The Brussels Post, 1897-9-17, Page 6gbt.Nrpstis Vast
—1e PSDLle1E1—•
(1i Elmo for the early mails) at
"The Post" Steam I'ublisllilib, House,
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Advertisements without specific direc-
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Instructions to change or discontinue au
advertisement 001185 be left at the counting
xoom of "FE Pose not later: than Tuesday
o1 each week This is imperative.
Rr. Yl.
Editor and Proprietor.
Mistrict Cetu ,
BIC asItEil1op•
FRIM SOLD,—M08800. Lockhart Lk Co.
have sold to John Beattie, of Mullett, lot
number 33, con. 10,
00 in p. The The
paid was neatly
purchaser gets possession on the let of
,11,,1o: i.o or' Ol-
l-d. W. MoLeever, a lad belonging to
Latus 11 z,eut to Tornate c. Sopa 4'113
with a Mr. Tories of the earee pleee, wbn
had cattle at the exhibition, to see the
Fair. They pot up at the Bull's Head
hotel. The next morning the young
man had an early breakfast, and after
paying his bill, left the place. Ile had
hardly passed the door when he threw up
his arms wildly and fell headlong to the
sidewalk. Before a doctor could be call.
ed the young man had expired. The re.
mains were taken to Listowel. Dr. E.
W. Good, the physician called, consider-
ed the young man died of heart disease
and an inquest ens not deemed advisable.
A By-law to prevent riding bicycles on
sidewalks after sunset has been passed.
The assessment rate for the village is
17 mills in the dollar against 14 last
Norman Bissett hos accepted a position
as tailor at London and left for the For.
est city last week.
Mahon Sheer(+ loft hast week for itIel.
bourne wh,:.e no
as tailor with 0. Balsdon, formerly of
A„,t1t ... i} t'.: J[tmea
and Main St. Methodist churches drove
over to Grantonon Monday of last week
to 1505,3310 toe .74..00a. L.:551.. uiatriat
oonvention and report a very pleasant
The turning factory and cider mill
owned by Tbomas Neaman on the Lon.
don Road has been taken down, and is
being replaced by a new one. The brick
and material for the new one is on the
ground and the work is being pushed
Rev. J. W. Goffin has gone to spend
hie holidays with an old College friend
neer Detroit,
The last issue of the Canada Gazette
contains this order : 32rd Battallion—To
be 2nd lieutenant provisionally, John
Meese Seine.
Alex, Green, of Owen Sound, was in
town last week visiting his oonsin, Mrs.
Henry Perkins. It was over 40 years
since they had met.
Wellington Martin, who has been con.
ducting a barbering business in town for
some time 110,8 sold out to W. J. Eargney
and gone to Niagara.
One day recently Will. Dane got a bad
fall off a bicycle, injuring his collar bone.
He afterwards undertook to do some
heavy lifting and as a consegeence is now
carrying his arm in a cling.
Maurice Park, who 1008 been con-
ducting the jewelery business here for
about 4 months, has purchased an interest
in his father's business in Wingham and
moved away on Tuesday of last week.
A deer was seen just North of this vil-
lage, passing eastward across the lots on
the 0th con. D, Sanderson seen it ores.
slag his lot and Abe. Strong observed 15
crossing John Stewart's. A deer at large
is a sight 8813003 seen in Howick for
several years.
EPwouTO Lniene.3Tlle following are
the othaers elected for the ensuing term,
which commences Oot. 1st :—Proe, W.
J. Greer ; 1st vice -pros„ R. Ross 1 2nd
viae-pres., Mr%. E. L. Morrin ; rec.•eeo.,
Edwin James ; oor. seta, Fred Evans ;
Treas., Mies Edith Evans.
Some of our citizens have got the Klou•
dyke fever.
Thos. Smith has bought SIr, Bennett's
threshing outfit -
Arthur Rollinson is attending the
Model School at Goderich.
While on his way to Gerrie Gordon Rae
was thrown from his wheel and received
a very bad cub on the ltnee.
Jas. Allen lett on Wednesday morning
of last week for Toronto, to put iu a term
at the College of Pharmaoy.
hire. Thos. Smith, who baa been visit.
ingfriends in and around Gait for the
pant month, returned hoarse on Monday
0f lost week.
Mise Mary Hazelwood, who has been
sick for some time, is improved and left
for Haw Won to attend the Iligb Sebool
of thatgtown.
Mien M. MoDonald, of Grey, who for-
merly eonduoted a dressmaking establish.
Ment here, was in town renewing old
nequaintancea, She wag accompanied
by her aoosin. Miss Gordon, of St. Mel-
One of our townsmen the other day
borrowed a bike and started for the
bailiff, but he had not proceeded far when
he punctured one of the tires, ,Thie he
tools ae a had email, and desisted, lest the
bailiff should in tarn take after him.
twl3ite a number of our wh0eltnen went
over to Wingham to witness the bioyole
noes there, Geo. Wilson, who teaches
subool near here, won both professional
ramie. Harry. Brawn, of town, allowed
up well too, winning the first boat and
was coming up for a good second in the
third when he was jockeyed and thrown
from his wheel.
Harry Brawn spoilt Sunday of last
week in London, He lett here on Satur-
day evening at about half poet nine o'-
els"lr and ,vent na for o0 Ann fonth, w11808
be remained bill the followiug morning
when lie left for Exeter and remained
there for a oonple of hours and then went
on to London. Ile returned to Exeter
the same evening and came book as far
as Brussels Monday forenoon, took in the
Nnnr3e in tint town null rntm•nnd bone
that evening. betty 80011 W11001111g.
ioo+eztioz tai.
3. T. Tyerman, on Labor Day, killed a
four months old ebioken, which weighed
Baths Andrews left for Cleveland where
he has secured a good position in a large
wholesale andlretail store.
Jae. McMichael has forwarded to Mrs,
Henderson, of liirkoolonel, Scotland, two
1na1te80 kittens, which were sent via
steamebip Labrador.
Jno. Paul, who has been foreman of
the flax mill in town, has secured the
p0sitioa'of foreman in McEwen ds Geig-
er's flax mill in;Heneall.
The boys brigade have made arrange.
menta for a grand concert, which will be
held in Cardno's hall on Sept. 24511, the
eeoond evening of the Fall Fair.
Rev. S. P. Robinson, who has been
canvassing in Seaforth on behalf of the
Mission Fund of Huron diocese, enured
from the church members about 3140.
Mise Ballantyne and Miss McFadden
of Tiverton, wheeled to town, a distance
of 70 miles. Thie is very good, con-
sidering they were unused to wheeling.
While Nellie, youngest daughter of
Mrs. Jos. Brownell, was playing on the
(+tutees reel stand, she slipped and fell
and 15. frtt3.1350l' brol.L her 011'0: bon%
Workmen are busily engaged on Jas.
Grease block, which will be quite a hand-
some structure when completed and will
add greatly to the appearance of main
street. J, 1'. Daly intends moving into
0118 part, while Mr. Graves will (+weepy
the other.
The farmers in this vicinity are busy
threshing the greatest wheat harvest that
has beau in this or any other part of the
country for many years. The return
varies from 20 to 40 bushels to the acre,
and 011 account of the high price wheat
commands farmers are doubly happy.
The violin plass iu connection with the
Y. M. 0. A., will re -organize about the
17th of this month. The rooms will be
opened at the same hours as they were
last Winter. Papers, magazines, books
and games will be provided for the
amusement and edification of all who
visit the rooms. The association purpose
having one evening a week for studying
the Bible and also purpose forming a
vocal Class, r
Fred Beattie, of Jackson Bros has
bon;',. out rt".h1.;, ..:1 '.,.15,1
stool, of R. Coad, Hensel!.-
Some one entered the cellar of A. D.
Wil: o.l, gime 40 jams Of
canned fruit end 2 jarsof pickles.
The Collegiate Institute has made a
very promising beginning this year.
Fiftyflve new students have been en-
Dr. Freeborn has deoided on removing
to Magnetawa, in the vicinity of Burke
Falls, Muskoka; where he has secured a
good practice.
During the electric storm of a recent
Sunday, the lightning played a couple of
queer freaks. It ran into the House of
Refuge, by way of the eleotrio light wire,
putting out all the lights. It also de-
stroyed part of the lights in the Ontario
St. ohnroh. At the Electric Light
Station the large fly wheel usually re-
volves at the rate of 100 revolutions a
minute, but the lightning coming in on
the wires as an opposing current, oom-
pelted the wheel to slow down to ten re.
volutions per minute.
THE SIAVLEY HALL.—The committee,
after careful consideration, decided on
the plan submitted by Mr. Fowler. It
provides for a neat, well -lighted modern,
two-story building to be located 20 or 25
feet west of Mr. Farran'e, with orna-
mental front facing Albert street, aud:the
side on Rattenbory street entered from
an open vestibule, right into a well,ap-
pointed library with reading room to the
rear. Building to be of red pressed brink
with ornamental trimming. It is pro-
posed to ereot the building at a oost not
to exceed, by one cent, 34000,
The following oiroumstanoe occurred
at a farm house not one thousand miles
from Clinton. The Rady of the house
was exceedingly neat and tidy, and al-
ways required the hired men to lay aside
their overalls before entering the house.
While the family were at too one evening,
there was a knook at the door, which
stood open, and, thinking it woe one of
the hired men, the lady shouted, "Take
offyour pants and you can Dome in,"
meaning for the party to lay aside their
overalls. As they did not Dome in the
lady went to the door, and turned a bright
scarlet when she fatted a stranger calmly
standing there.
Commie rich.
The 0. P. R, is busy hauling corn from
Owen Sound.
Capt. Craig has hauled out his nets,
and leaves shortly for up the lake.
J. Wilson, of the prescription drug
store, has engaged the services of Scott
The Boatels Twin Evangelista, of Lon.
don, began a series of evangelistic ger.
vines in Victoria street Methodist church
lest Sunday.
The Goderich Collegiate Institute hes
about the usual. number of students for
the Fall term,
Some twenty-five etadeut8 are now in
attendance at the Central, studying for
teachers' professional certificates.
The Stavely Memorial committee,
Clinton, have adopted the plans preparei
by 3, Ades Fowler, of this town, in eons -
petition with many others.
The atomiser, St. Andrew, arrived in
port on Tuesday morning of last week
and after delivering 37,000 bushels of
wheat at the G. T. R. elevator left for
Port Arthur.
The Sentington Furniture Company
filled a fortyfoot car at the G. T. R. de.
pot on Tuooday for British Columbia,
one of the largest we have ever seen sent
from this station,
Miss Tillie Graham, of 113e New;'York
General Ifoepital staff of nurses, le in
town on a two week's holiday.
The medal offered by the Bank of
ComfneroeLlt the best exhibit of grain
will cause a big fight, as a largo number
of Our leading agrioultariets will enter
the oontest.
The tooting of the new plot mill is
completed. The oonerete floor in the
cellar was finished laet week. A carload
of maohiner}, arrived from Brantford,
and ie now 1101110 nboeed in position.
A discount of two cents on the dollar
will be allowed on all taxes paid daring
the Month of October, a rebate of one
cent on the dollar during the month of
November, and that five par oont. be
added to all taxes not paid on or before
the 11th day, of Derembor next,
•1110 re-up8111 ug services of lanex
alturah will be held on the 10th fust.,
when llev. Robb. Johnston, 13. A., B. D„
of London, will oondnet the morning and
evening undoes, and Rev. J. A, Auder-
eon, B. A., the pastor, the afternoon ser•
vice at 3 o'clock. The new Book of
Praise will that day be introduced, and
its use oontinned in the congregation, A
Monday evening meeting will be hold,
when addresses by the local ministers
and Mr. Johnston will be delivered, and
music by the 011010 and others,
17e Vastly 031111N a Prig to OiSs'iNe—Rhml-
nmtlein O,ae 851he Natural Results—
One tb'he Snlrcred tor Iipw,irta.s st
Nine Years Raves Ms Experience.
Froin the Intelligences, Belleville, Ont.
It is doubtful if there is any other oa-
cupatiotl 1110,0 trying to the ooestitu-
tion than that of a thresher. Fomnsed to
the rains and storms of the autumn sea -
0011, aria at life stone time filmed with
the dust consequent upon threshing, he
easily falls a prey to disease. Jos. 11.
Davis, n resident of the township of
Wioklow, Meetings county, follows the
threshing machine for nome months
every fall. For Dight or nine years he
was sabjeot to attacks of inflammatory
rheumatism, The disease usually made
its appearance in the fall, and continued
throughout the Winter, oaasieg not only
much eafforing but great inconvenience.
Mr. Davis' most serious attaok =erred
during the Winter of 1803. It first made
itself manifest by the swelling of the
right band, and before twenty -fortes bad
passed the diocese appeared to have gone
through the whole system. and the legs
were swollen to an abnormal size, so much
that the joints were not visible through
the swellings. for ten months the
trouble continued and during that period
Mr. Davis was unable to put on Ws own
clothes, and the pain he endured almost
pissed oomprellenoion. One doctor after
......,.a LLI.-
floial results. Then advertised medicines
were tried but with no better success.
„r 1 ^dly ; _•' 'Ir, Doris,
"how much money I spent on doctors
and medi0lne, but it amounted to a eon.
si!lnutl,lo Hain, :...5 5-. n. 3555111 111005
willingly have given my farm to be rid of
the terrible pain l was forced to endure.
But all my expenditure,eemed of no
avail, and I began to deeps, it of a cure.
At this junoturo, eating o the advice of
a friend, I began using Dr. Williams'
Pink Pills. The first Si): boxes I used
seemed from outward appearances to
have had no effect, and I felt almost like
giving up in despair. I thought, holy -
ever, that possibly that wse not a fair
trial for one in my oondition and I pro.
cured a further supply. By the time I
had used three boxes more there was
a considerable improvement notioeable,
and from that out each day found me
growing better. I continued using Dr.
Williams' Pink Pills until I had taken
eighteen boxes by which time every ves-
tige of the pain had left me, and I was
feeling in every respect a new man. I
believe, too, that the sure is permanent
for I have not known what it is to suffer
with rheumatism since.
It will thus be seen that Dr. Williams'
Pink Pills released Mr. Davis from the
painful thraldom ofrheumatism at a com-
paratively small expense after doctors
and other mediainee had utterly failed to
give him even a fair measure of relief.
It is obvious therefore that if Dr.
Williams' Pink Pills are given a fair
trial they are sure to bring relief and a
cure. Every box of the genuine Pink
Pills hoe the trade mark on the wrapper
around the box, and the purchaser can
protect himself from imposition by re-
fusing all others. Sold by all dealers at
50 oente a box or six boxes for 32.50.
Cstnatli.itbL New Si.
Before going on a sea voyage or into
the country, be sure and put a box of
Ayer's Pills in your valise. You may
have ocoasiou to thank us for this hint.
To relieve constipation, bilionsuees
and nausea, they are the beat in the
world. They are also easy to take,
Southampton Beacon :—During the
past week it has been somewhat danger•
oue navigating on High street, especial.
103 for the parties learning to ride wheels.
Several of the new riders seem to have a
spite Itt the town pomp and are bound to
knock it down. Although it has received
some very heavy shooks it still stands
firm and smiling, while the embryo
oyolisba have bitten the dust, =oh to the
damage of their wheels and generally
gentle expressions.
Canada is remitting out atter the Brit -
fah market. During thio weep: the fleet
ehipmenb of fruit In cold storage from
the Niagara district will be made. The
fruit is collected and planed in a cold
storage warehouse, the pioneer in the dia.
triot, It will bo placed on a oold storage
car and'ehipped fn oold storage from
Montreal. Peaahee and pears will be
shipped, and it is 'confidently expected
that they will arrive in good oondition
and bring good prices, If the expoel-
ment is auaeessful there 10 no reason why
Canada should not export 35,000,000 to
$10,000,000 per year in fruit in time.
Prof. Robertson says the development of
transit in cold storage will build up our
trade in fruit, cheeee, butter, eggs, poul-
try, chilled beef, and other aimed meats.
Canadian cheese has an immense sale,
and Canadain batter is displacing Daniell
in the English market. An inoteaaing
trade ie being done in Canadian bacon.
"Saved y Life"
"Several years ago, while ha Port
Snelling, Minn., I eangbk a severe
gold, attended with a terrible cough,
that allowed me no root llny or
night. The doctors after eoafraust-
i::,; ll'. ' :. i:'rifles, l7rOn0RnCC(l IIIy
;?? case flopsay-
ing theyoedo no
more fir: tine. At
this tfmo a Shft'Ie of
rq,, r k lir, a W r .118,.
Cherry Pectoral was
rr• : sent to me by a
t hke 'it, which
I did, and soon after I was greatly
relieved, and in a short time was
completely cured. I have never bad
much of a cough since that time,
and I firmly believe Ayer's Cherry
Pectoral saved my 1ifet?r+411'. II.
WARD, 8 Quimby Av., Lowell, Mass.
Cherry Pectoral
Higheot Awards at World's Fair,
AYER'S PILLS cure indigestion and ileadeoks
Wanted—An idea thing W pu epi
Protect Yyour 33000.31 they may hrIe yott 8,015105
Write JOHN W&UDERBURN B: 00, Potent Atter•
nays, Washington, D. 0., for 0tion 01,8^4 53,100 00120
and 11et of two hundred Inventions 3005150.
73111111) WO KS.
I wish to inform the people of Brussels
and surrounding district that I have pur-
chased the Pump Business of JAMES
BELL and will be found ready to attend
to all wants in either new work or repairs
at moderate prices.
No bettor Pump in the market.
-Order left at my shop or residenoe or
at P. SCOTT'S shop will be promptly
looked after.
t: "orders taken for the Digging of
Wells and Cisterns.
eAl.. r nx1
kof W,lanion,L Yeai,b c500i
Arc YOL1 a
If you require a Wheel yon should
cull on the undersigned. As a proof
of the fact that we do the business
we append the sales already made
this season :
Rev. J. Ross,
J. T. Dodds, E S� D
Geo. Thomson, Gents'j
Ladies' 111
J. H. Cameron,
Jno. Smith, NEW BARNES
W. D. Cousley,
A. Keller,
H. Hunter,
Mae M. Meadows,
J. A. Stewart,
D. Strachan,
3, Hamilton,
3. Kollingtou,
A. Money.
G. McKay,
L. Williamson,
J. Brown,
Wanted—An Idea Who enc think
of soma simple
Protect your ideas theyy may bring you wealth•
Write JOHN WIoD11ERiURN ft CO, Patent Attet.
neva Washington, D. C., Lor lief, e1,80o pri00 500r
sad list of 0Wo hundred invehttone Wonted.
T. Damen, Manngtr Standard is s, I11.d•
ford, Onl., lay., (51 a. a I5idee).Li 1 ors a
wand m[•dir no for die kt k syn ar d laver,
W, r. Csltltlnt, 15 '+l (7.1 ,11 t t 'blotto, tto, re.
aann1ieg M ntreol 5t r x v, a tills art
Hire mo ie 00, ,inrelit/ ,dheud•,,5 Idtu,an,u0
And con9 tp t on, ,l nveryah,re, or by moil an
rw:ele, y
33k", to EdMAl1301i, 331(3 dt 00.
.0 so "+l,aa 5" 15553030, 0Nr
SEPT. 17. 1897
Odd loves in i-'arasols, Hosiery, Gloves, Under-
wear, Dress Goods, Cottons and [Muslims, im
fact all hinds of 8utntner Goods to be
cleared out Begardless of Cost.
We have already received New Goods for
We've got the .Styles.
We've got the Prices.
VERY section of this store is a centre of interest, and
if you wish to save money in Dress Good:;, Clothing,
Men's Furnishings or Boots and Shoes, you can save it by
buying here. Bargains are ripe and no words can equal
personal observation,
Wily our prices should not be, without exception, the low.
est. No effort is spared; in making shopping a pleasure
olid gain in buying at this store.
Many Specials in Dress Goods and Mantle Cloths.
Many Specials in Boys' and Men's Clothing.
Many Specials in Boots and Shoes.
A. personal inspection will prove our prices to be correct.
Call and take a look through.
VA 76
``rt, /j 14 ° 539
N1�NY`RID. • W EiatlJ�"' 401"Y'[.ia 1t.14 A.A. 0 cry
4 4,11„4r•'hi, .L. 5i, '.10? i .....101.014.M. /mem,3 (31 .e[ 701*. tali+t.in1 1 •:
To keep out the Flies and be Comfortable
you must have
Soliewi Doors !udo Sereens
It Pays to Buy the Best that is made.
Order your Doors from us and get the Best
Screen Door on the market.
Wilton: Turn ill
Establishes 187L
Tho Polley Contract issued by this Association is perfeetionlitself,
: „ „e,,,..,,..,. "357'ti'. 109
It leaves nothing further to be desired.w Rates and[£u11,infor-
motion tarnished on application.
`' i°. sy ,.gent, Brussels.