The Brussels Post, 1898-5-20, Page 1Vol. 2E No. 4 . ,_ 111.11MMIIIMM. BRUSSELS, ONTARIO, FRIDAY, .AMMO MAY 20, 1898 MorAMINal W. H. KERR, Prop, MEDI 11 CAP' J. A. M M. D„ C. Id., Toini ity Mediae' Oo11os s101an0 mud Burgo Royal College of of latidwifory, 3 310,14, 'Rosideno, lfiUCH TON, University, Follow Win - 3 ember C.allege of Phy. a, 'nt. LiloMato of the ys liana ant Licentiate ml 1:3-Telophooc dill to Mineola. E, T. SNIDER, hi. D„ 0.111., sum Lieontlato of Rt add Surgeons, Kb leo of Pytiojaue Diseases of oame Eight years' expo idonce that fort Kolvey, Turnborr DR. F. H rIIYSTOIAN, 8U: SUCCESSOR BRUSSEL: let Class Honor ties of Trinity ('Pr laud ofTrinity M, TrinityMedioal ( Collage of Physio: io. Post Grade/ Ohiongo,380(1. S eases of Eye, Baa eases of Women. 11012 and German, Or to Dr. A, McKelvey, ,1 lollop of Physicians to , ; Member of the Col - ad 7urgoone of Ontario. n : children a Specialty. Lica, I1 'Oilloe and ree- dy °coupiud by Dr. Me- tr.'at, Brussels. 29. h;ALBF LEISCH, 8011 AND ACCOUCHEUR, O DR. W. GRAHAM, ONl.4RIO. ad;ate of the Univers!. et' 1, Queen'., (Kingston), oaf College ; Fellow of late and nacmber of the o ,red Surgeons of Ontar. Course in Detroit and h; attention paid to die - 'Or a andsTb, oat, and dis- ar•0or"„hltasIon in Eng. !elephono et residence. LEGAL AND leNYEYI NCING. - TM, BIN • Solicitor lie, &o, Office— north of Central Standard Bank. G. OA Air• (Forme Cameron,) Barrie Ont, 011oo—Ha borne Hotel. LAB., )3 ERIBTER onveyancet Notary Pub. ,uatone's Hinck, 1 door otu Soil titor for the E'_.ON, nY Gammon, Holt & and Solicit 'r, Goderlch, ltoa St., Opposite Col GF. BL. :R, BAFRISTER, • Solicit, 4c, (late of Garrow & Prondfoot'e 011ir 6oderioh„ (Moe over Gillies & Smith's Lai:, Brussel,'. Money to Loa 47 Cook's C toll Root Compound Is oucees i11y used monthly by over 10000L8d3 Sate, effectual, Ladles ask on drug; 1lor C.ek'n 13 Usa Rein Owe - yoga itm Imitations tnoo der as s. Mixtures, 1,1a and lox No. i a der -o 1..e. Wade*, Na. 1, ii per box i No. 1, ID dem a s:ron 0100 a per box. No. 1 or 3, replied en rs ipi of price and two a•eeat Stamps, The Oe corareoomWindeor Onl, pr -Noe. 1 and 2 t d and recommended by all responelbleDruse 'vin Canada. • Nos. 1 and 2 801 n !•0ua0ele bV G A. DEA1 MAN, Druggi B-okeellor&Optician. map- ImmAilatr New Advertisements. Local—G, E. King. War Map --•Jae, Fax, Toe oream—Mrs. Kirk. Wanted—G. K. Matheson, Thera are others—Rosa & Halliday. Hair Bradlee, &o.—G. A. Deadman, A Miraole in Leather—Jno, Downing. 13elgra,ve. The Dirootore of the East Wawanosh Agl. Society have deoided to hold their Fall Show in Belgrave on Thursday and Friday, Sept. 29th and 80th. t.7ranbrooic. 50 oente, in advance, gets Toe Fon for the Lalance rf '98. We had quite a bail storm in this lo. oality last week. No partioalar damage done. Our teachers attended East Huron Teachers' Convention at Brunelle last Friday and Saturday. Rev. D. B. MoRae attended the meet. ing t:f Maitland Presbytery in Wingham on Tuesday of this week. Some of our residents will go to Brae- sels an Friday evening to Bear Macey, the New York elocutionist. Rev. John Rose, B. A., of Brueeels, preaohed an excellent discourse in Knox ohm oh last Sabbath morning. Dr. MoLsohlan, son Jno. McLachlan, 12th con„ is in South Ameriaa at the p event time. Hie home is at Peneoola, Florida. The party who took the flebing tackle from John Brown's farm a short time ago is asked to return the same and save further trouble. J. 3. Mitobell'e name appears on the program of the Sabbath School Conven• tion to be held at Brnesele on Monday, May 30th. Hie topic is "How have S. S. Conventions helped me and my school." ENTERED INTO ResT.—On Wednesday mo. nine of this weals about 4 o'olook the tl'•it of Anes, !alloyed wife of, Alex- ander McNair, tools its flight to the world She oud. $ e had been ill for overfour a r months with dropsy and during her ill• nese she bore her sufferings with great fortitude treating in, her Saviour. Her end was peaceful. Her maiden name was Agnes Mulholland and was born in the township of Hallett in 1850 ; oame to this township in 1808, where she taught in S. S. No. 8 on a let olaao certificate. In 1870 she was married to her now bereft partner, who along with a eon and five daughters, is left to hold in fond remem- "PI 'A" BOOI(STORE I Our Specialty this month is Chit 3ren's Wagons, s WOOD(N OR WIRE WHEELS, L oll's Carriages, Toy Carts. Nice Line of-—'• • • ) OQUET SETS, Just t 'e thing for the Home or School. EGO] rOMICAL PEOPLE ! 0 People who want ae hundred cents for every dollar they expend, people who know a good ,ing when laey see it and pay the oath—that's the kind of people we like to deal with. There ie energy put mho this business. We are always on the alert looking for bright new seasonable goods. SOME LINE rim I.ND THERE THROUGHOUT STOCK Velvet capes, icily mads, trimmed with laoe and jet, well Hued, 93.25; Silk capes, oorded, vel ot,;lieh and an pretty ascan be, jet ornaments and silk late trimming 93.75 ; ;mended et if capes, very handsome, high collar, trimmed with jet and Woe, $4.2t NUE velvet oapes, silk lined fanoy Trilby collar, $6.50 and $6.75 SI -103 f3 Ladies' Oxfogimes, opeaial at 75o. Ladies' Oxford ehoew in blank oroh000lete $1„$1,26, $L50, t 1$:1,00. hisses' and>obildeen'0 Oxtorde, popular prime. Man's oboes in laced or itt.r( $1, $1 26, 91.50;92.25 and $2.75. EST MTISLLN Pretty effect; 1p'oial at 7.1 a yard. Better linea at 8e, 10o, 12}o, and 14o. Pine Asoortr nt of lane curtains. Shirt Waists, newest sed most etylieb, in. the prettiest color go Mut 50c, 76o,. $1' 91.25, and $1.40. CI10'I'I Z1\TQ- Our clothing ,ptrttnent , J one of the burliest there days. Do .you require a Fruit before the 29 of May 7' Speoial line of blank clay worsted in eaoque or body coat, striped two re, at $10,130, We handle Storey's ready-to-wear clothing—it has no equal. M LL2N• R' y Millinery to r ap'y booming. Pretty and dainty hats ale to be found berein abundance. Eve Indy bays+•g a hat here gets one that becomes her and adde to her appearance. V P WANT FOUR TRADE, MKft iJOi & CO, BLYTH. brawn) the love of a faithful wife and mother. Deceased wee a member of the Presbyterian ahurah and was beloved by all who knew her. Her unselfish die. position won for her host of friends so that she will nob only be missed in the home but in the entire community. Elbe was intelligent, aspiring and industrious, The funeral will leave her late residence on Friday afternoon at 2;80, interment being made here, "She Reamed to sight the Glory land, And smiled with sweet delight ; Then deeper yearned her longing soul, To leave this troubled night.” VF al ton. Rev. Mr. Tiffin and Mr. Grigg attend- ed the annual Distriot meeting ab Blytit this week. 60 cents, in advaaoo, will secure Ton Poem for the balance of 1808, No family should be without it. Rev. D. Forrest and Elder Smillie at. tended Maitland Presbytery at Wing• ham ou Tuesday of this weer,. Some of our young people talk of going to Brussels on Friday evening of this week to hear a New York elooutloniet. Mies Edith Johnston, who has made her borne at Mr. MoKim's for some time, left last week for Manitoba,' where her father and brother are residing, Her Walton friends wiatl her a pleasant time. Arrangements are already on foot for the bolding of the annual garden party by the ladies of Walton Presbyterian thumb. The date is Friday evening, the 3rd of June. A male quartette from Brussels will be one of the attractions. Dien.—The people of this oommunity were saddened last week on hearing of the damage on Thursday of Lizzie, daughter of David Ferguson, of Tucker• smith, formerly of Grey township, who passed away at the early ago of 28 years of pulmonary tronble. She had been poorly for a good part of a year but her friends hoped the Spring would bring ire. provement but were disappointed. The funeral took place on Monday, Rev. Mr. Shaw, of Egmondville, condnoting the service, Interment was made at Sous. eels aemetery. Mr. and Mrs. Ferguson are deeply sympathised with in the death of their estimable daughter. (3 -rev. Ton Poser gives the news. Township Connell on Thursday of next week as Ethel. Rake the stones off the roads, or else break them and fill up the holes. The etooe walla are about ready at P. Robertson's, Oth con., for hie new brink reaidenoe. 50 Dente in advance, will enure Tno PosT for the balance of 1808. Don't bor- row any longer. Howard Bedford, who broke his arm a few weeks ago, is getting along nicely and will soon be o. k. again. The Public school pupils enjoyed a holiday last Friday on aaoonnt of the Teachers' Convention at Brussels. Miss Maggie Taylor went to Owen Sound to attend the funeral of Mrs. Ma. Neil. She will visit there for a time. W. W. Hoy and wife have moved to the Chapman property on the 6112 con. The farm Mr. Hoy left ie being worked by hie KOHL Robt. McCallum, 101(1 eon., has had his old barn taken down and on a new atone foundation will ereot a fine new barn. The masons are at work now. Mra. William Smith, 16th oon., has been eurioaely and dangerously ill for several weeks but is slowly improving we are pleased to state. We hope she will soon be convalescent. Donald McDonald, 2nd won., who has been laid up for the peat three weeks with quinsy, is able to be about again. He loot about 20 pounds during his 0000. Mrs. Mrs. Mary Jane Carr, 4112 oon., who has spent the Winter in Stratford with her daughter, Mrs. Box, arrived home last week. She will make her home here for a time at least. Last week E. A. Hill arrived home from Toronto where he has just complet- ed his let year in Medicine. Mr. Hill will spend a portion of hie vaoation with hie father, Jno Hill, 10th won. Grey township is becoming quite noted for goorl cattle and hog raising. A very marked improvement has been made in the past few years in the residences and barns of the people of this goodly town - Last Friday morning James' Cuthill, Nth oon., and hie nephew, James Laing, of Hibbert township, left for Glasgow, Scotland, on a visit. They Bailed 'on the Allan line Steamer "Parisian" on Satin. day from Montreal and were ticketed -by W. H. Kerr, agent, Brussels. Mr. Laing tools the trip with the idea of improving his health which has not been very good. They will be away for a couple of menthe. Mr. Cathill has grossed the briny several times. The 60 more farm of Wm. Killough, 8th con,, has been sold to Jno. Clark, of the McKillop Boundary, for the sum of $2,. 580 who will take poeseseion at once. Wm. A. Killough and family, who have been living on the farm will remove to Westfield, Wawanosh township, where Mr. Killough has purchased 90 spree from Amos Challenger, the price being $8,000. We are sorry to lose them from this neighborhood but wish them prosperity. Mr. Clark is becoming quite a land dealer, this being hie third purohaee in a few years. We wish him saooese with his latent purohase. He'e a hustler. The let concession of Grey wont take a back seat in the ownward maroh. Harry Grainger ie eroding a two etory brick oottage on big farm, the brick work being nearly completed. The oontraot. ore ate Messrs. Blow, of Gerrie, and Smith pros., of Wroxeter, MT, Thos. Grainger, of the same line, will also put. Mi a two story brink pottage. All the. material is on hand. On the Howiolt side of the road Alex. Thompeon is preparing to build a modern two story kriok cottage this. summer. Jno. Adams will do the stone and brills work and Smith Brae., the Carpentering. These three now r•eeidenoos will add materially to the appearance and comfort of above named farm%, Fins,—On Thureday morning of lost week a disastrous fire000nrred on the 2nd con, of Grey, when the reeldenoe of Ghee. Goethe was totally destroyed, At about 5 a. m. Mr. 0osene, who wee the first to get op, lit the fire and shortly afterwards the upper part of the house was disonver- ed to be on fire. Whether the Bre pro. oeeded from an overheated stovepipe or from a spark on the roof would not be ascertained, but it soon found Its way to the upper bedrooms, alarming the other members of the family, and spread with euoh rapidity and fieroenese that in a semi-nude state they bad to escape below. A few things were saved from the lower rooms. Apart from that the house and its contente, including sixtyflve dollars io oath, were totally consumed. The loss is partially oovered by insurance in the Perth Mutual. 6'Jth01. Council meeting here on Thursday of next week, THE POST till the end of 1898 for 50 ciente fo advance. Mr. Armstrong and bride, of Belgrave, spent Sunday in our village. The school yard ie being anderdrained this week. 3. McLeod is doing the work. Robert Barr attended the Presbytery of Maitland et Wingham on Tuesday of this weels, Our former resident, Wm. Milne, ex - Reeve, of Trout Creek, was here during the pant week. Rev. J. Ball, of Atwood, delivered a very able address in the Methodist ohuroh lent Sabbath evening. A junior foot ball team has been organ• iced with Jae. Leishman me captain. They expect to ploy a team on the 12th con. at Whitfield's on May 24th. "God is light and infl3im is no dark - nese at all," was the subject taken by Rev. Mr. Bose, of Brussels, in the Pres. byterian church here last Sabbath. Several of our villagers have beautified their premises by a row of maple trees. If more would do likewise oar village would in a very few years present a mach improved appearance. 101Co rrt ei. That lamb of Wm. MoOafl'e was stretcher. Agoad many farmers fo this looality have sink horses now. 50 Dente in advance will eeoure Tau Pon for the balance of 1898. W. Davidson and wife, of Belmore, were visiting at John MoVety'e last week. Harry Jackeon is improving slowly in health. We hope be will soon be fully restored. The funeral of the late Mrs. E. Laun• ay took place on Wednesday morning o this week. A new kitchen and woodshed is, being built at Wm. Taylor's, 9th line. Jaakeon Bros. have the job. Miss Maud Paul spent a couple of days in Brueeels last week. She took in the Teachers' Convention. Fall wheat is on the thin side, and not nearly up to what some people think it ie, and far behind last year's Drop. Samuel Fear's condition shows very little improvement despite the best at- tendance of physicians and friends. Many of our farmers were taking out their grain last week during the rise in prices. So much for Reform Gcvern- ment, The Epworth League of Browntown intend having a Temperance evening on Wednesday, May 251(1, All are invited to attend. Corn for fodder is being sown this week. It makes splendid feed for wattle in the Fall, but should never be left out after the snow fella. Dr. Holmes, of Goderioh, has been called to see S. Fear, who is seriously ill with pneumonia. The doctor has many warm friends in Morris. Our Sabbath eohool workers intend taking in the S. S. Convention to be held in Brunets on Monday, .May 30th. A good program bas been arranged. The supply of milk going to the cheese factories is not very large but with the advent of warmer weather and bettor pasturage a noticeable improvement is expected shortly. Morris township council will meet on Monday, 80th inst. It is hinted that they may tape action on the pureness of a road machine. We believe it would be money well spent. Robert MoArter, who was home for a few weeks, has returned to Wapaha, Manitoba, where he has been for a few years. He is a 0003 of the lately deceased Jno. MaArter, 6th line. Several of our farmers are getting their fast steeds in trim for the farmers' rase in Brussels on the afternoon of the Queen's Birthday. Morris should stand a good show for the duoats. Alex. Hislop, a well known resident of Morris, has been renewing .old- acquaint. 80000 in Brussels and locality, Mr: Hielop has the best of health and le fresh and smart for his ninetieth year. Sheep waehing domes next, but as the water is rather chilly a good many are not oaring about taking a cold bath, and as Prohibition ie near they hardly care about taking a [leek along with them. G. W. Turvey had hie buggy broken while on the way to ohuroh last Sabbath morning. Some parson unknown to Mr. T. was passing him and (aught the hind wheel of the buggy, making a total wreck of i6. We preanme`the stranger knew very little about driving. Aronoor,—I, the undersigned, do here- by teetify that the rsrmor circulated about some of the boys in 5, S. No,, 8, injuring my little boy Frank at eohool, has been proven untrue to my eatiefaaton and I hereby apologise to the said boys and their parents, for the aouneation made against them. John Little, WEDDED IN BRANDON.—On Tueoday 09 last week a wedding ceremony was per. formed in Brandon, Manitoba, in which the bride was a former resident of the 6112 line of Morrie, in the person of Mies Bate, daughter of Wm, Barrie. The groom is' 17. Hannah, of that plane, Miss Barrie wont west two years ago and her many old frionss bore 'will be a unit in wishing herself and husband many years of,bappineest and propority, a R, England has the frame of his new dwelling up and it presents a very tine appearance, as it stands on a high eta. vatlon, He Saye a ohange of Government is a good thing after all, ae it made times better for him, although he did not plants down his vote that way. We with Mr. and Mrs. England long life and pros• parity in their new home. We don't know whether the house will be veneered with brick or not. vii i/:b w ol. Wm. Stephen, tailor and dyer, has rr, moved his ebop and residence to D. D. Campbell's building, Main street East. Dr. A. El. Nichol bee returned to town after a trip to Southern California, and bas resumed his praotioe.- J. W. Meyers baa had a gang of men at work the past two or three days rata. ing the timbers for the new elevator at the Moyer & Oo'q mill, the stone base- ment of wbioh is finished. The young men of the town met in the Grand Central for the purpose of organ- izing a Baseball Club. The following officers were elected :-1?roe., Robt. Hun• ter ; viae-pree., R. T. Kemp 1 oapt., Jno. Moorehead ; sea.-treas., Jas. Moorehead committee of management, J. Gibson, J. Wilson, A. Daum, Ed. Clegg and A. W. Bamford. Norman Bamford, an employee in the Standard offloe, met with an aooident while at the Banner oMoe, by which he lost part of the fides finger of his left hand. Idpfoking up a type galloyhis left band came in contact with the flyers of the oylinder press, whiolt caught his fin• ger, cutting it almost off. It was found necessary to amputate it below the first joint. R. W. Bro. Pinkerton, D. D. G. M. for Distriot No. 5, paid an ofiioiai visit to Bernard lodge 225, A. F. dr A. M., on the 6th inst. There was a grand tarn out of members, and a highly interesting (even- ing was spent, mainly in exemplifying third degree work. The D. D. G. M. complimented Bernard lodge upon its work, planing it at the head of the die• trict. The brethren of Bernard lodge took advantage of the Deputy Distriot Grand Master re visit to pay a well merit- ed tribute of respect to R. W. Bro. D. D. Campbell by presenting him with a handsome teo•aarat gold Past Master's jewel. VVin hatn. Elliott Bros. shipped soar lead of their brick to Luoknow on Saturday. The stone work of ;IIF. Henderson's house on John street is completed. The Wahoo Medicine and Entertain. ment Co. are to be in Wingham on Eater - day. W. J. Chapman has had the old gravel pit grounds levelled on that he oan utilize them. John Neelands bas consented to lay the corner stone of a new Methodist ohuroh at Londeeboro on the 23rd inst. Sam. McIlwain last week removed a house for H. McAllister on the 2nd of Culross, from one farm to another. Rev. Dr. Pascoe chairman of the Wing. ham district, was fn Teeewater on Wed- nesday attending the May district meet- ing. The advent of the street watering am paratus was bailed with satisfaction by our merchants after the weeks of duet. The new Dart is a good one and does effec- tive work. Batton & Peasant are putting in iron beams and a sheet iron floor in the second story of the addition to their factory. We are informed it is their intention to have the lower flat for the foundry and the upstairs for a more oommodiono office. Leonosoi.—The Saugeen district of the C. L. A. met at Harrietou ou Friday of last week, and were unanimous on decid- ing district as follows :— Oheeiey, Wiar• ton and Walkerton for Northern half, and Listowel, Wingham and Clinton in Southern half, the winners of eaoh group to play off the final for district champion. ship. No doubt our boyo will make a good showing sand bring the champion. ship to Wingham. Runaway.—Paul Powell, of Turnberry, is the victim this week of a runaway am oident, but he fortunately escaped per., Banal injury. He was driving into Wing; ham on Tuesday with a load of pigs for shipment. After turning out of his gate on the road, one of the lines broke and the horses ran away.. The result was that their pigehips were unceremoniously dumped on the hard road, ono of them getting a leg broken, but horses and driver 0800ped injury. Dine:: -To soma it is given to paes'sud• denly out of life apparently without a pang ; others have to patiently bear a long illness and suffer ooaeiderable intense pain. Thi,p last wee the lot of Mary Mnrdooh, wife of Wm. Robertson of this town. After a long and painful illness, she envied away on Thureday of last week, aged 45 years, three months. The widowed husband and motherless young people have the eympathy of the com- munity in their bereavement. The fun- eral took plane on Saturday, Rev. H. E. Mason conductingthe religious s Klaus erviaes. BaseneLL MAman.—W ingbam Baseball team played afriendly matoh with Kin• oardine team on Friday last on the grounds of the latter. The teams lined Up as follows I— WINonAs KINCARDINE Lookridge catcher Ross Stuart pitcher Malone Duffield let base Brttoe Lewis Snd baso Cunningham Wilson Sod base Collins Alderson e. stop Oardow Small r, field Onnningbam Griffin 1. field Quante Angus a. field Fyfe Umpire, J. Linklater, The flat innings wee: decidedly in favor of Kincardine, but after that our boys naught the awing of Malonie'o ball and held the home team down in geed shape. The game (dosed with a score of 10 to 4 in favor of Xinoatdine. Wingham has a gond team, but they played at somewhat a disadvantage on Friday. They epeak well of the treatment accorded them by the Kincardine team. Tho teams play again in Wingham on May 24112. AdoACLTED,—Word 00mee of an assault wise in the neighborhood of Kintail, Par- ticulate are not to band, but the infer - motion is to the effect that hliolleel Dal- ton was impounding some cattle belong- ing to James and Maurine Lambertue, when it is said the two met him on the road and beat him with a elnb, inflicting serious wounds, from wbtob however he will reoover. To CONTRACTORS, —.County Commie. sioner John Ansley is asking for tenders for,let erecting twoabutments e ing oanorete abu man S to yer's bridge on the townline between Hallett and Emit Wawanosh ; 2nd, for painting the exterior woodwork of the Court House, Goderioh ; 3rd, for painting the stone and brickwork of the same building. Partioalars can be obtained at the County CommIeeioner'e office, in Lower Wingham. Tenders received 00. til June 4th, Oun POST Orrice,—Considerable dis- cussion has been caused during the past week by the proposed removal of the Post office from its present location. So far as we have been able to gather, this question is one of those peculiar topics that refuse to stay "settled" ; it will per- sist in popping up now and again, just to vary the monotony of life, and disturb the ordinary routine of things. On Fri- day last, Mr. Fisher reosived official in• etraottons from the Post Oflioe Depart- ment, to secure a suitable building in a more central location. Even the limits were mentioned ; it most be between John street and Patrick street, The in. etruotion however do not say which side of the street, 00 we presume the Poet. master will be allowed to 005 his jedg. mint in that reepeot. PaasoNALs,—Thos. IHoLean journeyed to Harriston on Monday,—Thos. Boll and wife were in Toronto last Tuesday.— John Wilson and Thos. Powell visited Exeter on Tuesday.—H. B. and Mrs. Elliott spent Sabbath last in Listowel.— Frank Caesar, who has been attending college in Philadephia, has returned to Wingham.--J. D. Long wheeled to Goderioh for Sunday.—G. F. Robina, of St. Marys, is spending a few weeks in Wingham.—Tboo. Cornyn is visiting friends in town. — Rev. Wm. Lowe. preached to the Oddfellows of Comber on Sunday last.— Misses Robertson Gray, y. Matheson and Reynolds attended the teachers' convention in Brussels on Fri- day and Saturday.—George Monkmau returned on Friday from a visit to friends in Arran. People We Know. H. W. Farrow was in town on Friday. Mies Clara MhOraoken is home from Toronto. A. Bawbinbeimer has been laid up with la grippe. Will. Leatherdal e of Seaforth. San• da ed in Bruasele. Miss Thurso Gerry was visiting at Wingham this week. Roger Deadman has been on the eiok list but is better again. Barrister Blair attended Blyth Divi- sion Court on Saturday. W. II. McCracken was in Toronto last week on a business trip. Mrs. J. G. Skene arrived home from Streebeville last Saturday. I'. S. Slott and son Walter were in London for a day last week. Mrs. Wm. Martin ie visiting with rola. Maas and friends in Grey township. Mies Jessie MoMartin, of Lucian, is visiting her sister, Mrs. Wm. Wilton. Chris. Grimoldby wheeled to Owen Sound last Saturday to visit his parents. W. W. Harris, of Brussels cheese fan. tory, was on the eiok list this week for a day. S. M. Nesse, Seo•Treas, of the Ontario Sewer Pipe Co., Toronto, was in town on Wednesday. Mrs. Joseph Pugh, son and neice, of Bluevale, were visiting at Viotoris Cot- tage last Saturday. Miss Leo Carry has been quite ill with inflammation of the bowels, but is getting better we are pleased to state. Mies 0. Norton, who bas beau visiting at Montreal for the past few months, ar- rived home on Wednesday night. Mre. Wanless, of Toronto, who has been visiting her sister, Mrs. Anderson, returned to her home on Wednesday. Mrs. W. T. Hunter and her daughter, Mre. Kenney, of Detroit, are renewing old friendships in Brussels this week. Samupl.Fear, of Milverton, formerly of this place, was in Brussels on Wednae• day. He oame to visit his son in Morrie who is dangerously i11. Harry Crooke and Jno, McRae, well known young men in this looality, are in the Honor silage at the Sohool of Phan. maoy We year. Congratulations. Mrs. (Dr.) MoNaughton arrived home on Wednesday. She brought her de- ceased sister's infant daughter with her and the Do, will now be right im,,town. Mrs. W. F. Stewart attended the Wingham Distriot W. F. M. S. Conven- tion at Teeewater this week ea a delegate from Brussels Branch of the Methodist ohh, Mr.uroGraham, of London, contractor for granolibhio and dement walks, was taking a proepeative view of Brussels streets last Monday. He drove over from Wingbam. Alex. McKelvey bag gone to New York on a visit to his father, Dr. MoKelvey, who is taking a course in the hospitals in that oity. Few iblye of Alex's age would care to taokle journey of that kind alone but it does not bother him. Rev. Mr. Ames, of Woodstook, uncle to Mrs. D. 0. Rosa, Brussels, preached at Simons recently. The Reformer of that place says :—"Despite his. nearly 80 years Mr. Ames possesses muoh vigor and gave two good sermons," The Kincardine Reporter of this week saga in the report of the base ball matob with Wingham Inst Friday :—"Boss is a watcher and hittlliir that Kinoardine will back to the full extent of the limit. As onptain much responsibility note upon his shoulders, but having the full won• fldenoe of the club hie suggestions are always Carried Out." The gentleman referred to fa Bobt, liote, son of David Mail, of Brussels, and well known here, FRANCE appeare inolioedtoobinup to England but unleee.she wants her lilies stamped into the ground by one clap of the lion's paw she had better go a trifle B10ty, 1505, W, E. GLADSTONE died On Tiuurs. day morning of this week at 5 o'clook, at hie home at Hawarden. The deceased statesman was born in Liverpool in 1809 and was consequently in his 89112 year. No man in the annals of English history has filled so large a place. He was noted as a statesman, author and more mutt, oalarly es a devout Christian, ITATER is in a rather dfaturbed state at present and it would take very little to kindle the spark of insurrection into a flame. Few nations know the Balance of government as Great Britain does and as a result the strong entreat between British rule and that of any other land. True liberty is the right of any people and the day of intolerance is past or else where it is practiced disquietude and war is like to be the consequence. THE attempt of a few cranks to reser. rect the Manitoba School question fo neotion with a discussion in Parliament did not pan out very well nor should it as the man who attempts to ferment strife and discord is an enemy to hie race. Nearly everybody mast' be of the opinion that the opening up of a subject like the above would result in no good and would be fraught with evil results to no -end. Shame on the tail twister in this or any other land. A rnon mute and influential man pass- ed off the stage of action when D'Alton M00arthy died. He was not only a notable personage in politica but as a lawyer was exoelled by none. Hie death resulted from injuries received by being thrown from hie carriage while driving to the Union depot, Toronto, to take the train for Ottawa to attend the sessions of Parliament. He was a man of indepen- dent mind and as a aoaeequenee often had a hard row to hoe in politics but he valued hie opinions more than the pre- ferment of party and did muoh to in• urease the growth of independence in speech and aot. Mr. McCarthy repre- sented North Simone for many years where he was most highly esteemed. His deoease is a distinct lose to this country. THERE is nothing of particular moment transpiring in oonneotion with the war between the United Staten and Spain. The fleets appear to be keeping ally of each other and the losses to either side have been small so far. Reinforcements are being sent to Admiral Dewey at Manilla, to hold the oonntry after the stare and stripes are hoisted. It would appear that the U. S. naval viotory there was very decisive but we doubt if Mr. Dewey is entitled to all the baguets thrown at him as ft was an unequal oom- - bat and it was next to impossible to have it result in any other way. A duel be- tween two men armed with a rifle and a shot gun, and far enough apart that the shot would not reaoh the rifleman, is a fair illustration of the situation. We are sure of one thing and that ie that millions of dollars of debt are being piled up by both nations and all over the set- tlement of a question that recourse to arms should not have been necessary. A big battle is expeoted in the near future close to Ouba' as both fleets are in that looality. American troops are to be landed id Chiba and a "hot time" will no doubt be the result. Brussels School Board. The monthly meeting of the Brussels Public Sohool Board was hell in the Board room on Monday evening last ; members present, D. 0. Ross, J. G. Skene, Jae. Turnbull and A. Cousley. The minutee of the last regular meeting were read and passed. The following ac- counts were read, and on motion of J. G. Slone, seconded by Jas. Turnbull were ordered to be paid :—Geo. Crooks, team. ing, $1.50 ; F. S. Soots, table, $2.00 ; Geo, Edwards, wood of wheelbarrow, 92.00. Moved by A. Cowley, seconded by J. G. Skene that a lawn mower bopu rchased by the Board.—Carried. Moved by A. Conley,, seconded by J. G. Skate that the Clerk of the municipal- ity be notified of the vaoanoy ea the Board oaneed by the removal of A. Koenig.—Carried. Moved by A. Ooaeley, seconded by Jae. Turnbull that the Seoretary wait on Mr. Jackson and ask him if he would be wil- ling to have his agreement with the Board changed so as to road the same as the other teacher's agreements• —Oar.' Vied. Board then adjourned. The condition of Theta. Beattie, M. P., Loudon is unchanged. A mirth -needed rain has fallen at many points in the Northwest. itouoted,goarda have been introduced 06 the Kingston Penitentiary, Woodstook had two seneatione last week—a lonely grave and two missing boys who were thought to have been drowned in0lose'e pond. The soarohere found a dead dog iu the first, but no bodies in the pond. The boys turned up Catera few miles from borne.