The Brussels Post, 1897-3-26, Page 3\.Rzo, 26, 1897
Town Directory
MuLvrr,i:m•Ononatr.-Babbati, Servi
at 11 a m and 7;00 p. in. Sunday Soh
1tt 2:80 p m, Rev, John Rosa, 13
BT. JomN's 011111100. --Sabbath Servi
eb 3 a in and 7 p m, Sunday Soh
at 2;30 p. in. Rev, A. X. Griftin, inou
Mltrnonnie Cuunoti,rSubbatli Servlaoa
et 10:30 a m and 7:00 p m. Sunday
School at 2:30 p m. llev, S. J. Allin,
11010.1N 0Arnotto GRoacn.—Sabbath
Service third Sunday In every month, 01
10:80 a in, Rev health Kennedy,
SALVATION Ainev,—Service at 7 and 11
a m and 8 and 8 p m on Sunday and
every evening in the week at 8 o'clock, at
the barrooms,
ODD FELLOWS' Louao every Thnreday
evening, in Grabam'e bloom.
MASONIC Lonna Tuesday at or before
full moon, in Garfield block.
A 0 U W Loons on the 8rd
Friday evening of each month, in Bias•
bill's block.
C 0 F LODGE 2nd and last Tuesday
evenings of ettoh iuonth, in Blashill's
T 0 F, ',end cad fast Friday in Odd
Fellows' Hall.
L 0 1:, let Monday 111 every month
In Orange -Hall.
HIe hoofed it to a burlou.•yy"Guiettt,
n A big men thought u. great dual of 11.
Jim est a beedr0d thoastu(d demi.
068 Besides a share in ill the prollt.
eel An' then 1(c hired a e peainl Mehl
A, An' calmly journeyed home ng+lin.
oea lid paid the mortgage on the farm ;
col Ile outdo the old folks good tett "warm" ;
al. Ile built it Venae—a perfect dream ;
He drives a splendid trotbin' team,
he gang with hayHAeds in their hair
World sit upon the: fano an' stare,
pita rafl•rido crowd ie now soft 8nap1,2'
To bo rood friends with ,1in1 again
They don't know beans when Lite bag's
span ;
1u' Jim --it simply 0)01(02 him grin
To hear them tray, "Why, we know Jim,
We niter go to sobuls with him."
SONS OP SCOTLAND, let and 8rd Tries.
days of each mouth, in Odd Fallows'
K. 0. T. M. Lopes, inti and 4111 Tues.
days of each month, in Odd Fellow's Hall,
Canadian Order of Chosen Friends, 1st
and 3rd Mondays of etude mouth in Blew
Hill's IIall.
A 0 1i', let and Ord Mondays of each
mouth in Odd Fellow's Hall.
Home Cher(, 'end and Ith Friday even-
ings in Blashill's Hall,
Peart O1FICO.--OflloO hem's from 8 a.
m. to 0:30 p., m,
IN53't3'D'rl3. --
Li r
bra f
Holum' •'
n a flock
will be
open from G to 8
o'clock p. m. Wednesdays and 8:80 to 5
and 0 to 8 Saturdays. Miss Minnie Mo.
Naughton, Librarian.
Town Oounene—W. II. Kerr, Reeve ;
Geo. Backer, Geo. Thomson, It Lea-
therdalo and R. G. Wilson, Councillors •
F. S. Scott, Clerk ; Thomas Belly,
Treaeurer ; R. Ilingston, Assessor and J.
T. Boss, Collector. Doord meets the 1st
Monday in each month.
Smoot. Bo,t,u,.—A, Koenig, (chair-
man,) D. 0. hoes, J. G. Shone, Jas.
Turnbull, A. Oonslay and P. Van•
stale. Seo.•Treae., 11. 31. Ross.
Meetings end Friday evening in each
Pu11r.Ia SCHOOL TEAclnin0. J, II. Cam•
Bron, Principal, Leon Juokeon, Mies
Downey and Mies Ritchie.
Borne o1' HzALrl1.—Reeve Kerr, Clerk
Soots, A. Stewart, T. Farrow and Wm.
Jewitt. Dr. McNaughton, Medical
Health Officer.
Tho Dominion 1V. 0' T. If. i8 0(moiety
of Christian women pledged to total
abstinence and banded together for the
preservation of the home, the education
of the young, the elevation of public
sentiment with reepeot to the cause of
temperanoe, the reformation of the
drinking elease8 by the power of Divine
Gm.oe, and the securing of laws which
shall totally prohibit the parrying on of
the liquor tralile 311 the Dominion of
The usual methods employed in scour.
ing a presentation of our work and
principles before Ecclesiastical, Eduoa.
tiona), Medical au(1 other a8anaiations of
influential people, are the sending of let.
tors to their Conventions, calling atter•
tion to our principles and asking their
end,rsation by formal note or res.
lotion. Whenever possible able ep
should be 00nt to these Aseociati
present the subject. Arraugomen
speakers should, in ordinary 008
(1120(10 by the Dominion Superinte
in consultation with the Snperinte
of this
tlett 1
r the Provine
Local ions
where the Convention
The nim of this department is to
snot legislation, Local, Provieaia
Dominion, ae shall make the stud
ono ling of the laws of health, with
special reference to the effect of 0ti(nu•
tante nail narootios upon the human
body, obligatory throughout the entire
system of public education, public ad.
dreseee, petitions and the free circulation
of literature are among the methods
This Departmeut aims to suppress
ilnpare literature and to circulate that
which is pure and wholesome. It seeks
to bnnirh from homes and piatnro gal-
leries, newspapers and bulletin hoards,
all etatuary and pictures that are int.
modest and harmful in their tendency,
It endeavors to secure healthful and
beautiful dress, especially discounten—
ancing the so.called "full-dress" so Oow•
mon in some classes of society.
The Evangelistic Department aims to
no'oaee the interest of our Whito Ribbon
'Women in Bible study, especially with
ferenee to the exposition of temperanoe
rinciplee. It devises means for parry -
ng the Gospel to n11 climes by holding
vnngelistio services and consecration
neetiugs, by personal vi0itation from
nllse to house, and by all forms of ef-
ort through which men, women and
hildren may be alive(' from intemper-
nee 011(1 brought to Christ. In con -
eaten with thin Department, Bible
eadings, for use in private etudy or
11100 meetings, are issued monthly. ,
Tial Exhibitions and nitre Depart.
est aims to bring temperance ideas and
teatime in contact with the people at
one to
to for
es, he
al and
s are
00011 1.8
1 and
I S,nriptllre texts, leaflet,( or written lot.
tore, `Poem beautiful tokens of hm en
112mpathy care curried to invelltle in
private lemon an well ne to Mulatto of
: hospitals, None are tee idol( 0.0'1 none
too poor to bo remembered by the Flower
1"he Juvenile and Sunday Schools
Department trims to 8nunr0 the form-
ation of Bantle of Elope and Loyal Tem.
perauoe Legions among 0118 children and
youth. It 'make to 8800(0 0 regular
amuse of study ie all our jnveuilc tem-
perance societies, that 00011 member :may
undoretnnd the reaeonablenoae and duty
of total abstinence from all aluohello
stimulants, tobacco and profanity.
Iu it8 Hnndny Sob0.1 work this Do•
pnrtment same to Mull temperance
prinoiplee and habits, from a Bible point
of view, ty means of temperanoe oxer.
0ises and lessons especially prepared for
this mimosa. It seeks to 'mere the neo
01 Sunday School "Honor Rolle" and the
careful observance of "Tewperenoo Sun-
day" once each quarter.
The Press Department aims to keep
the prams, bntln religious and secular,
thoroughly informed us to the latest and
moat important movements of the
Woman's Christian Temperance Union,
It seeks to swum editorials and editorial
paragraphe helpful to the education of
palette eentimeet in favor of every de-
partment of our work.
s't'eel ton,
IMisses Hooey, who have been in Wal-
ton for some time, have returned to their
home in Lakelet.
The many friends of :hiss Martha
Grigg will be sorry to leen that she is at
present under the doctor's care. Wo
hope soon to hear of her recovery.
Alias Allio Swallow, who went to Mani.
lobe. a couple of weeks ago, has secured a
altuation as milliner in the town of
AIoedou. Prior to her departure for the
West, tho members of the infant 010x8
the 1 Methodist 0 st Sun
school Y of
whi •h
e she lead been teacher for the past
year, presented bet with a haudeotue
toilet set and au address.
Several from this sectio, attended the
district Couveution held in Seaforth 011
Tuesday of last aveek. Among the num-
tar vera Aire, Barry, as delegate from the
Methodist Sunday school, and Mies Liz.
is Barrows, 200 delegate from the 12p -
worth League. Mrs. Neal end Rev. Mr.
ostman also attended. The latter gave
0 address,
y and
- _ 1
f(C..l"n, Ire
"Give mea piece of your candy 7" 111
Said little Willie to 12ftay ; 1
And mamma, eewing near them, a
Hoard the little girl say ; , a
"0l eonrso I will, clear brother, n
Because it isn't right 11
To be selfish with my Dandy, n
So you way take a bite."
l stt
And then the little rnaid0n,
Who could so generous be,
Held forth the tempting candy,
Which Will eyed wistfully;
Then with a roguish gia0ae around,
He beret his head and quick
Bin off by far the biggest end
Of May's uioe candy stick.
Poor May a moment silent stood,
Tears started down her ohoek,
One glance she gave at what was left,
But nob a word could speak.
Then suddenly with some new thought
May's big blue eyes grew bright ;
''10 Will 1" she said, "you take the stick,
1'd rather have the bite."
'Tie thirty years, or thereaboute,
Since I used bo roll and play,
And turn all kinds of somersaults
On the
fresh and fragrant rant hay
A-jumpine, and a -tumbling '
On the slay so sweet and soft,
Ab my home away back yonder,
In the old barn loft.
I e ,
ons used
And strn t about and coo I tot,
And make love to one another,
Like sweethearts used to do,
While I walked the risky orooe'beam,
Or clambered high aloft,
With half intent of falling,
In the old barn loft.
How I used to frighten sister,
1Vho was looking for the eggs,
As I dangled there head downward,
Holding by my little lege ;
And, giving them a swing or two,
I'd strike the hay so soft,
At my home away back yonder,
In the old barn loft.
Tho twittering of the swallows,
While making homee of mnd,
The gleeful game of hide.and.eeek,
The slip, the en(1(On thud ;
The pattering of the veinclrope
Abovethehay so aloft,
Aro memorie8 still 0linging
Of the old barn loft.
Jim nom liked the drags and lows,
He'd turner die than milk the plows,
It made 1120 palma and spirits burn
To have to take atiand and churn,
He mostly loafed and did but little,
He loved to sit eroded nn whittle.
An' all the boys the village round
Said Jim was lazy as a Turk ;
They nailed hitt loafer, 81cu1k and hound,
Ilio peed old father did Elie work,
An' one proposed a knok•kneed clown,
To ra11-ride Jimmy out of town.
1302 Jimmy went his quiet way,
An' never minded what they'd say
He'd Mt all day beside the oriole
An' whittle, 'whittle at a 8tiok.
At last he whittled out a sobeme,
A diegue to improve on steam,
airs and other great holiday gathers
by Ises of a booth where temperance
drinks are dispersed and literature circu-
lated ; also, if possible, to aeonre tem-
perance addresses or favorable references
to the subjeot of temperanoe in other ad-
dressee made at such gatheriuge, This
Department protests against the sale of
intoxicants on holiday occasions and
makes systelnatio efforts to secure the
enactment and enforoement of laws to
thio end.
The Unfermented Wine Department
aims to emus the nee of the pure and
unfermented juice of the grape at the
Lord's Table. The nne210(10 employed
are, appeals to the ministry, and church
officials, petitions and resolutione pre.
rented to religious bodies, and the oiron-
labion of literature upon this eubjeet.
The Department for raftsmen and
lumbermen aims to supply the men who
work in the lumber camps and are eu•
0."rafting," ed in "r t'
gaged of nn with good rending
matter•. Illustrated papers, such as the
British Workman, are deservedly pope.
lar as well as soap boosts and 'comfort
bags." Each bag ehould 00ntailn a variety
of sewing materials, a Testament, White
Orme and Temperance Pledge ,Garde,
and a personal Letter.
Tho Department on Legislation, Peti•
Mon and Parlimontary usage aims to
secure laws probibiting the sale of liquor
in the Dominion of Canada. It 0eeer00
and presents petitions to legislative
bodies with roforenoe to the enaotmeut
of now laws and the enforcement o
tench 0s already exist. I°ariiamsntar
neap is the etiquette of assemblies, an
by Parliamentary Urille and simii
methods, this Department, gime t
acquaint every White Ribbon woman
with `ler privileges anis duties ae a
member of the delibera Live assembly,
that elm may know how, in a Perlin.
mentary manner, to snake herself a felt
fol'oe 1(2 0008y meeting.
The Franchise Department aims 10
se0nte the extensionoftbo feanohlse to
all properly gnali00(1 women, that they
may protest thoir homes from the liquor
traffic and its attendant evils. P11e
methods employed are petitions, distri-
bution of appropriate literature, artiole5
to the prase and publio addressee.
The Parlor Meetings Department aims
to interest the 000servative nodal Waseca
of society by couservabive social means.
Tho meetings are held in private houses
and the audionee is withered by invite.
tion. The methods n1u02 vary to meet
the domande of the omission, 12ollgions
serving, (nn0ie a brief
addro5s co
, e tivor.
anal disaneeion, (Retribution of lrtera,
Imre and oitoniation of autograph (pledge.
books, are roeonmended. Gentlemen
May be invited incl honorary member
ship solicited. Refreshments add to
the social oharaotee of the hour.
Through the ministry of 2towere the
Flower Mission DopartmOnt acme at the
promotion of temperance principles and
the bringing of human settle into 0laeer
OOmmunioo with Ohriet, Dia Divine
Sympathizer. The (methods employed
are the dletribtttion of little lacerate tied
, with white ribbon and a000mpanied by
Godkene I➢a.
The row of handsome shade trees put
in opposite the South street front of the
Bedford Hotel is a step that deserves 1
praise for the proprietors.
Geo. Buchanan, a former student, is
ono of the three eandidates for the medal
in the third yen: course at Toronto Uui•
varsity, and it le said that he ba0 a good
The knitting factory, though not geit0
full handed, is doing eoneiclerable work
and the appearances are that in two or
three weeks the building will have no
vacant seat,
The Goderiob Organ Company shipped
17 organs lust week to Nova Scotia and
New Brunswick, and sent this week a
large number of tanks to various points
in the same provinces.
Two :incidents oocurred in the factory
Leet week. On Wednesday Wm. Knee.
(haw had, for the second time, part of
one flugor taken off, and is now off work.
Ou Satueclay, while 12obt. Black, en-
gineer, was polishing up the machinery
he gob his hand jammed by theeeeentrios.
Goderieh L'aeeb01l Club has organized
for the coming season by electing the
following officer,: :—Honorary president, 1
A, MoD. Allan • honorary viae-preei-
dente, D. J. 13, Shannon, Dr. 13o1nne5,
Roberb Thompeon, W. T. lVeleh, and
Wm. Proadloot ; president, 13, D. Grant ;
vice-president, H. L. Watson ; eeeretary-
treasurer, W. J. Paamore ; manager, J.
33. Nairn. The first snatob of the 000002
will probably be on May 2.1;111, with a
London team, end a dramatic entertain-
ment in Victoria Opera House.
051.nxttiietaa Nee we..
Charcoal, or "Bad Young Man," the
Indian murderer, was hanged at the
police barracks, MacLeod.
Josepi, )freeborn died at Hamilton
Ciby from the effects of 'a rib broken
several years ago and neglected,
Wm. Seager, a resident of London, was
probably fatally injured by failing from
a tC
cin ab r
B ol(anl e
, ad (talion, Man.
The Supreme Court has adjourned
until Wednesday, the 2411, when judg-
ments will be given in the seven 010001on
Mrs. Alex, Johnston, Dundee street
west, Woorletook, while hanging' out
clothes on Monday, slipped on the foe
and broke het left arm.
Protests were filed ab Oegoode Hail
o return of A'Ir. Bennett for
East Simone, Mr. Graham for North
Ontario and Mr. Heyd for South Brant.
Mies Paulin Johnson, who has been a0
f , the point of death from diphtheria at
Y Brantford, 18 now pfonounoed mit of
d dnuger, bot will be an invalid for a few
ar 1 weeks yet.
o i John I'ahoy, proprietor of the Imperial
Rebel, Ilmitten, died from erysipelas,
said to be due toae wound received in his
head a week ago. Coroner llfao/Celoan
hold an inquest,
It is reported that Lieutenanb•Gov-
ernor Mackintosh of the Northwest
Territories is about to reeign his office
and move to Roseland to loos( after his
mining ilnlet'Oeta.
Tho amendments to the school cot
peewit] the second reading iu Manitoba
Legislature, Premier Greeoway malt.
ing a strong speech in favor of a non.
cili0tory settlement,
Delegations from London representing
the Licensed Victuallers and the loan
companies, are in Toronto to interview
the Ministers in regard to proposed
legislative ehatiges.
Students of Laval University, Mont.
real, mobbed a Frond: newspaper for
g a para
re -
fleeted of them. The pekoe wolo called
and dlapet'eod the students.
Work on the G. 1 It badge epannn,g
the gorge at Niagara Valls is progressing
satiefaatelrily. Aden are at work on both
sides of the line, and it is oxpootod that
the etrnetufa will be completed in May,
"Snocese is the reward of merit" not
or assumption, Popular appreciation ie
What tells In the long run. For fifty
years people have been tieing Ayer's
Sarsaparilla, and lb ie the blood.
purifier 01051 in favor with the pnbtlo.
Ayers Sareaparilla curse,
For quick and cosy work 2 t
For cleanest sweetest
For every tree abort the
and whitesttclo h a i �_� _ house sur rise works
t cS
Surprise is
_ best and cheapest.
I��` �-...,); -ice '?._,.c�=.'— ' -r- "-•rr .`.�--ar- .. � �'� ��_+
10.. ny�„e, AreAm ..•�.a-..m.._, fSCilr'1 fi6fAl w�a u.�uimr mmrac.+nerrN-,r. r,
ed My Life"
"Several years ago, while in Fort
Snelling, Minn,, I caught a severe
cold, attendeeswith a terrible cough,
that allowed me no rest day or
night. The doctors after exhaust-
ing their remedies, pronounced my
case hopeless, say-
ing they could do no
more for ate. At
this time a bottle of
Cherry Pectoral was
sent to mo by a
;friend who urged
me to I did, and soon after I wast, re which
relieved, and in a short timeewas
completely 7
Y cured I have never had
much of a cough since that time,
and I firmly believe Ayer's Cherry
Pectoral saved my life."—iv. II.
WARD, 3 Quimby Av., Lowell, Mass,
Any Amount of Money to Loan
on Farm or Villarye Pro-
perty at
6 6. 61 Per Cent., Yearly.
Straight Loans with privilege of
paying obeli required. to
• A. Hunter,
Division•Qour't Clerk, Brussels,
11111Cf SIiGu I
Cherry Pectoral The undersigned has open-
ed tip a Butcher Shop in the
Highest Awards at World's Fair. --AND
AVER'S PILLS cure Indigestion and Headache
.IttNA3.14:NOALli.1111 TEM,.
Drltlh o
11/41arch bfo'ati. aw April
11,011 1'. 21., +Mi
(should salllclent busiueea (.112,•)
To Manitoba and the
Canadian North-West
A 0,0001st Sleeper will 1":1th,eha 1 to Pee
1 rag I 21,1080 dna to (0500 T..,. ,,t+, ut 1032 2.
3rr03b1 On fon iuftmetle ta('piyto
G.' 7... ale
P 1: ,
Agent, ,. .
System 110210VatOZ
ewHarneso where he will keep constant-
ly ell Mand a supply of the
013. bleats Procurable, sold
at reasonable prices. A share
of public patbonage solicited,
1). FRAIN has opened a Har-
ness Shop in the building North
of the Leckie Bleck, Brussels,
where he is prepared to turn out
Light awl Heavy Harness and
attend promptly to repairing.
Blankets, Sleigh .Bells, Whips,
&c., kept in stock.
I urn prepared to attend to all orders for
C0rrlaaa Trimming, Repairing, oto.
Good worst and Moderate charges.
'Famine 1,' ,1119 Brussels.
For Impure, Week e:nd Iwpoveriebed
Blood, Uyspepsia, SIeep'+seness, Palpita-
tion of the heart, Liver Complaint, Nem.
algia, Loss of Memory, Bronchitis, Con-
sumption, Gall Stones, Jaundice, Kidney
and Urinary lei..eases, St. Vitus' Dunce,
Female Irregularities and General De-
Meat delivered to all Harts I
Of the to Wit. Prop. and Manufacturer.
Isom by 'iiia, %'ex, it mg -gist, Sr11aoele.
Certain in its olloots and never blisters.
d proofs
D1.11,1. ku T� (7p °Bdcrson Co., Ill., L•uL.;.i,'OL
bear Sirs -Pleas° send mo 000 of year foreo
Bootes and oblige. I 000000,E a croft deal uryom,
I(endnn's apiedin Duro with goad 000000s It 10 n
nm,derf0) medicine, 1once hod a,antet11aohod
B)poe0annne ada0b0821000tor' 0
KENDTo.. trey, p Onr�Ays. Ppopw(B�tt,
dStmL 209 egP@6d►t1N9 CgSa92s
Dt. 0. ,r 1,,,g, t 00. Ci\1'e\, +tile., Apr, 3,'02•
Dear (1f..31love ase (sovrrn) hntties o1 your
"((enrlan•s spavin n,ll'o" 8101, 11111°11 0,1000,0, 2
titin), it 1110 8000 Linibuout r 0vor us°d. Hoeg re.
al01Md01i, al sir
gnu hared F
toed, ,
I 1 a ut kt77e
f 73
ar U M% .
hr . Ilnvo racuttunond0d it 40
00,1 400 of 1n,,Pfriends wtn nr0 muco Pleased with
nn117remP it. Rea(wet .11.T
0.12.1..0, P.a.Dosale.
rm. Onto by all Drngglat0 or address
0N0BBeaoO FAUX, VT.1
British Columbia
Rett Cethn' Shingle:'
AND. ---
• North Shore
Pine Allis Cedar
FOB, SALE 11,1 T11r
Brussels se1s P
Also Doors and Seel( of all Pat
terns on hand Or 1111140 to 08t1021
at S110(1 Notice,
liIstimates Furnished for ell
kinds of Buildings, 170rknlan.l
ship and Material Guaranteed.
J. & P.AENT,
Weare ready for it by the arrival
of Seasonable Goods.
WAGONS.We have Ilad a Large
In wood or iron I Sale of Bibles during the
--- past month and slave a fine
t t l
new stock
Base Balls,,
Rubber Balls,
Base Rall Bats,
Marbles, Alleys,
&o.,fCC."' is
Fixup a Lawn this year
We can ,supply y0t1
HORSES Great Value in
Afford plenty of -WRITIN
Amusement to youngsters.
�4onever V
sold them
Por 30 Days all Toys
at COST to make room for be Sold
l ]1t,1Y goods,
o land,
Of all Kinds
New Stook of
Stationery •
Including Note and
Foolscap Paper, Envelopes,
&c., &c,