The Brussels Post, 1898-3-25, Page 1Vol 25. No. 37.
1111, D„ 0, 111., sum,. or 10 1)r, :., liol(olvoy,
Licentiate of Ito. ,I Clullogo f 1'Aye[eian9
and Surgeons, liiu ,ton ; Mention. of 1.115
lege of Fllyslcinua zit Nurgeous of Ontario,
1)10011608 of wooly,' :ltd children a specialty.
Eight years' expo)! Doe, 1:-%'U1n00 and roe -
/deuce that fern' 1y 000npied bYDr. Mo•
1tolvoy,Turuberry 11100±, 131011018, 2,e•
malamute, MIR 000 AND ACCJ011IE0n,
1st Class honor( adnatn of Eno Univend.
ties of Trinity (En oto), queen' (I1ingotou)
and of Trinity ago oat 0ollogr ; Follow off
Trinity Medical 0, logo and ,,amber of the
College o1 Physio1 's and Surgc one of Ontar-
io. Post Gradual Course n: Detroit cud
OLioage, 180e, SI' 'sol attontk.1 paid to dis-
008es of Eye, Bar, o0n and Throat, and dis-
easesof Women. .ar0ousultoiiou in Eng-
lish and Gorman, blophouo at residence,
Y W • Solicitor' • -'nvoyanaer,NotaryPob-
Iic, &o, Oflioe-4' astone'e L.oek, 1 door
north of Control i ,to Soliul tor for the
S banded Bank.
G. OA1t .,TION,
• (Former • of Oam.•'on, holt &
Oameron,)13arrist, nr.l Sallol' ,r,-Oorlerioh,
Ont. Odloo—Hou It0u St , Opposite 001
borne Hotel,
• Solicitor a: . C:onveyol•;er. Collec-
tions made. Ofllo, Vaustone', 'slack, Brus-
sels, 01-310
F. Solioilc &n, (late ••1 C0arrew Q
Proudfoo 6's Odlod G„doricb.; 01Jioo over
Gil lies & Smith's : 111,, Bross°- i.
Money to Loco 'll•
MOook's Cc ;Joe Root Compound
Is success illy used monthly by over
10,000 Ladle, date, effect:..11. Ladles ask
your druggl t for Cooks ('atton Root Com-
vocod. Take no alai as all Mixt-res, pills and
Imitations ate dam roue. Prior, No. 1, $1 per
box; No. a,10 degre 0 stronger,80 per box. No.
1 or 2, mailed on roe int of price 1. rid two 3 -sen t
stars, The Coo C1:mpauy,Windsor, 001,
ViirNos. 1 and 2 sr .1 and recommended 113, all
responsible Drugglt a in Canada.
Nos, 1 and 2 sold '1 l'russels I.y
A. 1)EA1ul1AN,
DruggliBookseller Sc Optician.
D.'h0 undersignoi "1A keep for service on
Lot M Con,0, Mo• e, the tuoro'-bred Im-
proved Yorkshire Mr., 'Oak Lodge Long-
fellow," No, 2480, 3, .d by .7.311. B rothous, ptu•-
ford, to which a 11. iced num he: of sows will
be taken. Tm'Ln, 51.00, to be paid at Limo
of servi00 with pri 'ego of rot gluing if nec-
A number of clic •e . onog sows for salo'for
brooding purpose which will be sold at
p11004 to suit the 1 nes,
21- R01 :, NICI0OL, Proprietor.
New Advertisements,
Wall paper—Jas. Fox.
Leonia -T. lt, Riohards.
11illinery—Miss Rnddielc.
Ilioyoles.--G, A, Deadman.
Millinery-1ilre. 1). lingers.
Mote and shone --A. Stracbe%
House for sale-•Diis. II. Willow,
Lowosb primes-llolCimlon 10 Co,
Eggs for hatching—O. Haggard.
Spring novelties—J. 1'0rgn0an yC On.
Central 143/10111080 Collego—W.J. Elliott.
li ci t'cl1)5,
Wood lace are quite a0mm0n now,
W. IC. Whaley, of Bslgrovo, spent last
week in our midst,
R. McNabb, until recently our village
tailor, 1128 left town.
Promotion exa111111at10110 are being held
In onrpublic school this week,
Mies Lily Dobson is confined to bed
by a mild attaok of typhoid favor.
Mrs. D. Turner, of Stayner, spent last
weep with her aunt, Mrs. Spence, sr.
Max. Raynard moved this week to his
rece.1tly purchased farm near Luelcnow.
W. Ohaffe, of Mitchell, has opened out
a t.iloring establishment in IIausuld'a
vaolnt store.
Q. MoBlain, who rented the Lindsay
feria for a term of years, has given op
pas semi), and Mr. Lindsay will take
(barge of it himself,
'1 to 8.,0114011 sale of Dr. Molielvey's
farm stock last Friday wont with a boom,
J! rices were good and auotioneor Scott
hustled the long list through in good
Lx-Counoillor Lindsay and family will
rstrrn in a few weeks from Perkdale,
where they have spent the past 5 months
to Heir 10,14141 here, Mr. Lindsey has
recovered from his recent illness, and is
now attending auction Wes in this vicin-
ity purchasing necessary stools and
im; laments for farming.
Notice to Creditors.
In the Surrogate Court of the County of
litlroil,''111 the matter of the estate of
Elias Dickson, lata of the Township
of Grey, Faster, deaeascd :
Notice is hereby given, pursuant to ft. S.
0., Chap, 110, and amending Aots,, that all
persona having any claims agaln0t the
estate of the said Elias Diokeon, late of the
Township of Gray, farmer, deceased.' 'who
died on or about the Twentieth day of Sanit-
ary, A. D.1638, are required to send by mail,
postpaid, or deliver to G.P. Blair, Solicitor
for the Executrix, at 111110sela P. 0., on or
before the 25th day of March, 100h, a full
statement and particulars of their' claims
and the nature of the securities (if any)held
by them, and on and after the said 26114 day
of March the said estate will be distributed
among these entitled thereto, having
regard. only to the claims of winch notice
shall thou have been given. Dated at Bros -
sole the ith dev Of ilfaroh, A. 1), 1008:
U. 1', BLA110, Solicitor for .Executrix,
aJ'•yrr.'ybb uez'-te _' o..,icarc 61�i�ei i x 1sxxek�mwJ l!32•rtrJ'-ue1 xx
SPRING- - 1898.
"z,3:w ;.lsexxx aczaL•.1 i :''.c.rel'w,xwJ+v''.o�°i'iw.
'Wishes to announce that she has secured the Newest
Effects . 1 Millinery for this season's trade, includ-
ing : ll the New Shapes in Fancy Straws ;
E 1 tb.e Now Shades in Green, Blue,
K1ol,dike Yellow, &c., also
the Fuschia,
Opening ' n
Friday and Saturday,
3.y many Customers for past patronage, 1 again
solid their favors, feelln�, confident that T have the
correl 1 Styles for this Season. Miss Sample,
Jute c ' New York, has been re-engaged for this
Seaso 1, as Milliner.
MI ,i ...
101' 1371RATSSMT.JS,
Booms AND 011nra3.--Buy your !tand-
em -10 barite end 01004 at Goo, llf, Minh.
011'8, Ethel, 1'irat-OIIte9 fit eintrentecd.
I intend giving 1ny Ouet0more the 1,0x6
leather that can be got in the market, ab
lowest prices. Please give me a call
and lot prices, 11 the boots don't en it
when finished I won't ask you to take
them, 34.4
Court Ethel No, 176 1.0. F., now golds
Re regular meetings on the first and
third Thursday of smolt month, in the
Grange 1Ia11. The (lain in metnb0rehip
in this Order last year was at the rate of
70 per day, and the 00rpin3 increased at
the rate of over $60,000 per month, 7.'he
number of new Com 10 instituted daring
1897 Wag 1:,8,
A very large muted attended the meet-
ing of the Leet Ih1ro11 Farmers' lush.
the here on Tuesday of laet week. Both
afternoon and evening sessions were pre-
sided over by Reeve Strachan. At the
evening meeting on expellent program
was presented. g2118 following parties
contributed to the evening's entertain-
ment1—J. Gould, of Uxbridge ; J. Shen.
pard, of Queenston ; Miss Kanterof
Oranbrook ; Alex, Lamont, Misses
Spence, Wm. Spence and Wm. Beatty,
of Our Own village.
I3arofooted boys were on the program
lost week, Cra0brook takes no book
':est Monday Ernest Hooter had an
operation performed suoaessfully on his
Mrs. Alex. McNair's health does not
improve, She has been dangerously ill
this week,
The Rsddatz Bros. rind sisters, of
Detroit, were here attending the funeral
of their sister last week. They return-
ed on Monday.
dome of oar young ladies are in sad•
nea0 this week awing to recent removals
to British Oolumbht. Their plaint is
"Where is my wandering bay to -night 7"
The Methodist ohut'oh was filled to the
doors last Sabbath afternoon to hear the
fo'lerai sermon having reference to the
late Ida Raddatz, Bev. Mr. Walker
preached a very appropriate dieoourse
frrm 1st Thessalonians, 4th chapter and
Ia i1 verse.
The Robt. Brown homestead, contain.
ing 200 acres, with comfortable stone
eesideuee, and big barns, has ham dies.
posed of to Wm. Fisher, of Fullerton
Township, for the sum of 58,000. IIe
will take possession in the near future,
Dlr. Fisher has disposed of his farm in
FAn1ILns' INsTITUTla,—A meeting of the
East Huron Formers' Institute was hold
in Jones' Hall here on Weduesdny of
last week. The attendance was not
nearly so large lig it should have been,
and those who failed to be present mis-
sed a treat, ae the practical addresses de.
livered were brim full of most useful in-
formation, which could not fail to be of
profit to those who listened to them.
Tho chair was occupied by the President,
Thos. Strachan, Reeve of Grey, and an
excellent chairman he makes. A
thoughtful and well-prepared paper was
rend by J. J. Irvin, or McKillop. Major
Sheppard, of Niagara, delivered an ad.
dress on fruit culture and the'planling of
trees, in which he gave much use1111
information, which, if pub into pra01100
by our farmers generally, would enable
them to make much more profit out of
their 'mallards than they do now. Mr.
Gould, of Uxbridge, in North Ontario,
delivered an address at corn for ensilage
and the silo, and he succeeded in giving
many new biota of practical value on
this much discussed subjeot, and proved
by examples from his own personal
experien00, the advantages of growing
corn and feeding ensilage. Both these
gentlemen are natively and successfully
engaged in the lines in which they dealt,
and consequently their addresses were
all the more valuable. The evening
meeting was more largely attended, and
an excellentmnsioat program was tender
ed as well as further useful addresses
from Masers. Shepherd ca Gould.
J. MoVety and family are comfortably
settled in their new home on the 2nd,
W. Thome.
The Epworth League, of Browntown,
had a very enjoyable aooial evening on
March 0011.
Eph. Burkholder will start the weep
for Manitoba where he intends spending
the Summer,
Isaac Curry's auction sale, 5th line,
taltes place next Tuesday afternoon. P,
S. Scott will be the ano6ioneer.
Richard Mitchell was sort of rustling
the reason lost week by plowing several
laude. It was high land of course.
R, G. Campbell and wife, who have
been spending a oonpl0 of months at
E ward Beaman's, returned this week to
D. Errington and family removed bo
Dungannon this week. The best wishes
of their many friends go with them to
their new home,
The dog poisoner is at work on the 2nd
again the 110E00 victim belongs to D.
A?ar. The slayer has nob many good
mettles entertained for him,
The funeral of the tette Mrs. Robb.
Currin haat Friday afternoon was very
largely attended. There were upwards
of .126 oonvoyanoes in the pro0es0ion.
People passing No, 6 school on the 3rd
lino, lately, may have wondered at the
light to be seen in the school on oertain
0vening0. Much more they, may have
wondered ab the weird, discordant sounds
Waning therefrom. But the explanation
of it all ie very simple. On Friday even-
ing, April 1st, at 7.30 p. m„ an entertain.
inept Is to be given, for which proper.
anon is being mode, Although primarily
a pupil's psogran, sotto high elites out.
side talent hag boon seemed, and full
ankle will be given for the m011081 admix•
sion fee of 10 canto.
Edam—John t•MaArthul', 6611 lino, le
on the sick list,—W, Mlohio had n wood
bee on Tumidity of this week.—R, Miller,
5th like, hada good tvood•bec on Stant-
(lay last.—A good many horses are siok
in title tonality,--TI1e roads aro in a ter-
rible state now, for+snow Monday mule
the 11311,'1 very aticicy,---A good many pen.
p±e aro suffering from bad colds, --Adam
Halliday, jr., left for Manitoba on 141on•
day. We expect to hear of his Snell elle.
Does In the far away West. --N. Platt, (1111
1In0, had a wood -bee on Monday of Ulla
week,—P, McNabb lute settled down on
the 0th lino with his bride, --Robert M.
Anderson, wife and family 110" moved
from Wingham to William Anderson's
farm neer Bolgravo•—.It is said that Jim.
Wheeler and family will move from Wing•
bum back to the taros,—Mrs, Rebt. Arm-
strong is improving in health,—Mrs. M.
Hughes left Monday morning to join her
hlloballd in Escanaba, Mich., where elm
will make liar tome, Mrs. .Joseph
Stubbs hod a quilting Wednesday, March
2314, Eight ladies started about 1 o'clock
and finished it about 4.30. The 1111
liners are hustlers.—Washington Wilkin.
eon is glome from Algoma visiting friends.
D. S. Shine will have an auction sale
on Friday of next week.
harry Attwood has a large number of
jo118 boolced at masonry.
Mrs. Oliver, of Galt, is visiting Mrs.
Donald Orerar, of the Ott con.
Silas MoDougall left on Tuesday for
Neepawa, Man. He went via 0. P. R.
11 Is reported Uhl) Jno. Dunbar has
gone to Klondike on a gold hunting ex-
Old Mrs. Woodburn, who has been
sorioosly ill, has improved considerably
in health. She was 90 years of age last
November and is a marvel for her age.
The Township Council should lose no
time in repairing several pieces of road•
way washed oat by the recent freshet.
Someoulverte require immediate atten•
tion as well.
Richard Bedford will retain the Fer•
ga0on 200•acre farm for another year,
The ¬ion sale will be held, notwith-
standing, on Friday afternoon of this
week as previously annonnoed,
Bralexaae.—Fred. Toil, Of East Wawa -
nosh, shipped ten good horses from Blyth
station to Manitoba,—Reeve Wilford at-
tended the Grand Orange Lodge of
Ontario West, at Palmerston last week.—
John Buie, jr., who visited his parents
hero for several days, has returned to hie
home in Ohiongo.—Mrs. Tait and baby
left on Monday of lash week to visit
friends at St. Thomas and Mummy.—
John Oookerline is confined to hie home
inMorris with a bad attack of erysipelas.
—John Buie is stili confined to lie home
horn seriously ill.—The next monthly fair
will be held in Blyth on Tuesday, March
20th.—Goan. Sloan was in Toronto last
week and purchased a number of cattle.—
Benj. Lockhart, Lawrence Patterson and
Fred. Match, of East Wawanosh, left
Blyth station Tuesday afternoon of last
week for Manitoba.—At the village min -
oil Conn. Carter moved, soeonded by
Ooun. McElroy, that section No. 4 of By.
law No. 3, 1877, be further amended so ae
to read : "That alt other cattle and sheep
not mentioned in said section be prohibit-
ed from running at large, except cows
aotually giving milk, which shall be al-
lowed to run at large from six a. m. to
seven p. m. during the months of May,
June, July, August and September in
each year, and that the pound -keeper's
fees be the same as mentioned in sections
10 and 11 for all animals, exoopting
geese." Carried. — Wm. Shand, who
spent the last throe months in Montreal,
11118 returned to Blyth.—John Metcalf has
leased the store on Queen street, at pre-
sent occupied by Dr. Carder as an o5ioe,
and will remove his grocery business
there during the Rust week in April.
Dr. Carder will remove to the office ad -
301010g ilia residenoe on Wellington
17171ooa ll arra.
Onononl NOTES.—Rev. C. W. Gordon,
of Winnipeg, Superintendent of Canadian
Missions, brother of H. F. Gordon, of
Windham, is vieitiog is Toronto.—Bev.
L. G. Wood, Reotor of ohuroh of
the Epiphany, Waebington, D. 0., ie
contemplating a visit bo friends in Wing-
ham.—Miss Mortou, of Toronto, Evan-
gelist, was iu Wingham on Monday.
She has just concluded saoaeesfol evange-
lietio servioee in Stralhroy, and (oto•
meu0e0 in Gorrie this week,
ArrroAL Conal, Toao0To.—Johnston vs.
Cook, 'Tie is a 0000 of local interest.
E. L. Diolcineon on behalf of defendant
appealed from the judgment of Justice
Armour (who tried the ease in Goderich)
in favor of the plaintiff in an notion for
dower in fifty gores of land in the town -
slip of Howiok, dirootiug an aoeignmont
of dower and assessing arrears at 988
with costs of the action, The defence is
that the plaintiff, the dowress ender the
will of her husband, is put to her eleotion
between dower and the benefits under the
will, and has eleoted to take tinder the
will. P. Mabee (Stratford), for plaintiff,
Dickinson and Ayloeworth for defendant.
Judgment reserved,
LIrTLo Witl000.ioo.—J. T. Sanderson, of
the Dominion bakery, has perohased a
new horse from Chas. Sotbon,—Wm.
Soott has Bold hie horse, buggy and outfit
t0 Mr. Sanderson, of Teeswator.—Wm.
Clegg shipped grain iron Wingham and
Bolgrave this week,—Sidewalk contractor
Graham was in town this week,—Turn-
berry Agricultural Sooiety has arranged
for an excursion to the Model farm on
June 20th.—Watson 14 Geddes, of Bel -
grave, shipped a oar of roller blooke on
Monday,-73ntton ,G reactant shipped a
car of furniture to Calgary, five' oars of
roller bioclie to Liverpool, The Union
faotory shipped One car to Vancouver and
another to St. Catharines, Boil & Sou,
Ono env to Toronto and another to Mon-
Pltn80NALo,—Mrs. H. F. Gordon and
son, aro visiting Dr, Gilbert Gordon,
Spading Ave„ Toronto,—Wm. Suther-
land wee in Toeowator on Sunday,—E. C.
Clarice and Frank Shore were m 'Tees -
water on Sunday. --Wm, Sheridan left
for Manitoba on Tuesday.—John Roby
luta removed to Bluovalo.—John Thnokor
of Culross, hes jest returned from it trip
throagll ISnglaud and Scotland,—boss
Winnngean MoDanald has returned from.
a vieib to )ler slater, Mrs. (Dr.) MoLellan,
of diintail, lire, (Dr.) McLellan, of
ICintail, la the guest of Mrs. 3, 1t, Muu•
ehaw,—Adam McKay and Mr. Olowe, of
Teeewator, spent Sunday in town.—Harry
Baker spent part of last week in Brussels,
—D, M. Jermyn, of Wiarton, the now
Grand Master of Ontario Weet L, 0, L.,
and Conservative candidate in the recent
elections for. North Bruce, is a brother of
Jahn Jermyn, of Biuevalo,—A. I3, Mace
donald and family left on Tuesday to
take op their residence in Manitoba,—W,
Mitchell has gone to Brandon,—Stanlry
Jones, of Walkerton, is visiting in to,, .,
—Wm, Drummond spent &rumple of days
in I3lylh this week, ---Mr, Morton, of
lirenipton,eprnt Sunday last with his
son, Mayor Morton. --Mr. Stauffer,
has secured a situation in
Strsltord.—J. Parker spent San•
day at Sunshine, --Mico Coventry, of
Toronto, is visiting the parental home
here,—Miss Nixon entertained a few
friends on Monday evening before leaving
for Manitoba.—Bert. Lediot left on Toes -
day for the North Weeb,—Dan, McKenzie
left for British Columbia on Toesday.—
Geo. Sadler emigrated westward this
ween.—Sandy Cameron left for Brandon
on Tuesday.—Mies McKenzie, of Brnoe•
Held, is the guest of Mrs, J. R. Manehaw.
—Larry Tracey left for Manitoba on
Wroecte CO r.
Jas. Pox, of Brussels, and Mille Hazle-
wood, of Clifford, spent Sabbath last Imre
with friends.
Tilos. Hemphill, Reeve, Robt• Miller
and Jno. A. Barnard were in the Queen
City last week.
Mr. Dseronian, an Armenian student
of Montreal College, lectured here on the
"Trials of his Countrymen," on Wednes•
day night last.
II. S. Smith & Co.'e planing mill hes
started running and with the amount of
work on hand they will have a busy see,
son of it, No better work is turned out
There is urgent need of several cedar
blook crossings on Main etrest.
The local Board of Health for the
townehip of Elma met in Atwood on
March 1011).
The interest in (voting in atwood and
vicinity this season promises to be more
general than ever before.
The assessor is on his rounds, and ell
information asked for should be freely
given him, even to the exact age of old
A petition is being oiroa!ated by T. G.
Ballantyne and ans. Donaldson to have
the sidewalk extended on East Maio
The community lost a good citizen on
the 0611 inst., in the person of Robert
Young, who passed away after a com-
paratively long illness.
Monday was pay day at the Donegal
cheese factory, when over 9400 was
divided among the patrons for batter.
The butter department of the' Donegal
factory has paid well since the opening
of the season.
Miss Lucy Bradley, o domestic em-
ployedatt John Morrison's, Newry, pas-
sed away, at the incredible age of 108
years. She was born in Quebeo Prov.
Moe, and has been at Mr. Morrison's
about 40 years. For a number of years
her reason has failed her, and she knew
nobody with the exception of the Morris-
on family, and not them at times. In
her young days she was of a wiry coneti-
tation and very active. She had a good
home at Mr, Morrison's.
Davits Bell has leased James Line.
ham's farm, lob 16, con. 12, Elma, for a
term of live years and is already in
possession. Mr. Lineham has also rent-
ed his other 100•oore farm, lot 19, con
15, to Robert Scott for five years, A
new barn, 46288 feet, will be ereoted on
this place next Summer, the contract
having already been let: Mr. Lineham
leaves for Edmonton, N. W. T., where he
sees a good opening ahead. Mrs. Line.
ham will make her home with her
brother, Geo. Loohead, for the present.
The topics for nest Sabbath in Melville
ohuroh will be :—Morning, "Christian
crossing the River" ; evening, "Hope -
falls amount of his Conversion."
Melville ohuroh obolr was moot hospib•
ably entertained ob the Manse last Fri-
day evening. The highly esteemed pastor
and his good Indy made admirable boat
and hostees,
Luoknow Methodist Sabbath sohool in-
vited W. H, Kerr to address their school
at their anniversary servioes 012 Easter
Sunday bat the invitation could not be
aooeptod owing to the S. S. anniversary
eervioes being hold in Brussels on the
same Sabbath.
On Sunday evening next in the Motho•
dist ohuroh, the pastor, Rev. S. 3, Algin,
will preach the first of 8 sermone on the
"Parable of the Prodigal Son." Subjeot
of first disoouroe, "The Prodigal" ; of the
second, "The Prodigal's Brother" ; of the
third, "Tile Prodigal's rather."
Rev. Geo. R, Snhderson,D. D., one of
the oldest and most prominent ministers
of the Methodist 01001011 in Canada, died
at his residenoe, 200 Wolfe street, Lon•
don, at 11,40 o'olook Sunday night, is the
eighty.esoond year of his age. The de..
ceased clergyman paid a visit to Toronto
last week, nod, though feeble with ago,
appeared to be in the enjoyment of fairly
good health. On Tburoday and Friday
he was able to be around town. On Sat.
nrday, however, not foaling well, he re•
mainod in the house, and Sunday hie
illness took a grave turn and he lingered
till the hour mentioned. Some yenta ego
Dr, Sanderson retired from native min-
isterial work, and has over eines resided
in London, where, as in every quarter of
Igo Dominion, ho was well known and
highly esteemed as an eloquent preacher
and 011110tian man, A family of cis
children survive him --lies. Ben. Dig -
gine and Miss (31ara Sanderson of Lon-
don, who were with him at hie death;
Rov,Fred. R., George, and Mrs, Adam
Howell, of Des Moines, Iowa, and Mrs,
A. Flaming, of Toronto.
Ell Smith addressed the Leaglte last
Monday evening, the topic being "The
Tltoredity evening of last week Ilev,
Mr. Alibi gave aft interesting report of
the London Conference Epworth League
Convention, Misses llloore sang a duet ;
a quartette by Mieeee Beattie, Herr and
Sample and John Reil ; and a duet by
Mies L. Sample and Rev, Mr. Allin were
appreoiateo additions to the well prepar-
ed and inetrnotive report.
The morning text in St. John's oh 111010
last Sabbath was taken from St. Mark,
8111 oh apt. and part of 34th verse, "Let
him deity himself and taloa up his crone
and follow Me," In the evening the
passage ohnsen wee in the 12111 oihap. of
Exodus and 40tH verse, "Now the so-
journing of Israel, who dwelt iu Egypt,
was four hundred and thirty years."
In addition to the "Junior Garden,'
"The Fetters that fell" and a program
of music and reoitation, a company of 18
young ladies are practicing "The Lily
march and tong," to he given at the 0.0•
null entertainment of the Methodist Sab-
bath school to be held in the Town Hall
on the evening of Easter Monday. Mrs.
(Dr.) Snider has the preparation of the
drill in hand.
Last Sabbath morning Rev. Mr. Stew-
art, of Ethel, 000Opi011 the pulpit of the
Methodist ohuroh here. His text was 40.
John, 10611 chapter and 10611 verse, his
topic being "What is Life 7" It was a
very interesting discourse and Mr. Stew-
art will be welcomed back again. The
pastor preached in the evening from
James let and 16111, "Do not err my
beloved brethren," pointing out rote.
ooneeptionathat often exist regarding
the Christian religion.
Rev. Jno. Rose, B. A., in Melville
ohuroh, Iost Sabbath morning, took as
the foundation of his discourse "Thy
land Beulah," Ie., 62:4. The land of
Beulah, at which Christian arrives, ea-
oording to Banyan's story, represents 1110
highest and ripest stage of Christian ex.
parlance. It was a land of (1) Singular
Beauty, with its pure atmosphere, bloom-
ing flowers and radiant sunshine. (2)
Bioh Abundance, where everything was
enjoyed that was wished for at previous
stages in the journey. (8) Congenial
Companionships ; here Christian bad
fellowship with te inhabitants of the
country and with some of the shining
ones from the Celestial City. (4) Un•
wonted Happiness, es greater joy was ex-
perienced than at any earlier part of the
journey. This arose from the greater
light which shone upon him and the
greater love of which he was conscious..
(5) Alluring Outlook 1 just beyond this
land lay the glorious City of God. Sab-
bath evening the text was "The fool hath
said in hie heart there is no God," Ps.,
14:1. Atheism is a system of unbelief
which is (1) Lawless in its origin ; (2)
Presumptuous in its claims ; (8) De-
etruotive in its aims ; (4) Materialistic in
its spirit ; (5) Deplorable in its results.
People We Know.
H. W. Farrow Sandaved in town.
Eph. Downing Sundayed at Dungan-
Albert Thomas is attending Stratford
Business College.
Barrister Diokeon, of Blyth, was in
town on Tuesday.
R. Woolsey was in Toronto for a few
days during the past week.
Little Miss Clara Simmons is visiting
her grandparents at Wroxeter.
J. Risdoo, of St. Thomas, was visiting
T. Fletcher daring the past week.
Miss Kate Wilson is book from a hell,
day visit with relatives is London.
D. O'Leary, of Petrolia, wag in Brus-
sels for a day during the past week.
Mrs. W. R. Little, of Ingersoll, is here
on a visit to her mother, Mrs, Wm. Ellis,
who is ill.
Will. Griffith is ill from an attaok of
inflammation of the bowels. We hope he
will soon be o. k.
Geo. Brewer is expected back from
England in the month of May. IIs has
been away about a year.
Mr. Ruttnn, of Ruttan & Fitzpatriok,
has leased the furnished residenoe of
Para. Ferguson, Alexander 010001.
Mrs. Robert Johnston received the sad
intelligenoe of the death of her mother at
Chicago on Wednesday of this week.
Wm. Iilashill was at Toronto this week
attondthe Grand Council of the Chosen
Friends as representative of Brussels
Will. Backer left on Monday on a trip
to Seattle, Washington Territory, where
be pee on a prospecting tour, We wish
iiln 01100388,
Garf. Beaker was threatened with en
attaok of inflammation of the bowels
during the past week, bat is progressing
favorably now,
M. 0, Cameron, M. P. for West Huron,
is receiving prominent mention ae the
probable Lieut. -Governor of the North.
west Territories.
Dana MaNanghton 1100 a millwright
contract at Brnoedeld, where he will
spend several months. Mr. MoNaugbton
is a good mechanic.
Miss Mary Ferguson intends going to
Montana to visit her sister, Mrs. Fergu.
son will continue to reside intray
S #ord
with her son, D. M.
We nnderstond from the Dr- that Mrs,
has to undergo a serious
operation before ebe will be entirely well.
We wish her a speedy recovery.
Mrs, John MoBoin and 80n are visiting
at Mrs, W. R. Wilson's, The little lad
has not been enjoying good health of late,
bub we hope his visit bete will do hien
Deputy District Grand Master Pink-
erton, of Pinkerton, made on ofldoial
visit to Sb, John's Lodge A. F, & A, M.,
Brnseele, on Monday evening of this
Mrs. (Rev.) Ahoy arrived home from
Oil Springs, Ont., last Friday evening.
Tuesday evening her sister, Miss Nora
Keating, of 011 City, came and will visit
here for time.
0701m Kendall has taken a position es
cutter in a tailoring eetabliobtnent near
011iong0, Chas, Kendall has resumed
work in Toronto atter en onforood boli•
day through til health,
W, H. KERR, Prop,
J, H, Sperling, cheese and butter
manufacturer, has taken it situation at
Whiteohurah and will leave shortly t0
begin work. lie is a competent hand
with a wide experienoe.
Peter Stewart and bride left Brussels
on Monday morning en route to their
home ab La0gdon, North Dakota. A
number of rolativee and friends a0amn-
panied them to the depot,
J. J. Merrier, merchant of Zurich,
spent Sunday fu B1000010. Miss Fannie
Rogers returned with him on Blonde}, to
take charge of the millinery department
in Mr. Merner's brother's store.
Mrs. James sr., who broke one of the
bones in her left arm a few months ago
by a fall on the icy street, is getting
along nicely and will 00001 have the use
of the disabled member act of old.
Geo. Heapy and family, who last year
removed to 'Wesson, Mississippi, have
changed their abode and are now living
in Nebraska, where they spent some
years prior to their coming to Brussels.
We were pleased to have a short call
from our oldtfriood, Squire McCrea, on
Tuesday. He has been a prisoner in the
house all Winter, but is feeling fairly
well now that the Spring is opening up.
Thos. Bloomfield arrived here from
Glaogow on Friday of last week. He
went over with a consignment of horses.
The return trip was made on an Allan
line cattle boat, and only 000upied 9
A Clinton paper says of a former
13r260elite :—Ben. Tomlinson, we regret
to say, is growing wealcer every day and
very little hopes are held out for him.
His trouble is said to be of a cancerous
Miss Eva, daughter of A. H. Kay, of
Dundee, formerly of Brussels, and a
cousin to Mrs. W. H. Kerr, town, is now
under instructions as nurse in a Rooboeter
Hospital. Miss Kay is well pleased with
her work so far.
Dr. Holmes, Go. Treasurer, of Gode.
rich, was in town o1 Tuesday. The Dr.
says "By all means go on with the sew-
ers and granolitbio walk. I have 80 feet
frontage, bat am quite willing to bear my
share of the expense, even if I am a non-
A. E. Smitheram, traveller for J. 0.
Ayer it Co., Lowell, Mass., was in town
last Saturday. He covers the whole of
this Provinoe, and appears to be the
right mac in the right place. Mr.
Smitheram is s °amuck, his home being
at Fenelon Falls, Ont.
Chas. Sager has gone to Galt, where be
has secured a position as machinist in
Cowan'a chops. Mr. Seger is a good
mechanic and we hope oar Fire Engine
Works will soon resume work and Mr. S.
return to Brussels. Mrs. Sager will re-
main here in the. meantime.
Talk about fortunate men in this
world, there is our genial Barrister, W.
M. Sinclair, of Brussels, who won a May-
ioyole on Friday and a fine little baby girl
on Thursday. If we take present ap•
pearanoee into consideration, it will not
be long before the fair little lady will be
able to propel the machine. Who can
beat it 7
G. F. Blair and wife went to Hamil-
ton last Monday morning in response to
a telegram stating that Mr. Blair's
mother was eeriouely ill. Mrs. Blair
died on Monday, we are sorry to hear,
and the remains were conveyed to her
old home at Goderich for interment.
The cause of death was lung and heart
trouble, we understand. Mr. Blair ie
specially deserving of sympathy from the
fact that one of his sisters was buried a
few weeks ago. Mrs. Blair was a most
estimable woman and her sudden de-
mise will be deeply regretted by many.
Brussels Council.
A special meeting of Brussels Council
was held in the Council Chamber on
Monday evening. A11 the members prey
The Auditors' report was presented.
Moved by Geo. Backer, seconded by J.
D. Warwick that the Auditors' report as
read be accepted and the accounts of the
Treasurer and Collector stand finally
audited, showing the sum of 52101,67 in
hands of Treasurer and that abstract be
published for one week in the Herald.
The following accounts were presented :
Whaley, Royce & Co,, repairing 5
Band instruments ......, .9 27 05
Thos. Kelly, salary, &o 45 00
J. T. Ross, salary, &o 45 00
R. Henderson, Fire Department.1 00
W. H. McCraokon, Auditor 6 00
J. Y. S. Kirk, Auditor 6 00
Herald, printing 3. 50
Moved by Geo. Thomson, s000uded by
R. Leatherdale that the above accounts
be paid. parried.
Moved by Geo. Thomson, seoonded by
3, D. Warwick that A. Cousley bo
Deputy -Returning Officer for polling
sub -division No. 1; Irl S. Scott for No.
2 ;.and G. F. Blair, Div. No. 8, in baking
the vote in oonnootfon with the question
of sewers and granolethio walks, these
gentlemen offering to do the work gratis,
so es nob to incur additional expense, on
account of the vote not boil taken in
Connection with last municipal election,
A deputation of hotel -men was in at.
bondauoe and asked for a rebate of 516,00
to each of the hotels for next license year,
owing to the increased lioense levied this
year. The matter was fully and freely
disonssod, after which Mr. Thomson
moved that the rebate be granted, but as
there was no seconder the matter drop
Won. Martin asked the attention of, the
Strout Committee to the ditch in front of
his residenoo. Street Committee agreed
to see about it.
11 was deoided to ask for tenders for
pine klank and ocular scantling for car.
poratmn use.
Thos. Kelly signified his intention of
tendering his resignation as Treasurer of
Brussels. No action was taken.
The USW Bylaw, dealing with the pro -
pond. sowers and gradolithio walks, will
be read for the first time at 6110 regular
m001)10g of the Connell, *Walt will bd
hold on Monday, April 411,