The Brussels Post, 1898-3-25, Page 7} it ;MAnon 215, i38, THE BRUSSELS POST. BiATTIFIO VTION. THE MENTAL PICTURE THAT CROWN. ED STEPHEN'S MARTI!RDO1Y1, Obi iIEA11EN, A 1A1V! 8 WNW Rev, lir. 'Talmage 151selay9 the Ilvont in Piro 9ingniiirent Hord Piet ures ('110 1 e Neon U I:verylnle for 1 sleet :1I 3101 1 Y Ilitnsell get ere Pull IdrnilznUop lead Llue eyes and light. complexion and e. very grateful sil'uoture, lout 1 min - posts it ens all guesswork. The paint - oris of the different. apes have tried to imagine tee features of Christ and put. 1.it•+til upon 20$11 NS, hilt we will have to watt wait with our utas eyes we s." blue anti wit 11 our own ears we an lens hits, tA.nd yet there 1s 0, way of seleing and (tearing hdtn naw. 1 have tra t+ell yew that unless you 'e0 and beer Christ. vu e41r111 you will never aa.=e and laser 111111 in heaven, hook 1 There he is. Behold. the Lamb of Lull. 1• C'nn you not: see 111,1'! 'Then prey to (ud to take twee setal6s off pate eyes. leetselnietote :Maeda 111,-15 3'. De, Tel (Look tient way—try to (auk that leap. (imide tants Morning preached from Acts lits voice tomes down to you this day viz. 504116 Behold 1 see the houvens nglene'J," etc, UN said: Stet/hell kid been preachingaloin6 a 10 its- img 0('1314131, and the people could not stand it. Whey resolved to 'lo as Men sometimes would like to da, in Mils day, if. they (10red,'with some plain protten- es of righleo'tlsness--ki11 11411, 'Cho poleon 11J, welcomed the Czar of Rale- onlh• way to s(len(e 11118 nein was to aim end the Su,ltttn of Turkey to his knock the breath out of hint. Su they, feast, the 1am11e1'or of G3rma07 was glad to have oar mdnister, G1orgu comes down to th,e blindest, deafest Neal, saying, "Look unto mel a ends ail Y and be <s or the earth, Ial 5'0 sieved, f(r Ir God, andtthere is none Plea." Proclamation of 'universal em - universal alnal»N'ty 1'01' all rebels! Hal- ebeszer gathered the Baby'luuish 11114108 to his table, George L entertained the lords of England (k a banquet, Nig rushed Stephen out of the gates of the ell y, and ]vib11 euiree and whoop and bellow they brought hila to the cliff, ns '(vas the custom when they wanted to lake away life by atoning. Having brought him to the edge of the elitee. Illloy pushed hint off, After be but fallen they came and looked deem, and seeing (5181 he won not yet dead, they begun to drop stens upon 'him, stone 'I > after stone (Amid this horrible rain Bancroft, sit down with hit, at his table, but, tell me, ye who know meah of the world's 11is10r7, what other (ting ever asked .the al•unloned and the for- lorn and the wretched and the out- cast to conte and tilt beside hint? 011, wonderful imitation! You can 1.nice it 1p -day end stand at the bend of the darkest alley i11 any city uud say: "Come! Clothes for your rags, salve for your some, a throne for your eternal reigning." A Christ that talks par - of tike that and as Like that and t Mist: les .S:opium Members up on his clone Dike that—(lo you wonder that Isnees and folds his hands while the Stephen stood looking at him? 1 hope h' to spend eternity doing elle erne blood drips from 11,is 'temples to is tiling. I most see him; 1 must 0031 •d a lh 11(• •.1 cc t :.e once (oil l his arm- upon 'teat fa 3 cheeks to u v e0 g from lits l u ks o he0 ants, from 11(10 garments to t11r ground, 1 sin wbut now radiant with; mt pardon. ant to 1044th thea hand that 31no:'k- anci then, Peeking up, he makes t -v° ed off my shackles. 1. want to beer for himself and one for uuncad 1317 deli - prayers—one duet 701(41 *1)1(11 pr(n his murderers, "Lord. Jesus, receive m3' vorance. ,Behold him, JiLtle vliildren, spirit I" That was for himself. "Lord, lay not this sin to their ('11arge I" That was for his assailonts. Then, from pain end loss of blood, Inc swooned away and fell asleep. I went to show you io-day five plc- lures—Stephen gazing into heaven. Ste- phen leoki•ng at Christ. Stephen ston- ed. Stephen in his dying prayer and Stephen asleep, First look tit Stephen gazing into heaven, Before you take a leap you want to know w'there you are going to land, tktfure you climb a ladder you went to knave to 41,tut point the ladder re.tehes. And it *0(3 right that Steph- en. n'thin a few moments of heaven 01400111 he gazing lido it. Wo would all do well to be fuu.nd in the same posture. There is enough in heaven to keep us gazing, A math of large wealth may have statuary to the hall, and paintings .n the sittleg room, and storks of 111.1 in all parts of the( house, :hut he 11E04 11111 chief pictures in the axil gallery. and there, hour after .boor you walk with catalogue and glass and. ever increasing admiration. \Pett, Heaven is the gallletr7 -where God bas gathered the chief treasures of his (teem. The whole univense is his pel- met. In this lower room where we slop enters are many ud0rnments—tes0011at- od floor of am0tLy5te and on the wind- ing cloud stairs are stretched out can- vesses on wh•ieh commingle azure. and purple an418aff1'on and gold. But haw - ea is the gallery in which the chief glories are gathered, '1'11816 are the hriglllest robes. '!.'hero are the richest rn'oW(ts, There are the highest exhil- nratiails. John says of it., "Tho. lting8 of the earth shall bring their honor 114141 glory into it." And t see the',pro- cession forming, and in the line come m.11 0,npthres and the stars spring up into an 814111, for the hosts to march under. The leads keep step to the sound of earthquake and the pitch of avalanche from the mountains and the flug, they hoar is the flame of a eon" teensy world, a.ncl 11x1 'heaven turns out with harps and trumpets and myriad voteed acclamation of angelic dominion do '.eicome them 1,,, ;led so the kings of the earth bring their honour end glory into it. Do you wonder that good people erten stand„ like Stephen, look- ing into heaven? '1We have many ertentls I:here. There, is 111011 11 elan in this (louse to- day so isolated in life but there is some to 1'eeeive it? \\'11£•3 c!uud 41i11 be cleft. for iia path(aay ? After it. has got leyoni the light . of uur pun, will Ware I,e tor8hes lighted Int. 11 the lost of the NA aye Will the soul have to trav,l through long deserts ((('fore 111 re,tehee (.116 goo*1 11131(13. if tie 814431(1(1 A Coed Blood Purifies' a Necessity Novi luso our pall etay, will (1e+re he (1 ('110th, at whose pale tt(i may eel< the wile (11 (be city? 011, (his [llysteriet(s spirit Haod's geweaparllla unopuailem for \wi 111131 els: 11. 1Ins Cwn twi 3110, ((ut iL Making Rtah, Wad aloud. .!s d11 a ('ttgo (1041, ib Js 1°0310(1fns( 1.0 The noeessity for ta.l(ing a gond 1ceell It, 11311 11.1 the deur of 1111s ('ape ope13 the least, anit the soul is off. spring med1('lne to purify the 1,1ood "118 r tl 1 I: s sta Is 1,'1((50(1 11 r. ,`a c r catch it. 1 and build bo m 1, e's win would. 1((L 1 1n I y 1 1 g g Iigil(Lnings are n"I. SW1h. enough (0 031 natural ttnd'131av0idaille 011USe8. In (aka up with H, 1\'11('31 the 844441 !euros cold weather there has (leen less per - the body, 1t t Utes 50 worlds al a hound. And have 1 no anxiety about J1? Have eteral(0n and ilupur'itie0 have not. you 1(0 anxiety u((dut i! 1 passed out of the system. as they. 911ou111. 1 do nut! care what you do with tn3' Food has eon:tinted largely of rich, fat - hely i. t o • whether ole when my is ,Ins t g >• Itluinw •oil believe in areum.tiart t t t n y tf0a1. I. "Lail Nle2p just a9 '17('11 11111/11! n a wrap lhIlr 01' sacl(rlu(3.11! as in satin lin- for if you live lo three score years and ten you will see none so Lair. 134(110141 him, ye aged ones', %fee he only can Ogee !h'1'otegh thio dimness of your fail - hug eyesight. Behelc1 him, earth. Be- hold him, heaven, What a moment when all the redion41 of he saved sh(111 gather around Christi All faces that stay. Ala thrones i,hat way, gazing on Jesus. Ills worth .1 all 1,11'3 nations knew Sure the whole earth 41'0(1111 love him too, T pass on now and look et Stephen stoner]. The world has always wanted to get rid of good men. Their very life is an nssau,1t upon wdekedne013. Out with Stephen through the gates of the oily. Down with him over the preci- pices. Let every num cone up and drop a stone upon his head. But these 111811 did not so meth kill Stephen cos they killed themselves. Every 0101( rebounded upon them. While these murderers were transfix- ed by the scorn of all good men, Steph- en lives in the admiration of all Chris- tendom. Stephen stoned, but Steph- en alive. So all good men must be pelted. All who will live godly in Christ. Jesus must suffer persecutiuu. t;t is no eulogy of a man to say' that everybody dikes him. Show me any man who is doing all bis duty to stale or eirurch, and I will show you men who utterly abhor him, 11 ell men speak well of you, it is because you are either a. laggard or a dolt. if a steamer makes rapid pro- gress through the waves, the water will buil and foam. all around it. Bravo soldiers of Jesus Christ will hear the oarlaines click, When I see a man With V0106 and money and influenne all oat the, right side end some rater1ture him and soma sneer at him a.nd some denounce him and men who pretend to be actuated by right motives conspire to cripple him, to vast ,him out, to de- stroy b11n, I say, "Stephen stoned l" When I see a man 1n some great moral or religious reform battling against grog -shops, exposing wvi,lced- ness 111 high places, by active 1.1100118 trying to purify th.% church .and better the woricl's estate, cold I find that some of the newspapers anathematize him and men—even good men—oppose 111m incl denounce hien because, though he does good, he dbes not do it in their welly, T say, "Stephen stoned 1" The world, with infinite spite, took after John Frederick Oberlin and Paul and Stephen of the test, lett you notice, my friends, that while they assaulted hint they'did not succeed really in killing him. Yee. may assault a good S rin Medioine tY su sko. cos andthere has hesn losese opportunity for outdoor exercise.rise. TM result is, the blood is loaded with Im- purities and these must be promptly ed wiath eagle's down. But my soul— expelled o1' heall.h will be endangered. before 111(n (lap' 31119508 1 \v'ill find ant Hood's Sarsaparill,, is the best ,spl'l1134 whey,, e. will laud. Thank Orel for the madieine because It is the best blood Iultl1latio0 uL nip text, that when we 'purifier and Louie. It purifies the din Jesus takes us. That answers all 4 blood and gives vigor and vitality In question's for me, \\'hate though there' place of wealcn858 and languor. were uiessive bars between here and; the city of light. Jesns could remove on 3 s Sam• •rsa- them, What though (berg were great t^«hnraa8 of drknese, .1841110 r0u]dilluin° thein.What 1 110 h l gee weary on IaOPnad Canada's lrsG Medicine S,l be- all 111e way, Christ 10441(1 lift s1(+ est his draggt9ts, tlz; six tittle Get only lico(t'e. 00111334012115 8110113rlor. \\'bat though . i , aro 1315 113°1440 '081,6• could were chasans lo ernes, his bund Hood's Pills tlo, All drngglsts 11e, ('011141 transport me. '1'11631 let S3..epllPf's pratver, be my eying litany, "Lord Jes- us, recetee m5 spirit." It may be in that hour welwill be too feeble to see a long prayer, Itltnily he in that, hour we will nett be able to say the " Lord's Prayer," for it has seven petitions. Perhaps we m87,,1(0 11.00 feeble even 10 say the infant prayer our mothers taught us, whittle John Quincy Adams, 70 years off age, said every night when he plus, Ids/ head upon his pillow: par'illa one in heaven with w'd1Rn1 lie once shook? ]Warn, but you cannot kill tum, hands. As a man gets older the npn11 • On the day of his (1('x1.11 Stephen /rapidly of his P.elestdal acquttintnnoes Very 03403133 before a few people in the san- ,knpddly mnlliplies, s\l'4,1-11-8- - 7031 1x(11 hedrin. Now he addresses all onc glimpse of them the night' Chris- tendom. Paul the apostle stood on ser. ki'+.sed Mem good -by., end lheywenti Dears Lill addressing a handful of 0,\344)e bol stili we stand gazing eL philosophers who knees not so much lae3,ven. 3315 when some of our friends about science as ti modern sehoelgi'e ga across the sea we stand on the ctucld To -day 7(e talks to all 'the 01illious or an the steem tug and watch 111em, of ggeteeeigien1 about the woadeee of 841d ether (a'w1113e the hwlk of the 781" just.ifieation wild the glories of rester- sel disappears and then there is nnl7 legatee, john Wesley was Howled a Well of S11 1 nn 1110 sky" and 50031: down by the mob to whom he preached, Mel is gage and they are all out of ((1(11 they threw Meeks at hen, and t.lrey sight,, rand yet We stand looking in the denounced trim enol they jostled heel same dire"tlolm. so when our friends go away from 115 into the future world vee keep 10olt1n1 clown through the Nar- rows and g0zimg mud gazing as tllougl4 we expected that they would come out and Bland on Homo aloud and give us ow glimpse of their blissful end trans- figured faces, While yea long to juin their oompan- Jonss1ie, and the 70x1'0 and the clays go 4111.14 well break tedium tied they brea your heart, and that viper of pnln and sorrow and Itercasennenl keeps gnaw- ing at your vitals, you stand still, like and they spat upon him. and yet to- ddy, in all lands, he is admitted to be the great father of Methodism. Booth's bullet vacated 6110 innside1111l11 0hnir, but from that spot of coagulated 1110o11 Lha a floor in the. box of .Ford's then - ter there sprang up the new lift( of a nation. Stephen stoned, but Ste- phen olive, Pegs on now anti see Stephen in his dying prayer. His first thought tt•ns not hole the steno blurt his head., nor what would become of his body, His first thought was about his spirit. 5144(111611, (1111.141.3 i101011euv011. Yoe "Lord Jesus, rercive my spirit!" The wonder if they Have (']ranged Since you murderer ala11el!ng on the trapdoor, Saw them last. Yon wonder If they the binr:lc cap dieing drawn ewer his would recognize your face now, 80 elle need 11115 61' been with trouble. You wonder tit amid the myriad delights they have they care as much for you LIS they !need twhen we1 they gave you a helpdng hand, and put. their shoulder ander your l.mrdens. You wonder if they loele any older, mut sometimes in the evening, title, when the (louse is , tduiot, you wonder if you should veil them 3iy their first name if they would not x.11811.01, and perhaps sometimes you do snake the experiment, land when no nue bit (loci and yourself are theta yen distinctly tall their II 011109 and listen (131(1 sit gazing into heaven. Pas9 011, now and See Stephen look- ing upon Christ, l\iy text says he ea* tthe Son 'of :`r'ran ci the right.. hand of God. ,Tus'. how Christ looked in this world, „past how Im looks In heaven we cannot: say, A whiter in the time of Christ :nye, destlil,ing the Sav- iouir's 1,8141031x,1 ttp310ttraneo, thea he Now 1 lay WO dowel to sleep, I pray the Lord! my soul to keep. We may be too feeble to employ eith- er of these familiar forms, but this prayer of Stephen fel so short, is so con- ciee, is so earnest, is so eamprehen- sin'e, 410 surely will be able to say that, "Lord Jesus, receive my spirit." Oh, ie that prayer is answered, how sweet it will bate die 1 This world is clever enough for us. Perhaps it has 1a'eut- ed us a great) deal better than w' de- serve to he treated; but if on ibo dying pillow there 4 break the light of A Neighbor's Ad111o8a that (,atter world 'we shall have • 1(a � more regret about leaving n. small, nark, damp house for one large, he,lutie fol told capacious. That dying minis - W. 1. 113. 911. Asleep in ;Teems! . BlP99ed sleep, . From. which none ever evuko 10 weep( A calm and undisturbed retmso Uninjured by the last of fees. o e J Far from 1110 ' e in e Asleep sus I Thy kindred and their graves, mey he., But there is still a blessed sleep From which none ever wake to, weep. You have seen enough for one morn- ing. No one can successfully examine more than five pietares in a clay, Therefore WO stop having seen this cluster of divine R11phaOI8—Slep- ben gazing into heaven Ste3(hrn look', Deg at Christ, St.o3hen sleeted. Step- hen in his dying p('ayerl Stephen asle0p• DURHAM IS IN DINE And Testifies to the Wonderful Efieaoy of Dodd's Kidney I'i11s' 11otel (leen lanuntau 'tells of tits ('ere TUe First (lose. Gave (tint (teller Two INixre Cured Itba Entirel7 of Ola ntdney Disease, Durham, O �—F,u••o1e In l) i • 3111. 1. n 1 r 11111 r, n , 1 z 3 31.31(1 hundreds of people 411144 visit the I own peri041101+ 11y. know C II. Denman.. the genual 4lerk at the Knepp Rause. All 4(131 he Nurprlsed 1.0 hear that he has hail a narrow escape, from (0 re•. tentless ('(1en13'. Thanks to (-lit• assist, a 18 r(md81'8d by a good fromnd. 110w - n g PvPi P esetteed stiffing, Io tells he story in this style: "I suffered for a hong lithe with Ier- rihly severe backe:he. ('041(1,(1 by leid- )1Py Disease, It was with the 111os1 (ag- oui2ing pain. that I ('0441(1 Alt down and [he pa in I endured 10get ling up again Was equally as severe. 31:y life W118 110-. 1,114g made miserable, for those pains were present (luring the gre111r per - ,u 0f h (i+. the e. "Other mcdieines having failed to help me I tried 11,(1(1'0 Kidney Pills. r ls+ TWO C II'�t IC 1. 1 1' trent. 111 f and relief [l n I I Ol T 1 t Loxes cured ins enmp4Ptely, and i her Pete been troubled sitar. '('hero's 110 medicine like Dodd's (Kidney fills for (1117 and all l5ldnev diseases." "000d fortune knocks once aL every man's door," says an old saw. Good Flaalth knacks at your door every lime you see the words "Dodd's r r ,' 19 $irinPylills" Yon need not em.s be- ing healthy by (10gleeting to 70s31011d 10 the first summons. Take advantage of the next, if you have neglected the first. Dodd's I>, hoc t 1 's 'dd Pills are. tee one o and only cure for Bright's 1)140lase. Dia - 1 hetes, 1511eumatism, Lumbago, go, Heart. ( Failure, Blood Impurities, Crimtry Troubles. Diseases of \\'amen, and all other Kidney Complaints. DOdd's Kidney Pills are sold by all druggists, et fifty cents a hog, six Ilex- es $2.50, or will be sent, on receipt of price, by The Dodds Medicine Co., Idn1- ited, Taronto. ter in Philadelphia Nome years age THE MEANS OF RESTORING A LITTLE beautifully depicted it. wheal in the (}IRL TO HEALTH. last moment he threw up his hands and /tried oat I move intro the light I" Pass 31(11 now, and 1 will show ,you one more picture, and that 1s Stephen asleep. With it 314/3.1108 and simplicity peculiar to the Scriptures the text says of Stephen " He fell asleep." "OIL" you say, " what a phtoe that en% to sleep! A hard rock under him, atones falling down upon him, the blood streaming, the neo', howling. What a place it, ~1.1114 to sleep!" And yet my text takes (hut 8yn11.01 of 51umber to describe his departure, so sweet Wes it, so contented Wee' it, so peaceful *110 it. Stephen had ieveg a very laborious life. His chief work' hart (leen to rare for the poor. 1101 many loaves of bread he distributer(, hoer many bare feet be had sandaled, bow many cote of sickness x311 distress he blessed with ministries of kindness and love 1 d40 not know, but fr14m the way he limed and tihe \Putt• he died 1 know he 081181 a laltorious Christian. But that is .all over now. He bast pressed the Nip to the last feinting lip. Ino hos taken the last insult from, his enemies. The last 8!0118 10 11111006 crushing weight. he is 5usceptid,le has been hurled. Stephen is dead! The disciples come, They take him up. They 'emelt away the blood from the Wounds. They straighten out, the bruised limbs. They brush hack the tangled (lair fromtthe Jerome and then thee: 11080 remand to loo(: upon the calm countenance of, him who bad I iv- e.d, for the poor and died for the truth. Stephen asleep 1 I have seen the sea drl,v('31 with the 111.trri.canl:+ wail the tangled foam caught itu the rigging, and wave ris- ing 0140ve wave, seemed 440 if about to storm the heavens, and then 1 beige meal the tem0est drop and the waves crouch anti everything become smooth tend hurniehcd as though a camping place for the glories of heaven. So 1 hrev0 seen a man 'whose life has been 1oesed and driven coming down at last to an. infinite calm, in which there 41.118+ 1118 1111811 of heaven's lullaby, Stephen beloep 1 T. saw such a one. H(> fought all his days against poverty d against. ebuse They traduced his 14('1x11 befm'0 the execution, may g1i-- 1m(10 about the future, bet you and I 'haver 110 51144x310 in ennfeesing, Some anxiety about, where eve are going to come out, You are not all body, There within you a, soul, 1 sae it gleam fromy0ur eyes and 1 see it irradiating y0111' countenance. Sometimes .f tun aileshect before an audience not because I e0me under' thein' physwna eyesight, but 1100x050 1' realize the truth that I stand before so many immortal spirits. 'The probability hi (net your body will at last find a sepulcher in some of thle cemeteries tthatsurround your town or aiLy. There, is no doubt but that; your observirs will be. decent and reslrer,tfu1, and you will be :able to pillow y0131• head: under the maple, 0r 1110 No1'w0-y Berme, or the eyypress, or the blossoming fir, lett this menet about %chieh Stephen prayed—what di- rection will that take/ (What guide. will (+seOrt ittt Chat gate will epee She Wan G ade:111r ending Away end Iler Parents Doubted Iler ger/e'en' to !1811(th, From the Examiner, Cbarlottetown, Perhaps the most remarkable cure that has ever been rerordod is that of little Minnie Woodside, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Woodside, of Battle, P.E.T. DIr, and Mrs. Woodside are members of the Princetown Presby- terian church, and are well and favor- ably known in the settlement where they reside. Mr. Woodside does an extensive business in oysters, A' news- paper correspondent hearing of the remarkable recovery of tbis little girl called on Dir. t\ oodside and aseer- 1nined the exact facts of the case, 'Phe following is subetentielly the result of the interview:—"A11out ayea•r ago last June I first noticed that my iittle daughter was not as bright (110 usual and that she complained at times of palate in her head and chest. t7p to that time she had regularly attended. scbnol and 11x9 remarkably clever for a child of her age. She did motilins except attend school and although 1 never supposed it wv'ould do her much injury, I allowed her to study too sedulously. Thinking that she 0608 Only a little run down Ike* her from school for a few weeks and expected that she would be all right again. By the end, of that timet I was badly dis- appointed in my expentation5, .haw- ev0r,Os she rapidly grew weaker and lost flesh every day. I was alarmed about her condition when she com- plained of a soreness in hoe; lungs and began to rough. I was just' preparing da take her to a doctor. when aneigh- bor called to see her and advised us to try DT. Williams' Pink Pills. She assured me that Pink Pills had restor- ed her own daughter to health after several do:'tors had failed to do her any good. I therefore 1'osolved to g1ve them a trial and purchased. a couple of boxes that very day. 1 began giving my little danghl'.r those pills being very careful to follow, the direc- tions. 0(1 i tions. At the end of amount. Inoticed 1111.1118. Tltey rattled at l.he doorknob a derided improvement in ]ler health while he was dying with duns for debts and thus amcouraged I continued using he could .not( pay, yet the peace of (Ind the pills three menthe more. Her brooded over Ilia" 1111.1014, mei while the henit.11 was quite restored by that world faded heaven dawned, rind the ' time and she Wee able to attend school deepening twilight of ('x1.111'(' (light was again. t regard ley daughter's cure only the opening: twilight of 'length's as almost marvellous and accord all (worn. Not a sigh; n.ot a leer; not a: 31112 (red'et to Dr. Williams' Pink Pills struggle. ]lush 1 Stephen as 001(1 Ism little girls net boys of rlclicnte f have not the faetelty to tell 111(', c0.n5L(1ations no better remedy could Weather, 7 ran never tell ley the set, 1(05sibly be prescribed. *What 11(15 ling sun Whether there Will 140 a, clone for my little girl e+ould certainly droned or not. 7 et 11101 tell by lha 116 11°.31(' for cdbx1 rhiltbe.n. Wowing of the wind whether it. will 'Dr, Williams' Pink P1115 cure 17y 1•e flair wewther or foul on the morrow, going In the root of the disoese. They I +9u) prrv(heey. and. I will pr03411- renew and hued up the blond, and esy, 'whet weather it will he when you, strengthen, the nerves, thus driving lee l'hrietian, 001110 to (lie. You nza,y disease from the 575te1n. Avoid, imita- 11ave it very row]) now. It may I.;ea tions by insisting that. every hoe 7011 this week ono annoyance, the next an- purebnee is ('.3111311 ed in 11 *60.(534131(1 other annoyance, It may Le this your, bearing the full traa9P marlu Th•. \1'il- one bereavement, the next another Dame' Pink Pills for Pale People. be•r0vemenG, Before this year bag -.„- or ask for a x144311:1(' of coal or. n. (eUse Vapors of Qt,uicke passed, you; may leave to beg for bread: of shoes, buil eit the, last Cln.ill nes w•! ewe in, and darkness will go out, and, though there vete he, no band to el0se your eyes and no beetle on 1111tolt;to rust you(• dying head and no candle to lift( Out night. the odors of God's 11ang1ng, ga1•(1031 1vi11 regale year soul, end ata you.(' bedside will heft (.he chariots 0f tihe King. Na more rents to lay, I'8 mare agony bemuse flour has gone up, no more struggle With "the world, the flesh and the devil," but pages—longr deep, everleseing peace. Stephen asleep! cure for Throat Troubles. • THE FIRST PRINTERS. The first printers used to print only on one side of 0page,and then pasted together the two blank pages to give the impression of nae leaf. Vaporize Quickeur e for Cold in the Head. A STRANGE STONE. The "ilmakiur," a Finnish stone, wllieh becomes almost white before the approach of Lina weather, and darkens when storms are at hand, is used by the natives as a halometer, in which they repose the highest confidence. f 11 No risk in using !Addle Ceylon rex. The quality and price is unmatchable and always the same. 8TATE "L 000A0B 00Y1 TLEDO. J99 FRANK J. OIIENOT makes oath that hole the senior partner of the firm o1 F. J. OIn:SE46 & 00„ doing business In the Oity of Toledo, County and State aforesaid, and that said firm vent par the sum of ONE 1I13NOItht1) D0L• LAD8 for each and every sato of CATARRH that cannot ha cured by the use of HAtt.'s OaTARAII OURE. FRANK J, OHENEY. Sworn to boron me and subscribed in m7 presence, hie 0th day of D.comber A, L. 1680. -'` A. W. GLEASON, ( SIT Notary Public Hull's Catarrh Cure is taken internally, and cote dlreetly on the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Send for testimonials free. F. J. 01141:N10Y & CO„ Toledo, 0 Sold byDruggists, 75a. Halla 'amilr Fills are the best, DEPTH Oli '11110 013,1i:A'1' J,AIKI R. 1,ake supel'ior 1s 1,1)11( feet deep, 1101 feet of 011e body 0f water being ohne° sea level tint 4157 feet (101o0, it, lite 4,44(30111 of 11118 great (8,118 1,' 8110111 1175 feet deeper down than the 011111110N giving 1,11Ice Erie's great depth 144 11(11 lila.210 feet. The Twentieth Century galore upon that limitage of a remedy that IN suis safe .,1(d painl88s. Pnt- nairt's Painless tial(( 11xtr11rt:ar 110101' (11i18, nevPt 1isc" path3111' thsli ht - e81. discomfort. '1'•1UI TIME NOT 12II'1+1, A'n1.1(411s Patron—I)(mt(>r, don't 7011 think you'd het tea' ',,11 in sortie other h\1 .tion? H l l tit s for consult n t p Family Doctor, u trr'cheerfully—Oh, no, not yet. 411+12 is (still HOMO 1101)8. SOMfiTaiING FOR NO'I'II1147. Person' suffering from lthetunal- Ism. Salt 1111('11111. Piles, 'feller, Chil- blains. Eczema. Skin iJ1h('ases, etc., who send u two cent stamp (for post- age only) with name and address, we Will semi. a free rumple of Trask's 19a•u- netr Ointment wit a Ransom's Coale Book free. Frttneis V. Kahle, 127 Bay S Toronto. n vamssaworaWas at Weak Kidneys J num), GE ENV K0�' STRENGTH IN Thoueandatestify to its curative powers. Sold by all druggists. Largo pookng0, 15 o(e. avoonwavn 3158111(1 00„ 0020620, CAN 4114o, 4,N. ANOOfSON, M.O., 130.6 001(080.011. TORONTO, Ont. Til IY©AT NOSE is EAR, ALIST EYE, SPECT d as Qy6=tDoO'C'OaMAow6'6it.w..m SHIP YOUR PRODUCE, Putter, Eggs, Apples, Fruit, Sec., to TOM OAW3PN 00MM196103 00., Limited, her. et Word Market and 0,1h0111e ate., 605001'01 MUSIC Agents wanted to introduce our catalogue and terms. We wits mail prepaid "1Hot Time in Old 'Town " with music, for 5 cents, stamps. POPULAR 61810 DEPOT, 20 13302(0 8t, Montreal, JWlion end Hybrlds—best Queens Wax All Bee bupple00--beet850 ty Wanted EES g.R�+ Wend Patent P100"0e,th 0r Foundation. Onto �i$alt,a9te ('adds°314111. Have You Seen It III Can You .4o It l I II The New O. K. Puzzle l ! t 1 I Tho moat faeotontine punto of the day,�QN Qv� HOW TO REACH E Sold everywhere. dents wanted. Send 20c. for sam3ie. T. MIRE, 193 Commissioners St., - Montreal, One. Love ; { tris Your- Buys self. Bare p. 'ollow the directions on the inside of each packet of ONSO INIO.CE&i3ON TEA, and you will have good tea, Dominion Limo Steamships, Moe treat and Quobeo to Liverpool !n summary l'ou 5,qd to leve rpool 111 winter, barge n( fast t4rly ((crow stecen6hles 'Lahtadoe, Van( m graver, 'Donentee, Eeotsgn, '-yerkohlre, Sueevior ncaomme310eim tar rive gable, ale 011d Cabin and (Steerage nasrengei's. .0180 0 passage—Irina utO abiY SD • S eDo ad pa�In. 894. 3toD nga $22.60 a»t fluvial :d9 so4or Qp information 1 to Leant encs, Da all nfernlatl n (3 ., (o Leeai ngents, or Davin TORR, Nan & e., Ge1'1 Agents, 17 86. Saoralnent Bt.,Montreal. 25-31 William St., Toronto. Phone 1729. Highest Kig Market Valt1 1 P r n A D co RAW FURS and SKINS, NS ! Saes' Was, 0(01008, otgi Oon,lanmenls ws40ed. 19x- yyroa' paid. 1[1(3041110 18130811 8400,8(3, r 0aete nsbs8 sad 8xOW 8!100, N eptl,tattllD H. JOHNSON, Wholesale Furrier 484 8t. Paul et, Ilontroal, qua, ASK YOUR DEALER FOR Royal Safety BURNING OIL, The Rest CANADIAN 0114 MANUFACTURED ONLY BY (elC TORONTO, ONT. Catches Roadmasters. A short time ago several farmers on, the line of a big railroad rebelled against batched wire, and demanded board fences. Tl1ey compromised on the PAGE, [brat the company had used. Oar man afterwards called on the road - master, who wanted him to see those farmers, who would bug and kiss you. and 1: have (got to have 25 miles on my dlvtsinn." Farm styles at from 45 to 65 cents per rod. For illustrated ad- vertising matter apply to our local dealers or to us direct. IR PNCE WE FENCE COMPCNY, Limited, WALKERVILLE, ON""f. P. S,—See our "ad" in next issue.. Bx' SMIRE _a,• is "oa eNdeenlifINEMERIESEWIEWeR5EREE=E[MHEEM5 CANADIANS ARE ALL ENTITLED TO A SHARE iN THEIR HERITA02. Ogilvie has been all over the Klondike. He and his father are the recognized authorities on Klondike matters. He is possessed of all the information gathered in years of explora- tory xploratory work for the Government in the Klondike. Now he gives the whole benefit of his knowledge and experience to the Cold bills Exploration ouod Development Corrapa3W ®•i Toronto, Limited. That company is organizing and fitting out an expedition for the Klondike. W, M. Ogilvie will personal?y conduct that party to the rich streams. He knows the country as well as you know your own town. He (mows where discoveries have been made, and where new loca- tions should be sought for. best routes the most likelycreeks, and with his well.. He knows the , equipped party should win the millions. A few niore shares will be offered to the Canadian public at 20 Cents. The Gold Nis Ex is I TA ' st t, merit iS t R: • i (oration >.r tq , President --lien• J. D, Edgar, Q.C., M.P., Speaker el the House et Commons of Canada, First V388-President—lir. Or0nhyatoklta, Supremo Chief Ranger Independent Order of Foresters, Second Vine Prazcadent--W J. 000010, Esq., Director The Toronto Paper t1'Ps, Co'y, Secretary—J. NI, Cain,., Esq. The Cameral Trusts Company Building, Toronto. Stock not sold in blocks less than 100 Shares.