The Brussels Post, 1897-9-17, Page 3, SEPT, 17, 1897 TELE BRU$S'ELS POST Tow, Directory. efnnvrunu anew:a—Sabbath SorvIcoe at 11 a m and 6:00 pan. Sunday Sohool at 2:80 p m, Bev, John Roos, 13 A, pastor, Sr, JOrN'a O]IOaOti,—Sabbath Servioee at 11 a m and 7 p m. Sunday School at 2:20 p. m. Ilev,,Goo. J. Ahoy, inoum. bunt. METHODIST Onunoa.—Sabbath Servioee at IOwu a m anii '1:00 p w. idur,day Sohool at 2:30 p in. Rev, B. J, Albin, pastor. EOOrAN CAW/OLIO Clronon,---Sabbath Service tbird Sunday in every month, at 10:30 a m. Rev J000ph Nennody, priest. v' .• . -t 7 2"? 11. a m and 3 and p m on Sunday and every evening in the week at 6 o'clock, at the barraoke, Onn F)CLLowe' honor every Thursday evening, in Grabem'e blook. Masot10 Lonaa Tuesday et or before full moon, in Garfield block. A 0 U W Lopes on the 3rd Friday evening of eaoh month, in Blas. hill's block, C 0 F LODGE 2nd and last Tuesday eveninge of each mouth, in Biashill's blook. I 0 F,'2nd and last Friday In Odd Fellows' Hall. L 0 L lat Monday in every month in Orange Hall. EONS OV SCOTLAND, let and Ord Tues- days of each month, in Odd Fellows' Hall, K. 0. T. M. Lonan, 2nd and 4th Tues- days of each month, in Odd Fellow's Hall. Canadian Order of Chosen Friends, let and Brd Mondays of each month iu Bias - hill's Hall A O F, 1st and 3rd Mondays of each month in Odd Fellow's Hall. Home Como, 2nd and 4th Friday even. inga in Blashill'a Hall. Page Osmics.—Oilice hours from 8 a. m. to 0:30 p. m. Miscnerrce' INerirnrs.—Library in Hulr,oa' 1 will b , .a from fl to 8 onIn•kn m PdnPe d vs end 8;80 to 5 and 6 to 8 Saturdays Mies Minnie Mo. Naughton, Librarian TOWN Ooincn.—W. H. Kerr, Reeve ; Goo. Baeltcr, Geo. Thomson, R. Lea- therdalo and R. G. Wilson, Councillors ; F. S. bcott, Cltek ; Thomas Kelly, Treasurer ; R. Llingeton, Assessor and J. T. Ross, Collector. Board meets the let Monday in each month. Scuooa BoAnn.—A. Koenig, (chair- man,) D. C. Rose, J. G, Skene, Jas. Turnbull, A.. Conaloy and F. Van. stone. Seo,-Treas., 11. H. Rose. Mootiuge 2nd friday evening in each month. PUBLIC! Samoa Ttt&open.-3. H. Cam. Bron, Principal, Leon Jackson, Miss Downey and Miss Bitable. Beaac os HPAL'rn.—Reeve Kerr, Clark Soott, A. Stewart, T. Farrow and Wm. Jewitt. Dr. MoNaughton, Medical Health Officer. Tilts s'ii-ti CALICO BOWL. The feet.. see, ti neer, brit weary and weak Our dear little isaoel hay, No dainty could tempt her, no story Could please— How fast she was fading away. "My darling, said T, if your dolly were Pray what do you think she would eat And how would you serve it all dainty and nice— Just think what would please her my sweet," The wan, listless face brightened up with a smile, The faint little voice tonobed my soul ; "I think I would give her some oraokers and soup In grandma's pink calico bowl I" How swiftly I brought it—the heirloom we prize— ' A century treasured with nate, And thought how the darling had Wor- shipped afar This china so ancient and rare. What blessed reward was her gay little laugh, And the "soup"—why she mastered the whole I "0 mamma," Laid she, "111 eat six times a day From graudma's pink oalioo bowl 1" Moro preoiona than jewels we treasure 11 yet, And trade on our history's enroll "The life of our darling Was certainly saved By grandma's pink oalioo bowl THE GRASSHOPER AND THE ANT. A graeshopeee sat in hie plueh.00vered chair, And extended his feet to the fire ; He had slippers of felt and a cap of red silk, And all that one's heart could desire. And he was juet thinking, will satisfied mind, Of his larder's bounteous store, When the butler aunouoced, with a look of disdain, A little blank ant at the door. This little auto tale was distressing to hear, Her eobbnge was covered with snow, And all the provisions laid in for a year, Were eaten and gone long ago. Tbo grasshopper leaned hie chin on hie hand, And he thought of that (lapin the blast, When an enols of here told an old aunt of hie She could dance in the wintry blast. But ino gave her some mittens, a hood and shawl, zl bas filled with everything 6ios ; le As ho tenderly helped her ,.down the front steps, Ile added this parting advice 1 I fent my dear ant, you work boo slow 'When the summer days aro long ; Whenever I find things falling behind I race myself up with. 0011g. "Nov, here ie a point, just bean' 11 io miltd, When you start out le the Spring, You can do more work, in much less time If morrily whistle and Bing." WHAT OLD BACHELORS KNOW NOTHING ABOUT. wtnrac nAnr'x ersilomn0• The restless hands, so been for play, Lie clinched and do not abir, Her breath so light 11 name would sway A web of goseamor Her baby voico that 000s and orowe, In sweetestoadonce keeping, Is hushed ; tbo house tie runic Jcoowe 1'Yhllc baby' i 1 •;'l:hla. Het sunny eyes, that taker they rine Dawn daytimes of delight, Behind their fringing canopies Have set, and it is u1rh't. Five littlq t esthe cover shows e Inti PGnpin¢, I''nir its a pink five petaled roes, While baby's Bleeping. See I On the pillow hers I've found Goloonda'a treasure now— The golden earls that cluster round My darling's cheek and brow. Her lips just parted in a smile, Some pretty secret keeping An angel whispers to her while My baby's sleeping. MY KL06IDIKP. I don't go by Vancouver, Thro' mountains coped In cold, Nor Dither by St. Michael's To raaah my land of gold. I do not touoh at Hudson's Bay Not cross the barren lands To where my fate is holding forth A fortune in her hands, I leave the harbor far abaft, The lietlese land aloe ; Mine is the surest, swiftest Draft Upon that Summer sea, I pull and strain at ovary rope, I shake my stunsels out ; I peas the land of eweeat .Good Hope— The beetling cliffs of doubt. „ Ir peel , 1 T ,. s til o 1. I s of x noble chips Among the Jealous Idles, IL -with a prayer upon my lips— Steer foe the land al smiles ; I pose the cape of Kiss Me Quick And dodge far out at sea The Beek of -Dia you a a love Any ocher girl but rue a✓' Good lack doll make a pleasant breeze By shaking out her fan, And thus I sail o'er minor seas To she my Mary Ann, I see afar the fisher hot That both my darling .kold ; Her beet dress is a print ane—but She's worth hor sveigbt In gold 1 JEREMIAH'S LOGIC. 112 GETS ll1,s° MINISTERIAL ''PA" INTO A BOLA:. ll_",$ay, ae, ff tell Willie Smith to tell Torn Hooker to tell Jack IIadoa that he kin kill my little daps, wonld it b0 right for op to toll the Deice and get $sok in ja13 Rev. Elijah Wimbldten, taking a long sit.•. of I.:., litIVO rill non ova t1,e rink: of his steel spectacles : "Jeremiah, I have always encouraged you to ask gaeotione and thus gain knowledge, but I have never boon guilty of encouraging you in asking foolish ones. Bub, in order to„ show your responsibility I will inform you Jeremiah, that of the four that were involved in the killing of the dogs, you were the greatest oriminal, Now, dnn'b ask any more questions." (Silence for ten minutes') "no, "Yeas, yeas, what is it now ?" Jack Jones, the teloon keeper, line your ohuroh ?" "Most decidedly not I" "Why, pa?" "Why? Because be is engaged in the diabolical business of making drunkards; turning the botne of peace and comfort into a hell ; taking the bread out of the mouths and shoes from off the feet of mothers and children ; filling our jails, poodle:m s and insane asylum( with its victims. No, Jeremiah, no saloon -keeper could join my ohuroh for the whole world," "Well, pa, why do the people 'low him to Bell whisky then ?" "For the reason that he bas a license to carry on the hellish bnsineas." "Who gave him his license, pa ?" "Judge Grant." "Isn't Judge Grant a member of your church, pe ?" "Yee, he ie ; and one of the finest and truest of Christian man." "If he is snap a good man, how could he give a license to Jack Jones to sell whisky ?" "Judge Jones is not responsible for the law which compels him to give lioenee, Jeremiah." Who make the law ?" "The legislature." "What is the logic—legns—le—?" "The legislature ie composed of men elected by the people to make laws for the people. Bantam; Smith of our (hurmb, is one of the law makers" "'Did you vote for him, pa ?" "Most aaeuredly I did 1 He 18 one of the most talented men in the senate." "Be you a'Publioan, pa ?" "Yes, sir, I consider 11 a great honor to belong to the grand old par—" "Is Senator Smith a 'Publioan ?" "Yee, he is." "Judge Grant, too ?" "Yes." 'gook Jones ?", "Yaae ; yams! But see here, if you don't dry up with your questions you Will feel the lifting power of thy number nines." (Another long pause) Jeremiah, tboughlfelly; "Pa, if I Was to bland most for killing the dogs, niu'l you to blame too for voting , for Sen'ter Smith to make a law that compels Judge Grant to give a Romeo to Jack Jones to engage in the diabolioal business of selling whisky ? And since you, the een'108 and the judge belong- to the ohuroh, why can't Jack Jones jino, the e Ain't he doing Inst what the 'Publican party said ito kin do ? and ain't you all Publioans ? Doaoon Giles it tight,, pa the man thatoto bo if n v a r a co se xa•t 1 Y ie , woveor than the S'1001.1 keeper— "Shut right up, Bit 1 1 1 Nom lob mo !tear you alluding to this subject again 1 A boy of pont, age should never talk ahead: things yen oannot understand. Ptepare fot bed, and you can thank yourself that your father ie a Christian man," WiIY IS JUDQ;lIEN'I' STATED f When will the authorities give effect t the verdict eendered by the jurors wh have heard the ovidouco in the ansa e the People versus the Liquor Trat]t It may not be urged in favor of dela that the guilt has been proclaimed b ignorant Jur mon ; mon of the aieareat intellect and noblest impulass—patriots and statesmen—have adjudged it the enemy of the home, the ohuroh and the nftlOn. There are a few authorities whose optntoee aro eutitled to sone weight :— "A ours(,"—Victoria,' "The mother of sins." --Southey. "Stupefies and besets."—Bismarolt, "A scandal and a shame,"--Gladsbonh, "Trans for workingman."—learl Oairnoo. "The devil in solution."—Sir Wilfrid Lawson. "A huge nniaance and misery." -- London Times. "Devilish and doatrcatfve,"—Lord Randolph Ohurohill, "'Afield fire and distilled damnation." --Robert Hall, "A poison in politica as well as in society,',—Sir W. IIartonrt. "The mother of want and nurse of crime,"—Lord Brougham, "The nabion is being throttled by the traffic,"—Lord Rosebery, Than why do we nob execute swift judgment against soelh an evil doer? Let not any people deceive themselves with the idea that God will not visit vengeance upon the notion that gives legal sanction to such an unholy traffic. 1([C1111.1(1011IY sairatAban'ra SIteersti\G 'ASE GOOD CLAIi5S. 171e preliminery hearing in the Orr murder cage was rearmed Saturday o horning, Sept, doh, before Police ltlagis- o trate Turnbull. Only two witnesses f were palled by )ho. ohm. Their 00- e. deuce was ahnply corroborative of that ry , y token at the Coroner's inquest. When (p' e RgilgSO� y lite crown attorney announood that all 1 G. Richardson The north abore steamer arrived at Sault Ste. Mario from Miobipiaoten at 11:30 on Wednesday, Soptembej: 6111, but brought no passengers or letters from Lake Wawa. Capt. Ganley learned from Indiana that two Port Arthur uapitalieto had arrived at the gold fields and were buyingall l flthat l ooted 1L n t - ing,paying spot cash. The Telegram left at 2 o'clock with between u0 and bU passengers, many of whom are from ont- side places. Abort 20 Sooite, will go up, and there are 15 or 20 eubaiders who will be on the passenger list to -day. Numer- ous telegrams have bean received by Ains- worth & Gauloy to reserve bertha for lat. el' trips.. At least 20 of those going to. day will sleep on outs tonight. Prof. A. B. Willmott, Of Ottawa, who has been esaistiug Prof. Coleman, the provincial geologist, daring the peat two seasons in the geologic:ea exploring in northwestern Ontario, left on Sept. 10th for the Miohipiooten gold field. He is sent out by the Bureau Of Mtnes. He will enter the district of Miseanablo Station, on the main line of the Canadian Pacific Railway, on the north side of Dog Lake, and will cleaoond the Miohipiooteu River to its mouth. Ile will then visit the good locations in the vicinity of Lake Wawa, and proceed northward by a series of water eteetabeo, and oome out again at Miasanable, Thence he will g:, tvuut ey toe ta,.,: to to the the Magpie River, and will daze/mei-the waters of that river to the Hudson Bay way the country will be orose•seotioued three times from north to south. l\ Lnflyi Uud Ca, .l.a,•,t,u ,'0 „I l,.f ,a.1.,,1. bland up the tributary streams. It is expected that the work will 000upy four weeke' time. Upon his return Prof. Willmott will probably issue a preliminary report of his exploration for the benefit of ex• plorers interested' in Ontario's new gold field. Soak Their 13aby's fiends. "I have seen a good many novel meth- ods employed by mothers in order to put their babies to sleep," said Geo.L. Wann, of Trenton, N. J., "but I think the strangest way of all is one which is pre- valent iu India, where the native mothers put their babies' beads under a spout of water to send them to sleep and keep them quiet. I spent several months in that country nob long ago and witnessed this curious mode of treatment dozens of times every day. The water of the hill spring wag so adjusted as to furnish a series of Huy sponte. Under each spout was a kind of earthen pillow and a little trough constructed to carry off the water. The restless child was placed on this pil. low in such a way that one of the spouts played directly on the top of its head, the water then passing away in the trough. I can testify that the process was a most successful one, and was seemingly high- ly enjoyed by the babies, who remained perfeotiy quiet ander the spoanta. The people asserted that the water did the children no harm, but, on the contrary, Btrengtbened end benefitted them. They OM 10 think that if a child was not subjected to this treatment every day or two it would grow up weak minded and good fur nothing, Csantadtaso 571 o 66,13. Platt, M.P.P., has withdrawn from the Liberal oaniidaturo iu North Wentworth, for which he was te•nemi. noted a few weeks ago, 'This re -opens the way for Editor Pirie, of the Dundas Banner, who has soaring polibioal ambitions. Camaro Sweeney, U. S. A., San Diego, Cal., says :—"Shiloh's Oatarrh Remedy is the first medieine I have ever found that would do me any good." Prion 60 cents, Sold by 3m, Fox. druggist, )arra. gels. James McMullen, M. P. for North Wellington, in an interview in Montreal said be thougllb the provisions of the Dingley Act aimed at Canadian trade was an impertinent interference, and that Canada should nob longer cringe to the American people, but assert herself by retaliation. Hon. John Dryden, the On (aria WIN,. of Agrioolbnre, Mi le making erfaege• mute for the exhibition tib the Westeru Fair of a complete exhibit of the San Jose softie and similar insect poste in different stages of work, together with examples of theft effect on fruit and Poli. age. W. M. Orr, of Fruitland, an ex- perisnoed horbioulttitiet, hag been stn. powered to prepare the exhibit. floe. Mr. Dryden is determined that our fruit tree growers shall be possessed of ocular demonatretion of thera " estreobi a d v ramps Yg of Chis insect onto it enters an orchard, and the: they shall be put on their gnard againet a gest invasion. TlheMinister of Agrieulture is evidently alive to the in- toreste tint he is charged to promote, and he will have a warm welcome in London, the evidence cs•as in, the prisoner's cone. cel addraeeed the magistrate, claiming that the aeown had nob produced suf- iielent evidence on wbiab to commit the prisoner for trial. His worship, how- ever, declared that be could not, fn view of Lilo seriousness of the (barge, grant the request. He thereupon committed Allison to stand his trial at the Fall As. sizes, which open in Berlin on Nov, 20111, I. 1;. Bowman died at Waterloo on Friday at fear o'clock. leaao E. Bow - town ,. cue VL trio 40e4-1s.,.,1(,y ..P,. dente of Western Ontario. He wag born iu Waterloo County, Woolwich Town- ship, in 1832, was educated at Rockwood Academy and for several years after. wards followed the profession of teaoh- ing. In 1860 he entered upon merma). tile busineas and later became the prin. cipal partner in the large canning firm of Bowman Ss Zinkan. The St. Jacob tannery was operated by him on his own aaeounb. It 'sae, however, as President of the Ontario alutnai Life insurance Company that Mr. Bowman was best known in the business world. He was appointed Preeident of nab oompany on its orgeuization in 1870, and muob of its phenomenal success has been due to the oareful and cautions overeigbb he czar - eased in oouueotion with its affairs. He was a director also of several Waterloo fire insurance companies, Mr. Bowman was elected in 1804, when 32 years of age, ae the Reform member for North Waterloo in the Legislative As- sembly of Canada. He sat for the same ooustitoenoy in the first Parliament of Canada and held the seat uoutiouousty up till 1878. In 1887 be was again elect - ad and contiun,•d a member until 101)0, when he declined to be nominated, much to the regret of hie many friends end conatit .iUP) t a tyh0m has to a s o lored an faithcuti y a,.rvL,i Ila uud t..ouruatl b hie fellow ma nl, a in the Homo of Oommoos, without dietivation of party, ae a very useful and industrious repre- sentative, whose judgment on all public questions could always be relied upon. Mr. Bowman was at the time of his death President of the Ontario Mutual Life and had held office by nnanimoas consent for 20 year's. The I sly One To Stand the Test Rev. William Copp, whose father was a physician for over fifty years, in New Jersey, and who himself spent many years preparing for the practice of medicine, but subse- gnc'nPly pntr,rsed the rvrinteetty of ilos NI. E. Church, writes: "I ant glad to testifythat I Ilava l,nd aattl,,...1 all Li.3 sarsaparilla prepara. tions :kr- •.n I.t tea trade, but AYER'S is the only one of thein that I could recommend as a o ;• blood-purifcr.Ilinve given away bvindreds of bottles of it, as I consider it the safest as well as the best to be had."—Wir, Corr, Paster 11, E. Church, Jacksoa,111lnl, i4 p TER ONLY WORLD'S FAIR Sarsaparilla When in doubt, askforAyer's Pills 96 aid, e0 oto, and $1,00 Bottle. One cent a dose. It is sold on a guarantee by all. druggute. It cures Inotpteut Coueumption and is the best Oough and Croup Oure. Solt by JAS,. COX, Dvuselal, Mussels, .904., MOST SUCCL'SSPU,f REMEDY FOR MAN OR L3EAST. Certain In its °d'adta and never blisters, Rend proof(. below, K NDALL'SSPU ICURE. near , CorseToondortou Co„ III, POU.00,'00, ' Dr, 11. S *,,GNOAtt b0' Dra)' SIM—Mono 0011d me onn or your Verve Anoka.and oblige, I l,nvb„sa,l n greet doll or y0000 Malden,. Spavn, Cara hvlte good nw , It Is a wondered. medicine. h once and a mw bed an (100,11 Henv”, and ave bntnu0 basad hor. I hoop aaottio bn baud ,Ultho time, h',ohi,'atrifly, eaoe. PotnGtt, K NDALL'S SPAVIN DUDE nr.,n. S. ICI,NnAnt Co. o,L0006, oto, App a,'00. Dm, Slr0—I have ,,ond acrernl battles of your '905,,,0e100s n, 1, C, n100 f P much allennea. I Itdidt.e tb0 beat Laflb,Cnt I n-er , V 1aa d. 7rarr fro• n01k110110 n,hrb .s.n 100 0d ecce t , ole 1a to rive al of 10 Searles. lnd. who itttttq several of iffy friends who nv0' much pleased 1VItIL 00000' r1. Ro00eotfnllyy, a. It. ltAY, P. 0, noX919, Pot Sale by all Drugglsis,or address •. 20. ,t. I[.7,i1IJ)4W1 COlfJ.'el.Fr, GNOkBUa5N FALLS, VT, 1 Is prepared to do all kinds of work in his line. wood VVorkmartsr?ip and Oood Fite Guaranteed. LATEST STYLES. Suits made for $4 and upwards. la'Sliop over McColaaa's Store. HONEY TO LOAN. Any Amount of Money to Loan on Farm or Village Pro• perty at 6 cri 61 Per Cent., Yearly. Straight Lottna with privilege of repaying when required. Apply to A. Hunter, Division Court Cleric, Brussels. NEW � t�d r C ' a 1)�N sa u The undersigned has open- ed up a Butcher Shop in the kMALE 1311115 SLS, where he will keep constant- ly on hand a supply of the Best Meats Procurable, sold at reasonable prices. A share of public patkonage solicited. jig (77r A T,.7P119,T, 4W Cl to ,r,..,.u,......'.........,. eat V 1!Ieat delivered to all Darts of the town. Al 1?'oR SERVICE.—THE Lot et.•,IIndersigned Cnn.. e, idaos'Os, the Poop hem br,or dim proved White l'orkehfre Boar "8eleete,l" bred from J• P., ]3rothours , vn o stenos sow at Chicago Pair. 'Terme, Al 00 to be paid turn g if neeessary�dPedigrprivilege b0 see x on application, White Stat ROYAL HAIL Sri ft IPS. 7Te.. lo,' end ,"✓'I:rer�l Via (vtueenetowu, ever} Wednesday, to thesteamers of this Hoe Carry only a strictly linuitpe,1 number in the rimae and es0own cAnli accommodations, intending passengersitfor bere rtha sineeeanaary at this sea - sop, For places, rates, oto., sgl h -to W. H. Kerr, Agent, Brussele. Will maks, aro 'ell mask of Y0171 luCeat PnOVOCZB TBG 8105•G 100801.19 /N MOB WGG05, FI000I curee all Nervous ttlsoaoea 610ep1e0 . was, Faring Memory, Nightly amt,0:aut Sperms, tort/coca Impotency, oto„ 00.00901 by oa01 giva0 vigor andss Impotence? eta, to E071111:07:114 sad or Ymouag atUee 0010081 anyou ill grom e sad haauepp7al1ggato, 00at 00 man m plata tvrepper C,,o'tod 1L`rvoat , ookeh 00000,.. 1 0 puck ,, tw r3. nand money In either c in or r mr- ed letter. dd at A read 1 letters . . 0 ee�gd1aa 000 I 1yoon O rices ONT.; n g , t Or h Do. 4 at, r• �+ C O Inion of spade. m ®ATalipsriLittp McLEO`S System, Bis oNatc : --ANL OTI11:11— TESTED REiOIEDIES SPECIFIC AND ANTIDOTE For Impure, Weak and Impoverished Blood, Dyspepsia, Sleeplessness, Palpita- tion of the Heart, Liver ('omplaint, Neur. algia, Loss of Memory, Bronchitis, Con- sumption, Gall Stones, Jaundice, Kidney and Urinary Diseases, St. Vitus' Dance, Female Irregularities and General De- bility, r0S/7°3tt.r44,I0raki BB6yaif.L0o 0001, (.0.55 a M. MoLEOD, Prop. and Manavfacturer. 8010 byl.itts, Fos, Druggist, hitt awls' ST • AMMEMENSIrmargia RE JUST TWO ITEMS THIS WEEK, VIZ. The Balance of mix ild h ;'t a s WILL LB E� COST, E.A.BIE .D OUT .IL AT COS1, Eani rupt Stook of ALBUMS Tkat will be sold. away below Original Cost. They start as Low as 50o, STGUSTO