The Brussels Post, 1898-3-4, Page 8Fattening the Ortolan, The Ortolan Is a bird or peouirar 1Jabite and when fat is the epicure's de- light. The penile:- thing about this bird le that it only feeds at sunrise. Thogo wbo undertook to fatten it for the opiouro's table did so by conttafug it in a dark room tvhioh had a window or ap- erture to admit the light when desired. At stated intervals this window wag un- covered and the light would stream in, The Ortolan, thiuktng it was sunrise, would alight from hie roost, take hie breakfast and return. The room was then made dark• After the lapse of a oouple of boors light was again admitted and bis birdsbip, thinking it was sunrise, would hop down from his perch and take another feed, and this was repeated until, so to speak, he was "rolling in fat." Now, while there are no Ortolane in this neighborhood to fatten, there are hund• rade of cattle that would do better and fatten quicker by giving them some of Deadman'e Condition Powder, made epeoially for Cattle, and there are num. berlees Horses that would thrive and do better if given a little of our Condition Powder made specially for Horses. Then we have a Powder made specially or Fowl. If yoq have Horses, Cattle or Fowl it will pay you to use one or all of these Powders. G. A. Deadman, Druggist, Optician & Bookseller. GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY. 6ODTHEEN EITENSI0N W. a. & D - Teeing leave Brueeels Station, North and South, ao follows: Gomm Sovvn, GOING NoaTn. Siamese...,.. 7:10 a.m. I Mafl ...........1:10 p.m .....,. 0:46 a.m. Express 10:01 pan load gtivs!rein , A ohiel'e amang ye takin' notes, An' faith he'll prent it. Melton. IT came in like a lamb. Ammon sales have been numerous. House Fair on Thursday of this weak. Condom meeting next Monday evening, atoms are on the program in Bruesela and locality. Anna. Honor, M. P. P., appears to sound all right. Cosine -re election returns will be given in THE PosT next weak. THE Pose subscription Het grows stead- ily. We give the news. BO= political parties had bon$res in Bruosele on Tuesday night. MoHINNoo & Co. advt. Dame to hand too late to change this week. Clearing sale now running. 8110ss0La School report ie in type but was crowded oat this week. It will ap- pear in next issue. TENDEns are being asked for a new brick veneer residence to be erected by the Misses Kelly, Turnberry street, South. MEssas. GIEGG & DAUES paid oat over 94,000 last week for cattle and hogs ship- ped from Brussels and Beigrave. They handle a lot of fine stook. The Hing, Queen, Haman, Zerish, Mordioia and other notables in Queen Esther Oratorio were photographed last Saturday by artist Brewer. H. GEdnAn shipped a oar of wheat this week ; Olegg & Dames a oar of bogs and a oar of cattle ; and Booker & Vanstone a oar of hogs. Alex, McNeil received a car of brink and Wm. Rose a oar of Dorn, Hone PDROHASED.—JOltn Ament, Iate of Ament Bros., has parohased the American Hotel, Brussels, from A. Koenig and will take possession on the 1st of May. It is said Mr. E(enig will re- move from Brussels bat where we have not learned. Dame the past week T. Farrow tick- eted the following passengers for the West over the C. P. R. :—Josiah and Geo. Pratt, of Morrie, to Boieeevain, Man. ; Will. Hall, Morris, to Gainsboro', Area, ; Wm„ Hugh and Joe. Hanna, Morris, to Midway, Man. In addition to these a number .of local tiokets were also sold, THE Wingham Advance has changed hands this week, Theo. Heli, of Tara, being the new proprietor. Editor Cornyn will take a tour through the West and if he sees a suitable opening will re- main there. THE Peer exteode a frater- nal hand to Mr. Hall and hopes that hie coming to Huron Co. will be remunera. tive to him. He is an experienoed news- paper man. Husuites.—Messrs. Walker & Smith, carriage makers, Brussels, ale hustlers and believe in letting the public know of the bargains they have. A oar load of new goods will arrive nexb week and they purpose making 1818 surpass all peat re- cords. Read their page advt. and then prove the oorreotnese of it by a cell at their Carriage Works, opposite the Town Hall, Brussels, where all the etyleo of oouveyauaee may be found. .East Huron has no more enterprising firm. PnopassxoNAn 150.—Principal Cameron received the pleasing intelligence from the Education Department on Thursday of this week that he had bean awarded a First Glass Proteeeional Certificate and is now entitled to teach in either Public or High Schools. Mr. Cameron wrote last December at the Hamilton Normal College. We have very much pleasure in oongratulaling him on his 0acoess as the work is seldom done without taking a year', aourae at the oollege while Mr. 0. prepared for the examination while teaohing all the time, OarT,—Saturday of last week Margaret, relict of the late Joseph Bozell, formerly of Brussels, died at the residence of her daughter, Mrs. S. Bottom, near Atwood, aged 80 yeare. Doomed bad been poorly for several months but had only been eon. fined to her bed for about a week. Mr. and Mrs. Remit removed from Brussels about 7 years ago, the former passing away a year later. The surviving mem- bene of the family are Edward, of Strat- ford ; Mrs. S. Batton, of Atwood ; Mrs. W. Walker, of Aurora, ill. ; Oharles, of Morrie township ; Abrsbam, of Detroit ; and Joseph, of Eima. Mre. Rozell was a member of the Methodist ohuroh for many yoare. The funeral took piece on Monday afternoon, interment being made at Elena Centre cemetery, Thee one by one the pioneers are passing away. Mr, Retell and. Mies Kate, of Morris, attend- ed the hotel, 'X .E 13Pb1788E1i8 i'UST A. O. Il. W. meet an Friday evening of P0o1)1e We Tallt About. (hie wools. 0aulI, Trunk Railway is (Selling 11011 00 all points le Ontario and the West meet out of 0.P. R. Will, J. Halliday, who lots been Nelson, B. 0., Ilan returned to (]alga N. W, T., his former home. Bnoesees Sehool Board will meet the Board Rpm of the Public; school Friday evening of next week, Tim Manitoba boom appears likely to set in tie far as a good many people seek. ing their fortune there le concerned. Moms. Waxen & Saran, carriage tuakere, Brussels, have reoeived en order for four buggies to go to Manitoba this Spring. Seem Assizes open at Goderlalt on Monday, Outs of the suite will be an in. terpleader notion in which Frank Stratton end 1t. Woolsey, Brussels, are parties, over the ownership of the Herald. 110181 licensee for the coming year In Brussels will be $140 as far as the Muni- cipal Bylaw is concerned. Wholesale license, 5200 ; shop lioeuae, 5000 ; and wine and beer House, 575. It comes into effect next May. EAeT Huron License Commissioners will meet on April 18th, at the Ameri- can Hotel, Br:meets, to take into account the greeting of hotel lioenaes for the in- coming year. Moe. Gibson, Fordwloh, has been re•eleoted Chairman of the Board and J. R. Miller Secretary, THE new dotes for the supplementary Farmers' Institute meetings are as fol- lows :—Bluevale, Marolt 14th ; Ethel, llerolt 15th ; Leadbury, March 10th ; and Constance, March 17111. Good pro- grama are prepared. The outside talent consists of Mr. Sheppard, of Queenston ; and Mr. Gould, of Uxbridge. Eraorms No'rze. Tuesday was a mem. partitively quiet day in town, both parties working to get all available votes polled, Returns were received by the Liberals at the Town Hall and by the Conservatives at the sample room of the Queen's Hotel. A number of young lade enjoyed them• selves in the evening with an impromptu procession in which an old nutter formed a conepionous part. There was a large uumber of electors in from the surround. ing municipalities to receive the news. Owing to the indefiniteness as to which party was returned there was not room for the usual exuberance often in evidence on euoh oocasioos, The arrangements for receiving the returns was of a prompt and satisfactory obaraoter. Reginald Fletcher was assisted in handling the lightning by A, Ooneley. Mr. Hislop was nailed to the platform when enough of the returns from East Huron bad been re- oaived to warrant his eleotion and when load and hearty cheering had subaided Ice returned thanks for his splendid majority, His majority in Brussels was 86. Qozea EaTHEa,—Thin fine Oratorio wan presented to a large house on Thursday evening of last week, in Brussels Town Hall, under the direction of Prof. George Cline, of Wingham. Every part was performed in an excellent and highly creditable manner reflecting credit on both the performers and the instructor. The leading characters were spleudidly personated as follows Qeeen Esther, Mise Kate Wilson ; King Ahasuerus, Principal Cameron ; Haman, T. A. Hawkins ; Zerish, Miss Mary Ross ; Mordioai, James Jones ; Mordioai's sister, Miss Lida Crooke ; Maid of Honor, Mise Maggie Taylor. Prophetess, Miss Jean Ribebie ; Medioan Princess, Mise Thurso. Gerry Persian, Mies Ada Mainprioe ; Scribe, Alex. Strachan ; Beggar, Mr. Hill, of Wingham ; Hegar, Alex. Ross ; High Priest, Alex. Ross ; Herald, Reg. Fletcher ; Harboneah, Alex. Straohan ; Pages, Jennie Armstrong and Florence Thomson ; Ronald Sinclair and Gregg Mo• Lennan ; Maids of Honor, Fergie Allin and Gar. tie Rose ; Zerisb'a daughter, Mayfrid Allfn. he solos and duetts showed careful aining and called for hearty applause bile the choruses were given with a dash nd earnestness that did not fail to fin - retie the audience. No prettier part of e evening's program was presented an that rendered by the children. iso Houghton, of Wingham, presided 8.t e piano and efficiently and effectively ayed the somewhat intricate a000m- paniment. The 008tume8 were very good articularly those of the King, Queen, nd Haman. It is not saying too much state that the ohotel 'Praise ye the ord" was given in a way that ie seldom celled by choruses. A. very pathetic ens was the farewell of Haman to Zer. h and the little daughter, The pro - ads of the entertainment amounted to 5,00. Friday evening the program as repeated, by special request, and a cid sized audience was present. Mr. ice spoke complimentary words of o8e tatting part stating that the Ora - do was rendered ae well ae he had ever and it. When all did so well contrasts ere nob so marked as often are in simi. r renditions but Miss Wilson and Mr. mea in their epeoially difficult parts n golden opinions, Mr, Cameron was 11 suited to kis part as Icing and Mr. awkine appeared equally at borne es e haughty Haman or the defeated in. goer. Miss Ross did her part very tunny indeed and was nicely assisted Mayfrid Alllo, who bestowed her ecu. aces and kisses in a gener008 manner. ex, Ross in his High Priest's garb and ex. Straohan as Scribe would have seed as real Easterners, Miss Crooks, se Maggie Taylor, Mies Gerry, Mise tobie, Mies Mainprioe rendered effet- e service in their respective eolo8 and male quartette "The King hath given remand" wase well Bung by a Wing - m quartette. ebs will, Sample has gone to London. 10 A• Ooneley and wife Sundayed in Sea. at Im•t, 6fiee Lizzie i eatherdele is visiting at fy' Seitferth. W, J. Nocton, of Listowel, wall in town on o0 Tueeday. Counolllur Leatherdale was In Look - now pa Monday. Rohr. MoNeugbbon is home from 0 aderioh on a visit. Mrs, P, Scott and eon are visiting in Seaforth with relativee. Mise Ada Cline, of Wingham, was visiting relatives in town, Jae, 'Turnbull ie back from Toronto, feeling very moth better. Miss Ella Oornyn, of Wingham, is the guest of Airs. W. ie. Vanatoue. Mr, Swaim, of Goderioh, was repot. ink ale friendabipe in Brussels. Mre. IIentherington, of St. Haloes, le visiting her cousin, Mrs. Jae. Fox, Miss Templeton, of Toronto, formerly of Brussels, is improving in health, Mre. Robert klaloolm,of Klncardlne, is renewing old friendships in Brussels. Robbie Mo0raoken wee viaitlug ab Hen. sail. We wonder what oalle him there 2 Mies Frank Brine, of Seaforth, tvag visiting at P. Soott's during the past week. Mise Roddiok and Miss Sample are at- tending the Mininery Openings at Toronto. Harry Baeker is laid Op with a lame leg, We hope he will soon be able to get about as usual. Miss Hattie Murray, of Seaforth, who has beau visiting at A. Oonslely's, return, ed home last Sunday. Mita Abraham, who has been visiting here for the past seven weeks, returned to her home in Hamilton on Tuesday. A. H. Fitzpatrick, of Messrs. Ruttan & Fitzpatrick, has been laid tip with the mumps but is getting over them all right, Mrs. Jim. Pugh, who Line been absent from town for some time, nursing be: mother, the late Mrs. A. Ramsay, arriv- ed home this week. Mrs. A. Bruce, of B;uevale, combined buainese and pleasure on Monday in a visit to Brueeels, She leased her britik dwelliog to S. H. Jaclteon. Arch, Hislop, 8I. P. P., was in town on Wednesday and Tburaday receiving tat hearty oongratulatione of hie Mende over his big majority. A. J. Lowry is home from the Forest arty. The arrangemente he entered into at St. Tbomae ware not as be expeoted so he declined to go into partnership, F. 8, Scott, J, T. Roes and W. F. Scott were away to Goodall on Wednesday making their returns, as Deputy Return. fag Oflioers, to Sheriff Reynaldo, Return• ing Officer for East Huron. We observe that S. 13. Wileon, of Paris, formerly of Brussels, was eleoted President of the Hamilton Conference Epworth League Convention last week at ;he annual Oonvention held at Galt. Will. Armstrong, who has been attend• ing the Olinton Collegiate Institute, has spent the past three weeks in Blyth sop. plying the Public school for Prinoipal Plummer. The latter was off duty ow- ing to the illness of hie little son with amulet fever. tr a th th th p1 0 to L ex 80 io oe 58 w 01 to be w la Jo wo WO H th tri na by be pAI hie R& civ a 00 ba Brussels Council. A special meeting of the Menioipel Board wee held on Monday morning last in the Reeve's ,office, ail the members present. Moved by George Banker, seconded by R. Loatlterdale that a By law be passed fixing the fees under Liquor Litonao Act as follows :—Wholesale Liquor License, $200 ; shell license, $200 ; tavern license, $140 ; wine and beer license, 975,00. Carried. By.law No, 1808, confirming the above, was read a fleet, second and third time and passed. Moved by Geo. Thomson, seconded by J. D. Warwick that a dopy of the Mttnioi. pal World for one year be ordered for each member of the Colman and the Clerk. Carried, Hotted then adjourned, CHURCH USIM16 . ltev. S. J. Allin was at Blyth on Wed- nesday evening assisting Rev. W. Rigs- by in his revival aervices. Next Sabbath the pastor's subjeote in Melville ohuroh will be :—Morning, "Doubting Castle," evening, "Talkative." The choir of one of the Kingston Pres byterian churches was notified by th Session to dlecontinue oliauting "Amen' at the close of the hymns. The Epworth League elected Rev. S. J. Allin as the delegate to the London Oen- feren0e Epworth League Oonveution, to be held in London next week. Parlor eooial will be held at Mrs. Slemmon's on Friday evening of this week, under the auspices of the W. F. M. S. Program and refreehments. Rev. Alex. Sutherland, D. D., mission- ary secretary of the Methodist ohuroh, says that he hopes to have an advance of 510,000 in missionary contributions this year, By a personal canvas Dr. Clark of Hannah street Methodist ohuroh, Hamil- ton, has suooeeded in lifting a floating debt nI 92,200 off the ohnrolr in two weeks. Rev. Mr. Abey's text last Sabbath morning was St. Matt. 4 and 1, "The Temptation of Jesus.' In the evening the 16th chap. of Prov. and part of the 32nd verse. "He that ruleth his spirit is better than he that taketh a city," was his eubjeot. Leet Sabbath morning Rev. Mr, Allin gave a practical talk on "Rules of the Methodist Church" and in the evening his subject wall "Queen Esther." The three points developed were (1) The Providence ; (2) The Prayer ; (8) The Plans, The regular meeting of Maitland Pres• bytery was held in the Sabbath school room of the Methodist ohuroh in this place on Tuesday of this week, owing to the Presbyterial W. F, M. S. holding their annual u gathering in Melville church. There was a geed attendanoe of both ministers and elders. Report is orowd ed out this week. e Rev. 1. Ross' discourse last Sabbath morning was based on the words '!Love not the world, Stn.," let John 2:15, Christian in Vanity Fair. (1) The warn- ings whioh were given him respeobiog Vanity Fair ; (2) The temptations to whiob be was exposed in Vanity Fair ; (8) The persecutions which he endured m Vanity Fair ; (4) The demeanor which he displayed in Vanity Pair. At the evening eerviee the text was "Be tion faithful onto death and I will give thee a crown of life," Rev. 2:10. The oheraoter of Faithful was discussed, and it was shown that he vindicated bis name by manifesting bis fidelity by (1) An ener- getic moral ongoing ; (2) An outspoken honesty ; (8) A etout•hearted resietanoe to evil ; (4) An unflinching maharanee to the truth and to God, braving even death itself. W. F. M, S.—The 14th annual meet- ing of the Maitland Presbyterial W. F. M. S. teas held in Melville ohuroh, Brno. Bets, on Tuesday of this week, a large at• tendance beteg present. A most Meted. ing program was presented, Se follows Forenoon—Devotional meeting, presided over by Mre. Barnhill, Brueeels, After. noon, Mrs. Murray presiding—Praise, Psalm 100 ; devotional exoreisee, eon dooted'by Mrs. Murrey, Mrs, Maoten• nab and Mre. Wightman ; praise, hymn 488; reviling of minutes ; address of weloetne, MTS, (Rot,) Bose, Brussels snip, Mise McPherson, St, II^'.m President's I31rese ; Beeretery's nor Treasurer's report ; de:gesture r"•'Yer Mfrs, Millar, Ashfield ; pra'.,e, hylil,. 10 report of Le,.11et Seoretery ; repot s Auxi!larie.e . nd aliesiau ,laude ; ao Miss Lida l r.c: , I,ruenrls ; reo,.itti of del:webs% from sitter eloafottes--1121 (Rev.) AiiI;, representing .he IViothodi ohtuah, ga+a tin ex°ellel-t addit St, Jehn'e n' , . y c,,.,a.. ...,, „, ,,, elver 1 este: pasta) therefrom (Cs. uoeeu•u, eleespou •ibility of the Individual Members of a MV F. M, Auxiliary," takenre part in by 10 .02, Rioliardeou, M. 111)11, Mrs. Deadman, Miss Andersoe, laid othere; pr0i00, hymn 441 ; reperb of 8850,.tery (•f Supplies, Mies St, wart, Wingham ; question dram or, Mrs. Mel- onMel- aninsand Meta Andereou ; prayer, )tire, Maloolm, Kincardine. Evening—Read- ing of Sooiety'e annual topoet by Rev. Ono. Ross, B. A., Brussels ; addresses by Rev. S. 101. Whale", St Helene J. Malcolm, Tee/meter, au i Rev. D. Mao- Gillivray, M, A., B. D., w'.o has sp. 1010 Hunan, at unan, China, The ,attar gentleman gave a fine address on 'The Old and the New.Tho fallowing officers were elected for the °arrant year :—President, Mre. Murray, Kincardine ; `rice-Pr'eeitleuts, Mrs. hose, Bru,eele ; Mat. AIalcoltn, Kincardine ; 11rs,lfcLeunan, Lnekuow. Sem stare, Mrs, MoNrbb, "mime. ; •free=neer, Mise Mabee, Kincardine ; Ser, u, ry of Sup, ilea, bass Annie Stew:. 9, Ing- ham ; Leailrt Secretary, Mts. A. d,nson, Wroxeter. Following is a Fn., tarry of the report kr the Society : Plumber of Ateol iaries, '2e ; total Intnlb r:11 p, 421 ; w Mission Laude, 10 ; total , inberebitea200; totalenmtributious 6m tea year, 91,511. In addition, 1,720 I outlay of clothing, valued at 5700, were sent away to the needs. The ladies of the congre- gation provided dinner and tea for the visite,s and the members of the Presby eery, tablae :-ting set in the beevment of the church. They were presided over by Mrs. RiollarIs, Miss Jean Forbes and Mise Mary '0008. 03 ger: MOS w.' the supply of provisions that a large quantity remained, atter all had been served. I:11 1S�.T. ? 'IVR Y le..,0 .i)','i✓1''.CC OF C.,1C.,1,.11) , , . x,x S xx:s3E'7G A. 7;i s:ti�7. HEAD OFFIOS, - TORONTO of : he ASSETS, (eleven Million Dollars) 57.600,000 on CAPITAL (Authorized) • . 52 000,000 s, et 1 Algona iris to an principal 301018 its Ontario, Quebec, Manitoba, 'Unit a States 02111load, .s Eng laud, Locals, 01Ovan and timothy seed at MaCraok. en's. Emil. value In single harness. 1, C. Rioherda. TEoNxe and satokels. Nice assortment, low prices. I. C. Richards. BICTCLEe,—Good end hand wheels, from 525.00 to $35 00. McKay & Go. Oon collars give the best of Betide°. Hon. Try a pair. 1. 0. Richards. Goon, dry American corn, the beet for feeding purposes, for sale at Ross' n,i1L WANTED.—A oar•load of Butter for the Prnvincee-10o. G. E. King, Wingham, Rerares in rubbers, boots and shoes dons neatly and cheaply. 1. C. Rioharde. Brotceus.--To ride a "Columbia" is to ride the world's greatest wheel. AlIKay & Co. BICyoLEo.—Call and see our Antelope mount guaranteed for a year from date of purchase, elMeav & 70. Oen cutter left out of 40, Will be sold at a bargain, ar wood no lumber would be taken in exchange. Waller & Smith, .Brussels. Bmyclme:—The one piece crank in the Wellandvale bruyolea is 1aarantee,1 un- conditionally for a year from date r pur- °hase, lenKay & Co. BICrOL ma. Th e Wellardvnl e Licyolo Co. challenge the world to produce a bet- ter wheel than the Dominion for the money. McKay & Go. Sot Jamey Ballantyne before &raying your bioyuie for 1808. He is handling The Maseeyllarrie," "The London," "Capital," "Ohio" and "Alert,' and is prepc•.red to quote you close prices. Biercrms.—Aro you thinking of buying a wheel this Spring 7 If 3 o are oall and see the Raymond wheel at J. J. i.pin's implement shop. This wl.eel is a rl.tudy, and prices are right. Guaranteed for one year. LAnees nit cot HAND at the Queen's Hotel, Brussels, 011 Tneaday, March 8th, to see Prof. Dorenwsnd's latest de• ague and styles in hair goods. He will have a large stook of wigsbangs, wavy fronts, switches, etc. The jodioiou- ad- justment of one or other of these Styles brings beauty and youth,:ul appearance to the face end gives the head a superior, intellectual shape. Time of next visit nnoertain, so do not mise this chance. Meg Wno ext BALs.—Seo Prof. Doren - wend, the well known Hair Goode Artist, who will be at the Queen's Hotel, Brussels, on Tuesday, Meath the 8th. His system of replacing lost hair on bald bead., is really marvellous. Any ,1anbbe as to this feet can be quickly dispelled by examining his goods. There is not the slightest trace of falseness and besides improving one's appearance they efford protection against colds, catarrh, neural- gia, eto, The wearer never realizes that he bas it on, 11 is so light and comfort- able. Over 84,000 are in use and the number is increasing daily, WAunwro.--At the Methodist parsonage, Luoisnow, on Friday, February 18118, the wife of Rev. I. 13, WaIhvjn, B, A., of a eon. IalrAND.—In.Blyth,; on February 22nd, the wife of Mr. James Ireland, of a daughter. M000lay,—In Morrie, on the 21th alt„ the wife of Mr. W. T. Mooney, Indian Bead, N. W. T„ of a son. Cnuloyex—PEnDnn,—At the 1'ssidenoe of the bride's mother, East Wawsaosh, on February 23rd, by Rev. T. E. Higley, of Blyth, Miss Sarah L., eld- 00 daughter of Mrs. James Perdue, Mr. F. Chambey, NENDssw—Caoeo.—In In nisfiel, on Feb, Mb, by Rev, Mr. Shaw Mr, 3, Itendrew, of Red Deer, Alberta,, to bliss J. 8, Cross, of 731uevale, Ont. axe mxa. Joie wroN,—Xn East Wawanoeb, on Feb. 20th, Dsvid JOhnstOn, aged 07 ;;'ears. P>rAm N.-10 'Wingham, on February 20th, Mary Ann Modslend; reliob of the Matthew Pearen, aged 75 years. MOwna c — DENNIoov. — On T2eeday, Mardi 1st, at the home of the bride's father, by Rev, A. 0, 'i.'ifiin, of Wal- t Mr. Robb. Mowbray to Miss finale, eldest daughter of Mr. Wtn. Denniern, all of 10olei•lop. Isseee.--In Ethel, on lttonra , Feb. 28011, Clara gene, youngeet ydaughter of John and Sarah J. Imlay, aged 10 mouths and 7 days, A General Backing Liu*inert 7 ranaaoted, Vermore' dotes Fl000m,tod. Drafts Iset,ed and Collectione made on ell poi uta. SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT, Interest allowed on depoeite of 51,0) and upwards from dat if deposit to date 0 withdrawal and ootnpeunded half yearly. SMUT, ATTENTION 010.111 TO Tint 0o1LnoTION OS FAnaf?na' SALN NOTE%, Every facility afforded Cnszorners livh,g at a dielatnoe. J. A, STEWART Meueomn. ...,...14,19.49M1IF64.0 72110=00,2147:10r A 1.1_,r1.1069=11,3131.011111 Bisres.—In VoEillop, on Friday, Feb. 25011, Mrs. Jno, Betts, ugt•d 72 a cars, 10 months and 14 days. pools. --In Cr'anbronk, on Sunday, Feb. nary 27th, 1808, Margaret, beloved wife of John Cook, aged 63 years, 4 mouths and 22 days. RortrL.—At Elena, on Feb, 23th, Mar. gavot, relict of the late Joseph Rozoil, aged 80 years. A'STC 'zoos' RA2,'7. - Sxrnnney, March 5th.—Horses, riga, llouseliold furniture, &c. At Dunbar's shop, opposite Oober's factory, Ethel. Stile unreserved, at 1 o'clools, 'Joseph Ilemewortb, Prop., F. S. Snort, Aso. TIiDnenee, March 10th.—Farm nock, implements, &o. Lot IQ ann. 2, Morrie. Sale unreserved, at 1 o'clock. David Errington, Prop., F. S. Soot), Ana. Puree?, March llth.—Tarin stook. im- plements, &o. Lot 33, eon. 14, Grey. Sale nureserved, at 1 o'olonk. James Mean's, Prop., F. S. Scott, Ano. WEDNESDAY, March 16th,—Farm hock, implements, est. Lob 18, son. 11, Grey, Sale, unreserved, at 1 o'clock. Mre. Jane E. MoDooald, Proprietress, F. B. Scott, Auctioneer. TDEsDAo, March 29bi1,—Farm stock, implements, &0, North ,5lot 20, eon. 0, Morrie. Salo unreserved, at 1 o'clook Isaao Curry, Prop., C. Hamilton, Iwo, M31.2YTSS7m32_,0 S:rA,:ZY:FrC"S. Fall Wheat Barley........ ......... Peas Gate' Butter, tubs and rolls •., Eggs per doyen Flour per barrel........, Potatoee (per bag) Hay per ton .... Hides trimmed Hides rough .. Salt per bbl., retail Sheep ekine, each Lamb skins each Hoge, Live Dressed Hog Apples (per 'detect) 84 80 54 20 til 18 4 00 00 5 DO 7 7 1 00 40 25 4 50 Il 00 1 00 85 82 55 30 14 14 4 50 00 5 00 8 7 00 40 2a 4 c0 6 00 1 00 3RE '1WLE'S COWNIh'. T,RESS;tfA8ING.-7.'LfE UN— nengrGSEn have opened a Dreaemak- iug slum iu the upstairs of the Leolde ',look wtare they will be pleased to be 1, voted with a call from the ladles of Brussa's and locality requiring dressmaking, Sa ielao- tfou guara0tted. MISS NATE 11IOALLUIf, MISS SADIE J AMMIESO:N, 80-2 MISS MARY Jiili1ESON• 00D "WANTED. — TEND— Ens will be received by the under. signed up to Marchllth for tate delivery of 10 cords of green hardwood, 4 feat long, and also fur 15 eords of green hardwood feet long. Body beech or ,maple. Woo,. to be delivered at t le Methodist Church before the Winter is past. 88.2 R; LEATHERDALE,Bruaoels. TENDERS FAINTED. Tondere will be 080010ed by the Trastoea of C. S. No. 0, Morris, for the erection of a woodshed at the eohoolhouse. Tenders re - eared up to March 10th, Por flu thee p;u- tioulars apply to QUEN'TIN ANDHHR3 O.', 81-2 Sec:'Prean• of Be.:,d. 110 PIG BREEDERS.—I HIVE bought a registered Tamworth Hog from H. George &: Sons, Crampton, bred from imported stack on both sides. His sire weighed 0481St, at Toronto lost Pail. I have also a large English registered Berk. shire, bought from Jas. Dorrauee, Seaforth, Podigreemay base= on application. Terms 51.00, Om sale—a number of pure bred Berkshires fit tor breeding. 1 hey° 0 pigs one month old bred from a full sister of the sow that got Drat prise at the World's Pair. JAMES 8PEIR, 04-ef Lot 810, 0111 LS ne, Morns. 11OR SALE.—A GOOD, FRAIOIE house, in excellent repair, containing seven rooms, besides a good Summer and Winter kitchen, with had and soft water undercover. The house, 'which win b0 sold just as it ie, is handsomely furnished throughout with now furniture and well heated by hot air, There are large grCOudo, well kept, and an exo8llenb garden, stocked with choice apple Dear, plum and cherry trees, together with a1l the smaller finite. all in good bearing condition. This place offers a most desirable home for a farmer 010nine to retire from votive life, and will be sold 04 reasonable tarma, Vox al, par- ticulars eon]. to 0, P. BL' AIR, 20.11 Solicitor, Brussels. REAL ESTATE. ITOR SALE OR TO BENT,— North Half Lot 10, Gon, 7, Morris, and Northwest quarter of Lot 14, Con. 8, Morrie, For further particulars es to price, forms, &o„ apply to ROBERT HUGHES, 80.0 Blyth. FARM FOR SAT/B.—THE UN. 011001011E1:. offers his 100 Gore .farm far sale, being Lob 22, N a Con. 7, Morris, There aro 70 aures oloarea 8.0±1 under crop, bnlanee hardwood bush, There is a good frame houee,with kitolion, wondehed and collar complete; honk barn with ato0e stealing; collard, wells, and alt other oonvouiouoes, Only of a wile from school and 8 miles from Beessels, V0080051011 would be given at 0800. For pride and terms apply on the premium or8I0081. ORSYlII Proprietor, I.1ARM F011 SALE OR TO nnnT.✓Tile undersigned offoro his ellgtblo 01 (torn farm ter mile or to rout, being eolith part of Lot 5, 0011008- Bion 10, Grey, All under oultivatio,,, 70011 watered, and well funded, There 10 it goad Stolne house, bank barn, °tabard,Wel'0, &o„ on the men ma Also a splendid stone quarry from '11011 a pnod r0Vente is ?ea110. ed, Only2.. mile8 iron, Biu0selti. oras rea0ouablo, e'er Author palliation as to pries, &d„tip1:, to 30.11 JOIiN elITOHTBLL, Proprietor, P. 0 �(ir1Rit1 TO BE/ 0,—T?(E UN— DunereNnD,,eslro,torent 1118 70 nolo farm. pert of Lot 10, O,.n, 19, Grey, Of here are 00 name Cleared, 88 ander 0009, 12110 pas- ture and 6 in grass. Small honao and new barn Oa farm, Poeeo88100 immediately. For terns apply en theromi585 or to 00au- broolr P, 0,, to ADAM SIINCLAIR, Pimp, 1,400 henry years old, for a 0,00. ightng 04-4 z -FAiidtl I'OR SAL +.-150 ACRES of the north f o`f Lot 30, Boon 9, and Wal n. well! supplied with xgpoocl spring being is san010 1 about 8 mile) from the thriving Vil- lage cf Illrtb. A large part of it le under grass. Buildings and Minos aro In afair state of no air. Easy tame of payieout %viii be given. Por all information apply to 11-i.1 G. P.Ii LAIR, Barrie ter, Brussels, OOD FAR1lIS F016 SALE.— The endoralguod offer two 101 sora farms for sale et reasonable prices. The lots are Nos. 10 and 11, Cam. 0 (Sunshine) the sidereal between them. (food brink (Sunshine), and barn on lot 11, and house and 2 barns ou lot 70. Orchards and all nseoseary 000000 100005. Well watered and suitable for grain or grazing, 100 140005 now in grass. Will be sold either separate or together to snit pur- chaser, Terms of payment r00000ablo. Im- mediatep0eeession. krx further particulars apply to 30810PH CL1Of(0, Brussels, P. 0., or E. L.11101(IN8010, Barrister, Wingham. 25.1 Notice to Creditors. Notice is hereby given pursuant to It, S. 0, Chap. 110 and amending Acts that all persons having any claims arainat the estate of James G. Kelly, late of the Town- ship of Grey, deceased, who died on the los day of ancillary, 1808, t.re required to send or deliver to Jima 50511!-, of brusools P. 0., on or before the 1111• d4.y of March, 1800, a full statement and la001001ar0of their elain,0 and the nature of the securities if an) bold by them, and on and after the said 10th day of March, lite±, the estate will be distributed among 11.7to enbltled thereto, haviug regard only to ,be Walrus of which notice shall thou have been given. Dated at Grey, JANE 03 �l Pith:EleLL., 18x0. enut932 AUCTIO'1lEERS. THOMAS DROWN, LIOENSED Auctioneer for th 1 Comity of Enron, Orders 1010110 the Qom Ws 11oT,tr.,111Dssnra, or at the o010e of Won Ps & five' 70111 re- ceive ptompt attention 82.4 Mttr, 4, 18t'8 To..lot Artioli s, All tbo Lotulll ; I'.:rlillnos, Soaps in area' vatioty, Powders for el Cry purpose, Dentifrices, Combs and Brushes, Seasona")le limbos Cough Sy7I ps, Catarrh Soy ffs, Licorice Pe lets, Salves for I. ips & Iliuiils, Wi,llte 8pec1(ke , Chest Protc3tors, Hot Water Bottles, Chamois all sizes, AT Fox's Drigg Store. To S. SCOTT AS .0 AUOTION- o Ertit, wi11 sell fcr bettor prices, to bettor mea, In 068 time and Loss charges than 009 other Auctioneer in 1eana Huron or he won't charge anything, Dates and Orders can always be arranged at this oi1ee or by personal appllcatioo. t bk��$i,4�n:1iLWAyyt� 1,`4l.�.•.r?.T F:rift,. SETTLERS' TRAINS To Manitoba anti- '"�-”" Canadian NorthMEst Territories Pewee on route throwih pr!nelpal Can- ndlan cities; the great Western any of Chicago; the twin 0111.1 of St. Paul and Minneapolis and the St,tee of Minnesota and Dakota, Toronto at 7.00 p.nr„ Tueedaye 8,86 pan., Tuesdays 0 86 p,nn„ Tuesdays 10,17 p:m.,Tuesdaye Georgetown at 101101ph at Berlin at Stratford at 11,10 p.m., I need MVO Sarnia at 8.01 am, Wadueedaye Tlle90 trains, with Con :hes and Free Col- onist 8150ping Care at, )cited, will rue through to Winnipeg, Me, Moho, via Chicago and St, Paul, Passengers from brant r lines and from East and North of Tomto should time themselves to arrive at anotlou 13011108 to uo00eeb with these Crates Book your intended Jut of departure with our agents, who w111 he fat y advised of these trains,iu ample Cum in , tiva000 for you to complete your arrangemo.ts. Tree Colonist Sleepily COM eu sixpre.ee Trains to Winnipeg • :a Chicago and St. Paul for pae0en;are travt lint, without live itook,leayiug T„ routo eve 'y Tuesday at 11 20 p.m.,md every Jedueada - at 750 am. Baggage oast :ed and rei.',t f0r00rded thrucgh withe, , costume ,xm:,.uatlon. For all iuforr, anon au, ly 10 0113 agent of 1115 G rand lruu': Railway iyoto•n. J. N, KLNDALI Agent, Brussels. GEO. 8171'133, Ethel, amxxo-m• - - ,n ae,crMIZINIMEamp T P' �' 1�i. a � Ot) B.LYTH. WE ARE WELL PREPARED to receive Customers, and the redootione made .luring tt is month make it worth Sour while to examine more closely a. hat tale store is offering during the FEBRUARY CLEARING SALE. Art Muslin, very pretty designs, at 7c and 0 Art Muslin; newest effects, extra wide 10 Cretonne, light gronud,good pattern 08 Linen Apron goods, fancy border, full width 14 Pillow Cotton, 44 iuohes wide, bleaobed 12 Ladies' Blaok Wool Hose, plait 20 Ladies' Ribbed Wool Iloso, extra value 25 Men's Sox. Black Wo d, ribbed 20 Laos 02808.108, new patterns, very pretty designs, 8 yards long 1 00 Check Muslin, very special 05 Comforters, reduced to 88 Flannelette Blankets, down to 05 Special line of Tweed, at 90o and 40 In Blaok Dress Goods we would call attention to our showing it: the better °lase of goods at 50o, 65o, 75o, 80o, 050 and 1 00 In Towelling, Factory or white Cottons, yon can save from 10 to 15 per Dent, THIS IS A CASH STORE Goods all bought for °ash and told for cash. It's the only up•to-date way of doing business. McKinnon & Co., Blyth. Bl �th. ARE YOU LOSING YOUR HAIR P If so beat' in Mind that tope WRA4 .10UP E.E. PROF, D®RENWIE Nc,, OF TORONTO, Will be in Brussels at Queen's Hotel ON TUESDAY, MARCH 8, With all Styles of his famous art --Hair Cover, in(,s, Ladies' Wigs, Bangs, Switches, Wavey Fronts, Sze. Gents' Wigs, Toupees, 85o. These goods are go true to nature that tbo olosest obeetrvor cannot detect faleenees. The beauty adding qualities and the protection afforded the heed have appealed to the Bound sense and good judgment of over 50,000 people wbo are wearing the Profes. 8or s praduafons. Properly arranged hair whether natural or artlflcial, produ000 a refined and youthful en: maim on the face time a visit to Prof. Dorenwond will Were the but advice on the sul:ject. Remember at QUEEN'S HOTEL, BRUSSDL 3, on Tueiday, March 9. Aho at ilaTINSWIC:4 HOTEL, WING'IA.Vi, on Wednesday, March 9)