The Brussels Post, 1897-9-17, Page 51 d clee.,7, 1 7 1 flfi7 Mrs. Speuee's health is somewhat im• proved. Miss Nora D.nwdell has taken a situ. ation in Toronto, Mies Maggie Maginn, of Toronto, is visiting friends here, Monday sow the return of many tired visitore from the Toronto Exhlbitiou. The shed and hall at our hotel are be- ing torn down this week, to be replaced by new, There was no service in the Presby• tartan ehuroh here lash Sabbath, owing to the eitueameut at Oranbrook, 111tee vale. Tne aminal "Harvest Festival" in con• nection with the Methodist ohuOoh of this plane was held on Monday evening last. The supper provided by the ladies was, as usual, Iiret.olase. The genial pastor, Rev, D. Rogers, who is making things move at Bluevale, presided at the meeting held in the auditorium, after tea. Timo• ly addresses were delivered by Rev. Mes- srs. AlnBain, uP Mildmay ; Kennedy, of Wroxeter, and Allio, of Brgasele. Not the least pleasing feature of the enter. tainment was the very excellent mesio by the ohoir. The proceeds amounted to nearly $10.00. Walton. Wee Laura Dennison has gone to Ben. sell to learn dressmaking. Miss Dora Kenney bee returned from vieiting friends in Hensel!. Alex. Gardiner is away to London this week taking in the Western Fair, J. 0. Pollard, son of Richard Pollard, left here last woek for the Northwest. Miss Mamie McEwen has left on a visit to friends in Toronto and 'Union- ville. Mre. Wm. Kneebtol and Mies Alice Dundee •rnrj tennis in the Toronto L+'s• bibitinn !net week. E, H. Webling and wife, of Brantford, were visiting at Mrs. Sage's during the past week. Mrs. Webling end the mote Mr. Sage were slater and brother. Rev. Mr, Tiltin and wife were called away no Thnr"dny owing to the serious illness of the latter's father. The • motel church services will -be held next Sabbath, Rev. W. Norton, of Brassie, preaching. The Iltetho,iet ehuroh Epworth League of 0brietian Endeavor, Walton appoint• meat, meets every Tuesday evening at 8 o'Olook, The olfioere are : President, Rev. A. 0. Tillie ; let vloe.presicleot, J, W. Morrieon ; 2nd vine -president, Miss M. Swallow ; 3rd vice•ppresident, W. Stafford ; 4th vioe•preeident, 1LTiee M, Morrison ; secretary, Miss L. Barrows ; treasurer, Miss S. Dennison, organists, Miss Dora Kinney and Mise Mamie M0• Ewen. nheenhlt)roole. Threehi ig in n.'tidy over. Thos. Tulle and sisters Sundayed in Craobtook, Mrs. fltnciey, of Listowel, is visiting at Mre. Bird's. Mies 8I, Jamieson is visiting Mies , Annie Coatss. Mos, McLeod, of Walton, is visiting at Jno. MoDougall's. Mies Flora Duncan, of Clinton, is visit. Mg at A. McNair's. Mrs, Jno. Knight and eon have gone to London for a visit, Mr. Price, of Toronto, was visiting at J. Oeter'e last week. A number of our citizens are attending the Western Fait at London. S. Mitchell, of Atwood, wee visiting his uncle, J. J, Mitchell, last week. Mies Annie Slammon, of Brussels, paid Cranbrook a flying visit this weak. Wm. Cameron has gone to Stratford High school. We wish biro games, J. Ritchie, D. Stales and H. Bunter were away to Grand Bend on Sunday. Miss Teseie Switzer bas returned to Lietowel High School, We wish her euoceee, Remember the Literary program in the E. L. neat Tuesday night. A collection will be taken. Thee. McRae has gone to Listowel where he will attend the High school, Head the nines old boy. Ohm. Dames lost a thorn' bred Dur- ham cow. ED had the offer of $85 for her. She was a fine animal. F. Raddatz had the misfortnue to fall in front of his loaded wagon when two of the wheels passed over hie body and broke one of his ribs. Communion eorvioe was held in Knox church last Sabbath, the pastor oonduot- ing the service. Rev. Mr. Forrest, of Walton, preached on Saturday. An interesting letter may be read in another column from George Coates, who recently left for Idaho, George not only keeps big eyes open but is able to tell what he sate. Emma 'Lutsula.--The following of- ficers have been elected for the ensuing year :—Prosident, Mr. Stewart •, let vice. pree., Miss Maggio Knigbt ; 2nd vise. pros„ Miss Nellie Switzer ; Brd vine -pies„ Mies Lizzie NeDongall ; 4111 viae -fires., Mise J. Good ; treas., Mise Maggie'; Switzer ; see., Rabb.' Brown ; organist, Mies J. Good ; asst. organist, Miss Maggie Switzer. X.Atetrt,nw el - The acetylene gas plant has been put in Christ ohnroh on trial. The Telephone Company nre replacing a number of their poles with new ones several feet higher, and are giving them all a coat of point. W. 0. Kidd hots left for tendon, Eng., where he will look after the old country intemeets of Canadian horse shippers dun. ing the coming Fall. Ile expects bo be awny three or flour months, 0. George has purchased the biovele livery and repair outfit of the Tato Win. McDonald, and has removed ib bo the premises on Main street west of Wilson'e livery stables. The tax rate has bobn lined at 22 mitis on the dollar. The increased rate is ennead by the large amount of permanent work which ban been done during the Summon, over a mris of granolibhio walk having been put down in different parte Of the town, Notwitbetaading the extremely hot weather the town (tall was crowded Tues. day evening to bear Mr. Whitney speak on provincial politics, Although some. what hoarse Mr. Wbitney spoke for up- wards of an hour and created a decidedly good impreesion, Col. Matheson, 112, P. P, and Vies, Magma, 112, P. Pe also dehfvered short addressee, John Watson and wife wore friends in Toronto for a few days, The Public School Board are an Ing the advisability of adding a amount of fifth book work bo the eohool curriculum, FALL Bxuinrrioa.--The doming Hon of the Listowel and Beath W Agricultural Society, to be held at wol on the 21st and 22nd inst., pr to be lira best yet held by the S The Meecbore are providing a goo gram of attraotious and with an ex prize Het and their previoge reap good exhibite the management ex large attendance, The Fair opane grand opening oouoert on the eve the 21et inst., in the rink, which w well lighted with gas, and provide cadent accommodation for the indo pertinent. Harry Rioh, Toronto's ite e0mi0 Singer, will be preeeat. duced railway fares from all oouti points. Note—The following has added to the prize list :--The same will be given for three ofd colts the olessee as offered for two year o (0.)a, T ft 1+ 1t 0 rT ' TO r a• n/1 ;• er visiting A. very suooeeetttl meeting of the Ladies' Guild of St. George''e Miura,Heider- Walton, was held at GPO.Belly's nu certain Wednesday of feet week, Public Jae, Duncan has returned to SaltaOollegiete for the Veil term. He came exhibi- within 7 marks of4 hie let Class oortill• a11805 oates and has appealed to the DeputeListo- mutt, Mr. Duman hen engaged to teach omisoe the ))den Publlo school, pear Exeter, for ooiety, 1808, Ilden ought to be a good place to d pro• work and the Lienitee have Reared u tended alum young man who will render 3(1111• rd for entservioe. peat a On Monday evening of this week while with a W. and R. Thneli were going ,through ping of their bush they were surprised to hear a ill be wild -cab yell not far oft, Tile yell was s ex- heard throe tines, when Mr, Thuell wont or de- to get eome neighbors to help hunt it up, favor• but so far all trace of his oatabip is lost. mem Mr. Cole, poliou5611 line hoa. The hush rd'Lthe sine ame yell in the woods been but could 800 nothing. prieee in all Wroxeter. ids, Goo, Dame, of Ilamilbon, was in town this week. John MaTavieb, of Baden, was h ere on Wee Tueeday feet, Boyd, E'3, Tlazletvood is home from Toronto r, by for his holidays. ✓ at Mre, J. W. Sanders, of Toronto, is visit- ing friends here. and Mies Maggie Miller is taking a mouth's The holidays in Toronto. oh as Mies Jean Lovell le home from Grand sleft' Rapids on a visit to friends, hort Quite a large number from this vicinity attended the Toronto Fair 'est week. ottle 0. Smith has returned from a yieit ate', with friends in Toronto, Hamilton and LOfo alien. Albert P, Godkiu was married to Matilda, fifth daughter of Antony at the residence of the bride's Pathe Rev. Mr. Tiffin, Methodist miniate Walton, on Weinesday of Mile week large company of invited friends neighbors attended the ceremony. bride received many presents au will be needed in after life. Aft sumptuous diener the married octopi for St. Mary's and London for a s visit. When they return they will e on the farm adjoining their pare May their future life be happy and porous. Council mot in Jones' Hall, Leadb on Monday, 13th Sept. Members Counoil and Treasurer all present. counts for gravelling, gravel, grading expense of Court of Revision for Yob List were paid, amounting to 8588 The bonds of Charles Dodds, Collo were aocepted and passed. The aflld its of the Olerlc, Trustees And others reference to action by Trustees fo mandamus to compel Council to pass law to males money to build in Seo No. 8, were read and Reeve and Ci authorized t0 advise attorney on beta f of Council. The Clerk was agthorized to oommunicate with Clerk of Grey in refer- ence to Drainage Bylaws and have them legalized by Act of Legislature along with that of Grey. Council• adjourned, to meet in Jones' Hall, Leedbury, on Monday, lith Oot., 1807, at 1 o'clock p. m. Juo. C. Meninges, Clerk. pros- Galt. Wm. and John Gemmill took in the urn, harvest exoursion to Manitoba on the of 14th inst. Ao. The whistle of the steam thresher is and now beard in thelaud—great yields of oats ere' are reported. 8` • The final toot bell nat013 to decide the tor, championship of the Maitland League ay. will be played on the grounds hero on in Saturday, 18th inst., between Wingbarn r a and Brussels clubs. This match will be By for blood as the saying is, and an exciting time time may be expected. ark i 1'b10rr1Es. Township Oonnoil on Monday, 20th. R. Jewitt visited on the 2nd last week. R. McLeod is busy threshing in this vicinity, With good weather the harvest will 0000 be finished. Mrs, Win, Jaoksou was vieiting her slater at Wingham, Mies Olive Boort, of Bluovalo spent Sunday at 5, Paul's. Thuell Bros. are trying their new threshing machine now, Mies Mary Perdue, of the tad, is visit- ing at Hamilton and Toronto. Mrs. John Roo and daughter aro spend- ing a couple of weeks at Toronto. Miss Lily Mooney is learning the mil- linery business et Mre. Rogers', Bruisels. Mies Lizzie Kenny, of Winthrop, is visiting on the 0th, the guest of Miss Jewitt. Every one wants to thresh at once this year, ae usual. The oats are rather tough to thresh, A, MoGallum and W. H. Sbortreed a away at London this week takine in tit eights of the Pair. Win. Ames went to Toronto Fair all purchased a new separator from th Sawyer dc Massey Co. W. H. MoOupaheou and Wm. Hanna of the 0113 iiue are taking in the eights at the Western Pair this week. Allan Speir was holidaying at Toronto and Oshawa dnring the past week. Tie visited relatives at the Iatter plane. A large number went to London this week to the Western Fair. The email Stowe will have their innings next. We were visited by a very heavy rain storm on Monday morning of this week, Plowing goes a good deal better now. Watt. Forrest, of the 2nd, visited in th South end of Morrie on Sunday. I must be a powerful magnet that draws s far. 1.3te,yfrie Id. Oozs's Arrolvrlrorrr.—Re-opening ser• vices took place here last Sabbath, Sept. 12th, morning, afternoon and evening. Rev. B. Clement, of Clinton, (Ontario St) preached an admirable sermon at 10.30 and Rev. R. Millyerd, of Rattan - bury St., Oliutou, preached with great ao- oeptance at 2,30 rid 7 p. m. The Har- vest Rome, on Monday, Sept. lath, was an onpreaedeoted mecum. Reeds. Burt- on, Graham and Olivanb acquitted themselves well, Clinton Battenbory St. ohoir wee on hand and rendered the fol. lowing exeellent program :—Anthem ; solo, Mr. Manning ; quartette ; duett, Mims Bowles and Mise Ida Bowlee ; solo, Mrs. Ohowen ; quartette • solo, Mies Cunningham ; doett, Mrs. Manning and Mies Bowles ; anthem, The ladies of the congregation and community were asaidtioue in their sfforte to entertain the large gathering. The tables groaned beneath their sumptuous loads.—The Bethel appointment fixed over their chetah quite recently and nontempiate a new sbed.—Bayfield expecte to shortly renovate their ehuroh and shod.—Meth• odiem has received a new impulse on thin circuit In rodent years and with approach. ing revival eervices at hand we are ex. ?eating temporal and spiritual success from the "Lord of the Harvest".—The entire outlay on Cole's ehuroh, exterior and interior, was $80.00. $14.00 of this re amount was raised at a garden party in e July last, 911.00 at Sabbath services last held and 840.00 at Harvest Home. The d remaining 9800 we expect to raise at a e ,social. Great credit ie due Mr. Clark, of Bayfield, who aid the work with taste and despatch. o) There are 22 mileonthe roll of the new school, known as Union S. S. No, 12, Grey and MoKiliop. W. B. Cash, formerly of this town- ship, has gone to Luoknow, where he hag rented a photograph gallery. Mies Lizzie Gordon, of St.. Helene, is • vieiting friends on the Ord, 4th and 5111 eons. She is a welcome guest. Mies Lizzie Pepper bas gone for a vieit of a few weeks among friends and rola' tives in Seaforth, Haueall and other points. Mies Nellie Turnbull, who spent two months in Manitoba, is hard at work in her eohool, S. S. No. 10, Hallett. She bee been re-engaged at a salary of $300 for 1808. Silver Comers cheese factory, of which Neil S. ItIoLauchlin ie proprietor, bas sold the first half of Auguot make to 0. W. Riley for 08 ciente per Coned,. It was shipped on Monday. We are pleased to hoar that W. A, Turnbull has given such eatiefaotion as teacher in Boiosevaio, Man., that the trustees have seemed hie services for next year at a salary of $800. Alex. Rosa olid M158 Annie, son and daughter of Alex. Roes, 2nd eon., left for Cypress River, Manitoba, on Tuesday of Ibis week. Another brother and stator to the trovellere are making their home in the West and Iowa been there for the peat 0 or 7 Years, e3rex. Township Connell on Saturday of next week. Peter Robertson, ebb eon., took in the London Fair this week. Mrs. Harry Matheson, of Toledo, ie renewing old frfendehips in this township end locality. Oliver Turnbull, wife and son, 16th con., are holidaying this week with friends at Bayfield A few young people spent a very en- joyable evening at the residence of Geo. Kelly, sr., en Friday evening of last week. Thos. Ratmell 108.0 ori the eiok list, bus is able to be out again. He went to Lon don on Wedneeday of this week to see the Fair. Rev. R. Pani, of Brussels, preached in Jackeon'e church on Sunday afternoon, in the absence of Rev. Mr. Rigsby, who was poorly. David Walker had one of hie ribe brok- en in the upset of peas last week. Jae. Maxwell had hie arm broken ab the game tame. Will Rands took a tumble too bat soaped injury. Juo. Mooney had an unusual groat. rence on the farm he has rented across the concession, viz., an out -door thresh- lug. Five teams hauled the peas and oats to the machine. A. few evenings ago some person or persona out the top olf a plum tree on Mr. Thuell'e farm and of canine took plums and all. This was a mean trick and a little hoggish,as well. Joe Sharp, of Toledo, who bas been ill with typhoid fever for four weeks, i5 here on a visit recruiting his health. He is a eon of Jae. Sharp, 5111 line. Mre. Il. Matheson accompanied Mr. Sharp and is vieiting relatives here. Browntown thumb will hold an aoni. vereary and tea meeting on Octr Ard and 4th, There will be three serviose on Sabbath end on Monday evening a epleediel tea will be seined in the usual way. All are cordially invited. Monday nign1 of last week two doge, a hound and a oollie, atteolced the sheep of Walter %Ines, 5th line, worrying two teethe and a sheep, the former being killed. Mr, Inners beard the noise and phased the night prowlers from hie field. An Epworth League was instituted in the Methodist ollurch, Sunehine, on Fri- day evening last, A. largo membership hes been enrolled, The following officers were elected ; President, Miss Hood ; vioe.presidente, Wm. Hunter, Mrs. Jos. Clegg, Moe. John Clegg, Mee, L. %Vbeelet; geoeetary, Robert Onrry ;• corresponding secretary, Miss Clegg ; treasurer, Mn,e Una ; Organist, Mee EOlegg, Meetings are to ba held every Friday evening at '7,30. A3el,m, ra.y(0. Floral d000retions in the Methodist church are tasteful. The Monday train brought beck belat. ed Toronto sighbeeors. The London traine'bave beau boarded by many of our townspeople this week. WolL004'8 Foanxou 14lxeoxo,rAnr Socnlly. —The Thank Offeringservioe, held under this auspices lin the Presbyterian ehuroh on Tuesday afternon, was a gratifying 8000055, over $22,00 were received, The ehuroh had been taetefullydecorated, In the program there was a plentiful supply of music, The addres05e of Misa Iwse, returned missionary from China, and Mies McKellar, tram Central Incite, were inetruotive and inspiring. Mee, (Rev.) Hall presided i11 a graceful manna•. After the service in the church the Dorn• pang adjourned to the manse where tea Wag served upon the lawn and au bonnie soda! intercourse wan enjoyed: Minnow Sarcennes,—The Church of luugland 5108 well filled Sunday after. 9,1, 11. A ;;rent ,+„al of credit is do'. the ledlee who so ably enperintended the liar• vont decorations. The 0ermou on the 000lteion by Rev, Mr. Lowe, of Winghanu, 2005 inspiring, and the offering was large. Newman LuAumt, A large number of members have been added to We orgaol. cation, On Tuesday evening the aminal eleotiou of ollicors was held, The follow, ing are the onions pleated ; President, Mrs Owens aten sect'atary Aliso itis amiiebtOwens treeoub'ar, MISS 13. Vaneamp, Belax Qnnitcri,--On Sunday, Qat, Std, Epworth League Anniversary servioos will be held In the brink church, .East inmorning by )lei pastoraal ndand toLeaguers upon League work in the evening by W. H. Kerr, of Brussels. There will be a sacral gathering on Monday evening for whiob a good program ie being prepared. Light refreshments will be nerved. No charge will be made; collection in inter• este of League funds. 7,600 Given Away To persons who make the greatest num- ber of words out of the phrase, "Patent Attorney Wedderburn." For pertioalaro address the National Recorder, Washing. ton, D, O. 5.8 Troaauron Sala of Lando In Arrears For Taxes. By virtue of a warrant, under the hand of the Warden and Seal of the Corporation of the County of Huron, dated the 18th day of Augnet,1807, commanding mo to levy upon the lamas ne'el"aftor deaol'lbdd, for the ar- rearsnftaxesre-ipoctively 400 thereon, to - gather with costs, notice is hereby given that unless snob. taxes and costs are 00000r idati d Assessment Acta °hap, 48 t 1528, ,mo. coed to sell by public anotion the said lands or so much thereof ale may be necessary to tdischarge e 11 Town of HGodorich on TueRouse, day, 100 Serentil Stay of )December, 1807, 01 two o'oloak In the afternoon, Oy N ow QV use a FP Township of Colborne. PtofAde ii UR IV 78 Pat $97923278$8020 Pt ofA&B LBW 301 8940 2854175 PtofB LBW 3 " 213 Ino 878 Part of 1 Lake Shore 41 " 2107 100 23 27 Township of Ray. 2 1 97 81 85 215 34 00 Village of FardwIelh� in Rowiok. 73 1 80 3 58 )last of 21bert Louiea fit S 4 7 stat 1 49 1 80 320 East of 2 Paleoull 80 20 180 200 4 Helen st N uupab 45 1 80 2 25 4 Alfred at S 45 180 2 25 Village of Lonaesboro' in Hullett. Ragyard survey p 129,1 Pat 5.15 1 GO 7 05 Village of Celtralfal In Stephen, Trtvotb survey D 1/5 Pat 1 78 1 CO 8 88 Wingba,,, Town Plot in Turnberny, 220 4 Pat .2 .28 115 4 18 241 2 28 1 85 413 Village of Bayaeld, 2BayOeta. Bond 1, Pat 77 100 237 0 McTavish st 1 " 77 1 00 2 87 Village of Blyth. 0 Block B 1: Pat 2 10 1 00 3 70 7 Bloolr B i} 210 1 GO 875 11 Block 13 b " 210 1 00 2 70 12 Block 13 00 3 McDonald survey 88 1( ''11 42 1 0u 13 08 Village of Brussels, 3rd Sub•Div. from Pat 8 8G ICO 0 05 Mill st Pt of County Treasurer's Oltloe, t War, Aonares, Goderioh, Aug, 25, 1897, 1 Treasurer. '�i 'i L1i1'/Ai 1'r 't $� EMt Grand Opening of The New Singly Arch Steal Bridge Over 1110 Niagara Elver at Megan Falls. FARE101'1555510 80 Niagara $2 00 Fal IS t111t1 ]I1at111'll 6 tY! Sept. 23, 24 and 25,'97 three red letter days in the history of the Grand Trunk Railway Bystem, when this grand achievement of bridge -building will be formally opened to thegeneral public. IDc0VBSION FAR1;8 will be granted from all:points on the whole system—Obieago, Toronto, Quebec and Portland—and a grand program of amusements will take plane on the whole three days, and on the evenings of Sept. 23rd, 24th and 25th a grand illumin- ation o4 the bridge and river. Some of the finest bands of both countries have been engaged for ibis 000asion. Programs giving full details oP this magulflosut affair, whish is expected to excel anything heretofore in this line, have boon issued. The whole affair will be tumor the supervision of an expert manager, Full information at G, T, R, stations, J. N. KENDALL, Agent, Bennis. GEQ, HEM), Ethel. THE-- London .Advertiser The Best One Cent Daily in Western Ontario. Cannot be oxoellsd as a bright, enter. prising and popular paper. Hart all the latest news from all parte of the world, Supplied by all newsdealers in Western Ontario, or sent direct, THE^'�•me western Advertiser (weekly Jn302(05i.) ONLY 750. .4 YEAR. Equal to and butter than. many pub. llohed et $1.00 a year. Agents wanted in every district to oaf. vase for this publication. Address all orders Advertiser printing Co., mated, LONDON, ONT. Almost a blockade 000urred in front of McKinnon ,i; Co.'s store on Wednesday. rt was caused by opening up now Fall ilnp,ria• Hous,-••-I31ytb Standard, September 8th, '07. Tile above will give you a faint idea of the amount of new geode we have just received. Goode of every description. Drees geode, mantle clothe, gloves, hosiery, fur coatis, Dupes, etc, Among other three some splendid values have been revived in LAD/ES' MANTLES. Perfect llttiog mantles in bleak rough olotb, $4.00; a very stylish black mantle double breasted, $450 ; in light Helots, tweed effeot5, splendid value at $4.00 ; a rough cloth, light color, trimmed with velvet and battens; new ooltar, as good ay we have ever sold at $8.50 for $0.00 ; very stylish garments in blue, fawn, gray and blaok, mantles that are really worth $0,00 to $10,00 for $7.00 ; a beautiful flue of black cloth napes with velvet Dollar, very neat and drossy, $5.00. FLANNELETTE BLANKETS.. We make a specialty of Flannelette Blankets in grey and wblto, Better values than we have over shown you. Fancy border blankets in either grey or white, 75e per pair ; e heavier kind in same colors, large eine, $1 per pair ; other lines, extra large and heavy, at $1.85 and $1.50 per pair, FACTORY COTTON. Just opened another lot of the most wonderful cotton in the country, price 29c per yard ; we have something to show you in a black shirting with a white stripe, very heavy and a good waeber, price sboold be 140, but we are selling it at 1.3 o a yd. ta-Ws pay the highest market price for Butter and Eggs. Date of .Blyth Show—Tuesday and We inesday, Oct. 5 and 6. Always the Lowest. Strictly one Price. Mess s Goods. Here. Early buyers get the first pick and the prettiest ithings are the first to sell. Just Look Ready New Jackets. Through the range we have, the styles are the very latest for 1897 ; the prices are rock bottom. New Losiery and Gloves. Now With what you want in Hosiery and Gloves. Many special lines to show you. I That's so. The LadiesUnderwear Stock Is now complete and you'll find the assortment larger and prises smaller than ever. We can save you money on your Ladies' Underwear purchases. New. See Them. The Staple Department Is oiler -flowing with new Fall Goods, and we're ready for a record-breaking trade. Our purchases being made at the very lowest notch in the market enables us to sell to you at advantageous prices. Carpets for Fall. Now Colors — Lovely Tints — Low Prices. Unions and Wools. Ferguson rl 9 ti• � DRI' GOODS ,,IND GROCERIES, Highest price paid for Butter and Eggs. Leads the van for Local and District News. 25 CENTS GETS.. I'��C.� BALANCE OF 1897.