The Brussels Post, 1897-9-17, Page 8Refractometer
We have recently purchased,
at a cost of $55, a Refractometer
. to assist us in testing your sight
Side. 80th and O. 1st -Do you know
what takes plane on these dates?
GONER OlinI:N is away to London Fair
Ode weak exhibiting his splendid roadster
Eo"u R. Ewan bas charge of the
cemetery as caretaker during the absence
of Robt. Armstrong,
and the supplying of the glasses IF yon think TiaPOST a good Haws•
required for all forms of defec-
tive vision. We purpose sparing
no expense that will enable us to
Fit Spectacles
accurately and satisfactorily.
We test eves as heretofore
Free of Charge
thud charge yeti no more, nor as
much,for glasses laGbes a
lit -
ted tan peddlers clo for those
that in many eases are a positive
injury to your eyes. Call and
see tis.
G. A. Deadman,
Druggist, Optician Bookseller.
heian &
Trains terve Brussels Station, North
and South, ao follows:
GOING Soo•ri . Gonvo NORTH.
Express- Tae a.m. l lOati ........... X2:05 p.m
limed 1):45 eau. I Express 10:01 p.m
k' itai atetos items.
d chiefs among ye takin' notes,
An' faith he'll prent it.
Do you take THE Pose ?
'CRE showers were needed.
BEAUTIFUL moonlight nights.
BIRDS are flocking -a sign of Anton'''.
TROUT fishing expired on Septetnb-r
Pets, delivery of coal is to hand. The
price is 98.60 per ton.
W. M. SINCLAIR was at Stratford this
week attending the Asaizes,
G. A. DoADltlo attended lectures on
Optics in Toronto last week.
JNo. Rod offers his comfortable resi•
dance, furniture, &a., for sale.
Benesato School Board ask $1,650 to
run the Educational mill for 1897.
A maned of gravel crossings have been
put down to replace worn out timbers.
25 CENTS gets THE Pose for the balance
of 1897. Take advantage of this tries
THE latest is :-"You're not the on'y
fruit in the basket if you have got a date
with the peach."
EusaiseoN Review :-The boys had a
big time at Brussels on Labor Day and
will go there again.
T. P. Staxa, scientific eye specialist,
- will be at Jas. Fox's drag store, Breese's,
on Wednesday, 22nd inet.
paper, tell your neighbor about it. A
good word often helps us.
It,1IE:vnzneox'e watering cart had it
break -down on Wednesday forenoon.
Probably overworked for the last mouth,
JNo. Ronnicn and R. Ferguson each
ehipped a oar of Iambs to Buffalo from
Brussels on Thursday morning of Ude
IT is repotted that Mr, Broderick, of
London, her purchased the Kearney &
McCracken stook at 00 osute on the
elessns. CLEoo & DAoizs shipped a oar
of cattle and a car of hogs on Monday
from Brussels, Mr, Case also forlvarded
a car of cattle the sane day.
Ora 35 cent tele) trip to the end of the
year is ottohing a good many. People
are sending Tee Poor to their absent
friends at this low rate. One copy last
week was forwarded to Dawson Oity,
Tun FAL GUnTr-The Fall
term of the high Court of Justice will
open iu Goderiob on Monday, September
20th, before His Lordship Chief Justice
Meredith. The Crown businees at the
Court will be conducted by J. F, Lister,
M. P., Sarnia.
Tag Owen Sound Advertiser says, in
speaking of a baseball match between
Meaford and that town :-Dir. Grewar,
of Brussels, o0ioiated as umpire, and his
emphatic "You're out" gave small en•
oonragement to those who might wish to
dispute his decisions.
THE following appointment has been
gazetted :-Bernard Louie Doyle, Junior
Judge of the County Oonrt of the County
of Huron, to be surrogate judge and
judge of the admiralty and exchequer
courts for the portion of the Toronto
admiralty district comprised in the
Counties of Huron and Bruoe.
Husraiss,-Last Monday a big run
was made in turning barrel beading at J.
& P. Ament's factory in this plane. In
3e hours no less than 70 bunabee were
put through the maobius and ready for
shipment. Wheu it is understood that
there are 40 heads iu each bunch, a total
of 3,040 heade in all, some idea of the
work may be arrived at as to the lively
way the heading Wee handled. Jesse
Wilbee manipulated the wonderful
machine that turns out the heads.
W. Harris, proprietor of Brnsaele obsess
faotory, oaptured let prize for white
cheese and 5th for oolored at the Indus•
trial Fair, Toronto. Thiele a high honor
ns competition is keen. Mr. Harris is to
be congratulated on his ounces and Brie•
eels factory will not lose by the deserved
prominence given in a full field with uo
favors. Mr. Harris added another cheese
maker to his staff on Wednesday. For
proof of the latter see Birth Column.
Gorse To SAOLVAw.-We are sorry to
hear that Jno. MoBain, tailor, a well.
known and highly esteemed youoggentle-
hnan of Brussels, purposes removing t
Saginaw, Mich., where he has secured
emuuerative position as nutter in
atloriog establishment. He has dispos
d of his stock of tweeds, &e., to Messrs
Ross & Halliday. Mr. Mol2ein has take
lively interest in the Pnblia Library, o
hioh he was President for a year. 1
thletio games and sports he also took
GRAND ORGANIZER Woopsrer was here
this week giving the A. 0. U, W. a boom. e
He has had a very successful career in
• this work.
THE PosT is just completing the set of W
Examination papers for the October Pro-
motions for the County. The dates of
the exams. are Oat. 21 & 22.
BRonsELe Voters' list court will be held
before Judge Nassau, in the Council
;)hamber, on Thursday, Sept. 23rd, nom.
'lathing at 10 o'clock a. m. There are'
some 50 or 60 appeals on the liat. a
THE case of John ?etch v. Jeremiah
Bolden, on the docket at the Perth As-
sizes, was by consent adjourned to the
November sittings of Court. 0. P.
Mabee for plaintiff ; W. el. Sinclair for
THE following is a copy of a "head-
stone" in it doll's graveyard in town :-
"Hera lies dear Dolly Katie, who died
from a fall, Sept. 1st, 1897. Of all good
:lolls she was the beat ; little Katie is
now at rest,"
SoaiE lade are likely to get in the toile
for fruit stealing. We know of one man
who is reserving a quauti5y of salt, now
stored in an old' musket, so as to preserve
the "fresh" youths. It is Coleman's best
sett, so the recipients will receive no in-
ferior article.
Connell have settled the claims of Mes-
srs. Craig and Nott, of Clinton, for in•
juries received by their wives by reason
of their horses falling over the bridge on
the London road, The amount paid was
not large, but was satisfactory to all con-
CARR of TuAxss.-I wish to return my
thanks to the A. 0. L-, W, and the officers
of Brussels Lodge, for the prompt pay•
went of the $2,000 parried on Beneficiary
Certificate, No. 2,171, by my father, the
late Marsden Smith, I have nothing but
good words for the Order, both fraternal.
ly and financially. Ere Surra,
PALL Foes 0850DI140.-A Committee
has arranged the following speeding oon-
teute for the 2nd day of Brussels Fall
Fair Farmers' trot or pane 1st, $5 ;
2nd, $3 ; 3rd, 92. 3 minute trot 1st, 910 ;
2nd, .$a ; 3rd, 94. 8 minute pace 1st,
$16 ; 2nd, $8; 3rd, $1. All le mile heats
beat 3 in 5. No entrance fee to farmers'
race. 91 in others. A11 competitors
meet be members of the Agricultural So-
ciety, Speeding commences at 8 o'oloak,
There will also be foot races and prizes
for hest lady drivers.
prominent ple,oe and was excelled by few.
He will carry with him the best wishes
of a large circle of friends for his future
prosperity. Mrs. MOBain and son will
remain in Brueeele for time.
aiouELITgs.--The following students
re attending the Model sohool, Goderieh
Henry Tisdale, Westfield ; John A. Snell,
Goderioh ; Marion E. Oliver, Palmers-
ton ; Gertrude Carter, Guelph ; Robt. J.
Hamilton, Brinsley ; W. W. Scott,
Brinsley • Lorne lliott, Goderieh ;
Blanche Walker, Devon ; Agnea L.
Keefe, Kingsbridge • Glariesa Elliott,
Porter's Hill ; Marjory Amy, Goderioh ;
Lineae Cunningham, Port Albert ; Jes-
sie Coutts, Goderioh • Belle Jardine,
Dungannon ; Arthur Robinson, Wrox-
eter ; Matilda Contin, Drysdale ; Isaiah
Kilpatrick, Dungannon ; Minnie Hig-
gins, Wingham ; Oharlee Haggitt, Cen-
tralia ; Huldah Culbert, Luoan ; Peter
rt. Fraser, Glenfareove ; Com:banes Le
Touzel, E. Tilt, Lionel Rafts' and Mar-
garet MoOlasky, Goderioh.
ORITuanr.-About 7 o'clock last Friday
morning the spirit of Mre. John Robb
took its flight. The end was not unex-
peoted as she had been sinking for sever.
al days before the release Deme and at the
last went to sleep, to wake up in heaven.
Deceased, whose maiden name was Eliza
Laudeborough, was born at Lauriston,
Galloway, Scotland, and Dame with her
parents to Canada when 8 years of age.
They settled in Tuokersmith township,
where the subject of this 001108 resided
until July llth, 1856, when she joined
hand and heart with her now bereft
partner. Shortly after they removed to
Morris, where Air. Robb had purchased
lob 26, 800.7. Here they resided until 7
years ago and by hard work and careful
management their labors were crowned
with sueesse. They came to town from
the farmtaking possession of a comfort.
able residence erected by Mr, Robb.
During last Winter Mrs, Robb was
daugeronely ill, her sickness extending
over 8 months, and at one time it was
feared she would never recover. Three
or four weeks ago she tools elok again,
this time with a bad attack of erysipelas
in the right arm, and despiteall that
oonld be done elle gradually failed until
the messenger Death called her away.
She was a patient sufferer and never ap,
peered to forget the comfort of others.
Mrs. Robb was a kind-hearted, motherly
woman, whose pleasant face bespoke to e
large extent her oharaoter. A sentence
often written on deadens of this kind,
viz„ "She was a good wife, a loving
mother and a kind neighbor," was orcin•
eptly true of the subject of this notice.
In addition to the husband there are six
children :-Wil)iam, John, George, Jenee,
ibirs. Wm. Work and Mrs. Iso. Currie,
They are all reeidents of thio locality
with the exception of Jamas, who is in
Dakota. He did not receive the gad *ewe
of bis mother's decease in time to get to
the funeral, which wag held on Monday
afternoon. Rev. Ino. Rugg, B,, A„ of
whose church Mrs. Robb was a faithful
member, conducted an appropriate
service, after which interment tvae made
at Ernesole cemetery. The three sons,
two soneen-law and Walter Barrie were
the pall.boarere. Mr. Robb and members
of his family are deeply sympathized
With in their bereavement.
COUNTY BOARD 0r Exam:ri o, -A meet-
ing of the County Board of Examiners
was held in the Model School, Clinton,
MI Saturday, August 28th. After the
:routine busieeee was transacted, the can.
didatee for the Model Sahools were al.
"bated to their reepoctive places, The
Poelowing resolution was then carried :
"That all teachers with Third Claes
Certffioates of primary standing who
have taught two years, receive no further
oxtenalou." Inspector net, strongly op -
pond thie, maintaining to et holders of
Third Claes Oertifioatee who had lost six
menthe' time or more through sickness
or inability to obtain a :wheel et a fairly
remunerative salary, ehould be allowed
the full three years' right to teach, cover•
ed by their oertifl0atee. A.t the final ex.
animation Mr. Moore was appointed to
reed a paper ou "The Science of Edo -
cation" ; Mr. Robb, "School Manage.
meat,' and "11 Paper in Methods" ; Mr.
Torn, "1 Paper in Methods" and "Hygi•
ene," sed Mr, Baird "School Law," -•
GBo..BA1sr, Ssoy,, Oliatots.
A. Ku:NId's dog retired from Ibis
sphere of adieu on Tuesday. Poison,
gut at 11. Grahmn'e storehn t:le on a rat
hunting expedition, did the work,
Re:level HIS Oveme.-J. M. O'Connor
has moved h[e insurance of)ioo to the
roome over I. O. Rioharde' store, Turn.
berry street, where be will be found ready
to ettood to business,
See hlagara falls in all .its beauty at
tb e opening of the new eteol bridge. Ex.
anrsion from Brueeele to the Pelle and
return 52,00. Good to good on Thursday
and return on Monday, 27tH.
Beteemee Fall Fair should attract the
biggest crowd ever seen in town this
year. See the posters for attraotiens.
1Ve have the best prize list in the County.
Sept. 80th and Oot. let are the dates.
A Gone Mune-George blalliday'e well
bred Cooker Spaniel, "Floes," is the
proud mother of no less than 11 puppies.
This is certainly a good crop and the
only trouble is the Aseeseor will not
make hisr
again until oast Spring.
'rue new leleatrio Light plant Is to be
in running order on Sept. 80th. The
proprietors say they will be all ready
with the are plant by that time. Every-
thing will di in be in readiness for the
inoandeeoent system also.
HALE of TaOeoromrenn Jo`ReEYe.-G. A.
Deadman has
sold ti
oJomaw m
N co b of
Goderieh, a Jersey heifer, also a 00rn and
calf. J. L. Aitken also purchased a
Jersey heifer. These make 0 head that
Mr. Dendman has sold in Goderioh.
A MEETING of the Directors of the Agri.
cultural Society was held at the Council
Member ou Wednesday of this week at
8 o'olook. Arrangements were made for
Judges, necessary repairs to the "Palace"
and other preliminary work for the Dom-
ing Fair.
G. 0. Green, a Soap advertiser, was hold.
ing forth in Brussels for the past few
nights, Lie is a "magician," and world
SOME) very good sleight of hand tricks.
He is also an unusually fluent speaker,
and seamed to have no trouble oouvineing
the people that hie was the only soap in
the world.
JosEru Blenor, who went West some
months ago, in forwarding a year's sub.
soripton to Tug Pose, says :-"I am
working at the Idaho mine, Three Forks,
B. 0., and would like to got the news
from Brussels. This is a pretty rough
part of the oointry. It hes been very
dry for the last 1e months, but is coming
wet now. We can see snow here every
day, and they say they have from 5 to
10 feet of thnt commodity here in the
Am: :we. .--Theredav night of last week
James Manner, of Gerrie, brother to Mre.
Wm. Daobow, of Brussels, met with an
unfortunate accident. He was at a wed.
ding party a few miles from Gerrie and
attempted to discharge an old gun, load-
ed with powder and paper. The weapon
exploded, blowing off the thumb and a
portion of the left hand and shutting it
so that amputation was necessary. It is
said the piens of the gun barrel could not
be found, nor could the aforementioned
thumb. Me. Maned, who was a former
resident of this plane, is getting along as
well as could be expected. The accident
is supposed to have been caused by the
wadding not being properly rammed
down to the powder. Mr. and Mrs.
Denbow drove out to see the patient last
Saturday evening.
Wow Two BET, -Last Saturday Hugh
Williams bet "Whitey" Lowry that he
hadn't a horse in his livery that could
pace or trot to Walton and back in an
hour. "Whitey" thought differently and
had 910 to say so. The money was put
up in Silas Jackson's bands and Jno. Ma -
Dain secured to accompany the outfit on
his bioyole to see that pacing or trotting
was not converted into running.
"Whiboy" hitched his brown pacer to a
road Dart and with Dir. Williams as bis
companion on the rived off for Walton.
The 5 miles were made in 22 minutes
and the return trip so lively that eomo
18 minutes of the hour were still remain-
ing. It may be said that the horse was
not fed on the journey excepting with
the "long oats" supposed to be necessary
to sustain a high rate of speed. Lowry
got the dela but his fellow traveller says
he did not win it fairly, as the horse
broke repeatedly on the tour.
MATRI.1rowLIL -Wednesday evening of
this week the home of James MoArter,
Brussels, was the scene of one of those
pleaeiug events always of interest to a
locality, viz., a wedding. The contract-
ing parties were Jno. A. Brown, it well
known young gentleman of Morris, and
Miss Kate, the estimable and eldest
daughter of the host and hostess. Rev.
Jno. Rose, B. A., tied the nuptial bow.
Mise Maggie MoArter, sister to the bride,
was the bridesmaid, both ladies wearing
very becoming oostumee of white Swiss
muslin. George Kelly, of Morris, was
groomsman. The wedding gifts were of
a most useful and valuable character.
After an elegant supper, prepared in ]firs.
MaArter'e best style, and an enjoyable
evening, the large company separated for
their respective homes with many good
wishes for the bride and groom. Mr,
and Mrs, Brown have taken up theft
residence on the groom's farm in Morrie.
THE Poso wiabee them health, wealth
and happiness.
Business Locals.
No, 1 flout and long clear bacon at
Go to T. Kelly's for tomatoes, First
come first served.
FnhsT•OLAas house to rent or for sale.
Apply to Jno.. Wynn.
ONE second -band single harness los
sale cheap. I. 0. Riahatcle.
0oi1FonjABLE house to rent. Apply et
once to W. M. SrsanAla.
SEE our harneee before you buy. We
give the best value in the market.
S. 0. Richards.
D. Ew81 has a number of second band
buggies to sell at bigbargains. pall at
his shop and make im an offer.
GET those holes in your shoes and
robbers repaired. Bring them to lig ; we
repair them cheap and neat.
I. 0, Richards.
ANsorn needing their saws put is
proper order bad better bring, them to
Saw -tiler McGregor before be leavee
Brussels, as be in likely to take a situ-
ation with the Saw and Saw Tool Mak-
ere. T. McGregor, eaw-filer, Brnsaele.
One advantage of taking Ayer'9 Berea.
partite to purify the blood is that you
treed not infringe upon your hours of
labor nor deny yourself any food that
egreee with you. In a word you are not
compelled to starve or loaf while taking
it. These aro recommendations worth
SEPT. 17, 1897
S2� NDr/LRD B4XJ O1+' C4,7N'41.Di,'8m+atSm-s:=m?-
ASSETS, • (Seven million Dollars) $7,000,000
CAPITAL (Authorized) . . • $8,000,000
Agencies to all principal points in Ontario, Quebec, Jlanitota, United States && England,
A General Banking Bueinees Transeoted. Farmers' Notes Discounted.
• Drafts Issued and Collections made on all points.
Interest allowed on deposits of 91.00 and upwards from dat of deposit to date o
withdrawal end oompounded half yearly.
Every facility afforded Customers living ata dietanae.
A Fiowr.cLAss special line of work
mauufa0tured et Jae, Walker's shop. Ile
gives tiptop value to every ooetomer.
Fon sale cheap, one seood-hand box
stove and stove pipes, also lamps and
ohandeliors, ollice desk, cash drawer.
I. C. ltiohmde.
KAst: a Clover Root, the great Blood -
Purifier gives freshness and clearness to
the complexion and cures constipation.
25 ate, 50 ole and 91.00, Sold by James
Fox, l ruggist, Brussels.
Eviorno»Y gods to Wingham. 25 lbs.
Granulated sugar for $1.00 -Two ear
loads. I still buy butter, ogge and dried
apples -Highest prices, cash or trade.
G. E. Eno.
Snrtou's onre is sold on a guarantee.
It cures incipient aoneumption. It is
the beat cough cure, Only one oent a
dose. 25 rte., 50 ots. and $1.00. Sold by
Janos For, Druggist, Brussels.
BAnoAIN OFFERED. -That eligible half
more lot situate on the Southernlportion of
Teiruberry street, Brussels, will be dis-
posed of below meat. Very easy terms.
Write for particulars to Jom a HAnooEAvns,
174 Queen et. West, Toronto.
HARRIS. -In Grey, on Sept. 15th, the wife
of Mr. W. W. Harris of a eon.
EowsunEr-VANEauoxn.-In Stapleton,
on Sept. 70, by Rev. P. Mosgrave,
of MoKillop, Dir. Edward Hinohley,
of Seaforth, to Miss Martha, young-
est daughter of Mr. Ed.SranEgmond,
Bnowel-McAneen.-4t the residence of
the bride's father, on Wednesday,
September 15th, by Rev. John [toss,
B. A., Mr. John A. Brown, of Morris,
to MiesKete MoArter, eldest daugh-
ter of Mr. James Madder, of Bros.
GOD1cIN-Boyn.-On Sept. 15th, as the
residence of the bride's father, Mo•
Killop, by Rev. Mr. Tillie, of Walton,
Mr. Albert le. Godkin, to Miss
Matilda, fifth daughter of Mr.Antony
Boyd, both of MoKillop.
Rolm. -In Brussels, on Friday, 10th
inst., Eliza Laudeborough, beloved
wife of John Robb, aged 66 years, 4
months and 10 days.
Western, London, Sept. 9 18.
Central, Guelph, Sept. 10-16.
Northern, Walkerton, Sept. 15-16.
Mornington, Milverton, Sept. 16-17.
Soutbero, Brantford, Sept. 21.24.
Woodstock, Sept. 22.23.
North Perth, Stratford, Sept, 23 24.
East Huron, Brussels, Sept. 80 & Oot.
Stanley, Bayfield, Sept. 80 and Oat. 1.
Dungannon, .Sept. 27 to 28.
Listowel, Sept. 21 to 22.
Clinton, Sept. 28 & 20.
Belgrave, Sept. 23 & 34.
Wingham, Sept. 28 29.
Blyth, Oat. 0 & 6.
Palmerston, Sept. 27 & 28.
Walkerton, Sept. 15 & 16.
Clifford, Sept. 28 & 24.
Great Northwestern, Goderioh, Sept.
North Grey, Owen Sound, Sept. 14,
15, 10.
Central Canada, Ottawa, Sept. 17.20.
South Grey, Durham, Sept. 28, 29.
Mitchell Horticultural, Sept. 29, 80.
South Perth, St. Marys, Oet. 5, 6.
Ribbert, Staffit, Sept. 27, 28.
Elma, Atwood, Oct. 5, 6.
Blau:Mard, Kirkton, Oct. 7, 8.
oeut. F. S. 1500TT, Brussels,
Bolo with' I aore Int, Good otetorn,
furnace, &e. Will be sold at it bargain.
Apply to THE POST Publishing House.
First mortgage, farm security. Apply
at THE POST Publishing House, Brussels,
vIOE,-•Tho wet of eervioe of my fine
registered Jersey null fa now 81 forggradoe.
Get the best: G. A. DEADMAN.
appeals under The Ditches & Water-
courses Act, will he held by his Heuer Judge
Masson, at SAGE'S HOTEL, WALTON on
t'o'l.lay, Sept, 2411i, 0.810 o'clock in tbo fore-
noon, A11 iutoroeted are asked to attend,
5.2 WM. 8PEN030, Olerk.
Fon s82E,-Owing to the deeeae° of
my wife I have decided to give up house -
!cooping and now offer my brick residence,
lot n ud all 11010010)4 furniture and effects
for anle,eu block. There are 2 acres of land,
with well, stable, ornamental trees, loaded
in the Southern portion of Brussels, on Turn-
berry street. Poseseiou can be given at
once, Liberal norma of payment to right
man, 6 or further particulars as to price, &o.
apply 1.10. ROBB,
10 tf Brussels P. 0,
Voters' List Court.
Notice is herebygiven that a Court will be
held, pursuant to time "Voters' List Act" by
His Honor the Judge of the County Court of
the County of Huron, at the TOWN HALL,
BRUSSELS, on Thursday, the 23rd day of
Sestronber, 1807, at 10 o'clock, to hear and
determine the several complaints of errors
and emissions in the Voters' Lid of the
Municipality of Brussels for 1807. All persons
bnviug busioeoo at the Court are required to
attend at the said time and plane.
Dated the 7th day of So t.,1807,
F. 18. SCOTT,
Clerk of the said Munidpallty,
A. sale and toes nit. easy its term% l rod JJ ownshipe
of Morris and d 1 Gro•
,Br1169 1
RENT. -The uuilersigued 'offers bis 100
note farm for sato or to rent, being ;Lot ID,
Con, 0, in the Towuehip of Gro', Possession
given at once. For price, terms and inform-
ation apply to T, 1,1001119,
Proprio tor, Brussels,
Brussole, being ESg Lot 30, dCon7, Moria thOn
the premises is a good frame Louse and barn,
51888 r failing well mut m•et•olaes otreliard,
JOH N aW1NN' Brussels, particulars
r W.
W. 10011043088,
Photographer, Mitchell. 8.01
near Brussels. Great bargain, Lot 7,
, c tarn swell watered, suitable for untied or
dairy fmrmmg• Possession given next
March, with privilege of doing Pall plowing.
Ilpoupse, l0•us el oW. ro THOMAS HIRITAGli
London West,
-100 notes of good farm land at
Springfield, 8 miles from Winnipeg, is offer-
ed for sale at slow price. The property is
North East i S o,10 Twp, 11, Range 4, Bast.
Therein a house ou the premises and sone
breaking done. For full particulars as to
price, title. &o„ write or apply to
20-tf Brussels, 051,
DEnshaNEn rffne his eligible 04 acre
form for sale, being South part of Lot 0,
Con. 12, Gley. All under cultivation, well
watered and well fenced. There is a good
stone Louse, bank barn, °rebind, wells, &o„
on thyee premises, Also a splendid stone
ed. Only 41vmilech s from Brusselsis . Terme
reasonable. For further partioulars as to
price, &e., apply to
JOHA MITCHELL, Proprietor,
30.08 Brussels 1. 0.
consisting of the South 1 and South a
of the Nortlt 6 of Lot 90, Con 2 East Wawa-
uoeb. This is an excellent stock farm, being
well supplied with good spring water. It is
situated about 8 mhos from the thriving Vil-
lage of Blyth. A largo part of it is under
grass. Buildings and femme are in a fair
state of repair. Easy terms of payment will
bo given. For 01 information apply to
11-01 G. F, BLAIIR, Barrister, Brussels,
kJ That excellent farm, Lot 15, Oon. 0,
Township of Grey, 100 nares, must be sold at
once iu order to close estate of deceased own -
et. The lot is nearly ell cleared, with good
buildings, ample water supply, largo or-
chard, 13 miles from C1•allbreak, is ceder
good cultivation and is a very desirable pro-
perty indeed. Apply to RICHARD BLIT.
OHE111 , Brussels P, 0, • JOHN MITCHELL,
on the premises i or A. HUNTER, Brussels,
Dated Sept, 13th, 1800,
Auctioneer, Bales conduct
err on reasonable terms, Farms and farm
stocka epeoiolty. Orders left at Too POST
P ubliahing House, Bru Eisele, or sent to Walton
P. O., will receive prompt attention,
• Mtn, will sell for bettor prices, to
bettor men in ass .time and less chargee
than any other Aucti.ouoer in East Huron
or he won't charge anything. Dates and
orders can 'always be arranged at this °Moe
or by personal application.
Who has hal 25 yearn experience as an
Auctioneer, but who bad to quit owing to ill
health, has agniu taken out license and is
prepared to conduct sales at reasonable
terms. Satisfaction guaranteed. Dates may
be arranged at Tau Poste Publishing House.
JAS. S'1'RE'1'TON,
18-55 Auctioneer.
Notice to Creditors.
Notice is given pursuant to Ohap.U0, 1i r6.
0„ that all porsone having claims against
the estate of JAMES LOVE, late of the
Township of Grey, in tbo County of Huron,
deoeased who died ou or about the lith day
of July, 1807, are required to derived their
claims to Wm, Spoiae, one of the executors
of deceased, at Ethos P.O., with full portio•
niece of their claims, on or before the end
laity of Aclobes', f eel, of ter which last men-
tioned date the executors will distribute the
estate among the parties ontitles:thereto,
with regard only to the olaime of which they
have had notioo. •
Agent for Executors,
Dated, Ethel, Sept. 0,1007. 0.8
Notice to Creditors.
In the matter of the estate of 'mill=
MoDonald, late of the Township of
Grey, Bicycle Dealer, deceased.
Pursuant to the Revised Statutes of On-
tario,1887,0bapter 10, Seo. 20 and amend-
ments thereto, notion is hereby given that
all creditors and othere having Maims
against the estate of the said Willi am Me'
Donald, (loosened, Who died on or about the
eighth day of August, A. 13.1807, are on or
before the Seventeenth day of September,
A,D.,1897 required to send to the under-
signed ootioitor for the said estate their
Clhristian, surnames, address and desorip •
tions and full particulars and pr"bfe of their
Maims and a statement of their account and
the nature of the security (11 any) hold by
And notion is bereb y further given that
after the said Seventeenth day at septa m-
ber 1897, the executors of the said estate
will p mooed to distribute the assets of the
said deoeased amongst the parties entitled
thereto, having regaard only to those olaime
Of Which they shall then have had notice
and the said ex oautoro will talk,
the aeaote or any part thereof to Huy person
or petering of whine alarm or claims they
shall nob have bad notleo at the time of
such distalbntion.
l� Solicitor ter Walter Davis and
Dated at'I3rusaels the lett Sera , A D,,1807
Wo are pleased to announce
that tho
Is now to hand and ready
for sale.
We have thein in all the
popular Bindings and will
be pleased to show you our
'®x'e DrugStore,
Druggist & Stationer,
_Lye. Bolioitor and Conveyancer. Donee.
tions matte. OIl1oe-Vanstone's Blocs, Brus-
21 -Sm
Solioitor,Conveyancer ,NoteryPub-
000, &e. 0005e-Vanetoos's Block, 1 door
north. of Central Hotel, Private Funds to
1 /r • G. OAMERON,
Oameron,)tlllnrrister and Solicitor Gederlah
Out. Office-Haoliltou St„ Opposite col
borne Hotel.
Solicitor, 40. (tato 01 (1141Tow &
Proudfoot's Oilioa, Goderieh.) Ofiioe over
GiilMoney to Loan. auk,Brussels. 47
M. D., O. BL, Trinity University, Fellow Trin-
ity Mediae! College, Member College of PBy-
sldaoe and Surgeons, Ont. Licentiate of the
'loyal College of Physicians and Licentiate
of Midwifery, Edinburgh. 1"1'elephone
No.14, Residence, Millin., Brussels,
1st Class Honor Graduate of the Universi-
ties of Trinity (Toronto), Queen's (]iinget55),
and of Trinity Medical College ; Fellow of
Trinity Medleal College andmember of the
College Post Graduates Oon•Surgeon('
enlgu oD eroOnand
Chicago, 1800. Special attention paid to die -
ensue of Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat, and dig -
oldies of Women, ts••Consultation in Eng-
lish and German. Telephone at residence, -
!l • Honor Graduate of the Ontario
Veterinary College, is prepared to treat all
diseases of domeetioatod animals in a com-
petent manner, Parttsular attention paid
to veterinarydentistry. Calls prompts at-
tended to. v
fftoe and Infirmary -Pour Soore
north of bridge 'Pornberry et., Brussels,
• Iesuror of MarolageLleenaoe, crone
abide Grocery, Turnberry street, Brueeele,
southTonsorial Artist. Shop -Next door
of A. M. Malay & Oo'e hardware store.
Ladlea'and ehilttrene hair cutting a specialty
Issf,•ef of Marriage Licensee,
OFFICE AT 01111IL1T Seems.
l 'No Witness Required.
T. FLETOHBR, Brueeele
Clerk of the Foorth Division Cour
CO. Huron, Oonvoyaueer, Notary Public.
Lurid, Lone and IueurenooAgett, Feuds
invested and to loan. Collootione made
Mee in Graham's Stook, Brussels,
Will give losonns to pupils either on
Plano or organ, at hie Music Boon, oppooite
the 000t•oifoe, Brussels, Vpoealloesone also
given, Ten years experience in ton:lting,
Terme moder'ato.
Anoint Order of Vnitod 4Yorkmonl
Whitt old and prosperous Fraternal Aeaoe
Mien nulnboringg 850,000 members ere pre
aeutin4- to the public their popular and neon• •
calcar racaboute to $&w00orthpeyr 81 i0 on,, at the vonnry ullwm
hate of 000 par a.
The Workmen" Pronlptlry 1ay lao.,H,
Cfnlrns andexpnot. a largo Menage to. its
members now that those Aneariean Line
Onmpauies don't seem satiefaotory to Can-
RGII'r. ARMST1000lC� M. W,1 'W, lir 70111t'
Beeorder; J, A, oit1 iGkTON,lelnatiolet.