The Brussels Post, 1898-5-20, Page 7MAY 20, MS
'.1C EEB BRl7'$S7EJ.,tB
of wealth. What was the neo of Zip- from the m0untaln d What would you
permit's bemoaning horse Lwith work lc for living? Coma
You support
when she might have reoined
on the jouranlf 1 Can you take 00r0 of an lo -
hillside near her father's tent and valla mother or brother ur sister as
;ducked battereuPe and dreamedout ro welt as yourself?" Yea, bring it down
ant wept over imaginary gongs to the to what any day might come to a
ba.oke'1 No, she knew that work wag prosperous Dimity. „Can you cook a
1lunorehlo and that every girl ought to dinner if the servants should make u.
have Bewailing t0 do, and so she starts strike for higher wage's and leave that
with the Meeting and lowing and lel- loomning?" Every minute of every
lowing and neighing droves to the well Hour of every clay of every year there
for the weteviag, are families flung from prosperity into
olrouud. every 7.o00o there are flocks hardship, and, alas, If in such exigency
and drops of 011,re0 anti anxieties, and the seven ciuughturs et Jethro can do
every daughter of the fatndly't though nothing but sit around and ur'y and
there be seven, ought to be doing her wait fur some one to come and hunt
Part to take Dare of the l,loulta. In many them up a situation for which they
households not only is Zipporah, but all have no qualification, Get at, some -
her slaters, without praeLicai and use- thing useful; get at it right away I Do
rut ernpioymenLs, Many of them etre nut say, "If 1 were thrown upon my
waiting for fortunate and prosperous awn resources, 1 would become a music
,patrimonial alliance but. some Lounger teacher. There are now mom musk,
like themselves will come along, and Leachers than could be supported if
after counting the large number of fit- they were all M:ozarts and Wagners
then Jethro's sheep and camels will and Handels. Do not say, "1 will go
make proposal that will be aeeepted, to embroidering slippers." There are
and neither of them having stone any- more slippers now than there are feet.
thing more pr'aotioal Lhan to chew oho- Our hearts are every day wrung by
eolata caramels, the two nothings will the story of elegant women who were
start on the road of life together, ev- once affluent, but through catastrophe
ery step more and more afailure, That have fallen helpless, with no ability to
daughter of the iidianLtish sheik will Lake care of themsolves,
never find her Moses, 'Girls of Ameri- Our friend and Washingtonian
ea, imitate Zipporah t Do something 1o,1'nsm0.0, \'v. W. Colooran,, did a mag-
praotioul. Do something helpful. Do 011111ent thing when he built and en
something well. Many have fathers dowed the Louise home for the support
with great flocks of absorbing duties, of the unfortuncllte aristocracy of the
and such a father needs help in borne south—tile people who once bad every -
or office or field. Go out and help him thing, but have come 'to nothing. We
with the Gooks. The reason that so want another W. W. Corcoran to build
many man now condemn themselves to a Louise home for the unfortunate aria-
unaffianced. and solitary life is because tocraey0 thhen rth..But institutions
they cannot support the modern young every otty ell the land
woman, who rises at half past 10 in oaulcl not take ears of one-half the
the morning and retires after midnight, unfortunate aristocracy of the north
one of the trashiest of novels in her and. south, whose large fortunes have
hands, most of the time between the failed and who, through leak of ae-
late rising and Lhe late retiring, a thou- quaintance with any style of work,
sand of them not worth one Zipporah. cannot now earn their own bread.
Thera are questions that every Luther there needs to be peaceful yet radi-
and mother ought to ask the daughter oat revolution among most of the pro -
at breakfast or tea table, and that all °porous homes of America by which
the daughters of the wealthy sheik the elegant do-nothings may, be trans -
ought to eek each other: "Whatformed into practical do -somethings.
would you clo if the family fortune Lel, useless women go to work and
should fail, if sioknes should prostrate gather the flocks. Come, Zipporah, lel
the breadwinner, if the flocks of Jethro me introduce you to Moses. But you
should be destroyed by a sudden exeur.- do not mean that this man affianced to
sion of wolves anti bears and hyenas this country girl was the great Mos-
es of history, do you? You do not
.® mvoan that he was who after-
• ward wrought such wonders there?
ZI0porlh'N 1011101111' to Her Father's Inter.
este, and Ilor Custom of Working,
Thongh the Daughter or a Well S1811,
Won Ifer the thioles or Moses as 111s
mile --The lllgel(y or Work,
Witsh'ington, May 8.--Eev, Dr. Tal-
mage this morning Preached from the
words: "Now Dioses kept the fleck of
Jethro, his father-in-law, the priest of
Midian," from Exodus i11, I. fib said;
Di the soulheaetern part of Arabia a
Aran Is sitting by await, 11 is an arid
country, end water Is scarce, so that,a
well is of great value and flocks and
herds are driven vast distances to have
their thirst slaked. Jethro, it Midianite
sheik and priest, was so fortunate as
to; have seven daughters, an.l they are
practical girls, and yonder they come
driving the sheep and euttle and cam-
els of their father to the watering.
They lower the lruoketa and then pull
them up, the water splashing on the
stones and chilling their feet, and the
troughe are filled. Who is that man
oat there sitting unooncerncd and look-
ing on 7 Why does he not some and help
the women in this hard work off draw-
ing ww'ater? But no sooner have the dry
lips and hinting nostrils of the gooks
begun to pool a little iu the brimming
trough of the well than some rough
Bedouin shepherds break in upon the
.,seeuo, and with clubs and shouts drive
back the animals that were drinking
to retreat, and the flocks of these M-
end affright those girls until they fly
in retreat, and the flocks of these ill-
mannered shepherds are driven to the
troughs, (taking the places ofthe other
Docks. Now that man sitting by the
well begine to color up, and his eye
flashes with indignation, and all the
gallantry in his nature is aroused. It
is Moses, who naturally had a quick
temper anyhow, as he demonstrated on
one oecasian when he saw an .Egyptian
oppressing on Israelite and gave the
Egyptian asudden clip and burieclhim
in the sand, and as he showed after-
ward when he broke all the Tenl Com-
mandments at once by shattering the
two granite slabs on which the 10w was
written. But the injustice of this treat-
ment of the seven girls set him, on fire
with wrath, and he takes this shepherd
by Lhe, throat and pushes back another
till he falls over the trough, and, aims
a stunning blow between the eyes of
another as he cries, "Begone, you vil-
linns I" and he hoots and roars at the
sheep and cattle and camels of these
invaders and drives them back. and
having cleared the lace of the desper-
v.does, he told the seven girls of this
Midianite shells to gather their flocks
together and bring them again to the
O11, you ought to sea a night between
the shepherds at a well in the orient
as I saw it in December, 1800. There
wore here a (group of rough men who
had driven the cattle many miles and
dere another group who had driven
their cattle us many miles. Who should
have precedence? Such clashing of
baokets1 Such hooking of horns) Such
kicking of hoofs I Such vehemence in a
language I ,fortunately could not un-
derstand I Now the sheep with a pecul-
iar mark across their woolly backs were
at the trough and now the sheep of
another mark. It was one of the most
exciting scenes I ever witnessed. An
old book describes one of these conten-
tions at an eastern well when it says:
"One decoy the poor men, the widows
and the orphans met together andwere
driving their camels and their mocks
tot drink and were all standing hp the
waterside. Daji same up and stopped
them all and took possession of the
water for his master's cattle. Just then
an ofd woman belonging to the tribe
of Abe came up and accosted 'li,iin in a
suppliant manner, saying: "Be so good
Master Daji, as to let my cattle drink.
They are all the property I possess,
and I live by their milk. Pity my flock;
have compassion on me. Grant my re-
quest and let them drink." Then Dame
another old wonlrno and addressed him:
'Oh, Master Daji, I am a poor, weak
o1d woman, es you see. Time has dealt
hardly with me. It has aimed its ar-
rows at me, and its daily ands nightly
calamities leave destroyed all my men.
I have lost my children and my hus-
band, and since then I have been in
that I possess. Let there drink, for .l'•
live on the milk that they produce.
Pity my forlorn elate. I hage no one
to tend them. Therefore grant: my sup-
plication and of thykindnoas let them
great distress. These sheep are all
drink.' But in this ease the brutal
slave, so far from granting this hum-
ble request, smote the woman to the
A like scrimmage has taken place at
the well in the triangle of Ambito be..
tween the Bedouin shepherds and Mos -
Surely you do not mean he whose staff,
dropped, wriggled into a serpent and
thong elutehecl, stiffened again into a
staff? You do not mean the chat -
tenger of Egyptian thrones and pal -
IS ONE THATaces? You do not mean he who struck
the rook so hard it went in a stream
for thirsty hosts? Surely you do not
dlr. John Hitch, of Ridgetuwrn, Tells Slow mean the man who stood alone with
lye dad Spent Dollar Upon Delhtr In not him of that most famous funeral
Vain heifer° Finding the Sledlelae God on the quaking Slnaitle ranges,
That (hired Ulm. of all time, God. coming down out of
• the heavens to bury hien? Yes, the
From the Standard, Ridgetown, same Moses defending Lhe seven daugh-
People who read from week to week Lars of the Midian'ytish sheik, who el -
of the marvelous cures effected by terwerds rescued all nations.
the 'esu o1 .Ur. Williams' Pink Pills lit- Why, do you not know that this is
tie tnintr that right In their midst ex- the way men and women get prepar-
ist many who have been relieved from ed fon special work? The wilderness
pain ane swearing by the use of these of Arabia was the law school, the thee -
wonderful little pills after having suf- logical seminary, the university of
term cantata agonies for months, reek und sand from whish be graduat-
Mr. John Hitch, a man well and fa- ed. for a mission that will balk seas,
Tommy known throughout the conn- and drawn armies. and follow the cloud
ty, was ever reedy when opportunity of fire by night, and start the work -
me with bleedingbacks among E -
in praise of n t h g gyp
then d to speak s word
w r acture lands
these pills and was never) tired of re- flan brick kilns toward-
o a d p
commending them to his friends. A that flown with milk and the trees of
representative of the Standard, anxi- ddoiatith bGracious
G eahll the people is lesson. know of the cause of ;Mir. Bitch's
recommendation called upon him at his You. must go iota humiliation and re -
home. recently and upon telling that treat and hidden Mesas of prayer if
gentleman the object of lues visit Ivtr. Amore to be fitted for special useful -
Hitch cousonted to au interview. The Hess. Row did John the Baptist get
story in iris own words is as follows: prepared to become w ,forerunner of
"ln the winter of 18911 was taken with Christ? Show ane bis wardrobe. It
asevattae kof la grippefrom wvdlich will be hong with silken socks and om-
I was
ere aonffned ko the hoose for some braidered robes and attire oC Syrian
time. This was followed by severe purple? Show me his dining table.
pains and swellings of my lower limbs. it the tankards a blush with the
I consulted a physician and he told richest wines of the vineyards of
me 1t was acute rheumatism., I con -
and rarest birds that weretinged under his care for about 1100 over caughtin net and sweetest ven-
months. I was unable to stand alone,
Rion that ever dropped antlers before
but sometimes when I got started I
the hunter? Na, we are directly told
was able to make a few steps 'unaid-
"the same John had hie raiment of
ed. The trouble was principally in my camel's hair," nrot the fine hair of the
feet and clung to rile all summer camel w"mah we call ciamleb, but the
that long, coarse hair suoh as beggars in the
long. I tried almost everything
east wear, and his only meat was of in -
friends suggested, hoping to gain re- sacts,'tho green locust, about two in-
lisf, but neither medicine taken :acts,
long, roasted, a disgusting food.
wardly nor liniments applied extern- These insects were caught and the
ally gave me any relief. The pain was wings and lege torn off, and they ware
very great, and .I was only too ready stuck on wooden spits and turned be-
te try anything suggested.. I spent fare the fire. Tits Bedouins pack them
dollars upon dollars in doctor's medi- to salt and carry them in ranks. \\'hat
cine, but all to no purpose. The last w ,menu tar. John the Baptist 1 Through
week I was attended by a physician what deprivation he came to what ex-
it cost me five dollars, and having uitatiole
about thiel. time .react in the news- And yon will have to o down before
papers of the work accomplished by g.
Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, I concluded You go up. from the pit into which his
it was certainly wonth the experiment brothers threw him and the prison in
and accordingly purchased a box from which his anemias incarcerated him
a local druggist and oommenoed their Joseph rose to be Egyptian Prime Min -
use, discontinuing the doctor's medi- inter, Elijath who was to be the great -
cine. T11is was in Jana or July, 1802. est of all the ancient prophets; Elijah,
After I had taken the first box of the who made King Ahab's knees knock
pills I could feel some change and af- together wtth the prophecy that the
ter taking seven boxes noticed a great dogs would bH bis anly undertakers;
improvement. Icontinued taking them Elijah, whose ane prayer brouglit more
until I11ad used thirteen boxes when than three years of drought, and whose
I must say I felt as well as I ever did other prayer brought drenching show -
in my lire. Sorne of my eust.omers who ors, the man who wrapped up his cape
came into my yard would ask me what Of, sheepskin into a roll and with it
1 wvas doing that' was looking so well cut a path thraugir raging Jordan for
knowing the siok spell I had under- just 'two m'on to pass over, the onn
gone, and .I would always tell when who with wheel of firs rade over death
that Dr. Williams' Pink Pills bad. and apd o out
wrought the change. They are thmortuarescy disinteeintgrattheion,skies the mwithan who
cheapest medicine I ever bought,''thousands pf years after was called out
said Mr. pitch, "and if I bad what I of the eternities to stand beside Jesus
spent in other medicines 1 could sit at Ohz•tst on Mount Tabor, when it was
ease this winter. During the inter- ablaze with the splendors of transfig
view Mrs. Flitch sons an occupant of urtutinn this Orrnn could look back to
the tilna when voracious and filthy
ravens were his only caterers,
You see John .1s:nox preaching the
coronation sermon of amass VI. and
arraigning Queen Mary and Lord Darn-
ley in a pobilo discourse at Edinburgh
and tolling the French ambassador to
go Nome And Hall his king a murder-
er, John Knox making all Christen-
dom .reel his. moral, power and at his never be again, with the rampsty o
buried the Bart of Morton, saying, natrlre all concentrated to God and the
and Introdtuitlon to usetulness and vie -
See also in this sail of Alosee th'd.
(led hoe a great memory. Pour hund-
red years before he lits promised the
eeliv,rance of the oppressed Israel-
ites of 14gypb, The °look of Linke hag,
Truett Ulu hour, onn now 1t15see
Balled to the work of rescue. 1"ouu
hundred years is a very long time,
l alit you see God Batu remember a lyre•
mise 400 years as welt as you, canlre-
member 400 mingles, .ii'aur hundred
years includes all your ancestry thin.
you know nothing about and all the
Promises ,Wade to them, and we may
expect fulfillment in our heart and
life blessings that were predicted to
our Christian asweelery centuries ago.
You, have a dim remembrance, if any
1•ememorance at all, of your great•
grandtatner, but Goa eros those who
were on 'their knees in 1508 as well
as those on their knees in 1808, and
the blessings he pram0ed the form-
er and their descendants have arrived
or will arrive.. While piety is not
hereditary it is a grand thing to have
had a pinna ancestry. So God in this
chapter calls up the pedigree of the
people whom Moses was to dello-
liver, and Dioses is ordered to say to
them, "The Lord God of your fath-
ers, the God of Abraham, the God of
fsaae and the God of Jacob hath soot
me unto you." If that thought be
divinely accua•at'e, let me ask. What
are we doing by prayer and by a holy
life for the redemption of the next 400
Yhabs'? O,ur work is not only with Lha
people of the latter part of the nine-
teenth century, but with those in the
closing or the twentieth century, and
the °losing of the twenty-first cen-
tury, aha the closing of the twenty-
second century, and the closing of the
twenty-third century. For 400 years
if the world continues until that time,
or if it drops. then notwithstanding the
influence iv311 go pn in other latitudes
and longitudes of God's universe.
No one realizes how great he is for
good or for evil. There are branch-
ings out and rebounds' and reverbera-
tions and elahoratiuns of influence
that cannot he estitnated. The
fifty or one hundred years of our
earthly stay is only w small part of
our spLere.
Do not retire too early. Like Moses
you: may have your chief work to do
atter 80. ' 1t may not be in the high
pleases of the field. It may not be
where as strong arm and an athletic
foot and a clear vision are required,
but there is something, for you yet to
do, Perhaps it mai' be to round atf
the work you. have already done, to
dlernoustrate the patience you have
been recommending all your lifetime,
Perhaps to stand svlighthouse at the
mouth et the bay ,to light others in-
to harbor, Perhaps to show h'ow glori-
ous the sunset may come after a
stormy day.
If aged men do not feel strong en-
oug'b tor anything else, let them sit
hround in our churches and pray, and
perhaps in em way they may accom-
plish more good than, they ever did in
the meridian of their lite, It makes 'us
feel strong to see aged men and wo-
men all up and down the pews, their
faces showing they have been on moun-
tains of transfiguration. We want in
our churches more mo
through the
es, men who
have b
deeps and °limbed up the shelled beach
on the other side. Wu want aged
Jacobs, who have seen ladders which
let down heaven into their dreams.
We want aged Peters,. who have been
at Pentecosts, and aged Pauls, who
have made .0'elix tremble. There are
here and there those who feat tike the
wromwn of 90 years who said to Fon-
tenelle, who was 85 years of age,
"Veath appears to have forgotten us."
"Hush," amid Fontonelle, the wit, put-
ting his finger to his lip. No, my
friend, you nave not bean forgotten.
you nen be called at the right time,
Meantime be Irolily ocnupied.
Let the aged remember that by in -
not s drd ld at at as60hey used
to beat
50, not so old at '70 as they used tobe
at 00, ,not so old at 80 all they used to
be at 70. Sanitary precaution better
understood; medical science further
advanced; laws of health more thor-
oughly adopted; dentistry continuing
for longer time successful mastication,
homes and churches and courtrooms
and places of business better ventilat-
ed—all these have prolonged life, and
mea and women in to close of this
century ought not to retire until at
least 15 years later than in the opeu-
Lag of the century. Do not put the
harness off until you have fought a
few more battles. Think of Moses start-
ing one for his chief work an octogen-
arian ; 40' years of wilderness life after
-olaoq lent 181 'sell eoeled TO esu01 aro
';here lies dying at Hawarden, Eng-
•lnnd, one.of Gm most wonderful men
that ever lived since the ages of time
began their roll, 'Ile is the chief citi-
zen dr the whole world. Three times
bas he practically been king of Great
Britain. Again and no in coming from
the House of Commons, which he had
thrilled and overawed by his eloquence,
on Sunday marnling reading pr'ayer1
;for the people with illumined counten-
ance and brimming eyes and resound-
ing' voice, saying: "I believe to God
the Father Almighty, maker of heaven
and earth, and in Jesus Christ, his only
Son, our Lord,"
The world. bas no other such man to
lose as Gladstone. The church has no
other such champion to mourn over. I
shall never cease to 'thank God that on
Mr. Gladstone's invitation I visited him
at Hawardeu and beard from his own
lips his belief in the authenticity oaths
Holy Scriptures, the divinity of Jesus
Christ and the grandeur's of the world
t8toome. At his table and in the walk
through his grounds I was impressed as,
I was never before, and probably will
Better ftealth
Hood's Saraapar.IIE Idea Produoed
a Change.
Lange, Heart and Kidneys Were Affeeto
ed --ATI Fun gown.
"I was very mach run down, having
Seen sick for several months. 1 had
leen trying differeet remedies which
did me no good. I would have severe
spells of oougl7nmg that would leave me
prostrate. .L was told that my lungs
were affected, and my heart andkid-
neys were in a had condition. In Duet,
It seethed as though every organ was
out of order. I felt that something
must be done and my brother advised
me to try hood's Sarsnparilia. I pro -
wand. a bottle wnd began taking it.
I3etore it was half gone 1 felb that it
was helping me. 1continued its use
and it has made me a new woman. I
cannot praise it too highly." ''Mrs.
Summerville, 217 Ossington Ave„ 'To-
ronto, Ontario,
Hood's strsa dila
Is Canada's Greatest Medicine. Sold by all
druggists. $1 ; Blx for $5. Gamely Hood's_
Hood's Pills effectively: 2promptly
eel tand
the room and she heartily conouraed
es championing the cause of the rev- in what her husband said, and stated
en daughters who bad driven, their fa- that for one other member of the
ther's flocks to the watering. One of family "the pills had been used with
the ,girls, Zipporah, her name meaning suites s in a case of severe nervous-
" little bird," was captured by this ness, Mr. Hitch at the time he 1008
heroic behavior of Moses, for, however, seen by the reporter appeared in ex-
timid woman herself maybe she always cellent health. Be is 50 years of age
admires courage in a man' Zipporals and: a man Who had always been usedto
became the bride of Moses, one of the hard woitlr. Ole was born in Cambridge -
healthiest men of all the centuries Zip- shire, England, and came to this eoun-
perah little thought!: the that morning try 27 years ago. Before locating in
as' she helped drive her father's flocks Itrdgetown he conducted a brick and
to the well she wee splendidly deciding the yard. at Longwood's Road, Middle -
her own destiny, 'Ma she staid in the sex county. Re has been parrying on
tent or house, while the other six a successful. business In Ridgetown for
daughters oft the sheik tended to their, the past ten years.
herds her life would probably have been Dr. Williams' Pink Pills cure by go-
o, lame and uneventful. Life Ln the soli ing to the root of the disease, They.
Ludes. 13ut her industry, her fidelity to renew and build up the blood, and
her father's interest, her spirit allele- strengthen the nerves, thus driving
fulness, brought her into league with disease from the system. Avoid iml-
onee of the grandest characters of all teti.onS by insisting that every box you
history. They met at the famous well, purchase is enclosed in a wrapper.
MA , while she admired the courage of bearing the full trade mark, "'Dr, Wit-
Moses be admired the filial behavior liam'h' Pink Pills for Pale People." If.
The fact that it took the seven your dealer does not keep them they
of 7,ipporiah, Will be sent poet paid at 50 aorta a box
deoglitels ee drive the flocks to the or Six boxes ter $$2.l0, by addreeeing.
well implies that they were Lnim0nse the Dr, Will.iamsr Medicine Co., ,Brook-
flocks and that her father was a man villa, Ont.
Say, Mame, said Maud, as she replae-
l0 elab s
n the b a l the a is
o mar s h glees wli h
ed o g
bad previauely contained lemon phos-
phate, who's Don Carlos? Why, don't
you know? 1Ie's the great Spanish pre-
tender. 13a't wlhat'l a pretender? A.
?pretender ? Why, a pretender is
What people In this eountry call a
;leve convinced people ',hat Putnam's
Painless Cora Extractor should be giv-
en. the preference.. Get rid of year
corns; get rid of them without pain;
ane Putnam's Extractor and no other,
Fellow-Feeling.—'Trills— Browne says
that he id saddest When he singe. Bulls
-T,halt's why they call his audiences
Zipporah's heart. What mattered it to
Moses whether the cattle or the seven
daughters of Jethrowove driven from
the troughs by the rude herdsmen's A
sense of justice fired hie courage. and
the world wants more of the spirit that
will dare almost anything to see others
righted. All the time at means of com-
fort, at wells of joy, at wells of religion,
and at walls of literature there are
outrages practiced, the wrong herds
getting the first, water. Those who
have the previous right come in last,
it they come 10' at all. Thank God we
have here and there a strong man to
set things right I I am so glad that
when God has an especial work to do
he has some one ready to accomplish
it. Is them.) a Bible to translate, there
is a WycJii to translate it; if there is
e. literature to be energized, there is
a Shakespeare to energize it; if there
is an, error to smite, there is a :Luther
to smite it ; it there is to be a nation
free, there is a Moses to free it. But
courage is needed in religion, in litera-
ture. in, statesmanship, in all spheres;
heroics to defend Jethro's seven damgh-
ters and their 1Looks and put to flight
the insolent invaders. And those who
do tbel brave work will win somewhere
high reward. The loudest eheer of
heaven is to be given "to him that over -
Your call will probably come in let-
ters of fire. Ministers get their call to
preach in letters on paper or parch-
ment or type -written, but it does not
amount to much until they get their
next c,11 in letters of fire. You will
not amount to much in usefulness until
somewhere near you find a burning
hush. It may be found burning in the
hectic flush of your child's cheek. It
may be; found burning in business mis-
fortune. It may be found burning in
the fire of the world's scorn or hate or
misxs rasenAition.But, hearkeu
the crackle of the burning bush!
"Hero hate 0, man wtio In Itis life nev-
er feared the face of gran,",
Where did John Mnox get much
of his schooling for smell resound-
ing and everlasting achievement? He
got it while in °WWI pulling at the
boat's oar in French captivity, So the
privations and hardships of your life
may on 0 smaller scale be the preface
world's betterment. In the presentee
such a man what have those to say who
profess to think taut our religion is a
pusillanimous and weak and cowardly
and, unreasonable affair? "Matchless
William E. Gladstedabll
Still further watch this spectacle of
genuine courage. No wonder when Mos-
es scattered the aide shopherds be wont
Try it.
Ceylon Tea.....
Contains Sixteen Ounces of Satisfaction.
Lead packages. 25, 40, 50 and 6oc.
$100 Reward $100.
Tbo readers of Oda paper will be pleased to
learn that there leas least one dreaded disease
stages,oand thahas been
watt in all
1s the only positive 01108 known to the medical
fraternity. Catarrh. being n constitutional dis-
ease, requiroelr roast hul.lanal treatment. Hairs
Catarrh Cure istaken ;ntornally. aetingdlreotly
upon the blood and mucous surface's of the
system, thereby .dratroying the foundation of
the di -ease, and giving the , a' lent street, by
building up the oorstitudua and aosle'tng
nature la doing lis work. The proprietors have
80 much faith in its rurative powers that they
offer Ore Hundred Dollars for any case that it
fails to cure. Send for list 01 'e'tlmonials.
Address F. J. CHENEY Si CO., Toledo, C.
Sold by Druggists, 75o,
Hall's Family Pills are the best.
W. P. E. 919.
A whole family suffering..A. dull ach-
ing of nerve or muscle, or the acuter
pangs of neuralgia, toothache, or lum-
bago makes life a misery. But Nerviline
—nerve -pain cure—will relieve all
these. Nerviline is powerful, penetrat-
ing, and effectual.
Take Laxative promo Quinine 'tablets. All Drug.
slats rotund the money it It fella to Cure. 25o.
A Pessimist—May—Stella looks at the
dark side of .everything. Maud—Yes,
indeed! Why she is even afraid that
she may not be able to have her 00•11
way when she is maceried I
Quickeure cures Tootle
Ache. Stops all Pain.
IIID MILLS -Steal, Galvanized, Roller
p and Balt l;enr Grin iron Place
Epraiers, and Grain Grinders. Bou d,
& Muir Oo.. Limited, Orantford, 0aeada.
meet. Send 15o. tor san-
6IIVIALS TE Writ° for
16 05. Sacrament St., Montreal. Quo
A Definition—Mamma — 04, deer I
Jimmy, I don't believe you Inose what
it is to be good. Jimmy—Yes I do,ma-
ma. It's not doing what you want
;to do.
Hartford rd VII .Y Tiros
Head OOloo— - 9 Adelaide St. w., Toronto.
Fw f pp8 S AND ESTATES bought. gold !k
I'° ,(•� IFi'I sal exchanged. Terms mailed
free, H. M, SIMPSON, Reel Estate and
Financial Agent, Montreal, Que.
Teacher—What became of the child-
ren of Algamemnon? Pupil, after ma-
ture deliberation—I think they're dead
by this time.
Butter, Eggs, Apples, Fruit, dec.. to
rim DAWSON COMMISSION 00., Llmlted,
Oar. of Watt Market and Colborne 01.., TORONT0
FenceWe onn out your 1898 Fence
, I•'�I1tiQ'i•'account in half. We claim
we have the bout end most practical fence on
earth. Four mils; of it in use at the Experi-
mental Farm, Gueluh. Ont. Send for prince.
\dd.00s Toronto Picket Wire Ponce Co.,
an River St. Toronto, out.
We give to appltoallts. t'rep r, t Ort cord tar cr
,tr11 a0 reek 1. n1
''ppQQ,,,,SC) £,,_
e5 0. 4° 60 and 0'1 creta Por pound,
7 Wellington St, W., Toronto,
Canada. Quick selling linea
Sam el e,t'rms and oatalogus
TION, 20 Alexis St., Montreal.
Dominion Line Steamships.
Montreal andgneto° to Llvalioel In suwmar, Tiaras
and 10,5(810 screw etosunhlps 'kabnulory Vao-
eouvor,'' Lorelnlon "heataruas,' icorltsniro,'
Superior aocoamocietionler Piot Cabin, Sea
end Oaten Red eteerege passengers, Bei 00 of
passage -First Cabin, $52.50; l±0eond Oabin,
Sad ; moorage 922.60 and upwards according to
steamer and berth, icor all information aptly
to LOW Agents Or DAvrn TOnnANON
Gen'! agents, 17 Iib, Sacrament St., Montreal,
ONTO, Ont. �
N. ANDERSON, 1.D„ No.6 Collage -at,
R O O F I O e and Sheet Metal Werke.
'worm; ; SLATE, in 18100k,
ad cr Green, SLATEB1AOKIIOARlrS (We supply
05110 and nigh Schools, Toronto). Rooting Felt. Pitch,
pool Tar, eta ROOFINO TILE (sae New Ohy Bu11d-
pge, Torontol doneby 01080101. Metsl CoIlioogo, 0or-
tI001, et0. Eslhnntee enrniahod for ec entry. Ploon or ver
R SONS, Adelaide 5,wIdmerSte..,,Terenta
Burn parlor 800 feet long overlooking
ocean and beach esplanade. Vaouum
steam heating system, Elevator to
street level. Hot and cold, fresh and
salt water In all baths. Rooms on
suite, baths attached.
JAfMJaq B. REILLY, Owner and Prop,
Established 33Stoamen aggregating
136.000 Tons.
Royal Mail Steamship CO.,
Montreal to Liverpool.
sail from Montreal °eery Saturday
the West about arrival
ins from Toronto and
Cabtn 852.60 and upwards; Second Cabin
SSA and and 923.25; Steerage to Liverpool.
London, Glasgow, Belfast Londonderry or
Queenstown 822.60 and 823.60.
A reduotlon of five per cont. Is allowed on
round trip first and second cabin tickets. Foe
mailings of steamers or other information apply
to any authorized agent.
R. Swirlier, 1 Ring St. W. Toronto.
or EL & A. Allan, Montreal,
So says Jones, and he resolves to be-
come a 'man 'ufaa °:Ver." He buys a
fence machine, a "county right,"
etc., and starts in to compete with
steam and capital. His neighbor, Smith
Invests same amount in "feeders" thus
realizing a good price for his crops,
enriching his farm, and enabling him
to "lift the mortgage" and fence with
Page, while Jones goes to the wall.
Farm styles of Page Fence at from
45 to 65 cents per rod. Send for illuse
trated advertising matter.
P. S.—See our "ad" in next issue.
®.emsowsesoase+,n>e�-__ a mums
k�k w ti �'- ➢I,,' ba
The following is a brief letter re-
ceived this week by a reverend
gentleman from a friend in Ireland:
"Dear —. Silence is golden; you are a
mint, Yours,
Quiekcure heals Sores,
Gats, Bruises, Burns, etc.
B '' ?v(,.0,:,, .,'
p eltir SOO are @4r9h3s A by 1]'Qeaepai9lOpy.
te0Sbg37 11000 rap Taroapt® anti Il.01740Ig.
R1nioveS Dandruff in One Week.
Cures ltching of the Scalp.
Pmvenis Bre king of oar.
Stops Failing Out.
einem 3 ip sla Bottle from Druggists, ae sea
receipt of price to
Q ,•
4.,A,SURE I 9-
Job CML Erg Ca, London, Ont.
e''r 02eA grrwl et X05_:_ J- - da i'
-.. ..
by number. Buy what you want,
(Order by N,rmbahl
1, Beet, Bolles°, round
2. Boot, Egyptian, Oat roans
3, Oabbego, Wlo,,ing,indt
4. Cabbage, Fettles Bruneglok
I. Carrot, halt Ionsq, 010.100
6. Carrot, O,teraodb scarlet
7.Ouaumbor, Man Pickling
m Cuomo er, ton areae
6, Celery, Geld00 Saltalauibfog 11. Asters, mind
10, liorbe, BARO 26, iltign000tte, .W5sb
11. Serhs, Savary 27 Patsy, mixed
17. 11eSb,,. Mnrloram 23. Fannie,mixed
16. Lettuce, Nonpareil (Cabbage) 29 Na005Hnms tell Mixed
i toil
IID Strout 00 Rine Mixed
14. Leha,o0 Dehtor Market (ew 1 ' a
Et Muck Melon, extra enrly,.Nntmag 91, Wild 71"", Qnrdba mire$
12 . VARIETIES FOR 25 Cts.
This is n BONA ME offer made to Introduce our Vegetable and Plower
Seeds to new customers and which we guarantee to please yea or the
amount paid refunded and the Seeds given as a. present.
. - At those-pgrices WO can ONLY Offer the varieties named below. Oi for
They ere sent by mall post pate. Soloob from the following list :-
Id Water Melon, Early Canada
17. Onion, arse tad Wathoreaeld
1& Onion Yellow Globe Danvers
19. Parsnip, Bellow Crown
20. Radish Proust Breakfast
E1 Radish Rosy Glom
22. 8r1uu1, Hubbard
23. E4. Tomato, Dgetf 0111 Allstate
lod Efo
We willip pockets araNOT e ticketed the abo0ie liswhere
,a. -ter, -Bae
Rosy Clem Radish
Provtdtog thle Coupon
;s OUT 00)T and sent to us With
an order 10,12 paokel3, we will
include 1 packetHuw OiSeIOhib
Ian Ralniiglooei0,ice20o. Fico
07105060 PAPIS'103, 0IIIE'IIS