The Brussels Post, 1897-7-9, Page 3JuLr9, 1897 THE BRUSSELS POST Town Directory. Bleratetes Cnunen,•-•Sabbath Bervioos at 11 a m and 7:00p,m, Sunday Helmet at 2:80 p m. Rev, John Ross, B A, pastor. ST. JOHN'S OIIalrelr.--Sabbath Services et 11 a m and 7 p in. Sunday School et 2:30 p, nl, Rev. A. K, Griffin, Mom. bent. Mninouls.; Comm.—Sabbath Servioon et 10:110 0 m and 7:00 p no. Sunday Soho) ab 2:30 p m, Rev, S. 7. Alllu, paeto r. ltonr:tN OsergoLm Ciraneu.-,'Sabbath Service third Sunday in every month, at 10:30 a ns, Ron Josoph Kennedy, priest, SALVATION An,cx,—Sorvioo at 7 and 11 a in and 3 and B p m On Sunday and every evening in the week at 8 o'elook, at the barololts. Ono Iooxow&' Lonme every Tbnrsday evening, in Grabam'a bunch. Mesovro Lonin Tuesday at or before full moon, in Garfield block. A 0 U W Lonnie on the 3rd Friday evening of ertoh mouth, in Blas. hill's block. 0 0 F LODON end and last Tuesday evonings of each month, in Blashill's block. I U If,'2n0 and last Friday in Odd Follows' 11011. L U L lob Monday in every month in Orange Hall. BONS of SCOTLAND, let and 3rd Tues- days of eaoh month, in Odd Fellows' Rall. K. 0. T. M. Loom, Ond and 4311 Tues. days of eaoh month, in Odd fellow's hall. Canadian Order of Chosen Friends, 1st and 8n1 Mondays of eaoh mouth in Biaa- 11ill'a Iiull: A 0 F, let ancl 3rd Mondays of eaoh month in 0011 Fellow's Hall. Boent CIRCLE, 2n0 and 4th Friday even- ings in Blasbill's Hall. Pos'r GiVu te.—Office hours from 8 a. uu I m. bo 0:80 p. 101. 111 re arcs' INSTrztrre.—Literary in There was a coned of M,a ay by night, Holmes'1 ok b s will be o 1 leu h h m ' b to P Cnrw tan i ' 1 the ,f 1 11811 was u va41 ow o'clock I. 10. ed a ' oW nesda and 3.30 to d o 1Y A vele reptile], f up the height, and 0 to 8 Saturdays. Miss Minnie Mc Tall oak: hem little acorns grow. Naughtau, Librarian, Tows Coovene--W. H. Kerr, Reeve ; Whit, if a little rain ehr.old eay, Geo. Bolter, Geo. Thomson, IS, Lea• I have net loved the world, nor the thordalc and 11. 0. Wilson, Councillors ; world mo ! F. S. Scott, Clerk ; Thomas Kelly, Ah ! well a -day ; Treasurer ; R. Ilingston, Asee58or and J. Woodman, op'ue that tree T. Ross, Collector. Board meets the let Monday in eaoh month. illy heart leaps np with joy to see Bottom BOAnO,—A. Koenig, (chair- A. primrose by the water's brim ; mem) 1). 0, Hose, .7. G. Skene, Jas. Olacobens, he did olimb that tree ; Turuball, A. Coseley and F. Van• stone. Seo.-Trens., it. K. Ross. Mootings end Friday evening in each month. Ponta Samoa TRAcrcltns.—J. H. Gam. oron, Prine3pnl, Leon Jackson, Miss Downey and Mies Ritebie, B01111) OF 1:l1.U.T1r.—Beare Kerr, Clerk Scott, A. Stewart, T. Farrow and Wm. Jewitt. Dr. 11loNnugbton, Medical Health Officer. Tho poor old woman began to weep 1 Then woke, with (8 sudden em'oa n D 1 "eme mo l" she oriod ; "I have been aelaep And 0, what a hossan euan 1" WHISKY, A barrel of whisky °anteing something more than en ordinary bored of the same size ; for, iu addition to 1110 regulation 42 gallons, it ourrtaiks A barrel of ileadaehes, of heartaohoo, of woes ; A barrel of onrees, a barrel of blows ; A barrel of tears and a world-weary wife; A barrel of sorrow, a barrel 03 strife ; A barrel of ali.unavailing regret ; A barrel of one and a barrel of debt ; A barrel of hunger, of p thv+w, of pain ; A barrel of hopes ever blasted and vain ; A barrel of falsehood, a barrel of cries That 1411 from the ulaniee's lips as he dies ; A barrel o) poverty, ruin and blight ; A barrel of terror that grows with the night; A barrel of orimes and a barrel of groans; A barrel of orphans' mast pitiful morins ; A barrel'of serpents that hies as they pass From the bead of the liquor that glows in the glass. A barrel of whisky is the devil's Most active agent, through which he destroys man's body and soul, home, family and all that to store d. POETICAL PATCHWORK,. Rooked iu the cradle of the deep, Old Caepae'e work was done ; Piping on hollow eeede to kis pent sheep, Uhnrge, Chester, charge 1 On, Stanley, n' Vacfi Tr. BEAUTIFUL FLOWERS. We aliontd be like garden., bright and sweet with flowers, Blessed with heaven's sunshine, oheer- ed by gentle showers ; Violets are the kind words, roses deeds of love, Fragrant pinks and pansies, thoughts of God above. 000110). Beautiful flowers, beautiful flowers, Bright with morning clew ; Beautiful flowers, beautiful flowers, We would be like you. Not a frowu or anger, not a allele of care, Not ono look of sadness do the blossoms wear., They are 0hvays trusting, this is how they grow Beautiful and fragrant, in a world of woe. Selfish thoughts and wishes, unkind words and deeds, Are like cruel brambles, thistles, thorns nut weeds ; Kind thoughta are the sweetest, loving worde the best, Yielding hope and comfort, joy, and peace and rent. Jesus has a garden, filled with children sweet ; We would be among them, bowing at ' Itis teat, Drinking in life's waters, growing by His green, Like the flowers, looking np into Bis face. THE BOYLESS TOWN. A areas aid woman of long ago Declared that she hated noise; "The town would be 800 plea8ant, you know, If only there were no boys." She scolded and fretted about it till Ilor eyes grew heavy as lens!. And then, of a sudden, the town ;row still, For all the boys had lied. And all through the long and dustysIree1 There wa0n't nboy in view ; The baseball lot, where they used to meet, Was a sight to make ono blue ; The grass was growing on every boa, And tho paths that the runners made For there weeu't a soul in all the Diane, Who know how th0 game wee played. The doge were Bleeping the livelong day— Why should they book or leap ? `there won't a whistle oe oral to play, And 0o they could only sleep, The pony uoigbod from his lonely stall, And longed for saddle and rein ; And even the bird.) ou the garclsn wall Obirpee only a dull 101radn, The cheerios rotted, and went to waste -- There wa0 110 one to climb the those ; And nobody had a single taste, Savo only the birds and bees. There won't a mes0eogee boy, riot One, To speed as such mos80ngere eon ; If people wanted their errands done, They sent fora me008ng50 man. There was little, I wenn, of folio and noise There was less of cheer and mirth . The sad old town, since it laokeditaboys., Was the dreariest plat en earth, Simple Enough. Aa a change from the 0to(•y of (!011!11!• bus au(1 the egg, whin). nuts, now be eery properly laid Heide !ntil 11(02 demo near, an incident related by a I?rouehulau of 0010080 and vouahod for by hint may be Old. This gentleman rnlalrs 11141 110 wets ' at hie work before a glowing ]ire w1105 a young girl, belonging to u family 011 the flat above him, mune in. "Sir," she said, "would you kindly lend me a live coal or two to alar! Dur Are with, It's goo out," "Certainly, my clear," said rule savant, "But you have brought nothing to carry it in. Take my shovel." 3. Ts4 01004 was e011Vb(ted 0(3 Friday at Mks „. HONEY TO LOAN. 1 { L.3. R. C. by a jury of the murder I R' RINt AljyilninGatober b(s lu ,nr ware 001 ten athletes. N 1dnatl . Walken sentenced Woalitobe 1 lean .u'ieon on Aug. 1201. lle was ordered to he confined meanwhile ab -Westminster, The murdered man ons a fernier resident of Grey 00111113', Ont. !While bathing in a pond on the farm of George Cousins, near Ashworth, 111«skolsa, V,i11(,u ( 11Iidelitoo got beyond his depth and hew* to struggle, whoa Jalmule Arinelrong [sent to Ins rescue, trying 1, reaeb him with along pole. Ile too, dripped into a hole and both [boys went down before their companion 0ou1,1 dr anything for 1110111. The bodies were fnuud about two hours after. i'4r. and Mrs, Geo. Swan, who live next door to Sire. Armstrong, went over to reuder any essistanee they cold, and :about midnight Mrs. Swan, who was in very poor health, went hone, leaving 11or. husband at Mr. Armstrong's. Mr. Swan arrived home about 11 o'oloolc in the morning, and, nob seeing 1110 wife, went to her room and found her dead in bed, It is supposed the shook 00 received the night before eras too much for her. "011, no sir," enawered the child. "I will carry the opals fu my hand." "In your hand ? What do you mean ? You'll be burned." "Uh, no, sir. I'll show you how." Tho child clipped up some oho from the grate and placed ohoaced them in the hollow• ed palm of her lett !!land. Then with the tongs she laid two burning coals on the top of the little heap of ashes. Then she bowed, smiled and went out, bearing her coals maharmed. "Well, well 1" said the man of science to himself. "Here I'v been etudying natural philosophy forty years and never 11a11 the wit to do thee" Whether he ever repeated the experi- ment on his own account we aro not told, but if young readers attempt to do 0o we should advise caution. .l gill �ftl '8811 0QIL'i:I'ltl'. Save all the feathers. Wheat in ono of the beet egg producing foods. Sunflower geode promote laying and goo(! health. Beep the tail and wing feathers sopar. ate from the others. Chuff i0 a gond material for the nests of the early senting hone. The soot of raising gosliogn is to 1(eop them dry and warm. Young fowls need bone meal to on 1 strength and vigor to the evolving frame It will regni0e an everags of 000 pound of grain per weep for ten weeks to feed a chick. Bicycle Pr overlie. If wi411ee were bboyolee, bseigera would 00(011. Coast in haste and mend your bones t leisure. Trouble comes on bloyeles, but goes way on foot. A mile in the morning is w.,rth two in h a I'ew of our youth could cups with him. 1 a The prayer of Ajax was fee light, e it tl(at never was on sea or shore ; Padding end beef make Britcns fight ; Never more 1 Under a spreading chestnut tree, For bore together sat I and my Annabel Lee ; A man's a man for a' that. Truth orus)1'd to earth shall rise again, and waste its swoetuess on the desert air ; In thunder, lightning olein rain, None but the brave deserve the fair. Tell me not in mournful numbers, The child is father of the man ; !rush, my clear, lie 0.1117;4 re0cnlbee, They eau 0oagner who believe (bayou. A change came o'er the spieit of my dream ; Whatever ie, is right, And things are not whet they sown ; My native laud, geodmight 1 MIME SPXi803$. If you expect children to be polite when you are rade, gentle when you are harsh, considerate of others when you are selfish, and religious when you are saturated with worldliness, then you are sure to bo disappointed. Your integrity is your most precious possession, and should be held fast to with even more than usual tenacious grip when everything else is lost. To circulate an inju01008 story which you do not know to be true is nearly as bad as to aid in giving currency to one which you know to be not true. The man who 118.8 1106 1500110d 11037 to endure the opposition and even the emu. tempt of the world, is not the highest style of Christian, Lifetime llussinu Proverbs. Russian proverbs about women 50803 t indicate either that Russian men are 0 kind and ungallant, or that Russia women are hard to get along with, Her are some samples of the popular saying of the people : Love thy wife as thy soul, shake he like a plum tree. Always beat your wife before dinner also before supper. Long hair, short memory. The dog is more intelligent tha woman, foe he (lever 1,01)80 at his master Twice is a 1701130(1 deal' 1 when eh comes to the house, and when she leave it. Before going to war eay a prayer ; be fore going to sea eay two prayers ; haaos marryiug eay three prayers, 0 n- u 0 • n 0 0 Goon BEAR STORY. Wm. Spry, of Carnarvon, Cut., is re- ported to have !tilled four large bears with five shots. Shortly after breakfast on Stmday Mr, ilpry heard a pig 8qu0ad He grabbed his go, which wee loaded with buckshot --and made for the woods, whore 110 discovered a monster of a hear, making off with a fine porker. He fm. mediately let hien have it, charge of buck- shot, whioh tumbled bruin over, bat; to make certain he gave him the ()thee ohnege. While examining his prise our koro, hearing a noise behind, turned, only to discover three almost full-grown bears malting for him. Isis gun being empty, and, no doubt, considering discretion the hotter part of valor, he made for the house. In the meaneim0 other members of the family had arrived on tho 800110, and managed to soave the ugly trio off, and treed the whole lot. Th10 gave the farmer a breathing spell. Ho ro.loadod his gun and with a shot for enoli brought the lot to the ground. To prevent pale and delicate obildren from lapsing into °hranie invalids later in life, they should take Ayer's Sareapar; ilia together trill, plenty of wholesome food and;ont.130or exercise. What they need to builds up the system is good red blood, All wheels are good --for something or other. For the love of the rider Many praise the meolline. Those who ride pneulnatios shoe 181 not throw tttck0. Speak well of the tire that carries you safely over the roads, RULES O[' T11P 110.11). Below le a sot of road rules collected by an old wheeinan, which, he drinks, ebould be culled to the atteutiou of all riders, old and new : When meeting riders; podeetrians and vohioies keep to the right. {thou pace. Mg then keep to the left, When turning corners to the /eft keep to the outside of the street. When turning oor0e05 to the right keep as far out as possible without trespassing on the left side of the road. Never expect pedestrians to get out of yew: way ; 11n(I a way around then!. Never ride rapidly by an electric car standing to unload passengers. Never coast down a 11i11 having; cross streets along the way. When meeting other riders mending a hill, where there is but one path, yield the right of way to the npriders. Bear in mind that a rider meeting an electric oar carrying a strong headlight is unable to see beyond the light ; keep out of his way. When riding straight ahsnd never vary your course suddenly bo the right or left without first assuring yourself thee no other rider is close in your rear or on the side to which you turn. Do not rifle too close to a novice, and in meeting a novice give plenty of room. When riding after dark always may a lantern. Those be good rales, and they ought to be remembered: C:tn5,clestan .P.TeWai. Rev. T. A. Moore, pastor of the Metho- dist church at Palmerston, was Married on Tuesday of least !reek to Miss Annie Laurie, youngest daughter of Dr. M. Forster, of that town. Iuspootors have gone out from Toronto to see what, if anything, the orchards of the Niagara district have suffered from the San Jose scale, which was untried there from California, and which it has been suppo000 could Lot stand the northern Winkle. Inquiry slaving been made at the Poetoilioo Department tab t0 whether the jabileo postage stamps would continue good as postage for a limited period only, it bas been olfinially stated that the jubilee stamp will remain valid for postage purposes so long es they may continue in circulation, They will not, however, be redeemed by the dapartnlen6, a distino(ion being drawn iu t11ia respect between than and tho ordinary postage stamp. WEDDING 131 11,1,11 TEAT DID NOT R100,— )tov.11. Wood had gndte •a naval ex- perience on 'Wednesday. Ho had been invited to the rosidenoe of Fred. II01180, of North Walsiegham, to unite in mar. rioge Miss lassie Carruthers mud Morley Thoula0, About 30 pests had assembled to w1t11985 1110 ceremony, but it dirt not tape place. The young Hurn in question had promised his betrothed that he would never 1011011 liquor, but in the Morning be went to Langton and returned about 11 o'oloolr the moo of liquor. Miss Carruthers told !tint that as he had broken his pledge, 8110 cold place no furtherooniidsita in him, and told hint he could burn the license, which he did. After this, the preacher, the heroic yocug lady, and the gnest0 who had conte from Bnybam, Delhi and other places, sat down with ibis. House and family to a sumptuous repast. After 0pendiug a few hours together the company dispers- ed, 00011 one congratulating Miss Car- ruthers on her heroism, and ha adder. ellen to the prinoiplse of trio morality and virtu, BEST Cough -cure, the most prompt nnrl effective remedy for diseases of the throat t,010 lungs, is-Ayor's Cherry Pectoral. .As an emergency medi- eine, for the cure of Croup, Sore Throat, Lung Fever and Whooping Cough!, ( p AYER„ Cherry Pectoral cannot bo equaled. L, K. LRAWLEY, ti D. D. Ills. Sec. of 10' /e, ,' — the American Bap- tist Publishing Society, Petersburg, 'Vo., ettc'.orses it, as a cure for violent colds, bronchitis, etc. Dr. Frawley also adds: To all ministers suffering from throat troubles, I recommend J,nt kat her nor Awarded Medal at World's Fair, AYER'S PILLS Cure Llrer and Stomach Troubles. ATEI THIS SPACE THERE'S MONEY IN IT FOR YOU. . —0— FOR SALE, A One -:dorso Wagon, suitable for milk hauling, nearly new. 2 Second-hand 2 seated Buggies, and a number of Second- hand Single Buggies in good JAS. WALKER Carriage Maker, Brussels. B U SELS D S. I wish to inform the people of Brussels and surronuding district that I have pur- chased the Pump Business of JAMES BELL and will be found ready to attend to all waists in either new work or repairs at moderate prices. No better Pump in the market. Order left at my shop or residence or at P. SCOTT'S shop will be promptly looked after. I "Order's taken for the Digging of Wells and Cisterns. Gomm' CITTeen, d1ILT. STRE11'C, • BRUSSELS. KEND)ALLL'S_ ) YIN t;L1Yt'F; k;',1$ .0" 1.511 MO.St SUCCF0SSPUL ilEeffF.Dr FOR MON OR 05:14s'r, Certain 1n its ea'rota and n,ur 1,1l3tel'8. ltead proofs b, It w KEN DALL'S SPAWN CODE nu: Onr,ann no0del'0On Cot, I13„1011.10,'21, nl n 1, r,i 1nALL Co,. nn 1. 111101n1{r0 HI11nvo lood"ur, tt n]nfy,,p° 1 I u11 11 41,1( I0 Culw one,” n, (xmo it to e mwend al! $,,,, liitnn,0118 ,t 4 etoured1nor. 1 aeon a bath, nu Land all t000lmo. Yours truly, (21,'00. POwstm. KENDALL'S SPAY&K CJ EL Dr. n, e, inNOAT,L CO, CANTON, 530., Atm, ,DS, 05P fine I ItiLVO ,toed ammo/ bM1100 00 y01tr 00dallaapmH Coro” with Smell aueo0,e, 1 ttihk 1(tlto b0 t I,I uncut I Over ((0ed, )Id11M re. m0,,,'rinne l 111 11pro Blood 0aavht and OW 1110 35000 &pglint linvo r0l0mm00dell St to nu.0 keep E s 108P 001 .I.RAyy sl0n 0,nood lvlta 8. Ia.liek, p, 0, 001518, Tion Sate by alt or address 2)2', er. X31ivjidrz O0 11.4N1; CNO09508(4 FALLS, VT, G. Richardson ! is prepared to do all kinds of work in his line, f Good Workmanship and I Good Fits Guaranteed, Suits made for $4 and upwards. Any Amount of Money to Loan on Farm cr. Village Pro • rorty at 6 cF 64, Per Cent., Yearly. Straight Loans with privilege of repaying Y'11eI1 required. LATEST .STYLES, Apply to t 'Shop over MCUall7in'S 5toro, P07081 P0000080 Tura 80013 aesovregg18 Foos 105080. neer. 0081 0 Memory Nlehtly Eml.eloo,, Sperm. 10110805, 0170(0007, 010,, 0000(4 by 81000 0150, and ales a fl,nken 0reti 1, old oulokly bub sorelyreeturo, IAs711a1(&ov0 (0 old r 75000, F10 810082008 you 0001080(8 ((0080 and 80007 ('Barn. (001 by mgt: 10 alaln wr03 er and x000,1/ 008)00 Iron Oboersa soa.,.,,Ejoony carried 50..1 In money In olM,ei ordinarty9 or re kage ter - ad letter. Adam 811 lettere to 4.1',07!J0 4'BR, Druggl8(0 W0000T001c, ONT,, Agent for tbo De, m19100 010 Cannan. A. Hunter, Division Court Clerk, Erussele. e 0/V Har nesPs Shop. D. FRAI -: has opened a Har- ness Shop in the building North of the L. c;ie 13lock, Brussels, where he is r-:epared to turn out Light and I::=avy Harness and attend promptly to repairing. Blankets, Sleigh Bells, Whips, &c., kept in stock. CARRIAGE TRIMMING, I and prepared to attend to all orders for Carriage Trimming, Repairing, /ea, Good work P11,3Nr'derate charges. D. ray; Brussels. 081E11 S11011 licI,E0D'S The undersigned has open- ed up a Butcher Shop in the WO MK, mullIA where he will keepoeonstant. ly on hand a supply of the Best Meats Procurable, sold at reasonable prices. A share of public patronage solicited. System flea ®ma'atez or cora-- TESTED REMEDIES!, SPECIFIC AND ANTIDOTE For Imp005, Weak and Impoverished. Blond. Dyspepsia, Sleeplessness, .Paipbe.- , tion cf the Seers. Liver Complaint, Neur- a11ia Loss of eaemor B o h't' C y, roc Gall feroues, Jaundice, Kidney and urinary 711'anew, St. Vitus' Dance, Female Irregu:aririee and General De- bility. S. > I-Ci11. LABORATORY, GODERICII, OI1T8 J. M. MMeLE OD, Meat delivered to all 1)itrtsProp. and M8.nafa0t0rer. of the town. I Sold by:Jas. Fex, Druggist, Brussels. , 6 and 8 Balls AT THE GET A BOX AND ENJO8 A GAME.