The Brussels Post, 1897-7-9, Page 1Vol. 24, No, 62, BRUSSELS, ONTARIO, FRIDAY, JULY 9, 1897 W. H. KERR, Prop, ratiro;mtwanratort,m0,20ntnmvormamomervekanwrowteuszennemrsout ,,,,, umwesarazuvamwmownilerAnusc.antvezraimsm..nr.0....imammalcomn•rammara;mmommistvomusexmormonmuksromna.v.0......09........1ni0.,6000.0......04naustan002..00o0a0.40mialemx0,..a,.$4.1.0,111 8AYF1EL.D. itogovm,n, ttn.21; W. Yuill, 50 made ; poet "0 I Solittide, where aro thy nweel tbe reel. work he del. Outside Mine Fergueon, of Celt, ie vielting at the only thing really worth our attention. .J. II. Fluilare, 117,19 ; H Jamieson, $11.3:1 ; charms 7"--toel I would wirionely advitto of once being a member of the Helmet eleicirintettit," the guest of Dr. and etre. AS the temple of Solemn' wa,; meth:lied To the Miter of Teo Pone: after the Divine Iden, So nboUld we model Gen, Pollen], tie; 37 1 A. Button, $2.75. cal my lady friends who wielt to expere Salted he declined all inunit:101 honors Ketiblleetelt. - Connell then reljourmel, to meet agein on numb ou the reelitlee of coninthial blies to although he wee au ardent Liberal in Mite John lime and ohildren ere one lives after Divine rule and plummet, cointneneed foe vieitors here but the leit W. Creme Cleric, assure them that they Will leave this and his idea of life 11p11110 which to Ms Holy Word, for no ekeptia whether will bring 1111 infinx of the Banta ohnemed Bret with reluotenee, feeling WRS to do 101 the goowtlate°10aotull'di! 1Ina811/0uatar- 8it'A.ItillaneYarIttliti)tli.eal.nn;s:cl'ititiug:lit:,'. off o'Llgont fon, 001itaTitndep100rtttann1eletatfla01urwl°edgsao' It'lliill! 1°0111 DEA0 Sm, -The HURH011 bag hardly corm end try Connd Bend Park. .1 cm politica Mr. Smith was 0 good neighbor v i g 1 the 2tel dile of Angute next. Onre is a 'nosh pretty village from stand. happier in mind, mom vigororte in nese affaire by herd work and 111011011)11111 W) yfte.yr: TI:ltwineg,,:t: F. C, Regent' for le few ohmmeter,' here on meth Oa te finally it point of altilule, perspeotive, etcetera. Dominion Day Id Wroxeter. conetitntion, awl better prepmed to battle management he bad provided a own 11 comprieee a permanent population nf - with the stern realitim of life. Quay but his heat realms were not of earth A. Strube.% „nom inn lea by mro. snli,iteymicbeer talineatitubentkragboleminitneenetelyeofoothrxe. some 800 inlmbitante \vele). an annual The 30th leirtheity taf Wee Canada woe Yours sincerely, and many are the people who will hold S eregatien to be found worthy of a plate ratio of some 500 visitorti which may be celebrated in Wroxeter on Tlatirecley of MINNI0 O'Coxxou fil`ERLo. very kindly memories of the eeeeaseil. twta'n)INtlay'fildeir tillidierat::r'ee7.011) a day °I" Li nthritatt. ebteoaruntinla`etleraleemyieloil made with possibly exceeded this year. The mom- last week in a mod enthuelastio style. fiheeney.Wold Cottage, Crane Bond, The funeral will take place from the Mite 0) 01111 of Trowbridge, and T. modation for viiiitoN is ten AS ample 110 it A good deal of time and trouble had boon ;July 5, '07. family residence on Friday atterneon at Code 01111 wife, of the same plan, spent Eewotern LUAGUliE1.-It is. expected might be but is becoming more 1110q10110 yearGreat things were entice taken in cleetwating tho village wall over- 4.30 ceoloole, service being conducted by last Sanctity with the Misuse Code, Brun- there will be 18,000 leaguers in Tutouto moll . groom, aee bunting, Ilg, te., so that it wore Rev. R. Paul, in the alienate of Rev, S. J. eels. pated fur Bayfield lu item:Her beginnings eee I. 0',. Allin. Interment will be matte at Brno- S. B. Wileon, of 13rantforcl, formerly dmitzti.nag st4h;olt?„,0w118VT.I.21f.1115,00Jfurl& 1 71,111rii,e eastnici and it ice somewhat uniquely laid om, quite a hol,edeeY i?iimet. teeter 1111.Clyele 1. 10) the crowd mule A numbee of ferment commenced olover meting hot week, see oetnetery. Tho A. 0. U. W. of which of Brneeels, has been appointed Secretary Genessee ; 3,300 from Now York ; 2,000 largely on the principle of Goderioh town, Mr. Smith watt a member, will 111801 the of the Y. el. 0. A. at Paris and boa gone from Penneylvenie ; 2,0e0 from Obi° ; HS way to the Parte, wItere a League f Oa. Do somewhat older plum I believe than the ball match WWI Mod between the home thigh W. 1110Kay, Oth con„ ill having funeral. Mrs. Smith and family will be 10 that town to assutnehis now duties, 1.100 from Indiana, ; 1,500 from Miehi- latter but n, keen rival of the same and team and Brussels. It was m hare knight atone stabling built under his barn. accorded not only sincere nympathy, but He should 1111 the poeition to a nicety. gan ; 2,600 from Illinois. Tbis means friendly. We (lo not kuow what potetibi. aonteet, resulting, so 1010 feree said, in Thos. /Umiak bed a very successful bee many preyees in their hour of bereeve- The Courier of Jena 2901 nye 1-Bruee that there will be 18,000 from the Mahe- lities are before the plaeo with proposed. on Tuesday. He le digginge cellar under tlio visitors winning by 1 to 0, although hie home. Wilson, who 001 11 lumber of yeare has diet Episoopel (March 1 2,500 from down harbor extenelou end possible electric many se-x..001.1.0N say Bruseele won .60118 meet. been prominent in Y. M. 0. A. and South •, 1000010111 Missouri, There will roaO connections with tho lerge centres of Mrs. Edmondson, of Oehavva, is here to Semen COMM CIIRElie FACT0107.-0. W. Riley, 01 100810011 ourohneed the 111110 Ohl:Winn Endeavor work 10 thie city, be 11000 from Cenacia. Dr. &bell also Canadian commeece and enterprise. We 1'11'1 3r• Dinner being over, the first item en the attend the funeral of her brother, 101 100 make of cheese from this factory ab tii 1100 r3i.er. sae appointed tti e7 reeatyaer? aott otnhaeo Y make daily conneotions by means of stage progrem censieted of m Haim of Bicycle den Smith. oents. Tim first belt Atm shipped 10 daye M. to. tuagIgle.ektiedonthatt ,opcItitityuari,rntsesetvreieetabe ecrohronuelrds with Brumfield and See:forth. Fresh A fletiouff encounter W00 the emelt of sail npou tho beantifra Neaten of Lake 2nd. There wore four starters. Next one day this week. and quantity, bhp month of June output Y. 10. 0. A. here and tendered him a levnatlici'll bce 'l 'yea le n1 11)11°41;880;v el'tic ill .°111c .1 ma: wde ehoPolindla,(1- races. L1 the 21.- miles conteet G. C. ago, the shipment being 204 boxes. -The undertake hls 0010 duties. Last evening 01011 is always on hand Ono ran enjoy a Wtheon thole let -money end D. Konica a, wrangle over a diteh on the llith coo. factory is doing well, both as to gratlity a number of his friende gathered at the breatirl Huron by means of mil boat, steamers or mono a slow reee on the bilee, ill Which D. Otto Schnook raleod his new been on being 125 boxer more than was made in farewell. The evening was spent in an tion lute been secured for nearly 20,000 smell bone. Tuesday Mtn:noon of lest week. Mr, O'C'ninor, a Widlorton, outdone the June, 1800-011 111001)113' evening of last informal way. Mr. Wtleou clueing the flyeolielozieltrleticeueintyvetehmaesrabaserne tipllortie! elee have three limnjelling ohurches the othee competitore in the snail gait he Reeldate is the framer. weelc N. Se MoLanehlin, the energetio course of events was made the recipient here, Presbyterian, Episcopalian mud etrunk, A. quarter mile dash brought out Rev. W. A. Smith, S. T. 1., of West - Methodist, also a empe of the Army. G. E. Wilibm, Wroxeter ; S. Elliott, Infester, calm borne to atteed the funeral proprietor of the factory, weed ti. meeting of & handsome set of usethewei 0000. meted in providing free accomodetion for of all interested in the establishment of a nyenttianeo.st,Tpe prrettosonit;timonskiwnags'al )1 ge lobrege0283,70a0letevrbso osAtithvempreeerierm a board.t'i Wingham • D. 'entice, Wroxoter ; and 7. butter meeting plomb in the factory. 13 Rev. Mr. Oaten, Methodist miniater, of Marsden Smith, hie uncle. lately a/meeting this place, merited and MoBain, Rruseels ; the firet and second Hayine, has been started by a few and There was e largo turn out and all al.). remarks. Mr. Wilson replied with a few The savanna guard of 1110 coming hoot received a large shere of popularity ea named winning. Miss Maggie Miller NV011 Will 110 doubt be gerter,t1 by the end of words of thanks. Wellington Street will arrive on July 1211 and ivill oonelet preacher and imetor. Rev. Mr. Graham, the prime for best decorated wheel. the week. Hay is very heavy. neared to be in favor of the movement. A. competent committee was appointed to Methodist church Eptvorth League also of half a dezen Western hustlers freen of the Presbyterian ohuroh, is meeting Cargill lineoball Club crossed bolo with Sohn Ransom, 601 eon., bits returned oanames those likely to patronize the gave him a good send.off, with great emcees all round, and Rev. from a holiday trip of two eveelts to Seattle who are determined 00 000010 the tbe "Unious" and in amen innings rather butter factory, mad if sufficient eneourage• next convention for thee city if possable. Mr. Smith, of the Episcopal church, is Montreal, where he was visiting brothers walked into the old time invineibles, de- ment is given the neoeseary mitohinery The emeriti Cabinet of the Epworth universally bolovect The Army is also ancl Moven. He bad ti. good time. 011131(01 1 01-1111Be. doing a good work. Pathmasteve shotdcl bay° the rooks League will reach here on the 14th, and feating theni by 16 to 7. The home will be purchased and ready for oper- Onstmege. broken that have been placed on some of Rev. R. Panl will take the service in will stop at the Queen's. The Cabinet team had only 1 ran th their credit up to Mien next November. The idea 10 a Bayfield, Jelly 5th, 1S97. the roads by statute labor. They are no the Methodist church next Sabbath aonsiste of Bishop Ninde, General Seme- the last inninge, when pitcher Longhloon first clam one and Neill no doubt bo heart. lost his heed mud the "Unions" piled ita 6 ily entertalued by the progrenive farmers tary Schell, Revs. Dr. Berry, Chimer, ; use RS they aro unless to lame a horse or evening. rune. Tho wore le me followe :- of Grey cend Elma. Am edclition will W. I. Haven, D. D., BrooLcline, Mass. ; "tomes." smash a buggy, Miss Edith Ettettnen has been appoint. Morris 001.1.nen. 'Meeting. CAROILL. Grey townelup Voters' list for 1897 'lave ta be built to the factory to riecom• ed orgeniet in St. Johnee church and F. L. Nagler, Cincinnati ; 0, E. Piper, -- R. 0. will be first posted up on Monday next, modate the extra plant. Chicago 1 Ohas. R. -Armee, Boston • J. A. The Court of Revision met pursuant to Loughloeu,n, ... 0 5 A. Kf01.1[0, II July 121h inst. There are 1128 names on _-- _ __ Adjutant Myles, of Palmerston, ,will Patten, Chattanooga, Tenn. ; Dr, '11. R. niark, If. 1 1 Meitardy,n, T li Will. James leader of the choir. aejournmont in the Council Room, Mor- ee Andereonetb. 1 3 Brawn, c 1 E the list, 47 of OM number being ladies. PeOple We K111.0W. oonduce serviaes in the B. A. Barret:lea portent meetings at the Queen's during Doherty, New York. They will hold im• ris, on June 28011, 1897 ; members all eleestier,ele .... it I \V, Knake, 2.1.) 2 'il 701 pergolas are competent to serve as -- On Saturday, Sunday and Monday next. present, the Reeve in the Chair. Appeals s. eueersoiec... 2 1. Paulin, an :tiptoe le 0 3 jurors. the Convention. 3 linoneral 7110. Bird's health allows no improve• Next Sabbath ulternoon Rev. Mr. Abey were disposed of as follows :-Lots 16, 17 Nelson,as 3 13 Robinson,of. 0 2 Last week a sample of Dawson Fall meet. will preach a sermon to the Orangemen EIRST. METIIODIST SERMON IN AUSRMA.- end lt), G. S., Bluevalo, ctesessed to John oargill, lb 1 0 A.Rao, as 1 . cvheab was pulled on the toxin of Win. Miss Myrtle Wilson is home from and Lady True Blues, of Walton, in St. "On the 7011 of Deareb, 1736, Jobn Wesley Gardiner elong with lot 8, eas.Garcliones Stokes, of, ...... .. 1 2 1.1.Itao,lf 1 2 Turnbull, lot 7, con. 16, that 010115111001 Guelph. George's church, at 3 o'olook. preached the lint Methodist sermon ever 1000 0 drooped ; Mrs. 00111110, entered 15 21 - _ 7 si no lees than 6 feet, 2e inehes. Mr. Charlie Kendall is home from Toronto Sabbath morning next the members of preaobed 011 this continent," writes the owner of Ne 12, am. 6 ; John Gardiner, Score by innings- 1 2 0 4. 5 0 7 Turnbull has 12 aoree of this wheat and 011 19 visit. Brussels Orange Lodge, No. 774 will at. Rov. W. J. Scott, D. D.'in an interesting one dog struck off ; Wm. Geddes, ono (1u')11t e 0 1 0 0 03-10 the peospeote of a big orop ere splendid. Mrs. Funston end Ella are holidaying tend service hi St. John's church at 11 a. review of "Wizen Sohn Wesley Preached dog struck off ; Elias Cumming, entered 111.10,10 0 0 0 1 0 0 0-- 7 The roof is now on the new union at Tiverton. m, when the incumbent, Rev. Mr. Abey, in Georgie," in the June Ladies' Home 0101)011 00 S pt. 1, con. 7 ; A. F. Embury, Seatorth proved its supremacy over sehool image, No. 12, Grey and MoKillop, ears. A. Goatee, is on the sick list will preach to them. The brethren ere Journal. "It WRS delivered not far from entered tenant of 11 pt. Ne 16, con. 3 ; Welleorton in tho 011118,411m game known and it will soon be finished. The True. withrin y lexopseoctoldootookmeet at the Orange Hall et the site of the present Christ Ceureb, Clue. Turvey, entered owner of Iii 19, ns laorosee, by winning easily by.2 to 0. tees have engaged young Mr. Smith, of Mi 2 Donovan,sof Seafortle is visiting Savannah, of whieh he subsequently was con. 3 ; Goo. Brewer, entered. M. F., Se The Northerners were clearly overmetate the 16th cone as teaober for the balenee Mies Mary Roach. On Sabbath morning 18th inst., the the third rector, and cvas addressee to a 24, con. 4 ; Christopher Thornton, outer' eel and Seaforth practically won hands of 1807. School will open alter the Cleve. end Clerk A.Itie wheeled to members oE Court Princess Alexandria mixed assemblage. His oongregation ea tenant of lot 21, G. S , Bluevale ; D. clown. We append the names of the Summer vacation. 'Exeter on Wednesday. No. 24, O. 0. P., Brussels, and visiting hardly exceeded 400 pereoes, inolecling Hall, entered M. lie, SA 1.5 and 16, oort. 1; players in therespective teams :- Mies Emma, Raneun, of Listowel, is Miss Myrtle Nett 16 010)00 from Fergus brethren will attend service in Melville children and adults, reinforced, however, by jno. Robinson, entered owner of SEe 8 IVALicaRTOSI. rosranz. SBASOBTEI. visiting bee parents, Robb. Bosom and for her Summer vacetion. ohurob, when Rev. Soo. Roes will preach one hundred or more of the neighbor - 111)3 Indians. Wesley disouteed in a most and Se 9, con. 8; Edward Viuoenb, enter- Main:lig ' Goal Powell wife. Miss Sarah Ransom, of Detroit, Will, Lowry, of Gelt, was home on a the annual hareem). Brethren are asked eloquent manner the principles of °heist- ed Melee SW pt. 1, con. 4 ; 110. Bleck, rims Point Payne 10 0110 visiting her parents. etre. Mary holiday visit for a few days. to meet at the lodge room at 10.80 o'clock Cover Point b(aleally ian charity as argued by St. Paul in the E. Davidson, (another daughter) and J. T. Rose and N. le. Gerry were in and march to the ohurth. McKay bit Defenee... ................ thirteenth chapter of Firat Corinthians. entered M. F., SW pt. 1, cou. 4 1 P. OSS Fleauclretb, entered M. F., lot 3., Bolgrave ; Rayburn tie e Bethune family, of Montreal, will spend 0. portion London on Duminion Day. Wellington street Metbodiat oheroh, Chas. Knapp, entered M. F., lot 1, con. 14(11 Bril " 3 ; 0. Procter, entered F. S., Isle 4, con. Ashley Centre B.JEDnctolstry, o E t h e S n m re e r h e re . Jamb Keifer is building a new bank was in town on Wednesetty. W. II. Green, of the Electrio Light Co. Wien to Rev. joseph Edge, pastor of Loudon, has extended a unanitnous 1081- 310 audience were in tears. While he He made a powerful appeal and many of 5 ; Milford Sellars, entered M. E. endWhithuter ...... ......ene " Whittney ... ...... 1001.101110 beide " Johnston Fbarn on his farm, con. 7. The stonework Mazy Russell, of Wingliam, le visite North street Methodist ohnroh, Goderith, was not so impetuous in his delivery as in owner of Ne 18, eon. 2 ; Wm. lentledge, O'Connor ............3rd " Jackson Stewart being completed the frame work was ing.at B. Gerry's, her uncle. to heoorne their pastor at bbe end of this atter years, his abilities at that time be. 1 mitered M. le., S 28, con. 3 ; A. Laidlaw, Brie *Onteide Betue Boyd raised 00 TOesdny. Joo. Lamont and Lawyer Sinolair was away to Montreal Conference year. Rev. Mr. Edge has ace spoke the great p10100101 ancl reformer. one clog struck off. On motion Of Wm. 8110.01010. 3n0. Lamont chose sides and Maloolna's this weelc on a business trip. oepted the call, subject to the action of If he was more seholastie in 003:10 than in A Isbister, seconded by Thos. Code the In a 100 yard foot race A. Ashley, of John won. There were abort 100 hands Miss Maggie Beattie arrived home the Stationing Committee. , after years, the fervor and force of his Court of Revision was then closed and Walkeeton, won 1st and 1,1111500, 10 present. The building 45x65 feeb. from a visit to Clinton last weelc. Femme SEnV/02.-Next Sabbath morn. appeals were none the lees felt by, his the assessment roll m revisee and one Wroxota, 21111. Death Olarle's new barn, 38x56, lot 16, Miss Smell McCrea Wee visiting Miss nine a special flower service will be held hearers. Especially was this strikingly rected was established as the assessment Numerous sports' of au week cher- con. 17, is about °emplaced. Obas. G0.103 Kth ate Shaw, Teeswater, for a week. for e Sitithath Sehool commencing at 0100 when in the mune of his roll of this Townelnp for the current year. motor WOM gi0011 at b110 Mill dam, where hee the contract and did a lirsh.olase job, Miss Nellie Kennedy, of Blyth, is visit- 10,30 o'clock in the Methodist he adverted to the death of hidiscourse s father, Council bOSinOSS WU 111011 1300000010 with the old time walking the greasy pole, tub Thos. 3ohnst0n's been, on the time eon- hag her grandmother, Mrs. Anderson, church. Short addressee will he who for 40 years or more had been the as follows 1-011 motion of Messes. Kirk- races, swimming, che„ won hastened RS cession, is also finished except hanging Mies Jane Coulter, of Toronto, is visit- given by (1.31'. Blair, Superintendent of *00001110110 (11 the Epworth rectory- This by and Cardiff, Wtn, Isbister WRS in- feu produeors and evoked lots of merle- the doors. Mr. Oase, who resides on the ing at Bev 11. Paul's, Princess street. Melville Sabbath school • B. Gerry and venerable man WEIS asked 1184 100)3 before Mulcted to have 60 yards of gravel placed ment. Alter Thos. Bennett had caught lefoKillop boundary, had the Job too. Editor Irwin, of the Luton Record, W. H, Kerr. Each member of the school his death: "Are the °orientations of God on sideline 840010 11 and 6, eon. 5; Gerd. the greased pig, tale curtain 1000 rung 511DDI0 DEATIL-Abent 9 a.m. Wednes. wee renewing old friendships iu Brussels. is asked to 1061111 11 boquet and carry an. email with you 1" "No, no, no I" he m- iff and Kirkby, that Thos. Code be in- down and the doe's sport was over. . day Mrs, Peter Sinclair,1401a eon., passed Frank Smith, who boo been attending other in their hand to the church. As claimed, with uplif bed bands, "ctud struoted to have road repaired at lobe 4 Listowel Braes Band discoursed nnune may quite unexpectedly. 810 bad been Seaforth Oollegiate, is home for his hole bhe usual Sebbatla wheel will be with• then," continued Wesley, "telling all and 5, on 7111 con. line, expense not to dining the day. poorly for the pest three weeks with oon. days. drawn next Sabbath afternoon everybody thee were near him by their names, the exceed e30.00. Ottrried. Oode and Ts- gestion of the bowels, but had only been R. Henderson and wife were visiting el is expected to bo in attendance at the dying patriarth said : ',Think of heaven, bider, blab Jno. Mooney be appoiuted Grand Bend Summer Resort. in bed sinus Sunday evening. Wednesday W. Efebkirle's, Teeswater, for a couple of morning service. . I" talk of heaven ; all time is lout when we collector for the current year at, a salary morning she set up in bed and ate her daYe• Last Sabbeth Rev. T. W. Cessna, of me nob thinking of heaven This was of $85,00, on furnishing sittiefactory breakfast and shortly afterwards Mr. Mrs. W, T. Cluff, of Tborndale, wee Fordtvicb, ocoupied the pulpit of the spoken by Wesley. in a tremulous voice, security 10 111)0 amount of $14,000. Car- To the Bettor of Toe POST : , Sinclair wout to Brussels to attend to visiting under the parautal roof, at 5, D. Methodist thurob to tbs pleasure and and his new partshioners at Savannah teed, Cardiff duel Mister, that theReeve 3120 Sere -In response to your invitee some business end 10110 sadly suvprised to Ronald's. profit 01 010 congregations. His text in were for the instant almost swept off and Treasurer be instructed to borrow tion tend your many acts of kindness, I beer ot his wife's sudden decease. Mrs. Miss Dora Smith fa home for her the morning was Exodus 2801 campand their feet by a tidal wave of religious en. eight hundred dollars to meet current ex. hasten to give you our impressions of this shackles maiden name was Ilanneh vacation from near Listowel where she is 34th verse :-.,..O. golden bell and a pome- their Tradition has it that emeral perms. Oarried. Ithister and Cardiff, interesting Stunmer resort, whiole we Barker. Sim was 10 0111(1011001 of the late teaching. emulate, a golderi bell and a pomegranate, Indians who were present beettme so that the Treasurer heiustruoted 00 1101)0010 reached at au °curly hour on the evening John Barker and e niece of Robert Ram. Statiou Agent Kendall expects to be upon the hem of the robe round about." greatly exeited, not only by Mr. Wesley's Township money in the Bank of "lame- of one marriage, after a delightful drivesom. Deceased was married to her now able to resume work in the oouree of a It was 0 unigne, yet well thought out impassioned oratory -though they did ton, as per etheute. Carried. Kirkby of 15 miles from Exeter. Wo found a bereft husband last November. She was week or so. discourse. The evening service was not understand a word he said -but by and Cede, that the Treasurer be author- 0 01111101101 cottage awaiting us, through 0 member of the Methodist chetah and 80 Thos. Bradwell mod wife, of Clifford, specially applicable to the young people, hie gestures, that one old warriornervous- ized to issue ahem:tee for the withdrawal the kindness of John SPeokman, prolate- items of age. The funeral will take place were iu town on Wednesday renewing old the text being :-"Then the King made ly °leeched Ws tomahawk, fearing an of Township money as required for for of Grand Bend Park, which is situ- from her late residence on Friday mom. frieudehlne. Dauiel a great man." Rev. Mr, Paul ieenber.,e,a(s in the strangely moved audi. Township purposes. 011.11001. 'ablator ated 015. the Eastern shore of Lake Mum, 1)13 at 10 o'olook. Interment will be Piney Ashplanb, of London, visited at supplied Rev. Mr. Comm' work at Ford. ce Ceee, thee the Clerk be iustrueted to in close proximity. to the water. Nothing made at oreethrook cemetery. Mr. Sin. the Methodist Parsonag,e this week. Ile with. procure hyo copies of Ole Revised could be more desireble for a Summer's °lair is deeply sympethized with 11 110 00010 On Ws bike. Ileisittowel. Statutes of Ont., 1097, foe use of the outing then the grounds and mu:round- unlooked for bereevernent. Principal Oameron MIS itl Winghoen terien church has °lased its sessions at Mee Louise Livingston has returned The General A.seembly of the Preaby. Reeve and Olorlc. Garda (Joao and iugs of this increasingly Popular resort. AN OLD AND WORTHY ReSIDeNT DIES.- this week as presiding examiner at the Winnipeg. There was a large attendance home from Toronto, where she has been Oardiff, 11100 Geo. 'Kirkby be instructed There are over twenty cottee,es-furnish. Two weelie ago last Monday. Marsden Primary Examinetion• ' from all parts of the Dominion. During attending the Bishop Sheehan school to haven 26 yards of gravel placed on road el or unfurnished-whith 000 01011 rent at smith, an old and most highly esteemed J. Lookie Wilson, of Alexandria, was 1806 the (thumb made good progress. for young ladies. at lob 27, con. 9. Carried. Kirkby and moderate retee, either by the week or resident of Grey townsbip, took in with visiting Mee. W. R. Wilson A. Stewart There are now about 1,300 ministers and Chas. Anderson is still soffering from Code, thee the Reeve be inetruoted to call month, or for the season, on terms of something akin to inflammation of the and other frieeds in Brussels. 2,500 churches. The mentherehip is now te burned band, mused by the explosion an the Engineer to hove the Johnston living less thee what 11 would cost at bowels and medical treebment was eougbt Mies Kate Wilson, who has been teach- folly 200,000, prating an there were of some of the fireworks on the night of Carried. Accounts Were Ordered 110 be ragweed for rural pie.nieking, mei as shortly after and despite the atteution bone last week for her vacation. added to the church 20 new eangrega- the Jubilee celebration. tions, 6,682 families and 8,224. commune Roy M. Nichol, of this town, brother draia pot In a proper state of repair. home. You ean obtain all the necessaries on Tuesday. Other eomplioations set in lug ab Mamma, Meetings' Co., arrived 11ai6, NS follows :-111. Finn, milled, 31.- fresh nlilk and eggs, butter, canned fruit, and oare of physicians and friends the I. Kingwood, wife and children, of St. cents. There are 150,669 Sabbath school of Dr, 4.01. Nichol, is noW an M. De 00 ; W. Stephenson, ditch amose road, froth fish, de., \\Milo the privilegee of patient gradually failed unbil the yam Thomas, were holidaying in Brussels and mboiare and 17,636 teachers. The total henvi,gogypeayeeseortl Alley sfilaniaaln se xnalriodi tirogneso neaf. 108,85 ; W, Ritchie, ditoli across rotwl, bombing, bathing, swinge and other enjoy. spark fled on Wednesday about emu, locality for a portion of the past week. revenue for nearly all purposee was near. 11 10 ; A. Oentelon, clitoh, $10,76 ; H. able recreations render this Paek a Deceased was born in the vicinity of A. M. McKay enjoyed the cooling ly two and a.quarter million dollars. For Toronto. He has been appointed on the Sellars, grading on sideline, $20A0 ; S. 0101101)0 paradise for both old and young. Weston, Out., in 1840, and resided at breezes of lake lemon lase Sabbath et foreign missions 0115,000 was voluntarily house staff of the Toronto General Breekenricleo, gravelling en sideline, 429.. On Domini= Day -Which w" the Smithfield until 19 Years of age when he Kinottedine while WO sweltered at home. contributed, 40 per oent. of it by the Hospital, ancl lett lest week to assume 13 ; Ino. Amsley, impeding bridge, 112.- thirtieth anniversary since Confederation 00010 Wad to Bete 25 and 26, (eon, 4, Dr. G. L. Bell and Earl, of Toronto, women of file church ; of this amount hie duties. 00 , T. Fleeter, dude, 05.11. ; Jas. Bow- bonnie an accomplished fact in the his- Morrie, ethical peoperty hie father hied enjoyed a short holicleY with relatives $2400 bad been spent among the In- On Monday evening of last week dm - man, inspeeting Clegg's bridge, 412.00 ; tory of Ottuada-no less- than between purehesed. Alters rumple of yeare there and old friends in and mound Masashi. diem of the Northwest, In addition tbe ing the raising of a barn on Wm. Bar - Buff ch Stowarb, building culvert, 1148,65 ; four end five thousand people, consisting he, along with Edmondson Bros., built a Mrs. Jno. Tait arrived home last week clunolt sent through its offunals $15,736 nett's farm, on Wallace boundary, a tone W. Armstrong, approaches to bridge, 11 6.. of inou, 'women end childeell, aseembled saw mill at Brussels on the property now from a holiday trip. She visited New for Ole famine relief in India. or two west of the town, a young Eng• 60 ; Duff 110 SteWarb, foot bridge, plank in the Park 0,nd spent the livelongclay 111 owned by D. Preen.. In 1868 Truman York while away and spent a most enjoy. A. It, 01A. M. -The annual Masonic, Hellman named Alfred Waders was and repairing West abutment, $10.80 ; games end refreshments within the Smith joined hie brother, the other gen- able time. seevioe was held in 50. John's °hutch lost seriously injured. A rafter, which was Doff ce Steware, building bridge, 8625.00; grounds, 01. 00 the water in sail and this tlemen retirins, and the two ran the bud- Mrs. Walker and daughter, Verne, Sunday morning, the service being eon. standing on end, fell and struck hire on Wm. jaoklin, wOrU 011 Boundary, $2.80, boats. Ono adventage peculiar to this nese nail 1874 when they sold out to p, have gone to Seatorth for a holiday visit, ducted by Bev, W, T. Cluff, of Thorn. the head, musing cononesion of the brain. and on sideline, $2.64 ; 0. Thorlaton, popular resort is the perfoot purity of the Spaeling & sot,. About the game time They will 30 00 Port Huron and Flint, dale, formerly of Bruesels. The church He was knocked ineeneible by the blow, 48.38 ; Ons. Closecey, repairing scraper, young as well as old. So electv and nel. being Lot 4, Con, 7, Ovey, from Mrs. Silo. letiohigen, before returning. Nelson Currie 10111 100150 for Brandon, heat of the day. About fifty of Ole day morning, when he repined comeions• was filled, notwiteuttanding the esteems and remained in a duper tep to Wednes- 1011614 mill pond 011 lierbh Boundary, waters and their safety in Whine for Marsden parehand the 100 aore fartn, 08.50 ; Jets. Snell, Work on sideline, $10,- lucid are the waters of Lake Huron at Sinoltvir, now of Brunie, upon Which he Mate, in charge of a me of horses on Masotti° brethren marched from their nem. Waders has been in Oallaail, for 00; Wm. Phelan, canting hill, 31000; this partioulne point that 000 01011 SOO the mini intiouely reeided up to the time or his either Saturday or Metnitty. It Mr, lodge i.00m, headed by Ooteide Guard J. several meg and has been living with jas. Kelly, grading on sideline, 1125.00 ; sanely bottom at eeveral feet ie depth, rieath. Mr. Smith WM, 'untried to Miss Currie 0005 0. good openinu he will probab- Y. S. Kirk, supported by two Stewaede Joseph Johnston in Elma. le Caetelon, veneering road, $6.00 ; Wm. wbieh recedes from the cetera very Martha Sparlieg to 1884 and she with ly vermin in the Pritirie Province. will the wends 01 office. The usual Laidlaw, repairing bridge, $9.00 ; Geo, gradually, thus rendering it pevfoctly safe 080 000 &IA three dataghtere survive to Mre. S. 7. Allin redeived information church service of the day being observed, Alex. Molten, of Montreal, is dead. Parker, plank, $1.00 ; M. McDonttle, for belling purposes, end es it result pee- mouen the lose of 11 good husband and last week of the serious illness of her Bev. Bro. Ohilf took for his text the 29nd .A. freight war is in progress in the work on South Boundary, 302.00 ; 10. 1310 30111 all parts of Westeen Ontario, as kind father. A eon and daughter died mother, Mre, Darcb, of London, over verse of the 7th tempter of let Kings, Galt dietriot. MeLaughlart, eepairing Scraper, $1.86 ; well as from Detreit and other points 111 some years ago. The subject of this whose reooveay there appears to be but "And upon the top of the pinata woe lily• Mrs. Jane Welker died at Queenston, J. McCaughey, reneirieg bridge, e8.00 ; the neighboring States, avail themeelves eketeh was & worthy member of the uncertainte. Mrs. AIM went to London work, eo was the work of the pillars ita her 0001 year. S. Au, outting11111, 330.00; 3. MOICin. every Seventh): of e visit to thie loectlitee Methodist church for many yeave tthe thle week, finiehea," from which a most impressive Peter Egleson, of Ottawa, is dead, ag non, gravelling on West Denudney, 021.- The grounds of the Park, which consist generously dealt out his memo to ite The Toronto Telegram Of Monday and thoughtful discourse, of about 40 the result of a etineteeke. 90 ; Sas, Golley, beeped* gravel, 115,00 ; of seme 26 110100 Or more, are slightly Ruppert. Of an unostentatious Ammeter save :-Attaehm ed 00 the elee Wash minntes, wits prenolied.. The speaker Some improvement in the condition of Jas. Seat, gravelling on West Boundary, undulating and covered with a luxuriant yet with clam out, well defined primal:Am bound G. T, R. train this niortdog was it emphasized the duties and general de. Sir George Kirkpatrick is teported, (4146 ; or. Sterling, inspeotinggemelling, growth of treee, chiefly oak Ewa pine. he quietly het effeetively ferried ott 10 big special ear, in which lay Ma ieiteleoloison memo= of te true Mason as the two pil- iii. three•year•old son of flitted Dutton, 08.12 ; for greyed :-A. A00a111e,$8.05 ; W. The utmost care and attention are given 1100 for all that was right eme ae eagerly With livee in Goderieh. Mr. Maloolinson lare in the text, not oele typical of of Niesoun Township, was burned to C. Wilson, $8.65 ; T. Miller, 114 40 t D, to tourists by Mr. and Mrs. Speakman, sought to banish everything eniculeted to has been in Dr. Walker's private hospital strength and Wiedom, but ornaments of death in the fire whieh destroyed hie Varquharsou, OA ; Goo, Taylor, e4.20 ; who 0170110 110 pains or expense in catalog enslave. Be wee an °Meted -out Pro. on Imbelle sheet for 00Mo time, and beautiful WO worlc ; the pornegrenates of fether'e barn. 11. Latindy, $13.80 ; G. Hoopoe, 42.65 ; to 11110 public, and securing the their lithibionist and persistently songbt by when it was gem bo bad little chance of plenty and the net work of purity Of life. M. R. Morris, for the put eve 3. Golley, $16.69 ; G. Maxwell, 02 15 1 A. patrons a pleasant time. Speaking for word and deed to help men to reform. recovery le wee removed lo hie herore Amid the net week teed enenaremente of years Millen Omni at Va00011001, Proctor, 06.86 ; Geo. Daley, 414.70 ; C1, inygelf, / have enjoyed my via of it week Many were the kindly Ras he poeformed At Dr. Walleerbt hospital 011 infocnnbiOn the world anima us, we Annie build the hes loan uppeititerl ConeueGeneral for Campbell, $3.15 ; A. Cloakey, $0,64 ; T. to the full, 0 can truly say with the to the newly and only the Good Book will • regarding the OREM 10110 Withheld. structure of a blameless life above all, as Chili in Genede.