The Brussels Post, 1897-9-3, Page 88
New Presbyterian
Book of Praise,
The New Presbyterian Hymn
Books have arrived—we have
them combined with complete
Psalms and Paraphrases :—
Cloth, thin, at 10c.
Cloth, lame type, at Soo.
Paste Grain, soft binding, thin
gilt edges, at 35c.
Fine Leather, thin, gilt, at GOc.
Paste Grain, large type, gilt,
at 75e.
A Sunday School edition spec-
ially bound, for Se.
at Deadman's
Drug and Book Store.
Trains freer Brussels Station, North
and South, as fo11o'va;
Gana SouTH. Goma Rorer's,
&Sprees 7:11: a.m. ! \full ..,,..,.....2:01 p,m
aimed AAAA9:45 a.m. Exproas 10:01 p.m
,f�T,Q ta.L v'..1.c lV -.7rms.
A ohiel's amang ye takin' notes,
An' faith he'll prent it.
BRUSSELS market Wade. Iv you don't see the Base ball and Foot
Labor Day, Mee a rare treat. It's a politic holiday
I.breo0XAL and obiter matter crowded so oome along.
out this week, Meesee. CoernAxo & Joxtsovox reeoivod
Sissy taco on the Grand Trunk on ball iu Brussels next Monde), you will ST4 "D,�1R-D BANK 01? V�y1f's,Z.D4,
-11cw.A.eeiz mX—x=eP 7.873-
oneLAINTe are made of potato rot in a 18 oases of Swede and Sootalt granite
umber of planes. from Aberdeen, Soothed. The Swede
THE dynamos are here for the aro and granite is shipped to Scotland in tho
inaandesoent eleattle light circuits.
Postal : 101/ hours un Labor Day will he
from S to 9 a. m., 2 to 3 and 0 to 0,30 p.
m,A BI'Wart°A^a°Eik5' ,MId1rCEl8'•
W. Rose has bad a big sign painted g Y A General Banking Business Transacted
on his liottr mill roof. W. ci. Smith dict
LIMIT frosts.
Coos. weather.
Dress shooting season.
Tan Post' gives the news.
Do you ever go bass fishing ?
TEE steam thresher is abroad.
BB0ssnes Fair Sept. 30th and Oct. 1st.
NEXT Monday will be a public holi.: ey.
Petals are a good crop in this loctuity
25 GENTS 111 advance gets THE POST for
balance of 1897.
MESSRS CLEGG & Daum shipped a oar
of cattle from Brussels on Thursday.
Jas. 11IExzrzs is making some improve.
mento on his residence, William street.
Cooscm meeting next Tuesday evening
owing to Monday being a Public Holiday.
"REDDY," Jas. O'Leary's flet trotting
horse won 2ud money at Port Huron
A C.ui of eattle was shipped from Bens.
eels station on Monday by Messrs. Scott
d Jones.
NEST exoursion to Manitoba on Tues-
day, 1.1111 inst. Tickets 923, good to re-
turn up to Nov. 18th.
A GRAMOPHONE entertainment will be
given in the Salvation Army barracks on
Friday evening of this week.
Barestes jnuion Base ball and Foot
bell teams get there every time. It's
wonderful how they do it bat they do,
and restaurauters, bave assigned to A.
Hunter. We hope they may be able to
resume business.
Benesres faotory is making a display
of cheese at the Toronto Fair. Mr. Har-
ris, the proprietor, has had rare success
in prize winning in the past.
Tan Standard Bank has removed this
week to the Leokie block,wbere they have
taken up their quarters. The premises
have been pat in first-class shape.
Dn.1IrUuLvoY has enlarged and im-
proved his residence by the addition of a
storey to the rear portion of the house,
which with the kitchen will be brink
TEE Harriaton Review says :—The
Harriaton "Browns" will play at Brea.
eels on Labor Day (Sept. 6) against the
Kincardine Club. Moore and Boyd will
be the "Browne'!' battery.
EAST Haran Fall Sbow prize lists are
Out. A copy has been mailed to every
member and exhibitor of 1896. If you
are not included in this, get a list from
D. Stewart or W. H. Kerr, Secretaries.
AN interesting letter from George
Coates, formerly of Grey township, re.
counting his impressions and experienoee
in a recent trip to Carey, Idaho, is
crowded out of this week's issue. It will
appear next week.
Toe brick work of the electric light
power house was completed last week
and the roof is now on, The boiler is in
place and the wires will shortly be strung
and the plant got in shape to commence
operations. These dark nights show the
neceeeity for light on the streets.
Moxnar an Italian bag -pipe musician,
with drum attachment on hie bank which,
with oimbals, wee manipulated bye wire
attached to the right foot of the aforesaid
magician, gave Brussels a call. Another
greasy looking loafer eceompauied the
"band" and "tapped" the onlookers while
the other follow tapped the drum.
SPEacALe,—A. Koenig offers two prizes
at the Fall Fair, Brussels, for the best
foal from his well-known roadster stal-
lion "Onetime." The let will be 94.00
and the 2nd 93.00. The above do non ap-
pear in the list of specials in the prize
list, as the latter was printed before Mr.
Koenig handed them in. Here's a good
chance for somebody to rake in a few
dollars, Judging will be done on the
second day of the Fair,
TENNIS.—On Saturday, Aug. 2let, the
Brussels club went to Winghsm and
played a game which resulted es follows:
Doubles—Sinclair and Cameron, Brus-
eels, beat Bastedo and Griffin, Wingham,
8.4, 0.3. Singles—Griffin, Wingham
beat Stuart, Brussels, 0.8, 7.5. H.
Bowles, Wingham, beat (lamer'on, Brute
stele, 8-$, 7.5. Bastedo, Wiagbam, beat
Sinclair, Brnese)s, 5.4. 0-0, Iiailiday
Brussels, beat Ed. Be Yles, Wingham
6.1, 8.1.
Tufts dleposed Of her comfortable and
oomtuodione residence en Queen street to
Mise Mary Oomphell, of Motrin, for the
OM of 91,300 dash. The purchaser also
secured the oarpete, oartains, 32e., which
were told at the auction sale on Saturday
afternoon. Mies Campbell will take
poeseeelon at once, It is a moat desirabl
and conveniently located property. Mrs.
Tufts intends removing to/r IMI:3olum.
bio, where she has a brother and sister
in the owning Ball or early Winter.
rough and manufactured there.
Dan, Dee mox lutcl due of his oyes injur.
ed ou Wednesday of last week while
working in J. ,C 1', ment'e factory.
Hie little daughter, Lizzie, the da
previous fell down stellar and hurt her
back. It 05'05 a ease of trouble miming
in couples.
Iwereceon ROlnl is viaitLlg the schools
in this loottlity. No Inspector that we
know of enjoys the confidence and esteem
of the teachers under him as does Mr.
Robb. lie merita it by the fair; int.
partial and genial manner in which he
performs his duties.
ONE day last week as Wm. Denbow was
working with his team at t
Park the horses took fright and
ran away. The driver was dragged for
some distanue and reoeived quite a shak-
ing up. Two wire fences were coaled be-
fore the horses wore stopped. One ani•
mal reoeived some bad auto,
thee OnAPEn.— u Werinestley morning
Gomer Green the athletic pump inane•
faatnrer of Brutsels, brought a ample of
millet, grown on the farm of Ed. Brewer,
Morris, that measured 7 feet, 6i inches.
He says it will yield 10 tone to the Gore
and we are not prepared 00 contradict
him. A giraffe would be in clover in a
field of millet of this height.
Qvnis a bit of excitement has been
caused in town over the leasing of the
fishing grounds above the dam on the
Maitland. Notwithstanding Sohn Mo.
Bain landed the biggest black bass last
Saturday morning that has been any
fisberrean's luck this season. It measur-
ed 20 incises and plumped tile scales at
4 pounds. Mao. was not a ringer either.
IT took three full columns in the
W ingltare papers to tell of the wonderful
victory when the Foot ball team of that
town won the League championship from
Brussels, but when our boyo wallopped
them at Blyth the other day a, skimpy Bi
line item did the business. Defeat 151001
be a bitter pill for those Winghamitea to
swallow. Funny people those Wingham-
Wet. Brno's team ran away from Dr.
Kalbfleisob'e where they were tied, Tues.
May afternoon. At Wm. Ainloy'e corner
they ran full tilt into a maple tree whiob
cheolied them somewhat in their mad
race. Tin'. they veered northward and
after 1,"11111' 011 eitho' side of a tele
phone pole, where the wagon and a large
share of the harness was deposited, the
equines pub up Queen street homeward.
The wagon and harness were badly
has arranged the following speeding eon•
tents'for the 2nd day of Brussels Fall
Fair :—Farmers' trot or pane let, $5 ;
2nd, $3 ; 3rd, $2. 3 minute trot 1st, 915 ;
2nd, 90; Srd, 94, 3 minute pace 1st,
915 ; 2nd, 98 ; 3rd, $4. A11 } mile heats
beat 3 in 5. No antranoo fee to farmers'
race. 91 in others. All oonpetitors
must be members of the Agricultural So.
piety, Speeding commences at 3 o'clock,
There will also be foot races and prizes
for best lady drivers.
BAsnnALL.—A friendly game of base.
ball was played. on Wingham Park on
Thursday, Aug. 19th, between the Wing -
ham and Brussels teams, .resulting In
favor of the vieftore by a score of 22 to 10.
The following is the there :
BBUBsnLs, B 0 WINGIAM, 1i 0
Stratton, ab " 8 7. Lockridge, c 0 2
Damien, 2b .........8 4 Small, eb 1 4
Downing, if 8 e Angus, p
Brawn, a
Coakley, 1U " 4 Lewis, 8b
Kendall, es 8 2 T,inkl
Thomson, p
Bather, rt'
Hogg, ct
ASSETS, (Seven Million Dollars) • $7,000,000
CAPITAL (Authorized) • -• 92,000,000
4,9rnefes tin all principal pointe in Ontario, Quebec, Manitoba, United States 03 England.
Farmers' Notes
the work.
Drafts Issued and Collections made on all pinta.
Larson Day in Brussels pronsisoa a big
prograntofsport. 25 cents pays for the
day and 15 &ants for ladies,
Benaee1e Publio school re•opeued on
Wednesday for the Fall term, Principal
Cameron and teachers L. Jlteltson, MISS
Downey and Mise Ritchie filling their
respective positions.
LAST Sabbath Mre, Arthur Rose, mobb•
er of Rev, Jure Ross, 13. A„ ,Bruesels,
died at her home at Port Elgin, in her
70th year. The funeral took place at
5.30,>'olook cm Tuesday afternoon.
Doc. Waawicx has brought home tbo
fine "Costumer" foal he recently per.
chased from Reeve Strachan, of Grey.
't is a dandyand
e can ft en 1 s
I who have keen
trove a
will, if nothing happens it, likely i
8200 WANTED.—The proprietor of Tun
Pose wauts $200 by Sept. 15th to meet
debts maturing. Will all indebted kind-
ly lend a band to help ue. Our thanks
are very heartily accorded to responses
during the vast week.
Lase week W. G. Collins organized a
Council of Chosen Friends 0t Stayner,
with 25 charter members, and this week
is at Barrie. With the latter town Mr.
Collies 0ompletee his first year as organ-
izer with a reoord of 24 Councils, a meet
creditable showing, when it is taken into
account that 6 Oouuoils is the minimum
required. W. G. is a hostler at this
Bnussnos Popes.—There has been
quite a scattering of Brussels Public
school pupils who wrote at the Primary
examination recently. Ira Gerry, Geo.
Buchanan, Duna. MoLauohlin, Jno. Mo•
Cracken and Allan Lamont will go to
Seaforth Collegiate ; Miss Josie Buchan-
an is attending a similar eduoational in-
stitution at Goderiob ; Ken. Consley will
show the Stratford pupils how t0 get
down to work ; and Fred. Gilpin ie strik-
ing out for a 2nd oloss certificate at Owen
Sound. Toe poen wishes every one of
them SROcesS in their studies and expecte
that the good name attained by Bene-
selites at exams. will be notably exempli•
fled when the time for examinations ar-
Una, Dom:Iron BYLLe, The new Gov
ernmeut issue of one dollar bills are be•
ginning to find their way into the town.
The new bill i0 green on both sides and
of a very pretty design. On the front are
excelleut portraits of Lord and Lady
Aberdeen, separated by a centre piece
representing a logging Elena. On the
back is a cut of the Parliament buildings
at Ottawa. A new two•dollar bill has
also been issued. This bill is in two
shades of green and the back is a bronze
red in color. On the front of the bill is a
portrait of the Prince of Wales and a
fishing soeue, and on the back a picture
of the harvest. Either deuonination will
be received to settle old accounts doe
TALLY ANOTHEn.—Brussels junior Foot
Ball boys drove to Listowel on Tuesday
afternoon and played a matoh with the
juniors of that town. The game lasted
an hour and in that time our club scored
5 goals to the 1 kicked by the home team.
It was a signal victory for the visitors.
Charlie Kendall officiated as Referee.
The following persons composed the re-
spective [Cubs :—
MoNaugltton Goal
:gusou Backs
Wake 3 l Backs
ewrd 1111 l
Stewart Centre
Gerry 1 It Wing 4 g
McCracken Haakiu
McLaughlin McCormick
} L Wing {
Roach cCormick
Our boys speak very highly of the hos-
pitality of the Listowel people and hope
to return the compliment at no distant
Ex-SrrDnzro OF THE Nom= SCHOaL.—
A volume containing short, biographioa3
nobises of all etadente who have attended
the Toronto Normal School, between
years 1847.1875 inclusive, is being pre-
pared by the Education Department,
Toronto. Inepeotor Robb, Clinton,
would like to reoeive from any reliable
source information of the fallowing kind
as far as relates to East Huron ; (1)
Whether the student is stili alive, and, if
not, when hie (or her) death took piece.
(2) The present residences of male
students and the present name. and re-
sidences of female etndents who have
married since leaving the Normal Sohool.
(8) The career through which each
student has passed—whetber he has re.
mained a teacher and where he has
taught ; whether he has gone into some
other calling, and, if so, what and where ?
whether he has taken any other educe.
bional warm since leaving the Normal
School, and, if eo, what other? The
book will bo tastefully gotten up and any
one able to furnish the information asked
for should Bend it in at onee, ab least, be-
fore Sept. 15th.
ON THE DIAa0OND.—Wingham base ball
nine played a olose and interesting match
with Brussels juniors on Victoria Park
last Saturday afternoon. Thomson and
Grewar were in the box for Bruesels with
Brawn behind the bat. For the visitors
Angus and Loakriclge was teas battery.
Brussels won by 1 run. A. Griffin, of
Wingham, umpired the game quite antis-
feotority. Some of the Winghamites
play good ball but the team showed want
of practice, The snore was as follows :—
BRU8e,L8 11 0 WINO/Aar, 11 0
Strettou,8b' 1. 4 Small, lb 1 4
Duman, 21) 8 2 7.Lookridgo, a 2 8
Downing, It 1 0 Irwin, so 8 1
Brawn, o 2 8 Angus p 1 4
Oouels , lb 1 4 'gamilton, rt 2 2
Kendall, of 2 2 WLoakrldga,ef.,.0 8
Thomson,p 1 4 Stuart, ab 2 8
Backer, r1 1 2 Soli, 15 0 4
Grower, Ss 1 8 Lewis, 2b 1 8
Totals 18 27 Totals ' 12 27
1 2 8 4 6 6 7 8 9
Brussels 1 0 4 0 211 1 4 0-18
Wingham 0 2 2 1 1 0 1 4 1-12
Brussels juniors have not been beaten this
season. They pot up a good game rather
better in the field than at the bat although
some of them wield the ebiok very euo.
oeeefelty. In Saturday's' match the ball
used was a poor one and somewhat handl,
capped the players. Oar boys saw that
their visitors wanted fon nothing and alto•
gather the visit wee a pleaseet one to all
1 4 Davis,lb 1 4
1 4
.000, 21 0
rf 2 8 8
11, 2 Hamilton, e* 2 8
8 2 W. Lockridge,of,,0 8
Totals 22 27 Totals 10 27
1 2 8 4 6 0 7 -8 9
Brussels 0 0 3 3 9 0 8 8 1-22
Wingham 3 0 0 2 0 1 1 1 2-10
Umpire—R. James, of Brussels. His
decisions were very fair in every ease.
A fine set of young fellows aro the Brus•
seta players, and it is hoped that their
Bonded ou the field and off may be taken
notice of by those who wish to take part
in field sports.—Wingham Times.
Interest allowed on deposits of 91,00 and upwards from gat of deposit to date o
Withdrawal and compounded half yearly.
Every facility afforded Customers living at a die Woe.
JUST reseiosd a full stook of Listowel
yarns, 2 and 3 ply, till shades. Expected
in a few days a full assortment of import.
ed yarns, comprising Gloria Saxony,
Rook German, Andalusian, Scotch
Fingering, erl'm
and Zeh r, 111 all the
co In•
s, at Mrs. ISirk's,
GOING To Rum BusiNEss,—Fox the
balance of the season I purpose booming
the carriage bnemose in every line and
will sell rigs from 95 to 910 better than
tbey can be purchased elsewhere. Bug-
gies, wagons, carte. new and eecoud-hand
are inoluded. I mean business as a
trial will prove. Don't spend a duller in
either new work or repairs before oou•
suiting me and getting my figures, Ton
will save money and I know it, Call in.
JAs. WALKER, carriage maker, Brassele.
OUe10. In Grey, on August 27th, the
wife of Mr. James Onsio, of a son,.
OLIVEl,—In Grey, on August 28111, the
wife of Mr. John Oliver, gbh eon., of
a daughter.
WoeTH.—Iu Wingham, on August 20th,
the wife of Mr. Rabb. Worth, a son.
Wnirn,—In Elma, Aug. 17, the wife of
Mr. Writ. White, of a son.
BLATcHroRD.—In Elena, on Aug. 23rd,
the wife of Mr. Jdseph Blabohford, of
a son.
Ross.—In Fergus, on August 24th, the
wife of 111r. W. A. Ross of a daughter.
STEWART,—At Antigonish, Nova Scotia,
on Ang, 13th, the wife of Mr. Daniel
Stewart, (nee Miss Mary Broadfoot,)
of a 810.
No, 1 flour and long clear bacon at
ONE eeeond•band single harem for
Bale cheap. I. 0. Richatds.
COarFoltT,tims house to rent, Apply at
once to W. M. SINCLAIR.
SEE our harness before you buy. We
give the beet value in the market.
I. 0. Richards.
D. Ewen line a number of 8eo0nd hand
buggies to sell at big bargains. Call at
hie ebop and make him an offer.
GET those holes in your shoes and
rubbers repaired. Bring them to ue ; we
repair them cheap and neat.
I. 0. Richards.
A Piaer.oLAas special line of work
manufactured at Jas. Walker's shop. lie
gives tiptop value to every onetomer,
Fon eale cheap, one second-hand box
stove and stove pipes, also lamps and
chandeliers, office desk, cash drawer.
I. 0. Riohatde.
lame's Glover Root, the great Blood•
Purifier gives freshness and (dearness to
the complexion and oures constipation.
26 ate, 60 ole and 91.00. Sold by James
Fox, Druggist, Brussels.
EVERYBODY goes to Wingham—Kiug'e
sale is booming. 26 lbs. Granulated
comae for 91.00—Two oar loads. I still
buy butter, eggs and dried apples—High-
est prices, oath or trade.
G, D. I{ioe,
SHILOH'S 00re is sold on a guarantee.
It Duret insipient consumption. It is
the best oough cure. Only one cent a
dose. 26 ate., 50 ole, and $1,00. Sold by
James Fox, Druggist, Brussels.
BABoarN OFFERED,—That eligible half
acre lot situate on the Southernlportion of
Turnberry street, Brussels, will be dis-
posed of below cost. Very easy terms.
Write for particulars to Jona H AnonOAVES,
174 Queen et. West, Toronto.
CAPTAIN Sweeney, U. S. A.., San Diego,
Cal., Says :"Shiloh'e Catarrh Remedy
ss the fleet medicine 1 have ever found
that would do me any good." Price 50
ciente. Sold by Jae. Fox, druggist, Bras.
IP you want a piece of Hral-o1018 beef
Dell at Wm. Blashill'e, We buy nothing
bat young heifers. Last week we bought
twenty-four head, and twenty of these
ate under three years old. Yon clan rely
on getting everything in the meat lino
drat -class, Wm. Blasbill, Bruesels,
Oaooer.—In Grey, on Aug. 12th,
Catbarioe (holey, aged 29 years, 7
months and 10 days.
Bnxsnoes.—In Wingham, on August 28rd,
Emma, wife of Arthur Brisboie,
aged 40 years and 1 month.
Mtnoir.—In Wingham, on Augueb 19th
Elizabeth P. Found, wife of A. S.
Murray, blaolssmith, aged 87 years
10 months and 0 days.
Dory.—In Oakville, on Aug. 24111, John
A. Doty, brother to Mrs. (Rev.) W. E.
Kerr, of Heiman, in his 81at year.
Rosa.—At Port Elgin, on Sunday, Aug-
ust 29th, Elsie Milne, wife of
Arthur Ross, and mother of Rev.
Joins Roes, Brussels, aged 09 years,
2 mouths and 7 days.
$kZ J'g117Tga3
Fall Wheat 79
Spring wheat 80
Barley 20
Peas 40
Peas (large) 40
Oats ..•• 18
Butter, tube and rolls ... 11
Eggs per dozen • 10
Flour per barrel 4 00
Potatoes (per bus) 40
Hay per ton 5 00
Hides trimmed 6i
Hides rough 5i
Salt per bbl., retail 1 00
Sheep shins, each 15
Lamb eking each 25
Hoge, Live 5 25
Wool 18
4 50
0 00
5 40
FA2.,Sr wes.xxxs,
Industrial, Toronto, Aug. 80 Sept. 11.
Moutreel, Aug. 19-28.
Western, London, Sept. 9 18.
Central, Guelph, Sept. 15.16.
Northern, Walkerton, Sept. 15.16.
Mornington, Milverton, Sept. 16.17.
Southern, Brantford, Sept. 21.24.
Woodstock, Sept. 22.28.
North Perth, Stratford, Sept. 23 24.
East Huron, Brussels, Sept. 80 ck Out.
Listowel, Sept. 21 it 22.
Clinton, Sept. 28 rb 29.
Bolgrave, Sept. 23 cb 24.
Wingham, Sept, 28 29.
Blyth, Oct, 5 as 0.
Palmerston, Sept. 27 st 28.
Walkerton, Sept. 16 & 16.
Clifford, Sept. 23 ta 24.
Great Northwestern, Goderiob, Sept.
North Grey, Owen Sound, Sept. 14,
15, 19,
Central Canada, Ottawa, Sept. 17.25.
South Grey, Durham, Sept. 28, 29.
Mitchell Horticultural, Sept, 29, 30.
South Porth, St. Marys, Oat. 5, 6.
Hibbert, Staffs, Sept. 27, 28.
Elea, Atwood, Oet. 5, 6.
Blanebard, Kinston, Oot. 7, 8.
aunt. F.0, SCOTT, Brussels,
Sale with acre lot, Good cistern,
fur woe, 8+a. Will be sold at a bargain.
Ap1'ly to Tun Pon Publishing }loose.
First mortgage, farm seeurlty. Apply
at TILE POST Publishing House, Brneeel8,
vxoE,—•The cost of service of my ileo
registered Jersey Brill isnow 51 fOrBradee,
Got the bust. G.A. DED KLAN.
to inform the ladies !of Brussels and
vicinity that she is prepared to hallo tip
awitehes, curls, braids, dc., out of hair comb-
inge, Ordain left at Mre, E. Rogan' store,
401100els, or sunt to Box 144, Soaforth, well
receive prompt attention and satisfaction
guaranteed. 4.4
Notice to Creditors.
In the outlier of the estate of William
MoDonald, late of the Township of
Grey, Biopic) Dealer, deceased.
Pursuant to the Revised Statutes of Our
torte, 1887,Onapter 10, Soo. 20 and amend-
ments thereto, notice ie hereby given that
a11 creditors and others having claims
against the estate of the said William IDLo-
Donald, deceaaed,who died on or about the
eighth. day of August, A. D.1807, are of or
before the SBv ontoontli clay of September,
A. D.,1807, req wired to scud to She nnder-
Bigned solicitor far the said estate their
Obriettan, aornamee, addreee nand desarm •
o aims andua statomsnt of t2 their account atheir
the notate of the security (if any) hold by
And notice is hereby further given that
after the acid Seventeenth day o! Smite ta-
bor, 1897, the =meter/3 of the said eotate
wflpr000edto distribute the aseoto of the
said deooeeed amongst the parties entitled
thereto hoeing roma on1yte those Wait=
of they shall then have had notice
and the said ex scoters will nob be liable for
the assets Or any part thereof to any person
or per0on5 of whoao 01a(m or alairee they
shall net have had notion at the time of
such dietalbittion.
Bolleito r for Walter Innis and
Math Oardlff, Executors,
Dated at B1'useele the let Sept,, A. D„ 1807
having loft my bad and bond without
my will or oonsent,I hereby warn the nubile
against giving her credit ou . my amount, as
I will not be responsible for the sante after
this date. GAB11IEL NEABEL,
Grey, July 20112, 1807, Grey township.
Voters' List Court.
Notion is hereby given that a Court will be
held, ]nurse&tit to tho "Voters' st Aat," by
1110 Honor the Judge of the Oounty Court of
the County of Huron, at the TOWN HALL,
ETH10L, on Wednesday, Cie Slit day el'
Septembcr,'1897, at 10 o cinch, to hear and
determine the several complaints of errors
and omlssione in the Vote's' List of the
Municipality of Grey for 1807. All persons
having business at the Court are required to
attend at the said time and place.
Dated the 18111 day of August, 1897,
WM. SP10NC31,
Clerk of the said Municipality.
nEnBtoNEn has sevnral good Faroe for
Salo and to rent, easy terms, in Townships
of Morris and Grey. F S. SO OTT,Brueeele
1. =ma—The undersigned 'offers his 100
acre farm for 8110 or to rent, being 1Lot 19,
oou. 9,1n the Township of Grey. Possession
given ab once. For intact, terms aid inform-
ation apply to T. MOORE,
5-4 Proprietor, Brussels,
rent, situated one mild South of
Brussels, being Lot 80 Con. 7, Morris. On
the promises is a good frame Louse and bare,
a never failing well and Bret -class orchard,
Possession at once, For partioolare al1ply00
JOE WYNM, Brussels, or W. W. BURGESS,
Photographer, Mitchell, 8•1f
Brussels. Groat bargain, Lob 7,
Oou, 0, Grey toweehip. Good builclinge and
orchard, wellwatored, suitable for mixed or
dairy farming, Possession given next
Maroh,with privilege of doing Fall plowing.
Apply to W. H. KERR, Poor Pnbliehing
1o10o,Brusecls,or to THOMAS HERITAGE,
London West.
—100 acre° of good farm land at
Springfield, 8 mi155 from Winnipeg, is offer-
ed for sale at a low price. The property is
North East 3 See, 10,Cwp. 11, Range 4, East.
There f e a house on he premises and some
breaking done, For full parbioulars as to
price, title, do., write or apply to
G. F. BLAIR or W. EL KE10R,
20.11 Brussels, Ont,
SEPT. 3, 1897
o, i. •hey
DEnsroNEn oilers his eligible 61 acre
farm for sale, being South part of Lot 0
0011, 12, Grey. A11 under cultivation, well
watered and well fenced. There is a good
atone house, bank barn, orchard, wells, 80,,,
on the premises. Also a splendid stone
quarry from which a good revenue ie realiz-
ed. Only et miles from Brussels. Terme
reasonable. For further particulars az to
price, 80,, apply t0
3545Brussels 1'' 0
FARMiating P010 Sof ALE -1SouthI60 and
of the North t of Lot 85, Con 2, East Wawa -
nosh. This Is an excellent stook farm,being
well supplied with good eprinq water, Itis
situated about 8 miles from the thriving Vil-
lage, of, B1yb11. A large part of It is under
grass, Building and Mottos aro it a fair
state of repair. Easy terms of payment will
be given For all information apply to
11-81 G.7. BLAIR, Barrister, Brussels,
1. That excellent farm, Lot 15, Con, 0,
Townehipof Grey, 100 acmes, must b0 sold at
once in order to close estate of cleceasedown-
er The lob is nearly all cleared, with good
buildings, ample water supply, large or-
obard, 14 relies from Oranbrook, is wider
good cultivation and is a vory desirable pro-
perty indeed, Apply to RIOHARD n[IT-
0H10LL, Brussels P,'0. ; .701115 MITOBELL,
on the promises' or A.1iUNT101t, Brussels.
Dated Sept, 10111,1820,
Wo are pleased to announce
that the
00i 0f 111313C
Is now to hand and ready
for sale.
We have them i11 all the
Popular Bindings and will
be pleased to show you our
stook. •
Licensed Auationeor. Sales conduct
ed on reasonable terms. Farms and farm
etoolsa e000ialty. Orders left at THE PoeT
Pnbliehing Hou so,Brn sole, or aentte Walton
P. 0,, will rooebv° prompt attention,
• Enn, will Sell for bettor prloas, to
better men in ass time and lose Oharge5
than any other Auctioneer in East Huron
or he won't charge anything, Dates and
orders can always be arranged at this 00.100
or by pe eolal application ,
Who tae had 25 years ox)orient* as an
Auctioneer, but who had to quit owing to Ell
health, lose again taken out lioons° and i5
prepared to oonduot mice at roasouabte
terms. Satiefeetionanaranteed. Dates may
be arranged at TOE POST PublishingHanes.
Fox's Drag Store,
Druggist & Stationer,
JL N • Solicitor and Conveyancer. Oonce-
tioue made. Obese—Vanstono'6Block, Brue-
sele, 21-3m
. Solicitor Oonveyanoer ,Notary Pub-
lic, &c. OSBce—'Vanetoue's Block, 1 door
north of Central Hotel, Private Funds to
(Formerly of Cameron, 11011
Oameron,) Barrister and Solicitor, ioderiolr
Out, Omae—ilatuilton St., Opposite 0o1
borne Hotel.
solicitor, do. pate of Gamow &
Prondfoot's OStoo, Gosborieh.) Oliiue over
Gill Me e4 Smith's Bank, Brussels.
Money to Loan. 47
M.D., 0. M., Trinity University, Follow Trin-
ity Medical college, Member Oolluge of Pily-
eieiane and Surgeons, Out, Licentiate of the
Royal College of Ph sioiaus and Licentiate
of Midwifery,Edinburgh. No -Telephone
No.14. Residnce, Mill S t„ Bruesels.
PHYSICIAN, 0n1010010 AND ACCo0Cimun,
1st Class Honor Graduateh
of the Universi-
ties of Trinity (Toronto), College
Trinand ity odic Medial Onllonso Follow s
Trinity Medical 00110 o and mem
Y s her oOntar-
College of Graduates sou Surgeons Der 1t nx-
O Yost Graduate Course ti Detroit and
eases of Eye, Special attention paid to dis-
eases of Lye, Dar, Nose and Throat, and Eng-
ti Woman. Telephone
ae oa,
list and German. 1'ulephono ut eesidonoo.
CY • Honor Graduate of the Ontario
Veterinary College, ie prepared to treat alt
diseases of domeotieated animals in a nom•
patent manner, Particular attention paid
to veterinary dentistry. Calls promptly at-
tended to. ORM° and Infirmary—Four doors
north of bridge Turnberry st., Brussels.
Ismer of Marriage Licensee. OiHce
at his rocery, Turnberry street, 13ru80510,
Tonsorial Artist. Shop—Next door
eolith of A. or. McKay & Co'e hardware store.
Ladies'and ohildi'ons hair cutting a spooialby
Issue, of Marriage Licenses,
t No Witness Required.
T. FLETOBER, Brussels
doHuron. ofOonv yaneer, Notary ublio
Land Loon and I05urance Agent, Funde
invested and to loan, Collections made
Office in Graham's Block, Breese's,
W111 give lemma to pupils either on
piano or orggan, at his Mneie Room, Opposite
the poeb•oIDoa, Brussels, Weal loe5ons aisa
given. Wen years experieioO10 teething.
Terme moderato.
Anoint Orin of Viitod Workmen)
This old and prosperous Fraternal Age ea
atlon numbering 150,000 members aro pro
soutin4 to the pupil° their popular and coon•
ottleal rates to worthy men, at the very low
rata of about $8.00 nor 81,000 nor,annum.
The 'Workmen" Promptly Pay Leot0
Claims aucl expoot o large increase to its
inembar5 now that tboso 81001000n Line
Companies don't seem satisfactory to Can-
1004310, ARMBThONG M.W. 1 W. H, K10110
R000r•der; J. A. OBSIIGHTON,Finaueter.