The Brussels Post, 1902-12-4, Page 3e. . SeeteigIeeee.gegteeenes • .41,1•1, 4,•••••?*0 .Sbould pc FreSe'ated By .fttenpers of AIN •Cluirck .to Their Friends. • '• • igetterLAsetht rdeic to et ot tho ,rePjeort,,tOor 17:1g6., vi11K7.to, Posannomi 91einoultur0, 011142w/ A despatch 'from Chicago says s- lice, Frank De Witt Talmage prencli- ed from the following text :-Luko xiv, 28, "Go,out into the highways auti hedges and colonel them te come in," Christ was comparing the kingdom of heaven to a vent banquet which God had prepared for ds invited guests, who would not come, But, as the divinely invited guets would not come, then God erfietically sold, "I will linve my benotiet hall filled notwithstaoding. If the guests for whom tho banquet was prepared will not come to ine, then I will send Out for those who Nrin appreciate it. I will compel them to come in." So the Lord in the parable said to his servants, as Christ now says to to church members, "Go out into the highways and hedges and canape them to come in," The purpose o thio discourse is to show how, as individual church members, WO can beCOMe hertyenly eonstrainers not present 1.116 gospel Invitation to ful men and women whom we meet in our daily walks Of lifo. It is to show how, by 'gospel consecrated workamong individuals, we' can change an empty church into a crowded sanctuary and by depleting the piece of evil resort we can ulti- mately nutke a full heaven. . When some one asked Mr. bloody "Dow shall we reach the masses 101 Christ 7 Dow shall wo give the gospel 'invitation to those Sinners who aro out in the highways ant the hedges '?" he bluntly answeren his questioners, "Go after them.' But how are we to go after them 7 First, as Christ's disciples, We Sh 0 uld. begin our personal work among individuals by presenting the gospel Of Jesus • to those who are elosest to us. We should present Christ first to our fathers and inoth- ers, to our husbands and wives and brothers and sisters and children, to our dear friends and to all who are bound to us by the ' TIES OF BLOOD AND LOVE. 1Ve should do just the same as 11n- drew,the brother of 'Philip, did when he was converted. NO sooner did he see the face of Christ thee he practically said to himself : "Why, I must ibmiediately go and hunt up olY dear brother Philip. Dow happy I can make him We have been side by . side in all our Joy's and sorrows from the time We were born. Ile must share to -day in my new hopc." It is upon this ac- tion of Andrew, who at once went and carried the gospel invitation to his brother, that the great "Brother- hood of Andrew, and Philip" has been established. But, though the eternal salvation of our unrepentent loved 01100 ought. 1,0 be a perpetual cause of anxiety for us day in and clay otat,-yet there are thousands of cluirch members; who never think it 'ohligatory • for them to present the love of a living Christ to those who ought to be as deur to them as a Jonathan was to o Buvid, a Damon to a Pythias or the memory of a murdered king of Denmark was to au avenging son. These church members are ready. to invite those friends. to their homes. but they are not willing to person- ally invite them to sit at the holiest of all tahles--the table of the Mess- ed communion. They are ready to talk with their friends upon Politics 01' business, but they ere net ready to discuss with them the greatest of all questions,. "What shall -et profit a man if he should gain Lim whole world and loso his own soul ?"Thy aro ready to Sound the incases of their friends to their other friends, bet they are not ready .to sound forth to their earthly friends the praises of their ITeevenlY leather. They nee always ready to introduce one earthly friend to another, but they are not anxious to ranke their earthly companions acquainted with that Divine Companion who is ever willing to be our helper aed guide along the TROIDILED JOURNEY OF LIFE But the gospel invitation ought to La given to the strangers who nee within a Christitteei gates es well as to the loved ones who have a right by the ties of blood to livo there. 1 t is nonsense for us to sup- pose that after we have gathered our fathers and mothers and wives end litiebands and children and a very few dear pommel iciende into the gospel lifeboat ire have re right to hand 111 the plank ,and cast oft the hawsers and sot sail for heaven, deeming our Christian reeponsibili- ties fulfilled. No. Ieraphatienly no. The Christian's obligations are so farreaching toward his fellow men Celt .in the tight of the gospel the poor treveler who was waylaid by thieves 00 the road to Jericho was Just as much a brothel' 1,6 the good Sanieritati as it he had been - born in the same cradle, sling to sleep by the same lullaby end reared in the same honiestead. Again, it is obsoletely neeeesterg 111 t»ider to carry out the command of my test for the average eltheeli mem, her to ,glee the gospel invitation to his friends anti to stientgers when they itie, gathered inside the ehurch walls lie well as when they aro Neale tenet without, and it, is mite, neces- sary for the eleirch members to ex- tend this invitation for a specified 111110 end pinto. It general invitation to come to suppee itt, 118 n, ride, worso than no invitation n.t IS hen it person emees 10 nie and gieshingly says, "Oh, lir. Tithenge, do wish you would come tend visit us, come any time you can and staY as long as yon pionse," I am mire' of one fact -than pesson ,wants to be polite, bu1 he does not went me to come. He did not set a date. But when a friend 0021108 to me and shys, "Mr, Talmage, will you and your wife take, supper with us next Thursday night; We are poor folks, but we will give you the best we have 7" 1 generally accept. Why 7 I1e0e1100 1think that intea wants ene to ennui. Ea out a tilt° 110(1, 0. place where he teethed to entertain me. So when tho minister of the Lord Jesus Christ preaches a sermon end gives 22 general invitation and says to the sinners:, "COME TO 1111 11 then dismisses his audience with a benediction ,and goes home,as ft rule, that sermon lute amounted to but very little in ite evangelistic re- sults. But when the 'Meister of tbe Lord Jesus Christ can go to his church members and say, "Brethren, we intuit gather in the sinners who aro living around this church. We must go out into the high- ways and the hedges and COM- pel them to conie in. We will to- night as seen as the benediction has been pronouneed have an after meet- ing. AS members of this .'church WO Will diStribato ourselves through the aisles and buttonholo every num, woman and child, so that no one shall leave tho building without hav- ing a special invitation foz• this after meeting," 'there will be no disap- pointment in the spiritual results. Why? Beceuse the church members themselves are asking their friends and the strangers to meet Jesus Christ in a specified place at a speci- lied time. General invitations in reference, to the gospel banquet as well as to an earthly home, as a rule, axe worse than no invitations at all. So, to -day, I lay the blame for the lack of spiritual residesne our churches far more upon the Poles then 1 do upon the pulpits. God knows, I do not believe that our minister)) are perfect men, but most of them aro earnest men, intense men,. They• would 10 nnything in their power to bring immortal souls to Christ. But the trouble is when the average 1011118100 of the gospel announces an after meeting, where sinners can be brought fnce to face with Christ, nine -tenths, aye, ninety- nine hundredths of all the church nembers will get up and put on their hats aud go home. They will, not only by theit actions refuse to personally extend en invitation to the men and 120211011 who are silting by their side, but they will alma- lutely refuse to go into the after meetings lend talk with einners who ere tiying to find Christ. Thie cha rge which 1 11ake against the church members, I make not only against the laymen, but also against TUE CHURCH OFFICERS. I make it against the elders and the deacon» end the trustees. I make it in the strength of the overwhelming fact that you derelict church reera- bers.cannot find a. great evangelistic preacher WLIO is accomplishing any great good for Christ who is not backed up by a praying, consecrated band of earnest, church 'workers. Yet you can liral to -flay church niter eltureh in our Mud that is nothing more or less than a slaughter house for ministerial usefulness. Their pastors will win great spiritual sue - 10:4.500 before they come to them, and those pastors Will win great spirit- ual successes after they leave them, but, while they are in those spiri1-. natty dead chureltes the pastors Neill stumble about blinded and helpless, ns did the mighty Samson, bound with' fetters of brass, with his two eyes out, g,einding aboiit in the pri- son house of Gala. Those evangel- istic ministers are spiritually help- less in 821012 churelleS beettl.M0 tile peo- ple, the 00111111011 church members, will not unite us a working force and personally present the gospel of Jesus Christ to the strangers who coine among them. Instead of de- riding rind underestimating the pow- er of the ministry, it is high Unto for soeie one to thunder a IfililiPPle against the indifference of the selfish church members who refuse to spirel Runny support the pulpit, as the' pew always ought loyally to do. I If all church members were to be- I come earnest and eensocrated oven - genets, it Nvould not take very long for this wrtole5112101 Nvorld to see tee ' sunrise buret of the millenint dawn. Surely it would not be Leo much to expect that one pitch evangelist as Mr. Beecher described should et least Win One soul a year for Christ, yet Dr. 1Villiam Morley Punshon, the great Engliell Methodist, once made the startling statement: "If every disciple to -day were to call one per- son to Christ oath Year and that 0110 were to cell. one other, how swiftly the evened would be converted, for them tom nfillions of true believers lo the World. Bub if there were tily 100 sea how quickly tho work would grow, In less Lhan twenty- five yenrs the world woelti be con- verted, My Ode would double the timelier of disciples each year." Af- ter such nn 1MPRESSIVE STATEMENT, will any mu, say that the gospel in - elation which con bo given daily by the church ineinhers would amount to but little in tho salon. Mort ot 11 sinful world'? To shots' the importance, of a Christina Jarean'e work I eitnnot do better in closing this written than quote two illuetrations frolll the personel mime:tent% of IT, Clay Tram. - hull, tbe well-known (Alto). of The Suuday School Times, Mr, Teum- bull's early life tveS spent 111 Ston- ington, Conn. There a great re- vival swept the town, and ineny 1110 eompanions of hie yonth joined the church, tenting thorn watt 8, yourag loan who wen otte of 1)15 Most intimatte frloods. For' many yonrs those two art boys nod young Mon ilved near ench other, bot his Christian friend never spolto to him abeut religion. After awhile 11107 sePeritted. Mr. Tree:bull be- come am engineer in Ditrtford; his Christian friend went to Yale, but during his Met year at 'collego sent n letter to hie old churn plentling with him tO 120(101110 a Chriettan. That. letter Nees the mean)) of sav- ing II Clay Trumbull'S 'soul. In his eheep wandered, but the Shepherd Nought and Annul, Wandering wayS eests us dear. If nny who read have wondered, let them return quieltly, for lie orles, Return, thou blackoliding israel, and 1 will not muse mine anger to fall upon you (Jer. ill, 12), Before we can know lits fulness WA must learn our emptiness. The name "Almighty" is found More times in the book of Job thee in all the rest of the Bible, and it was only After Job was thorough- ly emptied of himself tbitt, 110 WEIS filled as never 1201010 (Job xiii, 5-17), 1)0 engine room, upon the receipt of it, it W21.9 after the disciples 000100.1011then and there (11W0 his heart to that they Mid noththg with which 19121(11 to feed the 5,000 that tile Ile immediately said to blamed, ' Xoid ebunditntly filled them all with. "U the personal work of a laymen the lad's, loaves and fishes, and it can do so much in the eeleation of an inemortal soul, I will meter make Was aftee tlie dieciples etsefessed that they had taken nothing, though they the mietake iny friend made with had toiled all night, that tie sent to their nets 158 greet Melee. 22. So Naomi returned and Ruth the tthabitese, her daughter -in -1w, nie by 805t120,)100 for so long a per- sonal invitation to another," SO, the Name night on 121110111 110 was converted, Mr. Trumbull went to One of his fellow workmen and told him * * * anti timer mine to Bethlehem in he hed been converted. 110 urged the beg,inning of barloy barvest. his friend also to accept Christ. Tne Sloo.bites came from drunken - This friend turned to Mtn and said: ness and crime, Bethlehem sugge ts 00609449a 9090909009Q6 9 POR 1111 HOME - 0 ; Recipes for 111i1. Kitchen, e02 0 Hygiene and Other Notes glo ter the ilouSekeePor, eettea “00C4090100/012168e6die MEDICAL inwrs. All wounds in whieh the fleeh has been i.:ruised should be nound once in a Wester made of camphor and sugar (brown sugar is best), using fifteen drop8 of camphor to ono teitspoonful sugnr. 41 or the poison from oak Ville 1150 be safely landed on a plate Without FOr snatching a kiss in the street tinter° of lobelia, whiell nmy be breaking. This, howelfer, does take from nursemaid, a, young man Of hall of any. druggist. DM 01(01815 voine practice. 110(110 prefer herd Cork has been sent to prison for heir brush in lobelia, and point elle sauce, mode of three parts of sugar three montlin. inflamed Surface with it as often. MI the eruption givemacaeiness. In a e,, ,linoxar. i tme all inflammation will dis- A quick cure for bee stings may be found in the common weed known • ready, 11100 .n large iron pet of int; water. • As each dumpling' must be tied sep- fantely, lime six or eight squnres of rallslin arid string ready for use be- fore beginning operations'. Take ra piece of dough and roll or ptit it in- to sive of a emucer. Put thro or RAM tiliartdi's of aPPle in miter, and then ehape the dough all around the up tightly. The pot must be kept 811100111, MOM' each cloth end tlo appears to nave beglin 111 aPPlee, malting it look round and district. A enmpelgn of midnight outragee the Boyle -,•••••••41 FROI. ERIN'S GREEN NR0 NOTES MATT.. 1013.0133 TITP LAND OF waz SHAMECICE, Personal and Political Oceurrencee 1•4 Will Interest Canadians, belling from 'start to II -1811' one hour. Atiy good cooking aPPle 111,17 There are 102 centenarians In Con,- bn but an brf,,,,ior ono spoils naught, net! 1,160 persons over 00 tlegiud dlue.mpling, years of age, ' When serving them, plunge each 4 terrible case of murder and sui- 010111 Into cold tvaater, and with a eide is reported from Derrynargen, Rolfe and a little dexterity they can about eight, miles front Doyfe, to one of 'butter, but with good cream and sugar, a little nutmeg or cinnamon, the dish is delicious. i ' better . pu st ng Two good things for the house- errunibull, your words cut me to God s house of bread, It, s from the flesh, then bruise the fresh keeper to know about are individual Belfast RoYal "11118 the heart. You little, know how far to come from Moab to Betide- le11108 of tee vervain and rub the chicken pies arid ple «1 11(11)1'. reused by the explosien ot au oil • they rebuke me. have long been hem Lean to go from. Bethhhem wound well with the01. after which For the fleet, like the remnants of lanlP. TWO 00013 THINGS. Through falling over the back of his chair while at dinner, a littlo boy named Moore has been Itilled , lgillYbegs, Comity Donegal, A married Woman named Margaret Tosh has died in terrible afeemY In o professed follower of Midst, .and Moab. If 11071111V0 in the least de- bind to it a pla.ter of the (meshed thicken or turkey thnt are left from The tails halve been cut oft a nem - you have eever suspected this, al- gree wandered from Cod, let all such ves well moistened, This will a psevious meal. Make a rich pee- ber of cattle grazing on the :Orem- prevent swelling and ease the pain. try, and eine patty -pans with it, tire farm, en the borders of South Vervain may be used in its driod Mince the chicicen, season it well, and Leitrim, while other animals have etate by steeping the leaves in hot an it 11,10 the pane, moistening it been stolen. slightly with the grovyPut on, u.} At Athy, County Elidare, the Cover of the crest as for lane' Pie. Board of G'uartlians decided 1,0 omit and bake. Serve with them the the words "On flis Majesty's Sex, - gravy left from the chicken. Some- eee a 11 1.1 ' • 11..1. the ancestry of David, whose threw: pure v.Pnle vinegar. Bind the leaves for lunch at school. though We have been in close 11880- return quickly and whole-heartedly elation in house and °Ince for yearn. to Him and heneeforth follow fully, MaY Goa forgive inc for my lack of nineren. the words of Ruth in verse faithfulness." Aye, may Clod to- 16 their,heerts' motto. In addition day forgive tis all, ministers mid lee,- to ell the precious and eondorttng men alike, if 10e helm shown the words of this book, such ns are same negligence us these two young e„ne ii, 12, 30; in, oio., the et:preens may he cured by using bult's life, May God teaoh us, one ahd all, tbe power of person/11 testi- mony for Christ. And May We 0110 nater. It in gathered In September by negro nurses in the Smith and bung up to dry for winter uee. men who came into II. Clay Teem- book es most inzportant as showine inullen leaves wrung out in stron g, times children Bee Uwe little Flee' and envelopes, the 1,ord Jesus is yet to establish, Lord Iveagh, o Dublin Jnilliongire, to the sprained parts and rkPlace Apple ginger is a debeloue pre- iMencled 'taking a tour round the and all, the power of personal teeti- 3 like 1. 3;2, 83, '' The title, 1(00 IX, of 11;:1101.11111 others tecilt•st'enunt'ti81 tho) blesel)onbletaintheZ fiseliMvie sbweesttt niaidipeptit,hal! nTmontehnalcalti »1o, 11110)1(10(1 ' "rid' but huving abandoned the lution I), L. Moody mode 0 short ' '' Devil " is the firstnf +I ,, ,,,,,,,, idea, hlts youngest tom, Mr. Walter time after lils conversion -"I here ' and one the Ilile treatment is more succeseful .pare, core and slice the apples Met given to Cbriet in the Now Tee - and nOW promise that no day here- , end, niore agreeable to the patientethinly and weight eight pounds niter ' theinneee, has gone ag on his OWn after shall prise unless I have per_ lament (Matt. 1, 3; 11 ov. xxii. Ili), than the usual way of encasing the . re len e them To tit' u tit account, penally presented my Savior to at least one immortal soul. So help me, Janus, in nay vow/ Amen:" 1021 1111111 is one of the four women sprained member in plaster of Paris.' allow eight poimils of sugar, six hen -I Many citizens; of Belfast aro trellc- mentioned In His genealogy in the Bone felons, "run-arounds" and 'ons and a quarter of a pound or ; ing of suing the municipal corpora - first chapter of Tfattheiv. Known other regimes may be prevented front 'green ginger ring. Slice the yellow lion for compensation for damages unto God nre all ITis works from coming to a head by teething them I part of the lemens very thin, Ra50e80 from the recent floods, on the ground tbe foun ation or the 'world, All freel.e in oil of stmeafras and then the juice and put it, With one glass that the defective drain/me 57810111 THE S. S. LESSON purposed in Christ Jesus, our Lora binding around them camphor of wster, with the apple and the 'was responsible for the floods. 0.11(1 sure of fulfilment for every and sugar, in the following proper- ginger root, which must he scraped' Ireland's Vice -Chancellor, the Rt. 4 purpose of the Lord shall be per- tion: Fifteen drops of camphor to and cut up very flee. Cook in a Floe. Hedges Eyre Chatterton, aged - formed, both for The people and ono teaspoonful of sugar. Treat double boiler till olear, etirring ire- 1113, has just got married. Ire ' has against nis enemies lActe ne 3 8 , twice dail until the swelling and . ., , . , Y g quently. It will require two hours held his office since 3867, and ttp- INTERNATIONAL LESSON, • DEC. 7. Eph. iii, 13; .Tor. ii, 20). inflammation die/appear. or more. The result, is "something pears in a new wig every time it le Tee pain caused by fin abseeee luny delicious," either with meats or to reported that he means to retire On Text of the Lesson, Rath 3., 16- 22. Golden Text, Rom. xii., 10. 16, 17. And Ruth said : Entreat me not to leave thee or to return from following alter thee, for whith- er thou goest I will go, and where thou loclgest I will lodge, Thy peo- ple shall be my people ancl thy God my 0 ocl. This and the next verso give the declaration of Ruth concerning her determination to cling Lo the God and people of Naomi, le issome- what paralleleti by the declaration of ettel to David in 11 Sam., xv, 21, "As the Lord liveth and as my lord king liveth surely Lill° what place my Lord the king shell be, whether in death or life, OW there also will thy ser - vent be." That these words should be the utterances of gentiles 1 Jews is all' the more interesting. The whole of this book of lenth, written by the Spirit of God, as were all other portions of the Bible, Is a beautiful and most attractive see - ting ferth of the story of the kingdom when thoee who are now tho weary gleaners shall possess the field (the world. Matt. xiii, 38), having be- come the bride of Min who owns the geld, our kinsman Redeemer, the mighty man of wealth. Every name and incident in the book is most suggestive and lins an inexhaustible mine of wealth for anointed eyes and ergs, leaving but one brief les- son in it, we can only hint at the riches homin. 18, 10. When she saw that she was steadfastly minded to go with her, then she left speaking unto her. So they two went until they came to Bethlehem. We ere reminded of the way Elisha Chung to Elijah and how "they 1190 went on," "they two stood liy Jor- dan," "they two went over on dry ground" (II Kings 11, 1-15). Wc think also uf DarnahaS, Who exhort- ed the helleVer8 at Antioch to cleave unto 1.110 Lord 1131.11 purpose of heart, and of Stephen, who looked up steadfastly into heaven an01 saw the .glory of Clod and Jesus (Acts xi, 23; vii, 55). It is this that We 80 11111011 need, this cleaNing to the Lord, this steadfastness, this seeing only and always. God and Jesus, In the. last lesson it was the Lord and Gideon, May it ever be ill tho case of each of ue "my Lord and I," for "the eyes of the Lord run to and fro throughout the whole earth 1.0 show Ettliself Strong in the behalf ot them whose heart is perfect toward Him"' (II Chron, xvi, 0). In I Cor. xv, 513, we are exhorted to be stead, fast, unmovable, alwaysabounding in the word of the Lord, knowing that our labor is not in vain in the Lord. 20. And she said -unto them : Call ine not Naomi. Call 111e Mara, for the Almighty heti' dealt very bleier- ly with ine. As her townspeople looked upon hee aftee her ten year)? absence (veese 4) they said, Is this Naomi 7 And thus: elle replied to them, :As one has mite She blamed the Al- mighty when all Re did wee gra- ciously to being her home again, leor her troubles she had no one to blame but herself. It is good that Moab proves it Mara to tho wanderer, else the wanderers might lik to die and be ereritel there, Al- mighty is El-shaddai, the mighty Clod who is all sufficient (Gen. xvil, 1), and load they known ilim as they shoulcl they would never have left Bethlehem to soloaten in Moab. When the Lord allows hitt ernesS tO tome people, it in always to win them Miele to 3Tintself. "Before was afflipted I went', «slyly, hut now have kent thy word" (Pe. exie, (37), 21. IT went out 11111, and the Lord hoth brought 1110 home agent empty. She is eight this time, Werd out; the Lord InA9g11t 010 home. The 4 be cased by a poultice of sassafras serve with ice cream or with cake the ground of old age. WIOALTII 01" leave.% Stich it poultice ndll also PRIME MINISTERS,for ,dessert. reduce internal inflammation, as of The present Primo Minister of the etomach, bowels or liver, with Great Britain is by far the wealth- iest commoner who has held the office since 1800 except Sir Robert The Dublin Independent declares that without Horne Rule Ireland will enervate:ate rapidity. still grow impoverished; alien rule Medicines for family us* should be Many housekeepers object to tieing is and always has been at the bob. kept in a locked cabinet hanging lard. Sect can be subletetuted - It tom of the depopulation of Ireland, Peel, whose income WaS esti-reeled at out of reach of children. Snell a con be eubstititted for butter, • also and until it is got rid of there cam over 8200.000 a year. All tho rest cabinet should be supplied with spir- if properly prepared. Cut th'e fresh . be no real proeperity. were poor men. Vitt and Canning its ef camphor, (tenets of tureen- sem, in pieces, and cover with cold The Protestant Bishop of Limerick had. nmet to nothing, *Addington lit- tine and linseed oil in pint bottles; wetter. Let it stand 24 hours lately gave his ideas regarding enei- tle, Spencer Perceval not much more, sassafras oil and sweet oil in bot- changing the water once in the time.' gration in an address delivered at Lord john liessell verY moderate ties holding at least four °lances: This takes out the peculiar tallowy the Diocesan Synod at Tralee. Ile means. Gladstone had a handsome quinine in a thin beg with n screw testa. Now put it in an iron kettle inni._ntained that the reduction of the fortune, but lost much in some min- top (the safeet form in which to beef with half teaeup /milk to every nne Irish population was more of a. ser- inBriefouret pa.. quinen ine); five or tcents' worth of pounw d et, and let IL cook very 111)1 than an injury to Ireland. tefmartgerraPrle ndsfn.st.r% heleft $5,500,000 Epsom salts to. a hise glass or China slowly till the eat is clear and light! The finds of the heads and mitten) persomaty, 'and also lenge realty.of the extinct Irish elk (cervus mega - Jars with wide mouth (pint fruit brown in color, and till the sound The Prime Minister's lather died A SeIRSTITUTE FOP, LARD. early, and hence there wore 0.0111(1111- stielis of lunar caustic, wrapped in 'pieces may be loosenee from the bot- late. One very perfect head *was ceroa) Neve been very numerous of 05112 do well for tho purpose): a few , of the cooking has ceased. Tho n - mountains, and this week a. lesions. The, wealthiest of British paper and m Relit., kept frothe 1 140 thin Nvith a. spoon; but it is not, to got a couple of weeks ago in the in glass; and a small, wide-motithed be etheed anti if it. Ir1'n.;Dublin the teste battle of menthol crystals. . - Prime Ministers was Lord Derby. Lord Melbourne had ample means, Lord Aberdeen was ailluent, as was Lord Liverpool, Lord Salisbury's means aro quite adequate to main- tain his rank. TOOK WEAT 1110 COULD. Leaving the key of im empty house with, a neighbor in order that likely tenants may inspect the premises is common. The owner of a house in a large town has, for good reason, de- cided to keep the key of his house himself for the future. Ileating that someone had been "looking 01e0" the house, the land- lord called on the old lady who had been intrusted with the key, "Well, Airs. Sawyer," he began. "So you've had a gentleman after the house. Did he take it 'P' "I'm none too sure," was the re- sponse. "Wants time to think over it, I 50'N130c)5.09" 1don't think that's it,. IIo wants an opportunity. 1Vhen he got the key he went across the road, and as I heard nothing from 1,110 for an hour, I followed. Iie'd taken the gas -fittings end every ounce of lead about the place, but he left the house. Maybe he's coming back for that, 1.00, as he didn't return the key." AERIAL LONDON. The Rev. john bl. Linton, who for boveral year)), with the nit' of a. TURKEY WAYS. Turkey Fatties. - Mix three table- spoons each of butter and flour, add one salt spoon ealf, and one-half as much pepper. When melted, pour in one cup rich milk. Cook and stir until thick. Then wed one cup chopped turkey, let simmer nye inin- utes, then elle in one pint oysters and cook until they aro plump. Fill the patty shells and serve. Turkey Olives, - 'The niccst pieces of turkey' must be ueed for thaw). Cut in neat slices, spread each one with the dressing that is left, roll -up tightly and tie or fasten with a :14m:cr. Dredge with flour, salt and Penner, fry slowly in hot butter un- til a golden brown, then half cover with milk or cream and let simmer 15 minutes longer. Remove the strings or skewers rind serve on hot toast. Turkey Scallop., - Make a white enure with the proportions of one is ruined. Now let it stand and magnificent heed hat; been discoesved nal Lie cool, then pour 4,IT into cups in a bog in tile County Limerick. to heroine cold. It smells as sweet When a, fanner "heard a noise as as butter end 10 many ceSCS Can lie of thunder, followed by an explosion used Instead of it and the throwing up of earth." near (Amiable County Antrim, lie Went to the spot and found. it meteorite embedded in the ground. The stone, when dug up, weighed about 103. pounds, and is eaid to have been quite hot. Two prisoners in Limerick County The tread -mill of our fathers - of Jail bave been attacked by typhoid some of our fetters, that is - is no fever. Otm had had the remeining more, end the up-to-date criminal thirteen months of his sentence re - will no longer be able to tell grim mitted. The other patient is llifr. T. stories of his 'experience on "the Flanagan, 3. F., the chairman of a wheel," says the London Daily Mail. Clare district council, who is serving The report of the comtniseitineys of a term under the Crimes Act. prisms, just issued, gives the record A record instrument of discipline. The su- ell respects been brilliantly success - attendance marked the el the last days of thot notorious percession of it as a form of hard la- Dublin Rorse Show, which has in. end now it lins been finally abolish- 11 til. What has to be reeognized is that horse breeding is more than bor was 000121t('1100-)3 80(110 years back, ed necessary the revision of the ever popular in Ireland, and that the grants for its linprovement and ed in our prisons. This hes render - measures for its wider encourage - EXIT' 1.7-21" TREAD -MILL. Prisoners Will No Longer Endure This Torture. tablespoon butter, one of flour, hale standing orders relating to the ene-methave already 112011(1111. large cup broth . arid half cup milk, season , Ploymeet of prisoners sentenced to imsiluite to taste. Grease a. baking dish and hard Mime. -Oakum picking" is, - 1111 with alternate Myers of 11.11e13, still retained, but other forms of in -I Arrangements are being made both chopped and seaeoned turkey, tweed dustrial labor have been Introduced, I' in Ireland and .Asnerica for the hold - crumbs Etnd sauce. There .should be and after twenty-eight days of ing of a united convention or Irish one pint of sauce to each cup of "strict cellular eeparietion." it the societies in leeland next year, at meat. The top layer should be of prieouers behave well, they are al- which .delegittee front the United bread crumbs mixed smooth with lowed to work in association. The States, Canada, Australia., mid Ire- . yolk oe one egg, two triblesPoons tread -wheel was condenined on veri- land will be representedThe con- inilk and ono of butter. Cover tee ems 4(00(111(110. It is held to havevention will be held on the site of been baking dish and bake in a. mollerato both trying to health 0114 ineffective the ilock of Cashel, in County %ep- ee= 85 minutes, as a enmishment. The large rooms 11e0017, which the lenders Consider is Turkey Tinthalese - Cook together and spaces which the abolition of the a. peeper place front which to issue in the double boiler one rounded cup wheel has set at the disposal of the a declaration of independence. bread crumbs, one cup, cooked tee- Prison authoritiee are beteg utilized ' . balloon, has industriously explored itey chopped fine, ono teaspoon imply asW010411110pS, n(11 tatmosphere 01101 Londongives hopped onioesame of choppeeel-assoc1ateI lab0r.ThePassi g a, strange picture of the skyward ex- cry leases, 13 cups milk. Add this the tread -mill must be regarded as tension of the world's greatest cite'. Inixture to the beaten white of one another proof of the groeviug his• Somewhat fancifully, and yet with egg, to which has been tolded one- Inanity of otir ctiminn 00( 10. a certain degree of truth, London quarter teaspoon salt, one-eighth tea- lint it should not be forgotten might be said to be 0,000 feet high, spoon pepper, It pinch of celery scall.. that "the wheel" has had its apolo- or deep, for up to about that level Allow this 1.0 cool. Greare 114110 gists, even its enthusiasts. Prison - the air over the vest town is un- cups, line with sifted bread crumbs, tire have been known, when sentenced mistakably London air. Between then with the timbale mixture. Fill to go upon it for a given time, to 3,000 and 5,000 feet above the house with the following; Heat one cup Meer, in mere lightness of heart, to tops is a region where dust resent- ' 1 It!perform. the allotted task "on their t bl ie io b tter Wing chaff, filaments (nut woolea fiber, such as weak' arise from thor- oughfares and from the sweeping of boom, seems especially to accumu- late. At least there is more there than nearer the greeted. In calm weather aeriul London becomes to a anthill extent stratified. From above 6,000 feet oneocan often look down upon tho surface of tho haze, as if It heel a definite 3111111. NOT A SMALI, DULL, Tommy (in search of information): "Is a strettudet a smell stream 9," ilia Fathcr-"Nes, my Ron." "IS an Millet a 11)11(11 010. ?" "Yrs, Tornmy." "Ts nn egglet 0. small egg ?" "Yes, yee, you might call it that." 'Then what is n bullet '? 'Thole. a email bull, 01 if 1" ' lemeher-"What itt the foree that noves 100 along the street 9" Tommle--The pollee force." add two te.blespoonS dOlir ancl then heads. And we can imagine that the hot milk a little at a ittne. Chop conservative criminels - who prob- fine and add three-quarters cup tee- ably form the great majority- will key, one herd -bolted Isp,v4 nee„coniplain bitterly of its die:tepees- diem .sized ntlinll0000s. Sea:30)1.mm-, just as the galley -slaves of old eels -pepper arai salt. I;„us la tilue WOlild have •objected strongly pan of hot water 20 minutes. Make to the introduction of sliding seats a sauce by heatinp; one cup each or nnd swivel rowlocks. Anti who can milk and turkey stock, melt half ts,- forget, the Inspiring trend -mill song blespoon of batter, all tahleepeon to Dr. Oliver Wendell liohnes? The or flour, oleo atht 1110 het 11,11141 a eunceiet, in ,thoso iloos, telle, "how Pleasant. 'tie to ramble round among* one's honest friends," and concludes with the cleclerittion that, when he is at large and has made his fortune, “now hang nut, hut I Mean to 11a:1T a tread -mill of my own!" little at tt time. Iecesen with salt and peppee, .Inst before serving add 0110 beaten egg. ranvo APPLE DCMPLIN.08. This recipe has come down throngh three generations, and is n, fnvorite wherever it gees. For a family of six, pore nettrly hair a peek of good potatoes. Boil, being careful not it let them get overdone, hot pour water on" es soon as they break e(11e- 17. 11111) hynugh 11. 1.'2L.111C101` SO they Win COMO 0111, (11')' 111111 lamely. Add to them it lump of indict the size of 12 small egg, milt to {este, and ona pint of sifted dour. Mix thorough- ly. Flour the molding board and A GRAPHIC DESCRIPTiON. A inclgo's llQbo dangliter, WhO had attended her father's collet for tlio first, time, Nees Very inuth interest- ed in the proceedings. After her re- turn home she gave the following account of the proceedings: "Papa nuttle a speech and serernl, other Men 1210030 Speeches to t0)e170 men who set altogether, 1)1111 then these twelve men were pet 111 n dare , tern out to cool, Dave appleS chamber to be developed," LOST. STOLEN, 911 STRAYED. A remarkable tetoey comes from. Puris. 91, Ridoux, 0.pctrisian pi- ano manufacturer, sorne years ago builL a house near St, Quentin, In the department of Somme, and was in the habit of going there 'for a month during the Millinter. lint when, at the beginning of this month, ac- companied by his wife and daugh- ters, he arrived at St. Quentin, he folinel, to his utter astonislonent, that nothing was left of the house except the fomuletions. It, appeare that during the wilder a number of Men, Who sedd they had been sent from I'aris be M. Ridome, had takeu away n11 the furniture, and after- wards pulled down the house. This they cented hotitly away, and sold as old building material. TRAMS CARRY TOIRCIIE.S, An important innovation hes been made on the I'russian State. roil- wu,ys. Serious accidents halve more than mace occurred through 8, train coming to all unexpected halt in the oPen country. and then being 11111 into by a following train whieli, through darkness Or fog, did. not 01.18017e tha1 the road WaS 1210020d. All log-distantte treine wilt ILOW Carry inagnesi11111 torches for use when a stooling() occurs out of the reach of 000,011r3' 81g01118, These torches, weiell burn with n red Ill:Olt, can he seen in foggy 0. ('11(10)' to a distance of feonz 600 to 700 yardS.