The Brussels Post, 1898-3-25, Page 8Bicycles 1 Bicycles ! $12,80 will buy a Child's Wheel, poem, maple tire ; $20.00 for Gent's "crescent" B1oyole. Has been ridden only two seasons $25.00 will buy a Lady's "Crescent." Sas been used very little ; $88,00 for a "Hyslop," new the Fall of '80, rt $100 wheel ; $47,00 will buy a new "Crescent," guaranteed for 1 year. Nothing better for the money and very few at .any price ; $00,00 fora '08 "Cr'esoent," up•to•date, guaranteed for 1 year. Either Lady's oe Gentleman's, $88,00 will buy a Tandem for Lady and Gentleman. Best vale°, anywhere, A'08, up•to•date wheel, guaranteed for 1 year, Remember we are Agent in Brussels for the well known "eh:meant" wheelo. G. A. Deadman, Druggist, Optician es Bookseller, SRAND TRUNK RAILWAY. 8001001000 EXTRESION W. 0. tt n. Trains team Brussels Station, North and South, as follows : Gorea 800011. Goowo Roam, @apress 7:10 am, 0100!1 ,.,.,.,.... 2:10 p.m f¢Ixed...,..,0;45 am, I Express ,•,...10:01 pan o Ct1.0 � .C.�U �.C111•a, A ohiel's amang ye takin' notes, An' faith he'll prem it, CLEAN Up. BAD roads. GET ready for suckers, Fain day next Thursday. Home Fair Thursday of next week. ANOTHER laundry is mooted in town. Tern egg wagons are again on the move. Recta on Brussels Driving Park on the Queen 'e Birthday. A Pew more weddings are on the pro- gram between now and June. A PHREN0L0018T is descanting on the bumps of our residents this week. A New addition hae been built to the rear of Jno. MoDougall'e residence, Al- bert street. Tan foot bridge got a little jarred by the freshet last week bat will be set to rights again. TereetAxs es Soil have fitted tip a com. fortable bedroom over their office in their livery barn. P.Lzoo Sunday comes on April 3rd, a week from next Sunday ; Easter Sunday is a week later, April 10th, IROBT. ARMSTRONG has removed the verandah from his residence and will substitute a fancy porch instead. OMIT PRINCESS ALEXANDRIA, C. 0. F., will hold its regular meeting Tuesday evening of next week, at 8 o'olook. See. eral initiations are expeoted. Teas week Jno. Hewitt's tonsorial par. for received a new Spring suit of green in the shape of paper and paint, Andrew Sample wielded the bush. The shop looks quite tarb. ExctraeroN To MODEL PARM,—Ail ar- rangements have been completed by the East Heron and Turnberry Agricultural Societies for the running of a union ex. oarsioie to the Model Farm, at Guelph, over the G. T. R. Tim excursion will be run on June 20th. MONTioLY Henn FAIR.—The next and last Horse Fair for this season will be held in Brussels on Thursday, March 31st, and will probably be the biggest and beat of the series. Don't think the above date ie a mistake as it is all right. Our Fair le always the Thursday before the first Friday. Oubeide and local buyers are expected to be here on the 81st so a good Fair may be counted on, A unmet meeting of Brussels School Board was held last Monday forenoon. It was moved by J. G. Skene, seconded by A. Ooueley, that Leon F. Jackson be allowed to withdraw his resignation and that the motion passed ea last Board meeting be rescinded.—Carried. Mr. Muer, the janitor, was reported tie attend- ing to hie duties both faithfully and oom. patently. REDDY" Sot.D.—It i9 reported that D. O'Leary, of Petrolia, has sold his fast trotting horse "Reddy," well known bare, to a gentleman in Austria, through the agency of Richard Roche. The price is said to be $1,000. "Reddy" will be for. warded at ouoa to his new owner and will no doubt give a good a000unt of bimeelf in the hands of his old driver. Fred. Anderson 'will a000mpany the horse across the briny, it is said. OnIT.—Laeb Friday morning the spirit of Sarah Manger, beloved wife of Wm, Denbow, Elizabeth street, took its flight. Deceased had been poorly for some time with Graves' disease, but was apparently recovering when nervous prostration set in, resulting in her decease. A husband and one son are left to mourn the demise of wife and mother. Mrs. Denbow was 24 years of age and was respected by all who knew her. She was a member of the Methodist church, The funeral, on Sabbath afternoon, was largely attended. Rev. R, Paul eonduoted an appropriate service. Interment was made ab Bras• eels cemetery. Mr. Denbow and other relatives are deeply sympathised With in their bereavement, TzE OAnrET FAOToaY,—Last Friday •a canvas wee made of the town and 38 sub• scribers, of 810.00 eacb, obtained as a loan to the proposed Carpet faotory com- ing bete from Elora. A meeting of those interested in the matter was held in the Council Ohember on Saturday evening, when W. H. Kerr was chosen Cbairman and Poatmaster Farrow Secretary. After dismissing the situation B. Gerry and W. Vanetone were appointed as a delega. tion to eleit Elora on Monday and report the reeulb on Tuesday at 9 a. m. It was agreed that the money collected be bank. el by M. Kerr to the credit of the Com- mittee until its further disposal. The gentlemen referred to made the viait and repotted, but no further action was taken, ten days being granted for righting 09r- tein matters that were obetaalee in further progress. A vote of thanks was passed to 1lesere. Gerry and Venetone and their expenses ordered to bo pald out of the Monies collected, Hume garden, snaking is to the frot (hioAP rates on the 0. T. 11, for Ea 3, G. BEENE. set the pace by 'tan out his awning leeb week. Bewron'e Dilate Ton's Cabin nips in the Town Ilnll on Tuesday eve and had a good home, There are be ebowe on the toad, They went f here to Blyth. Temene Wtoorav,---Tenders will be re• ceived up to April 4011 for pine plank unit cedar scantling for sidewalk purposes ju Brussels. l2or further information w or apply to the Reeve or Clerk. le, S. Sony, (11er1 A real' or so of stove wood was in from piles belonging to Messrs, Built McLaren and George Halliday one night recently, 11 somebody is brought with a round turn they need not be a prised. Sr•a1No'Millinery Opening will take place at fibre, E. Rogers' on Paisley and Saturday of next week. Miss Dunbar spent eeveral weeks visiting the leading millinery 'Pensee and is now boy pro. paring for the opening. WE1,NI•ut.tT of this week Bev, Juo. Ross, B. A., tiod the matrimonial bow between Arthur Jarkeon, 1th hue, Morris, and Miss ray Mnodiu, of the same township. The ceremony wag perforated at the Manse. May good luck attend them, TEE POST returns Ile hearty thanlce a goodly number of subseribere who h remitted the amount due during the p week, Dear reader if you are nob seje ed up will yon kindly take this gen hint. It takes the solid each to run newspaper, Tno Odd Fellows came nearly hay an all night session on Thursday of I week. Some of those desiring degr were leaving for the West this we hence the extra work for that night. was a memorable occasion, but some lbs 3 linkers came near catching "gowd when they got home abeut 3 a. m. had a close squeak. THERE is a grist of young lads w make a practice of congregating at the corner of Turnberry and King streets to the annoyance of Mr. Strachan and Mr. Fox ae well as the in000veuienoe of pate vers by. The boys are now notified that it will not be permitted and the Constable has been instrnoted to look after the lads who loiter. The youths who think it their duty to yell at the top of their voice are also asked to keep the orifice Mo their fare closed. Been INsrRrussrs.—Five instruments belonging to the town Band were relent - y sent to Toronto for repairs and renew- al of parte used top. There were two ornets and three altos in the number. They came back on Saturday looking bout as good as new, and while the bill, 27, looks a little steep, a good job has donesend an Instruments useless for everal years are now in good condition, t would be well if the Managing Com• mittee of the Band would eee that better are to taken of the outfit than is often accorded by some of the members. THE BRUSSELS POST It. A 1,A10411 saappiug turtle was brongbt star. to Brussels on '1'neaday forenoon by king Henry Stevenson, lltb enn, Grey. It Wats 019130red in the lieanohamp Creel; Arad and weighed about 13 pounds. nine l3eei,Bate.--A meeting to organise tier Biwa Ball Club will be held in the Coon• rein (I1one. 100 Pil,lied Beltway fdi ', net to be ie- S�% i':1,2/' ,.I /I ) .1 A T/ T.!' OF (3/I t.:1,1) I nvtdote. We lied the following a Onto• �•e .L� 1 .t! 1. ✓1 JP 1i -!• 0.0., Toronto to Guelph, 20e, ; To. '•Onto to London $1,00 : 'Toronto to 1/hatlrlm, 81 r,0 Tomb) to Niagara HEAD OFFICE, - TOR 0 N T Q ea es, 90o. T,- n prime ahnuld melte ASSETS, (Seven Million Dollars) • $17,000,000 Ott Cjlanlbet next Monday evening at 1 tlaelpe,limL only eeet0. . I1 D, Toronto, via CAPITAL (Authorized) - ,000,000 82 c'ciccic, A largo turn out ealleited and pr0lnpt0800 as to time of commonable Mr, G1adet,n,, le ill, buetneeoldasired. The body of the late Mr Colo Peat - T =e-e-xees..xexezemEmere 1E72. nE taliowtug ,unitary nota le cif rr,Lstar-of.Big esetnd, was found neer rite I interest to Ulla emotion of oonutry 1_- Ileeeronbo, 11e lost his life while ducts Thirty third Ilumt ll ,ttaliou... £ tv• ellooljog mat pall, t. I master and lIonorery Major 1'rauois A terrible affair occurred abort twelve oleo Jordan le retired under the provisions miles from Brookville on Monday night, h ,0 of paragraph 51, and is permitted to re - lain the honorary rants of mdjor on re• tlroment. TRE Alma (elioh,) Record of silo Its It inst., gives plane to the obituary notice of Mrs. Adelaide V. 0,Iarcltmont, who pass. el away suddenly on March Lith, She had been failing in health for mouths and on the day referred to while busied with her household duties dropped dead from heart failure, aged 43 'years. The body was taken to Exeter, Out., for interment. This was her former home. Mrs. March moat wee te devoted Christian woman and , -- =- the paper says her placid wi,1 be hard to .,.Q=••-: • fill, The deceased 1011.0 to antsi5 to 1'. A. l;ur;ur.tt. In Grey, oto elerrh Hawkins, of Brussels. ! the wife of Mr, William prover of a CONOnATvLATO5Y.—Tlturaday evening of ul»• last week before the business of Court B1ICEait—let L:etouel, 0u Merril 1E111, Princess Alexaudria, Canadian Order at the wife r.' lir. J. Bricker of a •:n, Forestate, oonalDrlecl, tits following ad- Ro.Ds ---In Li towel, on 'March 13 h, the dress was presented to Grand Organiser ifs of'Ir. Johnson W. ROI a of a dnugbter. $::0r.l on•E—WirsoN.—At the re,-i]enoe of the brute's parents, Beavvri.on, on February 23rd, by Rev. J. It. Butler, air. Andrew Snelgrove, of Beaverton, to Miss Roselle t}' t , f rmorly of up 01.' t0 are est Ar- tie Strong e— a 11r. Strong, Grand Or•Uavi;rr G, 0. F. t ing DEAR San AND Bno„—We, the officers aet and members of Court Princess Alexau- ese drift, No. 24, Brussels, osnnot permlt yon etc, to conclude your energetic and sucoeeefnl It labors hero without expreeetng oar united of thanks for the efficient aid you have y” rendered our Court. Your motto appears We to be "Deeds, not Words" and ae a con. sequence you leave no with a membership bo 27 stronger than when you Laine a weer, ago, our roll now showing 105. We eon• gratulate you on the ability displayed in your conscientious work to advance can - adieu Forestry and feel safe in saying you are the right man in the right place, We wish you increasing success as sou progress in year work and will bo glad to hear of you acquiring gold as well ae glory for the valuable eervioee rendered in building up and extending our noble Order. We will cherish manykindly reminieoenees of your visit and hope that before very long you will come to see us again. 13y order of the Court. Mr. Strong made a most suitable reply and gave some very practical pointers relative to the Order and its work. WE DEy1AND IT,—Brussels has quietly and with the best grace possible put up with the greatest inoonvenienoe in Don• nection with the G. T. R. and their time table for long months. We have come to the conclusion that patience has ceased to be a virtue, and in behalf of the town end in justice to it and the surrounding oonnty who generously banded over good fat bonuses, we think an additional train each way should be put on, as they should never have been out off. Baal - nese has picked up in both passenger and freight traffic and the G. T. R. is not giving this section more than its due in bettering our means of transportation. The idea of not being able to get from Goderioh (oar Coenty Town,) Exeter, Clinton, Blyth, or any station on the L. H.& B. to Brussels in one day is simply an outrage, when by bolding the seoond train on the W. G. it B. at Wing ham Junotion 0001111 o'olook a. tit, he, stead of it leaving at 9, a firet.olaes con. nection would be given. That would still allow 1 hour at Palmerston before the mixed leavee for Guelph and Hamil- ton. Wheu such a state of affairs exists is it not the essence of nerve to refuse passengers the privilege of reaching Brussels via Stratford and Listowel, even if that is going round the world for sport, Brussels Ins borne this imposi- tion long enough, and we claim, properly so, too, we think, that we deserve and have a right to expert tie fair treatment at the bands of the G. T. R. as our rival towns of Wiogham and Listowel. What have the Grand Trunk authorities to say about it ? ,1- M, :!aribnor being shot and instantly k'lied by Wm. Pear. It appears that Foribner, about eleven o'eloolc, triecl to awaken the Peat family by Melting lite trent door of their resieeno5, Pear earl• ed and demanded that he should give his n one, but Boril'ner• being deaf did not h'ar. Pear aerie told hint he would shoot if ho did nob ser who he was, Oo,ting na reepotse and thinking him a burglar, lir fired, killing him instantly, Seri biter and Peer wore friend b c THE ENTRANCE ExAtaINATI°N9 —Thos High School Entrance and Public School Leaviog examinations for 1898 will begin Tuesday, June 28th, at 8.45 a, 10. The course of study presoribed for the exam- ination is that given in the revised regu• lotions, except that Physiology and Tem- peranoc take the place of Botany at the. Public Sohool Leaving examinations. Any mieuuderetanding on the part of candidates regarding the requirements le to be dealt with by the local board in settling results, The revised regulations do not, as formerly, rill for the presen- tation of book work in writing, drawing, etc., at either the High School Entrance or Publio School Leaving examinations. For the latter examination, book work, if presented by candidates, is to be taken into acoount, as last year; in view of the special provisions announced for 1898. TooE IT SACS,—In response to a letter from Barrister Blair, noting as solicitor for Robert Armstrong, of Morris, the Returning Officer in the Glbson•Haye election, the News -Record of Clinton, eats bumble pie he the following man- ner : "During the campaign we repro. duped from an exchange a paragraph dealing somewhat severely with the re• (Aker oer in an election in East Huron several years ago. We wouldn't know the official in question from Adam and gave space to the article in perfect good faith, bot are pleased to receive his denial of the yarn, holue.bolns, As we are giving more prominence to setting this matter right than was afforded the extraotin the first inetanoe, we expert that the late R. 0. and hie friend in Brussels will not for a moment longer oonsidor that they lie under any odium whatsoever in this metter," It is rather amusing the "perfect good faith" that marks the publication of these slanderous paragraphs, but it strikes the onlooker as marvellous that they are always directed to further the ends of the party whom these mere sugport. As F.4LeE AS IT Ia SILLY,—Last Decem- ber, in connection with Huron County Connote circular from the Dominion Alliance was presented, caking for their approval or recommendation. In speak- ing of thie matter Ton POST acid that Oc, Counoillor Mooney was the only member of that body who appeared will- ing to urge the Co. Council to approve of it, on the ground that bodies of that hind usually gave their influence to all quer• Sone tbab tend to public morals. Some Conservatives have been foolish eonngh to state that this was a blow aimed at M. Mooney, while several Liberals in- formed us that we were driviug at Co. Councillor Hislop. Neither are right, as TRE Pose had neeintention or thought of either political parties, but was showing the unwillingness of public bodiee to take action on the question of Temperance. Had the matter stopped here we would not have referred to it at all, but certain parties, 9ome of whom our Solicitor fe now dealing with, have wilfully circulat- ed a story that the Editor of Ten Post after giving plane to the aforementioned editorial note, hypocritically sent mark- ed copies of his paper to all the hotel - keepers in East Huron to prejudice them against Mr, Mooney, This is a deliberate mesh lie, as no ch marked Dopy was forward. ed to any hotel man, or anybody else, from TRE Pose, duringor prior to the ideation campaign, e have enquired from Brussels hotelkeepers and, with the exception of the Queen's, the proprietore say they did not motes marked papers, and we have no doubt if those outside of Brus9010 were naked concerning the mat. ter they would tell the same story, We don't mind a joke, but whet a party paddles a libelous yarn frarn house to house we purpose stopping it, and that is why we gave iostruotione to our Solicitor to deal with one gentioman and ask him to fernieb proof for hie statements, Business Locals. Cloven and timothy Beed at McCreak. en's. WHEELS from $40 up t0 8100 at A. Oouoley's. CLOVER and Timothy Beed by oar lob at Beaker ,& Vanetone, A. CoueLEY handles everything that is used by a bioyole rider. Romeo to let over MoOreokon's store. Apply to W. J. MoOraoken. Fon sale cheap two sett seoond hand single harness. I. C. Riohards. Dm you see the Gondron bike in A. Cousley's window ? It's a dandy, Goon, dry Amerioan corn, the beet for feeding purposes, for sale at Roes' mill, CLEVELAND wheels alae great seller0. Six sold since Jan. let, 1898, A. Conley.FoR sale a number of good round cedar posts suitable for feooing, I. C. Riohards, E. e& D. beariuge aro guaranteed for three yeare, Come iu and see them, A, ()mislay, IN harness and collars we lake the lead and guarantee eatiefaotion, i. (1. Bechards, I trete, be found at my old stand, Blaeh• ill's block, to receive any quantity 01 Butter and ,Eggs, 3100, TAIT, REPAI00 in boots, shoes and harness, collars, en., done neat and cheap. I. C. Richards, Oen cutter left out of 40. Will be sold at a bargain, or wood oe limber would be taken in exchange. Walker es Smith,Brussels. SRR James Ballantyne before buying your bioyole for 1808. He is handling Tlie Maseoy-Harrie," "The London," "Capital," "Ohio" and "Alert," and is prepared to quote you close prioes, B3o0OLEs.--Are yon thinking of buying a wheel this Spring ? If you are call and see the Raymond wheel at J, J. Gilpin'a implement shop, Vote wheel is a dandy, and prime ale right, Guaranteed for one year. TOE Kr.00miao Ax Beall,—Anyone who would like to make money fast lead bettor see Sawfilor McGregor now, as ha oilers to malt's $1,000 for each 8100, inside of two years. This money is required to pay for the patents, This will be made on patents on the latest im- proved new saw tools that Mac. made and owns, T. McGregor, Sawillor and Inventor, Bruaeels, Queen St., East, Ont„ Canada, n sou n Blyth. 40310'100N0—Lr.tenat.1N.--At the residence of the brid.'s parents, East Wewen- n el, on 1'"rob 15th, by Rev. T. E. lIigleY, u Blyth, Mr. John Arm. strong, of Vest Wawauosh, to Mies Elizabeth Isabella, ssoond daughter of Mr. Richard Leishman. 9leakl0e-8aoao,—At the Methodist par- sonage, Listowel, on Metall llch, by Rev. Dr. Williams, Mr. John Sharp - in, of Hot:•ick, to Miss Mary Short, of Turnber..y. ,J.10000013' -00111101110. -...At the Manse, Brus- sels, on Wednesday, March 23rd, by Rev. John Bess, 13, A„ Mir. Arthur J'lokson to Miss Amy ltfuudin, both of Morrie. as>✓a_ DENnrw,—tn Brussels, on Friday, Menlo 18th, 1848, Sarah Blamer, beloved wife of William Denbow, aged 24 years, 1 month and 8 days. 7 LEnn.—In i rh am on Sunday, March 21tb, Sadie E., youngest daughter of ?Jr. and alts. Matthew Kerr, aged 33 years and 5 months. . 07'Ot^20no ,oAS.. . FRIDAY, ltlar',h 25111.—Farm stook, im- plements, &e. Lot 1, Con. 11, Gray. Ssle at 12 o'olook, (noon.) Richard Redford, Prop , F. S. Soots, Auo. Tunnel:, '.arch 29th.—Farm stock, implements, toe. North a tut 20, Don. 0, 'Morris. Sale unreserved, at 1 o'clock. Isaac Curry, Prop„ F. S. Soott, Auo. WP.DNESDAY, Marob 301.h.—Farm stook, implements, etc. Lot 10, con. 10, Grey. Sale at 1 o'olook and will be unreserved as farm has been Bold. John Brown, Prop., F. S. Scott, Ana. FRIDAY, April let,—Farm, farm stook, i•nplemente, ,fro. Lot 32, eon. 14, Grey. Yale ttnreservr•0, at 1 o'clock. D. J. Shine, Prop., F. S. Scott, Auc, 'tamales is all principal pointe in Ontario, Quebee, Ilianifobs, ignited States if' llnelulul, tt'%:n`,�`ard4 S' . `8't:ax-ctd'". A General ,Banking Basinees transacted, Farmers' Notes Dimmounted, Drafbe Luned tine (lolleotione made on ell 901111o, SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT, Interest allowed on deposits of $1.00 and upwards from dot of dopooit to date o withdrawal and oompounded half yearly, 8980IIAL ATTENTION 0IVEN TO TOE COLLECTION 00' 1i'oioonu n' BALE NoTne, Every faoility afforded Customers living at a distance, J. A. STEWART MANAGER, .w.mrateeaacrnnideraddrsrn sex,wmmmaesn'.aee„an.adea.,••.._.-..___ n3xztrnr:aa✓z�� se.Ea,._.,.r_'�'re5. - l OR SALE, AT r 1 13 ,u BARGAIN Full Wheat Barley,— ......... Nona O't Ls butter, Lube and rolls , Eggs per dozen Flour per barrel "Potatoes (per bog) Hay per ton Ilides trimmed Hides rough Salt per biol., retail.,,., 1 00 00 Sheep skins, 00011 ..,.,, 40 40 Lamb skins oaoh 25 25 Hogs, Live 4 30 4 40 Dressed Hogs 5 00 0 00 Apples (per bag) 50 50 82 a0 Ala. Frnpamety llu,onen and Stable, with :3U 0rro lana, ndjrolaing the village of Ethel,30 Also woll•bred Jersey Bull for service, 1 el ;,.t 30nr O 27 ,47 00 io i; G S FUltiirl'L'r;lIIN0., 7111 undersigned bn0 eggs from pore bred , • 4 00 4 00 'Plymouth hock and Wblto Leghorn fowl 00 00 fol' sea, 0, 1100U(111ll. Grahanl'o Hervey, ,i O 5 5110'01- 0 lfruesele' 107-11 i 5 THE PEOPLE'S COLIIBVIN. �77 ORUE S FOR SALE, OR 1 will puruhe.se 11 en{taLle anneals are oliered, B. BII1t110, Brussels, 50- Fr OUSE AND LOT FOR 1ALI0,—The Ltndereiguod offers her house and lot On Turnborry street, Brus- sels, for silo, flood well on the premlees, Appi y to MBB, BIXBY OVILBE:;, 97.4 OUSE AND LOT FOR SALE on TO RMS.—The Undersigned offers for sale or to rent that 1i story frame lianaon Tnrubalry street, Nor h of the Teases, lntaly occupied by S. H. Ja0hson. For, par- ticulare01)81y to W. H. Kerr, m• the ewuer, J. H0A1t!„ Auburn P. O. y0.,f mo PIG BREEDERS.—I RAVE bought a registered Tamworth Bog from R. George & Sons, Crampton, bred from imported stock o n 'lath sides. His sire she ad sig lbs. E at Toronto last Fall, 1 have boo a le rg0 English D registered S Bark - shire, bought :bot Jas. LPp110t o. .Termst Pedigree.For besoon on 1pOel' ofr.ttpu e 81,00. For sale—a number of pure bred Berone monthires l bre breeding. of I have .9 Pb e one month rid bredr from l full slater of t', sow that got first prim at rho Wn'ld'e Fair. 3401ES 8BEIR, si•tf Lot 90, 0110 Li ue, Morrie, TOOI1 SALE.—A GOOD, FRAI1E house, ,n excellent repair, coma Wee seven rooms, besides a good Summer and Winter kltti .en with hard end soft wster under rover. The house, which will bo sold 10,00 VA it is, is hnuds001e1y furnished throughout with now furniture and well heated by hot air. There are large 010004s, well kept, and au excellent garden et000Od wit h choice apple, Dear, plums and cherry trees, together with all the smaller frnit0, ail in goad bearing contrition. This plane oiler's a most desirable home for a farmer 'wishingto retire from active life, and will. be solon reasonable terms, For all par- ticulars app'to O. P,BLAYR, 110 -if Solicitor, Brussels. THE GRAND of Brussels, - Spring', 1898. vk ism 63 Begs to announce that her grand Millinery Opening will take place on FRIDAY and SATURDAY, When will be shown, without exception, the Largest, Choicest and most Elaborate display of Millinery ever seen in Brussels, Our ac- complished Milliner, Miss Dunbar, has been at great pains to secure all the very Latest Novelties and we feel justified in say- ing that never before has she shown such ex- cellent taste. We most cordially invite evei^y lady to see our lovely Millinery and Capes which We cannot describe in an advertisement, Remember the dates of Opening, Friday and Saturday, April ist and 2nd, and don't forget to come, We will be glad to sce everybody, f Leckie 13Zook, .ZBr usseZ,s, REAL ESTATE. VIARIlf FOR SALE.—I50 AORES of the Consisting 01110120, r out2,i and t (Wawa- Wawa - nosh, 'Thio Is au 000001,, it stools Tarte,bchtg woll 'situated about 4 milgood. s lr,utl the thriving Vil- Vil- lage of Blyth. .A largo part of it Is under grass. Buildings and 'ancon aro in afair state of repair. Easy terms of payment will be given, For all lulorr 'ttier apply to 11-tf G. F. BLA.IIR, 3arrlatel•. Brussels, 1AB00T FOR SALE.. --THE UN- ta1e, being L t 2, N )� 0" ,g 7 t 100 io011,,, for tiro 70 acres cleared and Ruder crop, helium hardwood bush, Theo is a gcod name honer', with kitchen, Is, 'dated and collar complete; honk barn 01.,h 0toue- stabling; orchard, wells, and all .'ther Oonvoulouues, Only i' eta mile from , •hool a1,d 8 milds from Brussels, Possess:on w011111 be 0000 tit 0000, For price and -terms apply on the Premises or to Brussels 1'. 0., to al-tf SIMON 1v0RSY'TH , Proprietor. 7p47AR14I FOR,SALE OR TO A Mister, --Tao undersigned offers hie eligible 04 nate faro for sato or to rent, befog South part of Lot 5, Canoes. don Grey. ll in tr cultivation, waerd a20ll fonc erwell Mono house, bank barn, orchard, welts, &0„ on the prem1009. Also a splendid stone 40,0111 from whisk a sand 1'ovemne ie realis- edbel i o131es from Brussels. Terms ireM1BOnable yy' 'For further partiuulare as 10 price, apply to JOHN MITCHELL, Proprietor, 32.31 Brussels P. O. ('1 OCD FAROIS FOR SALE.— The undersigned offer two 100 acre farms for sale at reasonable prices0, The lots axe Nos. 10 and ,aideroall betweenitheem. Good b(Sunshine)rick icit house and barn on lot 11, and house and 3 barna on los 10. Orchards and all neoeseory ronvon. fences. Well 01ateeed mud suitable for grain or grazing. 100 acres nr tv la grass 07311 i3O &old either Separate or t.'gotht-r to suit 711313- 01131000, Terms of payment ro,eonablo. ft- modiate 1,o0eoseiou. For further particulars "081}'00 300109$ OLEGG, Brussels, 1'. G.. or E, L. DIOXXIN ON, Barrister, wiughum, 25.4 Mal', 2,i, 1898 LL PAPEH TA L I Although it may seem a little early for houae•oleating still it rnll9t come ere long and we would advise those who put po.ve doing any papering to drop le as early ns possible and take it look throagh our samples when the stools is complete. IVe are this Spring al owing a very flue range of papers and at prima that will boar comparison with tiny. for the con• veinier% of our eastoner0 we have pro pared 4 Sample ,Eooks each containing Samples and Prime of all our rape's, which we will bo pleased to fot•nielt to any one 01101)108138 take the samples home. Alreo.ly a number have availed themeolvoe of titin means of mals• ing a selection and find it most Betiefa°. tory, 0 Trilnlnillg Machine is proving a great 91101808 as paper Trim. mast by this Insane can be done so much Moor than by hand, a,1 as it adds moth• lug to the cost of it why not save your- self the trouble. We will deem it a pleaenro to show yen our steak - AT ip Fox's Drag Store. tARM TO RENT,—TRE UN— i�' nnnomnEn desires to rent his 75 acre farm, out of Lot 10, don, 14, Groy, There are 50 acres cleared, 38 under crop, 12 in pas- ture and 5 iu grass. Soleil house and new barn on farm. Possession immediately, For terms apply on the 1n'umio,oe or to Oran - brook P. 0,, to ADAM SIINCLAIR Prop, 7,100 olwb ey 7 30x,0 old, for sato. weighing ove94 4 1 CENTR/440,1060 evasu, 25ha!$11bgyi,,,OJU t Becogni:ecl throughout the Domin- ion as the Lending Commercial ,School. Spring term begins April 4th. Chtan,g,.e levee, W. X. ELLIOTT, Principal. Shopping'lows -of Spring 'royalties All of which are open for Inspection, All the Fashionable Weaves of Dress Goods, All the conceptions of the Silk Weaver, .&11 the Dainty Styles of Wash Fabrics, All the Seasonable Fads in Ribbons. Al' THE ® 6 ®—.._.os¢ezr DRESS GOODS COUNTER - has been brought together a collection of Spring Fabrics which are truly tempting—if not to say bewildering, on account of the great variety of Weaves and wide range of Colors. Isere is a little lot worth a visit to see :•-- Bedford Cords, Brocades, Cheeks, Plaids, Stripes, Covert Cloths, Tweeds, Grenadines, Lustros, Sicillians, Solieals, Surges, Capons, Nuns Voilings. , ntoroeti ,g Lot of 51110. 22 incl' Lyon Silks, the printed India kind, at a very unusual price too, 75c. per yard. High class Black Brocades and Ttttlettas brought to a price that deserves attention, 75c. per yard. Bright new Sarah and Apanese Wash Silks, all shades and blank, at 25c., 850,, 45c., GGc. and 75c. About Now Veilings. At the Veiling Counter a genuine entertainment is in store for the Ladies who enjoy a sight of Now Dots, New Spots, New Meshes, and all that comes into the creation of that important item of a woman's wardrobe—the vii]. Hero is a choice lot of Dots, Spots and P1aiu and Fancy Meshes at 20c,, 25c., BOc, and 85c. The largost and most up•to-date stock to make your Spring selections from. Prices always the Lowest. No trouble to Show Goods. & 000