The Brussels Post, 1898-5-20, Page 8Arsametaamo
11.11Wr.;14,7.0174 ...11711491,1
W ' HAVE -'11P
Extra value just now in
Hair Brushes, Tooth Brushes and Combs.
A fresh supply of Fountain Syringes and
Trusses just to hand. We aini to keep e
nice stock of Toileb articles,
In Drugs we keep the best we can
get. We keep all the leading Patent
Your patronage is appreciated.
G. A. Deadman,
Druggist, Optician & Bookseller.
Trains teave Brussels Station, North
and South, ae follows:
Gorse Soma . Goma Nowa.
Hxpress...... iue a,m. Mail 210 pen
Waxed 0:40 a.m. Express 10:10 p.m
Peru.' helms kerns.
A. M. McKee & Go. beve sold twelve
bioyoles this Beason,
50 CENTS, in advance, atones THE
PONT for the balance of 1808.
lenenizoies are very favorable for a
good fruit crop iu this lounlity
Plumes fire warned egalnat spraying
fruit trees while the bloom La on, There
is a heavy fine for to doing.
A New kitchen and woodshed is being
built at the home of Mrs. S. female. A,
Bawtinheimer has the job. ,
A number of interna) improvements
have been made in the Ami rim) Hotel
by Mr, Ament, the new proprietor.
COMPLAINT has been made of the drum
pounding of the Salvation Army at 7 a.
m, on the Sabbath morning marches.
Saroon's Little World is in townand ie
exhibiting in the store recently vacated
by Ono. MOBaln. It is well worth seeing.
JAMES TURNBULL le putting up a Dew
wood shed at his residence, ooruer of
John and King streets. Hugh R. Elliott
is doing the work,
PROP. IIAwxme intends bolding a pri•
vats recital with his pupils on Friday
evening and Saturday afternoon of this
week at hie rooms.
D. 0, Ross was unanimously chosen
Secretary of Western Star Lodge, I. 0.
O. F., Brussels, rendered vacant through
the removal of A. Koenig to Mitchell.
Tag ,Education Department bac now in
preparation a new text book whioh will
be placed in ell the eoboole and for pupile
in lower forma. It deals with agricul•
tore, forestry and such matters.
Tag Salvation Army will give e Biagio
Lantern Entertainment in the Barraoke
on Thursday evening of next week, at
which "A narrow escape, or the torn
Bible," a story of the Indian war, will be
Taxa POST is in receipt of a very neat
wall calendar from the Eddy Go., Hall.
In addition to the information it eon.
Mins there are a number of fine views of
Mimi in Canada end Newfoundland.
ExeultexoN to Guelph Ontario Agricul-
tural Farm on Monday, June 20th.
Return fare from Brussels, good for 2
days, $1.00 for adults and 60 ciente obild-
A chief's ameng ye takin' notes, ren. Wingham and Breath; Agi. So-
An' faith he'll prent it. ofeties have the matter in baud.
meeting of East Huron Farmers' Insti-
tute will be held in the Council Chamber,
Brussels on Tuesday, June 7th, at 1 p.
m. Boeineee will be the election of of&
oars and receiving the Secretary -Treas-
urer's reports. Thos. Strachan is the
President and George Rood the Seoretary.
Miss JEAN MOLattoge e'e card may be
read in this issue of THE POST. She is a
pupil of C. L. M. Harris, musioal Dootor
of the Conservatory of Music, Hamilton,
with whom she bad been studying during
the past year. Mise MoLanotlin will
give instruction on either piano or organ
at her residence Oe aC at the
ernes of her
TztrPERANos,—Last Tuesday evening
the first of the monthly meetings of the
Epworth League was held in the Metho.
diet ahuroh. Mies Maggie Mooney pre -
aided. The following woe the program :
—Opening exercises ; Essay, Miss Maggie
'Beattie ; duett, by Miss Lizzie Sample
and Miss Minnie Moore ; address, by W.
H. Herr ; reading, "An Indian's Plea,"
Miss Minnie MoNanghton ; closing oxer•
FRATERNAL,—About twenty•five of the
members of St. John's Lodge, Brueeels,
A. F. & A. M., drove over to Wroxeter,
Tuesday evening, and had a social re-
union with their brethren of No. 162,
Wroxeter, The visitors were most nor.
dially received, the local lodge going to a
great deal of pains to make the visit of
the Bruseelites exceedingly pleasant. No.
162 may not be very strong at present but
what there is of
them seem to have their
vo heir
heart in the ri b
STANDARD BANE. -3, A,. Stewart, who
has presided over the Brussels Branch
of the Standard Bank for the past four
years, has reoeived a promotion to the
Head Office discount, Department,
and wilt remove in about a month.
Mr. Stewart will be succeeded by Mr.
Brent, now at Stouffvills. Thio -gentle•
man is known to a number in Brussels
as be supplied for Mr. Hart a few years
ago during the vacation of the latter.
When the Kingston branch was opened
the members of the staff were Meagre.
Hart, Brent and Fletcher.
UNION GATHEaING•—On Sabbath after•
noon, May 29th, a onion Sabbath school
service will be held in Brussels Metho•
dist church, commencing at 2.30 o'clock,
In addition to Melville and the Metho•
dist schools, all the union soboots in this
eeotion are also invited. Provincial
Field Seoretary Day, of Toronto, will ace,
dreee the gathering, and as he is a most
pleasing speaker, everybody who can get
should bear him. The collection taken
will be devoted to Provincial Missionary
S. 5. work, Barrister Blair, Superin•
ers. Brussels has verygood material ¢endent of Melville S.S., will preside,
fora lively slab and should o melee !tial Mummies FIRE BRIGADE,—The annual
meeting of Brunets Fire Brigade wee
held lest Wednesday evening in the
Council Chamber. The following ofaoere
were elected :—
Chief, Wateon Ainley ;
Capt., J. G. Skene ;
Seo.•Treae., P. S. Scott ;
lot Lieut., N. F. Gerry
2nd Lieut., J. T. Ross ;
3rd Lieut., D. 0. Rose ;
let Engineer, Harry James ;
2nd " Benz, Scott ;
Fireman, Frank Lambie ;
Koal kart, W. Thomson, Bert Gerry,
and Alex. Bird ;
Branohmen, S. H. Jackson and Alex.
McKay ;
No. 1 reel, B. Wilton, John MOadowe,
Wm. Ainley and Sandy McKay
No.2 reel, Wm. Smith, P. MaQuar-
ria, A. Carrie and S. 13, Smale ;
No. 8 reel, P. Scott, R. Williams,
Jae. Jones and Alex, 1tio7 eii.
Tug following circular was received by
our Jooal wool buyers and will be of in -
teres( to the farming oommunitee—Tn1i
WOOL QUOTATION.—Tile following is the
United States duty on Canadian Wool
viz; Washed combing fleece, 12 ate. per
Ib.; Unwashed combing fleece, 12c. per
lb.; Tub washed, all grndee, 36o. per Ili,;
Unwashed Clothing, 29o. perib.; Seedy
and bleak 12o. por Ib. Please give this
information to the farmers through your
local papers or otherwise, and impress on
them the fent that Only wools well wash.
ed on the sheepe' beak tan be exported.
The duty of 86o, per pound od tub wash.
ed, 12c on inferior grades of washed and
unwashed w ed Dom '
and 280, o
clothing prohibits their being exported
to the United Staten, Owing 00 the
Spanish trouble and the probable disturb.
twee 'of the money market, Ws cannot
give you Valetas, but trust we Dan do 00
before the elfp is marketed. In the
meanticno We adtriso caution. Flours
truly, Long & Bieby,
SPORTS in Brussels on May 241b.
C. 0. F. meet next Tuesday evening.
FOURTH Division Court will be held on
June 3rd.
LARGE colones of trout are reported by
some of our anglers.
THE Bijou 'Concert Company have; the
Town Hall eogaged for next week.
FRIDAY evening of thio week the semi•
monthly meeting of the A. 0. U. W. will
be held.
JAS. Fox's Klondike exhibition in the
drug store window attracts considerable
ELECTRIC lighting willrobabl be put
in the residences of several of our towns-
people this season.
SINGLE fare on the G. T. R. for Qoeen'e
Birthday, good going on 23rd or 24th and
returning on 25th.
Bnusozxs corporation pay 36 Dents per
yard for gravel this year. Robt. Den -
bow has the contract.
Dia. Dow, of Fullerton, has purchased
the house and Iot South 'of Flora street
from George McMillan.
Tan Band concert was cut short last
Friday evening owing to a shower of rain.
They will play this week.
ARntioiugers are being made to push
forward as soon as possible the work of
putting le the new sewers on Taroberry
TREES is only one appeal against the
Asseesment Roll in Brussels this year,
The Court of Revision will be held on
JuneG th.
A Man Quartette from Brunets will
supply the vocal mueio at a garden party
to be held et Walton in tate course of 0
couple weeks,
THE town Band played Thursday even-
ing of this week instead of Friday owing
to the Macey entertainment in the Town
Hall on Friday evening.
AvarroN Sale of Mrs. W. T. Hunter's
household furniture, etc., John street, on
Saturday afternoon of this week,
The proprietress intends removing to
DONT forgot to bear Mr. Macey, the
New York elooutioniet and vocalist, in
Town Hall on Friday evening of this
week. He is here under the auspioea of
the Poblio Library and comes highly
en ed.
been making a tour of inspection of
premises this week under the Board of
Health. There are several yards and
premises that have not yet been tidied
up, and of whom report will be made to
the Board,
Witteue o base ball team is expected
here to play a Install with our ball toss
tereeting for the visitors. Milverton
nine is expeoted to play here on the
Queen's Birthday.
A RUNAWAY horse last Friday after-
noon made havoo of one of the side lighte
in J. G. Skene's store window. It wee a
marvel that the plate glass front was not
smashed also as the animal heedlessly
and reokleosly went over a top buggy tied
in front of Mr. Skene's store,
Nem TIME Tenxa,—Last Sunday a new
time table name into effect on the Grand
Trunk system, but despite protestations
the same uneatisfaotory arrangement
continuos relative to connections with
the L. H, & 13. The only change made
on this branch is that the night train ie
15 minutes later getting here, being now
timed to arrive at 10:16. This is done
to give a oloee oonneotion at Toronto for
paosengero from Montreal and other emit -
ere point.
anniversary of the birth of Her Moot
Gracious Majesty, will be oelebrated in
Brunie. In the forenoon a base ball
match will be played on Victoria Park
and in the afternoon the following pro.
gram will take plane at the Driving
8•minnte trot or peed, $100.00
Named race, trot or pace, 60.00
Farmers' PACO, 855.00
Purses divided 60, 25,15 and 10%. Entry
fee5% and 5% trona winners ; 6 to enter
t , and 4 to start ; }-mile boots, 8 in 5.
Battles close May 23rd,
Old man's rade, $2.00 and $1.00
100 yard race, mon, 2.00 " 1.00
100 yards, boys tinder 141,00 " 60
60 hors under 10 1,00 "
G'Irla race, 1,00
There will .be no entrance fes, bot all
dompotitors meat enter before 2,80o'elook
that day for theist. sports, 3,11. Warwick
is the President and P. S. SooOOr
ltigsene. BAEttea tVANwoOeo ore chip•
ping baled key in targe quantities.
A. E, TnoLttOvxoN, lute of Brussels, has
gone into besinoeo at Dmtganoon.
Tut. premised of Win, Malay is Main
greatly unproved by the laying out of
Gaeta/ Leon N"Tete,—Tho new ti
table Dame in last Blonde}, and Olio onl
ohttuge is that our garnet Agent will b
kept 10 minutes later each night for Oh
late train.—Single fare on the G. T. R.
for the eleeen's Birthday.—Among the
Outgoing shipments this week were :—R.
Graham, a our of wheat and one of oats ;
Backer & Vanatone, 3 care of peas, 2 cars
of baled hay, 4 care of oats end 0 oar of
hogs ; P. Ament, 2 oars heading ; Enter.
prise Salt Worke, 7 oars, one going to
Manitoba ; consignments of butter by A.
Strachan and R. Thomson ; oonsigmneut
of eggs by A. Varooe.—A. oar of Drayton
tile was received. Mr. Kendall is the
Agent.—The officials made an impaction
of this line of the 0. T. R, by special
train on Taoeday evening. Mr. Fitz-
hugh, Suporintendent,t was with the
party.—On Wednesday the construction
train went Noi'th on the work of gather•
fug and distributing steel rails for the
Rev, Mr. Abates test Iasi Senility morn•
fag ryas Phil. 2 and 0 and le the evening
II, Samuel 19 and 10, "Why speak ye
nota word about bringiug the Ding
g back."
a Last SntlbaLh morning Rev. kir, Allis
took as hie 0111 j ut "'l'oo wise and foolish
me virgins," oteepropertttiou for the Ritmo.
y It ie a linty to prepare by having a ro-
e Nerve (l) A reeerv0 for emergencies ; (2)
o Reserve Grace for hard trials ; (3) Re.
ems for Auishing life's journey.
CONVENTION.—The fifth annual oouven.
Lion of the ohuroh of England 5, 5. and
Church Workers' Association wag held in
the school room of St, Paul's ohuroh,
Wingham, on Tuesday 05 last week, The
mornieg seeeio0 woe devoted to the re.
oeption of reports and billetting delegates
and an address of weloome was delivered
by Rev, W. Lowe, The afternoon was
pooupied by reading and diaonssing the
following papers :—"Tho rite of oonfirm•
ation," Mrs, 3, Footer, Wingham; "'The
St, Andrews' Brotherhood," Rev, Rural
Dean Hodgins, Soafortlt ; "Questioning a
S. S. Mass," Rev. 0. Miles, Kincardine ;
"Music by the school," ; It's relation to
church services," Biles A. Perkins, Gor.
ria ;, "The want of heartiness !a the aver-
age Christian," Mr. George, student of
Huron College. Than followed the oleo.
tion of officers, which resulted as follows :
—Hon. Pres., Rev. J. W. Hodgins, R. D.,
Seafortb ; Free. Rev. 0, Mills, Henault ;
Vi0e•Pree,, Mise A. Perltine, Gerrie ;
Secretary, Mr, Saunders, Seafo:'th, 10
was decided to hold the next annual
meeting in HenealL There eters some
60 delegates preeent, and it very pleasant
time was spent in 1120 diseue-i .ue. In
the evening there was service at 7.30
cooduoted by Revs. Rural Dean tiodgiva,
r Seaforth ; Ottas. Miles, 13. A., Kincar-
dine ; C. Mills, Henoch ; E. Bray,
Exeter, and W. Lowe, Wingham. The
sermon was preached by Rev. A. B.
Panay, of Gorris. A hearty vote of
' thanks was tendered the Wingham people
for their hospitality.
011UliU!! 01063110.1.
St. John's ohuroh Sabbath sohool is
making a large addition to their library.
Next Sabbath morniug the pastor will
preaoh to the members of Melville Sab•
bath eokool.
Rev. Jno. Rose, B. A,, attended the
Presbytery of Maitland in Wingham on
Tuesday of this week.
Rev, Mr. Alli" was one of the speakers
at the W. F. M. S. meeting at Tesswate
on Wednesday evening of this week.
Public service in St. Jobn'e church on
Thursday evening instead of 'young Poo
plea' meeting, is being Ascension Day
The incumbent preaohee.
Rev, D. B. McRae, of Cranbrook
preached two excellent sermons in Mel
villa choral last Sabbath. In the morn•
fug his eubjeot was "The Dore of the
demoniac," and in the evening his text
was "We would see Jesus,"
Religious servioe0, known ae the 40
horn's devotion, were held in the R. C.
church here this week. Rev. ler. McGee,
parish priest, conducted the services and
on Monday and Tuesday. was assisted by
Rev, Fr. Mo.ewen, of St. Aegotioe,
There was a good attendance at eaolt of
Oho meetings.
Rev. A. Scott, a former Morrie town•
ship boy, now of Michigan, U. S., 0000•
pied the pulpit of the Methodist ohuroh
here last Sabbath eveuiog. He preached
a very praotioal, warm hearted discourse
from the text "She hath done what she
could." Mr. Scott ie a brother to the
Misses Soott
street, t Brussels.
0. very interesting DoneeOYatlOn
followed in connection with the Epworth
League, 13. Gerry had charge of it.
The farewell service in the First Meth-
odist church, London, on Monday night
says the Free Press, was made the oo•
rasion of the presentation to Mies Lyda
Hall of a beautiful gold watob suitably
engraved, and a purse of gold to Miss
Annie Hall, whioh bore the emblem of
the donors and a suitable inscription, by
the Epworth League of the church, the
members of which have been greatly
benefitted by their visit. The Misses
Hall were taken by surprise, but expres-
sed their appreciation in a few well
ohooen words. Beside the above, the
oheisl Board of the ohuroh made a
handsome donalioti to the Misses Hall,
who hold a warm place in the hearts of
the people of this ohurcb.
Q NT.—A uqiq uo and i
est'" e
i g av nt will take pleas in Trinity
abnroh, Mitchell, on the afternoon of
Tuesday, May 31st, On that date the
semi-annual meeting of the Rural Dean-
ery of Perth will be held. The morning
session will be of a business nature, but
in the afternoon Rev. ear. Symonds, of
Toronto, will reed a paper on Christian
Unity. By epeeist invitation of the
deanery, ministerial representatives of
the Presbyterian and Methodist bodies
will be present and will take part in the
discussion following the reading of the
paper. Rev. M. L, Leitch, pastor of
Knox church, Stratford, together with
Rev. W. A. Bradley, of Mitchell, will
represent the Presbyterian ohuroh, while
Rev. J. W. Holmes, of Mitchell, and
another minister, to be nominated by
Rev.Dr.D Hannon, actor
of the Central
a nroh Stratford will repre-
sent the Methodist body. The afternoon
session will begin at 2 o'clock, and close
at 5. At the aloe of the reading of the
report, the Presbyterian and Methodist
divines will be given an hour or more in
which to present their views. Rev. Mr,
Symonds, of Toronto, will preach in the
Monday, May 80th, the ninth annual
Dietriot Sabbath School Convention will
be held in Melville ohuroh, Brussels, cone.
menoing at 10 a. te. The program will
be as follows :—
Forenoon session-10—Devotional oxer•
oiaes ; 10.15—"How have Sabbath School
Conventions helped me and my sohooi,'
Jae, Smillie, J. J. Mitchell. 10,35—Die-
ouoeion ; 10,45—"My greatest difficulty
and Kreatoot encouragement in S. S.
work,' Mrs. N. M. Richardson, Mics
Minnie McNaughton. 11,13--Dioouo•
Bion ; 11.26—"How to untie Sunday
School knots," Alfred Day. 11,46—Ap•
pointment of nominating committees and
closing. Afternoon Session.-1,30—De-
votional exercises; 1.45—Address by
President cleat ; 1.66—"How to inorease
the devotional spirit in the school," Rev.
A. C. Tiffin, Rev. Jno. Ross, B. A. 2,26
—Discission , 2,35—"What am I acoom.
p'iohing with my plass ?" W, Pollard, G.
F, Blair, 2,65—Disouesion ; 3,05-5. S.
Watson of May 20th taught to intertnedi.
ate class, J. H. Cameron ; 5, S. lesson of
Jona 5th, taught lo Bible class, B. Gerry.
8.45—"Teaohing by que0tioning," Alfred
Day. 4.06—Diocheaion ;• 4.15—An-
nounoemente and closing, Evening See.
sion,-7.80-0eseing exerei0ea ; colo,
Mies Belle Smith ; Address, "How may
the home help or hinder the Sabbath
School," Rev, W. T. Hall ; quartette,
Misses Lida Crooks, Mary Ross and
Meatus. Hawkins and Cameron ; addreao,
"The teacher's master key," Alfred Day
quartette, Misses Sample and Nome and
Mesets. Kerr and Gerry; resolutions and
announcements; anthem, Melville
church choir ; A oolleotion will bo taken
tip at the afternoon and evenicg 0000i000
to defray expensed. Mole sohool to ask•
ad to send 6 delegates, the DEMOS tc be
forwarded to Rev, R. Paul by 26th inst.,
go as to arrange billetttng list. Mr, Day
ie one of the beet S. S. workers in the
Province and no one should (nide hearing
him. Fre hag a topio et each eeseion,
Jas. Allan is now a full fledged drng-
giat. We tvish him every names.
DEATH of Mus. leteene.—At midnight
oa Sunday last Jean Olimie, wife of Wm.
Lawrie, of Wroxeter, died in the 84th
year of her age. Dire, Lawrie bad been
suffering from the ailments due to old
age since the new year, but her strength
held out very remarkably until the last
week or so, when she Bank rapidly and
the end came peacefully et midnight on
Sunday. The deceased was the third
daughter of the late John Climie, of the
township of Inniefil, Simcoe County.
She evas a sister of the late Geo. S.
Climie, of this town, and the lseb surviv-
ing member of her father's family, which
consisted of four sone and four daughters.
The sonehe ere Rev. t Re . dohn Bi. Climie
of Bowutanville; William Climie, who
settled on the farm on the boundary
west, adjoining the town ; Geo. S.
Olimio, and Andrew, the latter of whom
died in early manhood. The daughters
were Mrs. John Rose, 6irs, J. R. Morti-
more, bird. Wm. Lawrie and Babbitt, un-
married. The father of the deceased was
ono of two brothers, John and Andrew,
who first Dame to Canada from Cumber -
slang near Glasgow and settled in Dat.
boogie township, Lanark comity, in the
early years of the century. In this set-
tlement was alae the Lawries and the
Livingstone, wbo all afterwards name
west to Simcoe County and later on to
this neighborhood. The deceased was
married in the township of Inniefil to
Wm. Lawrie, who survives her, and en-
joys remarkable health t' a nd strength for
his years, being now in the 80th year of
his age. They
havee been mottled near-
iy 60 years and hove it family of three
sous and three doughters living and three
children deceased, The separation from
a life-long companion, to whom he was
deeply attached, is a severe afliotion to
her sorrowing; partner. Her surviving
children are Mrs. R. Hodson, Wingham
Mrs. R. Clarke, Kansas, and Caroline, at
home, and Andrew, of Petrolia, William,
of Torouto, and Livingston, of British
Colombia. All who enjoyed the inti.
mate friendship of the deceased pay to
her memory the tribute due her high
character and blameless life. To a keen
intelligence and resoluteness of mind
she united strong womanly sympathies
and kindness of heart and during her
long life richly earned and amply re.
turned the loving affection; that went out
her tom family n and friends.
Business Locals.
WHEELS from $40 up to $100 at A.
Oousl ey'e.
SEE our single harness, great value Ohio
month. I. C. Richards,
A. Couoour handles everything that is
used by a bicycle rider.
Timms and satchels, Large assortments,
low prices. I. C. Richards,
Son our nioa stook of dusters and rub-
ber lap ruga low in price. I. 0. Riohardo.
Two tons of oiled and annealed fence
wire at prioes lower than ever. McKay
& Co.
p. & D. bearings are guaranteed for
three years, Come in and Flee them. A,
Fon sale cheap, Due sett second hand
single hati'itess. I. 0, Richards,
A CANADIAN made bioyole, up to date,
for $30.00. McKay & Go.
ItntnovIM mammoth, long, red, man•
gel seed at Jas. 13allautyne'o,
Fees Wanted, Not lower as reported.
11 once. We also buy wool, oath or trade.
G. E. King, Wingham.
Two good seoond hand pianos, very
nearly as good as new, 1 square and 1
upright ease, will eel' very cheap. R.
Tun center bearing in the White bioy'
cis runs from two to three seasons with-
out being replenished with a lubricant,
McKay & Co,
BENUMB that you can save .from else
to $26 on an organ by buying from 7t,
Leatherdale, Six octave piano eased
organs for $60.
THE slmplioity and mechanical ingot•
city of the Denner bearings in Otto Vehlte
Wheal stamp it 00 deoidediy unique and
of special merit. MoICay & Go,
IHAVE the largest stook of window
shades this Spring over was in Brussels
and at pgi000 below T. Eaton's ; good
shades for eco. R. Leatherdale.
Anon Bu
N UaGIEo,—
I have made err n
meets with Walker & Smith to sett their
boggles, wagons and carte. Ihavo it good
oxperienee to the trade and I know these
buggies to be the boat. Give me a gall
and I will sell as oheap ES honest Work
eau be sold at, Britg along any weed
work and I will got it done for you. All
worlignaraeteod, P, Seemm, 0rusaole,
ST 4,2VAI T.D BANE 01? C,1 ,,2
=M2,,arsxz;o 1.87:me '
ASSETS,(Seven Million Dollars) . $7,000,000
CAPITAL (Authorized) $2,000,000
'triennia in all principiZpoints In Orttarl0, Quebec, Manitoba, United States &?Ragland,
A General Banking Beninese Transacted. Partnere' Notes Discounted.
Drat 00 Tamil and Collections made on all points,
InOoreot allowed on deposits of 51.00 and upwards from ant of depoelt to date o
withdrawal and compounded half yearly.
Every facility afforded Cuotomore living at a dietanoo.
A Limns quantity of sore= windows,
the latest improved. Mollay & Co.
Dm you cue the Gendron bike in A,
Cousley's window 2 It's a dandy.
Goon, dry American Dorn, the boat tor
feeding purposes, for sale at Ross' mill,
CLEVELAND wbeolo are groat sellers.
Six sold since Jan. let, 1898. A, Coueley.
Sax tons of imported barbed and plain
twist wire at the lowest figure ever offer-
ed in America, McKay & Co,
IP you want a baby carriage oall in and
see R. Leatherdale end get prices. LIe
has a lot of them and ie bound to sell
them if prime hes anything to do with it.
ONE hundred oc_oen doors, mortised, of
clear kiln dried pine, braoed and finished
in two coats of paint, manufactured by
Cober, of Ethel, and sold by us at 51,20
Complete. Leave your orders early and
secure the best value in the market.
McKay & Go.
—Via the Chicago, Milwaukee & St.
Paul Railway to Los Angeles and other
points in Southern California. These
popular every Saturday California oxour-
sione for both first and second class pas-
sengers are "personally oonduoted" by
intelligent, competent and courteous
"couriers," who will attend to the wants
of all passengers en route. This is an
entirely new feature of tourist oar service
and will be greatly appreciated by fami-
lies or parties of friends travelling to.
gather, or by ladies travelling alone. The
Midland Route Tourist Cars are upholst•
ered sleeping care and are supplied with
all the accessories necessary to'make the
journey comfortable and pleasant, and
the sleeping berth rata its but $6.00 (for
two persons) from Chicago to California.
Aek the nearest ticket agent for a tourist
oar "folder," giving complete information
about the Midland Route, or address
"Eastern Manager Midland Route,"
No -
95 Adams street, Chicago, Ill„ or A, J.
Taylor, Canadian Passenger Agent, To
ronto, Ont. 26.2 mos.
The grohibitioniota of North Grey have
organized for the fray.
The body of an unknown men was
found drowned in the Kith River at
The wholesale hardware firm of
Letaog, Letang & Go., Montreal, has
gone into voluntary liquidation.
BOND.—In Wingham, cm May 1100, the
wife of Mr. Harry Bond of a Son.
TAYLon.—In West Wawanosh, on May
6th, the wife of Mr. Charles Taylor
of a son.
PEAxg—Davie,—At St. PauI's church,
Wingham, on May llth, by Venue
erne Arab Daemon Davis, of London,
misted by Rev, Canon Davis, Sarnia,
and Itev. W. Lowe, Wingham, Mr.
Chas. N. Peaks, of Toronto, to Mies
Mary R., eldest daughter of Mr, 11, 7
Davis, of Wingham, The Only Other First-class Tailors
oI4NEA. is randy to supply good
patotsgo for 30 bead of Dottie on Lot 00,000,
B Mut'rld, 41.3 sIMON HODDNR,
1. Durham Bull, two years old. Good
steels getter, Apply to W. TNNE0. Lob 24,
0on. 8, Morris, 40.4
e.Ln,—Tho undersigned offers her
house and lot ou Turnbort'y street, Brus-
sels, for sale. Good well on the premises.
Apply to MRS. DENNY WILBEE, 07-8
an Ta next.—Tho undersigned offers
for sale or to rout that 10 story frame house
on Tomberry street, North of Oho 'I'err'aoe,
lately occupied by 8. H. Jackson. For par-
tioulareapply to W.13, Herr, or the owner,
J. i30AIOg, Auburn P. 0, 00-10
Miss Jean MoLaueldin, pupil of C. L.
01, Harris, Musical Doctor, or the Coneorv-
atoryof alusle, Hamilton, Ontario, Is pre-
pared to give instructions to pupils oft either
piano or organ. Special attention given
to teohalo, Lossono given either at the
homes of pupils or at teachers Nemo, 1A -9m
Offers for codarpoSte, plank and tiro bars
III break et Star 00111, Grey, in throe parts,
of so many poets each. Offers may be loft
with James Brown at the mill, no to 90th
inst., or the undersigned. Offers also asked
for odlce safe. El. IC. MATHESON,
Mitchell, May lath,. 1808, 41.0
Notice is hereby given that the Municipal
Council of Oho Township of Grey will hold a
Court of Revision in the Township Hall, on
Saturday, the 14th day of May, A.D. 1008,
at the flour of eleven o'olooif In the
forenoon, f ha
oke n or aria appeals l (If an
p B
g P ( )
against >i m .�
gain» the atheae tut under the over Engineer's
Deport o. 2, the extension n Township Govef Gey,
Dram No. diu oho said t ofFarhof t.
as provided by epeoiaW C of P 3011, Clerk. d'0.2 Wk1.SPENOE, Cleric.
Notice is hereby given that the Municipal
Council of the Corporatiou•.of the 'Village of
Brussels County of Huron, will 01000 as
Court of ROvlelaq at the TOWN HALL,
Monday, .Tuna 6000,1098, tit 81,. M.
Parties interested will govern them0olvoo
P. 8, SCOTT, Clerk.
MAT 20, 1898
Suet whab is needed to locate the differ-
ent pointe of interest in oontloation
with the meant war,
TIE WOE&n On ono Silo 20 x21.
On other side,
t0 Put up in a neat folder for 16o.
-A T...."
LessThan .Cost.
Foz's Drug Store.
Notice is hereby givon that rho Municipal
Council of the Corporation of the Township
of Croy, County of Iiuron, will meet as
Court of Revision at the -Township Ball,
Ethel, on.
Thursday, May 201(1,, 1898,00 10 11. m.
Parties totems 000 will govern themselves
WM. SPENCE, Clerk.
St 1r'a 1)f ij t()�T SiI� „ it �;1 Y ' I''
tom, e'1L e.
.1 Commercial School of the high-
est grade—nolle better in the
Catalogue Free.
W. J. ELLIOTT, Priueipal.
F>tttonsms.—In TtokeromiOh, on Thurs.
day, May 12012, Elizabeth, daughter
of David Ferguson, formerly of Grey
township, aged 28 years, 3 menthe
end 1 day.
Gan.—In Elms, on Wednesday afternoon,
May 11th, 1808, John Guy, aged 73
yearn, 5 months and 6 days.
DANDRo01r.—In Atwood, on Friday, May
6th, 1808,WDanbro
74 years, 11
months and 2 days.
MoNerre—In Crsnbrooll, on Wednesday,
May 18th, Agnes Mulholland, beloved
wife of Alexander McNair, aged 48
years, 8 mouths and 13 days.
RoDoaTenN.—In Wingham, on May 12th,
Mary, beloved wife of Wm. Robert-
son, aged 46 years and 8 months.
.&'07 xosT s.a.z rE-
SATURDAY, May 2103.—Household furni•
tura, &o., reeidenoe Mrs. W. T. Hunter,
John street, Brueeels. Sale at 1:30 o'.
cloak. tire. W. T. Hunter, Proprietress
F. S. Scott, Anotioneer.
BR TTSS0:77.,5 Z`21a.3.2'�.iZITs,
Pall Wheat
Butter; tuba and toile
llggo per dozen
Flour per barrel.....,
Potatoes (per bag)
'flay per ton
Hides trimmod-
Flidee rough
Salt per bbl,, retail
Sheep eltins, each
Lamb skine each'
Hoge, hive
Dressed Flogs
Apples (per bag)
1 10
4 00
1 00
4 60
6 00
1 10
4 60
5 00
4 60
6 60
(Under this heading email a(lvto, will bo
Inserted anal week all -cont a word. eio
adyt, lees than 10 coots, however, to bo paid
for when order is glvon,l
13ioyoioo101oe for sale, price Sea Maguire
at thio
Been Soo Cream and a variety of
Summar Drinks at MRS,xtliee'8,
Young Cattle, Lot 10, ou„0, Elroy.
404 - T1OS, MOOliiji.
Shil Bily "Y Still
At the store that gives yon the most liberty to look gives the best
encouragement to buy ; and guarantees your clothes to fit.
Consider yourself free to go in and out of our store just to look our
Goode over and over.
We take no grip on your purse just because you step over our
threshold, but you'll see the Choicest Patterns and Finest
Suitings ever shown in Brussels.',
DE JL AR.I• ME .I,V .1. Av
We may not have the Sporty Goods, but you will find Gems in this
Department—Dress Shirts, Neckwear, Hosiery, Kid Gloves,
Summer underwear, Hats and Caps in all Shapes and Styles.
In all the new Shades, Colors and Effects. We believe
there is no stock in town to compare with it. It will
pay you to take a look through The Furnishin
store .of Brussels.
Clothiers and Furnishers.`