The Brussels Post, 1898-1-21, Page 7JAN. 2Ie MIL
ShOeld pu
So Healthful and So
Esv. Peestches °tithe gii nonce
of thie Club, and rie. (elves a Kure Teet or
its sheets - Evil Habits of Leiser(' and
now Snrely Conquer Thew.
Weshington, jam P.. - This morn-
ing Rev. Dr. Teenage preached from
the text, II. Samuel, ii,, 14, "Let the
young men non( ariee and play, hefore
There are heel armies encamped by
the pool of Gibeon, The time hangs
heavily on their bands. One army
preposes a game ofesword fencing,
Nothing collect be; mere healthful and
innocent. The other artny accepts the
liallenge Twelve mom against twelve
mer eriarti opens But eomething
want adversely. Perhaps one of the
sworderaep got an unlucky clip or in
some way bad bis ire aroused, and that
which opened in, sportfulness ended in
violence, mule onetaking hie contest-
ant by the, hair, and then with the
sword thrusting Ili= in the Bide, so
that that whieh rgened ln innorent
fun ended in the neateacne of the twen-
te-four sportsmen. 'Was there ever
it better illeetrationl of what was true
then and is true nolw, that that
whieli is innate-mt. may he made de-
str active'? 1 .
At this season; of the year' the club-
houses of our totem end cities are in
full play. I have Lound out that
there is a legitimate and ani illegiti-
mate use. of the clubbouee, in the one
ease it, may become a healthful recrea-
Nen, like the eontest or the twenty-
four men in the text when they began
their play; in the other casei it be-
comes the massacre( of hey, mind aml
sone, as inAsthe case of these contest-
ants of OA text when they' had gone
t oo fee with, their sport. All intellie
gent ages live ha.c1 their gtttberings
Ecu' political, so eel, artistic, literary
eurposee.-ga I:timings characterized by
the blunt old. Anglo-Saxon designat toe
if you tiftve rea4 eiders' you, know
that there was a Ring's Heed olule
a ['len J01(14021 club, a eroehers' club,
w111011 Swift and Bolingbroke be-
longed; a Literary elute which Burke
and Goldsmith, and Johnton and Bos-
well made inn:aortae. a Jacobin club,
• Itenjamin Franklin Junto club -
scene of theee to indicate juntice, some.
to favor the arts, borne to promote
good manners, some to despoil the
balits, some to destroy the soul. if
one will write an honest history of
the clubs of England, Ireland, Scot-
land, France and the United States,
for the last one hu,ndred years, be
will ,write the history of the world.
The club was an institution born on
English eoll, hut it has thrived! well
In A.merionn atmosphere. Who shall
tell how many lelong to that kind of
club where men put purses together
and open home% apportioning the ex-
pense of caterer and servants and mem,
and havinira sort of domestic, estabe
lishment-a style of clulshoure wbieb
M my miinion is far better than the
ordinary hotel or boarding housed But
my object now is le spent; of club-
houses of a differe,nt aort, suchi as the
Cosmos oe Chevy Chase or Lincoln
slab of this eapital, or the Union
Leugue of many cities, the United
Serviee club trf London, the Loo e of
New York, where journalists, dramat-
ists, eteelptoes, painters and artists
front all branches, gather together to
disouse newspapers, theetres and ela-
borate art, like the Americus, arhich
mumps out in summer time, dimpling
bhe pool with its hook, and arousing
the forest with its stag hunts like the
Century club, twhieh has its large group
of venerable 141W7E7111, 1111r1 poets, like
the. Army and Navy dub, letterer those
who engaged. in warlike service!. once ;
en the lend or the sees -now come 10'
getter to telk over the days, of earn
(1485; like the Neev York Yacbt. Mule
with its floating palaces of beauty, up-
holstered with velvet and paneled with
eboty, having all -the advantages of el-
- eetrie bell, end of gaslight, and of
king's pantry, one pleasure boat cost-
ing thane thousand dollars, another
fifteen thoesand (loiters, another thirty
thousand dollars, another eixty-five
?thousand dollar, the fleet of plea -
;sure hoats belonging to the Mutt liev-
big colt over two million dollare; like
Ike American Joekee Math, to whieb
telong men (5110 Mee 41 pa.sslonatte
••••-et fee
ee rses, fine horses, as had
joh t, • • .le• Scriptures, he gives ere es genial as angele at tho elabhouise
mood. whether yon are impassioned or
pilule; shipwreck or sunlight over the
sea, elitericlenei ride, or !the noondae,
party a the fermere under the trees,
forintine deer putrsued by the limas
in the Aceirendeeke or the sheep me the
!awe, On this stde there are reading
404}1010 where yon fled ell 11617/4111111010
end trnagezinee. On that side there hi
a library whore you, fit= all Meese
front leernieenatics to the falry tale.
Coining in and met there are gentlemen,
seine of wbom stay ten Minutes, ()there
Stay malty hours, Some of these ere
from luxurious homes, and they hese
GX71101.11 theunerieves for ewhile from the
domestie circle that they may enjoy
the larger sociability of the elubbouse.
Tbese ere from dismembered householde
and they have a plain lodging some-
where, eel they come to this club room
to beve t,heir ohiof enjoyment,. One
ideckhael meld In votee will defeat a
13/41115 becoming a member. For row-
dyism, for drumkannees, for gambling,
for tiny kind of 'misdemeanor, a mem-
ber is dropped oult, Brilliant elub-
houses from top to bottom. The than -
(letters, the, plate, the furniture, he
c,ompaninneltip, the literature, the
• prestige, a complete enclianttnent.
Nkv1 the evening le passing on, and
eu we 110,811311 throutg-h the hall and down
the steps tend into the street end from
Week to block nntli we come to another
style of clubhouse, Opening the door,
we find the fumes of strong drink and
t0b41770 Isomething almost intolerable.
These youing Meal 11.1; his ta.ble, it is
easy to maderetend what the,y are at
eram the flushed cheek, the intent
Melt, the almost angry svey of tossing
the dim, or of moving the "chiral:"
They are gambling. At another table
are men who are telling vile stories.
They are three -beetles tntoxisated, and
between 12 and 1 o'olock they will go
staggering, booting, swearing, shouting
ott their way home. That is an only
Soo, On hien all kindness, all care, all
eulture has been bestowed,. He is pay-
ing his parents in this way for their
kindness'. That is a young married
mmu who only a few months ago at) the
altar made promisee of kindness and
fidelity, every one of winch be has
broke•m Vnlk 'through and sea for
yeurselflieme ars alt the implements
17E diesipatien and of quick death, lAs
the Myers of the night go away the
comersittion becomes imbecile and more
clebeeing. Now it is time to shut up,
These who axe able, to stand will get
out on the pavemene and balance them-
selves against the lamppost or agaiusi;
the railings of the fence. The young
aim who is not able Ito stand will
hen a bed improvised for him in the
clubhouse, or two not quite so avercome
with liquor will conduct heat to his
inther's house, and they will ring the
doorbell, and the door will open, and
Lhe two inibeelle escorts will introduce
into the hallevey the ghastliest and
=el hellish spectacle that over enters
a front door -a drunken son. 11 the
dissipating olubhauses of UM country
would make a contract with the infer-
no (0 pro rlde it 10,000 men a year, and
for 20 years, an the condition that no
more should be asked of them, the club-
housee could afford to make that con -
trate Mr they would save hothestmds,
save fertusies, save beetles, minds and
mils. The 10,000 men who would be
sacrificed by that contract would be
but a, small part of the multitude secri-
Reed without the ornitract. 13ut
Make a vest deffercinee between clubs,
have belongee to Baur clubs -a thee-
logic:al club, a ball club tee two liter-
ary clubs. I got from them physical
rejuyenatiou andmorel health. What
shall be the principle 1 If Goot will help
me, I will lay clown three principles by
which you alley jedge whether the club
ewhere you axe a member or the clu11 to
which you Imam been invited is a legiti-
mate 01 8(1 illegitimate otutheuee
Vint of ell I went you to test the
teeth by ite influemes on home if you
breve te berme. I have been telt by a
prominent gentleman in elub lite that
threesfourths of the members ef The
great clubs of these cities are married.
men. The evile SOOD loses her Influence
over her huebtend who nervously and
foolisbly looks upon an evening absence
113 on assault. an domestketyt. Uow are
the greet enterprises of art and la-
m:alum and beneCieence and public: weal
1,0 be carried. on 11 every Mall is to
bayse kle world bounded on one side, by
11!s treat doorstep and on the other slcls
by hie heels whadowe knowing nothing
higher than his own tettie er nothiug
lower than his own eellar? That wife
who becomes jeatons of bee husband's
atteritSen to art er literature or religi-
on or 64511,17 Ls breolting her own ecept-
er ot oonjugal power. t know an inste
(owe where a witfe thought that bar hus-
band was gitving too many nights to
Christian SOT Y to chart WA, sere ice, tO
prayer meetiaigs and to religious convue
cation. dhe systematically decoyed him
away mail now be attends no church
caul is on a rnpi way to dest ruction,. his
morale gone, leis money gone and, L
teer, his steel gone, Lel. any ChriA12111
85120 rejoice when iher husband manse -
metes eveleings to the service of God,
or to charity, or to vet, or to anything
ellevated, brit let el It Men sacrifice
home life to Mali elm 1 eau point oul,
to you e. great 'ninny mums of mon
who ere guilty of Hee sacrilege. They
family, either al, home or. in good
golghberrhood. I 11.111 devote one to
charitable i8±'1itutie114. 1 Will &Vele
016 to the elute" 1 cunteralulete you.
there is 41 MILO 'w110 ',aye: "1 wilt make
a different, dielcien of the six nights.
I will take tierce fox ebe (dub and three
for other purposes." 1 tremble, fibere
he own who saye, "Out of the tile se-
cular nighte of Ilia week 1 it i 1 I devote
five to the eltillboura WWI 01144 10 1,111.
home, Which +night 1 will spend, in
((cowling like is Mareh reptile wiehing
E was met mettreleng 1!, as 1 had spent
the otherfive." That me,a's obituary
Writ treth NOt (111.0 out 101100 that
ever gale no far ofe the wrong read
ever steps, Graduatly his bealth vill
fall through late house, and through
too much etbnalus. Nvill he first
rate prey for eryelpelee anti rbeuma-
teen of the heart. The cleetor, coming
in, will et a glance lent 1 14 nue only
preseot dieease he must fight, but
Years a Dist living, The clergyman,
for thesalre of the feelings of Lite fain-
tly, On the funeral rimy will only talk
in religious generalities, Then suen
who get his yacht in the eternal rap-
ists sell' not be at tee obeespiee. They
Will Send flowers to tte maim lid and
send their wives to utter words of sem-
paieley, but they 'will have engagemente
elsewbere. Tney never COMO. Bring
roe mallet and etch el and 1
oe the t obnlistone that man's epitaph,
"Ble,ssecl aro the dead vho die in the
turd." "No." you eity, "that would not
be mePropriate." "Let me die the
death a a* righteeue, and let my last
end. be like Iiis." "No," vie say, "that
WO111K1 flou roe appropriate," Then
give enra the mallet, and the chieel and
I will cut an bentest eeitaph, "Here
lies Lhe vietim elE a dierailiatialK club -
I think that damage is often done by
the scions of some axistocratic family
who !belong to OW of these dtissipating
etu,lebouees. Peoele corning up from
humbler Musses feel dt ea honor to 'be -
tong to the 00018 .0101), forgetting the
feet tbat maw. 82 he eone mad grout -
eons of the large eatomerottel establisii-
meats oe the late generetion are now,
143 le and, imbetile; as to body, dis-
eased; Rs to morals, rotten. They
w ould have gut through their property
tong ago 12 11113 hadhad full possession
al it, but the eily tweeters, who 0010-
• 1 11)0 money by hard knocks, foresaw
how it 80E15 to be, and. they tied up
everything in the will. Naw there is
nothing of that unworthy derceeedant
but hie grandfather's name :and roast
Iseef. rotundity, And yet haw many
steamers there are whauli feel honored
to lash fast that; worm eaten tug,
though it drags them straight into the
Another test by which you can find
whether yonr club te legitimate or i
legitignate--the effect it bee ea your
secular crecupation. I can understand
how through such an institution It man
Can 1041011, commercial successes. I
know some men have formed that best
business relations through mush a
channel. If the club has advantegee
yen in ale honoreble ealliug 11 14 a legi-
timate elute But ilk= your creek
Mittel? Ara !bargain 'makers mere
cauleoue home they trust you „with a
ball ot goods? Have the min whose
meets were down in Llie commercial
ageney A 1 before they enlerect the
oletb been going down ever eines in
coomertial Mewling? Then look out I
You and I every clay know of cone -
=metal establishaneuts going to ruin
through the social excesses of one or
twe members, their forte:nee beaten to
deutli with ball plityere' bat, or cut
antipehips by the :Crone prow of the
negatta, or going down uerder th.e
tewitt hoofs 01 bhe fast 'Mimes, or
drowned in large polatione of cognae
and monosigehela. Telesis- elabhouee
was the "Looh Earn." Tnieir business
house was the "Vale du Havre." They
struek, and the "'Ville du Lfavre" went
A third test by which you may know
whether the clue to whites you belong,
er the elub to whose 11]eml3ership you
are invited is a legitimate Out, or an.
Illegitimiete club is' this: 'What is its
effeet on yeur senee of moral and re-
Egious obligation? Now, if 1 should
take the names of all the peelers in my
ructlientie end put them on a roll and
then I seould lay that roll back of the
organ and 100 years front now some
one should take that roll and call it
frcen A to Z, ehere would not one of
you answer. I say that any assuchte
tern Chet mekes MB forget that fact
;veer) bie rigid war( dying of ecariet
fever. He wena
t way. Vetere 110 gOt
Leek al midniglit the eyes ead 1110911)l undertaker had chow het
wok. rand the wile, woen nut with
three weeks' 851111111)2. lay 11110011801('1115in the next 000m. nun there is a
rattling of the night key in tile deer,
and the returned father comae ele-
recent and sees the empty 4)1)11110 1101
the window up, Ite euys "Whet 1"110
hMt tee'? judent.
gm(lay he
will find lint what Nye; the mut ter.
0h, Men eettiay, (iod help you:
The influence ectine of the
riol',1101P es ale (11441,1)) 1(3 the more
130 18 deplered Ile081140 it takes dw
the very lem
st en. The adIrliShiUll fee
021(1out 1 110 1)811041058 5,111 1800880017the heel fellosee. '71) '7 are frank.
ad, they are talentetl. ()h. Ingelniteo
they are 5)611904809 1114)' are wit tle !mut
tee devil etrit 11, preset After awhile
the frank loek will go out of the Me
find the features will le haggard, tied
when talking to you., instead of look-
lteytetie tvi. tmleenrerngthieLln111
aata ev
. 11.111
kindly aek "My son. what kept yew
out so late last 01(11)12'' and he will
niake no anewer, or he 'ill
gay, "Mtge my husiness." Then some
time he will oome the,store or the
hank crass and belogg.d, awl be %vitt
negtert 1401136 11(117, and after awillie
he will lo ie his pilule, and Gen with
in(1 to do he will eodowat
10 Melock its tele 'morning to curse the
servant 110001)0 the breakfast is cold.
Jibe lad who was a clerk in tbecellar has
'got 18 110 chief reark in ttv greet com-
monest 'estaelielenen I; the young M1111
who ran errands for the hank hes got
to he cashier; thousands of the young
men who were at the foot of the !ad-
der 11.1.18 got to the top of t lei ladder,
but here goes 110') 5)1)1111 of the dissi-
pating 0101)1)0058. with etaggering step
and bloodshot eye and mud hespettered
hat vet 81(1081100 (801 a 511171)of greasy
hair, his cravat dashed with eiger
8411413.Look al Wm! Pure hen Nee,
young man, look at him! The elut house
did that. I know rine such who went
the whole round, and, turned out of
the h-gher elulthomes, went 1111') the
lower elabhouses, and on down, unte
one night he leaped met of a third
story window to end bis wretchedness.
Let rah sae to fathers who are be-
coming dissipate, your sons fol-
low you. You think your son does not
know, Ile knows all about t have
heard men, who maw, "I am profane,
but. never in the presence of my ('1111-
(118o1" Your children know you swear.
I have heard men say, f drink, but
never in the presence. of my children."
Your children know you drink. de-
scribe 11085 what oecure in hundreds of
households in this country. The tea
hoer has arrived. The family are seat-
ed el the tea table. Before the rest
of the family arise from the table the
father shoves back his chair, 35.75 he
has an engegement, tights a eigar, goes
out, comes back after midnight, curl
that is th'e hiettory oe 31e1 nights of the
year, Does any 110111 want to stultify
himself by saying that that is healthy,
Lhat Leal, is right, that that is honor-
able? 'Would your wife have married
you with such prospeets
Time will pass 1411, 1148(1 the seta will
be 16 or 17 years of age, wad 'you will
be at thb tea, table, wee he willshove
battle and_ have an engagement, and he
will light his cigar, and. he Nvill go out
to the clubhouse, and you will hear
nothing of him until you hear the night
key ia the door atter midnight, But
his physical constitution is not quite
so strong as yours, and the liquor he
drinks is more terri drugged
than that which you drink, and so he
will ea Oh up with you ors the road to
death, though you got such a Jong start
of him, and so you will both go to hell
The revolving Druiinnouti light in
front of a. hetet in flan( of a Iceioruo-
Live, may flash this way and flash that
neon the moentains, upon the ravines,
upon. the city, but I take the lamp of
God's eternal truth, and T flash it uron
all the clubhouses of these cities, so
that no 70)11))) 111001 shall be deceived,
By these tests try them, try thetal Oh,
leave he (Hesitating I P01I your Teensy,
have you. Better secrifice thathe
t e
your soul. Good fellows, 0.00 11107? tin-
der that (1100885 they will not, Inmate
8100111 efollusett may be found 200 fel h-
ome down beneath the Norwegian seas;
211)81111,11 stag get fat on the stinted
growth of Minion reake; hedyearium
• Lee e„„ieuee, Now, to Limey of grow mud the desoletion of behave t
the cities them bat two routes, and tufts of osier and biroh 'grow on the
you can Lake the Vennsylvania rail -I tufts .e.4 osier wed birch grow on the
read or the Baltimore and Ohio; but hot lips of .voltunie Sneehafteet but
suppose that I hear that on one route a pure heaxt and l cue honest life thrive
the trackis torn up, and the bridges 1 in a dissieating elublentee-nevee I
are town down and the swiMhee are The way to eoaquer a wild beast. is
maim:keel'? It will not take me agthat to keep your eye on him, Int 1.111) 8511)'
while to deeide which road to fake. for you to compeer your temptations,
Now, here ere two roade into tha fu'- 1 my 1.r1"tul' Is 0 turn Ymt:r. "n
lure, the Christian and the un-Ch1'144..1 them and fly for your life.
tia.n, the stare and the unsale. An m• I Oh, my heart achel 1880 men strug-
sti,tution or auy association that con- gling egainst evil habits, and they
trerrd to that feet want helm I have knelt, beside them
nd a bad tieseeitt. and t have heard them e1'3, for help,
tion. 1. ha<l prayers hefore I joined arid hen IA'S have risen, and he has
the dub. Did I have them arter) put en, hand on my right. shoulder and
attended the holuse or God Irafore I the ether hand an my left shoulder
eolnnected myself evith the club. Since end Molte41 into mg face wil 11 an infin-
Um 1 union with the elub do 1 aheera ity '!„2 earnestness which the judgment
113 rag Prom religious influeeeest dity will litlera no pewee to make me
Whish would yeu lather have 111 your forPl., as he bee 1118,1011t with his
hand when you come to die. a 'peek scoreherl ics ruin, " Got help me 1"
For much there is no help except in
the Lord Goi Almigetyl am going
to melte a very stout rope. You know
(hal. sometimes a roremakee will lake
V411'7 emelt hreade and wind them to-
gether until tater awhile they heroine
ehip cable. Anil 1 am going to take
some veey emelt. delicate threads and
wiod them together until they make
8, very 'stout rope. I will Lake all the
memories of the nuthriage day, a thread
of laughter, a thread of light, t threncl
of music, a thread of Cumeneting, a
thread 01 congratulation, end I tiviet
them together and have one strain),
1144 a al, king, ,f..fc limits. the Sal 0.5 ugly as sin at home. They aril of 1,0,115of, a ofe? 1„ ,1„ .„ , ,
;troll or He the nervousness of its Keinerene on all eubjeols uf wine eup- rather have pressed to s•-'11'1.1''. hp 01
thou clothed hie nook with thunder? The the ebildranrs shOM. 7118,1 M1111 hos 1/.%‘fic;:ni ams'lami tLielerwe Velki;u:13 11'1.17:
foot, tbe majesty of its gait, thewlairl- pers, yachts and fast -horses, hut they 6 . en cup of Heleetieere
wind or its power, crying out, "Hast are eilintrY about the wife's dress and ; '
glory of his nostrils is thrrible; he made that wihich might be 11 healthful 1104 7-47'rl"
,L,,,,Ach in the valley and rejnieetlr in reoreetiott US11 OE his affeetiens, el 4 'of L'aV jf:11.1i'm ritni litellecemint
hie strength, he seith among the auld. h's has rnurr44"" tuld '11°
*limpets hal hal and he mmelleth, the
battle afar off, the thender of the
eaptaies, and the shontingt" like the
Tro.velers' elute the Blossom elute the
lectleete club, the Commerchl ehele the
elunetbe Stable Gatm olub, the
11111 teur teat Club, the gam 111 ing niuhs,
the wine dulls, the Mule ofl rill sizes,
the elute; of all morals, clube as good
as good rees be 8.0(1 elute; es lutd. 01
'had van be, lchtlis I munrieralile. *During
the dray they are rottenest lively lazy
pleees, peers toil there ao aged
reading a newseapererr-efeeee-eeeseer
rentlog soda, er a elerk-wriling
the 0040041 Is, but when the our( itin of
the might falls on the eatenal (iny then
the purloin of the eliihhouse hoists for
few eetertettnneesti. Let 110 hasten up
new the marble stairs, Niutti im-
periel hallivay I See here ere parlore
On the Rieke with the upholstery of the
Kromrei end the Telleri et. and here
nee dining bells that challenge you to
menteon any, luxury t hitt they eitintet
erford, erel 'here ure galleries with
1405111) 151010 mid pram Inge and 1) t ogrephs
eed ante:Mee from the beet of artiste.
Crormey a31,1 ;leers it'll lend Chereh und
Slily) and Gil ford -ere, ayes for every
of moral. bigamy. fi.trfor of, tam_ 13/1111011% e wee convermatton was rnit
'eee of slung teal innuendo? Who 'Avenel.
you rather have tor your eternal 11)111-
1)410005, these men who seend their
evenings belt in g, gambling, swear-
ing. earetrsing end telling vile stories
or your little oiled that beight girl
not liave been ti,Way so moat ni,ghls
would yom it you bad known eh.: was Then 1 take a thread of the hour or
going away sto soon? Dear MO, 7007 j the first advent in your house, a thread
house ham never been the saine place ' of the cinekeees that preceded, end
81i1436, Your wife hoe never brighten. thread of the Watt Nutt followeil, and
ed Up. She has not got over it., ' a, thread of tIM beaulleul scarf that
LA.1110 1104/447 ,'47 111 get over IL Pew tittle chile used to wear when she
long the 'evenings are, with no one bounded out at eventide to greet you,
to put, to bed and no one to telt the and Hien 5. threhd of the beauteul dress
beautiful story' What A, pity ie le which you laid her away for !be re -
le elute you cannot spend more even-
ings at home in trying to help 1)00 )0680
that sorrewl You 1`4411 toyer drown
that, grief lit the wine ettp. YOU Call
never break away from the little elms
(het need to be flung around your
nook 1111511.mile tteed to say, "Papa, ao
stay home to -night --do alley home to.
night." You will never he able to wipe
away front yottr lips tihe dying kiss
ot your little (del,.
Tbe feseirintion.ef a dissipating club -
boast Is en great that iitometheee 0,
utan has turned his back on his hoine
the wife, whatever her featuree, (ra-
cemes. Mei nteresting and homely. lee
buena:Is crieteat of iher, (1Wee not like
the ems, does not like the 'way
she arranges her emir, 18 1(011100)11 that.
he ever wen eo tentementie, as to otter
her Mead and hear(1. 8he is 5)184175
wanting motley, money when she ought
no 'be dieenesing Enlipsies (cid Dexter
and :Derby clay end englieli drags with
six Inteees, all 'Answering the pall oh
owe "ribbon."
t you there are 114011,4411105
114/11.11Pyt.i. the oil ies !wily) Muhhed.' to
death: , There nre eittklii uses. weere
membership ft 1 474170 ILIVOIVes 4eines lie
shipevreek. 'VAL no that a, menhas
joinedci certain elute tell me n.01;lting about him foe ben years, and 1
will write hie bistery if he be Mill
411170. The own ic 11 18300 401158180', his
wife broken lea rteil or prematurely
Old, tits fortune gone or reduced end
his home a mere name in a directory,
nore nee .40 seeular nights in the
week "What shall 1(140 with 1 heint"
ways the, (ether tutel the husband. "1
will give foonr of those nighte to the
improvement nue entertaintrient 01 101)'
surrection. And )hen 1 twist all these
threads together, and T have another
eirand, Then T take a tinned of the
Searle). 00118 02 11 suffering Christ, and
a, thread a the white raiment of your
loved ones before the throne, and a
otring of thielirirp cherubic, and string
of the harp seraphic, fled T twist there
all together, and 1 11500 11 third strand,
you say, "either strand 10 strong
enough, to hold feet a world I" No,
I will there these ethande and 1 will
twist.there tegether, end one end of
that rope I will fatiten, not to the vole -
half pound package of
And if ibis not 0 e best you over larded take
it )0i1811 to your grocer and get your me isy
back -we make it good to
w. P. 002.
minion table, for it shall be remov(d,
414)13 to the pillar of the organ, for that
1)111 'umble ie the ages, but I wind
it round and round the cruse of 0. tlyni-
nathleing Christ, end having fastened
(((48 1)111 of the rope te (truss 1 throw
the other end to you.. Loy hull of it )
Pull for your life I Pull for 11000041I
The Best
of Results
TWO cameo In Which They 'Weltered tiettith
and Strength After .111 Iter Means 1111111
Polled -Whet They Myr Done for Others
They 'win Do roe you,
From the Colborne Exprees.
There are few if any peope in Mur-
ray Loweellitt, Nen Iiusu.tter,uud eounty
to whom the 1111010 of Chase is not.
fattener 'Mr. Jacob Cbase, win has
fetloweil the 0.e:u1):it:01l of farmer and
fishermen and fislelealer, is cepeeially
well known, He hue tem a great suf-
ferer from rheilatelism, as all his
neer:Mans know, but Me fortunately
emitiesded in getting rid or the disease.
To 0 reporter he gave the following
parliculars 1 had Leen a sufferer from
rbeumatiem for upwards of twenty
years, at times being confined to tbe
hose. At one Lime I' was laid up
for sixlean weeks, and during a por-
tion of that thus wee confined 10
my bed, and perfeetly helpless. I had
the benefit of excellent. medical treat-
ment, but it was of no avail. I believe,
tom thot I have tried every medieine
advertised for the cure of rheumatism
mid 1 am sure I expended at least
$20(1.00 and got poth)ng more at any
time than the merest temporary relief.
At Mgt; 11110 induced tegive Dr. Wil-
liams' Pink Pills a triol, and from Mit
time I date my good fortune in getlieg,
rid of the disease. I continued using
them for several mellitus and daily
found that the trouble that had mals
my life miserable for so 1118417 years
was disappearing and at last all traets
of pain had late me and I was mired. I
say cured, for I have not since had a
recurrence of the trouele.
As proetng the diversity of troubles
for whieh Dr. William,s' Pink Pills ere
a cure it mew also be mentioned that
they restored Mrs. Frenk Chase, a
daughter -In-law of the gentleman
&Imes referred eo, to health and
strength after all other means bad ap-
parently failed. Mrs. Chase says:-
" I can scarcely tell what my trouble
was, for even doctors could not agree
as to the nature of it. One said it eas
eiensuenption of the stomenh, while an-
other was equally empbatio in declar-
ing that it was liver 'trouble. One
thing I do know, terl, that is for years
I was a sick womanle know that I
was afflicted with neuralgia, my 1444041
854114 poor, and I was subject to
depressing hes:dal:hes. My appetite
was not good at any time, an) the
least exertion left me weak end de-
mrandent A lady tristel, who had 1 eon
eenefited by thle use of Dr. Williams'
Pink Pills advised Ine to try them, and
as they had, also eared my father -in -
taw, t determined to do so, and I
have much cause for rejoicing that
C dill, for you. can easily see that
Etleiloorethe"tilddleisaste'sa.edlillyw°fomraan eGofumpl
et months, and. zit the end of that time
was enjoying the blessieg of good
health. It gives ms numb pleasure
tion1,7 abie. to bear public. testimony
to the Ira WA of this wonderful medi-
u.e.Dr. Williams' Pink' Pills cure by
going to the root of the disease.
They renew and build up the blood,
and strengthen the nerves, thus driv-
ing diseaele from the system. A.void
imitations by insisting that every
box you purebaset is enelomill 113. a
wrapping bearing the full tirade mark,
Dr. Williams' Pink' Pills for Pale Peo-
What do you think of your moths
*or-inelaw? asked Cain's Wife's sister of
of Cilia's wife.
S.' es ti veey original woman, re-
plied lent t`eith
38 1011r Wife !ll -Tempered?
Examine her 2,3,1, and if elle has corns
buy her 'Pritineen's Painless Corn ISx-
traeleir, Dome will thee bectome an
Men. Which of the Misery of married
life le due to (mem. Futile m's rae-
tor is sure, painless, and prompt.
Mrs. Room -Some married men never
cense to be lovers. 1VIr. leennypeck
often speaks of kis wife as the sunehine
or his life.
Old Hoon -Yes; that's because she
makes it hot tor him.
You Neuralgia 9
Tf yuitt suffer from its agonies, and.
21101 11) get. a, remedy, we et, ant you to try
Nerviline, Tts aetien on nerve pain
is simply marvellous, Nervilioe is the
meet Pleasant end powerfal remedy lin
the market. Try it
Marilee -My profession -
Violent, in the chair -Huh I Barber-
ing isn't a profeesion-it's a orituet
One% eiv40Teltse.000,144e. 401.1100,1a,
PRANK J. (Mart itv makes oath that he is the
senior partner of the firm of If. a, 01511)15.1 &
0.0.• doing business lit the City ot • Wade,
County and State emceed, awl that Raid firm
Win pay the 411111 Or ONE HUNDRED DOL.
LAMS for eneh and. every (11400 of ('(40.34)011that menet ha o)ired by the use of IlAim's
0,30,1113010 Melly
Sworn to before mo 3434 eubsoribed in my
eresense, tide eth day Of Member, A. D. 1530,
Notary. Pablio.
L---'-'1108111:eleettarrti elere 141 taltee internany, end
rats direetly on eke blood ewe me coral surfaces
'th° 8Yde"The,0."Claliet1
f °l) 0618780.,To
leT, 0.
Soldby Dreeeists, Snit
Hall's Family Pills are the boob.
IT'S A STICKER for quality,
ooulil not agord 13 Otheorl,...
so, CO, 30 and Me. lemunre Geocence. 1e 1.e:14) PAS nags, CEYLON TEA.
: e
A. Speoifio for Female Complaints, I
are s true boon ta 4)085 )5345 who Rogers lathe perform75 h. p. -FOR SALE CHEAP.. 1
IMO of astern effort. They at esure ends tho pninand
rel.ooattural st tzonr11oLtssrIggnii
. P„`_
hUT: 0FGE,10(03(110.
yren;IYoout be JeThey aooomnintadit
solely from the native phnatesof vegetablesubsances,
sad.0Perfectly oafs and reliabe. Ak your drugistlEATIT, or:5p.p.110188
fur them, nod 10 ho 11001 OtRoothemIn Stook ho duo
proouiOM for ol. Poke WS pee Bottle, or6101
000. M01enia10041O1
_Toe Toronto Pliarmuonl Co., Owned, Toronto. TRUTH OFFICE, Toronto.
Intelligent ladles and gentlemen 0(08 110 Pup.
plied weal genteel and very raosTrAmac
employment. In lwary it ths e -onty NE0-
158Sa1t V to statue GOOD reef. vence
TION. Can Igloo Mouldrosa et' ay 41.08
who has jun, ehrtred TAB ln SI_ 1 een
be made right A.T n nw.11D.
33 Siolunond West, reroute.
Sturtevant Fan '
Wilson Publishing to, Limited
73 Adelaide St. W,, Toronto,
Are the pride and glory of
lovely woman. Amberine
cleanses the scalp, removes
dandruff, itchiness, harsh-
ness or brittleness, and
makes the hair as beauti-
ful as in youth.
The followMg ladies have kind-
ly permitted us to refer to
them. They have ueed Am-
berine, they know its worth,
and they recommend it high-
ly 1 -
Miss Jennie Tibbs,
Nelson St., Londc.n.
Mrs. J. Manson,
Young St„ Has Ilton.
Miss E. Patterson,
Hess St. N., Hamilton.
Mrs. Alfred Jordan,
Hill St., London,
re Miss I. V. Ryelanan,
Hughson St. S., Hamilton,
MiS9 Eva Dickenson,
Young St., Hamilton,
3010(1441004 OP CANADA. ) IN '11)031MATTER ot the ".1mborint flair Produeer,'
Province of Ontario, ' manuMatured by Mosors..lob Cook and Company, 68 Wel.
County of Middlesex, To Wit :1 lingoo 1 Street, Loadon. Canute.
I, Henry Imes Plestote of 1455 01)3 ot London, ln the County of Middlesex, Water Workf
. Do amemnly declare that I bave tined Vie " Ambarine Hair Producer,' manutaatured 457
Messrs. lob Cook and Company, of No. 58 Weldngton Street, (0 3450 City ot London, Ortnada,
Ilene the 15111 day of Aprli, Der, It has Humped the itching ot tho soolp, stopped the hail
from falling out. removed the d Indriat and. has broughr 0015 thiek orop of htslr IN here my
head was entlrol3 08141 boloro 1 commence us oft lholr
And I make this solemn declaration conselonsionsly believing it: 10 110 true and knowing
that 11 (3 of the e'lme fo co d eft at as if made under oath and by virtue of "4110 Canada
r e
Evidence .1104)1 805."
Declared before me at the Olty London. In the County of Middlesex, this
Ilth doy of Catcher, A.D. 1807, all Nvitioti XcorIify Linear my notarial seal d.PLASTOWi
0, T.111 Saar, a Note. y Poblio !need for the Province of Ontario.
This little Motor is complete
Mint battery amd chemicals. It
ta boy'a delight.
Electric Railroad Complete $3.50
Thir.: Miniature Electric Railroad is complete with
track and battery,
*e have all kinds of electric supplies. Gat our prices.
Looking out over the.many homes of this country, we see thous:
ands of women wearing away their lives in household drudgery that
might be materially lessened by the use of a few cakes of SAPOLIO
If an hour is saved each time a cake is used, if one less wrinkle gad)
ers upon the face because the toil is lightened, she must be a foolieb
woman who would hesitate to make the experiment, and he a churl
ish husband who would grudge the few cents which it costs.
If your grocer sends you anything in place of SAPOLIO, send it
back and insist upon having just what you ordered. SAPOLIO al-
ways gives satisfaction. On floors, tables, and painted work it acts
like a charm. For scouring pots, pans, and metals it has no equal
Everything shines after it, and even the children delight in usingeit
in their attempts to help around the house.
SW dimmers often substitute (beeper kende for 10AP01010 to make a bettor prone
Sand hook such articre. Ind 1,15183, 00 havinginst What yen ordered
tree -re -
By a Practical Mining Engineer
ONTAINING truthful information ot A twice 114 11(480418)1
Treasures, How to get to tiro Klondike, Outfit, Clothes,
Food, Expanses, How the Gold Gat There, liow to llet the
Oeld, Siberian Methods of Mining, Lowe Of Canada 01110 01141
United States, end Colored Maps of Alaska, making in oil a
complete compendium of necessary instillation fel those Who are
going to Klondike, and valuable information fOr
those ut home, This book will teach you to pre.
utrutivagulls+1("Ityntil0 breaeclostnei eattMcgiValliTeCleillassilTtliYttitle
Mining Laws of both Canada and the rotted
81o4e0, natter, you ean onay tbo illifereat
methods of fleeing, and how to 381 1110 gold MA
of UM grovel, Yoe elioeld study the reetbode
tboy use in Siberia, wheee titer bey° mined foe
years in freeen ground. Articles en ell these
subjects are written by remerumeed Mining
1111:11:0t311EArist1.LA40ltcenteine everything kWn,hceo)i1e:a
Territories, If Mx want to 13cup-to-date, be well
informed end well road, Yon Aimed kuow the
general facts ninon -Mug otte of the greats st
tried ei both anelerit and modern times. Get
posted on what thousands who are rushing le
Klondike will have to underge. Read 1015thrill.
5,1a account of the trip ovinimul, 1370111 1317011
through the Chlikeet Peas to Klondike, by one who
Mule it. Adventer hardsbip and 011118015(00 aro so erephieelly described that 0115'8filtered hi intense, Yon should ho informed 55 10 the gererraphy MCI geology of the efultott
mountre. One map shows nil the routed i0 Klondike, altd liMetion Of the ratrtietc came&
Itleedike is bound to be one of the groat Melee of ctonversatiot and of mutual 1111 orest, net
only this winter but the coining Swing, 'when the 'excitement is bound to he unom aliened,
deemed by the stempede oe thousands for the Gold Melds, Learn 4.7118t to b7.116470 1001 'OM
net to believe, Geteested, 1)0 )1)' to cleteeknew what emu me alkie about, KLONtliKE
Ann ALL MOOT IT io worth its voitht m gold to ell, and is issued to meet the deemed
fer s reliable guide to the Klondike And ema 'of Alaska. The book eremitism( MA
beautifulle Printed Paget, stemigly bound. Pelee duly 05e.) postpaid. Address,
WILSON PUB. CO,1 Limited ?3 Adelaide St. W Torotito..
, .5