The Brussels Post, 1898-3-25, Page 5MAR 26, 1808 RUSIN i,)t oN1!; ' T eau t„ NAT II. Mo • insurer n at Ma (lrceorv, •TL: N. ]3AB • ensor% south of A. 111.14o Ladioo'aud uhildt ROBERT FIRE T. F, issue! 0f ll Ornate A ;."No Witness 5.w GAR 5.S. LOAN AT 5 PEB, SCOTT, 13ia010)0, I err loge I,t,mnnen, 011100 'Lorry stro,' t, Creosote, NTT, mat, Shop -Next door ,shah o Lia hardware UNNINOHAM 01111x011, '0 MARINE. 'ELPH. TCHER rPloge l.loenses, tnw1LitY S7'olln. squired. 'LETCIi1R, Brussels ALEX. 13'U PER, Oler)t of tl Vonrth Division Oenr Co. H000n. Oot =yin car, Notary Public Land Loan and 'aura neo Agent. Fonda invested and to an, OoIlnetione.made 011100 in (+mimes' loclt,Brussele 'HE Prince bort Route is the Sll best, Cheaposb at Safest TO al XIX IS OM MM. FREE TPIILET'S WITII MAPS sent o: application to the Secretary, Pr co Albert Board of Tracie, Prince abort, S6fikatche- wan, Canada E` ,HEC Saw, Sl ingle ala; i g Mills. All kinds of go man in the yard Custom sawint or before if open Good Maple f Joint from $0 to Shingles for so s. logo wanted. A good measure logo. ill begin ou March 1st ether. ring cheep. Ash V 1. Bills cnt to order. 3. COLE. MONEI TO LOAN. Any Amount on Farm 11 6&6iPo Straight Loa] repayin g Apply to A. Division C Before. After. 9T Sc able able park forms o Sexual lvr or excess, Mental 1 bane, Opium or Sti of price, one packs; Ito will care. Paxipl The Woo( Sold in tlruseots D niggle f Money to Loan e 'Tillage Pro- 'ty at Cent., Yearly. with privilege of hen required. -lunter, III Clerk, Brussels. ld'a Phasphodine, Great En lash Remedy. D Y and recommended ti nI 104 el a disc a. Only.by d. Ste ^e guaranteed to cure all :Hess, all c Teets of abuse .Try, lfxoesaivo use of To. slants. Mailed on receipt ,:1, six, go. One 2oillpleaee, 'ts free to any address. .lompaay, Windsor, Ont. 0, A, DEADIIIAN, ilookooilor St Optician. SHN ,.f.; Britt Red 11x11• - Nf Pi FOR SALE Brussels Also Doors and S terns on band or at Short Notice, Estimate hinds of chip and P. 3RU PULP I wioh to infort and surrounding, chased the Pun BELL and will b to all wants in oil at moderate pride No bettor Por] Order left at m at P. SCOTT'S looked after. ErOrders tak Wells and °lateen om MILL STREET, h Columbia edar Shingles 'tilt Shore le and Cedar TIMI Ilaniiig IY[illS 11 of all Pat ado to order Furnished for 1111 eildiuge. Workman - Material Guaranteed. :3..171 ,5.-1 LN .L . ELS WORKS. ho people of Bruesele ,Web that I have per - Business of JAMES o1nd ready to attend ,r new work or repair( n the market. shop OL' residence et op will be promptly for the Digging of Gdi00211 • BRUSSELS, {'lis*3300. Cumr'Ina,- 111 nes Young line opened a bout and Wena stern at Ilityliold,•- J: Ranaford has under consideration the lighting of hie bongo at Stapleton with eleotrio light. --Among the officers elect• ed for the Grand Bloolc Chapter is A. M. Todd, D. G. Reeleteer,-Loris Tolliver, a mulatto, formerly of town, lino been oentenced at Toronto to 7 yearn in pee ten Wary foeborglarieo, The anUteri. ties regard him as a bad orilttinttl,-- T, (1, Edmonds hall 1115)10eed of his irnk routes to Moore, (ihnrrhill ,re ,Ire- 101141.--I0rao1Taylor, for imtny yearn a representative of the Confederation Life Association, in Clinton and vicinity, fate through premiere of other bnoineee been obliged to reoign the agency of tide An. 0001(11100, Coesequently it was found necessary to appoint a 0u0oe0eor, and Jacob Taylor, a brother of the above, bars beau appointed to till the vaoanoy.- On Tuesday afternoon of last week a Pullman mama down the L. II. to B. and was transferred to the main Nue. It contained about 50 poosengere, who were all booked to Manitoba and other Weet• ern points, and the oar bad been provided 00peoia)ly for their accommodation. - Rev. Dr. Henderson, aseietant mission. ary eecr0tery, Toronto, is announced to bo in ltattenbury street (hut•ob, Clinton, on April 25th, -N. Robson Line received word of the safe arrival of his daughter, Edith, at her destination, Cheyenne, in Wyoming TeI'ritory, Gerrit). Lir'rco Oi.unrons:--After the close of the prayer meetlug in the 1?resbyteritw church on a recent evening, Mists B. McLaughlin, organist, was preseete1 with an address and a puree 1001010in): 05. The address was read by Mrs. James Armstrong and James Walker made the presentation. -Mrs. Snider, of Portage -la -Prairie, Man•, was in town, the anent of her unole, W. G. Knowlson.--- Neil" Cameron, who has been working in Wm. Mood's harness shop, has returned to hie home in Beylleld.-Arthur Craw- ford, who has been attending the Owen Sound Bneinees College, has returned home. He has secured a sitnation in Dr. Spence's drug store, fordwioh.- Owing to oireucnetanees over which they had no control, McLaughlin Bros. will resume business in their old stand in• stead of going West as formerly intended. -The revival services held in the Meth°. diet church aro increasing in attendance and interest. -Samuel Ferguson, Reeve of Howlett township, attended the golden wedding of hie parents near Bowman. ville.-No dog tax in llowiok.-Samuel J. Greer and wife, of Toronto, are in town visiting S. J: s parents and other friends. -Wm. Mose, of Amberly, f0 visiting his eon, Win. Mose, harness maker. -W. J. Perkins left ou Tuesday morning of last week for Chicago, where, we understand, he has secured a situ. a1ion.-Wm. Evans and wife hero ar- rived home. They wore in attendance at the golden wedding of Mrs. 1e's parents, who live near Bowoiauville.- Tbe Trustee Board of the Gerrie Metho- dist oburoh desire to express and place on record its high appreciation of the faith- ful and ellioicut services rendered by Bro. T. K. Boddy, as sexton of this thumb during the past 5 years. Wo desire also to express our regret that ill health and inoreaeing infirmity have made it necessary for Bro. Roddy to re- sign the poeitiou so long and faithfully held by him. ]! ordwiclo. LITTLE FLuITnns.-Thos. Gibson is at present indisposed, but we hope to soon see him fully restored to hie usual health. -John Hainetook's family, of Lakelet, left on Tuesday morning of lost week from the 0. P. R. station hero for Car- roll, Mau., where they intend to reside in the future. Mr. Hah10book went to Manitoba a few weeks ago. -Quite a number r of the brethren fromhere attend- ed the anneal sleeting of the Grand Bleak Chapter and Grand Orange Lodge of Ontario !Vest, which met in Palmerston on Monday, Tneeday and Wodueeday of last week. -Mies E. A. MoLaughlin and her little neige, Elsie Flemming, of Ar. row River, Man., who have been visiting with relatives and friends around here for the past two months, left on Monday morning of last week for their home in the West. -Jae. Faille, of Minto, deliver- ed to Charles Sheafer, our cattle buyer, live of the finest cattle that Sae been shipped from hero in a long time, for 011 1011 be received the handsome sum of $200. -Frank Davidson, who has been be- hind the oounter in the drug etore for the past two years, has aoeepted a situation with A. Wyneee.-Thero is en agitation on foot at present to start a joint.etook company to put in a large weigh -scale at the 0. P. R. station. -Public School In. speotor Robb, of Clintou, was in town on Tuesday of last week and visited the school here. This ie his first visit in this district this year. -Henry Grenville is applying fora patent for a chumwhich he has invented and whioll promises to outstrip the famous "Doisy." -Tho Spring flood has Como and gone and the Meiblaud river here bas been higher than for years. On, Friday evening, Maroh llth, the mill pond began to rise and the millers took out some of the gates and raised the rest up to the top, but on Sat- urday evening the toe along the font be. gen to break and one large piece coming down with a crash broke out nearly all the poets and carried away the gates that bad been left, ie. On Sunday night the river reached its zenith and about three o'clock Monday morning it begat to eub- eide, but before it had done so a large 0x010011011 waa Mashed in the side of the road Weet of the bridge. itiltaceeale. Femmes' IISTruTn.-The Bluevale meeting of the Farmers' Institute was held on Monday afternoon and evening of fast week, in the Foresters' Hall, J. Mo• Gregor, of Oonetaneo, who wee tummies - ed to speak on "flow to Handle and Feed it Dairy Cow," and Me, Hudson, of Blue. vale, Who was to speak on "Growing and 501011ieg Flax," did not come. J. B. Gould, of Uxbridge, who spoke on "The Value of Iilneilage, Building a Silo and Filling a Silo," and J. Sheppard, of Qusenston, wltoee oibjsob was "Forty Year(' Experience in Growing Corn," did not got here till the afternoon train, which was late, and consequently they did not gat to the hall until after Ione oblook. Robt. Currie, of wawanosh, who lyse pteeent, wee unanimously re. quested to occupy the platform until the THE BRUSSELS POST art'ient of the eprakar t, wjliol, he tifd, 0001; or two ago ctrl made abargain with In the evening Me, Gould evoke again, 1(15 euhj001, Smug "Remedy far (jeer, Prodnntion end Low 1'ru'ea," and also r, Sheppard, il lwho wee jest when lecturing on "!'!Cres Hietot'ioal Days on Niemen !livor." lie described the battles of (1ueaoetotl Ilei„hto, heaver 11,un and Lundy'e Lane, and told sever• al very intoreeting auect0450 connoted with three iristorloal 5101Lte, The most inlereeting story wits that of brave Laura heaord, who (lipped ewe)/ from the picket gourde and ran Wont 11, mitre, having to oleo, 00 rather avoid, 140alile lndlane and Ainericm0 on the way, to tell Pitz. gibbon of the approaolt of the Americans Land also theirnutnbors and ability. Part of the nlauu+uvting of the battle of (,51'nneton heights oeoarred on Mr, Sheppard'( farm. Mr. Hheppard's lecture woo flue and was folly (15500la4ed by all nim hoard him. No'reo.-•Ono of Clayton Duff'o Buff Coohin hens laid an egg recently that moored 6,} inohee one way and 71 the other. -The cheese and butter faotory of this place oommene011 malting butter on Monday of last week,-Franit J. Soffit wont to 01. Thomas on Wednesday of loot week to join his cousins, Mr. and Mrs, Milton Cosford, and then to prooeed to Toledo, Iowa, where employment awaits him. Frank will spend some days in Detroit curl Chleago en route. Many wishes for his eucueoe follow him to 11 utile Same; country. teitentlenetit. S raty:mes.--A negro minstrel show by local talent comes next. Among those who will take part are the following, and it will be seen that the show i0 sure to be an unbounded muse : -Messrs. Willis, McLeod, Bootle Miller, Foster, Moline, Clark, room Asbury, Whitley, Forbes, DeLaney and others. Tho date has not been definitely decided on, bub it will take place some tied in April. -A very enthusiastic; meeting of the S. 0. I. foot ball club wee held for the purpose of re -organization, when the following of - Caere were elooted :-Hon. Pres„ Dr. C. lIoKay ; Hon. Vics.Pree., 0. L. Schmidt, B. A. ; Pres., Il. S. Robertson, B. A. ; Vice -!'res., S. 0. Stone, B. A. ; Sec,• Trea0„ J, R. Morrison; Capt., D. Wilson ; Manager, R. 0. Oheswrighb, B. A.; man• aging committee, A. S. Bond, W. Aber. hart, S. 1E11, R. 7, Maldrow, The olub decided to defend the two ones now in their possession, the Hough and Junior W. F. A. The football outlook by them doing so is very bright. -A. greed mil. tory ball, ander the auspices of the 83rd Battalion, will be given in this town on Easter Monday, April 11111-Mre. W. N. Cresswell has a banana tree in her don• servntory wbioh has recently borne fruit. The fruit 10 as large and fine as those imported from the South. -Workmen aro bney at the eleotrio light teethe en. larging the steam power by a 125 horse- power boiler -An astronomical otos has been started in town. Quite a number have already joined. -A requisition has been circulated asking E. 0. Coleman to stand for the position of Mayor, while the name of B, 13. Gunn is freely men- tioned in the sane connection. In the meantime Reeve Beattie Se acting mayor. -At the congregational meeting held in the Presbyterian ohureb, Mr. Diokie, of Knox College, Toronto, was eeleoted as the student to assist Rev. Dr. Mo. Donald for the Summer mouths. Mr, Diokie preaohad in Seaforth over a year ago and his discourses were very accept. able to the congregation. -Mrs. Harries, mother of Mrs. J. DI. Best, and grand- mother of Mrs. J. 0. Greig, died at her 110100 in Goderich. She had been i11 for a long titne.-William Ganmage, a practical florist, of London, will give a lecture in the town hall on Friday even• ing, April ist, under the supine of the Horticultural Society, His subject will be "The Flower garden." Lo sI tow el. L1nxLnre.-Harry Male, for nearly throe years in the Banner office, wont to Galt where he has aoeepted a situation on the It eformer.-Cowin Bolton,P.L.S., been commissioned to undrtake surveying expedition in the regionof Lake Bennett, on the toad to the Klondike, and will leave here about tho 1st of May. - Some thirty or forty persons have left this neighborhood during the past two weeks for Manitoba, the North-west and British Columbia. -Dr. Nichol left town on Monday of last week on a trip to Oath book, joining Dr. and Mee. Oakley and Dr. and Mrs. Ilay, of Toronto, on their way to the South. Ho will be gone a couple of months. -Tho High school foot- ball team held their annual meeting on Monday of last week and have reorganized and elected the following officers for the ensuing season 1 ilon. Pres., A. MoVioar; Pres., W. E. Bryane ; Secy., John A. Matheson ; Treae., T. Vipond ; Mau. Com„ E. Kidd, J. Ford, T. McRae, S, Richardson, M. Hay, B. Alexander ; Captain, W. Hay. The boys intend entering the Junior League with Atwood, Brussels, Harriston, Milvorten and the "Shamroolte" of this town. According to the terms of a wager made between Deputy -Reeve Treman end Wm. Vander - bolt, of Listowel, says the Banner, the letter daly prooewled to give the former a sleigh ride through the streets of the town. The worthy Deputy -Reeve was seated in a gaily demented Ilandsleigh, carrying a flag in either hand, end was hauled by Mr. Vanderiok from Robin. son'5 blacksmith shop, through the (entre of the town on Main street to Geo. Barber's blacksmith shop, and bolt to the Queen's hotel. The incident oreated considerable amusement and was wit- nessed by a large number of epeotrtore. DlLrniaeA,r a Suzomu.-Its ,the Listowel papers the following particulars are given of the sad death by his aw0 will of Jacob Orth, of Wallnoe 1-JacobOrth, wllo nom. milted suicide by drowning himself in a swollen stream near Shipley, in Wallace township, on Maroh 11, was 28 years old and was a sou of Mrs. Leonard Celli, of the 4111 line. He committed the rash net evidently through fear 01 not being able to meet stipulated payments on a farm he had recently purahrteed, and to wbioh he was to have taken his young beide on Tuesday of last weak, deliberately tools hie life by plaoiug a number of atones in his pookete and springing into a small 0tr5a111 near hie stepfather's farm ; there was a opting freshet at the time and the weighted body wa0 nob discovered until the Sunday morning following. T)10 de. (eased for the lest six yearn has been working out in the neighborhood of So- briegvillo, was a quiet and indm0trinue young man, and during that time has Saved up it capital of about $000. IIo was engaged to bo married to a young lady of Fellation and came to Wallace loop!' 11. 1Voude, of Shipley, to perdu/ea 1111 farm, flu nettle two peymentn of 8500 111 (ash an'1 gave a vele fur 8100 whi514 ono due 00 Friday, Tito belene0 of the money 110 expected to arrange for by a mortgage an the farm, end had leen endeavoring to oleo the amount from different parties in the town and town- ship, IIs had not apparently oucoeedod in souring the fall ntnoent required, but vara promised it by a party in !Val• lace on condition that he would get an- dorsere to hie eeonrity, het soma to hav0 been very lutolcward about asking per50n0 to endorse for hint. Ile had agreed to cenobite the arrangements on Friday and went 05 to tho house on Mr. Woods' farm, of whi0)3 he wa0 already in posses - :don and put on n flee, In the moan time Mr. Woods had parol asod a farm in the neighborhood of Winterbourne, Ont„ and drove oat on Friday morning to see Mr. Orth and have the sale of 131e own farm completed, when Mr. Orth agreed to meet him in Lietowol at 2 o'clock in the afternoon to carry out the deal, though he had evidently at that time decided to end his life, for shortly after Mr, Woods left him be went home and in the pre. Once of his sisters, who, however could not read German, wrote a letter to hie stepfather in German, leaving it in the house with instructions not to open it un. tit 11e returned. The body was found Sunday morning and the oorouer who had been notified did not consider an in. tlueat ueoessary. Undertaker Hermiston, of Listowel, who had charge of the funeral, removed the etoues from the clothing and found he had placed a stone about three inches iu diameter in each of his 0004 pookete and ons in a pocket of his trousers. The remains were interred in the Lutheran cemetery, on the 4th line, on Monday. Mr. Woods had al. ready moved out of the house to hie now place of reeidonao, and young Orth bad placed a stove and arranged to place other goods in the home in preparation for the weddiog. A supply of furniture and house furnishings had arrived at Gowanstown station on Saturday from Sebringville, which were the furnishings of the bride. His people are at a loss to assign a suftioient motive for this distress- ing affair. Lucknow. Ltxxs.-H. Grundy, T, Collins, W. J. Leadbetter and F. Davison have gone to Britieb Columbia. -The Misses Cummins and Vinoent, the Australian delegates of the World's W. C. T. Union, held three very enneessful meetinge in the Lucknow Town Hall last week, and despite the wet and disagreeable weather good audi- ences were present. -The Town Hall is now very well lighted with incandescent elentric lights, and it is a groat improve- ment over either the aro lights or the old oil lamps. There are altogether 10 lights in the mein hall and two on the stage, and the whole plana is brilliantly lighted. The Connell Chamber, Band room and fire hall are also lighted by eleotrioity.- The village eounoll are seriously consider- ing the question of building a stand pipe in 0netneation with the water works plant in the village, as cord wood hi getting scarce in this neighborhood, and we un. deretand it will require some two hund- red dollars to 51000(5 enough wood to keep up a constant fire under the boiler for the year. There is no doubt about it, that by the erection of a stand pipe, a great deal of the cost for wood could be saved, and we see no reason why a pipe or tante of sufficient capacity could not be erected on Balaclava hill without incur• ring a great expense. -A. new Oddfellow'0 lodge instituted at Underwood lately has a membership of 10. -Geo. Armstrong, who has been ml the Sentinel staff for several years past, left on Tuesday of last week for Kamloops, B. C., where he has secured a lucrative position in an office in that plgoe.-Frank Patterson, who has been spending a few days visiting his friends here, left for British Oolumbia, where he goes to assume a responsible position on the Vancouver World, the leading Reform paper in the West. -Rev. W H W. Looks,of Park Hill,p has accepted th, e call of the Quarterly Board of the Methodist church to becom0 their pastor for the next Conference year. -lion. Pres. Bryan, accompanied by two Lieu- tenants of the Band, made a suoaessful °anemia of the village in behalf of the above named fund. -A gentleman from the Old Country was here looking at the plant of the Luoknow Furniture Factory with an object of purchasing the works. -The membere of the Luoknow Fire Company tendered a farewell banquet, at McDevitt ifs Heron's hotel, to T. Collins, Herb. Grundy, Fred. Davison and W. J. Leudbatter, who left for British Oolum. bia, ICxetor, Ems/mos.-Revival meetings are being held in the James street Methodist oburoh.-The Verity Plow Company hes now commenced the erection of their new factory at Brantford. -John Mibehell has moved into the old station hotel and in future will conduct it as a temperance horse. -Rich. Eliwor1hy, of this place, sent two excellent thoroughbred Durham heifers to Wm. Johns in Kaleida, Mani- toba, on Monday. -J. Bannerman, who has been an inmate of the Rouen of Re• fug(, has been allowed to return to Stan- ley at his own choice ; his wife remains an inmate, -workmen aro busily engaged tearing down the house reoently vacated by, Wm, Carling. Mr. Carling intends ereotiug a fine and commodious residence this Spring. -Dan. Davis, who has been conducting a butcher shop in town for many years, has disposed of the business to John Manning who will take possession shortly. -Mies May Robinson 15 home on her holidays from Michigan, where she has been teaching sobool.-A valuable horse belonging t0 W. G. Bissett slipped on the boy road while returning from Heneall and broke its leg. The poor beast ryas nfterwarde shot. - Norman Phair was arrested here on Tuesday of last wook by Deteotive Gundry charged with having been an ao0omplioe in the burglary oornmitted some years ago in Cobblediok tt: Folland'e hardware store, He was taken to Goderich where he will stand hie brio!, -A meeting of the Eseber Turf Club wee hold in the Town Ball, whets a goodly representation of the mem. berg woo present. It was deoided to hold moos hors May 24th and to award the liberal sum of $700 in purees, to be divided aa follows : 8:00 'minute otos, $150 ; 2;60 eine, 5200 ; free to a11, $210 ; running race, $100.-Iemay, the eldest daughter of Geo. lblettart, Exeter North, underwent a painful epee - Minn. Tho nnfartanate girl sprained her leg the forepart of the Winter, which at the time appeared trifling and was treat. i ed as Finch, but atter several weeks the Fel limb began to swell and ase(me a serioue na6tu0. Surg]eal aid 05.41 summou011 and the injured 'nominee bad to be landed. Thio did net end the trouble, inflam- mation set in awl threatened fatal re - ORM, when it wan doomed necessary to scrape the bone, which 0110 done, and the patient is now on a fair way t0 recovery. Gotlerit lt. LIMO GU9uLe1'd,-Da00an. Matheson, of Montreal, waa the guest of his mother the poet few weeite. He and hie party loft 111oulreal for Klondike on March 21st. ills many trionde ]fere wish him every success in the dietant gold holder --'Rev. Joseph Edge, pastor of North. St. Moth(• diet church, will preaoh a special sermon to the sailors and fishermen on Sunday evening, Maroh 27111. --•-Tho many friends of G, Rattigan, the operator at the stook exchange, until it Mooed on Saturday of last week, entertained him at Tilt's oyster parlors the night previous to his depart. ire for his home at Pittsburg, U. S. A. A large number of thegentlemal's friends were proeent,-Our ono time resident, Wm. Willoughby, has been appoit,ted pilot of the large side wboel steamer, City of Erie, a vessel launched et Detroit a few weeks sinoe. The Brie belongs to the Cleveland and Buffalo line, and her dimensions are as follows :-Length, 824 feet ; beam over guards, 78 feat ; depth, 18 feet. She is expected to be faster than the City of Buffalo, which runs 21 miles per hour. -Quite a number of the mem- bere of the Epworth Leagues and Sala. bath sohoole of North•st. and Victoria.et. Methodist churches, attended the annual Convention of the Goderich district Bp - worth League Association, held in Clin• ton on Tuesday of last week, -Three or four oar loads of salt are daily being shipped from Godoriob,-Robina have been around all this week. Does this mean that it ie Spring 7 -It would be well for the powers that be to see that wagons are kept off the terraced portion of our streets -Avery fine enlarged photo- graph of the late Judge Isaac F. Toms, shown in Sallows' window, attracted much attention. -A. B. Cornell has cut down the poplars that surrounded the Maitland House and has pet a close board fence around the adjoining tut, -E. N. Lewis has the foundation nearly corn. plated for the large dwelling he is build- ing on the corner of Lighthouse and Wel- lington streets. -The bicyole factory is shipping a quantity of wheels these days. -Last week was a busy one at the G. T. R. depot, some eleven or twelve full cars being sent oat daily. -On Monday of last week a brakesman belonging to Goderich, named Mahoney, had the misfortune to get three of hie fingers so badly crnebed while coupling oars et Clinton, that it was necessary to amputate them. What makes the aooident more unfortunate, is the faot that his other hand had been similarly mutilated some time ago. URuesift will spend ninety million roe. bleu for new warships. The Prince of Wales laid the foneda- tter atone of the new pier at Cannes. Bombay is reported to have quieted down since the riots. Only two British soldiers were killed. They belonged to the Shropshire regiment. The Kanawha and New River Coal miners have been ordered to strike on April 1st, and two thousand will oome out unless the operators agree to meet the terms offered by the United Mine Work., ere. The report of the new rebellion in the Philippine Islands, in which 58 Spanish soldiers already have been killed, meets the prediction made when the leaders of the insurrection were given a subsidy to induce them to leave the islands. It was then said that the money would be used in buying weapons and ammunition for another oat -break. N,NRJ RAILWAY 'STEM ILL MODW ROUND TRiP TiCKETS Between all stations to Canada for EASTER HOLIDAYS 1900, AT Single First-class Fare Going April 7 to 11, inolusivo t returning, leaving destination not later than Anril 12. Students and teaohora (with cortiaoates,) single flret-olase faro and one-third, going Maroh 19 to April 0, retcrniog until April 10. Pull information from Agent, 0. T. 0. S. 1. N. KENDALL, Agent, Brussels. GEO. HEYD, " Ethel. License District „Tin, East Riding of Huron, To the Tavern -keepers and Others whom it may Concern. NOTICE is hereby 013350 that Application for Licenses for the sato of liquor in the EAST RI®INO OF HURON for alio Lioouso yea' 1801.00, which eommen. 005 on the 100 day of May next, will bo ro- oslved by the undersigned from the present dato up to Friday, April 1st, 1898, inclusive. Applicants must furnish the names of two good a,deufllolont surottos as bondsmen at the time of malting applioa tion. Any 0p5110006 for a new license mush furnish a aertiaoate signed by a majority of tooelectors entitled to vote at oleetloue for tho Legislative Aegeanbly in the Polling Sub - Division in which the premises sought to be hemmed are situated, and the said majority must include at least ono -third of the said. electors, who aro at the limo of such appli- cation residents within the said oiling dub• Division. JNO, R. MILLER, IxennoTon. Jaitoetot, n, Mar 2,1808, OWCS Possible Prices --"" w FOR DEPENDABLE GOODS, We are very orpbatie on this moat important point, Wo watch Wooly any (Mange in values, and under no oireametaneee will you find biglo prides charged here. If you are not informed on the prion of any article, you may depend that our quota• tion( will be the Lowest Pride Possible, DI F 8 GOODS We're particularlysono in ourallowing al Dress floods. SpeaS4t attention has been given to securing the newest and most fashionable geode fur the ooming sea. son. :The variety seams andleas, every imaginable color in the newest weaves• Drees Lengths, pretty colorings in Vaouoa Cloth, handsome goods, very wide, 6 yards makes a dress, the pieou 50.00• Covert Coating, well made goods, in different shades, a very pretty effect is a green and brown shot, at per yard, 86o. looney Mohair Drees Goode, in greens, blues and brown•, will make a bandoome cosbume, per yard 75o. Trimmings to match all Dress Goode. We pay particular attention to Dress Goods at 500 a yard ; in plain or fanny colorings you will and our stook complete. Very pretty effects in Shot Lustre, one line is particularly good, shot pink and green, 50a, Plain Diagonal Twills, new styles, oorreot coloring, 40c. Fancy effects in every desirable color, pretty patterns, 80o. A popular pries is goods at 25o a yard. We have them in -plain or faddy de• signs, very sightly goods, one wonders bow such goods are produced for 25o. Plaid goods, special, at 25o, 80o, 50o and 75o a yd. for Waists or Children's wear. BLACK OOOD11, full range in ell desirable makes-Luetree, Henrietta, Bro- cade, Latina finish goods, Soliels, Biarritz Cloth, Satin Cloth, Serges, eto., prices 25o, 85o, 45o, 50o, ON, 75o, 05o and $1.00. Date of nest Blyth Monthly Fair, Tuesday, March 29. M'KINNO & The Eionald Fire Engine Works, •41 . Baa- raw BRUSSELS. CO, BLYTH. al►. We are prepared to do any kind of Machine Repair Worlc with dispatch and on very Rea- sonable Terms. When wanting anything in the line of Engines and Boilers, stationary or portable, we would be glad to have you ask us for quotations as we think we can save you money. We have also on hand all kinds of Repairs for Engines, Boilers, Steam Fittings, and can also execute any orders for Brass work. Nickle Plating a Specialty. Ronald Fire Ingine Storks, BRUSSELS. HAVE YOU Looked in our �® m: Show Window Lately ? . Have you read my Advertisement ?!Have you glanoed in;onr 'store to see the New Dress Goods, New Trimmings, New Prints, New Silk and Cotton Lanes, New Gloves, Now Parasols, New Shirtings, New Cottonades ? Everything New for Spring. Yn the Gr000ry Department Yon will find everything Fresh in Canned Goods and at old Prime. Teas and Coffees a Specialty. Agent for Parker's Dye Works. J. G. Skene. moorra ANJD�.I.. SHOES SPRING OPENING On Saturday, March 26th, and:following week we will make a special display of Boots and Shoes, and therefore extend a special invitation to all to call and see the extensive range and grand values we are showing in this department. Call and see us on March 26th and during the following week. -'"Ve t,. -- Alex. Strachan, ten-- BRUss��.,S. MONEY is MONEYGAINED ! HEROE BY DEALING WITIH Wilton & Turnbull You are well served and gain money. B g't r i� °°ef th° Cook, Parlor and, Coal Stoves That Cannot be Beaten, Large Assortment of Lamps and Lamp Goods, Lanterns, Cutlery and Graniteware. We make a specialty of putting in Coal and Wood Furnaces, and Warrant Satisfaction. Stove Ooal for Sale and always on hand. Special attention to Jobbing and Repairs, Wilton 84 Turnbull, Brussels.