lattl be Saul post% all right, ole man; I'm smokin' on the
cents it or boxes
Ili blue raid gold, and hrollze; goes oult and he hits not Strength anal lope of the00811ethe[,
and utuatograul, and lnauription telling elluugh W Bear himil.elf up, unci bear 1,lsouwill(+never
have so fair a chance its Lhis vary one
s, quiet. _._._-� __ _
$ 2.50ah addressing Drx .W Ilianl
$2 Y
Medicine Co., Brockville, Out,
to furors gl+nCl'ill.iOn9 I:hO I)rlLVel'y of-, dragger up, be will sick, of lettere Of in %%•Ili[,), to arae It (if1 the I.,OCCI Jesus
Otte Colo out I.
torrent ICb
------__ -FARMSSALE
the .man ur w'ouilbn Who saved a ,sold you will t g not. list.
frotu drowning', BuL, Lily friends, if it I Yptu will have two Co drag ou l,. \\'bon I audiences Saying; ng; "Fell 1, %n%ould like
UNAPPRECIATIVE.pontedbe hoar the of W MANITOBA,
Near he City f WINNIPEG,
, Stock Dairy
is such LL worthy Lltimg to Says it body l Christ sprat'g out into the Kit to da, ! to be 11 Christian LaatighL, I out go-
frOtu the d@eµ, l if it s not, hvei «s, ]Ie .Imat nn life -bony,. Il
desirable rii end
Palette felt disappointed because you Farm.Nicelyabout.��four mlee,rola
didn't. attend his exhibition Of paint-
uals you l ing Lu work lit beconto a.CbrisCian."
it %vo:rthrur thing Ca Savo Ilm imzno•tal I lvn.thaa` dial holt help ]:Tlnr. t\Iona in N'y' brother, van. b` cin tyrung; 1\•Ilan
-e. 6
tile Winnipeg, fronting on west side of
ln'�' Red River. close to Markets, et.c. The Irnrm
i .i tin
avnl? thnrl you shall see tonight'„ the the, w)tla3 at•Os1s, a1]atn did the If f1,
Son of God ml:ep forth fill, his achieve- Alone. in the dnrkneys, Alone in the a majiris drownies nut toitAt. Stronger
"tile Mahe, in 0L him ger
n , , i the iter aon mbi-
Isle wde aloe t R 1
1 w=&e detained. {anboaL_Ocl
But he kept the gallery open very i10 noivt489Aco. of illaI ver3oil 00a10 binc•lL
anent. she'll spread forth His mountain. the So&. I,f 'mays lit tit@ nliln "Vow be i uioL, Put
,Inuits in the lnldaL of I,heln, na he that Tiet sav@s us, Ida shall have all the )
lam loam. Latest improvol Buildings, consisting
Yes, tbat's wtpat detained me until of bwo good Frame Dwelling Rouses, Large
yuur arra on my arm Or an In Y1loult�-
aw ilii." I:h spt'eadel'.h forth his hnndS LO . N+tt of far "there taus none Co bol 1" Y "
swim." No nor. IVO wing. No ladder, \Chen er, ')Ili- don't ,tris glo tion t• try t.o
a little later, trnmu pack Burn, metal shouted, 70 x30'foot.
_ 1Pith frost -proof Stablo underneath, acaom-
[n order Ca tuulrestarntl Con Cull PCI'c@' Nallutnie.l Lyon fell itl the bnfLJc\ help yourself, still I'll take you ashol'@,
The mare you ,Crugglr anti rho more
o nlodattngover forty head ofstock; Book House
THE NEW WOMAN accessible all w3ncar; Lott atorrt8o for about
of this fi arse ,,=ou need t;o'u'LULllze, 'first c1LA1' a i,n front of hiN.troo 1s, he, hod
g , } g 1
of fill I:hat nor rade is in it sink) ng con- a, whole army to cheer him; when N:Iar-' von ( rpt' to hell) yourself, the more
Nair eltlarts upon pursuits Ifor'Iuerly 100 tons of hay ; ail under the Quo roof,
diidon, You somethneH Ileal• people 91740 Nay, Sprang told Clio contest., anti , Yon iml:ade tile. \ ila quiet and
Wilting they u.nged in, lits spurs 1.111 the horse's 1.11 Lake you ashore, \Yhon Christ,
monopolized by mon. But the femin- p Also Near Rapid city.
[nit. n@tars aro still hes and she sof_
tlBeltwaq aua
ilit�nitoibia dt�oT4h-�Coeateof
of. %vlldui'. aansider the Irl
Y ., f, lie mtl'U11 ,t1'linlne.r, OUmpS OUL to move
allosi. beautiful words in our language, flaadta si(ultle(It blood, all T.I'rn,nae ap g ,
"Of. :sold, the Sinner Saye: "That's right,
fex8 frDnl t:aOti]Aahe+ TO k -all vvNi recom aha
i also a station on the Great North -Wes. Caut
mend Nelviline--pain-pain roure-•- Railway froiii Brandon. In Rapid City
One man Says itt is "llom@," another I plaudedl hum. But[ Jesus alone,I a
mean says it is t 110 lvurd "mothar," un-' the people there was none to help," All ! ala glad to see ,166, and I am Igo•
i to help Uim. to do
aures toothache Ln a moment. Nervi- chore are grist mills With elovaLors, woollen
line, the most marvr]]otis ptt4nl remedy Raw is nail brick oh
ther' sitys It is the word "Jesum;" but forsook Him Lind fled." O, it was not Ing t am going
T will tell you the. bittarest Waled In ,it (L f)nlilla lbat ,Wiled down unit Saved I this, (hat, and Lhe other thing that
etc, a2onorcsulips,
being thewostbaltofseti32,
know=n to entente.. Narvilzne may be Cawnshipl3, image go wont, 'tun<tie andulot•
out, language, Clio word most angry Lind us, .1.1 was flat a cluster of gondolas will help Flim; t: nn] going CO prop
hell]' I1Lm;, I Ain
a conatdorodbhoAnostforgarain,
used. effiencious)y for all nerve pain' in ' 'aLEI-�
daley mfarmhlg, Building mntortnl isfool":(On,
baleful, the word Saturated wLth the that. Canis over the Wave. .it \vas one more, unit .hilt %will
m handy,water,Adaofningarot111proa•
rode. Iendeul- and n•I.Omr.,' gc )ng i;o ray@c> extrl a au.l over• m
(most trouble, Chet wort[ Chat uecounl:, � I tit' g Y Yt It
fol all the loal:llaomaness and Lhr, pang, "sol eup.rl)uitgJ ouUr I'lis lien els among us sins, and L1taL will help Him." No, (IIY
TO CURD A C04D IN ONE DAY.parous ra.
Tnbinle. All Drng•
and the Outrage and the harrowin asasit•intlner spt'rnee.t'll folt.h hishands' Brother, it Will no., Stop your doing,
TakOLn:ativonromo Quinine Also
gistere4on6 themewifitrnaetn0lwc. 260.South ILal4 of, section township l4,
and that word is " 5i,u." You spell 4t to SIVilm•" Christ will d0 all or none, YOU. call-
with IIn'ee letters, and yet those three llehold; tlaon' to-nleht the s ectatolo not lift an owlce, you cannot utnvO
--- _-� went, 020 aaroe, 'elite half sootiou ]ice north
Th s half
A STIO7IER. and near the above eoaLioh, ooaeistill of
lettel:s descri,lle Clio ciroumferenc,O and of n, (lrowalprg notal and Christ the al] Inch= in this niatLer of your ie- {reside and ,tune Smit ,etc on
ILL really like to get rid ori BnmpBY, lana, Sof post
demotion, This is tho difficult, which
Pierce 1,he diuttfeter of everything had sscunmAr. T lwu7)ev` il, was in 1846, %viten ?'
lent; Water. To
s c Excellent;
bttt lie's wonderfully poxsisteElt, cornier bt aoottoh, ID>ioellbat wa er. 'ora�
On earth and til perdition. Still it is (hat's were six Engilah soldiers of the keeps thousands of souls out. of the
a %vat'd, You Cannot pro- Fifth, a who were bonging to kingdom of beavan, It: is because they
Persistrnt9 I should say so. (Ch'om'p not toss Chan ona quhrtereash,
time, -Apply to
bottom to lot Jesus' Christ: be-
sl fellow that the &Vae can't shake, ALE7(ANOBR NAIRN, 416 Jarvis St., Toronto.
nollniC it WLLI]011t giving Ilia Si.SB of tl10 UP a capsized bon t, -1l boat aAnnat: consent
the Plaine or .he bins or the serpent. that; had lwel upmt, by u, squfill three gin and complete the work of their
Sin I A.1id t.beu if you add threa let- miles from shore. It was in tile night, xNdemptiOn, "'"Illy," You say, "thee is
tars to that we(i It deso'ibea every brup ane ulna alvum mightily for t'he there nothing 'fpr lee to do?" Only one,
persue in (.Ilia housel And every one in heapli, guided by Ilia dark mountains thing hab,e you to do, sail that is (.a
rhe world-slnnoA. .i.Iln.L 7s you and me, tbati lifted 'their. tops through the Icy, hold at Christ, and lei: Hint nes-
helve outragod the tale of 'Cod; n]gbd.. SI+Lt (,attic to the beach, tT;T13 love yolur Salvation and achlove it all.
.4 1
txtcosiolallp, or now and than, but ltotlnel lit shorednan who consorted to. I da not; .know whether T matte, the
'Tile flavor of LUDEI.LA Ceylon Tea is exquisite,
r'f 1 ,Billie deelal'89 go Wt'll bite atld. ,Il.Itt the otheruorne Inca, ];Ilam or not;, T slml}ly 'Want
p'Ir I it;l,t l ..
and 731 point of excellence there is no tea superior to it,
_ .. toallmatter
mark I it, ibrmdcls, tWo )%taps. "I'l3o add they put nu.. It was some iazne to about .you. that. a man rnnnoi; anlvti
nde ho
Load 95, 40, 50 and 60c.
heart is deceitful above all things, and before they could find the plitee ii herb hinlmelf, bwt that the Almighty San Ot
_ _ _..... . . _ _._ _ _, . .. .-...__..._-..._.. .___ __ - - _._.. _....___
DOUSN'T HURT HIS .VACS I Sendus r ur name and addrnason a postal and
Ilu)bs•-•Tllare's a man who shaves wo VO ha pleased to semi you it enmplo of
sevexal Limes a dap,
W=iggle -You don't mean It. I J/
should think there's nothing
his tape,
left of I W
Dobbs -It doesn't hurt big face at The moat dolidlnus tele in the world.
all. lie's a harbor. TNR MONSOON TEA CO.,
7 Wellington St. W:, Tproato,
ACTIVE [RAN WANTED at�!p p fw.9I�t
T,, read [his +olvertisement: And the Yl CIG A'vNOrrr�ri.6dl Baagaryr ra far Gplrl. eta,.
gem- I'utlhun's P,tin'rsm Cora .G:L u'a.tS ur' a�A $J lvrita for yrioaa,
11 knN L. HIMSICY, ii, A• Be..
atria]. It never fails Lo cure. nuts in 10 G,8varanlenta,.,Montreal,Que,
twenty' -four It, 1+r,: and causes neither
pain not d,sconlf,rt. Putnfam'S Cbrn AROAINSINMANITOBA I'AHA7$,-INSEVERAL
HvirarlOr eXtracl corns, I(. tN the munieipalitlast forppartii 11 IR nddraed
Brat, C, NBWCOyIBE, Tdroa�cJ,
Submarine ......1..m,,. .._ O 1)13 a _
Aca la is t laid ba Dominion Line Steamships,
tween VaScouver and Dyes. Montreal andQuobea to Livarl1Jcol hl.mmnori L�orgo
nod last ,rain temv .to..lh,0. 'Imbrnloq. Yan-
flui(akeure for Cold ijOrVs, i5c„ 35c., couver,' Dominion,' Scolsman; ' 1101, kahire:
for, Superior accommodation lop First Cabin, Soot,
on d Cabin and Steerage rasiongers. Rados of
01,1110-Firab Cabin, $62,00; econd Ca¢1ns
Alany n young man who has enter- 34I Stoora8a $22.60 and upwards necording b0
ed on a career haus been glad soon Of- Steamer and berth. For all information appplp
terwards t0 et a stead ob. to Local Agents or AAVID TORRANCIA & CO„
8 P j 0e0 Agents, l7 Ali. Sacrament St., Montreal.
Quiekoure for Skin Ilispaaes. 15c.. `
255., 50c. WINTER RESORT.
Walter E, Da.vies, inspector Of the a ®CHARLES
Royal Irish Constabulary, has peen ap-
W. P. C. 820.
___ ...... _. _ _ _.__ ATLANTIC CITY, H. J.
IFS e+,AA 8 AND E8TAT95 bought. sold & OPEN ALL THE YEAR.
I' A i'L R ed cxehanged, Terms mailed FINEST HOTRIL ON THE COAST.
Wan-Wan -11010 H. M. SINIP UN, hent ID,tato and Sun parlor 800 feet long overlooking
na)Id Agent, Montreal, Qua, ocean and beach esplanade. Vacuum
I steam heating system, Elevator to
ME& street level. Slot and c(fresh and
tC3iILa salt water In all baths. Rooms On
wrai• roe cotna,gsr. suite, baths attached.
WALTER DEAN, • 1701, Queen St. W„ Toronto. JAMES B REILLY, Owner and Prop,
Italian and Hybrlds-bast aeena Wax � " - -_-,..___ --.-_ _'.`__.__
All BBee Sujpft�llT.',A_ sIII,, 'y Wanted CANADA PEP,IVIANENT
aa�� Weed Patent Yrocese
Caab or
u dot
Fon 1 a d in
0 can an Savings man
4 Co
Goeld, hq7 ley a More co , g p y
INppRPOEA Ea 1365
tBp_�' (lagliis 6g T
Hos 1211.4 p{Iq�V�pm$ eructed 1C'r 11a[oxd
__ ..____.. ._. Pato-ap Oapltal...................5 2,000,000
Aeaete ., ,.,. 111400,000
1 a you can o sad rid artters,istic Hese of -Ice -Toronto n. Toronto,
you San do Plain and artistic nranoh Offices -Winnipeg, Man. Yanoouver, BD
work with our sewing ma- DAR) Cerra received at Interest payable hO
chines full equipped with early.
} Y
hammers to okurn binddr. DICBRx ass issued for money f
TAI e deposited rod for
i P
8 braider, ro,. Price
$18.50 Iyer Lreo or five Yearn.
I and sheerer. rel $ e w and Ms of it ADst and a f Real Estate at low
$24.00, mi deliveroi [rite within ,vitas of interest and an favorable conditions.
c^fy 80U miles of
ytontronl, Land Mortgages and Municipal or School
„_ THE BAILEY 00 ALOSON CO., nobenturos purohesed.
' - Nfol, l`nRAL. Information may be obtained from, and ap-
.__._...__... _ - __...... -._._ plicationamay bo m,=,,
G. F. R. HARtu9, Ggent Winnipeg.
0" ^(b1B-'4L'Rt�ID'�'N''0�'e"� Aa`% ' UPSARE J. MARANI, General .gent, b'an-
J. H. ANO I15ON, ll No.5 00110ge-at, oouver,
TO$ONTO, Out. f YTil OA 6 or b)
Y>;n J. HERBERT MASON, Managing Dlreotor
1 p'g� a®,p,S, Tn„anjo.
EYEI EAR, HC IG SPECIALIST Q -- ----- � Steamers a'• r0 titin
e 'jw v ,QAV t, 1. to Hebod ,8 8 g
- 1864. 135,000 't unit.
Love Harris
self. scrap.
25-31 William St„ Tot -onto. Phone 9729,
�}]��''] n
Ei 1i �i1
ADPlt eau
p C PelrlbtelLe St., Toronto, Camulm
Butter, Egg., Apples, Fruit, &c., to
Cor. of Wost Martial and Colborne Bis.. TOMI4T[t
F®nCe�Fenon� ween- mit roue 1898 Fence
I naconnt to half, we claim
we have the bo -t =it most practical roan oa
earth. Four mil- a of It in use at the Fxneri-
mental harm, Gueb,h, Ont, Send for prices,
AAcliess Toronto Plelrat Wire Fence Co.,
631 River St. Toronto, out.
���tlY'�� WANTED TH1tOUGHOi71
q� Canad.. Quick selling lines,
Sam plo.terms and oataloggha
TION, 20 Al..Is at., Montreal,
,-4v za
®c tr 1 QI 1i" f
4 t _
I • 14 ' i ' 1
l ooY s IPPR
reaeired chs high.
I , est. awards at 6110
• .1 WorlWe Fair 1393,
I have met with
ewoh universal fa•
vor, that other
manufac tures
are now making
Inferior !m[tati-
1� =t o Insistonlanving
tbaConbuy make
ll Ir. as imitations are
Hover se good as
., i I
the genuine,
loyal Mail S teaunship ot,
Montreal to Liverpool,
Steamers sail from Montreal story Saturday
Ltttorning on arrival of Isuins from Toronto and
tha wast about 9 o'clock.
Cabin $52.60 and upwards; Second Cabin
$84 and and $36.25: Steerage to Liverpool,
London, Glasgow, Belfast, Londonderry or
Qaoonstown $22,50 and 528.60.
A reduction offive percent, is allowed on
round trlp first and second Pallia tickets. For
sailings of steamers or abhor information apply
to any authorised agent-
H. Bourlier, 1 King St. W. Toronto.
or H. & A. Allan, Montreal.
i--__ -_-___..-_
Farmer Oak, setting posts for Page
fence, is set upon by another agent
With a machine to "make it yourself,
just as good," etc., etc., %vho soon talks
him to sleep. Ile dreams he's back at
the World's Fair. almost famished,can't .
live without a goodeup of coffee, quick.
Meets stranger with machine. "You
buy the green berry, anything cheap,
roast carefully, grind in this: perfently
delicious." "Ohes of course you
F ,
must steep it, and sugar grid cream it,
-takes a little time, but it's so cheap,"
Hore the nightmare kicks the agent
off the field and brings farmer O. to
his senses; and he'll use the Page. Farm
styles at from 45 to 65 cents per red,
Send for Illustrated advertising matter,
{ - +if
�hyt L z,
�l 1.
t&'rDves- 300 are klisairyg It gall, Xalpfl'toi;k-
av,mr 11900 fag, Tel rci4to Cana 1Leii;am g.
Removes Dandruff In One Week.
Cares Itching of the Scalp.
Prevents Breaking of Halirlm
Stops Falling 01ut.
"a 0
,.:n1R%..6B7, .nbg0Yr3cE7",�,.�
VA* 5W Battle fgKom D-1991MICK, or 04
ra(lTof P1,100 0o
`fib �
.'. _..