The Brussels Post, 1898-3-4, Page 58' MAR 4. 1898 Prince 1 intho l31, TO TIM KLON FREE Pr MAPS sent o Secretary, Pr Trade, Prince wan, Canada b3rt 4louUe .Leet, Cheapest Hafeet p S GOLD FIDLDS, ;['•.TILEYS WITII fl pplieation to the 10 • tllbors Boald of Albert, Sarikatalle- IG `..# H EL SMW', S1 °i,a1e ..ing All kinds of gc i I ego want A. A good man in the yard , n more logs. Custom sawin; or before if open Good Maple f Joint from ee to Shingles for sr S. 30001 34000060 Tr. R6e0LTa tit nen PI008I curse c nese, Fatting Memo. torrhoon, Impotono giv00 vigor and a quteley but oanr d6enr. olsy 0111/01;7 UeaP, 9and securely soak carried In .e06 now for 30. sand money od 600100, Addro,e, mfrenitoul ori cane00du0'�t vin begin of March let en her. n 9.g cheep. Ash V 14, ,Bills out to order, • eel Ors COLE, m®si Will Mgt& to wall man of YOt 40008 •axe, .00 ,ons DisOg as 8100010ea. 1114btly Moles' one, Sperm, t6, oaueod artc1 n butneat anln001 Lohrouhkw0ronan 1,ri I t.,,d you will grow strong .•rtco, 8p1, m :100166ge els el,nor ordlnat or rep( tor, lo.,oro to J. '0. PPR nee,.. (•0z, Agent I0r tbo 110• .yEatiliMMTUP SETTLE ?Si' TRAINS Will leavo Toront 11. ,0 m. every TUES- DAY during. Al 011 and ..PBIL �xovided sunAnd run yii 311 tTR'8 Fr 3L8 offers) TO0"®B Rud Eke CANADIAN ikaaRTI4wEST. Passengers tra rP at with. ut live stook should leave Toro a 1.30 p. in, same days. The Only A11 Cal ail n Direcl cast Lina TO TII10 Nl RT OF !'TIE KLONDIK. .IND YUKON GOLL=IELL)S Is Via Gana in Paolao16 (Tway. LOWEST RATES FAN EST TIRE. ONLY TEO ,01.333 8flR,'.On. 3 Tone. Ctrs k .nthe e nert Pat to Coast. Get full portion] .3 a id copy 1f "Settlers' Index" and Tito ilk., and Yukon Gold Fields" from anytnodiem Partite Railway Agent, or 0.11• .ot-3l3R80N, A, O. P. A„ Toronto, out, 33.3 THOS. PA; ROW, Ageet, Brnssele. Beare. nflm•. V 46713 Phoi1i110dine, 7 1 E.'eat .Z;np14h.Renudy. 8o 1 and r000m..landed by al drp;. ;iota in Canals. Only reli able-nedialne di+covered. Sic peck les puaranter•1 to enre all forms of Sexual W. 81608, all &toots of abnet or excess, Mental T )rt •, DacesI:ve use of To. baoco, Opium or St--o1,nts. Wiled on reeeipl of prloe, one paoka,. D. six, $6. :MS rout 2)81101, nix xetltore. Pampa etre free to any address. Tho wool. Company, Windsor, Ont 8014 lu Bru reels v C-, A. DEAOMAN, Druggis neoas01ler 00ptiolan. SHINI LIES Brit It Columbia Red 'e/lar Shingles AND• -- )fit ti h Shore 1p' le and Cedar FOR SALE h Tan Brussels .'lolling Fulls 41 Also Doors and E 4.1 of all Pa: terns on band or :nae to order at Short Notice, Estimate eanenished for all kinds of aildings. Workman- ship enc Mt tarifa Cnaranteed. P. IYJ. E ,1V .L. , BRU SE,S ` i. PUMP [RL$. Wish to in£orn th . people of Brussels and surrounding t itr,ot that i have pus• ohaned the Pun: 13 tailless ..f JAMES BELL and will le 'etnd ready to attend to ail wants in eft 10 new wori: orrepairs at moderate price No better Pumj in +he Manhole Order left at in 811 a) or residence or at P. SCOTT'S r or will bo promptly looked after. l' "Orderei tali- or the Digging of Wells and Oittern Game ", , 7 MILL STREET, ' ' 4 B11Iissums 1, trit jam ort•ico. GLralazrnn;--h petition wee prenent061 to the townet:fp Connell, Maned by 251 of the ratepayers, asking to 11 MVO the dog tax aboliohed. It was granted, --W. II. Ardell is on the slats list at l.roosnt,—W. M.oso, our enterprising harness maker, 'hipped a oounignmont of his oelobratod harness to Manitoba,--•Postmaotee Per• kine, while walking down street, Blipped on the ice and fell heavily, receiving in- juries that have compelled 1111n to keep his bed emote—'Phos. Wakeford, who has been seriously ill, is improving,—John Sbinsolt reoeivod a telegram on Tuesday of last weals, conveying the Dad news of the death of hie brother Alexander, of Pool. Mr, Stinson left to attend the funeral which took place the following day.—Misses Sarah and Kate Earngoy were in Wingham attending the wedding of their comic), alio Sarah L. Perdue, to J. Chmmney, Abou 150 guests were pproa- ont.—Mise Polly Letters, of Kincardine, has been the guest of friends in town and vicinity.—Thos. Nash, of the Videlte, re- ceived the oontreat for the Township prinbieg, for the year 1808, for the sum of 814, hie being the lowest tender and in the event of 10 Municipal election, he am oepts 310 less. Cliinton- LrrTLE OwLLrm0s.—Danford, Roche t6 Oo. expect to olos° ma their busiuose here this week, -3, Mitohell shipped three oar loads of wooden rollers on Monday to the old ooutry,—Miss Ida Holmes was in Toronto, where she anted ea bridesmaid for )Miss Carrie Leavenworth.—A. B. Itattray, who has reoeotly been elected chief consul for the Montreal C. w. A. district, is a eon of T. Rattray, of town. —We are sorry to know that Dave Gardner is laid up with softening of the brain, and his oondition is so serious as to cause hie friends much anxiety.— Mayor Holmes invited the members of the Town Couuoil, and also those who were members last year, to hie house, where they were entertained to supper end spent a pleasant, seoial time,—Bon. Tomlinson has been confined to the house for several days by an ailment, the exaob nature of which his medical attendants cannot define. Hie many friends hope his illness mny be of short duration,— Alex..1. Cooper, formerly of town, brother of S. S. Cooper, has opened oat- a flour and feed store in Goderich.—W. Downs, er., has been appointed caretaker of the Ontario street Methodist aburoh.—Mr. Findlay, of Tuokeremith circuit, who has been laid off for a couple of months, ex. peace to be able to resume his work about the let of April.—A. memorial service to the late Pranoee E. Willard was held in the Rattenbury street chnreh ou Sunday afternoon at 4 o'clock, The service was under the Ruspiees of the W. C. T. U. The ohoir was taken by Moyer Holmes and short memorial addresses given by J. Houton, Jae. Scott and others. Lctieclb ter v. FA1nt0Rs' I106160IT13,— EWA Heron Farmers' Institute will hold two sessions at Leadbury ou Wednesday, March 10th. The following will be the program :— Afternoon, at 1 o'oleek—Obairman's ad- dress ; "What to Teach the Young People o11 the Farm," J. J. Irvine ; Under. draining," R. McJlillau ; "Plantine and Oar° of Orchards," J. Sheppard ' "The value of Ensilage, Growing of Corn, Building a cheap Silo 061d Pilling the Silo," J. E. Gould, Evening, at 7 0 0100ls —"Window Gardening," J. Sheppard ; "Remedy for Over Prodooti'.0 end Low Prices," J. E. Gould, Mr, Gould will have a miniature eilo to show the eon- struction. Musical program at the even. ing meeting and seats reserved for Indies. A11 are invited. Lrnm.—Some have been married late. ly on the 14th con. and more are on the spring Jno. McPherson has soourod an agsnoy for selling "Native Hubs" in Perth County. We hope Jno. will do well, and he should, for it is a good seller and a good thing.—Miss Eliza MoLaugh- lin speaks of going to Toronto soon to assist her uncle in the dry goods business, —We hear some of the readers of Ten POST took some offence at we of the Learibury notes sol ,e timeago. We hope things are all right now. Your corres• pendent does not wish to hurt any read. Br's feelings and if he gets a little funny sometimes just take it as a joke. ---A eeleot party from here drove to Thos. Oakley's a few nights ago and spent the evening very pleasantly in dancing. The mucic was good and seemed to bo moll appreciated by some of the boys, at any rate, by the way they hoed It down.— The Munn brothera have purohassd a 25 horse power engine from a Waterloo firm, to use in their sawmill. This should mak" things hum.—Thoe. Ross goes to M i an tuba in the near future.T hos. is o good, industrious obap and will no doubt do well wherever he goes. aisie SONNY SPAoIlxoe,—On Wednesday of last week the angel of death entered the home of Mrs. Burke and took therefrom her youngest daughter, Mary, aged 8 years, The little girl was ill but two dnys with diphtheria and her death was au unexpected blow to her friends,—A little two-year.old girl of Mr. Inglis, of North Dakota, who ie vlsitillg at Thos. Patton's, had her arm fractured one day last weak.—Mrs.Aroher,of Clinton, while visiting Mrs. Rath, who lives on the Dickson farm, Tuokeremith, met with a bad aooident. She fell and unfortunately fractured her wrist, and will be unable to use her arm for some time.—A very jolly Weighing party was given on a repent evening to it number of young people of this town, They went out in oariolee to the residence of Lewis MoDonald, Wel. ton. The evening was pleaenntly spent in social enjoyment, The party includ- ed :—Misses Plokard, McKinley, Xemp, Beattie, Hoffman, McDonald, Daly, Nee. Jin, Young, Kennedy, and Messrs. Hoff- man, Neil, Barr, Bond, Pepst, Beattie, Wileon, McGavin, Case, Chesney, Mo. Lean and W. Neal, of Welton,—Mise Brown, cashier in the MoFaul tb Co.'s Dry Good store de BrI^anding it few weeps at hoe home in Leeter,—Miss X. L. Punohard has returned from an extended vial'. to friends in Petrolia. — Mise Kate S arling, eldest daughter of Geo. Sperling of this town, loft on Monday for an ex- tended visit to Mende in Woolsey, Asaine. boil.—R. Deem bail a $25 dog poisoned pee day last week. ',CMs is the second animal lir, Deoin has lost during the last six months.—•Mise E, M, Lenunn, dam Per of Jose, Lennon, Seafcrbh, who has beon studying i'oo a trained aurae In ' Ii SI. 311. 'y's hospital, Detroit, hag ,,: , .,.re please, to learn, mimed her float 0xi,niu- ation with 'venom.. On idcsday 0.013. ing of suet week it fueling o£ deep serrew WPM thrown oval' 0110 town, whntl it lee. mune l;notvn that Alfred, the yeu,geet ane of lure awl lure. Ilaulmett, of this place, had palmed awes to join the silent majority, which await the r'c•aurrentluu. 1118 eras Nemo am a and 0ho01t to most people, 9.e very few know that he was soden,ly ill, although he waw mimed from Vie a ceectomod place both at 8411001 and anring ilie numerous friende and no. quaint ,i1304. It 0080010 Wet when attend• lets cervico a week ago bast Sunday elven, ing he ,:30triwted n severe cold which finally developed into quinsy and Manor• rhage ,end resulted fatally. The deco weed S909 in his eighteenth year and 309.6 a general favorite with those with whom be ammo in oontnot• lie was a p11pi1 at the Oollogi,4te Instituto for over three years, and ho won the affeetioo of both tean11010 and pupils by his earnest ondoavoure to do his duty both at wont and play, IIe was ever ready to stand up for the right and always disdained to do any'hhig mean or dishonorable. 14:11C V) IN Eranalv08.—Tho ice 11arlt011 beg,.lu last week nod although it is net first quality it might be worse. —John Treble, who had the misfortune to have has foot out the other week, is doing nicely and iv able to be around by the aid of a orntch,— The Presbyterian church ohoir attended the tea meeting at Chieellnlrst and furn- ished the musical part of tho program.— Wm. Abbott met with a pain£ll accident on the rink here. While playing a game of hoolsey the pnok streak hint with ter. tibia force in the mouth, booking out several teeth and otherwise injuring Mtn, —Geo. O'Neil wan euccesefnl in winning first prize in the two milo rata and first in the' no mile race et the Carnival d11 Housall,—Leonard McTaggart, of the London Road North mo th gainful if nob fatal a. ' tet apainful, on Tuesday after- noon of last week. He was on top of a load of hay asci when turning slightly off the road to let another rig pass the load capsized, Mr, MoTaggart sustaining sev- eral broken ribs and other internal in. juries to his bank. He was at once re- moved to his home and medical aid stun. maned, but he is now lying in a critical oonditiou.—Milton Bissett has engaged With E. A, li'olliok to learn baking.—We nnders'',-tud that Rev. Earnest Grigg in- tends leaving for the mie.eionary fields in India shortly.—Rowell Ilewmrd, who has been engaged as tailor in St. Marys, was oompel:ed to return home owing to all attack of typhoid,—W. J, Baker, 0111 of Wm, Laker, Huron street, who has been residiu ; du St. Catharines for some years, has moved to St. Marys, where he has puroha ed a wagon and carriage business. —We Dere sorry to report the niece of Riot. Illatohford, who wee taken sntlden• ly sicjs on Sunday morning of lash week, by the 1nrstiurg of a blood vessel in his head, from which a large amount of blood flowed .3-twoose. Moo1•InootIoo,—Married, at the home of the bride's brother, J. Hammonil, on Wednesday, Feb. 23rd, by Rev. W. T. Bob, Miss Sarah Jane, daughter of the Ince Edward Hammond, to Edward Corry, of Elma. There were about seventy guests present, who gathered round the festal board to do honor to the lavish vetoed of good things and drink the health of the bride and groom. The bride was the recipient of many beauti- ful and useful gifts, tangible expressions of her popularity and esteem among her large circle of friende. The happy twain will masse their home near Gotham. Mr, and Mee. Corry aro valued members of the Atwood Baptist oburob, over which Mr. Buut presides. A meeting of the Directors of the At- wood Public Library was held ab the resi- dence of the Librarian, President Ball in the ohoir. It was moved by Rev. Mr, Asbury, seconded by Mr. Mitohell, that B. W. Ziemann be authorized to arrange a contrite, to be given in behalf of the Library on or before Easter Monday, 1808. Carried. The desirability of buy ing the Encyclopmdia Britannia wag discussed by the board, and the Secretary was instructed to write the Department ooneernidg the same. The Librarian stat- ed that he was prepared to set apart and furnish a Reading Rooth for the Library in 000neetion with the new store W. F. Forrest porpoess building for him next Summer, providing the Directors thought of establishing a goading Room and sulk• silently providing for its maintenance, Tho matter was deferred till the next meeting. On1T,—On Feb. 18th Mrs, Paloler, re- lict of the late Henry Palmer, of Elma, passed away at her residence in Listowel, aged 85 years, Deaeasecl was born in the Co. Cavan, Ireland, in the year 1813, and came to Canada in 1882 being married to her hneband in Toronto on the 25th April, 1842. They soon afterwards molt. ed to the township of Oro, in the County Simooe, where they retrained for about eight years. The family came up into the ton ne1ip of Peel, in Wellington, and in 1855 Me, Palmer and hie family eine to Elton. They parahased of the Crown 200 acres of land in the s000nd oonoeesi001 of the township, and here made them• eelvee a comfortable, happy hone. In September, 1881, Mr, Paloler died, when the homestead was sold and Mrs. Palmer and her daughter went to Lisbowel to live. The deooasod leaves three delight. era and one son. The daoghtors are Mre, A, B. Gordon, of Elma ; Mre. D. M. Gordon, of Wiugham, and Rosa, who hoe lived with her mother. The eon Santee is living in the Statee. NEWSY 1311/O,—Invitntione aro cub an. noticing the marriage of Mies Sam, 01d. est hem -atter of Thee, Douglas, of Harris. ton, formerly of Atwood, to A. F. I3ass, jeweller, of Palmerston, c1 Tuesday, March 8th.—Lillian I3oryl, dltngbter of le, S. Pelton, Greig, the little eon of Jos, Malicy, Jeanie and Mary Murray, Her- bert Mitchell, Minnie Cuthborbson, Mrs, Geo. (Jhapinan's baby and Mr's. Mont. gotneey'o little girl nee recovering from an attack of ooarlet fever,—R. Hermiston, of Listowel, furniture dealer, bas bought of Mr. Xneclltel the undertaking and fltrllitoo.o gook of the Atwood furniture Co, Mr, Hermiston has 011304ed R. M. Ballantyne to manage the bugloss in At. wood in the former's interests.—Rev. S. R. Asbury, B. A., B• D,, preaobed his latah sermon as rooter of St. Albon's church, Atwood, lent Sabbath, prier to leaving for Onondaga, Brant Oo„ the new ohm'ge he has been appointed .o. — R. M. Ballantyne (disposed of hie new store which he oesupies to Martin M. 11004 of WIlllainsteed, Out., last week THE BRUSSELS POST atit fair pew -'there 1e oeuside'',,1,to sicltnood w the t:,wnohip, deo largely to the recent ahan cable weather and the prevalence of 0e, erleb fever of a mild type. -Wm. Jury, jr., 100tH eon,, West, x34.11 24 794106, 1 Inontb, and 23 days, passed 0130007 03 Botha', Feb, 20611. Ile had bran poorly for a long limo with hear failure, but the diseaeo only assumed alarming stege a weep or ten days prig 00 hie death. lit oda a highly re9peete young plan and hie demise bee met a gloom over thio oommonity, where he wits well and favorably known. --On Wed. uesday, 7'eb. 1.1), it, Arab, Credo, a pops• lar and well to do young farmer of the 12th eon., wee Nod in marriage to Mies Maggie, tho violable daughter of the Tate John Aloxnuder, at the home of the bride's 011011)1', nt Brinton. 11 way a quiub but pleasant at0•eir, and the bete wishes of the c immunity go with the young couple in their now relationship. May joy and prosperity always be theirs, The bride was the roolpient of a number of beantiful presents. 100a°c wtelt. farrl,r•, Tourette, ---A member from hero attended the nomination du 13rnesel6 on Tuesday of last week and they report a very largo crowd present,—John Argue hag returned from lits visit to the city and ethos plaoos.—Moesro. Brown & Powell received au order for a carton.1 of wagon axles, tougn00, benches, etc„ from a firm in MaoIboba, They aro also get- ting out material for table and chair legs for Hems in Wiugham and Ilarriston,— John Spence, a farmer of Newbridge, has now a large number of hands employed in his broom factory and is turning out brooms by the score, daily. Mr, Splice hoe secured the seevi000 of Jas. R11 as travelling salesman.—Geo. McLaughlin, of Noepawie, Man., shipped a carload of fine horses from this station to the West. —The Methodist church pulpit here was occupied on Sealey by Rev. T. Albert Moore, of Palmerston, who preached time excellent sermons to very large and attentive audiences. The reverend gent. loman made a very favorable improe: ion on hie hearers and itis to be hoped thie will not bo the last time he will occupy a pulpit iu this place. His lecture ou Mon- day evening on "Gnmpbion, Grit and Glory" was heartily enjoyed by all pres- ent, It being very instructive and °ease- baining. Mr, Moore showed himself to be a man of deep thought and of strong oratorical powers. Owing to the inclem- ency of the weather and the heavy roads these was not a very large orowd ab the lecture. The proceeds in all amounted to about 385.00.—Ou Tuesday of last week there wore 110 pupils present iu the village school.—Ralph Young, who bas been living in Algoma for the past year, has returned to town,—W. H. Kerr has his bake oven finished. 13ruee Com::t Coal.'11 w111 meet in March to matte dalieito at'ren'•emente re. gardiug the bail: ling of tbo House of Rsfugo. Altubher matter that will oorne up for attention will be the appointment ofeounbyvaiuttoro, The le went vale• ator's roil will oast, in June ,ext to be t the basis of the county equal nation and II if a new valuation is determined on it is r possible that a now plan ma;' be adopted d of doing the work, namely to appoint two township men to value the townships and two town mon bo value the towns and vii. Wee, It is thongbb by some that by this plea a much truer valuation would he arrived at, while the port would not be materially increased, Coosretanccs. FAnatuns' INerrruT°.-- Di 51 Huron Partners' Institute will hold Imo occasions in Conetanoe on Thursday, Dearth 17111. The following will be the program ;— Afternoon, at 1 o'olook—Chearman's ad- dress ; ")Legs," 3, Hinehluy ; "The Standing the Farmer 0120o1d take in the Community," Thos. Strobel: • "P1ant. ing and Care of Orchards," 3. Sheppard ; "The value of E 1601030, aroma of Cm ii, Building a cheap Silo and Filling the Silo," J. E. Gould. Evening, at 7 o'• alook—"Throe Historical Daya on Niag. arc River," 3. Sheppard ; "Itelnpdy for Over Production and Low Prions;' J. E. Gould, Dlr. Gould will have a miniature silo to show the conatruotion. Musical program at the evening meeting and seats will be reserved for ladies, sell are in- vited, 131.P tit . Bralace Ts.—Il. Milne tae so far re- covered from his late serious illness that he is now able to walk down town: --A. H. Plummer's little son id recovering from the fever. -The next monthly fair will be held at Blyth on Tuesc'ay, March 8th.—Miss Mara Ballantyne bas gone to Teeswater, where she has soared a po. sition in Peter Purvis' woo en mill.— Mrs. Wm. Watson left on 'Friday for To - route, where she will visit for a few days. Prom Toronto she goes to New York, where she will spend a oonple of weeks, after which ebe will travel across the continent to Vanoouver, B. 0., where several months will be spent.—The Blyth Board of Trade met and elected the fol- lowing oMcers :—President, Alex. Elder ; vioe•pres., Capt H. Toro Renee ; sec,- Treas., 3. S. MoKinnon ; Gonnoil, Messrs. Frank Metcalf, C. Hamilton, A. E. Bradwin, A. S. Dickson, J. G. Emigh, S. Herrington and J. H. (Mel. lew.—Joseph Stothers has purchased the blcok on Queen street at present 0000. pied by himself, from John Kelly. The price paid was 81,000.—Harry Combs, who bas spent the past two months visiting friends and relatives in this neighborhood, returned 1.0 his home in Determine, Man., hist week.—Mise Annie Grainger, neice of Mrs, Richard Somers, of Bly!b, died ea•ldenly the other evening, the sad event taking place in Clinton. She had been in her usual bealth up to the Friday preceding her death, and was attending to her usual duties in the household of Mrs. Rano. ford, when sho became suddenly ill. Medical attendance was immediately summoned by telephone, and everything that medical skill and kind friends could do was done, lout death claimed its victim. The remains were laid to rest in Bayfield oeinetery.—W. a 7', Campbell Rt Oo. disposed of their groaary business to W. 3'. Dempsey, of 351101ee, but for. mei of Bl Eh. Mr. Dam se , h y y p has taken possession, and is busy getting the stook into shape for the arrival of sew geode. Mr. Campbell intends going to Winnipeg soon. Litelcnow. OLD SRTTLER Gons.—There died at his residence, of pneumonia, after a few days' illness, on Friday, the 11th Robert Farrieh, aged 78 years, The de. ooaaed wag one of the connecting links between the present generation and the early pioneers who first settled on the lake share in Ashfield township, whose numbers, alas 1 are thinning out every year. Ho comate Canada from Dum• Mee, Scotland, in the year 1851, and after a few yearn sojourn near Hamilton removed, with other members of his family, early in the fifties, to the form where he dl For ed. Zot manYyears he ran n saw -mill on Xexry.Creelt, which posses through the farm, assisted by bis nephew, John Hutchison, but later, owing to the supply of wood becoming name, the mill was not the busy place it was in days of yore. The deceased was unmarried and was it fine old gentleman of the old school, thoroughly Scotch in his ways end hos• pitable to a degree. The funeral was a large one, the remains being interred in the oenietery near Kintail, where his father, mother and other members of the family have preceded him. ORAN08 BLoesous.—The home of Mre. West, Rose street, was the scene of a very happy event on Wednesday evening, Feb. 10111, when her eldest daughter, Annie S., was united in marriage to Francois Gordon, n popular young mon in town. Promptly at 8,80 the bride, who benubifully attired in a pretty gown of red and bh.etc effect, with ohiffron trimmings, entered the room, leaning on bhe arm of bee uncle, while Mrd, Stinson, sister of the groom, played Mendelesohns' wedding mproh. Rev, I, B. Wallwin, B.A., pastor of the Methodist church, peformed the oeremony, after which the usual congrat- ulations were extended to the young couple. The guests then sat down to a bountifully spread table, where the deli. Genies provided wore enjoyed to the fnllest extent, The many beautiful presents re - fleeted the esteem in which the young couple are bald, and congratulatory telegrams were received from friends who were unable to attend. Only immediate relatives were preeent, among them be. ing :—T. F. and Hrs. Fletcher, of Bros. sele ; Mr. and Mre, Parke ; R. and Mrs, Treleaven ; T. and Mrs. Wiggings ; Mr. and Mee. Young ; Mrs, Wilson and Mies Evans, Bright ; Mies Howie, Waterloo ; D. Lnwrence and Miss T. Lawrence ; Mr, and Mre, Stinson, and Jas. and Mrs• Gordon, of Luoknow. LINRLums.—John McPhee, of Chino, i0 visiting friends in this vioiniby.—Mise Ada Coiling, of Preston, i0 the guest of Mre. Jack Armstrong, of this village.— Robb. Gentians, of this village, left on Monday morning of last week for Peter. bore', as a delegate to a meeting of the Canadian Oahe of Foresters.—At the oomm0neement exercises of the Training School for Nurses of the National Tem. peranoe Hospital, on Feb. 18th, Aliso Jessie Allan DIaoIienzie, formerly of Looha;sh, received her diploma.—The new Boman Catholic ()buttes in Luoknow wag dodioatod on Smuday, 27th ult., when Rev. Donnie O'Connor, D. D., Bishop of London, offloiated both morning and evening. Rev, Father Dixon, P. P., of Itingebridge, will be the pastor of the new ohureh,—Thr sudden death of Con- stable Thee, Sheebottom, at hie home in this village, on Teeeday morning of last week, came as a sad surprise to our odti• 09115. Mr. Sboebottom had been ill with 00nstlmpti011 for sante years, and for a week past was confined to bed, but even his family and most intimate friouds had no thought that his late illness would prove fatal. Ile was a comparatively young man, only in hie forty-third year, and had been mutable of the village for some five yenta past. Ito leaves a wife and Mee odsdltitel:, who have the earnest e+ympathy 00 the whole community in their sail bereavement, The f0ueral took place'Thmrsday afternoon, to the Kinloss oenlolerea XArstowel. LlTTL1 LooALRTs.—Mies May Gahardt, of Winnipeg, was visiting Mre. Jas. Perrin, Inkerman street.—George Wahl complains of some petty thieving in bis neighborhood. Among other things missed by him recently is e, new axe, which disappeared a few nights ago.— The charity concert given in .1loDonald'e Music ball, on Monday night of lash week, was it great soon so far as at. tendanee was concerned, •the citizens turning out in numbers sufficient' to fill the hall. The program suffered some- what owing to Miss Sams and Mr. Stuart nob beim able to take nett on am ootnt of severe colds. The prooe0dg netted 340 or oven—On Monday evening of last week the 10 o'clock train from Palmerston was delayed 4 or 5 hours by a broken truck on a freight oar. The accident happened about the 8rd line of Wallaoe and the Stratford auxiliary bad to Dome up and remove the oar before the train could pr000ed. There was very little damage done. A brilliant matob was the game on Saturday night in the semi•3uafe of the 0. H. A. intermediate aeries between the Waubauehene and Listowel teams, at Listowel. The home teamer w e without the servioee of their regular captain, H• N. Orr, but they had speed enough to win by 10 goals to 7. The contest was exceedingly keen and the teams so well matched that at the end of time the eoore was 7 a11, though the half-time score was 6 to 3 in favor of Lietowol, 11 was agrees to play 5 minutes extra each way fn order to break the tie, The first period gave Listowel a lead of one goal, and in the second the visitors made a desperate effort to overcome that. They failed and Liobowel added two goals. The attendance was close to 1,500 and the excitement tr°mendons. The visit. ors put up a flue game, and there was little or no roughness shown. Lionel Xing, of Peterboro' made en efficient referee. The team were :— Listowel— Goal, 10. Ford 1 point, W. O. Olimie; (mgt.) oover, J. Meyers ; forwards, ivingetone, Hooking, M5Rsand and Kidd. Waubauehene—Goa", J. Lewis ; Point, J. W. Gray; clover point, F. Fenton ; forwards, A. Gray, a. McKay, R. White and D. Tnompeon. Referee— Lionel Xing ; Lmpires, Messrs. Ballon. tyne and Pethick, Stratford ; time -keep. ere, G. Zilliax, of Listowel, cud E. Gar. rity, of Waubauehene, Listowel now has to ploy the winner of tte Waterloo. Fronteun° game for the intet'mediato championship, Mrs, William Aitchison, of Hullett, died on the 14th inst. after a lengthy 111. nese, She wait o daughter of the late John McKenzie. and was born in Platen, Novo Bootie,. When about two years of ago, with her parents, mime to MoKtllop, She was married to law now sorrowing husband 28 yams ago. Her family con. sista of five acne and one da13:later, viz., Wilson, of Drysdale ; Robot, of Barf River, Algoma, and Isabella and David who ate et home, ` The Ronald Fire Engine Works, ! BRUSSELS. We are prepared to do any kind of Machine Repair Work with dispatch and on very Rea- sonable Terms. When wanting anything in the line of Engines and Boilers, stationary or portable, we would be glad to have you ask us for quotations as we think we can save you money. We have also on hand all kinds of Repairs for Engines, Boilers, Steam Fittings, and can also execute any orders for Brass work. Nickle Plating a Specialty. 1101111t1 Fire Dngina Warks, BRUSSELS. HAVE YOU Looked in our eY Show Window Lately ? . Rave you read my Advertisement ? Have you glanced in our atore to lee the New Dress Goods, New Trimmings, New Prints, New Silk and Cotton Laces, New Gloves, New Parasols, New Shirtings, New Cottonados Everything New for Spring. in the Grocery Department Yon will find everything Fresh in Canned Goods and at old Prices. Teas and Coffees a Speoialby, Agent for Parker's Dye Works. J. G. Skene. PRINT OFENING Following our usual custom of having an annual Spring Print Opening we beg to announce to the Ladies that on_.001).- SATURDAY, MARCH 5th, and following week we will make a Special Display of Prints. We have a large and handsome range and this is our method of showing to customers our choice collection. DON'T FORGET THE DATE— March 8th and Following Week. March Patterns and Fashion Sheets to hand. Call and get one FREE. A. Strachan. NEW SHOES for Spring arriving daily, in all the latest and most Approved Styles. Shoes to Fit All Feet and Tastes. We carry a stock of Shoes, unexcelled in the County. Shoes that vvear is our boast and that at LOW PRICES. We Ask your Inspection of thew. RiPS SEWED FREE OF CHARGE. I. C. RICHARDS. MONEY is MONEY GAINED HENCE BY DEALING WITH elea'"'"-- Wilton Turnbull You are well served and gain money. A fine range of the Best Makes of . . Cookpr1 j N Parlor arlol a d Coal Stoves That Cannot be Beaten. Large Assortment of Lamps and Lamp Goods, Lanterns, Cutlery and Graniteware. We make a specialty of putting in Goal and Wood Furnaces, and Warrant Satisfaction. Stove Coal for Sale and always on hand, Special attention to Jobbing r and Repairs. Wilton & Turbu11, Brussels.