The Brussels Post, 1898-1-7, Page 3JAN. 7, 1s08
1.11 NEIE IN fi MIR
ettocestIng Items Meet Oar Own Country,
(Lear Detain, the entree Metes, one
AU Pees oi the (Hobe Condensed ann
Assorted for tilasy Reading.
Peril/Intone trill meet on February
The trolley system has been inaug-
netted oe the Hamilten & Dundas
W. IL H. Gruhain, of Irvington. Inds
bar; beim appoInted. United States Con-
eul to 'Weinipee,.
iffene4 of the "x" nye need le enroll -
:1M for the bullet.
Twenty peroonn were injured at
erossing of tee Delaware, letokawenna
& WesternRallroaS, lretween Passaic
/111,1 Ilelaware, N. .1. They were in a
Wage, which was etruek by a train.
Tbose inetied are Wm. Crane,
Wm, Moran and Charleg lewenkie, all
The long reek', of the Indium win-
dow glum factory Mode • closed oe
Ch rife inue eve, The men .gained their
110/11 1 of one emit after a four months'
streree •whIch cost them more than five
revere which rest them in Met wages
more than five hundred thoneand (Mi-
le re.
Business has been reasonably .guod
throughout itis Tint led Sin 1 es during
the pest week. Aiwording to the eine-
menial reports of Metiers. Dun and
elemsre. Bradstreet, the holiday trade
has been everywhere unusually heavy;
and the whale:tale trades—weieh arm -
ally are sleek jure before Christman—
Non, Clifford Sifton has gone te been Icept well employed to Meet,
1/Vilellinglori to see the United States .
the requirements 00 a very large cle-
flOverirtrienl; on Yukon Defiers. mond. For the time of year the call
11; is expected. that the Molsonellank for varlets Mete of produce -A hag been
ot Moatreal, will extej4 its busineso by enpreeedente Ily large. Altogether the
opening a beam:it at Vancouver, e'• steel condition oft trade, and its im-
Rev. Win. Mace/meg es losing the mediate oul Moe, is considered by many
City of Montreal for 30,500 damages for of the leadinir men of business to be
sleety in removing a smallpox patient moot satisfactory, The, I.usinefs
from his hospital, failures in the 'United Settee for
The new Baldwin loroulolive recently the month have been less than half
purehamed for the intercolonial railway or the number which ocourred Iti
has been brought Intik to Montreal, af- the eorresponding weekof last
ter a moist satisfuetory trial tele. year.
Policemen McLaughlin, uf Ottawa, C ENE It A L.
who shot Slid Wounded on esettp•ing Banks in Bomeas, and Bengal, 1 mile,
th•ieteand who wars eharged with shout- have increased t lie nee of discount from
Ing with intent, has tree aequitted. 0 to '7 per cent.
• The Doraintoe Government has (keel- There hee Mem rt renewal of colleens
,ect, to adopt the postal note system as between Mussulmans and (lheistiaris 011
( prevails in. Great Britain fur tee the (slued of Crete,
sreeeeessien of eureeney through the Prinsess Hohenlolte, wife of Ole tier-
mulis, men Imperial Chancellor, is dead. She
Thomas Reynolds, an hostler em- , was sixly-eight years of age.
tfloyee at the Britannia Hotel, flamil- Racial animosities In Austria have ex -
ton, ere feline deo, 1 fie the bottom of tended to the army, mid there have
n laeleer in the stable with his neck been many serious fights in elle ear-
inroken. j racks.
Mr. W. W. Ogilvie hos sent a cheque Sixteen persons Were killed as a, re -
for five hundred dollars to tit. lionifitresteull. of the fire-dat»p explosion in tbe
liespltat, in addition to giviug ono Kaisers1 uhl 11, pit at. Dortmund, Prus-
thousand dollars to the Winnipeg Gen- see
eral hospital.
A sale has juin been negotiated of
$120,000 weigh of London's 3 1-2 per
rent. sewerage debentures at 90.95. Tee
Confederation TAfe Insurance Company ;
iB the purebaser.
Owiag to the demands of the Yukon
eistieet on the Mounted Pollee, it; ifg
likely lent the Dominion Got eminent
abandon its declared intention to
'educe the force, end, instead, augment
It considerably.
The wardens of tbe Dominion pent-
tentieries have been celled te meet in
Oitawa early in ennuary to dire uss pri-
son metiers in order, if possible, to
have uniformity in the treatment of
Mr. 13. D. Smith, the Winona. fruit
grower, intends to build an addition
to his big storehouse for cold, storage
purpoees, and. will epenti $5,000 getting
ready for the shipping of fruit to Eng-
land nexl year on a large scale.
Then is likely to be trouble between,
ouniaton Government and ew-
foeneland over the ownership of Lan-
der. Its shores have been annexed to
Newfoundland for judicial reasons, and.
now the island waited like to claim all. ,
Vire in the Watkins wing of the Clem :
ceal hospital in Ningston, Ont., did
dernage on Friday to the extent 00
$10,000. About, forty fettients were re-
moved on streteeers &feta In chairs, and
up to a late hour; last night did not
appear to Wive suffered by their hasty
removal. The loss is more than cover-
ed by insurance.
The estate of the late actor, William
Terries is estimated nt between £40,000
and e50,000.
Lady Millais, widow of Sir Sohn 1.111-
1ais, the late president of the Royal
Academy, is dead.
An anti-eugar bounty league was
torme.d in England last: week, under
the presideney of Lord Settnanore,
The Archteshop of Cienterbury is se-
riously ill, and his condition is causing
Ole friends much anxiety.
Jackson, the English Antic, explor-
v., has altered Ilia proposed route in
the Polar regions, so as not to clash
with Lieut. Peary's course.
being to the objection of Bight Hon
Togeph Chamberlitin, the reduetion In
postage on letters from. Gamine to
ether po.rts of. tee 13ritise Empire has
been postponed.
it Mrs. Jarvis tundi her nine children,
Ole youngest a baby, were burned to
bath in a four -roomed cottage, occu-
pied by the Jarvis and two other fami-
lies in Dixie street, Bethnal Green,
The New York See says tee United
States pension rolls are "padded" be-
yond belief.
Seven lives wore lost in the Chicago
ooliseum which was deseroyed by fire
on reicher.
Charles A Bolnay. will be hanged at
Bridgeport, Conn., April/ 1411, for the
merrier O.? Gee. 16., Niehols.
The menufacturers of Fall River,
gal,r5r.t'g:21:i1C11.eglaeOp571).1.1vaes Zu%'13:1°t,
be in favor, of opposition.
Evidenee haft teen adduced to ellow
that tee gag, the whip, the dark
uell and bread and water diet are in
wet in the Pntootant Episcopal House
ef Mem, for Girls, at Inwood, N.Y.
Mists Leila Herbert, daughter of the
ex-Seoretary of the UnitedeStates Nevy,
sommillee suicide at Washingtori by
lumping headsferem.o.ot from the third
storey whitlow of her Metier's residence,
Representative Johnson, of North
Dakota'gays 11 cost the United
States Government e224,514 to Make
10 unsueceefful, olaim. for damages be-
- fore the Paris tribunal on the Seal
A despatch from, Washington inti-
mates that President MoNinley will
urge on Congrees the early pay-
ment oi the elaims of the Canadian
sellers awarded by tee joint commis,
'the owners of the mines in the Crip-
ple Creek reining neap nettle their em-
ployes the present; of one full day's
Weges on Christmas clay, 'which
emennted in the aggregate to ten thou -
Hand dollen.
The jury in the triad of George A,. (1,
Orme, of. Elintra, N. 7., rendorol 5 ver,
eice et ea guilty of. Mercier, the de-
fenee heing tele Leeman (lied front the
Count Esterbazy, who is said to be
the "real traitor," and not .Dreyfus,
has been committed for trial by court
mar fiat.
It ig neer supposed. that a friendly
'understanding exists Ll 5)5831 Eng-
le ad and (Immo ny over t he 401'/.(11'e0f
Klee Chun I•o.y.
The Bengal Chamber of (=morn has
sent an addrese to the Government urg-
ing that the time has arrived to adopt
the gold sta•ndard.
Serioue strike disorders have occur -
ren at Moreso, Spam, where a bond of
strikers attaeked the non -strikers and
nieny were wounded.
The dervishers have lett Shandy and
.Metemreelt that are marching a•gitinst;
the Anglo-Egyptian forces, with Ber-
ber as their °Nanny@ point.
General Pando reports that the offer
of autenoray to Oslo is rejected by the
insurgents, and that the only way to
fimish the War is by war,
It is reported that seventeen British
warships are at Corea to support the
protest against the Kiug handing neer
the governmeet of the country to Ruse
The Spanish press is urging the Gov-
ernment. to take 11e1.1011 to resist the
"intolerable encroachments of the
United States in the internal polities
cif Speen."
At Begin., a suburb of Havana, there
was a, seneational bull fight, in which
girl bull fighters from Seale mitered
the ring and. killed the bullselice regu-
lar professionals.
Erance claims that her African expe-
dition has been an entire succees, that
she Me captured Dommber and Mesh-
ruerrak without firing a, shot, 1111dt:hat
she is now mistress of the Nile. , •
.As a Greek gunboat was leaving Um
Gulf et Ambrose& on Friday a shot
Nvas fired at her by the Turks at Fort
Prevete.. and Green rusks for an ex-
planation of the unfriendly net.
Rev, Dr, Talmaze on God Amid
the Coral Reefs,
The 84)100e at lbe Sea, ream W111e1, the
Great Preacher Pienst Verltit Move.
Ulm le taxehtlisi, tt'.11`bere Ls 3 Gea anti
Adore 5iiii," Hen' 1/101314s Patience 15
Waselegion. 20.—Thie pletures-
que diseouree of Dr. Talmage leads his
hearers end readers through unwonted
reglone of contemplation and. is fell of
practical gospel; text, Job xviii, 18,
"No retention shalt be neve, of coral,"
.Why (10 you say that, leeplree dram-
atise? ;Mien met wantetl let set forth
the superior value. of our religion, yott
tossed offele the enyx, whieh is used
for making exquisite (ounce) anti the
sapphire, mks, bhp, arpl topaz of rhom-
bic prism and the ruby ef frozen Motel,
find here you say that the seed, which
10 amireele of tempo and a transport,'
of nem to teem, tele) Mum sI teli•ed it,
itt not earthy of 111(111( 11(0 111. vompa risen
with our holy religion. "NO Mention
shall be Made of eoral." At/ St. hems.
bury, Vt., In u. onseuni builtby the
chief 5] 1111713, as 1 es/unlined a speeimen
on the shelf, 1 filet 1'e11117.0d What 31
holy of holies Cent can build and hag
built in the te•eiple of one piers 00 kn-
ee, I do not -wonder that Ernst Hoek.'
el, the greed Belentise Nrhilet in Ceylon,
:was so entraneed with the speidaiens
whice Ii(DM8 (legalese (Beers had
brought up for his inspeetion thet hit
himself plunged into the sea end went
Meer under the llaVen at the risk 00
his life, [main and ligein and amen.
that he might know moreof the' vorel,
the beauty of width he Indicates etre
not even be guessed. by those who have
only seen it above wutee and ofter tbe
polyps, whieh are its ticelpi ors and arch-
itects have died and the chief glories
of thefts submarine flowers have expir-
ed, Job in my text did not mean to
depreciate this divine sculpture in the
coral reefs along the sea roasts.
No one can afford to depreciate these
while, palates of the (leap, lsuilt under
God's direction, II•e never changes his
plans for the building of the islands and
shores, and for uncounted thousands of
years, the coral gardens ond the coral
castles and the eoral battlements 90 00
tine up. 1 eltarge you that you will
please God and please yourself if you
will go into the minute, examination ot
Ole corals—their .fouudations, their pin-
nacles their aisles, their vitiate, their
curves, their cleavages, their reticula-
tion, their grouping—fantilies of them,
towns of them, cities of them and con-
tinents of them. ' :Indeed you (menet
appreviate th,e meat -ling of my text un-
less you knew something of the coral
—labyrinthian., stellar, colu•mettr, flor-
et, dented like shields fronxbattle, spot-
ted like leopards, embroidered like lace,
hung like tipholstery—twilight awl
auroras and sunbursts of beauty !From
deep erianmon to milk white are its
colors. You. natty Bed Gee work. or God
tbrouith i•he itninialrules BO 'fathoms
an. Yet, JA, who uneerstood all
kinee of precious Some, ditelares that
1 he beauty and Piano of the coral are
nettling (e)0nparee with our holy 1)5
1111100, fine he pines up this coraline
ft/rue/dims ited looks at it end films it
aside with all the other beautiful
thinge he has ever heart an.1 ories
ri''ittliffeti'atere‘iTift1.1Y1 least' ofifilltluit'im":"(1•?ligi 1(17;(1": t , "e/17)
mention ghee le, risile of (meat,"
„Take my hoed. and WO 11 111 Wnik
title/sigh this bower 00 dr,1011. Willie
ahow you that eve11 exquisite meet Is
eot worthy of being compared with the
riebee jewek 00 a Christian soul. The
01 1131 thing that et rilo' inIn limiting 1,
ten eorn.1 is ils lung eontinued acrienu-
la 111)11. It, is not 1 tineS tip Lilo' Coto-
paxi, but is ite 10/1 Clue and an out-
branthiess if!' fees. In Polynegia there
111(1 reefe hundreds of feet. deep and
1,000 ini W ho hillI 1 lie,e
reefs, these islands? Tile zoophytes,
the midterm% They were not suet)
workers Who built the pyramids as
were these meeens, these sreseuess 10
t he sea. Wee 0 small crest etas
amounting to whai vaet eggregatten .
Who ran (estimate tee ages between the
O ime When the madrepores laid the
foundatione of the islands end the
lime when the inadrepores put on the
en-Petorte of a vompleted. work! It
puzzles all the fetleictists to 912.e08
throstge enw many yearti the nee
were building the teuelwieh and So-
eiety titian/1s nail the Blershall ane
ililhe.rt groupie But. more $1034 ly
tvonelerfully aceunetla tiers is grace in
the heart. You sometimes get (117.- ;
courage/I. because lee upbuilding be tele
RODI does not go on more rapidly. \Vey,
eou hen all eternity to build in. The
11 14 ennoyaneee of life are 1.001,1(31e I
1,1111(1.2ra, and there will be snoill layer
on I.oli of smolt layer, and fossilized
grief en the top 00 fossilized. grief.:
0race does eot go up repidly in your !
soul, bue blessed be God, ie goee ue. I
Ten thousand million ages will not fin- ,
isb you. You will never he finighede
Oa forever 1 Up forever I Out of the
mem of earthly disquietude will grade -
Lily rise Ole reefs, the islands, the eon-
tinente, the hemispheres of grandeur 1
and glory. Men teak as though in
this life we Only hadtime to build. j
/3110 what we build in this life us 1(111'
P111811 with what we shall build in the
next, life is as a striped shell to Auses
tralia. 'You go into an arebiteteet'
study end there min eee the sketsh of
e temple the coriterstune of white) ha8!
not yet been laid. Oh, that I could, !
have tla architectural eketch of what
you will be after eternity has wrought •
• mem you? What Milers of /strength 1 1
et hat altars of au erne( worshi
Wliet pineaeles thrusting, their gee-
' tering spikes into the sun that never
' eels Yen do not scold t eora I lines
beettuse they cannot build en island in
it day. Why shoeld you oeold 310111"
14110 because yen cannot complete a,
temple of holiness for the heurt in i his
ehort lifetime? You tett me we do '
not; mould to much now, but try ue •
after it thousaad luiIlwn uge.s of hal-
leluine. Let 115 hear the angels chant,
for a million centuries, Give us en ,
etereity with God, and then see if we j
do not temount tn something. More
slowly and. marvelously accumulative .
isthe grace ia the soul than any -
n mn
thing I eothink of. "No entio
shall bmade of neat." I
Lord, help 101 to learn tent weieh
moot of us are defielent. in—pationce
If thou. eanet take, through tee sea an-
. 11 Ili ions sear. o ( one
. .
bank of coral, ought we not to be will -
Mg to do work through ten yenta or
50 years without; oomplaint, without,
seelleesness, withoutchafing of spite/
Patteace with the erring; yodeler
that we. cannot have the millennium in
'a few weeks; patience with assaultof
antagonists; patience at went seems
slow fulfilme.nt of Bible promises;
petiente with physleal ailments; pu.tis
once under delays (if Providence ;
grand, glorious, ell enduring, all (ton-
gue) ne patienne 1 Patienes ltke thtt
wh•ich my lately isseen.ded friend, Dr)
Altai Stevens, describes when writing of
peed Wesley's preachers, John Nelson,
who, when. a Ulan hadeirn put in pekoe
by Leer Merges and. being for a long
time tornmaited by his iti, "The
. Lord 10 15(1 up a staselard when t he ting-
er Wee coining Oil like a flood, else I
should have rungi his neck lo the
ground and see any foot upon it. Pati-
ence like teat of Pericles, the- Athenian
statesman who, wheel a Mall pursued
him to lie oWil door, hurling at him
epithets and.arriving there when It had
become dark, senteetis meevent with a
tornh t.o lighLh• • • - to 1'
home. Pidienee flea eulogized by
the Spenish proverb when it saye "1
have lost the rings, but here are the
fingers still." Poe lent e 1 '11.1(1 haver (‘s1
sugar for the soureot imp; Um balanee
wheel for all menial and moral machin-
ery tile foot (11111 t rea ds into p eel eit y
el muter lake ; 111 bre] le to r ot her -
wise rash 1011911581 Os sublime ol 1 enee
that conquers 1 be Imeiterous and blat-
ant. Patience like that of the most
illuel roes example of all the ages—
iTesus Chriet ; patient under betrayal,
patient under the treatment or Pled es
tem' and 1eem1ne1'; patient under the
8.1414311 0111 lion or his assa ilunts; 981(5130
anew* I lagel et tto 11 ; 1 lent 11 Utter the
eliarging emeitt.s 00 the Roinan (entry;
patient unto Mettle levier all exits-
ermatiens employ it. \Vied:ever (mews
stand it. Ilold on, wail, tear 1111.
Tiike fey 1(11 11(1 again. and we will go
a Melo farther into this garden of the
sen, and wet shell line thee in proper -
Hon Hs the 01(111 15 is hot tee i•oral is
wealthy. Draw Iso 18,tl hereto 1 linee 11
lie degrees; north and south of the
(mentor, and you find the favorite bone,
or 1111.1 coral.. Go ko the hottest part.
of the Pacifio seas and yon fintl. Ile fin-
est spenimene or email. Coral is a
child of the fire. Bat more W011-
gleer 01111.31•11le ii0otitit'fetlit't'ntajle3eArn1(81 f.,(1.!'.`rtit`,401111;t:
ttan soul. T1tost. are not 11,,' otalwert
men 'who 1138 0.010119 on tlie eletiled lawn,
but 1 hOSewlare pounding amid the
furnaces, T de not knowof eny other
way of getting a. thorough Christian
(hamster. 1 Will theme yo11 a piet tire.
Here nee ft /ether and mother tin or 35
years or Hp, their flintily 'ironed them,
IL is 'Sabbath morning, They have
Pietieere Ilhey hear the rbildrenei ciao-
ceisin. They have pra.yers every (ley of
the week. They are 10 humble einem-
starting. But erne awhile the wettel of
fortune, tuns up Mae the man gets ble
320,000. Now he hag peayees on eabe
bath and every day of the week, but
he has Strapped the catechism The
wheel of forttene, teens up again, nee
110 gets hie 080,000. NOW he hen miry
ere On Sabbath' Morning, alone. The
Wheel of forearm keeps turning np, end
he bee 3200,000, 41414.1. 1101n, ho 1135 pray -
see Du 05171)14)111 311(1111(11)9 when be feels
like 10 and theee is ee emnpany, The
WIWI, a fort:tele keeps on ternine 1111.
supremaoy or Mc taw Asserted by 11e-
A. despatch from Dubois, Pa., says:—
Chief of Police Bede and a dozen de -
putties made an effort on Thursdey
morning to caeture Stephen Sogdian,
who brutally muedered Michael Ruler
the previous night, andsiten barricaded
Limself in the house, and opened 'fire
on the officers tts soon aa he saw them
Reproaching, shooting Chief 131u•1r. Lat-
er he wounded °Miters Casey, Butter -
borough and Almott. The remaining
offioers pressed forward and forced the
door. As they entered Sentient fled,
the officers following and firing their
revolvers as they ran. Spellan, in des-
perattion, halted and returned the fire.
The offieers fired another volley, and
the murderer fell woundee with four
bullets 11hie 110113'. 'l'Io wounded offi-
cers mill reamer.
ENDeitintentti in ?Ventral itinette Short. emit
Sometimes 11,5 Needle 951.111.1 Etog and
A despatch from Moscow 11ay13:—.1ii.x.
pavements that, have. been made by
liessien and. Vre1141111 55711 11 1.5 111 10005'
tion evitla the remarkable deflection or
the magnetite needle over et inunenSe
Brea In Central Bessie have given
curious results. Thu observittionswere
confined to the stein of country be-
tween Moscow end Nharkov, 9 diet.
anee of about BM The needle
shoteed the gyrate:it aberrations in the
Prot/ewe of leursk, where In the north
Lt ive,E1 deflected 20 &gnu.. One hun-
dred and fifty settee southeastward the
deflection exceeded. 96 (legrees, the
Mettle pointing etis0 and west, instead
DE north atid eolith. Engineers who
are engaged Melding railroads in that
part or the country ere name interest-
eci in tho experiments. They 89110311,-
1(114 as to how the nettnetization will
affect the derebility Of the rails, It
knoWn that mile nre usually More
(tumble When fide north and south than
et other &McMinn% the greatest wear
from Magnetism being when they are
laid due 811511 and vett,
down, or amid the breakers, tvbere tee
seti dashes the •williest and 'beats the
mightiest and bellows the kindest. These
sea creatures are very busy. Now
they build islands In the centre of the
Pacific ocean. .Now they lift barriers
around the continent. Indian ocean
Red Ben. and coast of 'Zanzibar hitve
sublime masonry. the rennet= of.
speennens a t wit in eni es net,
the tides sem muy 15 80036 places see the
Lop of t.heir Alpine elevations, while
elsewhere nothing but the deep nen
rfoutelings from the decks of the Chal-
lenger, the Porcupine tete Ole Lightn-
ing of the British expedition 01101 an-
nounce thew. The enelent Gauls em-
ployed the cord to adorn, their helinete
wed the hilts of swords. tit ,nling
hinds it has been 'wed 110 mill('ts. The.
Algerian reefs in one yeam 1873, hall 1111
work asnitt the eerie 511 vessek. with
03,11)5. a
0 sior
ttils, yielding in profit $1105,-
0ut the secular and worelly 753"
(10 of the vont is nothing 11.8 (remitted
with the moral and religious twhen,
, 111,11313' text, job employe 11 in rompar
' Son, 0 do net knew hoe, met one min
enmities a coral the else 9f the thumb
;nail method bethinking himself or God
and worshipping him, and feeling the
!opposite of the great infidel surgeon
Metes lug to Oh n14c11,o1 stutletmts
the dissecting roam upon a helium eye
wheel lei hel4 itt his band tillniVing 11.14
%rondo I'S a n11.1111,410 Ure and Lukens t ion
wheu the id.ea. of God flashed youn 1,11)1
so powerfully, he eried out to 1)1,7 stud-
ents. "(lent lennu, there ie a God, but.
1. hale heel" Picking up a vend, 1 eel
1111,. eryine out, "There is n ond
I metre hen I"
Nol hing rut impresses Ow 141111111' fate
that our Gool loves tlm beauleful. The
most. beunt iful coral of the world never
votnee In human obserstlion.
rems and sunsets lie hangs no era'
lone to look tie im may green the
press and round the dew into. magi end
met on fire autumnal relines- to else%
mortal Sled, but the1,13 thousands of
miles of (meal neltioventents 0 think be
has bad built for Imlii own delight. In
those gollerer he ;Ilene can walk. 'Phe
0/111010 00 tlieSo loayS, played OM by the
fingers or the 105.85, he Only can hear.
The snoW Or the( White 0114 1.111(s biome
of that erigneon he alone earl :00.
TTiving garnitemed this world to please
ithe buman nee aud lirted it glorions
heaven to please the angelic intelli-
genre, 1 ara glee that he has &treed
these gerdene 1.110 dem, to please him,
eelf. 13u1; here mei theee Gott allows
opeetmene a submarine glory to be
brouelet up fete eet before us for sub -
Item contemplation. While I /speak
Neese great nateMe of zoopbytes,
Measterilme, axle lowerepores, With ton -
tattles for teotvel, are buildieg just
seal coral. fie we fine ill our tease The
diamon4 may be more rere, the crystal
105.31 be Mere epaeklieg, tee
May be More 0.bleze, but the exited te
the long, deep, everleating blush of the
end lie lees hie er3e0,000 one no Itoareo
at, ale Four leaf Mover lit a pamture
Hold es note act rare a$ fandly prayers
in; the heusee of 1 imple 44110 have gene
than /1300,000. •13et now the wheel of
fortune turns delve, awl the man losee
4200,000 out of the 84110,000. NOW on
Sabbath morning* let is on a steplad-
der tmeieg 001 a Bilde under the old
newspapers en the bonlrease. Ole ia
going IA') 11117e prayers. 1 rio affairs tire
mine and more complicated, and after
emirs his grandchildren say the eatit-
i.biern. Proterrity took him away from
110.1 1 ailverelly drove, him leek to God.
Tint Mir/late to metre the 80151; hot
II11,1 welding trouble to make the j1'11' -
ole of gram, in the sent. Pee all Isle
troulde and yet it (love a greet den!
its You liaVe heard perhafei a teat
painter who to gel an express
eon of great dietress for his nevus
and who tete his servant lash a man
rest and put bite to greet torture. and
then the artese caught the look on the
vietim's face and immediately treating, -
red It to, the ranvas. Time lie said 10
tho serrea, "Arorg torture," and un-
der more naile'e there was a more
thorough expresgion• or pain, and 'the
need slid: "Stop there Wait tilt f
ea 1 ell (Id t exproosioa. There I Now 0
hem, it neon the e1111758. Let loose tee
(111111. T !weee. work that wil1 lust
forever." "Oh," you Kay, "he was an
inhuman painter I" No douit about
its Treuble ig (meet and inhuman,
hut be is a, great meat el, and out
of our tears arta blood on his palette
he mule's niers that ileVer (11
Ulla it might leg a Diettire of Chris-
tian fortitude, of shining Impel
On the day 1 tas liniked to Mirth,
Ole gospel an old Christian man took
my head and Paid, "My son when yen/
get in a tight corner on :Saturday night
willeme any sermon ;wed for me, and I
13111 preime for you," Well, it via.% 11,
great teleouritgement to be backed up
hy such a geed old minister, and it WaS
not long eefore I got into a tight cor-
ner on Saturday night., withoet any
$ermon, and I tient for the old min-
ister. and he Verne and preaehed, and
it, woe the lest sermon he plea hall. All
lee tears 1 cried at his funeral (multi
not express My nefeetion for that man,
11110 Wai willing to help me out of 11.
tight sorner. Alt, my friends, that is
what we 1111wit111.—Sinnekaly to help
US DUI 11. tight corner. You are
in One noW. 114119 do 1 know it? 3 1)111
used to judging Of human 10111(110'
10111000, and. 1 stet beyond tee smile and
heyond the COUrageous look with which
you hide your feelings from others. I.
know you are in a tight corner. Wbat
o de? Do as 1 del ween I sent for old
Dr. Scott. Do letter than 1 did—seed
for the Lord God of Pardee mei of
Joeltua. end of every other man lotto
got into a tight corner. "01," nayn
HOMO 0115, "Why eannot Wel develop
me through prosperity ineteed af
11) rough adversity!" I will answer Yolle
quegtion hp asking another. Why
does nol God dye our northern an11.
temperate seas with meal? You say,
"Tbe Wafer is not het enough." Tlaerel
in answering my question you have
anewered your own, Hot elbrudes for
richeet specimens of coral; hot trouble,
,for the jewels of the soul. The coral
fishers going out from Torre del Gre0-
co never brought a.hore such fine spe-
rimees ae are beoughe out of the scal-
ding surges of misfortune. I look'
down into the teepee.' sea., and there
is something that. looks like blood, an
T my, "Ras there been a great battle
doe n there?" ;Seeming ltlood seatteree
all up end down the reefs. It is the
blood of the coral, end i.t rnakeg me
think of these who Mille 0111. of greet/
tribulatien and have their robes wash-
ed white in tee Weed of I•he T.amb, But
these gents of enrth are nothing to
the gems of heaven. "No mentiole
shall be made ot coral."
Again I lake your had. and We-wal11
on through this garden of the steam',
look more partieularly then wedid alt
11 ho beauty of the coral. The poete
011avie.heanill ,Illetreonte:......
faocineted with it. One
There, with n, Mond and eagy motion,
The au tera1 gere ps t brou gh tee
And the yellow and searlet tufts (le
the wean,
Are emit like eorli 011 the nplane
Near my early home there was a
place collect lbe TWO Bridges. Tbese
bridges leaped the two Streams. Well.
my friendsthe re.ligion of .Jesus Christ
is IWO liriagen. 11 bridges all the past.
It arches and overspans all the future.
It males the dying pillow the land-
ing Were of angels Creel] from glory.
511urns tee sepulcher into a May time
orchard. Ti eatchee up the dying In-
to full orelmotra.. Coralluml And yet
teal does net express 1he beauty. "No
mention shell let emelt, of Carat."
I- lake your lmiul nein and Ivan a
lit t le farther 011 111 (hie Renton of the
sea nedl See 1.110 (11111(111111131 of the work
of the imeril. Montgomery says or 11. He
nye "loran were their forms, 17911(5
110181 their Byes, their mimonry Meier -
Nimble." libizoporle are Ineettle so
small they are invisilde. and yel 1 hey
built the Appenines and they planted
for their own monument the eordillere
11.4. It takes 107,090,000 of them to
make oile grain. Corals are ehangine
the nevigetion of the fer Raying to
ern:amerce nf the world. "Take this
('111 10 nel ." t ha 1 channel," "Avoid.
I he DI he; channel." Animalcules.
tenting leek the Atlantic anti Part fir
80119. 11 the inseste of tleneettn 'have
built a. reef 1,000 mike long, who
knees hut that they nets, yet build
n. reef 3,000 utiles long, and I leis that
by one resew bridle, Fertile shall he
tint te.d with this yen I filen( on one side
and by another stem, bridge Asia will
le united With his eonthient en the
other side, and the tourist of the world
without the turn of rt. steamer's wheel
or the spread of a silin's sail, 'May go
ell (mound the world. end thus he ful-
filled the propheey. "'there shall t,e nn
more sm."
Mit 1 lie aura bi lit y ot (11, rt,t,11'..w.ork
ie not fie ell to be ventilated with the
dun 11111131 of our work for God. The
eoral is goiter to crumble in the firm
of the loot day, led nur work for God
will endure (Server. No more (Heiner -
alga man ever lived than 1401,th/woe
the great tensicel comptser. Unmerci-
fully eriticizee by brother artiste end
his entree sometleme reSeetee,
Deaf for 25 :seers, nee fovea
on his way to Vienna to beg food
and lodging el a. very phtin. lumen by
the roft&dile. To the evening the Am-
ity evened •ft musical inatrtiment end
pewee one sang with great enthusi-
asm, and 0011 (10 110111115115 they rim -
tiered was so emotional ihat team; ran
flown their elteeks while they enter mil
played, liretkovett, sitting in the room,
too deaf to Item' the singing, was rut -
Wilen iletv6 Utigtfo iitlinuvuo
a Wonderful Recovery, Illustrating the
Quick Respons of a Depleted. Nervo
_System to a Treatment 'Which
Replenishes Exhausted
Nerve Forces.
Perhaps you know him? In "Water-
loo he is known as one of the most
popular and successful busineaa tnen of
that enterprising town. As ..anag-
in g executor of the Kuntz estate, he is
at the head of a vast business, repre-
senting em investment of many thrum -
an ds of dollars, and known to many
people throughout the Province.
Solid finenoially, Mr. Frank Bauer
also has the good fortune of enjoying
nolid good health, and if appearances
indicate anything, it is safe to predict
that there's a full half century of
active life still ahead for Min. But
it's only a few months since, while
nursed as an invalid at the Mt.
Clemens sanitary resort, when his
friends in Waterloo were dismayed
with a report that he waa at the point
of death.
"There's no telling where I would
have been had I kept on the old treat-
ment," said Mr. Bauer, with a merry
laugh, the other day, while recounting
his experiences as a very sick man.
" Mt. Clemens," he continued,. "was
the last resort in My ease. For
months previous I had been suffering
Indescribable tortures. 'began with
a loss of appetite and sleepless nights.
Then, as the trouble kept growing, I
was getting weaker, and began losing
flesh and strength rapidly. My
stomach refused to retain food of any
kind. During all this time I was
under medical treatment, and took
everything prescribed, but without
relief. Just about when my condition
seemed most hopeless, I heard of a
wonderful cure effected in a ease
nomewhat similar to mine, by the •
Great So uth.AmericanNervine Tonic,
and I finally tried that. On the first
day of its use I began to feel that it.
was doing what no other medicine
had done. The flails dose relieved the
distress oompletely. Before night
actually felt hungry and ate with an
appetite sugh as I had not known for
months. I began to pick up in
strength with surprising rapidity,
slept well nights, and before I knew
it I was eating three square meals
regularly every day, with as tonal
relish as ever. I have no hesitation
whatever in saying that the South
American. Nervine Tonic cured me
when all other remedial failed. I
have recovered my old weight—over
200 pounds—and never felt better
in my life."
Mr. Frank Bauer's experience is
that of all others who have used the
South American Istervine Tonic. Ito
instantaneous action in relieving dis
tress and pain is due to the direct
effect of this great remedy upon the
nerve centres, whoee fagged vitality
is energized instantly by the very first
dose. It is a great, a wondrous cure
for all nervous diseases, as -well as
indigestion and dyspepsia. It goes
to the real source of trouble direct,
and the sick always feel its marvel-
lous sustaining and restorative power
at once, on the very first day of its
Sold by G. A. Deadman.
10118 to know whet was; the musk that •
so overpowered teem, and when they
got through he reached up and took
Ole folio In his hand, ane found it wits
his 05)11 musio—Beetboven's " Sym -
Iplumy. in A "—end he cried out, "I wrote
, that 1" The household sat (1 stood ab-
ashed to find One their euor-looking
guest was the great (0t1110111'1',i30( 110
never left that house alive. A. fever
seized him that night, end lei relief
could he afforded, and in a fete days he
died, But just betere expiring he look
the Mute ef his nephew, Who he. I been
sent for, ntel had arrived, 5i3311119, " Af-
er all, Hummel, 1 must letve hart some
talent," Pool! • Beethoven I His work
• still lives, nee in the 1 11 ent ieth ('('11-
1) 1)3' will he better nepreelated than
it wits in the ihmteenth, and as long
1 1141 there is on meth an orchestra to
For the, God that planted in thy breast
a soul
On his eaered tables clotlt thy name
Cheer thine heart, thou trembler, never
I play in' an onion° to sing, Beethoven s £aihleas be,
nine seiniihrnies will be the enchant- De that marks the sparrow will re -
mere of fin eons, lawmen thee.
lel Ile things/ &etre, greet things. All Oh, be enrouraged I Do not anymeme
that trementione tarter of the last esys "3I,' week is so small." Do not
Nepeleon • hangin,9 on t he hand of a nay wienan say; "10131 work is seine
brakeman, m let on one of our Amore sienifirent. 1 rennet do alaYilltneS tar
eon railways, eaught him as he 1311.3 11i npbuilding of God's kingdom.' Yeu
falling between the vors of ft flying (stn. Remember the corallines. A Chris,
trains Tee tattle of Dunber e as (le- tem mother eat sewing 1 germent. One
eide I against -Cho Smith lemurs their her 111110 girl wanted to help her, ensi.
matches lizet givett out. Aggregations sit she sewed oe fOnether peer of the
of.11 I tlet it i ngs 1.111(1 1(3011
750411egaaeu tnn'Lugltitt0her
Nene ,0 emeee ewe see „sways ems ti was imperfect and had to be all take
(mantel 'DIU! to
elalr aell 111a(104 81 1, 01;ordieoesislUonntigl: en ent again. lief aid tbe mother chit%
el Irite.toollibledp011111,4:.ittii.11 1 81 lsiehesadie4,1"fillt1071071115tel
e$1 bridge.
she maid." Aiel so the mother bleee-
Written on the fly 1e111' of 411411
1100104 113' 0 tte whom God took.
or 11179 e.1 the chile, and while see blessed. tho
child she thought of herself Mel Said:
to himself Otti of our household weed " fleyhap8 11 Duty iv sti with rny ponx,
the follow ittg words. I do me know stork at the list. Gild will look at it,
1.4 1(1) cone need 11311111. 1 'ere nes she It rggy 1,e V 0 ry 101,hellpr0.11(1 1 11111)17
composed them bereell:— it is very crookedlie may have tri
Nee 11 0(1011(15' 01111011 e but its God dote Ieke le alt 0•111. lillt he knows that
l 1, ant. 'to servo him, and he knoWs ie
JoSi, est 1311(0(3 WS mandate lays anion-,
trisim:,1111i(:ste'inliblierti your ('111'l(401101( 170(11, Pive
011o(. 1 10111 do." So be coins
areh low ;
d million corallines Man' one
Net n leaflet, wavetth .but ite God (loth
ram, corollate, And then Ihey teemed eway
1,111,1 1'l. 1 ben, 0 teemmee; 00e, see. earl other (011110018 5111(113, LIZA 1.11(1 w orie
IR Wonnerr111. nut 00 010 tlay when
gel 1 eth thee 1
, , „ I the world's redemption shell be enti-
For more precious surely than the meets 1 stnnmat 5(1, 00171 the names of ell the '
nations of Christ lanwho
e in all ogee
Is a 1st/1'1.11.49Z to a Father's eye bate> toiled On Mk structure stall be
le'ert thins liaise are numbered. Truet
ci117 50114 tg i, end heel Mien the duraiellty h0no1,tiIoo
Mention 811411 be, made of cortiLP ,