The Brussels Post, 1898-3-25, Page 44 pir:1Css.cI5 rfr t, FRIDAY, .zictLR,. `2a, 1898. Political Pointers, It is reported that Sir Adolphe Chap. lean will eootest Begot as a Conservative, Fred, Pardee, of West Lambton, and I. B. Lucas, of Centre Grey, are the two youngest members of the Legislative As. eembly. Both are natives of Latnbton. According to lien. G. W. Rose, the election in Russell will make the govern. merit's majority eight, which, he adds, "is enough." 13y the end of the session it will be much larger rend more than enough. History will repeat itself. The following is the result in the Bus. sell election by townships, corrected up to the present time :— Township. Gufbord. Marler, Russell 282 884 Cumberland 255 287 Oegoode 471 400 Glouoeeter 425 468 Cambridge 233 64 Clarence 065 171 Ilookiend Village 183 71 Caseelman Village 35 28 Totals 2,502 1,823 Majority for Guibord, 730. The Toronto World and Mr. St, John are 0i11 trying their best to injure the hog raising and pork.packing industry in Ontario. The business hi one of the most profitable industries in Canada, and it has brought millions of dollars itlto the country in the last few years, and it is capable of vast expansion. But farmers and pork -packers inform no that, as a consequence of the foolish and incendiary agitation on the subject of the Humber piggery, the business has been injured in Canada, and the inquiry for Canadian pork in Grant Britain may be very niuch onrtailed. The conduct of Mr. St. John and his political associates in this con- nection deserves the severest reprobation. They knew that when hog cholera broke out at the Humber over two years ago, Dr. Smith, a Conservative Domiuiou official, took the case in ebarge, and dis. posed of the hogs exactly as he had dis- posed of animals ander similar conditions) in Elgin, Tient and Essex counties. In- deed, not until eighteen months after the event, and until the last session of the Legislature, did Sir, St. John raise the oratory which, repeated on the stamp, has done so much harm to the hog industry of the country. This warfare did not close with Ur. St. John's defeat at the polls. Fat hogs were in due course killed at the Humber piggery this month and immediately the old outcry was revived that they were diseased. It is true that once half a dozen expels veterinaries ex. amined the animals and gave emphatic contradiction to the story, but before that was possible the rascally statement had been telegraphed far and wide. The Opposition politicians who have pinned their hopes for success on warfare cal. eninted to bring great loss to the farm- ing oommuniby cannot be too strongly condemned. The Ontario Orangemen. Meetings of Grand Lodge and Grand Black Preceptor,. The Provincial Grand Lodge of Coterie West met at Palmerston on Tuesday and Wednesday of last week. At Tuesday's sessions, after the Grand Master's ad- dress, William Lee, of Toronto, Grand Secretary presented his report. He com- plained of the number of county lodge officers who failed to make returns at the proper time. The year's work showed a substantial increase of membership, the initiations being 1,260 ; joined on certifi- cate, 428 ; reinstated, 210 ; or a total of 1,913 members added to the roll. The losses were : By expulsion, 50, and deaths, 163, making the total losses 213, showing a net gain of 1,700. Three new lodges have been opened during the Grand Lodge year. The Grand Treasurer, E. F. Clarke, M. P., for West Toronto, reported that at the last meeting of the Grand Lodge the per capita tax was lowered from 10 cents to 5 cents per member, reducing the rev- enue evenue by one half, without any reduction in expenditure. The income and ex. penditure for the year was : Income— Balance in hand, 32,277.70; per capita tax, 01,384.85 ; back interests, 327.75 ; total, 33,690.36. Expenditures—Officers'salaries, delegates' expenses to triennial council, postage, stn., 39 203.70 ; balance in hand, 81,486.60 ; total, 33,690.38. There was a publio meeting in the evening in the town hall, followed by a banquet. On Wednesday, after a short discus- sion, 350 was voted to the True Blue Or- phanage scheme. The orphanage was al- so recommended to the sympathy of the members which means that r w every lodge g willgive 'rants to the scheme and thus raise very large sum. At 'the unveil. mous request of the members in Tient and Ivlaskoka the order in these counties will in flame be divided into two county lodges, to be known respeotively as North and South Kent and North and South Muskoka, The election of grand oaioore resulted as follows : D. DI. Jermyn, Wiarton, Grand Master ; John McMillan, Toronto, Deputy Grand Master ; William Wilson, Brantford, Junior Deputy ; William Lee, Toronto, Grand Secretary ; Col. Scott, Kincardine, Asst. Grand Secre- tary ; E. F. Clarke, M. P., Toronto, Grand Treasurer; Rev. F, M. Baldwin, Woodstock, Grand Ohaplain ; W. D. Bowman, Fronthill, Grand Lecturer ; Samuel Caswell, Palmerston, Grand D. 0., and I. C. MoAvoy, Balsam, and John Hewitt, Toronto, Grand Auditors. On re•assembling for the evening seg• sion, Barrie, Guelph and Petrolia were proposed as the next place of meeting. Berne was chosen. It was deoided that in fature the an- nual meetings of the Grand Lodge should be held on the seoond Wednesday in March. G. S. Leighton, Secretary of the Orange Mutual Benefit Society, address - , ed the Grand Lodge in the Interests of the sooieiy, and a resolution passed no. ommending the society to the members ab large. Tion, N. 0, Wallace, M. P., visited the Grand Ledge at this point, and met with a vigorons reception. A proposal to exclude from member- ship all who anbsoribed funds to sectarian inetftntione was not entertained. Some proposed minor changes in the inebitn, tion were dealt With, and the procsediags terntiaated with the siugiug of the National Anthem. omen 1511(111'Isl rrL'tOltr, The Grand Black Precoptury eluded olllcers as £chows : J. 14. \Villiants, To. route, Grand Maxtor ; Marshall '1'hnntp. sen, Windsor, Deputy Grand Master ; Rev. W. Walsh, Brampton, Grand ('hap. lain; Edward Medcalf, Toronto, Grand Treasurer ; F, R. Parnell, St, Ctttbariues, Grand Registrar. PSOVINOIAL 05101' n1.ACl C,Lu'rnit. The meeting of the Provincial ()rend Black Chapter of (tubule was held at Renfrew on Wednesday of last week. The Grants Master's, Grand Registrar's and Grand Treasurer's reports show an increase of membership and an improve, men* in the fin amide The following Sir Kttigltts were eleobed officers : Grand Mu- ter, D, E. K. Stewart, .Madoo ; Deputy Grand Masters, T, C. Oulong, Campbell. ford, and H. H. Morton, Ottawa ; Chap lain, G. McCartney, Bethany ; Registrar, J. Park, Renfrew ; Deputy Registrar, J. R. Orr, Macloo ; Treasurer, James Claris, Ottawa: Deputy Trsasnror, James Airbh, Renfrew. ,4 Trip to the Capital. Wednesday morning, Marult 0511, the Editor of this family journal took the train at Brussels for Toronto, en route to Ottawa, where the annual tweeting of the Canadian Press Association was convened ou Thursday and Friday, We had as a seat mate and travelling companion a well known resident of Brussels, in the person of B. Gerry, who was going to the Provincial Capital to attend the Conserv• alive gathering in the Mail building, whose bnsiuess was the consideration of what was to be done with the naughty Grits. On the train we also met the Misses Hall, lady evangelists, of Guelph, who were also going to the city, to con. duet revival services. There was a big crowd on bond, owing, no doubt, to the cut rates, and seats were ab a premium. After dinner we attended to some busi. nese matters and then, in company with H. P. Moore, Editor of the Aotou Free Press, hied to the Globe office and sate evening that institntton tarnnig out its of g daily edition, a very interesting sight. The Methodist Book Room was our next call. This is a great and growing book concern and does a very large trade. The balance of the evening up to train time was very enjoyably spent in the company of Dr. G. L. Ball, formerly of Brussels, with whom we reviewed old scenes. Shortly after 0 p. m. we boarded the C. P. R. sleeper "Nestoria" and found as ottr party bound for Ottawa R. Holmes, Clinton New Era ; D. McGilli• cuddy, Goderich Signal ; W. D. McLean, Seaforth Expositor ; E. E. Shepherd and Joe Clark, of Saturday Night ; H. J, Pettypiece, M. P. P., Forest Free Press ; A. Pattallo, DI. P. P., Woodstock Sentin- el -Review ; Registrar Pattullo, of the same town ; the well known Peter Ryan, of Toronto ; Editor Moore, of Acton ; Jackson, of Newmarket, and several others. We bunked along with Mayor Holmes on the top shelf and got full benefit of the jolting. 6 a. m. Thursday saw our train steam into Ottawa and after performing the necessary ablutions we left our coach about 7 and soon found comfortable quarters at the Windsor Hotel during our easy ill the Capital. The Press Associ- ation's meetings were held in the Railway Committee 1800m, in the Parliament Buildings, where over 60 representatives of the Press in Ontario and Quebec were assembled, Major McLean, of Montreal, presiding, This was the 40th annual meeting. Au interesting program was presented, one of the best papers being read by Frank A. Monsey, of the well known Munsey Magazine, New York ; Jno. Ring, Q. C., dealt ably with "The Newspaper and the Courts," having special reference to the libel law of this country. In the afternoon Nord and Lady Aberdeen honored the Association with a call, both addressing the news.. paper men. Her Excellency spoke on "a theme near to her heart," site said, viz., "The Victorian Order of Nurses." The following officers were elected by acclamation :—President, Robt, Holmes, Clinton ; 1st Vice -President, W. S. Ding• man, Stratford ; 9nd Vice -President, J. S. Willison, Toronto ; Secretary -Treasur- er, Sohn A. Cooper, Toronto ; Assistant - Secretary, C. A. Matbhows, Toronto. Auditors :—A. S. Foerster, Oakville, and J. O'Beirne, Stratford. The eleotion of the members of the Council resulted in a tie between Mr. Colquhoun and A. G. F. MaoDonald, of the Alexandria News, and the President gave his casting vote in favor of Mr. MacDonald. The other members elected to the Council were : W. Ireland, The Star, Parry Sound ; Dan. McGillicuddy, Goderioh Signal ; J. T. Clarke, Saturday Night, Toronto ; L. J. Tarte, La Petrie, Montreal. On concluding the business of the afternoon the association adjourned to the Speaker's Chambers,were they were the guests of the Speaker and Mrs. Edgar at tea. Instead of spending much time over the tea cup we went bo the House of Commons and heard Hon. G. E. Foster debate the Youkon railway for an hour before supper time. Thursday evening the annual Press Bangnet was held at the Russell House and was largely attended, the notables Present being Lord Aberdeen, Hon. J. I. Tarte ; Mr. Dlnnsey and Dir. Gibson, of Now York ; IIon. Dr. Borden, Lieut. - Col. Denison, Dr. Drummond and others. The tickets coat 32.00 each, and the reader may have some difficulty in stretching his imagination to discover how a fellow could get the worth of his money, but the following outline will show that the neves. sary supply of the choicest and best was at our disposal and the supply exceeded the demand by big odds :—Soup, clear, green Turtle ; Fish, boiled salmon trout with Anchovy sauce ; Filets de Pigeons a la Duxelle ; Filets of Beef a la Borde- laise ; Green peas ; Roast stnffod young Turkey with Ohsstnut dressing ; Bete. mei Punch ; blue bill Duok a le Tigarde ; sweats, fruits, &c., do. It was a great bonanza for the city aheps, who often go hungry, and to be able to dab in French as well as in English did not appear to hurt anybody very much. A flue probes. tea discoursed charming Melo while the bill of fare was being attended to. The program of toasts included "The Govern. or -General," responded to by Lord Aber- deen ; "Tris Press in Parliament," elicit• ing replies from Mr, Coto, President of the Mouse of Comtnons Press Galiety, end Hon. Mr. Tarte ; Mr, Pattnilo, M. P. 2., of Woodstock, added to life iaurale in his responso in bobalf of the Ontario Legislature, "Tse Presa and the Ern - THE ,BRDSS.JLS POST pine" was coupled with the names of 1'l. 1.1, Shepherd, lion. Dr. Burden and ]:,lent.•t,ol. Denieon, "l,iteratnttt" tuts Planed in Lhn eompcleuL hatt,le of .1, b', Ellie, St, John's, N, 13., (.dobe, and De, {Drummond, of Montreal, It was atter 19 o'clock before the haugneb was brought to a eouoluslon by eiugiug the National Anthem, Ordinary people would have gond house and wooed tired Nature's sweet restorer, but this was not the ease with the visit. ing quill drivers, as we had learned that a division would be taken in trio Com. mous on the )'oukon eueetion and we wanted to see how the bnsiuess was done. Dr. McDonald, the well known DI. P. of heist Huron, escorted no to comfortable seats in the Indies' gallery and gave 115 pointers as to where the leading gentle. men on either side of the Itense sat. Sir Charles Tupper bad the floor and was handling the question of debate from his standpoint with a marvellous vigor for a man past his 77th birthday. After near. ly three hours Sir Charles decided he had said enough and ib fell to Lho lot of Sir Mallard Cartwright to "comb the whisk. era" of the last speaker. Ile was follow• ed by Messrs. McInnes, Casey and Davis, so that it was about 5 o'clock when the eloquence ceased to flow and the vote was called foe. While the belle were ringing and the whips were drumming up the tardy, sleepy M. P's., songs, in Freueh and English, were sung, with an occasiou. al fusilade of paper wads, bluebooks, &a., that in more than one instance sent the headgear of the members flying. A big majority, totalling 04, was recorded in favor of the Government, after whish there was a rapid exit and wo piled into bed at 5.30 o'clock. It is rather amusing to observe the liberties accorded our M. P's. as compared with the straightlaced dealings with visitors in the galleries. You are almost espeoted to ask a flunkey if you may be permitted to cough. It's a great thing to be an DI. P. Friday forenoon was devoted to the business of the Press Association and among other interesting matters brought forward was an invitation from Bro. Ire- land, of the Parry Sound Star, to visit that beautiful scenic section of our Prov - in and enjoy a week's fishing. Mr. Prov- ince ) y e, Ireland offered to supply blto bait and give us the freedom of the town, Tho Presicleut was authorized to correspond with the Minister of luterior in reference to the Canadian Pressmen being granted the option of accompanying au excursion of Minnesota prospectors to the Pacific Coast. Mr. Gibson, representing a large Advertising Ageing, in New York, gave a very practical address on "Advertising," being an outline he had worked out in connection with his business. In the afternoon a goodly number of the visitors spent an enjoyable half hour in the Fisheries' Exhibit and then tools the street oars to Hull, where the mam• moth establishment cf 1e. B. Eddy was visited. We were shown through the paper mill ; the match factory ; paper bag manufactory ; and the fibrewars factory, all of which proved very interest- ing. About 1,000 hands are employed by Mr. Eddy, ranging from the little tot 6 or 6 years old, boxing matches, to the gray haired employee. An hour or so was oo. copied iu the House of Commons before the supper hour was chimed. Fri- day evening we went out in full force to Rideau Hall, to accept the kind invitee tion of Lord and Lady Aberdeen. Two electric oars were placed at our disposal in conveying our party to and from the reception, which was a most eujoyoble one, and the following from the facile pen of the brilliant young lady editor of the Journal's society column, gives her opinion regarding it :—"The long procession of those who influence publio opinion to so great a degree, in whose honor the re. oeption was given, were presented to their Excellencies, and then, being in• tredueed to some Ottawa belle, went into the drawing room and heard Master Guy Mainguy carol his sweetest lays, or the delightful music of Mrs. Jas. Morris, or stood entranced as M. du Domaine, the violin wizard, wove his spells of melody. If it bad not been for the desire to listen to the splendid program, it would have been hard not to sigh for a waltz—there being so many brew looking thiels who in the busy world take notes of every- thing that is going on. Yet no one seem- ed to be in awe of them, nor of their powers of dashing the whole scene off with a few strokes of the ready pen if they wished, Like editors in the days of Ring Solomon, editors—those wonderful beings—were "nothing accounted of," they were as plentiful as blackberries on o bramble hedge in August. As for the names of all these clever and interesting men, they aro written in previous issues of the Journal. Their Excellencies, as is their wont, were a kind and thougfnl hoot and hostess, and expected their staff to see that the members of the Canadian Press Association, who were the special guests of the evening, were introduced to a sufficient number of people, and proper- ly looked after, as they were." mite a large number of the two storey guests wore one storey tors dresses and those who had ren short of material to finish out the sleeves substituted long•armed gloves, Getaway coats, lownecked vests, white as, &c., were a good crop, and everybody looked happy, from the worthy host and hostess down to the brave soldier boys 1 who stood peed at the door. We did nob gat rattled and run foul of the many long trains that swept the velvety carpets of 1 Rideau Hall, following up the youth and beauty of the Dominion Oapital, but wo have been in places where we were every bit as much at home. Now, however, ' shale we have got acquainted with their i Excellencies, we will not, perhaps, be so backward in coming forward, notwith. standing that almost all of our Nationality are noted for their retiring disposition. 1 10.85 p. m. saw us boarding the (3. P. R. sleeping car "Ohaudiere" and about 7.80 the next morning we alighted in the Union depot at 'Toronto, and from there made our way homeward, being fortunate enough to have a return bakes. Ottawa, despite its narrow streets, is a line city and has a good share of excellent buildings, splendid elecbrio railway sys. tem and all the other etceteras that go to make up a stirring, up•to•date place. 05 course the Parliament Buildings are the centrepiece, and a good share of the life anti star of the city eminates from the Legislative Balls and Departments. Just now a large force of workmen are corn. plating the rebuilding end necessary te• pairs occasioned by the fire of a year ago. The French language is vary commonly spoken there, and many of the cabmen, with their ene•hoeso tnrn•outs, are of French descent, Ottawa le gaits a centre as far as the htmberiug interests aro con. earned and possesses very extensive mills and lumber yards, The Ottawa river tu4 Cl;audlcu'e frills are Well Warts, ''es). ing, No more Ointment paint eau be •fait - td, .eially in the Summer omen, then the e eninion Capital. Dominion Grange, e)t the annual emoting of the Dominion Grange, held in Loudon recently, the Conuuibtee 00 Legislation recommended !hat the Ontario Government be naked to ease '.i law °Dahlins,' municipalities to eon. duet tusnrau 'o within their own bounds ; 'lute the Dominion Goverunout appoint tt sixes day for the holding of the elections 'or both Iletsea, except in cases where a ;eve' otnenb has been defeated ; the' the 1 k,tuielon Government tarnish all lnegis- trabes and all officials of munieipalities with copies of the statutes, in order that the publio can see ore iuforination reearcd- ing any law without consulting a lawyer ; and that the Dominion Government should prohibit the impt'rtation of all fruit tepee from states or countries where the San Jose scale is known to exist. The Grange decided to further insist on more attention being paid to the Public schools, and that those who wished high. or education should be compelled to pay for it The next meeting et the National Grange will be hold in Concord, N. 11., in November, anis the Dominion Orange ap•. pointed J. Robinson and W.F. 1V. 1'sher as its representatives. The following officers were elected :—Worthy blaster, W. 1'. W. Fisher, of Bnrlingten ; Over. seer, lwbt. Currie, of Wiegbatn • Secre- tary, ',Robb. Wilkie, lBlenheim; ',Robb.4•ettsur- cr, Peter Hepinstell, Fordwiell ; T n.tur• n} Gen, Fisher, of Freeman ; C'haplain, Jay. Murdoch, of Palmerston Steward, W. Prangley. St. Thomas • Assistant Steward, 11„bt DI, Carr, 1'ainswiolc; Ceres, Mrs. label Robinson. St. Thomas; Potnoun, Mrs. J. Ginning, Loudesbm'o' ; Flora, Mrs. Samuel Austin, Whitby ; Lady Stowe el, DTrs. Geo. Letlthridge, Glencoe; Executive Committee, henry Glendenning, Manilla, and Jebel li,,bin• son, 1Viddlsn arch ; Auditors, 2, isle. Dougall, Milton, and E. Peart, Nele.'n. Grey Council Meeting. council me; at the Township Full on March 21,11pursuantto adjournment eat n11 the members wore present, the Heave in the chair; minutes of last meeting were read and ooutx,,,od. A ocwmnnieatimt vas rend from Goo. Oliver, contractor on Gov- ernment Drain No. 11 and outlet. An a0• count for 802.00 for nssisbanoe to •0 is. A. Sell, 0.E., in malting servers for extension of Government Drain No. 2 was presented. Moved by Debt. Dilworth, seconded by Win, Brown that El o amount be "aid. Carried. 7 notion of 11 tab Cuuniugltnin and 97 others praying the Council to caecal the pr' mss. gory note of 8,40,(3 bola by them against (loured Michel and Wul, McNabb, who were sureties for a defaulting collector of taxes for this Township. Moved by James Me. Donald, seceded by William Brown that the petition be granted, that Conrad Michel and William McNabb be relieved from any ,urtlter responsibility- in the matter. Oar - ,•,ed. Application of Thomas H. So -es o to be detached t rem 8. 9. go. 1 and added to 3. 0, No. 0, Moved by Wm, Brown, seconded James McDonald that the Clerk bo in- structedto notify all parties interested for .110 next meeting of Connell. Carried. Geo, Whileold npt,'tod for repairs to road rat lob ?e, co 1, 1,1, stautag that it was a very had .010,8 of rend. Moved by ]cobs. Dilworth, s000n,ied by Win. Brewu that Mr, Living- ston be tllstrlupte,l to attend to the matter yud have the necessary repairs done, Car - ::10t1. The following Pathmastors, 1'enee- siewers and Pomulkeepers were appointed for tbo current year, viz :—Puthntav'ets— JoucetiatoR 1st, on bouuda •y—Jae I .0:1e11, t;eo Mcllona.A, Geo Armstrong Edward McBee, H51100 Ctnnmiug, Di vId - Campbell ; oonoesatnus lit and Sud—Jas Cott, Theo smith, Malcolm Fraser, Wm Minos, John "McDonald, Gen Brown, Wm Smith, Daniel rivers; concessions 3rd andltb—Dunenu Taylor, Alas It McDonald, John Smith, T II 'avage, Jua Pearson, aamnol Matthews, De,iea Spillet;,llobt Pirie ; cou0oesions 00th and 011 —John Oliver, John Smith, John Lowe, John Motu teal', 'rhos Voddeu, 'John Kellner, Cha, Hudson, Jahn 'i' Holmes; roncess I ons 7a13. and 8th—John Cunniuggbast, Jas ;Gttlstt, Ili.gh ,t,laiiinuon, Peter lSelier, Christian Er'unier, Andrew Silnrp, Wno Tuoo,pson, Ildward Collis, Christopher Baynard ; cm. cessions 0th uud 10611—Wm trmacrons, J..s Tergnaou, Jno Steles, Joseph )sten, Jno IC 1trove, Daniel Cooper, Jae 15 Maker, Harm 311 5peirau ; coupe salons 11th and 12h—Jno Davidson, Ben Dark, Jamas Perrie, Anthony Heymann, Wnt, Oatn°che n, DGoo Whitaold, Wm Buttery, Donald 1510' ougrll; ooneesaions tech and 11th—James Oakley, Jno Stevenson. Juo Coats, Thos) ib nets, Louis Stoiss, Audrow MoInuoa, Al- bert Whitfield, Joseph Wltit(teld , Wm Kelly, Conrad Eugel; concessions 14511 and Jeth— roo Sholdice, llugb Stewart, Wm J Stewart, win Strath, Bengal McTaggart, Jas Living- ston, Jas Mann ; concessions 17111 and 113th —Joseph Bonnett, Thee Williamson, Elms Crich, Duncan Mckenzie, Jas McKay, 13obt Meehan, Samuel McPherson, Thee Ma - Perlman ; Graham's Survey—Hugh Elliott; Walton village—Matthew Morrison • gravol road—Samuel 9ueh, Jas Strachan, Jes Parr, Win Work, Jro Oakley, \Vm Sholdlse, D'ouoevlewers; Alex Itces, Duncan Taylor. Hance Colombia, D W Dunbar, Maloolni Lamont, 1Eobt Sowen Goo Welsh, Jas I•'srgusen,Petor Binulalr jr, Wm Ifn:6on, Hartwell Spe'san ar, Jno Stewart, Jno Whitfield, Alex ItioMay add Jno klnillto. Pone dkeepors—Thos McEwen, 01.1118 Sehaf• er, Joseph Qaerrin, Jacob Long, Mos \Vi1- llanosan, 11dwc,rtl Collie, Jos Harris and Goo McKim. By-law No. 118, confirming the above .ippelsb'AOnts, was read several times rncl passed. The following amounts were presented, viz : A L Gibson, registering B y - law Nu, 119, 150 ; Geo Welsh, 8 cords stove wood for Hall. $3.00 ; Wm Spence, work on drainage By-t..w No. 111,30,00; !tout Llvlug- rton, for aseis'.Ruc0 to Jae A hell, C E, utak- ing survey rue extension of Government Urate Nq, 2, 420.10; hobs Livingston, serv- ing copies of 11y -law No,118 on parties ap• ceased, 70 °onto • Adam Menzies, gravel,. 010,40 ; A Daamann, part payment salary es assessor, 200.10. Moved by Robb Dilworth, E.econctecl by ,las McDonald slab the above uocnnnbs be paid. Carried. Cooled then vdJourn ed, to sleet again /it the YWwuship 1ia11 o0 Sa1ios' thy, the 0th dad of April, 1808, Wnt.SP1M01a, Cleric, The British Columbia Legislature pass- ed a strong resolution, °elltpg on the Do- minion Government to prated Canadian lumbermen by imposing a duty on luno. ber equal to that of the 'United States. . cLiEOD'S ` ySto m ertetavator —ANn 0011110 -- TESTED REMEDIES DPECIFiC AND ANTIDOTE ger Impure, Weak and Impoverished Blood, Dyspepsia, Sleeples:,nese, Palpita' Oen of the Heart, Liver Complaint, Nene- algia, Loss o1 Memory, Bronchitis, Oen- oumption, Gl 11 Stones, Jaundice, Kidney and Urinary Diseases, St. Vitus' Dance, Female Irrsgularitios and General De. bihby. ;.A€lii�1 tY, UJDERiCH, (ATS J. M. MoLHOD, Prop, and Manntaoburer, Holo[ by Jas, Vex, leengelst, t'trneeels. �3 14x111',5, We've been right here on this street fur the past eighteen years—In this store for more than six years,. .We've trial to have our clothing better each year, We have it letter.—we buy only from the -best manufacturers, A t the Suits we're selling g now _et credit for being merchant tailored, and the bast way we could describe theca would be to'say that they are --but all extravtl ad ce is taken out of the prices, There's a difference ill qualities and a difference in prices but - if you or your boy want a Suit for this season, with distinguished taste', you can do no better than select one ]sere. ts. We wish to demonstrate to the public that we do the Carpet Trade thor- oughly well, Union Carpets, tapestry designs, as good as regular 45e for 37zc ; Special Union Carpets, 30 inches, for 2.5c; Extra Super Union Carpets, new colors, 05c fur 50c. All Wool Carpets, a special heavy make for 75c. �Ygtlsea :Fere aena� !mewlrre Spring styles in Meld's Bats now ready. A fine collo,tion—Yor'11 want to see them and we want you to see thele even though you don't caro t 1 buy right now, The Latest in Soft Hats• The Latest in Hard Hats. SPETIL IN BLIOTS 'al SHOES, Our Shoe Stock appeals to every thoughtful buyer. The lar; e range of up-to-date styles for Man, Woman and Child, the superior qualities if the goods and the emphatically low prices make this department particularly att'active and give this store a distinctive leadership in the shoe trade, Sole ,Ryents in Br assels for Priestley's Celebrated Dress Goods. Good Zssortnzent 720711 in stools. Highest Prices for Produce.•° Pvio , at the Variela Irouse. Men and 'Women do You Want to Buy oods Che • P Come and See us for we are going to� SLAUGHTER THE WHOLE OF UR IM ' ENSE S TOCK Tr I °X. $130503 IN mi 50 DAYS, Dry Goods going at 700. on the $ Re atl.y,lq!l.ald e S (1 65o. $ Boots 6 Shoes 1f 550, 11 $ T 'ID PROFIT BY THIS SALE OrE IERS WILL HAVE AN OPPORTUNITY, Butter f6 Eads taken same as Cas,.. 'attaiit )t9 ok, cl%A.R.L' ,=.L!:11..1D1...d .1',.:1.. V V S- 1, , r-, W SS.UT-Its'