The Brussels Post, 1898-4-29, Page 8WALIPApER.
One now Wall Paper Trimmer docs
its work well and wo trim all ono Patina
Ern of Charge. Measure your room as
sometimes we have Remnants that will
just do which we sell much below regular
War Veers.
We keep a fall steak of Daily Papers
on hand, especially the Mail, which with
the New York Herald and the London
Times have a special vessel and war cor-
respondents of their own.
Bicycles W.
$10 will take a Lady's or Gent's
B]eyole for 8 months with privilege of
buying or re:Wee ug after that time.
G. A. Deadman,
Druggiet, Optician & Bookseller.
Trains leave Brunets Station, North
and South, e,s follows:
GoxNG SorTH. Goxxo NORTH,
0apress 7:10 a.m.I Mail •10 p.m
Hxxed....,.,., 0:45 a.m. Express 10:01 p.m
neral 11±5 NiC1110.
A chiel's, among ye Lakin' notes,
An' faith he'll prent it,
MAT Sowers.
ROUTE bills printed at TER POST.
A erncoos of la grippe is rampant.
BIG run on daily papers for war news.
BRnsSELs grain market is on the boom.
THE half mile track is in good con.
P. ADIENT shipped 2 oars of heading
during the past week.
OLsae up. The Inspector commences
bis rounds on the 16th of May.
Dn. 11loNAooesos has parebesed A.
Koenig's driving horse, phaeton and liar•
PUHLIO LIBRARY annual meeting nest
Monday at 4;15 o'clock in the Reading
A MG raft of little codgers started on
their initial trip to Brussels Public School
last week.
Tan spec advertised were claimed on
Monday. There were about a dozen call-
ed to see if they were the pair they lost.
Tan Salvation Army Marine Band will
visit Brussels on Saturday, April 30th,
and Sunday, May 1st, Meetings will be
held in the Town Hail.
Oven $5,600 was paid out in Brussels
last Monday for oattle and hogs ebipped
Eastward that day. Brussels as a mar-
ket is not surpassed by many planes.
Mason BOHoOF &lecture Thursday even.
ing of last week on "The Jamieson Raid"
was very realistic. Mr. Soboof is a great
admirer of this somewhat errutio leader.
THIS was It lively week for stook ship-
ping from Brussels, no lees than 7 decks
of hogs leaving here on Monday. 6 of
them were forwarded by Baeker & Van -
stone and 2 by CIegg & Dames.
AUCTION sale of household furniture,
pictures, carpets, &c. at the residence of
R. L. Taylor, William street, on Satur-
day afternoon of next week, 80th inst., at
1 o'clock, F. S. Scott will be the auc-
CARD DF THANxa,-TO the officers and
members of Court Princess Alexandria,
No. 24, 0. 0. F., Brussels :-Please ac-
cept my sincere thanks for the support
you have given one in helping me along,
May God be with you in all you may
undertake to do. I sincerely hope that
you may be led along a pathway of roses
and prosperity. I remain yours, in L.
B. & 0. Pamir SEEL.
Cadillac, Mich., April 28, 1898.
82ND Bruce Battalion of Infantry. -No,
1 campany-To be lieutenant, Second
Lieut. Deese Buckley, from No. 7 cora.
pony ; vice Daarrie retired. 88rd Huron
Battalion of Infantry -Lieut -Col. Sohn
G. Wilson is permitted to resign his ap-
pointment as commanding officer, and
transferred to infantry reserve of officers.
No. 8 company -To be second lieutenant
provisionally, John MoArter, vice Doig
retired, .
Swab" is an Wettable, painless and non-
poisonous remedy for the ours of cancer,
cartilaginous ulcers, &o., euro throat, and
a variety of ekin diseases. It cures
cancer in any part of the body where the
liquid can reach it. Send for circular
Riving instructions bow to apply the
liquid, or get one from Mr. Fox, drug.
gist, Brussels. Sold at 60 cents per pint
and 30 Dents per half•pint bottle. Mo.
lead's Labaratory, Goderioh,
SMITE AuERtOA,-A moat interesting
and inettuetive missionary Innate was
given St. John's ohuroh School Room on
Monday evening by Rev. T. B. R. West.
gate, on Mueeion work in South America,
to which part he purposes going as a mis-
suonary, The leobar° was illustrated by
a large collection of fine lime light views
of South America, Africa, Persia, China,
japan• and the Northwest. Rev, Mr.
Abey presided and also sang a solo. Mr,
Westgate is an earnest, devoted young
gentleman and is a good speaker and will
no doubt win laurels in South Amerioa.
Fsno.-Last Sabbath morning Dare.
Riobard Stinson, of tioknow, awoke
snout I a. no,, almost smothered with
smoke. She immediately aroused her
husband, and to tbeir sad surprise they
found their house wreathed in flames and
had only time to make their eseapo to
save their fives. All their posseseione
were destroyed, including a fine piano.
Mr. and Mrs, Stinson were only married
about a year ago, and the loss inoluded
a large number of their wedding gifts
which were bighly prized. The cause of
the are io unknown, Where was an in.
surname ot $700, Hire, Stinson is a sister
to Dare, T. Pletcher, Brueeets, and was
known to many in thie town as Mian
Lily Gordon. We regret very moll to
hear of the lire, butt was intimate that
with Muth a yarrow escape thele 11909
were awed.
Won't $1.00 per bushel at Brussel
MEsens, Score & JONES will ship
ears of stock from Brussels next wee
MARINE Baled Saturday evening
Sunday next in the Town Hall, 13ru
Ilan Huron License 0ommiesio
will meet at the Queen's hotel next
Goneox Unisex has put a tiew eb
roof on his reeidenoe, John street,
Deaner Pastorates Inspector Daaiony
was in Brussels on Thursday and found
everything o. k.
Masses. RATTAN & FITz:A'rnfcE packed
up their stook of Dry goods last week
and will ship It to some point in Mani.
A NEW board ceiling baa been put in the
Methodist parsonage kitchen, the walls
papered, the hall ditto and other internal
improvements made by the diligence and
forethought of the Ladies' Aid.
NEST week Tom Bloomfield leaves for
England in charge of a consignment of
horses for Snell &Brown, of Galt. In all
Tom's Voyages so far he has only lost 8
horses out of 600 which is certainly a
good record,
BRUSSELS Odd Fellows will send their
tip-top Degree Team to Wroxeter next
Monday evening when a dozen candidates
are expeoted to "ride the goat." Our
three -linkers go North by epeolal request
from Wroxeter Lodge.
A ruoric meeting will be held on Fri.
day evening of next week at 8 o'clock in
the Town Hall for the purpose of discus.
sing the By-law to be submitted on the
following Monday, May Oth. Every
ratepayer will be weloome.
THE C. 0. F. talk of putting inoandee•
oent light into their Hall in the Blasbill
block. Font other Sooietisa also meet in
this Hall viz. : The Workmen, Horne
Circle, Chosen Friends, and the Iude-
pendent Order of Foreetere. They lease
from the C. 0, F.
A eeoocaxni n at Rat Portage leas hie subenription to TuE PlesT &aye,
"On account of being tardy in sending
this, I enclose 52.00, which will pay to
1900. We oan't do witlaoat the home
news of Bruseele and locality." We
hops others will take the hint and remit
too as we want to pay our debts and the
law won't let us manufacture money.
A anemone program was presented at
the Epworth League last Monday evening.
The program was as follows :-Reading,
"A good Investment," Miss .Ferguson ;
quartette, "Who will man the life boat 7"
Misses M. Moore and Maggie Beattie and
W. Griffith and J. Reid ; essay, "South
America," )Mise Carrie Hingetou ; reading,
"Hold the Ropes," Mise Minnie Moore.
B. Gerry was obairman and opened the
e. 13mee ns ON TUN Goa -Among other re
two tient Bales made by A. Conley, the has
k, ling bioyole agent, of Jimeeoie, are th
qud following i - W. W. Harris and Coli
seals. Mo5rtei', Brussels, each un E. & D,
tare lilies Sillera, Morrie, a lady's Brantford
Mon. S. T. Gantlou, Grey, a Reliance ; Jame
94.c0raolten, Brusesis, a Comet ; Dat
ingle Stein, Oranbrook, q Brantford.
. nedale, Pd. ','omlin, diploma 1 junior
r. d rotrinal depar meet, May Smith, meant,
0 343. 0, RiolutrOeon and Lyle ]tiabardeon,
n I f'•'ieme, Christ itt Brewte and Anus
; 11lohardeol, tlip'oulee,
Leat Sabbtih cardia„ Itev. John
s Noss,
B. A„ eau I It -3v, S. 7, Allis ex.
1. i t'110ngeal imitate. The former pencilled ti
r ,gular thorough going Methodist sermon
-bona the text found in St. Luke 4 and 40, eubjeot bei, g, "The touts of Chrieb,"
Ile prat:tiont prints [showed that it was
s o orioteS {4)tLo ng.D They say (8) lime.
Ilin's marmot in Melville church was of
each a oharaoser that no one would know
Let that lie w=,a a Presbyterian.
Rev. Mr. Atha took "The report of the
I;piee," as his topio last Sabbath evening
end gave a moat interesting di[soourse,
Lessons learrel from the report of the
�ltr to retreat
anadvane°; ty were ((3) The easele mw with wh oh
'nen fall into the folly they wish to es.
g cape; (8) Prcjndioes often Dolor our
' Won and warp oar judgment, From
Joshua and Caleb's report the lessons
'ouohed on woe : (1 The poesibilitiee to of Faith ; (2) Present partial gifts
ere an earnest of better things ; (8) There
1 ie a point beyond d !ic
t it t is impossible
.c repair past follies,
{cry at ite meeting tat Luokurw, on
'fonday et tact week expressed cordial
willingness to receive into its r,,0 anti
900815htthe congregations of 3i„lntoah
and Belmore now in the ,bounds of San.
tteeu Presbytery and asks the ht nod of
familton and Londol to intimate this
o the General Assembly who line juris•
:lietion in the matter of trail!. mime of
hese congregations. The Preei;ytery ao•
=:stied to the petition of Chalmers ohuroh,
0inoardine township, to bo branefer,•ed to
etruoe Presbytery subject to the approval
of the Synod and asks the Synod to ef-
loct the tutoring sought for, Rev. John
Ross, B. A„ of Brunets, and H. D. lien.
arson, of \Vhtteohuroh, are appointed to
eapport these resolutions before the
;Synod of t7am'Itou and London, to meet
0 St, Catharines on May 2nd,
(The General Assembly Sunday sohool
ommittes of the Presbyterian church
i .not in Toronto and Rev. T. F. Pothering.
'tam St. John. N. 13., presented the re.
1 {,ort of the work for 1897, The finances
ire in better shape than they were last
:'ear. A deficit of $5,500 from last year
fas been reduced to 53,497 and will be
nrther reduced before June, The
I monthly publications -the Home Study
aeries -show a belanoe of $88,15 ; but the
veekly papers carry o deficit of $488,15,
'atom general contributions $2,687 has
t,een received end will be used to bele•
alone the paper's. The question of Deas.
• ng publication , of these papers was rais.
id, but after r;ieoussiou it was decided to
'•antinue then, as they were making pro.
;tress. Higher religious instruction has
been continued by bolding examinations
mon the Bible and Shorter Catechism at
ifferent points, Messrs. Farquharson
and McLeod reported 40 medals, 148
diplomas' and 124 certificates distributed
in this work, Rev. J. 1V. Rae, Toronto
Junction, and Geo. Anderson and James
urnbuli, Tot onto, were appointed to
i•repare a saha,ne for a obildren'e day ser•
vane to be bold simultaneously all over
The students for the Methodist minis.
•ry, who have been undergoing their pro.
190100ery examinations in Askin street
church, Loud, n, were preeented with
heir certi6oet, a ata public meetint' held
iu that edits) Friday evening. The Pre•
,ident of the London Conference, Rev.
iitephen Bona, presided, and introduced
he different speakers. ' Revels. George
Jackson, J. R. Gundy, Windsor; J,
Philp, of Ride.. town, and Dr. Williams,
were also on the platform. Tbs choir of
the ohuroh rendered appropriate music,
nd Miss Geniding nog a solo, "The
Better Land,” which woe :ninth appeal -
ted. Rev, Joseph Philp spoke on
, Oriental Side Lights." He gave an in.
nesting and i0etrnative description of
the ways and ouetoms of the people of
that distant land. Rev. Dr. Williams,
ax -president of the London conference,
eve an eloquent and interesting address
n "Shall we rut God, or shall God use
s." The epee ker'a words were intended
or the young students, 110 pointed out
hat some plan to do great things, but
ail because tbny do not take God into
heir confidence. During his 45 years of
ministry, he eoold say he had not ven-
tured anything without asking God's
t.nid'an0e, No minister should reheat a
,ermpn that he hadn
0 OB given t
re tion.con
ga Bel3e true and loyal to your
aster, wee the speaker's' closing appeal
the mioietere iu probation, Rev. 0. T.
colt, St. Thomas, presented the oertifi•
tes to the successful candidates. Ho
id that the examination was far in ad -
nee ea regards parentage to any
avian one, Following are the suocess-
I probationers and oandidatee and their
89800190 percentages :-Third year --E.
Miilyard, Nile, 885 ; S. Coulter, Enna
Ile, 82 8 9 ; T. E. Sawyer, London,
2.9 ; I. McKelvey, Henea', 775 ; W.
Ashton, Morpeth, 715 ; A. 0. Jones,
Uppervilie, 6105 ; 4. G. Loyd, London,
$ ; J, F. fantail ffe, Dorchester, 67a. ; A.
, Dever, Berrie, 065; J. A. Steadman,
edden, 57S, Second year- W, A.
'nibh, S. L. L, Lambeth, 85 ; W. J,
dortimore, Ferguson, 84 4 9; A. Rapson,
(lamlaohie, 66 8.5, Fleet year -.J. F.
Knight, Rutherford, 70 7-9. Candidates
--A. Bond, Glencoe, 08 ; Wilfred Cohoon,
Bier, 66 ; W. G. Mahon, Rodney, 655 ;
talph Steele, Lynne, 685, One third
ear probationer, one amnia year and
ne first year did not attend. They will
their name, at college, 411 students
o tried at London were eaooessful.
ACcrnENT —Last Saturday morning ae
James Markle, of Kinoardiue, was per.
forming his duties as brakeman on the
mixed train in tbe yard bere he had the
miefortnne to have his right hand pinch•
ed while coupling oars. The G. T. R.
physioian was telephoned for and soon
had the injured digits dreeeed. Mr.
Markle returned to Kinoardine by the
afternoon train and is doing well.
Tan Bishop ot Heron will make a tour
through Lambton, eommenoing on April
241b, for the purpose of holding confirm.
&tion, and has made the following ap-
pointments :-.April 26th, Aughrim and
Florence ; April 27th, Moore, Courtright
and Oorunna ; April 28011, 011 Springs
and Inwood ; April 20th, Perch and
Point Edward ; May let, Warwick and
Wiebeaoh ; May 2n5, Brooke.
1 CENT a WORD. -To encourage people to
make their rotten known through the
columns of Tan Pon and to prove the
beutilate of advertising we will for two.
months insert small advts, at 1 cent a
word each edition, nothing less than
10 cerate, however, to be paid at time
order is given. A teat will prove the
value of this method instead of spending
days or weeks looking for something that
a 10 oent advertisement 1n THE PosT
would and.
FUNNT,-It ie rumoured that all the
Public Libraries and Reading Rooms are
to be closed up while the war is on for
fear the magazines would blow up. That
is nearly ae bad a joke as the one a well
known Braeselite tells ae to the terrible
aooident at Goderioh. When you anxious-
ly enquire what it was, he cooly tells you
the wind blew up the lake. Of course yon
feel relieved that it was no worse and
look up another victim to fire it at. Both
of the above jokee are supposed to be
laughed at.
BT a business arrangement between
Messrs. Green & Mainprioe the latter be-
comes proprietor and manager of Bros.
eels Eleotrio light plant. Mr. MRinprice
is a competent man who looks after the
intereste of bus patrons closely and we
have no doubt bat he will do well here,
Mr. Green, also well known toBrueselites,
who iutroduoed the present system to the
town and oarried out his promises to the
latter, will 000010ne to run the Wingham
ONE day last week John Tait had a
$5.00 hill and a pisos of trampled paper
in his band and unthinkingly threw them
on the side of the street. He shortly
after missed the oaeh and ransacked bis
po0ket8 bat could not and ft. Next
morning be was telling or his loss to W.
Blaebitl and referred to throwing the
paper away, when Mr. Blashill went on a
tone of inepeotion he found the miseing
"toad•skin" and crumpled paper on the
side of the street none the worse for its
outdoor banking. Mr. Tait is happy
once more but won't throw any more
avers away without knowing it for fear
that they would not get back as soon as
the one mentioned above.
OBIT. -Last Friday Priscilla Sperling,
beloved wife otDevid S. Aldridge, for.
merly of Brunets, departed this life at
her home in Platteville, after a brief ill-
ness, et the early age of 36 years. The
cause of death was inflammation et the
kidneys. Mr. Aldridge and 4 sone aur.
rive. Mrs. Aldridge was the youngeet
daughter of tbe late Richard Spading,
16th eon„ of Grey, and was united in
marriage to her now bereft husband
about 14 years ago going at once to Platte.
ville where they have oontinuoosly re.
sided. Deceased was a happy hearted,
little woman and beloved by a large Wr-
ote of relatives and friends. The funeral
was on Sunday. She was a member of
the Methedieb °hutch and before her
marriage belonged to the choir of Whit.
field's °numb, 12th on., Grey, Mrs.
john Angus and Mrs, John Manning, of
Morris township, einem to Mrs, Aldridge,
attended the funeral. Meg. Nay, of
Manitoba, Mies Lena Sperling, Of Torun.
to, are also sisters, and George Spading,
of Grey township, a brother. Mr, Ald.
ridge and otbor relating have the sin.
more sympathy of their many friends in
the lose they have enataintd.
People W e Talk About,
D. C. Rose was on the siolf list thi
Jno. lieattle was iU Clinton ou Wed
Editor Woolsey was in Toronto for a
few days,
J. lib Sperling to rusticating at Iienfryn
this week.
Robb, Ross, of Kincardine, was in town
ou Monday.
Mrs. Wolin Garter will go to Goderloh
on Saturday.
Mrs, A. M. Kay, of Statford, is visitin
lira, W, 1I. Barr.
Dare: Beattie and Mise Mary were visit
ing at Seatorththis week.
John Burgess, of Bluevale, was visiting
his brother Samuel this week.
Jaok Kerney, grocer, baa been quite it
during a portion of this week,
Barrister Sinclair was in Goderioh on
Thursday and Friday of last week.
Mies Blare Ilfitchell and Master Roger-
son, Mill street, are on the sick list.
Harold Creighton has taken a sits•
Wien in the Michigan Central railway's
service at Hamilton.
Robt. Thomson is visiting in Bruseele.
Be has been making his home in Loedou
and Strabhroy for some time.
Miss Rebeooa Holmes had the misfor-
tune to sprain bar knee last Sunday.
We hope ebe will soon be better,
Collector of Inland Revenue, Cavan, of
Stratford, was in town on Tuesday in
000008tion with his official duties,
Arthur O'Connor, a brother of 3, M.
O'Connor, of Brussels, died on April 11th
at Oalgary. Pneumonia was the cause,
G. A. Deadman, who has been or:Mined
to bed for the past two weeks, ie improv•
log nicely and will soon be ae well as ever.
Pearl Leatherdalo has been laid up
with 'macular rheumatism in the cords
of her neck. We hope she will soon be
all right.
➢Ire. Jno, Donaldson was laid up from
a disabled limb occasioned by striking it
against something Dancing a sort of in.
"Bob" Ferguson proved his ability to
play foot ball with the Soots of Toronto I
and the papers of that city speaks highly 1
of his work.
We regret to bear of the serious illness I
of our old friend Samuel Burgess but
hope the improvement in L•ia condition
will continue.
Mrs. Thos. Hall, a well known old lady
resident of Alexander street, celebrated
her 88rd birthday on Wednesday of this
week. She came nearly being burned
outlast Sabbath as the pipes oangbt fire
in the garret of her home while she was
A. Seting and family purpose removing
to Mitchell in the near future where they
will temporarily make their home. Mr. '
Koenig does not ictend going into hotel,
keeping again but rather expeots to par.
chase a hardware stock. We wish him
Messrs, Button & Fitzpatrick left Bous.
eels this week on a trip to the West.
They were ticketed through to the Pacific
coast but may not go all the way. They t
are on a prospecting tour and will have
their stock of dry goods, &o., follow them '
after they have decided on a location.
Mrs. Rattan and eon will continue to j'
reside in Brussels iu the meantime, Tice . •
Pose hopes the brightest hopes of the
firm will be realized.
We are sorry to bear that the health of
Rev. Edward De Oantillon, 0. P., of
New York, a brother to Mrs, Terence
O'Neil, of Montreal, formerly a well
known resident of Brnesels, is not by any
means what his many frienpe would de-
sire it to be. He is taking well earned
holidays, and wa hope the rest and
ohange of air and scene will greatly bene.
fit him. He has been visiting his ander a;
at Montreal and i0 now renewing old
friendships at Dublin and Seaforth, 'b
Father De (ambition is a olever man, 1
popular with all who knave him, and an
exoellent preacber. He is a eon of Jus. r
De Oantillon, of Dublin.
CII it011l C11IME''l.
Brussels District Union Sabbath school
Convention will beheld in Melville church
on Monday, May 80th. There will be
three sessions, and a good program, to
Seep the date in mind. el
Next Sabbath regularly quarterly oom. ca
mnnion services will be bald in the 1a
Methodist church, Testimony meeting va
at the close of preaching in the morning pr
and the sacrament after the evening ser. 10
vice, re
The annual meeting for Goderioh J.
district of the Methodist ohuroh will be 1'l
held in the Methodist church, Blyth, on 042
Wednesday, May 18th, at 9 a. in. The g'.
ministerial session will begin on Tuesday, '
May 17th, at 11 a, M. 00
'Che Eseeuties Committee of the 5V
Methodist Women's Foreign Missionary tih
Sooiety decided to send out two new fl
missionaries, Dr. Anna Henry, alerkdale,
wilt be sent to Ohina, and Min Elliott,
of Toronto, to Fort Simpson, B. C. An
appropriation of $2,600 was made for an
addition to a girl's school in Tokio.
The General Assembly of the Presby-
terian church will meeb on June 8th at
Montreal, Last month was the biggest
or reoeipto to the Presbyterian fends on ry
record, Nearly $100,000 was received at t rh
the treaeurereoffices whish enabled all
the funds but one to Won free of debt.
That oxoepbioe is the fund for aged and
infirm ministers which was $8,000 behind.
Programs are issued for the fifth an.
nual Convention of the Sunday School
Teachers' and Obristian Weelrers' Ae.
notation of the Deanery of Iluron, to bo
held in •Wingham on Tueeday and Wed•
needay, May 10th and lltb. There will
be a number of intereeting papere reed
bearing on different phases of ohuroh
worst by membere of the Aesooinbfon from
different ports of the Deanery.
The reanite of Higbee Religious Inatruo.
tion examinotione held in January last,
under the dirntion of the Sabbath School
Committee of the General Assembly of
the Preebyterian ohuroh, have been made
known. The oandidabee from Melville
ohuroh have gained the following diea
tinatione u Senior Deny deportment,
Margaret A, Simpson, prize 1 inter-
mediate assay department, Jennie Sinop.
son, medal ; senior doctrinal department,
Janet MoNair and Amelia 'Meissen,
diplomas ; intermediate doctrinal depart-
ment, Helen ,i, Smith and !tate Lament,
Mrs. Mary Sloan an aged woman who
eeidee at 62 Elgin street, Hamilton, took
;, dose of carbolic aoid Friday morning
•n mistake for month mixture. The
toison burned her terribly and she 0005
became uncnnooiorra.
Ata meeting of the hotel proprietors of
Brantford, held in the Opera Hence, it
vas unanimously 5001554 to atop the
Sundry Bale of liquor. The hotel men
admit that that sort of thing hos been
going on, and the only axone offered is
shot others did it. Tho oommisnionere
:lave deteemiaed that the thing meet stop
and will themeelvee, if necessary, be the
informers, while the inepeotor ie in.
ntrtoted to keep a Daniel watoh for law
reakere. Altogether, the hotel men felt
that they bad better have a meeting and
Agree upon some mode of procedure and
:his hag been she out come. The lands
Ards all signets a bond, agreeing is keep
.ho hate striul.iy closed raying prohibited
:tours, and furahtr promising that if any
of their number are found violating the
rules they themoelvee will proetoelte the
'RlL 29,,1808
ST I ND,.4R.D B4N or (44,11eI D,?',
=oaxAa;7S,Tsxi*7=ace awgre,
ASSETS' (Seven Million Dollars) • $7,000,000
CAPITAL, (Authorized) - • $2,000,000
Agencies in nil principal points in Ontario, 2tiebec,111nnfl obs, United Mates if Ragland,
A Generai Banking 13uniuess Transacted. Farmers' Notes Disoounted.
Drafte Issued land Oolleotione made OD all points.
Interest allowed ou deposits of $1.00 and upwards from dot of deposit to date o
witlOrawel Doe compounded half yearly.
Every facility afforded Dude/more living at n ciietanoe.
3, A. STEWART Mangan,
offender, .Tito License Commissioners
are to be no'ified to this effeot. This
august body elate that the fine to be im•
posed on future law breakers will not be
a paltry $20, but will be 550 for the first
offences, $100 for a eeaond and a third will
forfeit the ]fomes of the house. _ T_ -
Ati QTTO2 ' SAT,T�- -
SATURDAY, ArnIL 80 --Household furoi•
tore, &a., 1Villiam street, Breese's. Sale
unreserved at 1 o'clock, R. L. Taylor,
proprietor ; F. S. Soott, auctioneer.
Business Locals,
Wnzuts from $40 up to 9100 at A.
CLovsn and Timothy meed by car lot at;
Backer & Vanetone.
A. Oonsrsr bandies everything that is
used by a bicycle rider.
REPAtne in harness, collars, t c„ done
promptly. I. 0. Riohards.
A OANADIAN made bicycle, up to date,
for 580.00. MoXay se Go.
IateaovSn mammoth, long, red, man-
ges seed at Jas. Ballautyne'e,
Roods to let over McOreeken s store.
Apply to W. J. tYlcOraeken.
A Lunn quantity of screen windows,
the latest improved, McKay & Co,
Dm you see the Geadron bike in A.
0oosley'e window 7 It's a dandy.
Sou our new stock of trunks and sat -
Weals. Very cheap. L C. Richards.
Goon, dry American conn, the best for
feeding purposes, for sale ab Ross' tail'.
OntruwAND wheels are great Sellers.
Six sold sinoo San, lot, 1898. A. Coueley.
Fon genniee value in harness come to
us, we lead in this line. I. 0, Richards.
Do not forget we repair boots and shoes
of all kinds, cheap and neat. I. 0. Rich
Two tone of oiled and annealed fens
wire at prises lower than ever, McKay
& Co.
E. & D. bearings are guaranteed for
three years. Coma ha and sea them. A
Crove t and timothy, Dutch Sets and
fresh garden seed in abundance at Me•
Pam of spectacles found. Owner may
have them by paying for this notice.
Tax Pose Publisbing House.
Sax tone ofinverted barbed and plain
twist wire at the lowest figure ever offer-
ed in America. McKay & Co.
Two good second hand pianos, very
nearly as good ns new, 1 square and 1
upright one, will sell very oneap, It.
WANTED, --Any quantity of butter and
eggs. We are still paying 9 and 10 cents
cash or trade for eggs. G. E. King,
REDISAtnsa that you can save from $15
to 525 on an organ by buying from R.
Leatberdale. bis octavo piano cased
organs for $65.
I HAVE the largest stook of window
shades thio Spring ever' wn0 in Breesele
and at prices below T. Eaton's ; good
shades for 80o, R. Loatherdale.
Iv you want a baby carriage call in and
see R. Leabberdale and get prices. Ile
hag a lot of them and is bound to sell
them if prices has anything to do with it.
20 NEW BUGGIES SOLD. -Up to Satur-
day, 0th inst., Walker & Smith, Bruesels,
sold 20 new buggies this season. $85.00
buggies at a reduced prima sell about as
foetus $66 buggies can be given away. We
have reduced our beet work. WwEEa &
ONE hundred screen doors, mortised, of
olear kiln dried pine, braced and finished
two Wats
Dorno, manufactured by
0ober, of E het, and sold by as at 51.25
complete. Leave your orders early and
enure the best value iu the market,
Antra BUOeIEo,-I have made arrenge-
ments with Walker & Smith to sell their
buggies, wagons and carts. I have a good
experience in the trade. and I know these
buggies to be the best. Give me a call
and I will sell as cheap as honest work
can be sold at. Bring along any wood
work and I will get it done for you. All
work guaranteed. P, SCOTT, Brussels.
0299 F7s:2bz,m nsAr.,=35:1cnm,
Fall Wheat ..,.
Barley....., .....
Oats ,
Butts', tabs and toile ...
Eggs per dozen
Flour per barrel.....,.., 4 00 4 60
Potatoes (per bag) 60 60
Hay per tan 5 00 5 50
Hides trimmed 65 55
Hides rough 6 ' 6
Salt per bbl., retail..,,, 1 00
Sheep skins, each ...,40
Lamb skins each 25
'Hogg, Live 4 40
Dreeeed Hogs 5 00
Apples (per bag) 50
1 00
1 00
[Undere'oe°a1erdiNinssreach t cent 0 o No
advt. lees than m Deme, however, to be paid
for wife" order is given I
Wagon trucks for sale. Bargain, W.
P, STNWAIIT, Brussels.
Jersey heifer calf for sale. Apply to
A good farm bone for sale cheap,
WAI,IfE13 & 504IT11, Brussels,
Blnok Cotton Stockings, All sizes,
warranted fast blanks at MBS, N0311i'S.
MAatarosu PEfRIN DUcas, - Imported
from the Celebrated Curtiss I)081c Fnnu,
40,151 for 11. J. N.lit;NUALL. 1'12
Lost between Brussels and Ethel on
Wednesday evening a roll of window shade
turning 15 to.10110 POSE1 bPnbliehlilgdatoune
at onto.
armn--The undersigned offers her
house and lot on Taruberry street, Brus-
sels, tom3VJhpremises.
Appysale. flood
HU5IL0I5, 37.8
Settings of lure {,red Blaolc Minorca
eggs for sale, 11.00 per '3. Pare bred Mu-
mma 0oolcerel for 8nlo. 05-tf
LESLII: NE110, Brussels,
The undersigned has a number of
young pigs, front m to 8 weeks old, for sale.
Apply at Lot 20, 4th Li„e, Morris.
43.2.' JOAN BABE,
OR we RAN0.-The undersigned Offers
ourTurutarc streerout t, Note tht of the errace
lately occupied by S. H. Jackson . For par-
ticulars apply to W.13 hoer, or the owner,
J. BOARS, Auburn P. 0, 30-,f
RENT.—Tho undersigned offers bis 50
acre farm, :being East (Pali Lot 30, Oon.7,
Grey, for sale or to rent, Tbero ars 90 acres
°leered, Rouse, water and all conveniences.
Possasaiou given at once, 'Far further per-
ticulars apply to 701110 GRANT, E the! P.O,
02 r
able JO•l�•l
Neve: Before
Have wo had such a demand for
As we are having this 9e aeon. Our
TRIMMING 1814013I1P ie kept: going
almost constantly, but we were quite pre.
pared for it having i:ougiat accordingly
and oonsequently our stook is in exaellent
shape yet. We are &Lowing exceptional
values in papers at 90, 00 and 7e, suitable
for bedrooms, ititobens, &c., and some
very attractive designs for dining rooms,
parlors, &o., from Be Upwards.
Parties lonuging their own papers
will find ib very convenient to have it
trimmed for thein ready to put ea the
wall, without adding auythiug to the cost
of it.
We do thie free at
Fox's Brag Store.
tWe are agents in Brussels for
Our Native Herbs,
Kootenay Rheumatic Cure,
Agnew's Heart Cure.
I1ARMS FOR SAY:IE.--THE Ubasevnral gN-
oale nd to1° 000 easy farms ind l oowuslripn
of alerris and Grey. fi 5. Si70TT,Bruseee
undersigned will 'teen for service, on
Lots, Con. 5, etrey, a there' brad improved
Yorkshire boar and a Nano' bred targe Eng-
lish Berkshire hog, Pedigrees may be seen
on application. Tonne 81.00, to be paid at
time of service, with privilege of returning
if memory, m cry, ARTHUR SMITE
10.4° Proprietor,
bought o registered Tamworth Hog
from R. George & Sous, Crampton, bred
from imported stook ca both sides, RN
sire weighed Ode los, at Toronto last Fall, I
have also a largo Euglieh registered Bork -
shire, bought from Jas, Dolrauce, Seaforth,
Pedigree may bonen on application, Terms
81,00. For sale -a number of pore bred
Berkshires 110 for breeding. I have O plge
one mouth old bred from a fall sister of the
•pow that got Mat prise et the World's Pair.
04-11 Lot 4 0th Liihe,Morns.
4) uli tlersigned will keep for service at
of the North 4 of Lot 30,.0 South, 5, and
South a-
Wawa -
nosh, This is an exaellent stook farm, being
well enntliod with goon opting water. Itis
sltu•ite1 "bout 3 miles from the thriving Vil-
lage of Blyth. A large part of it is under
grass, Buildings and fences era 1n a fair
nate of repair. Easy toms of pay1110110 will
be given. For all information apply to
11-tf G. F, B LAIR, Barrister, /amulets.
MISSION= offors 1110 100 acre farm for
Sale, being Lot 22, N t Con. 7, Morris, There
aro 70 acres elonred and under oxen, balance
hardwood bush. There is a Brod frame
1101100, with kitone, woodshed and cellar
complete ; bank barn with stelae stabling ;
orchard, wells, and all ether conveniences.
Onlyg of a mile from e0hool and 3 miles
frmn Brunets. Poesesaiou would be given
at one, For price and terms apply on the
t to Brussels P. 0. to
31.10 SIMON FORSYTH, Proprietor,
RENT,—The undersigned offers his
eligible 09 aero faun for sale dr to
rent, being South part of Lot 0, Comes -
Rion 12, Grey, Alt tinder cultivation, well
watered aid well found. 'There is a good
atone house, bank barn, orotund, wells, 90,,
en the premien. Also a splendid atone
quarry from which a good revenue is realis-
ed, Only Si utiles from premiels, Terme
roasovable, For further particulars 50 to
Price, 80., apply to
JOHN MIT0305LL,Proprietor,
33.01 Brunie P, 0.
lull' "ItMGti(iaudylm,' Pedigree tuay be seen
on appilr, oto°. 1), W, UUNBA11,
42_ 1'0oprtetor.
1.� undersigned w111 keep for service on
Lot 10, 0011.15, (+rex, the genre' brad Here-
ford boll "Picture; Also a thorn' bred Dur-
ham bull, Both ate exceptionally 000 an-
imals. ^1ermo, 51.00, to he paid Jan. lst,
1800, with privilege of rtturuing if necessary,
41.1 0419411t '1'UIRNB ULL,
4+J f''af'Ui'frlids'OnJa
!I COMMCrcial School of the high-
est grade—nolle better in the'
Catalogue Free.
W. Y. ELLIOTT, Principal.
This store is so well known throughout the country that there seems but Bible..
00 need of advertising it. Doubtless you aro aware that it is conduotod ou bnsineae
40 principles from first to lash, No exaggeration, no sharp brides, but everything 000
25 on a fair and square basis. If this store tells you an article is all silkoudnw de -
4 60 pend on getting silk ; if ib'e wool, cotton, linen or whatever material is used, the will
5 75 tell you. It's our business to know whet goods aro made of, and sylvan you buy you
50 have a perfect right to know what you ere getting. In every rasped we do es we
scam ,
BLaelarr,-In Brussels, on April 2401,
the wife of Mr, James W. 13iashill,
of a son.
WlLicneot,-In Alberni, Vancouver Is.,
on March 290h, the wife of Mr,
James Wilkinson, of a dangbter.
Moltm,-In Ebbe!, on Monday, April
25th, the wife of Mr. 13. McKee, of a
Fsnecsoo,-In Ethel, on Monday, April
255h, the wife of Dr, Ferguson, of a
Mc8t Doi -Lr Morris, on Sunday, April
24th, John Matter, aged 70 years,
5 months and 24 days.
Al t0anee,- In Platteville, on April 02nd,
Poieoilla Spatting, beloved wife of
David Aldridge, formerlyof Brussels,,
aged 30,
RonzosoN,-At hie rssidonae f0, East
Wawaeooh on Saturday, April 28rd,
Ildwerd ltobinaon, aged 74 yoare, 10
menthe wad 6 trays,
We've never had ae busy a Milliuory enema ae the present. Additions are being
made almost every day, and you will find the stook in good shape, Special Line
Trimmed Hats, 52 and $2.60, 11 you would like ono trimmed to order we'l[iv
our best attention wad you will be euro to have a hat that becomes you. Sailors o o,
40c, 50o, 760 and $1. The "Verona” Turban, an elegant and ebylleh hat, s ocial 5801
Ribbons, Flowers, Feathers, overything that (foes to melte etylish.lmadwoa s found
here. MISS TODD ie in charge of the Millinery Department,
We nil It2on'e Bats tee well aa Ladies', Soft Fedora,
Dark Brown, f3 specials at $1, $1.25 wad 51,50, c o a Hats fn Blaolr, Lfglrt and
SPIOR l r a OLOT7-1I N .
We cannot lay too much etreee on Shoroy's Clothing 10 looks well, Fite well,
wears well. Probably you have received a pard or circular about ib. Dr
see it. It must be good oe we would noop et and
4 sell 00 much. . Every artiolo oxaatly as.
L j y' Y
� g TH.